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Fucking based use of Limbo. The griefer turned into the anti-griefer.


Literally trained the griefer out of them.


Please don't do this. It will have the opposite effect by causing randoms to go outside of the bubble in order to kill enemies outside of the bubble. I.e. they stray away even further and prevent enemies from going into the bubble/red by killing them way outside the red circle.


I'm not sure what you are basing this assumption on but it worked out fine for OP. I think the vast majority of players who stray outside the circle are just being careless, not intentionally trying to ruin everyone's day.


On top of this, if they are in the bubble, than they are in the rift, so getting enemies into the rift with rift surge actively helps the team on top of being a place you can retreat to if you get in a pickle and something isn’t in the rift. If I see OP in my netracells, I wouldn’t mind at all in fact the extra energy regen for being in the rift would be quite nice.


Personally, I like to run Loki and just spam switch teleport on them until they stay in the circle Or run speed nova so the enemies get to the circle before they die.


I both run speedva with pull *and* only run netracells with my duo buddy. 10-15min per run vs. 7-8min per run adds up, especially with limited playtime. Less so now that there's only 3 runs to do rather than 5, but still.


I tried running Pull on a frame, but everyone had the eximus increase thing, so nothing could be pulled anyway. It felt bad realizing that I couldn't even force enemies into the circle to speed things up.


If you want to make it even faster, have a third person running Razorwing Blitz Titania and let them hit all 3 terminals while the rest run in the direction of the Netracell.


We just skip the terminals entirely lmao


Word. I try doing that but it just ends up being quicker if someone speedruns the terminals before you get to the area so you don't have to fumble around looking for the netracell.


Me and my two friends do a split. My Hildryn can carry all keys without problem and I just head towards the final terminal while my friends split up on the two first ones. By the time I reach the final one and then make it to the Netracell we’re all pretty much there and ready to clear the circle.


If you hit the first terminal, it tells you exactly where it will be. Everything you have to find in a circle objective area is always directly in the center.


I think there's a tutorial on yt that shows how to skip terminals and head straight to the netracell. https://youtu.be/Ypcc6iP_Gj8?si=cLxFwgInXeVaCpBn


You can do this with Grendel. Eat the enemies outside of the ring and consume them in the circle.


I run damage Decoy + Safeguard Switch with Sickening pulse. Coupled with my Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger + Innodem modded for Gas+electric with Melee Influence, it is by far my coziest Netracell run build.




Haha thats genius lol


I think new inaros is the king for this, best grouping ability in the game now


I hate that this works, but not as much as the wanderers


bro became the crossing guard.


How does rift surge work exactly? And can you send me your build? The only limbo build I have is minimum range to defend excavators


Basically, it's silence over 1, 100% range, intensify, flow, rolling guard, narrowminded and the rest in other duration mods. Silence shut down eximus abilities and acolytes which is the only threat to you. Rolling guard in case you mess up. Keep silence up, recast bubble in the center when it get too small, keep timestop going and keep recasting rift surge towards the edges. Riftsurge does so that when enemies leave the rift, they cast radial banish around themselves, bringing more into the rift. And as the bubble shrink, they keep leaving the rift, bringing more and more along with them.


Why intesify? As far as I'm aware the only ability that benefits from strength is the bubble when it detonates. And I'm sure thats not doing like any damage to netracell enemies.


Actually, I use the rift surge mod. It increases weapon damage.


You are correct. Intensify does nothing for this build. You’d probably be better off with an efficiency mod right there. Then make sure to also run Molt Efficiency for the extra duration. Probably go 2 yellow shards for cast speed and the rest into red durations, just to push it a bit further.


He uses ability strength for [Rift Torrent](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rift_Torrent)


Yes, but the original mentioned build I’m talking about says nothing about the augment. I do know it was mentioned in a reply after I made my comment however. In all honesty though, I simply forgot the augment existed. I don’t dust off my limbo that much since the eximus changes.


But doesn't this mean enemies outside the bubble would still be in the rift? So your team could be inside the bubble but still killing them outside the zone?


I think with base range and no 3+hold-1 rift cycling it should only really banish enemies within the zone


I feel like I was doing it wrong. Neutral range was barely half the kill zone for starters so I sent it to 200% range for a decent chunk but not all of the zone. Also I spammed rift surge a bunch but I found that the radial banish didnt proc very often, so stuff was inside the kill zone but not in the rift and I was just griefing my team


You don't actually want to cover the 'entire' circle, just most of it. That means the ones brought into the rift by rift surge is still in the circle. You just want to cover most of it.


Gotcha. Thoughts on \~250% duration with \~180% range, and potentially Cataclysmic Continuum? I did a little testing but I'll bet you've done more, and have a much better feel for when/how to use Rift Surge to extend the range a bit, since I haven't really had a good time, place, or way to use Limbo in years.


I thought about continuum, but I liked the extra damage more, I prefer recasting the bubble.  My limbo is currently at range 100%, which is on the low side, I'm still experimenting with the exact build. I might end up around 120% or so. Try it and see how it works out.


Alright, will do :)


I found there were frequently guys sitting just outside the bubble shooting and not moving forward, so they never got put into the rift. I get that some melee enemy should run into the bubble then the bubble shrinks and they bring the shooting ones in, but that never happened in practice, they just got shot. Is this a user error on my end? Maybe I had too much duration so the circle shrank too slowly?


Just move back a bit, they'l follow you. You just need one to do it and then rift surg.


The radial banish always 'procs' when the singular condition is met, and has nothing to do with casting rift surge multiple times. After looking at my Limbo I did realize that base range is far smaller than the kill zone, but with higher range it should work. I still need to actually test the build, though...


Rift surge only charges enemies that are within the Rift and within 25 m (affected by range). So, as new enemies approach the area and old ones get killed, you'll need to cast it again to keep it active.


True, and good advice, but not what I was referring to - if an enemy leaves the rift while affected by Rift Surge, the radial banish always happens. The tricky bit is that it is only when they leave the rift, and as you said, needing to recast it to actually consistently spread and sustain the surge/banish cycle.


Limbo is also amazing in mirror defence (entrati one). Slap on silence for the eximus. Can go max range and duration with this one since there are no nullifiers. Collect the tokens or whatever they are called in peace whilst the objective remains relatively untouched Edit: spelling of peace not piece


I just use limbo so I can help new players, usually stay in the rift until they get the hang of things and such.....wish specifically limbo had a hat tipping emote so I could bid them farewell


just gotta wait for the idle animation on noble set ;-;


Yeah, but imagine it as an emote you can do as limbo


I'd pay all 3 kidneys for that


" They complain and bitch, but they eventually stay in the bubble." Based.


I had no idea silence shut down eximus abilities. As a Limbo fan I absolutely love this.


It shuts down their abilities but overguard is just anti-CC, so you still have to worry about eximus weapons but with limbo, if it’s in the rift and moving, it’s clearly a priority target. Silence Limbo is fun as hell and can get silly damage numbers


Limbo freezes enemy projectiles inside the rift the onlt dangerous thing to him are eximas abilities and silence stops those so hes very survivable now




Oh yeah, this is big brain time.


you need a little over 100% range to safely stand there without being affected by Eximus abilities, fyi. 124% (Narrow Minded + Overextended) is enough. but that's for AFKing mobile defense. for netracells [I recommend just doing them solo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV4l04LZunU)


Interesting build. Although I'll stick to playing it solo, you'll still have to deal with wanderers. I'll let them have there 30 minute runs and I'll stick with my 8-10 minute runs


I just solo netras with Rhino. No grief :)


finally, an attack limbo build that actually works for the greater good


I use Limbo for Rescue and perfect Index challenge. Maybe later I might hop on and try to cook a real Limbo strat. I miss his old damage buff without an Augment on Rift Surge..


My recommendation: high duration, decent to high range and strength, run breach surge over cataclysm. Rift torrent vuffs your weapon damage, meaning it multiplies with the damage multiplier on surge sparks as well, which can also hit out of the rift. Otherwise play as a standard rift surge build, using held banish to kick enemies out of the rift if it gets too hectic and you don't have enough energy for stasis. Works wonders, especially with a melee influence weapon and some form of armour strip. I run two emerald shards on mine for that purpose, and a Bubonico as a primer for my Falcor


I hope we get some changes/rework on some frames like mags passive is worthless when pull and sentinels do the same thing and limbo is too squishy since the eximus change


Id like to see a game wide passive change specifically frost, loki


Based and Limbopilled


Honestly, probably best technique I've seen for netracells is Inaros sandstorm. You basically pick mobs up and drop em in the circle.


Honestly, please run this if you match with me Half the time I don’t even mean to kill them outside the circle, but chaining weapons go BRR and end up chaining outside anyways


All these complex ways to group, just use vauban to pull in most things.


The idea is that everything outside the circle will be in the rift, so people CAN'T do anything about them until they get in the rift, in the circle.


Wait you can invert it? Limbo is one of those 'no one really understands besides the mains' frames.


Using his 3, yeah, kinda. Easier to show than to describe, probably..


I assume it explodes and applies rift to everyone else?


When anything leaves the rift for any reason, rift surge explodes and puts everything into the rift > Surged enemies that leave the Rift plane will discharge their Rift energy, ending their surge and resulting in a radial banishment; the enemy whose surge is discharged from and any material-bound enemies within 5 meters are forced into the Rift plane for 18 seconds.


> Surged enemies that leave the Rift plane Does this include killing them?


No, if an enemy dies when surged in the rift, the surge passes to the nearest enemy outside of the rift but doesn't trigger. I.e. you need to banish and unbanish them to trigger it EDIT: if another surged enemy detonates near them, however, this will pull them into the rift and leave the surge intact, so you can trigger it again. Using Banish's alt cast is the best way to detonate the surges, imo


Honestly not sure if 100% range is actually the play with Surge. You could do one of two main options I think. Either stasis buildup in the bubble area, so as they kill outside they deplete their spawns... Or, you do a high range build and rift surge the whole map but don't use stasis, so everything collects in the circle, where you keep up Cataclysm.


I just did some testing and found that Stasis is, as usual, comfy for survival, but I noticed that with max range and stasis people were leaving a lot of enemies alive and not moving inside Cataclysm despite being perfectly capable of damaging them. Both 280% and 100% range felt awkward - 100% because it felt pretty disconnected from the actual netracell radius, and because Rift Surge range didn't seem high enough, but I could be wrong. I definitely need to relearn the Rift Surge casting rotation and game-feel for getting as many enemies as possible into the rift. Not being able to cyclically surge-banish with a hold-cast 1 was rough, but Limbo is dead without Silence, and giving up Stasis is a hard sell. 280% range felt awkward because it sacrifices a lot of duration, and even with Cataclysmic Continuum, the bubble shrinks too fast to not use Rift Surge, because as far as I could tell it doesn't count teammates' kills. I didn't get to do much testing with a more refined build since I ended up with two netracell-competent people who both didn't need and didn't understand Limbo (and no fourth), but I got to chat with them for a while and explain a bit of what I was aiming to do. So far, I am liking 250% duration and 180% range with Stasis and Rift Surge up, skipping Rift Torrent and strength since I have good enough weapons.


What about lower duration higher efficiency and double casting cataclysm with a surge in between. Then after the second cast you can leave it up for a bit while killing the surged guys


Vauban has small range 😩


Near max range high efficiency 3 blue shards for armor works for me, throw a few in every direction. The benefits of high efficiency.


Why force yourself to deal with people in Netracells? just do it alone, is way faster and easier.


Or they could just... Play with people? They want to so they will, not really a problem


i hate being this person but theres no way that this is faster or easier than just running a netracell on your own


So, do you have to kill standing in the circle or have enemies die within the circle? because people can stay at the edge killing enemies that are not inside the netracell range.


have the enemies die in the circle. Your question just made me realize my clueless brethren probably thought they WERE "Killing them in the circle." I see I must be more specific in my unsolicited advice.


If I’m reading OP’s description correctly, the bubble should more or less cover the red circle, so teammates wouldn’t be able to kill enemies unless they were in the bubble/red circle. Presumably Rift Surge stops the other problem of hallway heroes just fucking off because they’re too impatient to stay in the circle, although I genuinely have no idea what it does, I’ve never crafted or used Limbo.


Lately I have been playing using Yareli, I wish her 4 had a continuous pull instead of just the initial burst, I always like to bring that kind of CC to netracells just to minimize the slugfest.


Rift Surge compensates for Cataclysm shrinking over time by banishing enemies around ones which are released from the bubble. With high range and Limbo's hold-1 to un-banish enemies, it can extend pretty far, but with base range and 1 replaced, it should basically just maintain the area. They're mostly using it for the augment which can increase weapon damage by 30% times ability strength times the number of banished enemies.


Sadly, if they're bent on killing outside the circle, they'll just leave cataclysm and you'll get even less work done


Silence isn't needed in limbo but it's nice


Or use him for the index.


this is interesting


I forgot about an issue with this strategy. It makes Ncramechs immortal since they are immune to abilities and going into the rift.


I use a 4 times Vortex Vauban. The Vortexes are placed by high spawn points and close to the edge of the circle. Each with a flechette orb and buffed with nourish. Takes arround 8-10min per mission. 10+min if the tilset or the spawn rate suck. Sometimes noobs complain about it for some reason but I don't care. It works and solves the mission with low effort in a moderate time.


No, they will simply avoid your bubble and kill enemies outside the circle anyway, then probably report you for griefing.


Limbo is good for mobile defense, mirror defense and an argon crystal hunt. The real pro strat to netracells is to solo them or go AFK.


Limbo is god. Best frame in the game. Good ol limbo.


I use Limbo for the Index, and it is wonderful. So long as the party knows to stay in the bubble, the enemies come straight to you. Can get a million credits, no booster, in fifteen minutes.


This is an amazing use of limbo usually I get the limbo users that go out of their way to do the opposite of help might start using this




I find that a bit over 200% range is a decent threshold for the netracell zones and pair that up with a nautilus using cordon you can easily keep the enemies grouped up


Guns don't work in the bubble, right? That'd be rather frustrating, I would think.


As long as you're in the same "dimension" as the enemies, your guns will work. If you're both in the rift, your guns work on them. If you're both outside the rift, your guns will work on them (obviously). That can lead to funny scenarios, like when an enemy is in the rift but outside the bubble (rift surge shenanigans), your guns will work on them if you're inside the bubble, because you both are in the rift, even though you're at different sides of the bubble.


Ah, okay. Thanks! It's been a long time since I played on public with a large-bubble Limbo player (and even longer since I played Limbo for anything more than key-carrier for Orokin vaults).


They changed that years ago. Guns work perfectly well in the rift.


They work perfectly fine in the bubble it's trying to shoot outside the bubble/shoot into the bubble from outside. Also warframe abilities ignore the bubble completely


my question is “How does Silence ‘shut down’ eximus?”(i dont think ive ever really read that description of the ability before.)


It prevents Eximus from using their abilities, like the Arson Eximus fire wave. Also stuns normal enemies when they enter the range then makes them ignore you for about 3 seconds. It's a very underrated ability IMO.




Silence emits a radius that shuts down active abilities and prevents their use. If you’ve ever fought Violence in Steel Path that’s what he’s using to gimp your kit.


you are a genius and i love you https://preview.redd.it/58q1wndxgh3d1.jpeg?width=97&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c796928c585c3784ee381e82174a78af5ddaae61


Best use for Limbo has always been Max range bubble Solo drop in a low level mission with a bunch of MRlets and just wipe the map


Crank it up with the Mecha set + coaction drift and Contagious Bond. For ease of use use a thrown melee since it double dips with Rift Torrent. My Limbo may be guilty of killing outside the circle a time or two. He's more of a weird high investment room nuke, but those are the tricks I use.


Halikar Wraith with a magnetic build and Melee Vortex arcane works wonders here. It'll both fit the bill *and* group up enemies for you. 👍


Why Halikar Wraith specifically? Is it the forced magnetic on slams?


High status chance and the disarm perk make it pretty nice. The more you proc Magnetic the more enemies within ~18-20m are being vacuumed across the room to a nice little ball. I like to run it in tandem with Furis Incarnon and the Combo Killer mod in dual-wield mode on Loki. Have infused Pillage/War Cry/Petrify over his 4 and using Precision Intensify allows you to ditch Transient Fortitude, keeping the duration for his other abilities whilst having full armour strip/75% melee speed and enemy slow/solid range and duration on Petrify. The Halikar Wraith basically gives him his radial disarm functionality back on top of all that, then Safeguard Switch gives him godmode and Damage Decoy does the priming. Utterly brutal build.


I really need to spend time with weapons, I have almost all the frames. But a foundry full of weapons. You make quite a compelling case for support weapons.


This will just make them all run outside the circle to get out of limbo bubble


Which will do nothing, as all (non-overguarded) enemies will most likely be in the rift. So they can have fun wasting their bullets as the enemies come into the rift. Also with how spawning works, if they go off, you can just let some enemies pile up in the bubble and they'll kill themselves out of spawns and be force to come back into the circle.




Anyone who doesn't leave a netracells pub with a limbo in it is an added layer of incompetent atop the already added filter of incompetence/masochism that is pubbing it in the first place. Just type "H 3x Netracells" in recruiting chat instead of being passive aggressive.


LOL I am leaving the squad as soon as any Limbo does this.