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I don't think it's necessarily underrated, just not in the discussion of incarnon tier, but Bubonico is a favorite of mine.  Strong single target primary fire, great status aoe alt fire (with built in viral), and is a battery weapon so has unlimited ammo to eventually win any war of attrition. Flexible, and still strong enough to get the job done.  Only downside is shotguns don't get amalgam serration so no free 25% run speed for me.


it also has multiplicative galv savvy


Can you explain this? What part is multiplicative?


Normally +%Damage sources stack additively, such as Point Blank and Primary Merciless. However, for select guns, the +%Damage from Galv Savvy multiplies with other +%Damage sources. For example lets say Savvy has 2 stacks of 4 different status types (not hard after a shot or two considering IPS, Tenet/Kuva bonuses, the new Radiation mods, and the plethora of elemental buffs that Warframes can provide, all wrapped up in Multishot) and Primary Merciless is at full stacks. For a weapon with additive Galv Savvy, the math would be 320% plus 360% equals a total increase of 680% damage. For the same setup with a multiplicative Galv Savvy, the math would be 320% times 360% equals 1152% increase in damage. I used a shotgun for this example but Galv Savvy, Galv Aptitude, and Galv Shot (collectively known as GunCO) work the same way. However, GunCO is almost always additive. The list of weapons fully or partially effected by multiplicative GunCO is small, so finding one that you like and is of sufficient power can be difficult.


Wait wait are you saying Galv Savvy is additive for some weapons and multiplicative for others???? Is this an arbitrary thing the devs changed or is it a special trait of the weapon???


Completely arbitrary. Some are multiplicative, most are not. It never is multiplicative for an AoE, even if it is multiplicative for the projectile (rocket bonk vs rocket boom). And I believe its never multiplicative for hitscan weapons but don't quote me on that one.


This is why I gave Bubonico a second chance. And is why Bubonico is an absolute monster of a gun.


I love shooting alt fire straight up in no ceiling maps... Artillery fire!


I've been holding on to my +CC +CD +projectile speed riven for it hoping for an infested kuva bubonico. It's fun to use and looks super cool but kinda weak at higher levels so hopefully they make the kuva version


I've got 3 different bubonico rivens each rolled for different builds. Mine has got a bunch of forma in it as well, but I'm not sure I'd describe my bubonico as "weak at higher levels".  It's my usual "free slot" choice to bring on EDA missions, and serves me well there.  Unless you're talking about long endurance runs, in which case it generally serves as my status primer, armor stripper (2 green shards), and acolyte killer. I didn't even consider the possibility of the rumored infested liches having bubonico as one of their weapons!  I guess it would make sense, given that having an alt fire prevents it from ever getting an incarnon form, and DE doesn't want to overlap the two.


i love bubonico. inf ammo + i can turn it into artillery by adjusting the angle it's pointing upward at. it's fun to watch the spores of the alt fire rain down on targets like meteors, especially when i perch on a wire and just scatter fire everywhere x)


Shedu. I have an absolute fondness for this weapon that borders on pathologic.


I miss the pre-nerf shedu where you could fire indefinitely without reload


I miss pre nerf shedu where it could AoE oneshot everything.


Shedu gang rise. I was sold at the term sentient arm cannon.


Shedu dethroned sporelacer for me


Shedu user here. Combine it with Mirage and the weapon does some serious damage


Mate, no shade meant at all but unfortunately the Mirage argument is a poor one. She can make the Stug kill well on SP.


I agree. Shedu is not a really powerful weapon itself but feels so good using it. The sound, the impact effect are so good so if you combine it with Mirage it can do decent damage too


Yes, I stop listening to any build when the person starts by saying that you need to play Saryn/Mirage


unless they are talking about kuva sobek, acid shells builds are pretty much only good with saryn


How long did it take you to get all the parts though?


In operation scarlet spear you could get all shedu parts within a day. Parts dropped like crazy.


Don’t forget how easy it was to max intrinsics


It wasn't something I was farming for, I just happened to have them all after grinding out RJ Intrinsics, and I genuinely enjoy the Murex tileset in the Anomaly missions.


Went for the shedu pretty recently, so the event drops weren't a possibility, but it took me a solid 3-4 hours of grinding by finishing an archon showdown in solo with kullervo and just staying in the mission until the parts dropped, the enemies keep coming forever and never rise in level, they still pack a punch though so it can get dicey


Through pain. Or, better option, with plat


It's actually easier than ever to get now - originally you had to farm the 'Sentient Anomaly' (Murex) in Veil Proxima RJ but now that you've got Archon hunts and Conjunction Survival (and more recently, Omnia Fissures that tend to always run a Conjunction Survival) you can farm out a set relatively easily. I don't grind much at all these days as I've already got everything there is to, but I seem to passively accrue sets of Shedu over time and love giving them to people discovering Warframe for the first time.


Primary Tombfinger. My only 10-forma weapon, and to this day one of my most used primaries.


> 10-forma weapon  */counts total number of weapon mod slots on fingers*  Yep, math checks out


You've never heard 1000-forma Vauban?




Yep, one forma for each (tomb) finger! =D


NGL you got me. r/angryupvote, tenno.


only a greater lens? its like you dont even care


Can you post a build link or something? I like my tombfinger alot


Sure! It's not a super meta weapon, but it'll be serviceable during base Steel Path nonetheless and maybe up to level 400-500 enemies. EDIT: Yep, it still works, around 115-120 kpm on Circulus SP. [My current build. The mod behind the riven is a Vital Sense.](https://i.imgur.com/lnXFIDF.jpeg) Replace it with any Fire Rate mod, Vile Acceleration works very well!. Pair it with some warframe support (armor strip preferably) and watch the corpses get vaporized. Use Arcane Acceleration on the Warframe, for comfort.


Any experience with Internal bleeding? Or is the forced impact procc only on the projectile part?


For Tombfinger primary, the forced procs of Impact are just on the uncharged "quickshots". You can certainly use it for single-target DPS. although it kind of defeats the purpose of the Firestorm build. I'd replace said Firestorm with Internal Bleeding, and try to run and gun. Since you are not abusing the AoE, you'll probably have less KPM.


What parts have you used in your Tombfinger?




Tonkor. I have since upgraded to kuva tonkor but I had the most fun with it when you could grenade jump with it


Stahlta cult forever of course. But I also really like the mutalist cernos, highly underrated AOE weapon imo.


I haven't used the muralist cernos much because it's required for probiscus cernos


Yeah I think that's the big reason it doesn't get more use, most people just use it to make the proboscis. It's definitely worth making a second one though, in my opinion it's way better than the proboscis.


I got a pretty decent riven for it a long time ago, so I built it and put like 5 forma into it, used it twice and thought nah not for me lol Bows need some love, they're just straight worse than every other option unless they have Nataruk AoE tings


Were you using galvanized aptitude and using tap fire instead of charge shots? Mutualist has multiplicative scaling on tap fire only for both the arrow and the cloud on embedded targets. It's definitely still a niche weapon, I mostly use it on citrine to constantly proc her 3 and on dante to stack a bunch of slash and toxin procs for tragedy.


Galvanized mods didn't exist at that point haha Maybe with the elements and resistance rework coming I'll give it another go with what you say.


lol fair enough wasn't sure just how long ago you meant, definitely worth a second evaluation in my opinion. It's not gonna be breaking the game or anything but on a status based build it is quite strong. I like to think of it in the same vein as the kuva ogris, it's not so much about big raw damage but the utility of having a constantly active hitbox that procs toxin, slash, heat, etc.


I thought the stahlta was trash until i accidentally hit the alt fire. It was my most used weapon that update.


A lot of people sleep on the primary fire but it is also extremely broken when using galvanized aptitude and another source of base damage (multiplicative GunCO for the win)


Mutalist Cernos is the best fps killer I ever used.


I don’t know if it’s underrated but I never see anyone talk about the tenet envoy It’s really fun to unload the entire clip while in aim/slow mode and then watch the missile swarm converge on your target


Try it or mirage. Your clone rockets will also slow then seek the lazer point when you aim.


primary vermisplicer is one that i don't ever see people talking about its a IPS+Toxin version of the amprex.... kinda


It was best beam weapon before Incarnons.


still should be considered, torid can't proc puncture for extra crit chance also can proc slash without hunter munitions


It is still really strong weapon and also looks funny. Incarnons just stole the spotlight from it.


with updated riven dispo would be nice, i still use it


I just built a primary vermisplicer and it shocked me with how strong it is. I'm only a couple of forma into it and it's already shredding against SP Corpus. Looking forward to getting it set up and ready for Grineer.


if blast rework turns out funny, you'll be able to abuse galvanized CO, innate IPS, toxin with primary blight, radiation mod and blast moded status effect add some multishot and you'll multiply the status effects damage


Corinth prime


Love my battacor, insane primary damage with a great aoe alt fire


Battacor is good, just not good enough to compare with meta so it was forgotten.


It's still an incredibly strong weapon, the raw damage it does has worked for any content I've brought it into


Amprex, everyone and their moms forgot about it. Khomorex, alt fire make use of viral+Corrosive affecting small area.


Since the Amprex is my most used I think I haven't forgotten about it. I just wish they had a tenet version for getting above and beyond ! Crits.


I recently leveled the Amprex for Mastery and was really surprised at how fun it was. My only complaint is that the visual effects feel a little dated, so the chain lightning doesn't look quite as cool as it could.


>Khomorex, alt fire make use of viral+Corrosive affecting small area. Fun fact: There is NO cooldown time between shots if you scope out then back in, you can let off like 2-3 shots per second. Repeatedly quickscoping, basically. Aero Periphery makes it slightly less nauseating, and I imagine a -zoom riven would make it even better.


I mean my most used weapon is the Cedo. I just love the little bouncing frisbee explode all over the place. Does surpringly good damage for what's supposed to be just a primer for the main fire. I use that only for pesky Eximi, otherwise I just spam alt fire.


use it with citrine, eximi stop being a problem real quick


Cedo supremacy is real. Slap on galvanized savvy and you’re pretty much unstoppable


It is CRIMINAL how underrated the Catabolyst is. Innate viral, an augment that gives 300% crit chance and crit damage and a fun ass gimmick. The only drawbacks it has are, the need for an augment if you want to fully utilize the reload gimmick and the fact that the explosion, like many others, causes a stagger when not using PSF. I can't wait for the eventual infested liches . They better lich-ify the catabolyst or else..... >:(


cata is my second most secondary only after epitaph, got a gorgeous riven for it with cc, cd, cold -mag size (the -mag size is the best part of it), imo the explosion is the thing that makes it so interesting/unique oh, imo there's no need for a lich variant, it's already stupid and interesting enough, I defo hit damage cap with it a few times


THE GOD ROLL. I have over 100 rolls and I once got a +ms +fire rate +mag size. Soo close yet so far away...


I had a guy saying it's not GROLL and it's bad roll, in fact "you want MS on it and neg mag is a very bad stat"


Yeah it's a really good gun I just built it recently and it's a big step up from any other secondary I had up until this point. The self-stagger can be annoying but otherwise it's insane, the beam actually does very good damage too.


> The self-stagger can be annoying use primed sure footed or some form of status immunity


Well, yeah... But I don't have PSF and some of the frames I like don't have status immunity available so it's a limitation for when I use the gun, which is worth mentioning.


you can subsume spellbind from titania for status immunity, it proteccts you from any status at all not just knockdowns and staggers, its a useful subsume especially for people who dont have PSF


Spellbind seems like a waste of a subsume that would remove important parts of some kits, but I guess it would be up to you if it's worth giving up an ability for it. I'd recommend just using Unairu. Tapping a key every 40 sec is just as easy, and you get armor/shield strip on top. I pretty much run this on everything I have, so PSF or anything similar is just redundant and unneeded.


some being the key word, half the frames in the game have one entirely usless ability, the only question there is oportunity cost


yup \^


I'm aware that there are plenty of options and I appreciate people trying to be helpful and suggesting them, but my point is that they all come with a significant opportunity cost (outside of PSF). It's hardly the biggest deal, I just have to avoid throwing the catabolyst grenade point blank, but it can occasionally be a slightly frustrating facet of a weapon that I otherwise love. The same thing will happen with stuff like the Akarius and that's fine - until I get PSF that's just a drawback to explosive effects that I can live with if I want to use them on frames without knockdown immunity.


if you're looking for status immunity I'd recommend gauss, hydroid, nezha, kullervo, dante, I think Voruna even too


I LOVE the Catabolyst. I have it set up to do corr/rad/heat damage with cascadia flare, so the beam actually just melts through everything on its own. The nade is just a perk at that point. I remember seeing how everyone thought it was just okay after fixing the double crit bug, but it still does insane damage. I'm still getting damage in the millions with the explosions. It also has great synergy with a couple frames I use. Zephyr makes it really easy to keep the augment active by grouping with her 2. I run max range, so it will always pull in at least 3 enemies. And her passive gives extra crit chance for the explosion. I also like this gun on Yareli. She ignores the knockback on the grenades, so you can just chuck them everywhere. Also the way I have everything built, I can get it to guarantee red! crits with like a 16x multiplier, so the funny red numbers are even funnier and redder. This gun is way too insane and hilarious to be slept on so much, even after the fixes.


@emc2alex1 Can you share your Cata build?


[Here](https://overframe.gg/build/638153/catabolyst/catabolyst-explosive-pee-gun/) I'll note that some of its strength is a bit dependent on the rest of my loadout, but that's also linked in the description if you're curious.


I think somewhere DE mentioned they would not be doing infested liches.


Trumna. Also if you get the ms decree in duviri …. Chefs kiss.


Big fan of the trumna, but dealing with level 100+ enemies with over guard seems like I am using a pea shooter. Love using it and the gotva prime in lower level content, though.


Sporothrix is exceptional, especially with a method of grouping enemies like Nautilus or Ensnare. The augment only makes it all the more so.


awesome awesome sniper, the sound it makes when you're popping heads with it is so satisfying, also .... 20 mil slash procs, what's not to like, also it can make breach surge sparks do like 300 mil lmao not a fan of the augment tho, cause I like to use primary deadhead, the augment makes hitting


Can you share your slash proc build? I’m hoping to build a slash mod setup for running with Ash.


honestly I usually ran run of the mill viral build (with avenger and adarza for crits, which can easily orange crit) https://preview.redd.it/kvf1np7ctk3d1.png?width=1681&format=png&auto=webp&s=f562976fde6eba835871630409d3d60a7079ace3


empty slot was for a +cd + dmg riven, which I sold


besides viral, you may wanna give Cryogenian's pure slash build a go (Target Acquired is +60% dmg on headshots) https://preview.redd.it/e24f5tkltk3d1.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=c84596a70bf547c1af211dde4f4bd0d781f4c62b [here's a full build vid, if you're interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgpdGRZ57c)


My go to choice with Mag. >!^^^^Provided ^^^^I ^^^^don't ^^^^want ^^^^to ^^^^turn ^^^^my ^^^^brain ^^^^off ^^^^and ^^^^just ^^^^use ^^^^the ^^^^Nataruk ^^^^because ^^^^infinite ^^^^body ^^^^punch ^^^^through ^^^^go ^^^^brr.!<


secura Penta with the napalm grenade mode got me back to appreciating this weapon once again, it's really funny to use with mag's bubbles and laying down status primer traps on choke points so all mobs that pass through get primed for whatever's about to happen to them


Love my Trumna and Akarius Prime. I know they aren’t exactly unpopular but I don’t see em very often


Kuva Tonkor.


try it with gauss and arcane pistoleer ~~goofy~~ fun times


ive really found kuva tonkor underwhelming, it doesnt handle steel path other than trash mobs and even then not reliably against corrupted/grineer, ive got like a 5/6 forma build with arcanes and galvanised mods and it still just doesnt perform anywhere near as well as most of my other primaries, what are you doing to make it underated?


You shouldn't use gunCO on it, it doesn't work for AOE. Just use serration, some elementals, crit, and hunter munitions on it will take you decently far in levels


im not using gundition overload on it, and im already using viral hunter, it still doesnt scale into steel path well, without roar or eclipse it barely handles conjunction survival at all


Idk what to say man, it 1-2 shots almost anything on conjunction survival with hunter munitions with no external buffs


https://imgur.com/a/zOceWjr this build barely functions on steel path conjunction and is outperformed by most of my arsenal, the only thing i could see doing is swap in primed cryo rounds and maybe sub hammer shot for another element, thats it.


I have primed cryo for rime rounds, and radiated reload for firestorm, it should be very comfortable once you get the merciless stacks


I have a 60% toxin full damage build Primed cryo rounds Heavy Caliber Hunter M Merciless etc I wouldn't run level cap with it but it runs steel path fine as you can spam it with it 's ammo economy.


Not a primary or secondary but sampotes heavy slam is super underrated. I run it all the time with a melee trinity and have one shot lvl 500+ acolytes


Fine, I'll be the one to say it. Aeolak. It's an assault rifle that fires a doom rocket with some amazingly cool visuals, and it being one of our first 'reflected' weapons from Duviri makes it even cooler in my opinion. I wish it had better stats, but it's still serviceable for the majority of content.


I still use the mutalist cernos sometimes


Not really weapon, but Conncealed Explosives. Not great for damage, but it helps with box breaking Lenz is nice too


Back in the day: Atomos Now: Atomos That lil guy has 90% of my secondary usage.




Seriously underrated and wonderful for Mag.


Kuva Ogris w the unreal tournament Rocket Launcher skin for charge free gameplay. Nightwatch Napalm for the status procs and area control.


Sporelancer as secondary with multishot each projectile Breaks into 3 smaller explosive projectiles. Magic mushroom Launcher Not the best DMG but fun and a good way to Ruin FPS for Players with Bad Hardware.


Is the 5th most used secondary of 2023 *really* underrated?


5th Most Used wow its rare for me to See people with it sry 😂😇


I actually love tombfinger, i named it Katy Perrys Firework


I was gonna say Stahlta so uuuh...Miter incarnon? I've never seen another tenno use it for some reason.


I love Miter! It's lowkey one of the best incarnons imo, it's just not flashy and the mag size in incarnon mode could use some love


On release of the incarnon it was extremely extremely buggy, i think thats why most people steered away from it.. and first impressions leave a mark so :/


The alternate fire on the Ambassador is so fucking cool, and actually pretty good as far as AOE goes. The downside is that the mode swap animation takes so unbelievably long that in most situations its just more practical to either swap to another weapon, or clear with abilities.


Probably not necessarily underrated because it isn't brilliant but I like Basmu for being like Acceltra but allowed to shoot more than 4 times.


I don't know if it's underrated, but the alt fire on the Trumna makes all the happy brain chemicals go off in my head.


Absolutely in love with thr bubonico. I even bought a riven. It was back when everyone knew how good viral slash was and to just happen to do both in the most satisfying way. The stats are nuts too.




Panthera Prime is technically an AoE weapon. My full-auto saw blade launcher deserves more love.


tenet envoy. sure it's got min riven disposition and people use it, but I think it's top 2 primaries in the game along with the Torid Incarnon. slap some synth mods on your pet and melee attack instead of reloading, it'll quickly reload in the background. and since it hardly got hit by the ammo pickup nerfs, it usually winds up feeling like an infinite ammo rocket launcher once you get into the melee habit. there are other AoE launchers but envoy stands above the rest


Sporelacer with pax charge is my lazy pick for anything star chart.


It would also be stahlta for me friend. If I’m really feeling spicy I guess prisma angstrums main fire, especially when doing void relics and getting the unlimited ammo buff


Shedu and bubonico are absolute monsters


Haven’t seen another person running Akarius prime yet so imma say Akarius


You don't see the Lenz in mission much these days, but it used to be a top AEO weapon. Still very good if modded properly. Personally, I don't care for the explosion sound, but it is very distinct, you know when someone brings one.


Mutalist cernos and the Occucor are my two favorites personally


Wolfe sledge or glave prime both are amazing at just booping things out of existence


I wish phantasma alt fire wasn't useless. It's so bad I forget it exists.


The zenistar is a bit of an off meta aoe weapon. It's so much fun with Ivara and navigator. The duration got nerfed a while ago, but it's still excellent. Put an initial combo mod (or riven) on the zenistar for extra duration, hop up on a zipline with the augment for bonus crit chance, go invisible for stealth damage bonus, activate navigator, then heavy attack with zenistar. Zoom around as an invincible zone of death for a while. Repeat until your energy runs out.


Aeolak make hella good noise




Shedu, Bubonico and Tombfinger kitgun.


Bro literally just copied the first 3 comments


Summarised them, actually. And I *really* like those weapons.


Ignis Wraith is worth your time. May not be top tier, but it has it's place. Heat nightwave? Yep. MR17 test? This and Wukong. Equip melee and let the twin do bidness. It has a place in your armory. Many more situations. Never sell it.


ignis wraith to prime for citrine's crystal


What is the MR17 test? From an MR16 player


I found a use for it to do the spinning thingies when I farmed Keela De Thaym or what's her name on Sedna. Can't find a good use for it now when Tenet/Kuva/Incarnons exist. But I built it rather late (MR 20+, our clan did not have the BP and I had to farm it from RJ) so it had to compete with Cedo, Tenet Arca Plasmor, Xoris/Glaive Prime and Kuva Nukor, so it seemed kinda underwhelming