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the ones that grasp of lohk steals from mobs


Yes i also like to use a skeleton bow with xaku, aka the skeleton


I use epitaph to prime enemies. Their 2 kills so easily with the armor strip from their 3, that all i need is some viral. Primary i normally use Felarx for tough enemies. And Melee i use Praedos for the sweet parkour speed.


Same but tenet cycron for a good weapon to deal with nullifiers.


Miter swoosh swoosh




I mean, the best *weapon* to use with Xaku is the Quassus with a normal throw build I guess. It's pretty cool if you add life steal to it too with pure slash procs. So whatever build you would have on the Cerata or Glaive, just put on Quassus. Apart from that, I got nothing😆


Those things you steal from enemies to blast them in the face


the guns of the enemies


It honestly does not matter. Even in steel path you will struggle to get a kill past your stolen guns.


I find that after around level 150 the stolen guns start to really struggle on damage. My build isn't good enough yet for that. Archon hunts are rough.


The guns damage is based on the enemy level that you stole them from. You only need to reach 200% strength for armor 100% stripping on his Gaze ability. Then put everything into range. More range also increases amount of stolen guns. Something needs to take a hit, for me it is efficiency. I subsumed xata's whisper with grendels ability to handle that. I've been hitting for millions of damage per individual shot on sp levelcap. Simply bonkers dps. The stronger the enemies, the more damage you do, just keep their armor stripped. At levelcap the downside is you die at the slightest fart in your general direction... But who needs survivability when you can kill everything on sight, right?


The good part is that Xaku has big Dodge chance so survivability stays high as long as you keep moving.


Actually the easiest way to handle xaku is as you said to sacrifice their efficiency. Their 4th ability is long enough that you can get it to slightly above 60seconds. I think I have it at around 62 seconds. With this you can use Zenurik/inner might and cast their 4 for free every time. Start into a mission, cast 4 first and then you can grab a few guns already, kill a few enemies until you get some energy and get more guns that way. The only energy you really need is to grasp of lohk at first and then to cycle gaze if you aren't staying in a place. The 4 never needs to use energy with that.


Wait does nourish give viral to your stolen weapons? Probably not but would be crazy if it does


Nope that would indeed be insane


They don't need it. Enemy damage outscales enemy health, as long as you pick up some new guns every couple hundred levels, they will pretty much always one shot the enemies you stole them from as long as they're armor or shield stripped from Gaze.


I'm curious, what's your build?


Added a post on my profile with the current WIP build


Yeah. Health scaling is weird. They fall off there, but with armor strip it is still killing faster than guns. Then at level 2000 it ramps up again as the damage scaling outscales the health scaling again


if your guns are lacking, try letting the duration run down and getting new ones as theyll scale to the enemies level


xaku has an inverse bell curve on his stolen guns, level 150 if i remember correctly is the low point, once you get a little higher in enemy level the scaling on enemy damage starts helping his stolen guns do more damage again. enemy weapon damage and hp dont scale 1:1 when your stripping armour


It's the other way around. I'll explain: You either build around Xata's Whisper or Grasp of Lohk, because neither interacts with the other. 1. Grasp of Lohk build scales infinitely because it uses the enemies' stats instead of your own. 2. Xata's Whisper is a self-buff. It also requires very high strength and like all self-buffs, does not care about range. So, the most efficient way to build Xaku is either replace Xata, or replace Grasp. The easiest of both is to keep Grasp and replace Xata with some shield-gating/defensive tool.


What weapons are u running that are that weak


My weapons are not weak. My Warframe is strong. Jokes aside, my 235 range and 207 strength build kills enemies before I even notice they are there.


Oh THATS what you meant Homie I thought you were saying "only the xaku guns are strong enough" and all I could think about was the sound of incarnon latron bouncing everywhere


Xaku's 2 deals with most bad guys on its own, especially with armour strip from their 3. when I play Xaku I like to use my tenet cycron, kompressa or Grimoire. they can clear away the bubbles from nullifiers fast and grimoire also helps with energy and then for dealing with harder targets you can bring a powerful weapon that doesn't really do AOE and not have any problems, like phenmor, felarx, Hek, Corinth


Acid Shells kuva sobek. Xata's Whisper interacts silly with acid shells, and of course Xaku's armor strip helps it along. You'll chain explode through whole rooms on the steel path.


I agree, acid shells kuva sobek is a fun build. A fun secondary on Xaku is Zymos. You can keep spamming headshots on the gazed enemy and the homing projectiles keep spreading to other enemies, easily killing them since they are fully armor stripped. Gonna upload a video showcasing both and put it as an edit here in a few minutes EDIT: [Here is the link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oceUcuCNMEw), but it is still processing for HD


Is the zymos effect similar to that kitgun arcane that used to go hard?


Not really. The zymos is not that op. You need to headshot an enemy and they get staggered while "worms" or other infested stuff grows in the head, which then explodes and releases homing projectiles. Worst part is, that the stagger NEEDS to happen, so any eximus or enemies with overguard are immune. The fun part of the zymos is that the crit chance and crit damage on the projectiles gets **squared** and that they inflict a guaranteed impact proc, so you can use hemorrhage for great slash procs. --- Copied from the wiki: Critical Chance = ((5% × (1 + Modded Crit Chance)) + Flat Crit Chance) × (1 + Modded Crit Chance) + Flat Crit Chance Critical Damage = 2.3 × (1 + Modded Crit Damage)2 ___ So to summarize, with my build of Cascadia Overcharge, Max Stacks Crosshairs and Primed Target Cracker, the 5% Crit Chance of the projectiles gets translated into a 249.9245% Crit chance. Now if you are using an Adarza Kavat (60%) or Arcane avenger (45%) (both add flat crit chance), the flat bonus boosts this buff to even greater heights. With both of buffs active at the same time with my loadout above, your crit chance of 5% would be boosted to 1097.2745%.


They have innate synergy with Incarnon weapons because their 1 counts as a second hit, doubling your charge


You don't get much choice, it's just whatever the enemies are holding.


Xaku main here, I use Torid incarnon, chain beam enemies with 1 active while aim gliding around like an idiot with my 16 guns beaming everything else.


Whatever the enemies are using


Phenmor is a good option whith his 1


synapse, zymos and wait for it........ broken war


I have a build I LOVE : Ensnare subsumed over Grasp of Lohk. Ensnared enemies can be Gazed and vice-versa, which means you can use an enemy as a sort of post, endlessly chaining enemies and removing their Amor. Then you can do really fun stuff like Sobek chained explosions, Zymos + Xata's Whisper Bee Hive, Exergis geiger counter mode, or just the good 'ol Glaive. I have 7000hs on Warframe, my 3 most played frames are Oberon, Oberon Prime and Xaku. The Xaku are my new obsession, Im saving money to get Xaku's PA (next one after Protea) and I hope they dont mess up his Prime Design like they did with Oberon (Im still sour about it) Xaku is my jam, no surprise since I was born in Halloween ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfAa9rbXaZe86c|downsized)


Mitre, epitaph and praedos


I use the Exergis because Xata's Whisper basically turns every shot into a mini Mag bubble of death. Also, Zymos. because it triggers on Gaze targets. RELEASE THE BEES!


Exactly this. Exergis + Xata's Whisper straight up deletes enemies!


I just use my standard, synoid gamacor and boar prime, both incarnin


Occucor would prob be good since enemies r gonna be fully stripped anyway, also let's you keep the play style even more brainless


Kuva Kohm or Nataruk, and Tenet Cycron


Honestly as long as you use Amalgam Serration and Amalgam Barrel Diffusion you’re set. I’d run Praedos in the melee. More SPEEEEED


Ocucor kuva nukor epitaph and compression for secondaries kuva sobek phenmor torid cedo and ignis weaith for primaries and glaive prime xoris or cereta for melee


My roided out astilla


My Loadout: Phantasma Prime (Primer), Incarnon Lex Prime for Bosses/Demolists/Eximus/Stalker, Xoris with Gas+Melee Influence for additional Mob clearing. Works pretty far into SP until now. But usually you just steal your guns, while the rest gathers dust.


All of them, plus my enemies weapons too.


Doesn't matter since I don't really use the guns that much with xaku. Maybe laetum to deal it with the acolyte if it's a long enough mission but generally I bring whatever I like. Regardless of the frame I always have a hard hitting Stropha with life steal as well.


Cedo because I just lob its Kanoka disk into crowds as my void guns do all the heavy lifting.


Trumna for fun, Phenmor for business. It's easier to use weapons that don't rely on getting kills, considering you'll be constantly one upped by your grasped weapons, but those two will save you if you ever get to the point where you need extra firepower.


you don't chose weapons based on style?


I do but I'm interested to see what others pick so I can choose one I like.


I often use vastilok for acolytes, and i run either nourish with larkspur for quick missions, or i subsume ivaras invis arrow amd i run the book with it so it can give me more duration for an easy chill/afk farm on SP. For primary it's more like whatever you like running really, but i have a things for beam weapons(torid, the new one from sisters,etc..)


Anything that doesnt reload


I use corrosive phantasma, I use it to armour strip groups for its 2 to kill everything and condemn for survivability and somewhat cc


Mainly because I dont rlly play survival missions where i can stay in 1 spot usually im moving around so being able to armour strip fast is more helpful


I use cerata/glaive p/quassus


I use cedo. Its alt fire is a very good primer.


As he has armour strip you can pretty much use any gun with him. I usually pick fast firing weapons as nullifier bubbles spell the end of the run. Your stolen guns handle pretty much everything else. You can look at weapons that are good at focusing down eximus units as well as fodder don’t survive


torid,laetum and glaive. if i am hard working, im taking a nukor and venka for some melee fun


The enemies


A primer for spreading viral and a heavy hitter for super beefy stuff. I often use Cedo and Glaive Prime. There used to be a bug / interaction with the original Zariman Incaron weapons and Xata's whisper that gave you stupid amounts of damage but they fixed that


Personally I really enjoy the dual toxocyst incarnon. I run it with scourge prime to charge more easily. Other things I tried and liked: The quassus , the actual signature weapon is pretty fun. Just remember its a heavy attack/throw weapon. But lets be real the second ability becomes so strong after a few rounds, you can run: the kompressa just to prime enemies. Proboscis cernos to group up and to prime enemies. And then have a weapon for the acolytes like hate incarnon.


Tenet Ferrox (Impact with Primary Exhilarate) and Grimoire (with Khra Canticle and Vome Invocation). Support-focused things. I'd usually take Jahu Canticle, the armor strip one, but Xaku's strip is an enormous permanent circle. Don't need it.


Cedo, grasp does the heavy lifting, cedo primes.. ezpz


For my solo SP level cap cascade setup I run the felarx and the sporelacer for acolytes, Praedos for QOL. (My setup gets me 13 guns with my 2, and I run terrify over the 3.)


Miter with neutralizing justice. Incarnon if you have it and that is all you need.




I main Xaku and have him built for endurance Steel Path, Archons, and EDA. I do the same with 33 other frames, but I think some might like this approach. https://overframe.gg/build/531608/xaku/steel-path-endurance-xaku/ As far as weapons, primary and secondary I tend to use Boar Incarnon and Angstrum Incarnon.


Normally something hard hitting such as Strun, Burston, plinx, or furis. Your void guns are going to take care of everything, especially if you have your armor strip down. So grab a gun for acolytes or heavy targets.


The other people's


Everyone elses' guns


Xata's Whisper rewards high multishot. This generally leans towards shotguns. Also if the Void status procs, headshots become harder to hit when facing your enemy. However if you can get above the enemy, then headshots become very easy. So if you're comfortable with parkour, Xata's Whisper will also reward headshots. This leans towards specific mods and arcanes as well as some specific guns.


Torid, dual toxocyst, praedos. All incarnon. Pretty much take your pick of incarnon weapons and it will work


I like to use my Corinth Prime and Rattleguts secondary. One does bursts or Viral/Slash, and the other does whatever element is best against the faction I'm fighting. Corinth Prime lets me deal with Heavy units that are generally tankier, while the quick firing Rattleguts lets me quickly pop smaller targets. Sometimes if I'm not feeling the Rattleguts, I'll use my Sporelacer instead. Both are good.


I use Torid Incarnon and Laetum. Torid for Aoe, Laetum for ST. Very good combo against most everything. I subsumed Mags Pull over Xaku's 3. Put on Greedy Pull augment. Gamrplay: Blow everything up with 4, pull in loot/Mobs with 3. Hit a few mobs with Torid to incarnon it. Get a few head shots and incarnon your Laetum. Profit.


I like using the phantasma for fun and cedo for higher levels


Epitaph and Torid, epi for viral priming and torid (any acolyte annihilator would be better but incarnon genesis meta go brrr)


I like tenet ARCA plasmor personally


That's what I'm using at the moment. Nice wide shot as I run around super fast.


Isn't she the guns?


On xaku I always made sure to have no primary equipped and used a status cyanex build with cucumber.


Torid Incarnon haha it's the only thing that outpaces his guns for me 😂😂😂


# Grimoir You don't need Weapons when you use the infinite scaling Grasp of Lohk. So I use the Grimoir for different supports like energy regen, or universal orbs. For the Primary I use the Proboscis Cernos for grouping when I don't use a grouping Ability


Anything will do really. His skills are independent from his weapons and Xata just buffs everything. This is because Gaze's AoE strip makes it so that you don't need to rigidly adhere to Viral + Slash builds on high level content. You can go Gas + Elec for example to capitalize on more AoE damage. I'm a fan of the Torid, Strun and Boltor Incarnon for him though. But only because they're already OP in the first place and will melt even acolytes. Xata's status proc Bullet Attractor helps too. Epitaph + Secondary Encumber will work for priming, it will make your auto target guns deal more damage if you primed viral or magnetic. A glaive on the Melee so you can take advantage of the high range of your skills. Since you have armor strip built in, you can go Xoris or Cerata instead of Glaive Prime. Xoris is pretty OP with the new melee influence. Cerata's toxic proc will make Corpus units easy to deal with.


This is my Xaku build. I cannot wait for Xaku Prime to be released. I personally use the Phenmor and Laetum incarnon weapons, but you can use whichever suits your style. Plus glaive prime as my melee The important idea with Xaku is to achieve 200% ability strength, such that his Gaze (3rd ability) is able to reach 100% strip. I think if you use Corrosive Projection in the aura slot, you can get away with lower ability strength, I forgot the threshold for that. Once you get 100% armour strip, almost any enemy will be easy to kill as you remove the biggest damage reduction contribution (armour). [https://overframe.gg/build/232027/xaku/100-armor-strip-endgame-build/](https://overframe.gg/build/232027/xaku/100-armor-strip-endgame-build/)


Usually when picking a weapon you want to look at if it can take down what content you’re looking at however Xaku makes the game a cakewalk with their armor stripping. Incarnon weapons can be double charged using your 1 which makes them pair especially well with her. These are some of the strongest weapons in the game yet they can be charged up in a flash, so I highly recommend them if you can get your hands on them.


I just helminth xaku cause he just didn't click with me. (Revenant main here) It seems like i just so addicted to revenant that no other warframe clicks with me as much as revenant does except nekros, nidus, khora, ivara and most definitely frost.


Xaku is prolly my most used frame, for high level i have subsumed terrify on their 2, since their guns scale off strength, full armor strip from terrify, the stolen guns kill anything. For your own weapons i find any gun will work, as the other skills pair well with cc, single target, primers, pretty much anything.