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Thank you. I’m a noob and this is exactly the kinda of direction I need.


If this works for you then great!


Alternatively, go to Duviri and farm Kullervo plus the Duviri melee weapons. Kullervo, in a nutshell, is a totally badass melee frame who can operate on a shoestring budget, only gets better with more investment, and remains viable well into the endgame. Kullervo doesn't have shields but he does have a ton of built in health and armor plus his Overguard ability is better than Rhino's as it can be refreshed at will. His first ability is a teleporting heavy attack, tap to go to an enemy and slam them with your melee or hold to teleport where you're looking. His second ability is the aforementioned Overguard ability, it can hurt you if spammed thoughtlessly but that's super easy to avoid, just pop it in a crowd and you'll be fine. His third ability links a group of enemies together and any damage done to one gets spread through the group. Very powerful ability that naturally combos with his first ability. With the right mods/Arcanes you can wipe out whole rooms well into Steel Path (Warframe's hard mode). Kullervo's fourth ability is an AoE field that rains daggers on enemies. Low level, this'll kill stuff on its own and high level it'll mostly spread Slash procs (still good as that's one of the best status effects in the game). Also combined naturally with his third. Farming for Kullervo also means you're farming Duviri which has a lot of advantages. Duviri itself is basically Warframe's roguelike mode, think randomized frame + weapon load outs. Some people hate it because they use the same frame + the same weapons for everything for years at a time. Those people are lame, ignore them. Try out anything you think looks cool and if you like something then you can work towards it as you progress through the game. In addition to Kullervo, there are also the Duviri melee weapons. These are quite excellent, comparable to prime weapons in many cases and will serve you the whole game. Farming Duviri also means that you'll be leveling up your Drifter which, while not immediately obvious, will help you out down the line. Duviri also has a circuit mode. Circuit mode in Duviri is a series of randomized missions played back to back, enemies gradually get stronger but so do you via decrees. As you complete missions you'll gain points, have enough points and you'll unlock rewards. At the baseline level, the rewards are Warframe blueprints and augments (special mods that add effects to abilities). In hard mode, the rewards are Arcanes + Incarnon adapters (don't worry about this stuff until you've completed your Starchart the first time). All stuff you'll need sooner or later. Check back every week on the Duviri circuit, the rewards rotate on a weekly basis so it's worth checking every reset. Also, the vendor you buy Kullervo's stuff from sells other stuff. I wouldn't bother buying crafting mats from her but she does also often sells things like blueprints for Orokin Reactors/Catalysts plus all kinds of adapters. Definitely not the best place to get this stuff but early game you're starved for it and, after a while, what else are you going to spend your clamps on?


Idk how i feel about sending new players to duviri..


Why? It's literally designed to be a jumping on point/alternate start. Moreover, it gives new players, who are going to be resource poor, a chance to try out a lot of gear that they probably wouldn't build for themselves out of some misguided fear they'd be playing the game wrong. Even if you don't go the Kullervo route it'd be worth it to check the normal rank circuit every week for someone like Revenant who, lets be real, is better at being Rhino than Rhino is and the only reason he isn't the designated newbie frame is because the farm for him outside of Duviri is annoying. Telling new players to immediately farm Rhino is like telling people they have to level up their gear at Hydron, it simply isn't the best or only option anymore.


It's poorly explained and there is a reason *they removed it as an option for new players* because retention for duviri for new players fell off a fucking cliff. Base warframe is already too much. Adding duviri into the mix makes it worse. New players only know what to do with it if they have another player hand hold them through the myriad of steps required to even find out what benifits they would gain from doing duviri in the first place. You and I can know that it is better in the long term, but its too overwhelming and poorly explained. It also doesnt provide starchart progression which will eventually turn into massive slog to push through later for a new player. If they do it earlier then it will be more learning experience rather than a slog and hopefully lessen the burden. In my opinion.


Did you say complete Starchart "the first time" I'm MR 13.4 and I have only done the necessary stuff to unlock junctions. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of content honestly 


Lol, Warframe is over a decade old and has tons of content built into it. The people always complaining about having nothing to do are also the ones who've been playing for years already. Anyone jumping in for the first time is going to have a ridiculously large amount of things to do, more than most full-price games. I wouldn't be surprised if it took someome casually playing the game for a few hours a week to spend several months just getting through the content, much less the time it takes to optimize loadouts. As for the Starchart... Yeah, after you complete it the first time you'll unlock Steel Path, which is basically Warframe's hard-mode. Don't worry, you won't have to do story missions again, just individual nodes. It's worth doing as this is where you'll find important stuff like Incarnon weapons, certain bread and butter arcanes, and things like Galvanized mods. Just be sure you've a frame that can take a hit or two and some good weapons before you start.


I'm a noob too, and having a great time with Vauban. He has little pet things that go out and do damage, seems great for solo


Advice: It's easier to get Rhino from Duviri circuit, it has a linear reward path that will guarantee each part. _nvm, guess I'm wrong, apologies_


It takes much longer to do that. Farming Rhino with a random carry will be 10 times faster than circuit, probably more.


_Unless you get that bad luck?_


No honestly even if you get bad luck it’s still faster than circuit


It would take insanely bad luck to make it slower than circuit.


And later on in the game he's still viable af running around with 1m overguard.


Rhino mains trying to max out ability strength to boast about how much overguard they have:


Just for you to get hit by one nullifier bubble and die. They really need to change this.


Overguard isn't affected by nully bubbles on Kullervo...I think that's the way it should be on every frame. Overguard is not able to be turned off by us, so it's bull that the enemy can do it to us with crappier tech.


Yeah because in Kullervo's and Dante's and Frost's case the ability gives overguard, while Rhino's 2 IS overguard. Making it unaffected by nullifiers would make him relevant again. Right now he has no place in the game after they nerfed his stomp because revenant exists.


Rhino having the second strongest damage buff after Mirage is pretty good combined with effortless survivability


Yeah but you can just imprint roar


its not nearly as good on other frames though. Just like Eclipse they're best on their 'native' frame. Ofc it's the difference between like, Mirage and Roar being in contention for strongest buff and then their helminth subsumes fighting for 3rd and 4th place, most likely.


Hm but roar on rhino kinda forces you to build duration when no other part of his kit needs it. On most other frames the duration for roar isn't as wasted.


he also doesn't really need to cast anything else except maybe stomp as a panic button, in my experience. So for me it feels like perfectly good uptime at just neutral 100% duration.


U need shit tons of strength to make a decent roar on other frames and even then its no scratch on rhino's un-diminished roar A subsumed roar at 358% str clocks in a 107% damage buff Rhino's roar at 329% strength clocks in a 164% damage buff That difference is significant


You can subsume eclipse too. Both have a 30% damage buff cap before mods though so they're both pretty trash subsumes


Eclipse is trash, I agree, but roar has some Funky Math that makes it legitimately the best (and sometimes *only*) subsume option for dot builds.


Damn it applies *twice* to status damage? That's super wild


It's stronger except in niche situations.


On weapons native eclipse is stronger even if you do all of your damage with status effects which of course isn't realistic. Being stronger on all weapons isn't very niche imo *At 400% strength and higher roar starts gaining more damage on status effects, but never on direct hits. This is what I'd call niche. On abilities roar is better as eclipse does not affect them but that's not really relevant


I like Sentient Wrath over Stomp because I like Sentient Wrath.


Make rhino prime and give him this. Also, design a prime heavy axe or sledge for him. Maybe, WOLF SLEDGE PRIME? 😅


I strongly dislike nullifier bubbles. I get it. I don't mind them that much. But they are like the one warframe mechanic I think is kinda bullshit. Not when you see them coming, of course. But idk how many times I've been 30-45m into a corpus ship tileset just to walk through a door and not have gara stacks, any longer. It's the worst thing.


i like big numbers


And I can not lie


Experts do, I still have my picture of hitting 6.3M through a variety of boosts, buffs and Parasitic Armor. But the true masters, the daring, *the PINNACE of the warsmiths art* forego the rush of the charge and know that even the smallest of numbers can still be effective....if you can just keep applying it forever. And forever. And forever.


It’s cool to have big numbers, but it’s more efficient to use shield gating and iframes of his 2 and go for some strength/ duration/ range that roar and his stomp are viable. Under constant heavy fire you need to recast his 2 every ~8 sec to stay invulnerable. It’s kinda a waste of his kit to just go for crazy strength/ armor values so u habe big numbers for his 2.


Don't know why this is downvoted lol Long long gone are the days you get insta koed the moment your skin goes down. He has both over guard and shield gate (and with rhino prime's high base shields it's even a decently long shield gate) Those two combined give you plenty of recast time. Sure it can be a little cast heavy but it is so much more streamlined than the max armor setup stuff


Probly because shield gating is unnecessary in 97% of content and this is also a newbie guide.


Well yea, but it is honestly easier to set up rhino for just recasting iron skin than the funny numbers. Just need an ok energy economy and maybe some strength and it can take you deep into the steel path Big iron skin builds need augments, helminths, archanes etc


Yes but again this is for newbies, and anywhere in the star chart base iron skin will do fine without more than max 3 recasts. So again unnecessary hence why they were down voted.




It's really annoying to set up. You need to somehow group a bunch of enemies together, charge with the augment, use parasitic armour, call your archgun with the arcane equipped, then cast iron skin. It's really tedious, and in most maps, by the time you call your archgun the room's already bombed to oblivion and back.


Have to disagree on this one. You kinda have to subsume parasitic armor over his 4 which is a crazy good skill, habe to eq arcane tanker and redirection to get over millions of overguard easily. Sure, it big numbers are fun, but this just a waste of his kit to have only have a lot of overguard. If you want to stand still and tank just play Revenant.


I had him going through level 1k steel path enemies! And still pull hiw own weight


Just 1 I saw a vid where a guy had over 5m OG


He also ignores all the effects of corrupted keys for farming the extremely important mods (critical delay/decel, blind rage, etc etc) Edit: just wanted to mention both his augments. Ironclad Charge+reinforcing stomp = basically unkillable. I solo a netracell after someone dc'd and I got left alone with all the debuffs. Bleeds from my Aeolak ticking for 40-150k thanks to 150% roar and keeping iron skin up via stomp.


I scoop them all up every time.


Yep Rhino is OP. You can take him to missions up to places that 99.9% of players will go. Even in the scenarios he loses to Revenant's mesmer skin, he can just swap to Pillage + Iron Skin to do double gating instead of Overguard tank. You'll need to hit 1k+ level to see Rhino fall off. Which people barely even hit realistically. He can get really ridiculous if built correctly. For example here's a really comfy parasitic armor rhino on SP Conjunction Survival in Lua with an 8 mil Iron skin. I just stood there the whole mission not even dodging. https://preview.redd.it/55vuv7ja3y4d1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=a52409073dc2881e6788031a212391b7d5c13b86


I feel Rhino can honestly potentially play to level cap since his Iron Skin scales with enemy level. The more damage they do, the more absurd overguard you get. More upkeep than Revenant and riskier to pull off properly, but as you already stated, he gets multiple invulnerability gates.


I would use him more if he was a bit faster to move. He did save my ass a lot though. (any help for making him faster?) Also, Rhino + a heavy hammer is so much ragdoll fun.


Build pls.


You need to make sure that you hit a lot of enemies with the Ironclad Charge. Only use the skill once because it resets if you combo it. Iron Shrapnel is Optional. I just like having it so I can recast Iron Skin. Purple shards is optional too. It's so I don't need to slot in Equilibrium or Synth Fiber to be able to use Health Conversion If done correctly, you should be able to get 2M Iron Skin with just this. I got 8M from the screenshot because I got the STR Relic buff in void fissure. https://preview.redd.it/boj4wn40jy4d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ecb480f67eb580604630111e3f2892270dd0f95


How do you sustain your energy?


For this build you don't really need to. The perfect scenario would be to only ever need to cast Iron Skin once the whole mission, then rely on energy orb drops to maintain Roar uptime. The purple shard is the Equilibrium one and the yellow shard is Energy orb effectiveness. I found that it was more than enough to keep Roar up. If you really need to though, you can swap the Arcane Tanker for Arcane Energize. I only used Arcane Tanker for the extra armor but it's completely optional, I use Unairu for the armor strip but if you're already using a Slash weapon you can also use Zenurik for the energy economy.


Is there any reason in particular you use prime redirection in place of umbral fiber?


Parasitic Armor converts Shields to Armor, with a 300% STR, 1 shield = 3 armor [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Parasitic\_Armor](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Parasitic_Armor) If we compare it, Umbral Fiber will give 130% armor with 2 umbral mods 290 base armor \* (1 + 1.3) = 667 armor But Primed Redirection + Parasitic Armor will give 1554 \* 3.18 = 4941 armor You're going to get close to 7 times more Iron Skin HP than if you use Umbral Fiber. Even if you use 3 umbral mods, parasitic armor will still give more.


Drop the build tutorial please, i just returned after 4 years and this is what my rhino needs


I commented on another guy [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1d9g6mn/comment/l7dfylm/) Honestly it's the Ironclad Charge and Parasitic Armor doing the bulk of the work.




Low damage or low kill count doesn't make you a leech imho. Those numbers in general mean very little anyway. I'd really not mind as long as someone puts in the effort, despite the weaker results.


A leech is a person who takes forever to make it to an elevator during exterminate.


I actually completely disagree with this because rhino causes new players to form bad habits. I had this happen to myself and a couple of others who I introduced to the game. With Rhino giving you nigh invincibility, status immunity and a large gun buff it makes it easier to form bad habits that will hurt later down the line like not learning weapon modding properly, not dodging fire exists waves and laser grids, and just generally struggling to adjust to playing anything other than rhino or another similarly tanky frame due to how much less survivability they have for a new player.


I'd also recommend getting an energy nexus mod as early as possible to. Energy maintenance isn't very fun early on since you don't have many options, constant energy generation is huge


Unless you're buying it, energy nexus drops from albrecht's labs, which is a late game area Not many new players are likely gonna be able to get their hands on one


You can also just go in a clan and ask someone in chat for one. I'm sure there's someone who has a spare or 5


They really should make a broken energy nexus that's accessible early on. You can barely use your kit in low levels. Everything dies easily without abilities but still....


If anyone is new (<5MR) and wants one just dm me, I've got a couple spare.


If anyone needs help running Fossa or getting creds lmk! Happy to carry :)


Ehh i think nezhas better


rhino is fucking peak i have ran him since 2017


You forgot Rhino's value in the Index.


Alternatively Nezha is thinner faster rhino. 1 is a speed boost 2 is a damage amp, 3 is a bunch of DR and extra HP and 4 is panic button. Zephyr also a solid option as well as she can't take damage from ranged attacked with her 3 and tornadoes while a little confusing at first are very strong Both from dojo so no farming for the parts just the mats


Ah, Rhino and Xoris, that did let me punch way more above my weight in the star chart. This is enough to farm almost anything in the game pretty safe


I only have like 20 hours in and I’m at Phobos and the 600 Plastoids is the hardest part so far.


I'd definitely recommend checking out warfrane wiki for good farm sites. I have over 400 hours now and it's saved me big time with farms.


Would recommend it after you get used to warframe main mechanics, survival tactics and how hazards work, rhino could be such a crutch that it may end up harming you in the end, i came back to warframe after a looooong hiatus and started playing with Volt and Octavia, then i built Rhino and wouldn't go back, got to steel path using only Rhino, and by that time the bad habits had already set in, i wanted to try other frames and went back to volt and Octavia, i remember that I could play content and not die, but after getting used to being almost invincible (cue title card) i noticed that i was dying way more than before due to me being way too reckless, not avoiding hazards or abilities just because with Rhino I wouldn't have to, i had to make myself use different frames to get into a different mindset it was worth it but I wouldn't recommend exclusively using Rhino, for me it's literally easy mode.


Yeah, you can get Rhino, if you're BORING!!! All the cool Tenno know the new new player hotness is KULLERVO! TELEPORT! NEVER DIE! KILL THEM ALL! RAIN OF KNIVES! STAB STAB STAB!!! Go do Duviri and get your win the game button!


Kullervo + Wolf Sledge.


In this same vane I urge you to sign up for a clan and get wukong Hugely versatile and lets you cheese through a good portion of the later star chart


Been playing for ~2 weeks and Rhino is an absolute boss. As long as I have energy for Iron Skin, he just...does not die. As an aside, does anyone actually use his charge? I've pretty much stuck to using 2 for armor, 3 for buffs, and 4 for fun if I'm overflowing with energy.


Get his augment for charge and is 4, both are great and will make you want to use those abilities.


I've got a full Rhino BP set I've been saving in case one of my friends gets into WF.


You can't trade basic frame parts, it would have to be the prime.


Thanks for the heads up.


You got it


[ ](http://triggered on: "Newb" #hidden) Hello /u/clothanger and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My first main beyond the starter (Mag) was Oberon. Still by far my most used base frame and like 4th overall (3rd overall being Oberon Prime). Such a shame they changed his acquisition to be such bs to get, definitely not a beginner frame anymore.


3000 hours later and hes still my most used frame lol


I would probably be a rhino main if I had tried him sooner


Recommended someone newish to get Rhino. "I don't like beefy looking frames" Decided to have me help him farm Garuda parts. Now he has to work on standing for a week or two before he can build her.


My friend is recently getting back into Warframe after siblings and friends just sped her first account through the star chart. Naturally, after starting a new account, she wanted to get Rhino. We’re something like 12 runs in and no systems. I guess that’s not that bad, but if you don’t have very much time to play, that quickly becomes a bottleneck. I did finally remember the Circuit though, so maybe we’ll try that if it keeps looking grim.


Addition to the strategy: While the length and amount of direction changes of each pass of the laser changes with the phase of the fight, the length stays consistent in a phase, so except for phase 1 you can anticipate the jump by counting the duration.


Honestly, rhino is the best Warframe you can have that early except the starters, it's also the first tanky frame you get access to


Rhino good, tank smash.


Plus, like 90% of the youtubers builds showing you how OBERON PRIME DOES 1M DAMAGE?!?!? SP VIABLE!! ... They all use something from Rhino. So once you master him, just hang on to him. You'll use him later on. Other frames worth getting that many people don't realize are strong, either to use in the late game or in this other way: 1. Lavos - You get him from the Father in Deimos. Doesn't have a Prime, and is very strong. If you like a certain gun and just need a frame to make that gun stronger, Lavos is a bro. 2. Nekros - Lephantis boss fight (which you will bump into.) Farm him the same way you farm Rhino. One of the best "farming" frames; gives you bonus loot. Also super tanky. And he, too, has an end game use, even after you get his Prime version. 3. Ivara - You might say, "Well, I have to play Spy missions to get her." And you're right. But she is my personal Spy frame because 1 - she can walk through lasers and 2 - If you want to use her for not Spy missions, she is actually one of the strongest gun platforms in the game. 4. Revenant - Bit of a grind, but it's in Cetus. So it's not that, that bad. The easiest "immortal" frame of them all. Really good to have in your back pocket, when you want to push yourself but do it safely. 5. Titania - Requires a bit more work, being a quest reward frame. But you will use her EVERY WEEK for Maroo's ayatan treasure. Built correctly she trivializes it. I think I do the mission every week in about 90 seconds - 2 minutes. And you will need endo FOREVER!!


Rhino is of one of my top favorites frames and soooooo user friendly....even as what I know Wukung is user friendly, but I find that frame BORING. The stomp is just icin the cake for me. I know this is early to say to keep up spamming the 4th I swapped out 1 Charge to Grendels Nourish...I don't feel the nerf and just works for me. To new players it is called the Helminth system, don't worry about when you are still new you will get it eventually by just playing the game.


Ivara main here…my Rhino is my best friend. Currently doing the circuit and man he just doesn’t stop


My first built warframe was hydroid. He has become my favorite to play.


Years ago I was given this advice as a noob. He was my second warframe ever. His prime is still my main.


Would have been nice to have known. My second frame after Excalibur was Limbo.


Oof... i'm sorry for you.


Counterpoint: he kinda ugly ngl


Noooo I like my sevagoth


For me Rhino was rather unappealing when I played. I didnt like his look (pre rhino beetle skin) and I didn't like how he played, (I had nuke everything and use a shield Volt and Kick ass cool sword Excalibur, why did I want dirty Rhino even if he never died and his guns did a little more damage cause of roar. However now that I got him looking cooler I've found him a lot more fun to play. I actually can't wait to get all my subsumes done so I can add nourish and or maybe thermal sunder (his stomp seems somewhat good) Long story short, Rhino is a good frame and worth using. Especially if you are playing with a team. Just keep that roar up and stick with your team theyll appreciate the bonus damage


Been working with a "no duration" strength/efficiency build using Fractured Blast. It's been really reliable in Deep Archimedea


What does a "No Duration" build look like?


I think I have 24% duration or some such? In Deep Archimedea that goes down to, like, 6% after the 75% Duration reduction. Gameplay is spamming shield every time it pops and occasionally throwing out fractures to keep the energy orbs spawned. In the end you really only need 1 to get both off.


I agree and disagree, sure Rhino will carry your earlygame (and he's effective even up to early sp in my experience) but goddamn he's as boring and basic as a warframe can be. To each their own and some people might enjoy Rhino down to earth gameplay but if someone is looking for an earlygame frame that will carry them on top of being a bit more dynamic i would suggest either wukong or kullervo Also don't forget Nezha who is often considered a better rhino


Counter point don’t run rhino or revenant at the start. Many of my friends and guys who are under 10 Mr sometimes get locked into the the immortality mentality and don’t experience the other frames. For example many new guys play mag and like 10secs after playing saying she is squishy I don’t want to play her and go back to rhino. I don’t mean to say don’t play rhino at all he is an amazing frame but there are like close to 60 frames in the game play everything as new player play all the starter frames. Volt, Mag, Rhino, Nova, Wukong, Zephyr, Nezha. These are all frame that can be crafted quite early you might find something you like in them and experience different playstyles


Also unless they fixed it: Stomp also stuns Overguarded enemies as well, although they won't fly into the air. Cuz like, why not apparently.


Rhino Prime coming July 20th too.


Rank 34 Rhino Prime main here; I've mained him since the start. All I use are 2 and 4; I have so much Strength that Roar is useless as I wiped out my Duration to do so, to the point where the buff basically ends when the animation does. You're almost invincible and a glorious gold; what's not to love?


Do not get rhino if you're new, it is going to make the game so fucking boring. Like rhinos design is esp boring but for where you guys are playing he removes any enjoyment from the game. They need to change where he drops because I know so many people who quit the game from boredom cause they built rhino


As a MR21 who still uses Rhino in 95% of the content I do, I approve this guide. If there are any Tenno out there in this situation that need help farming/building him, I'm happy to help.


Rhino enjoyers seems like a cult


People with a job go buy volruna


Honestly..... my advice is different than the advice you're giving here. However, if people like this, I won't argue with them!


I know there are better frames but for a new player in terms of time to play I can't think of a frame better than Rhino. He is very low effort to get and is very strong. A new player can learn to play, without going deep into a grind. What do you think is better for a new player specifically? No hate, genuine question.


I know he is weirdly gatekept but with Inaros the only thing you really gotta remember is look at your healthbar once in a while, his new kit is absolutely incredible, has armor strip, CC, a pull ability, he is also a mini-Saryn, and all you gotta build on him is more health and armor


Can you explain the mini saryn thing a bit more? I love saryn and was looking at building inaros since his rework and that made me more interested.


It's just that his 4th ability can actually clean out enemies by itself on lower levels, not to be relied on, but nice for enemies that are stuck in weird locations


>He is very low effort to get I think he might be the easiest to get. I'd have to re-look at the resources needed for dojo frames and nyx. >is very strong He is very strong for just starting out. >A new player can learn to play, without going deep into a grind. This is the part I'll disagree with you on. From helping players over the years, the ones that seem to have the most difficulty getting to harder content / learning to mod are the ones that started with Rhino. My anecdotal evidence isn't gospel. There are plenty of Rhino users who had no issues with learning harder content / learning to mod. There are plenty of non-Rhino users who had issues with learning harder content / learning to mod. However, from my experiences, the ones that need more help later on are the ones that read a simple guide like this, and just use Rhino to start out with as he's easier. Using OP's guide- "mods: *just throw in the basic Warframe mods lol, it's that simple*". As a frame that allows players to just focus on button mashing melee or even gun gameplay? Rhino's fantastic. There is something to be said though, when learning how to mod Excal, Volt, or Mag; learning to mod survival wise that quality of mod > quantity of mod; learning to work with their inherit energy deficiencies; or learning positioning and movement for better survival. There's nothing inherently wrong with playing Rhino, or his gameplay loop. I just don't recommend a singular frame as the go to frame for newbies. >What do you think is better for a new player specifically?  I generally don't have a specific frame in mind for new players, as I don't think there's a must have frame for newbies. Just like I don't think it matters which of the three frames you start with, I think all three can be really good. I generally try to ask people what their playstyle is, give them a few frame options, and try to give them a description of each so they can make a more informed decision. I do try to warn of pitfalls - "This frame is near endgame so you probably won't want to go for it first; this frame takes a lot of extra forma / mods to fully build out. if you're looking for budget you might not want to start here." - that kind of thing. I've recommended Rhino to newbies in the past who say they really like playing a tank. I think my overall point isn't that, "Rhino is a newb trap, no one should start with him." My point is, "There isn't a singular frame every newb should work to next."


Yeah I fully agree with you. Fair points to be made. I think it comes down to information overload for new players. If you give them something more simple they are more likely to want to learn the game. Obviously there are exceptions to this too especially in this community. This isn't a point against you but a point for people who 'just throw in basic warframe mods' that is the wrong way of teaching. You can definitely make Rhino more effective by modding properly. If you do mod properly then you can learn how to mod effectively on other frames.




Rhino is cool but I personally preferred Ember and used her for such a long time until I switch to Revenant Prime.


>and most importantly: *veterans are more than happy when an affinity leeching Rhino keeps his Roar up for the whole team* Unless you're only casting Roar an leeching, and not attacking any enemies. This a squad. If we all decide to cast our one buff then stand doing nothing, nobody will be killing any enemies. I don't care if your weapons are MR fodder, but I expect you to actually play the game. Otherwise I won't either.


i don't know, if it's a baby rhino with shit weapons that do nothing more than tickle the enemies i'm not gonna get all in a huff and insist they shoot things for literally no effect if i'm already able to solo the mission. it's different if it's someone actually capable of contributing beyond keeping up roar, though.


I'd rather carry someone with no buffs to give who's actually playing the game, rather than someone who presses the buff button once in a while and calls it a day. It's going to be pretty far into the late game before I need an ally's buff anyway. In fact, if you're playing a mission where you might encounter baby Rhinos, Mags, Excaliburs, et cetera, the courteous thing to do is for you, the veteran, to bring a frame that can buff that baby's shitty weapons through the roof. Give them a chance to play the game rather than make them sit in a corner for 5-20 minutes.


yes, sure, all of that would be preferable, but i'm not gonna stop playing the game if a low level player i'm with decides that pointlessly shooting stuff is, in fact, pointless


Which is why I aim to make it not pointless, yeah. If shooting is no longer pointless, but you still won't shoot, that's something you can be reported for.


Updated Mirage is a better dps and available from quest ^(*and way more fashionable*)


But she's also not just freely invincible


Idk bro ... Although it's on duration, a 90% de for 30% strength is still really good, and makes regular content trivial not accounting for the extra dps Mirage has compared to Rhino with her 1. Also you didn't talk about the fact that *she's just prettier*


While true, new player experience generally equates to basically no energy reserves. Rhino is one cast for a whole mission worth of armor while Mirage has to recast repeatedly.


Well, that's actually fair and I forgot about that.