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I really want a proper plant frame. Best we got is a couple skins.


A true Groot frame would be awesome but we'd know it wouldn't be useful because of CC being a dead meme.


Nidus technically fills the 'root' and 'raw nature' style in a grotesque, monstrous way.


He is the "flesh" frame more than actual plant frame


the only nature frame we have is Oberon and Titania. sad




she's more about space, dimensions and portals


Hackerframe Spiderframe Puppeteerframe


Hijacking this comment because of “Puppeteerframe” We have the tech for Corpus and Grineer gameplay. Just imagine a Ghost / Puppeteer / Mind control frame that let you take over an enemy and play as them. It would have to buff them in some meaningful way to make it not feel too slow in a normal mission. Give them some movement and a bit more survivability. Possibly apply your mod configs to their weapons or buff them based on power strength. I just think it would be really cool to be popping into and out of enemy faction units. Would make spy really interesting. And crossfire/invasions even more interesting.


>Mind control frame Poor forgotten Nyx


I think there’s room for both NPC mind control frames like Nyx, Xaku, and Nekros, and a new frame where you actually play as the unit being controlled.


Nyx rework just got leaked


Is khora not vaguely….spider-esque?


nah, she's definitely a dominatrix beast-master


She is dominatrix definitely but I believe it was mentioned that one of her inspirations were spiders and spider webbing


that was one of the things i recall complaining about when first getting back into the game. that khora really should be 2 different frames. the beastmaster frame and the spider frame.


one whose 3 of her abilities are variations of robe/string , if she could snatch rip line marvel would sue , has a unique cosmetic that gives her 4 vestigial limbs , has web reminiscent patterns all over , spider dominatrix being practically a stereotype khora is a greek spider dominatrix who has a pet tiger


I want a spider frame that has more legs and can walk on walls and ceilings and hold to them for as long as they want


I want a spider-frame that can eat people


Grendel with more legs?


Grendel with more legs, more venom and liquefying people from the insides.


It could work like Inaros' ability You spit web on the enemy which first slows the enemy before stopping them completely, all while giving the enemy toxic and/or viral status for as long as they are in the web And if the web holds them for long enough you can press X and devour the enemy like a mercy kill


\> can walk on walls and ceilings and hold to them for as long as they want Loki passive it if didnt suck


Yeah, she definitely has spider themes.


Munitions frame. Death via overwhelming rate of fire. Could have an exalted arch gun that is a huge chaingun. Basically just MORE DAKKA as a frame.


YES, this is what I want if we get a nechramech frame, fuck being a weapons platform by just buffing our guns give me MORE GUNS. GIVE ME MORTARS, GIVE ME AN EXALTED ARCHGUN, GIVE ME AN ULT WHERE WE FIRE EVERYTHING AT ONCE. the only frame that gives me this high is xaku but they can feel boring as shit sometimes. Been working on a fan frame in the bg for years now i just need to get art at this point


valaxarian and I made this. u/Valaxarian Heavy Weapons G̶u̶y̶ Frame - named Krieg. Looks like a hybrid of Grineer and Tenno technologies; big, bulky with a lot of pipes and cables and with visible armor plates and leather straps (like Graxx skins). Prioritizes health and armor over the shields. He has his own moddable weapons, so he doesn't have to equip them in the Arsenal (like Garuda and her claws). Two heavy pistols (or long ranged shotguns) hidden in his [forearms](https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cyberpunk-edgerunners-maine-projectile-launch-system.jpg?resize=640%2C360) as secondary weapons (think of them like Aklex but **much** stronger A rocket launcher on one of the [shoulders](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/xIVBNs97dq) as a primary weapon (think of it like a small, burst-fire Kuva Ogris) EDIT: Abilities like the ones below by u/TheGoldenPlagueMask Passive: "Reactive Armor" - When you wield a gun, all projectile damage received from the front is negated. Ability 1: "Grenade Bundle" - 3 types of grenades to choose from, one breaks armor, one negates shields, and one is napalm with fire damage (such as Kahl has). Affected by strength and range. Ability 2: "Scattering Rounds" - For a certain amount of time, all firearms gain +100% multishot and +50% critical hit chance. Affected by strength and duration. Ability 3: "Ammunition Galore" - For a certain period of time, all firearms cost no ammunition, gain +50% fire rate, semi-auto weapons become fully automatic. (Unfortunately, Ogris and other weapons with large AoE are not compatible. *insert DE balance reasons here*). Affected by strength and duration Ability 4: "Demolitron" (name WIP) - an Exalted Mech equipped with the "Godfather of Weapons," a super heavy Gatling gun. It fills the air with a violent storm of projectiles. Firing in a wide cone, with a continuous stream of 20 multishot, 20 rounds per second and a super-large ammopack on the mech's back, the ammunition would be 4,000 rounds. Both the gun and mech are moddable. Damage affected by Krieg's strength mods. Valaxarian has been updating it, and will be here shortly with a more updated version.


Heavy Weapons Frame - Krieg. Looks like a hybrid of Grineer and Tenno technologies; big, bulky with a lot of pipes / cables, leather straps and heavy armor plates (like Graxx skins). Prioritizes health and armor over the shields. Health: 750 (1500 at Rank 30) Shields: 50 (150 at Rank 30) Armor: 850 Energy: 200 (300 at Rank 30) Sprint Speed: 0.8 He has his own moddable weapons, so he doesn't have to equip them in the Arsenal (like Garuda and her claws). ***Secondary: Two long-ranged semiautomatic shotguns hidden in his*** [forearms](https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cyberpunk-edgerunners-maine-projectile-launch-system.jpg?resize=640%2C360). Weapon stats: Accuracy: 20.0 Magazine size: 12 (6 per arm) Maximum ammo: 36 Fire rate: 3.25 rounds/sec Reload speed: 2.0s Punch Through: 0.5 Damage falloff: 30.0 m (100%) - 50.0 m (10.0%) Spread: 5.00° (2.00° min, 8.00° max) Multishot: 8 Critical chance: 20.00% Critical damage: 2.2x Status chance: 30.00% Total damage: 320 (40 per pellet. 10 impact, 20 puncture, 10 slash) ***Primary: A deployable grenade launcher on his left*** [shoulder](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/xIVBNs97dq), (think of it like burst-fire Kuva Tonkor) Weapon stats: Accuracy: 100.0 Magazine size: 8 Maximum ammo: 32 Trigger type: Burst Fire rate: 1.5 attacks/sec Shots per burst: 2 Reload speed: 3.5s Critical chance: 35.00% Critical damage: 2.5x Status chance: 20.00% GRENADE IMPACT - Total damage: 50 (100% impact) GRENADE EXPLOSION - Total damage: 600 (150 puncture, 200 slash, 250 explosive) 5m AOE Abilities: (all on lvl.3) Passive: "Reactive Armor" - When you wield a firearm, all projectile damage received from the front is reduced by 90%. Ability 1: "Grenade Bundle" - 3 types of grenades to choose from, one breaks armor, one negates shields, and one is napalm with fire damage (such as Kahl has). Affected by strength and range. Ability 2: "Scatter Rounds" - For a certain amount of time, all firearms gain +100% multishot and +50% critical hit chance. Affected by strength and duration. Ability 3: "Ammunition Galore" - For a certain period of time, all firearms cost no ammunition, gain +50% fire rate, semi-auto weapons become fully automatic. (Unfortunately, Ogris and other weapons with large AoE are not compatible. *insert DE balance reasons here*). Affected by strength and duration Ability 4: "Zerstörer" - Krieg deploys his own experimental Necramech equipped with the Akvulkan - two huge rotary autocannons replacing both mech's entire arms (think of them like heavily buffed up Imperator mixed with Mausolon). Akvulkan uses archgun mods, Mech uses Krieg's mods. Weapon stats: Accuracy: 60.0 Magazine size: 4200 (2100 per autocannon) Fire rate: 35 rounds/sec Spread: 15° Punch Through: 2.5 Critical chance: 30.00% Critical damage: 2.5x Status chance: 30.00% Total damage: 60 (20.0 IPS) Shots explode in a 2.5 meter radius on impact with a surface or enemy dealing 50 Explosive damage


Because sevagoth wasn’t enough of a forma sink.


Frame and three guns. Welp, at least his ult form uses the frame's mods


***BAH*** Just make the guns fully set with a preset of 5 omni-forma In each weapon.


We let bro cook for a reason


Passive: "Reactive Armor" - Increase damage reduction when firing weapons (50-90% ramping up as you fire). After expending X amount of ammo build up charges, base 6-10 charges scaling with strength. When you are hit by a Status effect cleanse all status and become immune for 2-5 seconds dealing blast damage in a cone directed at the source of the attack (use scaling formula for Vaubaun's Flechette Orb)


Is Krieg a reference to the German word for war, or borderlands?


The first one


This is what we call a gundam. And yes we need a gundam frame.


Build a Warframe out of Grakatas.


what I wish hildryn was


gauss with the trumna


Not really


Sounds like the Gundam Heavyarms


Gundam Heavy Arms Custom as a Warframe would be perfext


Isn't MORE DAKKA basically half of what Gauss does as a frame?


Imagine a chunky techy Transformer looking Warframe with shoulder guns and arm cannons and shit


I want prehistoric Warframes after 1999. With a whole new Earth tile set that puts us in a corrupted prehistoric Earth. Imagine post 1999 we get a clan event where both Worms and Parvos are fighting to raid Albrecht's lab to access his time machine and as sabotage, Loud sets the machine to the Jurassic period and destroys the control panels, so now we half to fight Kuva Grineer, Parvos Corpus, and the encroaching Murmur all amidst the wild carnage of the Jurassic age? Kuva T-Rex? Tenet Triceratops? Murmur Raptor swarm? I don't know, but the child in me find the concept so fuckin cool.


Triceratops is wildly uncharacteristic for Warframe. Best I can do is an Akceratops.


Well if you're gonna do that can you at least throw in an ankylosaurus?


Vikings. We have the gun-slinger cowgirl frame, the davy jones/pirate frame, the ninja frame, the Spartan hoplite frame...seems like vikings are one of the few popular warrior/hero aesthetics that hasn't been done. I guess Valkyr kind of fits thematically (name, berserker kind of playstyle) but the aesthetic isn't really there.


Hildryn's whole deal is shield-maiden/valkyrie




Beloved shield maiden


People have mentioned Hildryn but Revenant has his Draugen Skin.


That's a tennogen skin though


Revenant is a priest though


Frost Harka


Druid frame Not planty frame, like oberon i want a full on "i can change froms and will eat your face with them" frame




How in the world is she a druid


Valkyr is a berserker if anything i want the frames form to literally change


Digital Frame. Closest we got is Octavia. But we have all these Cephalons and tech and hacking and theres no like "tech/data" frame. I once had a fan concept of like a Data Ghost frame that could manipulate the various security terminals on maps (and ofc deploy their own in cases of open maps) But then we got Wisp and then Xaku and Dagath so the idea of a floaty "Ghost" frame is kinda taken. But I stand by the idea we need like a "Data/Digital" tech themed Frame.


Sombra the Warframe haha


We need a cooking mama frame.  ...  And a tooth fairy


the closest thing we got is lavos and titania lol


"Goddamit Lavos! Stop putting Ghost Peppers in everything you cook!" 'No.'


Lavos we are making Spaghetti hot the hell did you make a philosopher stone




Vauban Citadel skin


I wouldn't consider skins, that said, normal vauban is steampunk


Vauban's kit revolves around him using futuristic technology as mines and grenades. He is absolutely not steampunk


Bros face is a train, mines and grenades existed during steampunk times, and the steampunk theme isn't tied to technology per say more just the look of something.


Vaguely looking like a train is not enough to be steampunk. >existed during steampunk times Do you think steampunk is a time period that happened And technology is actually a huge part of steampunk. That's what the steam part of steampunk is. It's all about retrofuturism


Yeah pretty much agreed on both points but I had to say it


Gyre feels very that. 


For sure. Gyre is the closest to a steampunk vibe for me.


Probably a legion frame, I.e. a frame made out a swarm of something kinda like balor from lancer the ttrpg(yes I know warframes are made from an infestation infected person, to which the infestation is nanites).


It could work like xaku where the frame is a skeleton surrounded by a nanite swarm.


The Hive warframe was a top 10 selection for the community based warframe that ended up being xaku, the broken warframe


I guess we \*kind of\* get this with Voruna? One Warframe made up of 3 or 4 separate entities which each have their own aspect.


The fact that we have the ventkids and we don't have a Graffiti/JSRF type frame feels criminal. I do however have a few more types of frames I'd want: T-Rex/Raptor- I imagine something of a combination between Grendel's glutton, Garuda's bloodlust, and Voruna's feral, but also maintaining that kingly Visage. Maybe give em a passive that gives him a strength or damage when low on hp Bugs- Titania is cool and all but I'd love more queen bees or queen ant frames. Take Vespiquen from pokemon, having signature moves attack order and defense order. Give em an ability like honey gatherer where it saps health from enemies and give em to the queen Totem- me and a friend brainstormed a Tribal/Native American frame with a bird, a bear, and a bull with different effects that boost damage types when allies stand by them


A bear and a bull?!?


Ye I mean, no such thing exist in warframe lore as of yet but maybe a new open world area or a overhaul to the plains of eidolon




I like the totem idea. Gives me Shaman vibes from WoW, but I would see them having difficulties separating the functions from Wisp. Would still be very fun to see though!


I want a snakeframe so badly, and no Lavos doesn't count. Something with scales and fangs and venom, would be awesome.


Saryn is based on a snake. Do you mean like a lamia?


A Lamia would be siiiick!


A Monster frame, like a truly monstrous frame, Grendel eating people don't count, he's sumo. A Phoenix warframe A Death knight style warframe A royal warframe(like a king/queen/prince) Wendigo warframe would be cool Superhero warframe A wind warframe(cloud Walker don't count) A joker warframe(like a wildcard frame) A steel warframe Concept of Love warframe


The disrespect to Zephyr and Mirage lmao


I'll give you Zephyr, but not mirage, she has nothing to do with being a joker and playing tricks beyond a mirage, which feels odd for a joker, I don't include skins.


Fair, i was thinking of all her joker themed skins when I said Mirage haha


What does a Royal warframe entail and why don't Oberon, Titania, and Caliban count? I'm also struggling to visualise how a Superhero warframe would be different from what we currently have. Yareli technically fits this bill already according so some definitions.


Yareli is more of an idol pop star/scater girl themed, Oberon and titania are king and queens, your correct on that part however, their theme is based around paladins and fae/fairies respectively. I'll give you Caliban tho, pretty sure he's a king.


Yeah but Yareli is technically a superhero to the vent kids, and the people of mars probably think of Inaros as a superhero god too. What I'm trying to say is that the meaning of superhero is very loose, and technically all warframes could count as one to some degree.


> Concept of Love warframe Nezha/Yareli


Nezha is based on well... Nezha, who is not a God of love whatsoever. Yareli is based around an idol/scater girl.


Wait, you weren’t making a Jat Set Radio / Ollie King reference with that one?


>A Monster frame, like a truly monstrous frame, Grendel eating people don't count, he's sumo. I'd been hoping we'd get something like that from Voruna until they revealed she wasn't *werewolf* themed but was instead *wolf pack* themed.


I still wish we got this instead of current voruna https://preview.redd.it/gmg5cfm34k5d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0844d732c7256b990a8b45d434876d40a45d655c




A true beastly transformation


A Druid frame that turns into a creature similar to a werebear


A dinosaur Warframe where the 4th ability turns them into an exalted T-Rex with it own 1st, second and 3rd ability (4th obviously switches out of T-Rex).


So Sevagoth but *even cooler!?*




Mad Max apocalyptic. Like Xaku but more metal.


Idk if the derelict counts as “ruins of a colony ship” or if you’re talking about the ghost Zariman, but the derelict was easily my favorite thing when it was a thing. I don’t like that they use the same tiles for Deimos missions, but I can’t complain too much I guess, the game’s fire either way. Orks? Elves? Idk man I want more 40k type stuff. We have the eldritch “wall of truth” warp fuckery, just slap some fuckin true weirdos in there too. Leave out the druhkari, though, for the love of anything you want, leave them out. Edit: leave out Slaanesh too, so people can continue to enjoy a game from Canada.


Bold of you to assume Slaanesh hasn't already taken the minds of this playerbase.


I know we got Dagath as the headless rider kinda deal. But I still want a dullahan inspired frame where their loose head flies around like a sentinel. Like Khora has an extra pet with Venari.


A lion frame. I think we are in desperate need of a lion themed frame. No I don't mean Valkyr. Also a smith/forge frame


More Orokin/Entrati ribes for our spoiler bois. I would love to make my drifter look like an actual Orokin and the Entrati style is my favorite aesthetic in the game. I mean just look at the Necralisk and iso vaults. They are fucking amazeballs desoite them being infestes.


Spider frame please 😭 we already have the ephemera


Tacticoolframe. I'm talking Rob Liefeld levels of pouchery.


As far as I know the only Enemy-faction Warframes we have are Caliban, Revenant, Nidus, and technically Protea. I’m genuinely surprised there hasn’t been any Frames explicitly influenced by Grineer or Corpus engineering. Give me a Mad Max Frame with comically large Armor or some real Cyborg shit with lasers and rockets like crazy.


A spider themed frame, but not too spidery for the people with arachnophobia. It could be something like bonuses while wall latched, and ivara esque lines that snag enemies, mark them for extra damage, or damage them as they walk through them like a laser web. Idk Maybe have an an exalted dual daggers that gives you invis while wall latched or in your webs Maybe have the ability to detonate your webs for fire/explosive procs because spider webs are extremely flammable for some reason Maybe have something like a teleport finisher that gives extra drops on kill The ideas are kind of all over the place for it, but im not a dev and its not like theyd ever say "wow, this kit is perfect! Random redditor, youre so right,!we will make this asap, no notes, no changes" I just want spider frame :c


OHHHH spider frame!!!!


I think an ice skater frame would be really cool. She could be the female counterpart to frost. Or a gold frame who could control liquid gold and petrify enemies in gold. It could probably have some lore connections to the orokin. My weirdest idea was a haunted wooden puppet warframe who could summon tree roots to ensnare and drain health from enemies and can puppeteer them with strings.


A gold frame would be realy neat imo, a sort of king midas deal. Hell a passive where melee attacks have a chance to petrify attackers in gold would be unique.


Centaur Knight/Paladin with a big ol' shield and lance. I want to flatten enemies into walls by charging into them with my comically oversized shield and G I R T H.


* [Darkknight](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/044/480/149/large/jose-augusto-oliveira-branco-render-capa-01.jpg) warframe (maybe a "fallen" version of Excalibur) * Actual wolf warframe and not the dragon-tiger-furry abomination that is Voruna (not that she wouldn't look good and is extremely good).


Revenant technically fits the 'fallen' frame vibe, he has been afflicted by the Eidolon waters of the Plains and thus wields distorted, 'unholy/undead' Sentient power.


A 'fallen' version of Excalibur kinda already exists...


hr gigerian style stuff but i might be forgetting or havent seen it if it exists


Transformer like warframe, idk, would seem cool, how about bigger juggernaut frames? Like, something thats 2x as big and can only bring to limited tilesets/space/open worlds, just, BIG FELLAS, ya know? Probably would need some plot device for it to make sense lore wise tho.


Necramechs kinda fill that role, we just need them to transform


Necramechs are WAY smaller than transformers though :( I probably worded it wrong (tired rn) but closer to railjack sized war machines, to go against sentients directly in the Tau system after wally is dealt with or with wally directly. I know, asking for a lot, it'd be pretty cool tho :D


Ah, okay Transformers come in a range of sizes But a giant mech fighting something like an Eidlon. Mech vs Kaiju, Warframe style. Or verses the MITW directly Could be awesome


NecraVessels, basically?


Yyyeeeaaahh :D


I always had this concept of an Osteomancy/Bonebending warframe that could basically sacrifice health and armor for offense, kill non robotic enemies and steal their bones to replenish them, getting some sort of bone armor like Nidus' design evolving with stacks, hell maybe even getting giant bone legs to move on lime doctor octopus. Just something completely horrifying Imagine getting your fuckimg bones ripped out of you or manipulated to tear into your flesh from the inside. Your mouth, eyes, and everything in your head just sloshing together as you lose your skull before being impaled by a giant bonecicle It would also be cool if they had projectiles they could throw out and then *pull them back* later for extra damage on the way back, like Xayah from League


Lava frame?


Telekinesis type frame that can create forcefields, lift enemies, force push someone just as example Maybe more frames that are like vauban that manipulate technology or something Digital like in infamous second son and more


A bunny frame


explosions, like imagine if Elytron was a warframe and also good


I'm really surprised we haven't had a gravity themed frame.


The closest we have to a 'cult' style is Narmer, and they're more escapists than what you really think of for a cult. For a game so heavily lore'd into 'The Void' I really would've expected a serious religious cult by now, like Void Fanatics or something. But the closest we get is the so-called 'Temple' of Profit, which is just more Corpus BS to get money rather than a real religion on their parts. Also, we don't really have a 'Barbarian' style Warframe. I mean, the stereotypical 'I have no defenses just damage' thing won't really work in Warframe, but the Axe-and-Fur, melee focused rage style really would fit into Warframe. We already have a ton of upkeep on kill skills, so it's not like it'd be news, really.


Okay there used to be a cult and the meteor that atlas punched was actually sent by that cult if i remember specifically


Spider & Plant Frame


**Railjack 'frame** - there are a couple that we get only by completing railjack and one or two that are Void-themed, but nothing yet about the actual game mode/ships. **"Blast" element** - I think we have a 'frame themed about each of the others, although maybe Corrosion is debatable as Hydroid's uses it but it isn't his "theme". Still, I don't think we have anyone who inflicts inherent blast procs or damage as their gimmick. **"Radiation"** theme - Similar to the above; Oberon uses it consistently, but radiation isn't specifically his theme. A 'frame whose whole thing is being radioactive and dangerous to even stand around would be cool. **Primary Weapon** theme - Mesa's theme is using sidearms and several frames (Valkyr, Wukong, Excalibur) spawn melee weapons, but the only one who creates a Primary weapon is Ivara who is bow specific. A 'frame about using a shotgun, rifle, or other 'big weapon' would be interesting. **Gravity** theme - Nova almost touches upon it but hers is more 'antimatter' in particular or 'physics' in general. **Light and/or Darkness** theme - Mirage uses light and holograms but her theme is more like harlequin or trickery. Equinox is more night/day themed. You could combine the two, or have two warframes about one, each.


Isn't Qorvex the radiation frame? I thought his concept was a mix between concrete and nuclear reactors.


That's probably fair. To be honest, I thought of him ONLY as the "Concrete" warframe and forgot what his powers do. Even so, I think the idea of a Warframe that is ACTIVELY radioactive so that they were glowing, or maybe they strip armour within x meters as their passive or something, would still be interesting.Kind of in the same way that Volt is the "lightning' Warframe but Gyre is the 'Electricity' Warframe?


Honestly like a real vampire/bat themed warframe. Revenant is hardly a vampire I don't count him


Gunsmith frame who is part gun. The funniest concept I've got is a gunsmith whose head can morph into a gun


A high tech grineer and a militaristic corpus


Just saw a great concept for "prime" qorvex with entrati design, with the gold plates like Voidrig and necraloid. Amazing idea for the Necramech warframe


I've always wanted a 4 armed melee Warframe that can fire a gun/reload and swing melee at the same time.


Urban warfare


how about a cloud/rain rainbow laser frame or a rubiks cube frame or a bug/centipede or mantis frame or a transformer motorcycle frame or a paper/origami frame


Lovecraftian eldritch horror




Wouldn't you count Ivara as an Archer Frame? Her whole thing revolves around arrows and being sneaky?


I agree to most but I'm just going to name the ones we already have: Wind Frame: Zephyr Solar Frame: Ember is fire but Wisps 4 does draw from the sun itself. Void Frame: Xaku The others are cool suggestions I'd like to see :)


Ivara is pretty archer-themed, like you could argue she's huntress-themed but that's a pretty find distinction. She has an exalted bow and her abilities revolve around arrows too, plus natural synergy with bows thanks to her stealth. Also there are some crossbows in the game, the Attica, Zhuge, and Nagantaka all exist and are pretty fun.


I would like some more cyber wear skins or “realistic military “ skins or attachments like the pouches we got with the Tenno con pack