• By -


Protea, Citrine, Xaku Honorary Vauban as my long time main, but lately not so much.


Wow - I'm surprised to see none of the classics here. Nothing wrong with it...just, interesting


I've been playing on and off since open beta and I dont follow meta, so that might be the reason. I still use other frames if they fit mission or my mood better, but these are my top picks for anything. Gauss is great for open world and any mission where I need to be fast (capture, exterminate). Wukong for Spy missions. I never liked him otherwise. Wisp for hardcore support, but I feel like the game is quite far from the times, where we needed hardcore support. I used to EV Trin main back then.


I agree with this! I used to main EV Trinity before, and now I barely see anyone play her.


Is vauban not a classic?


You upgraded from Gadget Boi Frame to Gadget Gal Frame!


Yep, general feel was very similar.


Yareli, Nova, and Mag Yareli is pretty, tanky, stronk, easy to use, and lets you skateboard everywhere. 12/10 Nova is pretty, cute, priming enemies makes them so easy to kill, and she has portals! 7/10 I die a lot cuz i'm bad Mag is pretty and the strongest murder queen in all the world. 10/10


Build for Duration on Nova, slap in Molecular Fission and replace her 2 with Gloom and she's practically invincible once you can keep her Null Stars up. Just make sure to not bring her in Defense.


When bringing her into a Defense, pray to Wally nobody brought Power Donation or Growing Power. Bring Power Donation yourself as the aura, no other strength mods. With 70% strength, the speed multiplier on enemies is 1x, so their original speed.


Good luck when Jade is released. Her kit allows to give Ability Strength, and I probably boost that and use Power Donation on top of her (as well as Growing Power). We speak of ≈80 Ability Strength to the whole team.


You can bring her to defense, she’s actually quite good at it. The problem is a small section of the community doesn’t like to run around and kill the slowed enemies.


Slowva is great on defense where it's hard to keep the target alive. But since 99% of defense missions barring EDA's dreaded mirror defense have enemies which most of the time don't one shot the defense target, Speedva is generally better for defense.


I had an idea for a build that uses slightly negative strength to speed the enemies up for the first few rounds, but with molt augmented to bring me back up to positive strength in slightly later rounds. Thought it would be fun


I also recommend trying out something like Molt Vigor so that you can switch between Speedva and Slowva at will without the kills requirement.


Molt vigor and empowering wellspring would be a cool way to do this, but would require the set up every time I want to go slow. Once I'm at the point in a mission where I want slow I kinda want it every time I feel like


Isn't mirror defense on a timer? Can afk for the entire thing really


Pillage is my go-to on Nova. It's practically made for her because area scales with duration just like MP. The main benefit on her though, is that it gives you full overshields, and her shields have that 50% DR inherent to shields while her armor provides only 31% to her health. Quick Thinking and Flow is the most EHP you can give her but that's a meme build for when you're feeling especially lazy. Silence is underrated in general, but especially so on speedva. I use it in netracells while running to the computers and don't find any other survivability to be necessary past Molecular Fission and adaptation.


Just bring a speedva on defence and be praised


Same, Yareli is my chill frame, fast mobility, I often use it with occucor for effortless killing, and is really thought so not getting killed unless in circuit


I miss old mag. She was the ultimate corpus killer. The stronger they got, the stronger she was. I love current mag but i just wish polarize still worked how it used to on shield enemies.


It’s so hard to pick favorites, but probably Baruuk, Grendel, Gauss


HILDRYN Hildryn and Hildryn prime. Ofc jk my real top three are prob hildryn, gauss and revenant


Commented same. I scroll and see this. Hildryn love is a full on commitment lol


Kullervo Baruuk previous main Dante Yeah im a chump because i like feeling god like But there aint nothing like having that 900% + a 100 from the weapon - ish crit on melee and seeing glaive prime red crits. I just perfected my non riven torid incarnon build, laetum and glaive with rivens. That just feels nasty with 5 purple TAU at an almost constant 600 energy


Kullervo Baruuk Gauss for me. As a Kullervo main who uses him for literally everything, let me recommend you "Corufell". Nothing more satisfying than teleporting right to the face of an enemy just to blast it with a 75mm hand cannon.


Oh yeah i forgot about gauss. I guess he would be 3rd instead of dante and danthe 4th or a draw with him. Am i tripping or is the glaive throw speed almost the same for a charged gauss or kullervo with the faster charge speed I still want to farm another kullervo so i can subsume him and try out his 1st on baruuk. Would that work with his exalted weapon?


My top 3 changes from time to time but currently it's Xaku, Mag and Protea. They're comfortable to use, easy to survive with and can delete entire rooms in seconds. Not to mention, their abilities are really cool.


Styanax Gauss and honestly I don't have a third yet Many many frames occupy that spot Styanax is just an amazing one man army/ team support while also still keeping me fighting And gauss is just gauss


Rhino, Heavy boy Qorvex, Stone microwave goes bzzz Excalibur, My OG


Gauss prime, rev prime, wisp prime I like goin fast  I like not dying I like ass


And those 3 qualities are already in wisp's arsenal


probably why she makes the list!


Lavos, Citrine and most recently Zephyr Lavos is my main, my comfort frame, and I love taking him all over the starchart. If you know how to spread status effects, you can use Lavos to pretty much nuke everything in your sight. He also makes the energy reduction missions a joke, since he, in fact, does not have any energy - just cooldowns, that you can easily manage if you know how to. Citrine is that tanky frame that also can apply so much status and deal tons of damage. I take her for missions where I need to survive for longer times, including Netracells, and if the modifiers allow it - Deep Archimedea. She pairs great with Lavos, since she can spread so many status effects with her 3rd ability. My only wish is that DE added some skins for her... Zephyr I used to play with back when her prime came out, but has faded into obscurity for some time. I gave her a second chance by finding some good fashion for her, which was an excuse to give her a proper build. Now I use her for endless missions, just shredding enemies in the tornadoes while generating tons of energy with Spectrosiphon, thus becoming unkillable thanks to Quick Thinking (the mod, not my thought process which tends to be slow at times)


Try zephyr on target fixation if you haven't


Lavos, his new augment and Gotva prime were a game changer for me. Any damage type I want and nearly guaranteed red crits are such a fun mix


I’ve tried making a Quick Thinking build that focuses on energy regen and health regen (tried it on just about every non-tank frame) but it just doesn’t seem to work past lvl 100. Any advise?


You need something that generates a lot of energy orbs, and Arcane Energize, to increase the energy gains


I would like to add in, that any DR increase your survivability and therefore slows your Quick Thinking drain. For that I use Eclipse. 75% DR on top of her 90% gives you 97.5% DR! If you want you could use Total Eclipse (Augment) to spread the 75% DR too, so everyone has a base 97.5% DR. Edit: I don't know if your question is about Citrine or Zephyr.. so I leave my comment in the hopes you meant Citrine.


I meant in general, but I’ll definitely keep this mind for when I get Citrine!


Wisp - monumental amounts of ass...oh yeah and buffs Protea - if gun don't work, use more gun Inaros - man literally too angry to die


Coollervo Hydroid Mag


dang, almost identical to mine I'd mention Mag, but I'm burned out on her atm


Hildryn Prime - love how easy it for Armour strip and the survival factor is nice Protea prime - she can do everything. Give shields , give health + energy and has good damage The last one might be a bit weird considering everyone says she is boring which I agree with but Octavia prime! I love being able to switch my brain off in some missions and just blast through it


Oberon, Wukong and Limbo...


hell yeah my green brother


We are few but proud.




1. Nezha Prime 2. Nezha 3. My 2nd Nezha Prime I've made many posts espousing why I like him, I can dig some up if you really want all the details. But TLDR of it all: he's zoomy, easy to use, can handle all content, and is a great all-rounder.


If there's a harder content I need to do and I just wanna have a chill time, it's chinese mythology guy time fun fact: no one knows how to properly pronounce his name (same with zhuge)


Care to help me out with it?


I was curious so I googled it. Apparently it’s pronounced ‘Nu Jah’.


yes, I also heard it pronounced as "Ne Jah" but then, I just realised that it also may have arabic/moroccan or even indian origins, so who knows The origin of this name is نزه and نزاهة, which mean **honesty, virtuousness, righteousness, moral excellence and integrity**. It may also refer to innocence, chastity and purity. 


I feel like Nezha has a mostly asian heritage, since in the game he has the stereotypical kungfu animation, also the fact that his gun, Zhuge, is also the name of a famous chinese strategist, Zhuge Liang.


Vauban because he's king of the sillies Gauss because he's a god tier weapon frame and makes soooo many extra weapons a lot more fun. Currently a big fan of Xaku.


i just recently picked Gauss and man using the kuva kohm feels so good


Excal - Main Character 1 Rhino - Main Character 2 Volt - Main Character 3


Garuda, gyre, and rhino. Rhino has the place as the first frame that i clicked with, and is part of the reason i kept playing. Went all the way to chains of harrow with mostly him. Im a sucker for tanks Garuda was my first prime, and what got me started in steel path. Her scaling as a whole is amazing af, and i can just go most of the time regardless of mission Gyre cause she was unexpected, and started to get me into nukes. I was just lvling frames for mr and to toss into the flesh wall, and i played her and liked her. So i got another one, and not i use her for most missions i need to just make stuff stop being real.


Im a diehard valkyr prime main. Eternal war, hold E, dont let go until the mission is over.


Spin to win


yes. we must unite. i have an Umbral mod set + gloom + eternal war + prolonged paralysis combo. it's a disgustingly satisfying setup.


Frost, Styanax, and Nova. Between these 3, I do any and everything. They also have good fashion.


volt, hildryn, kullervo volt because of the versatibility and fun build i made with him and because he was my first frame, kullervo because red number makes me brain go ooga booga and because hes one of the best frames for movement imo because of his first ability, and hildryn because of blazing pillage and dagath subsume combo with her and because i can give energy and shields to ppl


Grendel, wukong and Titania Grendel is my boi, my main man, the legend and the mvp. Wukong because he’s just got everything, solid speed, tanky af, trivialises almost every game mode and is just a great solid frame. Titania because if you’ve ever played her with razorwing blitz augment you know why.


I swapped out Titania’s #1 for Saryn’s Molt and love it. It frees up a mod slot so you don’t need Razorwing Blitz, gives some added survivability for big fights, and starts with a 50% speed boost before ability strength. Also casting molt twice seems to stack the speed buff on Titania for when you want to go ludicrous speed.


Revenant, Gauss, and Protea. Revenant Prime is the frame that got me into the game and I loved his trailer so much that I even did my own take at the trailer narration for voice acting practice. I adore his aesthetic. Gauss for being one of the most fun frames for me to play, period. I love the feeling of being a coked up version of the Flash. Protea for being the first frame I played where I enjoyed using her abilities over my weapons almost all the time, and really opened the door for me to considering frames whose primary offensive capabilities are from their abilities.


Mag, Gyre, and Inaros Mag - Easy to mod - Armor stripping with her 4th augment - 1st ability is useful for grouping but can be wonky sometimes - 2nd ability is good for room nuking, protection, and single target damage. - 3rd ability is good for defense objective to heal some shield and emergency shield regen when no enemies around - 4th ability is for gaining shield and CC. - I use her everywhere Gyre - with the right mod and subsume Pillage, can strip shield and stay alive for a long time - AFK killing low level enemies. - Skirt - can be a bit annoying when playing in a group when you can't get the 3rd ability to last long enough early in the mission to activate her 4th Inaros - when I'm too lazy to die - sandstorm is actually fun to use These 3 are the most fun for me to use in any content of the game. For me, Mag is the best so far due to how useful she is.


Inaros, Inaros Prime, Inaros Prime with the Ramses deluxe skin.


My Nidus and Nidus Prime as I’ve pretty much been an OTP for most of my time playing Warframe. Good and easy cc, good survivability, I don’t have to give a shit about shields. Easy enough to mod with multiple unique play styles resulting from augments. Though, I’d honestly put Dagath up there too as I’ve been playing a lot of her. Just great damage and ability spam, while maintaining good cc and survivability at the same time. I generally just like frames that can go “oh no…anyway” to death.


1: Mag\\Prime -Fun to play. Deceptively simple looking abilities, massive damage possibilities. 2: Nekros\\Prime - Bonedaddy makes farming resources easy and with the right mods he can be an absolute unit. 2: Nova\\Prime - Quicker defense missions, and splodey!


1. Limbo, he’s fun, and also cc 2. Harrow, he’s fun, and also I was a support main in my Overwatch days 3. Yareli, she’s fun


Can confirm, I am fun




Valkyr. Eternal War go brrrt. Ember. Burning stuff is fun and she feels well rounded. Oberon. Specifically because of phoenix renewal and arbitrations when they were still permadeath. Fun times, unfortunately over :(


Sevagoth, Gyre, Dagath. They all have the "Run and gun" play style I've grown a liking to. Also lovely designs.


1. Garuda. With the full helminth on 2, brief respite, molt reconstruct, umbral setup she's tanky, very easy to play, and her passive is a close to 100% final damage multiplier. 2. Dagath, for when I want a bit more challenge than playing Garuda, but not too much. 3. I don't really have a third top frame. It's basically shared between Saryn, Mag, Ember, Frost, depending on what I'm doing, so I'll go with Valkyr for the love.


Rhino, gauss and Limbo. Rhino was the first frame I was comfortable using and whenever I am stuck somewhere he still gets me through it sometimes and I just really like his kit which is kind of a well rounded one. Just got gauss today and took him to conjunction survival before leveling him and he held up really well. I also like the way he is invincible but not just in a way that allows you to turn off your brain. You have to keep moving to keep your battery up. Limbo was my first prime frame and also what I used for most of the mid game star chart. A panic button which just allows me to go semi invincible was very useful during that time. I only use him for farming now but I still like him and freezing enemies is always fun


Kullervo, Nidus, Dante Kullervo is just a blast to play, letting you use melee weapons you'd usually not run and makes em viable. And the fact you can cast your 4 and then 3 and watch enemies just collapse within seconds. Nidus I found to be really enjoyable in survival, just plant yourself in one spot, drag everything at you and maul them. You are an unkillable abomination that cc's so many enemies. Dante is a fun fella, I love being a silly floating wizard and sending enemies into the void while I'm an unkillable god with 40k+ overguard!


Excalibur because he's the first and "SWORD". Revenant because I'm lazy sometimes. Vauban because "big suck vacuum".


Frost: Although the gameplay is quite repetitive, the overguard and the red crits are simply superb. Mag: Armor stripe, enemy grouping and overshield, count me in Ivara: She is so complete for espionage, that she have her own exalted bow Bonus: Harrow: Overshield, Crit Boost, Energy and Health Regen These aren't exactly a exclusive top 3 cause i like basically all of them in some extent (not Limbo, sorry), but those have a special place in my heart and have incredible deluxe skins


Volt prime, protea prime and hydroid prime. I feel like I cover most if not all game modes with them and their playstyles just clicked for me.


1 - Nezha, his AOE is extremely useful and I love his design 2 - Mesa, she has a nice support kit with a good damage buff with her 2nd ability 3 - Gauss, he's fun and all but his kit is so good that he becomes unbearably boring if you're just doing something other than running across the plains...... amazing design tho:3


1. Nidus - his synergy is very good, with high power strength he can be invincible and literally use him when I'm not familiar with a mission, as he can provide the necessary tools for any mission. 2. Nekros - he's very versatile, and great when looting. I like terrify especially for holding interception points or some quick CC. 3. Nova - She's really cool, her theme and been able to create support by providing damage boos and all. My choices have a balance of tanky, CC and support. PLus their triple Ns.


Rhino, Umbra y Titania Rhino is OP, Umbra is my favorite because of his story, and Titania because y love flying when all the other peasents have to walk.


Revenant Kullervo Dante I just find them to be the most enjoyable for me to play as!


Sevagoth, Inaros and Excalibur ( these are the only frames I have )


Valkyr, Titania and Dante. Valkyr, because invincible screaming rage junky with energy claws is a fucking vibe. And I can safely explore newer content of unknown difficulty by virtue of being invincible. Plus, 'rescuing' afk or difficult teammates via ripline is incredibly amusing. Like, "nope, I know you want to eat takeaway or whatever, but we're extracting now. Or, uh, in about five minutes when I get you to extraction..." Also exalted weapon is cool. Titania because I can give buffs for days, get the enemy to shoot everything else except for me, go stupid fast, and pick and choose my targets. Plus mining on deimos with titania is really relaxing, just hop into razorwing and equip the drill, and that stupid vein on the ceiling isn't an issue anymore. Also exalted weapon is cool. Dante, because book goes brr. Aesthetics are gorgeous, abilities are cool and powerful, exalted weapon scans on kill, and plenty of buffs and utility. Probably my favourite exalted weapon, despite how clunky I find the non-hitscan tomes with their no-zoom and walking pace projectiles. Also exalted weapon is cool. ...I think I'm seeing a theme here. Yup, it must be that they can all heal. That's definitely it.


in order frost/gauss/rev frost because he's just so damn fun and with my loadout he's a powerhouse gauss is a god forcing you to have fun revenant (with pillage) is when I can't be bothered to try


I have full Forma builds for every frame and I love them all🤷‍♂️


Yareli is amazing and i will stand by this statement untill my dying breath


Revenant, Mag and Ash


Kullervo: Because I love melee Excalibur: Because I love melee Vauban: Because I hate mirror defense


Gotta go with Mesa, Mirage, Mag in that order. It's been my main trio for years


Ember Prime Wisp Prime Protea Prime Been a ember fan for half a decade despite her issues and unpopularity, she's getting some much needed changes in jade shadows which I'm delighted for. Wisp is a comfort pick, does everything with ease and makes happy brain chemicals Protea is damage and with a side of damage and shield gating,when i need to get things done it's with protea.


1: Titania - She's just so versatile with some different builds. She's one of the (if not THE) fastest frames in the game, can be extremely survivable, puts out a shitton of single target damage and is just overall a joy to play. The fact that she breaks a lot of the game mechanics is an added bonus. 2: Saryn - Need I say more? Don't yet have a true third favourite frame though.


Titania is in a weird position where she isn't exactly slept on, been a top 5 frame for years, but everyone just sees her as the thermal sunder relic speedrun frame. She can do so much more, properly specced, she's Nezha levels of tanky with some of the best single target damage in the game and is in a league of her own when it comes to mobility. There are legit like three tweaks I'd make on her and she'd be perfect. First, rework her two to be less clunky by combing Dust + Thorns into a single activation while removing the need to pick up the enemy shade. As for what happens when it hits enemies... just invert the buffs from Dust + Thorns into debuffs for enemies (maybe give them an energy aura to show which got hit). Make it refreshable. Full Moon and Entangle are kind of whatever, I could live without them if it meant I got the other stuff. Second, give her Dex Pixia some innate punch-through to make her better at handling crowds Third, give her exalted weapons Arcane and Eximus slots and open up access to any mods that have been walled off from exalted weapons. This one is a general buff that I'd like to see on all exalted weapons.


She’s actually my favorite Spy mission frame. Speeds to the area so nicely and with the Untraceable mod she’s usually in and out while invisible the whole time.


Ember, Mirage and Mag Ember as a really active play style and carried me until steel path, she did drop off a lot in damage tough so I'm pretty excited that she's getting reworked Mirage is fun overall, a strong frame that can support and damage well with a faster movement thanks to her passive Mag was my first frame


Equinox, Gauss, Kullervo. Equinox is my main and has been since I started playing Warframe (I speed ran to Uranus to farm her parts). Support, damage, CC, a gorgeous aesthetic with flowy robes and the whole “duality” vibe really, REALLY appeals to me. Now with Terrify, she nukes maps in Day Form; and with Gloom, she’s basically immortal in Night Form. Gauss is simply gameplay perfection. CC immunity, damage resistance, nuking power, weapons platform… and all you need to do is play the game. Move. Keep moving. Always. I’m a very active player, I don’t like just standing around, and Gauss always has me thinking “have to go faster”, until my screen is a blur. Love him. Kullervo is my one true nuke frame. I’ve invested 3 TF Reds and 2 TF Purples to spike his crit damage to insane levels. Coupled with Tatsu Prime’s forced Slash proc, Terrify for more armoured units and the innate OG from his 2, he’s an unkillable single-target (or hallway cleared with 3 active) nuke. And I love it.


Citrine, citrine with uwu, and... There's other options?


Titania, Mirage, and Gauss. Honorable mention is Zephyr Titania feels very versatile and my go to for defending points, especially with how nimble she is in Razorwing during interceptions. She was also my 1st real main ever since I got her, which I found to be really surprising Mirage feels like a god with her Hall of mirrors and with a high duration build, every ability lasts more than a minute. Her DPS has gotten me thru so many liches/sisters I don't think I need to explain Gauss. Speed is all I need. Zephyr also great for defense and my go to traversal frame


My favorites are protea, wisp, and gyre. I like gyre for running through tiles without even having to stop to kill the enemies. Very satisfying to just press armor strip and then jump to the next batch of enemies. Wisp is simple enough, very strong buffs and relaxed playstyle. As for protea, I just use her for everything else


Kullervo gyre wukong Kullervo for the most damage(im a melee main) Gyre for fast clearing rooms with just walking inside Wukong for him being tanky and super fast, I find wukong more fun and actually faster than titania because I don't get stuck in weird places or run out of energy with him


Mesa, Octavia, Limbo Super effective at what they do with minimal effort, say, spinning around holding fire, crouch spamming and pressing 1-4, and literally ignoring everything


1. Mirage Prime: my main, high damage with her Hall of Mirrors augment and Eclipse, cute 2. Limbo Prime: fun for missions with defense targets, design is just drippy af 3. Dante: the overguard and slash nuke is just too satisfying Honorary place: Gara Prime: my 1st prime, love spamming ult and 1


In order of general use Harrow, Volt, Styanax


Styanax, Wukong, Hildryn


Sevagoth - underrated, very fun frame that's also another frame Gauss - strong, quick, reliable Caliban - I exist to spite Revenant


Valkyr, Mag, idk


Volt, valkyr, havent discovered a third yet (havent liked any ive played as yet)


Valkyr - Made her right after rhino then was my first prime. Remains the titan she is at 21% of my frame usage. Saryn - ESO needed to die Nekros- Bone Daddy


Lavos, Xaku, Ash Lavos is probably the best all arounder in the game. Profit taker? Easy. Railjack? Built for it. Tanky? Yup. Damage? Guaranteed status and 200% elemental buff go brrrrr. Inbuilt sustain. Ignore energy drain and energy economy which is really comfy. He works in every aingle endgame mode so far. I have not unlocked archimedia thats all. I love Lavos. Xaku and Ash im less passionate about but they fun and good at killing high level stuff. Ash bladestorm is less clunky then people say tbh.


Protea, Wisp, Saryn They're all pretty n powerful


volt: fits into the meta for pretty much anything + second fastest frame saryn: strongest weapons platform in the game + can nuke gyre: looks cool


Hydroid - cause great mobility, damage, cc and some armor strip Kullervo - cause badass Gauss - self explanatory Honorary mentions: Banshee, Nezha, Voruna, Excalibur, Protea, Vauban, Ember


1. Mag - B̶̧̞̺̫̦̥͓͖̱̰̄̋́̇̃̈́̌͊̏̋͠l̷̫̝͗̽̽͒̇̿̉͂̕ä̶̧̼̣̩́̾͛c̸͕̟̮͎̫͔͈̊̈́̈̎̓̒k̸̤͙͓͈̤̜̥͕̏͌͗̂̒̓͆̿̂͂̿͘͠ ̷̨̡̞̺͓̗̞̯̹̗̠̟͖͉͆͌̾̐̐͌̀̇̾͝͠ͅH̴̡̭͉̲͈̠͖̤̼̝̖̥̗͒ô̴͍͖͔̻̰̻̲̮͙͇͋͐͆̕͝l̵̢̨̙̯̫̙͔͙̝̟͕̏̋̏ẹ̷̛̳̘͚̻̗̞̈̿̑͛͗͠ build and is pretty much good for anything 2. Xaku - good for all types of missions (exept spy/rescue), has easy time in sp since dmg scales with lvl and allows me to read manga while standing on obj in defense/mobile defense 3. Wukong - king of rescue/spy(with aug for hacking) due to his speed of traveling and ability to ignore lasers, additionaly hes the best for fishing since you can deploy clone to aimbot around you(just equip only rubico p for it) and the same with index runs. Honor mention is khora with sp easy survival while having more loot drop.


Nezha prime, dagath, and ash prime


Oberon... ...and nothing else really. Why? Cuz I play druid in every game and Oberon is the closest thing to druid in Warframe.


Gigachad detected.


Oberon cus fashion, Gauss cus fast, Zephyr cus birb.


In order, 1. Vauban, 2. Protea, and 3. Wukong 1. I like watching things go boom (and was my first Prime frame) 2. She is basically a multitool 3. Return to monkey


Khora, Mag, Protea - Simply crowd control, i love it, its like a drug


I even have a top 3 display in my Liset. Currently it's: - Kullervo, for his *ridiculous* melee aptitude and nuke potential - Dante, cause he's new and shiny - Dagath, cause I enjoy her playstyle! I always turn into a furiois demon seeing red when I play her.


Limbo, ash and sevagoth Limbo because I can just say no to most things Ash because I can get absurd amounts of kills for very little effort Sevagoth because sudo-immortality is best immortality


Protea, Dante, Gauss


Ash ash and barukk


Mag, saryn, and gyre


1: Grendel. He is my main and amazing for nearly all content. 2: Zephyr. She is my second favorite warframe. She is very versatile, has a good potential nuke ability, and her passive can make any crit weapon godly. She is also very fast. Mean birb go brr. 3: Nekros. He is my third favorite simply because he makes farming for things very quick that would otherwise be incredibly annoying to farm.


Mag, gyre, xaku


valkyr prime 2nd valkyr prime wisp or voruna maybe


Ash - been my day 1 main and so much helminth versatility. Dante - just an easy frame for doing most content comfortably(Could also throw Titania in here). Hydroid - loved him back when he was “bad” and now he is just all around even better.


Ash, equinox, hydroid Ash is just really fun to play, esp with a meele influence build on a nikana p, it just feels so weeb in a fun way. Other nukes are better, but equinox is still my go to. Her one weakness is armour, but with the new armour changes and some armour strip with terrify she destroys everything. And hydroid is just pirate. Plus he can also nuke with breach surge + rain dance. The bombs can hit heads so thats cool.


1.Banshee <3 - Painting enemies with sonar is funny and who needs survivability anyways. 2.Citrine - Ah, it seems my team needs survivability. 3.Grendel - Fuck it we ball.


Lavos, Grendel and Wisp Lavos because he is versatile and fun to play. Grendel is pretty fun too and his survivability is nice in tougher content Wisp because of her passive making It easier to play Spy missions and great healing If things go bananas


Ash - my first primed warframe and was able to carry me in star chart even if some mission types aren't meant for Ash. Ash is life Gauss - second favorite because I enjoy his active playstyle and oh god his kit is so good especially his redline which makes my braton prime feel like an A10's gatling gun. Frost - Kind of slow but my go to warframe when Ash can't complete those defense missions. Frost shield go brr


Khora, Titania and Staynax Khroa: Does pretty much everything I could want Titania: When you wanna pretend your a meth head with a jetpack(speed cracking relics) Staynax: Equipable Nipple tassels are peak game design.


Oberon, Voruna, Frost Oberon is the boy, does everything, voruna annihilates anything with slash procs on her 4 once you can start chaining it, frost let's me play defense without even pretending to play the game


Baruuk prime because high damaged and hard to kill, plus I get to pretend that I am an airbender. Inaros prime because I just got him and I really like that spiny tank boi. Gauss prime cuss he gets the job done + he’s fast.


Zephyr, Mesa, Valkyr Zephyr’s 4th can clear rooms without feeling lazy and floating around is cool, Mesa’s a space cowboy and the fashion is on point, Valkyr’s a terrifying abomination of science twice over and it just fits when fighting corpus


I don’t know I only got 3 unlocked so excalibur, excalibur umbra and rhino I guess 😂 before anyone bites my head of relax I’m building more frames, matter of fact I got mag getting made in the foundry and I’m grinding out nova in duviri


Vauban, limbo and revenant


Citrine, Protea and Wisp: I think you can tell I will enjoy Jade.


Valkyr - first frame I went for of my volition Khora - 2 cats are better than one and loot Sevagoth - the warframe equivalent of charron and shadow haze critical chance bonus


Volt volt and volt. Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddd


Rhino, Garuda, and Zephyr, in no particular order. Rhino was my early game frame that carried me throughout most of it. Haven’t gotten a serious build together for him yet, but I very much like what he’s done for me, and getting Rhino Prime was a happy moment. Garuda was the first frame to really catch my interest purely from vibes, if that makes sense. I really like blood mage archetypes in games and such, and Garuda scratches that itch for me. I mainly use her as a melee-spam frame with Gloom subsumed on these days, and she ends up being shockingly consistent in a lot of stuff, but I’ve yet to make a serious build. Zephyr was the first frame to actually catch my attention for gameplay purposes. Her 1 is actually frigging hilarious in my eyes - seeing her fly across the map at mach 1 in a single cast is great, and the fact that she can float almost indefinitely is awesome. She’s also the first frame I’ve actually put major effort into making a serious build for, and is the reason I’ve finally started paying attention to Arcanes.


gauss (best open world frame imo) ash (fun for general use + level cap content) nekros (coolest abilities)


Pretty hard choice, since I like a lot of warframes, but the ones I play the most are Banshee, Valkyr and Equinox. Banshee I love being able to deal tons of damage with crowd control, disabling eximus abilities and her Soprana skin is lovely. Valkyr I enjoy her melee-tank playstyle and heavy damage with hysteria and being near unkillable with lots of armor and self heal with 4th + grappling hook is pretty fun to use and can be useful for moving around quickly (Leonessa skin is gorgeous, change my mind). And third one is Equinox. I love it's design and gameplay, unique and gives plenty of versatility, depending on what I need in current situation, either damage in area with ability strength buff for everyone or more tanky with ability to heal and slow enemies down.


Uhm kinda though to decide so imma split in old school frame and "new" school frames Old school, Excalibur, Ash and Ivara. New school, Garuda, Sevagoth and Dagath.


Gauss, gauss gauss For quite obvious reasons which are speed, speed, and a little sprinkle of speed


Ember. She’s sorta tanky and sets fire to everything. Hildryn. She’s sorta tanky and sets fire to everything. Nezha. He’s sorta tanky and sets fire to everything.


Too few mentions of gyre. Gyre dances and people die. Loving inaros after rework and really enjoy yarelli since her new augment


Kullervo: Unreasonable amounts of power. Very easy to play. Changing your melee changes how you play. Grendel: Big and devastating. Eating enemies is fun, meatball is one of the best and most fun mobility tools ever Hydroid: Huge damage, softens enemies so much they turn into wet tissue paper, more loot. All three have mobility All three look cool


Volt, Nekros, and Hydroid so far.


In no particular order Yareli, nezha and frost


Nova, Nekros, Qorvex Nova is my go to do everything frame, just need the occasional config swap Nekros is for when I want to turn my brain off, I subsumed warcry and use him with arcane reaper and he’s basically invincible. Good for SP dark sector farming with a melee influence weapon because I like low energy solo farms over making meta setups Qorvex for many funny numbers :)


Kullervo - fun, aoe-able, great for my favourite mode, disruption Citrine - great support. Can 100% armorstrip for the entire team with two green archon shards and archon mod making toxin abilities proc corrosive. Also can produce energy/health orbs easily and have an easy helminth option in her 4 (i like tempest barrage for easy viral+more corrosive) Gauss - he's fun!


Lavos, Equinox, Baruk


Gauss Sbeeeed Kullervo Makes any melee fun Mesa The most OP frame I own and she's just satisfying to play


Garuda Gyre Qorvex Garuda is my main by far, I play her with firestorm subsumed and the health regen augment. I find it more interesting to heal myself and it also armor strip. I choose her for all missions that seems a bit difficult Gyre is just so fun to play, also, balls. Qorvex is a new one I got but I really like him. I use terror instead of the walls and a lot of range


Atlas - Million Damage Rock Punches Qorvex - Smash enemies between concrete walls Styanax - Flying around while throwing spears will never get old


Xaku, Wukong, and Titania


At the moment, harrow, rhino, dante and maybe jade to replace one of them if things go to plan.


Wisp Dante Mirage I am for unknown reason in love with wizards in my space ninja game.


Wisp and Xaku are my 1 and 2, not sure who I'd pick as a third though, I have a lot of variety after that. My usage stats say Saryn but that's definitely from when I farmed ESO every day to get my focus done back in the day.


Khora, Saryn, Revenant Octavia’s my old main but she’s a bit boring. I’m at 700m xp on Saryn and would have probably hit the cap if I didn’t apply a lens to her.


1. Loki Prime 2. Loki 3. Loki Prime again


Loki Prime - because he was the first frame I feel in love with, like, 10 years ago Saryn Prime - I love her abilities and fun damage. Her aesthetic is really nice too, especially the skirt Banshee Prime - she sucks but I love her abilities regardless, and her Soprana skin with Prime helmet mixes really well


frost, citrine and nidus frost - mained him for a long time and is my go to late game frame, cozy to grab and can go in any direction for teams citrine - "see that group over there? i dont like them" "yes sir" nidus - when synergy meets perfection, can tank and now do a funny with inaros to have shit tons of HP


Harrow, Nezha and Ember Started with Nezha because fire and status immunity✨✨, then Harrow because red crits, and then Ember because fire again :D


I don't have too many, so I'll go with 1. Chroma (because TANKYY), Excalibur Umbra (because fun), and valkyr (because invulnerable with A4 active)


1: Volt 2: Saryn. 3:Nekros. Volt is my favorite generalist frame. He can do most content very well and has a surprising amount of build options despite being one of the original frames. Saryn is my favorite nuke frame , but she also is a very good team buff frame with augments like the one that gives a corrosive buff to all your teammates. Nekros is my fave lootframe, perfect for turning my brain off and just farming survival or other content for loot. He has good cc and armor strip on his 2 , and with his 4 augment becomes a pretty good tank for most content. Honorable mention to Octavia and Rhino. I hadn't played her alot before the last 2 month but started to use her for farming arcains on void cascaid. She's very good, good nuke good damege, good buffs and has invisibility, I breezed though the starchart with her by sunsuming Pillage over her 2. I can see myself using her for a very long time. My og love was Rhino, holds up very well still like volt, a good generist frame.


Titania, unlikable while still requiring concentration, also cool and fun kit Nidus, same reason as titania Savagoth, same reason as the titania aswell


In order: Lavos, Hildryn and Excal Umbra. I mostly use lavos since he's a beast but when i like a change or have to do a diferent kind of mission i usually go with hildryn and if i feel bored i get excal and just feel like a god ripping and tearing through missions 


1.nezha, tanky speedy boy 2.protea , turrets go brrr 3.dagath , use 2 then spam 1 and 4


Dante because I like books and owls (and having 10k overguard on command or slicing anything on sight) Wisp cause sun death beam and buffs Octavia because I like vibing to music while everything around me dies on beat


Mesa, Protea, Gauss


Current favorite is Protea. Loved her ever since Deadlock Protocol came out which is funny because I initially farmed and built her just for mastery fodder and didn't think she'd appeal to me at all. Lo and behold, she stole my heart. Former favorite (now number 2) is Nyx. Started playing her not long after I first began playing the game nine years ago and despite damn near everyone I ever met telling me she was shit I didn't care. Nyx Prime is actually still my most used frame by a good margin (got 15 forma in her and occasionally I pump another couple in whenever I get bored). Third favorite is Garuda. I will admit though that, while her new one is way better for general use, I do miss her old passive. I used to use her for Eidolon hunting with a Quick Thinking + Adaptation build before they changed it and unfortunately I can't really do that anymore. I know I can always subsume Roar/Eclipse on her and use her for Eidolons that way but it just ain't the same. Still love her for general play and all that though.


Gauss: Speed, Buffs, Survivability Wisp: Buffs, Support, Speed, Always Useful Saryn: Nuke, High Dps, Range, Survivability


Gauss: Easy armor stripping with 4th+3rd abilty, pretty good survavilty from 2nd ability and amazing mobility, especially in big open areas like PoE Mirage: Easy damagr evasion (hence survavilty) and crazy damage boost or nuking whole map on lower level mission. Also neural activation shootin 9 million projectiles with 1st ability and big multishot Nidus: Stupidly tanky with 3rd ability if it has atleast a decent amount of strenght, 2nd great for ground control even with no cc weapons and obviously 25 stack of mutation for free rez


hydroid, rhino, mesa


Ass Prime and Ass Prime with chaps. No further comment.


Girls: Ivara, Nova and Wisp, Guys: Inaros, Lavos and Nidus


Protea: incredible self sustain and aoe dps, and bonus support skills on top of that. Her base kit is well designed and fun, plus you can get away with some goofy helminths Trinity: Well I mean if I'm allowed to stack 9 different sources of DR and literally take 1 damage per hit against level 500 enemies while supporting the team with heals, energy, DR, and armor strips it's fun Mirage: MULTISHOTS THE MULTISHOT


Baruuk, Mesa and Gauss. Maybe throw Kullervo in there as well. Idk, I just like the dopamine from big red numbers constantly flashing up on my screen + the effort it takes to get red crit Mesa. Gauss is just Gauss - speedy boi goes brrrrr


Trinity prime cause og healer/support Nekros prime fun loot frame Third not sure vauban, inaros, protea...


Hildryn nezha and wisp. Hildryn is just mommy since i got her prime i clocked in 309 hours with her. Nezha is just one of my favorites and now a weapons platform for the sporothrix. And wisp is my main support for new players and funny stuff with my friend who plays mainly gauss.


Xaku, kulleevo, gyre. Everything just dies.


Dante & Khora Prime I’m relatively new player, 2 months in, and those are my fav, been using revenant prime a lot but only bccs SP is still real tough for me Edit: forgot to add umbra


Caliban, Octavia, Trinity Caliban: cake wake stuff when I'm high, fun times clapping SP omnia endurance runs. Octavia: can never forget my OG and I love killing with music Trinity: durability queen with a lot of amp needed in higher levels.


Saryn - Nuking Revenant - High amount of hp, mosmor armor Mesa - Also nuking


Octavia, Mirage, Mag, honourable mention: Valkyr I love her chill gameplay. Boosting weapons and nuking is fun. She is just fun to play. My first prime and also fun to play. :)


I choose Wisp


Wisp butt Khora mommy issues Saryn boba


Ember, Trinity, Banshee. These three got me through 7k hours of playtime, never let me down.


1: Harrow because i love him. 2: Volt because of speed and electric theme and also he is very versatile. 3: Mesa if i don't want to aim and still want to get the job done well.


Banshee - Wish she'd get a rework, love my baby. Love being able to drown all the sounds in my game. Love putting explosion stickers onto mobs. Wisp - Hypersupport go brr. Big butt spooky lady. Protea - Pretty flips! Godkiller turrets. Pretty shrapnel! Oh god, she put Larva onto Protea. Yay, everything is dead!


Grendel, dante and lavos The Two first is because of how tanky they are, and for lavos the ability to have 100% proc of any element whenever you want is really cool


Stinky pirate man, Shadow the edgehog and Lampshade monk


Hildryn - I love the tank mommy and her shield shenanigans. Great in both absorbing damage and reducing shields. Styanax - I just love his kit. Armor strip, buffs and raining spears. He is a great team player. Khora - I like her style of crowd control and extra pet option.