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Check your options and see if legacy colors is turned on.


Also buy the Pride Color Pallette in the market for 1 credit, has a jet black, and pure white color in it.


Pride black is actually like #010101 and not #000000 like smoke is and this doesn't bother me as much as it bothers my friend. I'm not bothered because i have psiv colors but still.


I have Photophobia (bright lights give me bad migraines) if it wasnt for the Smoke Palette I wouldnt be able to play Warframes like Gyre or Nova


> I have Photophobia Whatever you do, *do not* listen to [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3rXdeOvhNE), you'll never rest easy again


Angry upvote.


I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not that


[Content Warning-friendly version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz2mmM-kN1I)


>I have Photophobia (bright lights give me bad migraines) Not exactly me, but I always have to shut one eye and squint if it's especially bright outside.


Well yeah, thats everyday when the sun its out for me. Only car headlights at night and flashing blue lights like the police sirens mess me up


That's normal to want to do that. Most people don't do it because they're terrified of what strangers they'll never see again might think of them.


Is it kinda painful for everyone else?


How do you know the exact value?


There's a website that lets you compare palettes and gives you substitutes in case you don't have that palette. The values are shown in hexadecimal and that's how we got it.


If black and white is what you're after, Smoke is ever better than Pride. 90 different shades of white, black and gray, including pure white and jet black.


Yeah, but pride is 1 credit. Not 75 plats.


Im not paying 90p for 2 colors and 50 shades of grey


Dark dark colors tend to look better than pure black too


Yep, on almost all frames dark blue/greens > jet black. Usualy due to textures on tenno and orokin type skin


I defer to the classic sat and grineer "blacks" whenever i dont want just a dark color. They just add so much more to fashion


Ooohh.... thats also a good choice


Fire also has some pretty hot black/white colors.


Exactly. Those middle grays are supremely useful for making looks that truly look tasteful and artistic rather than overly vibrant and garish.


hey, that book only costed me like 38 plat, guess the value has gone up since


Yeah, sure. This is fine when you’re thinking and talking like a reasonable person. Then you’ll try smoke. Next thing you know, you’ll find that you have four or five *very specific* shades of grey that you use religiously for very specific things and you won’t know how you functioned before.


This made me cackle idk why


It’s supremely useful. It’s probably the palette i use the most by a long shot, so it’s well worth it and ultra versatile. Pride is great if you want vibrant color, but you need some contrast or it just looks garish. I honestly use Classic Saturated more than Pride too cuz it just has more versatile options, I think.


Pride is free though.


Iirc according to the wiki smoke actually doesn't have pure white and pride does


pride is 1 credit, and it's only here temporarily. get it while you can, no reason not to.


Surprisingly smoke doesnt have pure white


Commenting here to say if you go into the accessibility menu to change your HUD colors, there is a whole separate color palette open for accessibility. The cool part is you can favorite those colors and they show up in your favorite colors, so you can use them for your Warframe. It seems the same pure black in the Smoke palette is available in this palette. Because of that, I assume the white that is there is also pure white.


Could you tell me how to do that? New guy here 😅


Orbiter -> Market -> Event Section/Popular Section ; alternatively search market for "Pride"


Cool, thanks for replying so quickly!


It’s a bandaid solution, but the pride palette that’s currently available in the market for 1 credit has black in it.


It's Legacy color pallette option turned on. No band aid needed. Edit: still pick up the pride pallette. Free pallette are best pallette.


Edit: my bad, I got it mixed with the valentine palette, which has a color that appears black, but has a slight red hue when used on certain textures. - It's actually just a really, really dark red.


When i use it, it highlights the darkest black on Smoke as well, which is R0G0B0


its based off the colors on the progress flag, which is a pure black #000000


There's no red in it at all, its near jet black and its based off the pride flag.


I could be wrong, but it very much looks like some sort of color desaturation/ maybe even inverted colors if that’s even an option.


It is desaturated, there's an option somewhere in the settings to change this back to normal. Until then I hope OP enjoys the Gamma color palette


keep in mind that this is a photo taken with a phone or something, it's probably not as desaturated and bloomy on their real screen.


Is there a colorblind mode?


There are a few and special pallets to use for your hud as well.


Turn off legacy color pallets....


What’s that do?


The old pallettes used to be less saturated then they changed it and some people didn't like that, the setting desaturates color pallets


Fun fact: the legacy colours looked as they did because of a bug, the exact hues were never intended to be as they were


Changes all the colors a bit. You can even change toe legacy colors, favorite a shade, then go back to normal colors and still use the legacy shade(s) you like


Ty I saw the setting and just left it alone


> You can even change toe legacy colors, favorite a shade You can't favorite Legacy colours. Source: I tried last week.


oh. weird. It has been a long time since I tried to do it, so I believe you


I miss the days when you could add a favorite from the skin color palette to use on your Warframes.


Buy the gay colors. Gays get the best colors.


I needed a nice homoerotic red earlier and the gay pallet really came in clutch


I bought it even tho it’s gay


It’s called the pride colours not the gay colours😭💀 Edit: idk why i’m getting downvoted


Nope. These colours are specifically gay.


Because pride is a gay-only emotion. We stole it when we stole the rainbow. Accidentally feel proud of something? Boom. You're one of us now.


To be fair. Yall stole the word gay too. Gay just meant happy. And not see what yall have done to it? Ruined it /s


Thats not how it works. The whole point of pride month is to celebrate those who were oppressed and discriminated against to fight for LGBTQ rights.


Sorry, I don't think you realized that I was joking. You might have also missed that I referred to myself as gay. As in, a member of the LGBTQ+ community. As in, one of the people that the month is about.


I am gay too. But pride is not a gay only emotion.




Also "were" us very much the wrong tense to use. Kids are still getting kicked out for being queer.


Yes i know i was gonna put in brackets (and still are) but i couldn’t be asked


I know its more than just gays but saying the gay colors is funnier to me.


You're being down voted for taking this much much too seriously. Pride, queer culture, and queer liberation are not meant to be somber. This whole topic is meant to be fun and playful while still acknowledging that we're a fuckin marginalized group. You're treating it like remembrance day


Rememberence Day has me weak 😂💀


I am not treating it like rememberence day. I was telling him that its not called gay colours. Its called pride colours.


Pretty sure it's A. Called the Pride Pallette, not pride colours. B. Obvious to everyone else what the poster is talking about and that they're making a joke by calling them the gay colours. They (and I) don't think that the rainbow or this pallette is only for gay people.


Did i say it was only for gay people. And calling it a pallette is the same thing as calling it colours.


And calling it gay is the same thing as calling it pride because pride month is... For the gays! Are you being intentionally obtuse?


No its not “for the gays” its for the LGBTQ community.


As a bi trans woman in a polycule with a queer enby and an ace trans woman, I think I'm allowed to say that "the gays" in this context includes all of us under the queer and trans umbrella


Well i am gay and i don’t think you are


Which has gays in it. As someone who is apart of the LGBTQIA+, its perfectly fine to call it the gay colors when its a harmless joke. Am I bad for calling myself gay in a joking manner even though I'm bi/pan?


Straight isn't listed there, so it is gay.


You have legacy colours on, turn it off again to get your normal palettes back.


Changed how? You lose access to a previously owned palette? Because if those are the only palettes you had, it's not that you don't have black anymore. You never had a black option and you were using a dark color that looked like black with the old lightning/rendering system.


The first photo is suppose to be storm.. but it isn't. At all.


It is Storm, just bleached... Maybe excessively desaturated or too much brightness.


Legacy colors are always much brighter and more pastel than their normal counterparts


Can't recall what colors are available but you can get free colors by adding colors from the color blind palette in the settings to your favorites. Somewhere in the settings there are color blind settings for the UI. Open the color picker and ad any color to your favorites. They should then be available for use in the arsenal.


Turn off legacy colours and it'll go back to normal


The number of people who seemingly don't know about legacy colors in a game where "fashion is endgame" is really low. Not referring to OP specifically, just making an observation


You were talking about OP, and why should they know?


I was mainly talking about the replys, but you can think what you want


You have 'Legacy Color Palettes' turned on in the settings.


Apparently you can get true black for free from [the Accessibility pack](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/nuwbei/accessibility_color_palette/) Disclaimer: I have NOT tried this myself so it may have been patched, but I don't remember seeing it in any of the patch notes, so it might be worth a shot.


You can actually use black without buying ANY colour backs btw. You basically just go into settings -> accessibility -> customise HUD colours, and then select any one of the HUD options and it will take you to a colour palette, you don't actually have to change your HUD colours, but you can favourite colours from that palette and use them on your frames and weapons. :) https://preview.redd.it/wc6x7nihuo6d1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa27c97167d544da3b4578b7aca3e13ba32ced94


Get the pride colour scheme for 1 credit in the market


Does anyone know if the trick with the ui color palette still works ?


It does yes


Go get the pride pallet in the market. It has a decent black I’ve been using


If I'm right, there should still be the pride pallets in the market rn. They are like not that many credits


Shit man, what color pack do you want? I've got 10k plat, you need more colors. Smoke, for the pure black? Storm? (blue-black) Or are you going for a greenish black and want Rot?


Favourite colours from the accessibility palette, accessed via the accessibility settings > HUD colours


I have smoke palette (B&W) and it has the same problem. But full black and full white still lole fine.


go to accessibility settings, over to hud colors, open one of the options and favorite a few you like. It's not a perfect black but it does the job well


Go buy the pride one it’s got a pretty good black in it for 1 credit, go into settings and change the colors back I hit something in my settings and all of my colors looked different as well .


i am begging people to screencap


There's a color pallette that is just green and black, don't know the name but it has a pure black to it I believe.


Imagine not having the pride color pallete you had all this time to get it


Pride colour palette has black and white, costs 1 credit