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Needs to be seen by more, some people just chuck the fuel capsules in as soon as they spot them, making stockpiling useless w/ certain groups.


Ive had them glitch into the floor enough times while stockpiling to care, i just stay active and seek out more


Same. I try to hold it for a few seconds at least before chucking it down and aiming for the target, I'd rather waste a few seconds of duration than lose the entire thing to the floor glitch.


I’ve run into holding one as operator and switching to your frame eats it, unlike excavator batteries which you drop. Game mode definitely needs a pass over by the bug fixers.


I just try to hold on to two at all times. As soon as i see the speed boost end i chuck one


Crouch on top of the glitched ones and you can usually pick them up, unless they're very far below the elevator


I asked my random group yesterday to stop wasting the capsules and a dude told me that you could "super charge" the elevator to make it go faster. Is that true? Because honestly, considering they wasted all capsules, the elevator stopped moving twice, while in all other missions where people only threw the battery when the power needed at least 20 energy, the elevator *never* stopped moving and the mission went far smoothly.


>I asked my random group yesterday to stop wasting the capsules and a dude told me that you could "super charge" the elevator to make it go faster. Is that true? Most likely wrong attribution. Dude thought throwing capsules supercharges the elevator, but most likely one of the wasted capsules is a glowing capsule.


Thanks. I'll be sure to clear that up next time I see people wasting capsules. It's been a way too common occurrence.


it's honestly better to throw one of the giant glowy ones at the elevator power source every 15 seconds, regardless of how much charge is on the battery. It does indeed make it go faster. If everyone is pulling their weight, you will have plenty of the normal batteries stockpiled to never run out of energy.


Ngl, you don't even need the normal batteries, the overcharge should, ideally, be always active.


it is worth it to drop a booster on the elevator even if it's already at 50/50 charge; speed boost uptime is how you play the objective. elevator should never run out of power unless your teammates are huffing glue anyway. I do really wish they made the charge cap higher and allowed you to stack speed boosts, tho; dropping your found boosters on the elevator instead of using them because it's already boosted is pretty cringe (especially since it's glitchy and they will often become inaccessible), and sometimes allies will use a booster at the same time, wasting one.


I've run out a few times. There's still people playing it like it's a defence objective, and sometimes they just don't spawn... stacking speed boosts is definitely the qol change it needs


I'm pretty sure they always do spawn, it's just a failure of the team to find them. but I could be wrong. so far I haven't gotten nearly good enough at sweeping to carry a team by myself, so I also run into the occasional elevator shutdown in pubs. but in a good team it will never ever happen. did like 7 in a row with a clean pub squad and we finished ~5:30 every time, never got anywhere close to running out of power.




This is the way, I just provide tactical overwatch with an AoE weapon and throw down what I find.


I just reactivate Titania 4 and let the poor grounded frames handle the actual work. Airdropping the canisters is hilarious. It would be funnier if we could airdrop them as attacks.


when using pixie form you can pop out into operator form to pick up the canister, then throw it or void dash part of the way then exit operator form and you wont have wasted any energy deactivating then reactivating pixie form.


Uranium‽ 💀😂


Oh this explains the raining capsules lmao. I found a lot of people doing that while I was on the platform fueling it, appreciate the capsule hunting job! 🥹


Yet again DE fails to explain basic functions.


I learned this the hard way, was in a group that just flew up and kept chucking fuel cells down on the elevator. So I stayed on the elevator and killed anything in range and tossed fuel cells. Was told to stop doing that and wait till the fuel gauge was down below 30 so it doesn't waste it. Now, in theory, there are plenty of fuel cells spawning that this doesn't matter, but it's extra work to get more, so I changed my methods.


Another thing to add you can pick up a small capsule and pick up more stacking them into one big capsule from what I've seen Or at least when I play I can pick up more than one capsule and they disappear and it looks like the one I'm holding changes and gives more charge


I always chuck the speedy ones no matter what cause speed, but I don't waste the normal ones if it's at full charge.


Yea stockpiling is useless no matter what, they bug out and disappear making them impossible to pick up.


Not true, I've seen stockpiles of the fuels all around the generator without problem. I could even pick out which are the boosted ones (they glow) and throw them in. Both as a host and as a client.


Never bugged out for me ngl


It never did until the fixes that came in yesterday, I did a few missions yesterday and I couldn't pick them up, also going in and out of the operator freezes my warframe


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I’ve had numerous instances where the fuel cells clip just underneath the floor surface. You can see the glows, and the icons, but you can’t pick them up.


That's because it's clipping into the elevator. Usually it happens when people just yeet the green thing onto it. It doesn't seems to clip when you just change to primary weapon to drop it on the elevator


because "it's useless no matter what" isn't true? they might bug out sometimes but definitely not all the time.


Fair point. I just meant I understand the aversion to stockpiling when this could happen at any time.


In my experience it happens rarely so it's not gonna big deal if you lose a cell to the glitch. It's not like there are good alternatives as you can't lug around all the cells you find.


You can drop extra fuel cells in the elevator structure (not in the core) so we can use them later also


You can collect all the cells and put them on the elevator before going up. There is a max drop before enemies stop dropping fuel cells. I think it is 18/19 of the small ones. Then all you have to do is find the big ones and sister beacons going up. But be careful and don't throw them on to fast. Don't know what happens if you run out half way up and there is no more fuelcell drops


I don't know how to do this, I play on Switch.


Swap weapons drops pickups


You dont need to swap, just don't throw them into the objective and put them on the side of the elevator and they land on the ground


"Swapping" weapons while holding things off-hand didn't technically swap the weapons IIRC. You're wielding primary → picked up an object, making you hold your secondary → you press Swap Weapon; you drop the object, and you're equipping the primary again. No different than if you throw the object. So pressing Swap Weapon is much more safe than chucking the thing and risk it plummeting down the elevator shaft or hitting the objective.


throws are easier to perform and you don't have to be directly over the platform for it to work. I also fat-fingered the G key while I was trying to drop one with the swap method before and lost my waypoint to another booster I had earlier marked, and I couldn't find it after. so I throw instead now lol


My god I had no idea you could shoot the thing, I appreciate this knowledge


Seconded. Now I can stop slide-shooting circles until I see the perpetrator of those annoying green beams of doom. On another note: it is super funny to chill inside said green beams of doom just to watch your health bar cease to exist once shield gating stops saving you “This isn’t so bad” *ded*


I was just vibing as frost, not paying attention and suddenly 14k overguard just ceased to be Then I noticed the mountain dew laser


Got 2 mil damage prevented as Harrow in one, and it was only half of its duration


Love this easy supercharge for harrow/wukong/etc


I had 1.3m iron skin, which was shredded, and as I recast ironskin I absorbed 2.6mil xD


The excessive amount of damage the beam deals is confirmed unintended, patch is coming soon


As a rhino player, no longer being able to ascend to godhood through the blessed beam will be sad news.


Sure must have felt nice to be able to tank... *Checks notes* one whole other Jade Light Eximus


Right I used Rhino just to test this. The beam can fucking kill you a second after it finishes charging the iron skin! I accumulated like 800k over 3 seconds. In ONE more tick of damage, it wiped all of it AND my health (using parasitic armor so no gate). Absolutely wild lol. Feels like they added a couple of zeroes on the damage


I want to see what happens if a Nyx manages to tank the whole beam with Absorb. *Mushroom cloud*


I kinda like it as a doom laser, finally something that I actually have to respect as an experienced player. The orb mechanic letting us outskill it justifies it being so deadly in my opinion.


I like it too! It's actually deadly for a change. My only tweak would be to have the damage start lower but quickly ramp up over a period of like 1 second. That way if you're actually not paying attention you still get fried but if the beam catches you in the middle of a long casting animation you still have a moment to get out of the way after your animation is done.


Using silence on the eximus using that beam also dispels it.


You can also attack them with melee weapons if you have enough range


I feel like half the time the ball of the jade eximus beam is stuck in a cealing or something in the elevator Mission, when jumping around, kinda annoying


There are **SO** many tiles in Warframe that have hallways or rooms that are juuuust low enough to have the beam weak point clip into the ceiling, it's so annoying.


You can also use Banshee or subsume Silence via the Helminth onto any frame to completely shut down the Eximus units as Silence prevents them from casting their abilities. Locating Sister Beacons can also be pretty easy if you use your Operator's Void Sling to rapidly ascend the elevator shaft and then look down. The blue light they emit is usually visible from the top but they might also be hidden in some sideroom. If that happens then simply fall down while listening for the noise they emit.


That green banshee meme from a while ago almost feels like foreshadowing now.


My weird Silence Qorvex: "My time has come."


If you *aren't* using Silence, you can find the Beacons pretty easily anyway; those things are *loud.*


I assume the beacons summon a sister? If so what do they drop?


More motes and an extra Arcane I think but its probably better if you double check just to be sure.


You are correct. Regular is just a chance for an arcane. Steel Path is guaranteed arcane.


Can we fkin give the jade eximus a *tad* more cooldown maybe too? Because christ are they irritating. Been doing the ascension mode in solo SP and they aren't killing me, just driving me NUTS shooting them constantly. Shooting at shit hovering above you is SO annoying, and it feels like every enemy is just spamming beams. It's like im either getting frustrated af trying to shoot above me constantly, or half my screen is just blocked by the stupid beam, and it just feels like a relentless experience of not being able to move or see properly. Definitely some tweaks to be made, but overall the update is sick


silence helminth is your friend, trivialize the whole thing honestly


That mission is worse than they really are as there are so many Jade eximus and you fight in a small area. Individually they are kind of whatever.


What few people realize is that silence turns off all eximus abilities (including jade light) and kind of trivializes the mission. It's subsumable, so throw it on anyone.


i thought overguard protects eximus from all warframe abilities >\_>


It does protect them from the CC from silence, but it doesn't protect them from the ability cancelling aspect of it It doesn't protect them from anything but CC. Overguard still takes damage from Warframe abilities


It depends, honestly. If the Eximus has already started using their ability, it's gonna use it. Silence just prevents it.


Silence does prematurely end jadelight sometimes


Nah. Silence stops active jade light on cast.


it usually protects from all CC abilites... except when it doesn't Wisp's blinding ability works on eximus units too


Wisp’s does not anymore 🥲




yeah in the same patch where they nerfed dante's 4 to require LoS, they also closed all the 'loopholes' where some abilities could CC eximus. I guess they don't consider Silence CC, so it still works, but things like Breach Surge blind don't work anymore. sad times.


It more like (all*) cause you can still strip armor and shields and damage the eximus with overguard it's just cc abilities do not work/cc aspect of the ability is ignored


Yeah, that sounds like a hotfix waiting to happen.


Fully intended, always been like that. Also stops violence acolyte from shutting your abilities off as well. Violence UNO reverse card.


It has disabled all (well most) special abilities for as long as I can remember. Way before the eximus rework. They're not going to remove a core function of the ability


Also, if you're not playing a Banshee to silence the Eximus units, consider bringing a Wukong or Titania to this mission if you're like me, sucking at parkour and having a bad sense of direction. Falling to the bottom of the elevator shaft because of a badly-aimed bullet jump and needing to rely on those boost pads to get back up to the top is _painful_.  I missed out on an Arcane because I couldn't catch up with my squad before extraction after a long fall. >_<


this is when you void sling also good parkour will get you there too tbh, walljump -> bullet jump -> repeat is all you really need if you have a little +parkour velocity%


Oh, believe me, I'm even clumsier with that than I am with _regular_ parkour! :P


Are you just calling it that because it came out within a week of the Drillevator mission in Deep Rock Galactic?


I just like giving things nicknames.


Fair enough, I agree


Thanks for taking the time to make this heads-up, I am sure that many Tenno might find this helpful, since this game mode is still new<3 (Pls DE, fix the jade light eximus, 50% DR on shields isn't enough, even tho 600 million Vex armor and Iron skin is funny)


It’s good that people are learning you can shoot the beam to destroy it. I’m tired of reviving people like 8-10 times per game because they get decimated by it.


I always shoot the jade light even if it's not targeting me because sometimes I saw people straight up ignore the light above their head and dead seconds later. Also , while doing the defense alert ,random mesa decide to stay on top of defense obj and didn't move at all while jade light was targeting her and the defense obj and its one shot the obj. After that happens, I always make sure I shoot the jade light.


You can shoot em? amazing- \*mesa 4 doesn't target it\* guess I'll stick to dying


The jade beam can be used to get a shit ton of iron skin on rhino, my record currently is 14.5 million iron skin


Omg. Thanks for the info. Had no idea why the elevator would move faster some times.


Another tip: The first jump pad you see in the shaft is tied to the elevator. It will always take you to the elevator or above, if you time your double jump and glide right. Walk on > when you start to slow down *then* jump > when you start to slow down again then aim glide. It has litterally taken me to the top. The big problem is being careful to stay alligned with the pad so you don't bump into anything.


As OP said, the boosted charges don’t seem to stack, so save them for when the boost expires so they’re not wasted. There seems to be a limited number of boosted capsules around the map. I’d be interested to hear if anyone found a way to get this mission done in under 6 minutes. Even micro managing the boost capsules, the fastest I’ve seen has been in the neighborhood of 6:30-7 minutes.


add to the mix: 1) Take Titania(s) and fly around listening for the sister beacons ambient noise (*headphones make this trivial*). 2) Grab canisters and throw them on to the elevator to make a stash/pile, dont keep using them when topped up, slap teammates who keep throwing them in when you are near fully topped up. 3) If using Titania/Jade/etc, fly around to find canisters, remember to pop into operator mode to grab a canister and throw it on the lift, then pop back into warframe, you wont waste energy deactivating/activating flight mode that way. If you stand on the lift and pop out of operator mode you do drop the canister but sometimes the canister drops through the lift to the floor below, better tossing the canister from slightly above. 4) On the final stretch to extraction, to avoid delay/extractor reboot use something like the kahl beacon to call him and his buddies in to deal with any annoyances. 5) When you arrive at the top, the sister always spawns in the exact same spot to your left if you are facing the doorway towards extraction.


To add onto 1 you can actually look up from the ground and see little blue lights which show where the beacons are


Oh ngl I assumed the speed boost occurred when the lift was between 50 and 40 remaining fuel. Glad to know the real reason


Nekros + Khora = 3x drops


Complete moron here, how do I actually use the fuel?


Pick up and throw on the green thing on the elevator. It should guide you on what buttons to press when you stand on it, and what button for throwing


Walk up to, interact key to pick it up. Alternative fire to throw it(can hold to see throw arc). Chuck it on the cradle.


Hey, even better. Silence. Silence shut down eximus abilities, including the beams. Silence Zephyr make this mission so easy and smooth.


The number of people I see just running from beams is so sad. Roll, turn around, shoot. Idk if I'm just jaded as a vet but any time I a new mechanic I shoot it, and if that doesn't work I shoot it with my amp. It's like the red orb in angel fights that let them heal and make them invincible. One amp shot is all it takes and you carry on with the fight.


>Idk if I'm just jaded I see what you did there


People really love to afk these missions, we ought to normalise letting them perish by the beams.


Another tip: use hounds with the mod that copies eximus so you can drain sisters, and other eximus health quickly as they spawn as fast as nidus maggots


I genuinely didn’t knew you could shoot the ball, just learned something new, thanks.


Looks like we have a Jadeologist in our midst


Mods, pin this post in sub please.


No, tank the laser, feel the emerald light engulf your soul, bathe in the glorious green


I haven't started the grind yet so this is super helpful. Do you need to pick up the batteries and bring em back? Or just kill stuff and pick em up off the ground


Glowing ones spawn on the map randomly at certain locations. Other ones drop from kills.


Oh nice. Do we pick them up like Ampors? Or is it just like reactant where we walk over it and vacuum it up


Oh nice. Do we pick them up like Ampors? Or is it just like reactant where we walk over it and vacuum it up?


Just like Ampors.


Nice. I appreciate the clarification :)


I need tips on how not to fall down the elevator for the umpteenth time.


Okay, very noob question. How the fuck do you use this capsules?


Pick em up and throw. Interact to pick up, alternate fire to throw. Hit the cradle.


Do anyone know where the radiation proc comes from in these missions? Jadebeam deals mainly heat damage, but occasionally in both ascension and mission alerts I've struck by radiation, killing defence objects.


Are you sure it's not a beam? It does millions of damage and can kill it incredibly fast. Near instant.


I did have red radiation symbol and number 1 (seconds) beside it in the last push after the elevator. I did instinctively use my fourth ability and killed everyone, including the objective. Luckily it's not autofailure. Second time it happened was in alert mission; mobile defence. Got proc, apparently killed the objective with bubonico secondary fire. I'm not sure if it is the beam, but there is now some new feature or bug causing radiation.


Orb on top definitely did not know that


The jade light orbs scale to health so in steel path and higher level content it'll take more shots to break it it's not like fully bubble that just the to be shot enough times.


Oh snap, I had no idea that they don't stack. I'll start stockpiling.


I always shoot at the orbs but for some reason yesterday I died even though I destroyed it 2 or more seconds ago


I figured out the shooting the ball by accident, because Tenet Arca Plasmor deletes at least the non-steel path version in one hit.


Thank you for telling me you can break the beam but I learned to live with it by using wukong to get like 80k damage with defy.


I actually found 'success' with caliban using total eclipse, makes the team darn near invincible in SP


What effects the Volatile Mote Drop rate? I've had anywhere from 5 to 9 volatile motes drop


This missions confused the fuck outta me last night. Thanks for the tips. Def needs to be seen by more people


Heavy slam also destroys the ball, fun for Valkitty.


What mission does this pertain to? I just got back from a long hiatus...and only now at the time of commenting have I finished the Jade Shadows quest


It's the current event quest. Ascension I think it's called.




And grab the sister beacons


I wish there was more feedback that the boosted canisters increase the elevator speed. Even after trying to explain it to pubs sometimes they don't get it (or don't care, which is fair enough)


Large part of why I made this post!


Any tips for keeping the carrier alive at the end run? It feels like killing enemies only makes new enemies spawn in immediately. Frost and Gara don't help for moving defense, and I forget which frames can heal defense objectives (or if they can heal THIS defense objective, since I think it can differ from defense objective to defense objective). Also, Titania's 2 makes people's souls freak the heck out and disappear, no idea where they go, can't pick them up, so Dust is non-functional. I've seen a lot of Nekros being brought in, I'm assuming to increase the number of bodies an enemy can target, but I've always kinda disliked playing alongside nekros in a non-loot-farming mission (even with the new visual indicators, the thralls are still enemy-shaped and I still shoot at them before I realize they're friendly), so I don't like playing as him.


They stop spawning after enough are killed, takes a bit. Bringing something good at murdering helps there. Personally I just use Torid Incarnon with Revenant. People bring Nekros to increase drops for the new items, dunno if it actually works tho.


In SP at least a couple people need to be good at murder to cap out enemies, and in that time the cradle can get got - especially since they're coming from at least three different directions. And sometimes the transition from Sister killing to being able to cover the cradle can take a minute, as the cradle just rockets itself out there. I was hoping to prevent early cradle death. Cradle? Carrier? Whatever. Oh huh. I didn't think about getting drops. I guess there are the mods, but once you have one you don't need more, and they seem to be a pretty generous drop. As far as the arcanes... I really don't know if they can get an extra drop... Would DE let the mote drops be increased? I have seen those numbers fluctuate, but I figured that was just normal RNG, hadn't thought to see if there were any nekros around to boost it.


Thank you for this. I've been running the operation solo just to make it less of a headache :/


An extra tip is that you can just collect fuel on the elevator when you happen to have extras. Also you can pick up more fuel while already holding one and someone mentioned that if you pick up enough they merge into the glowing one, but I've yet to notice this happening.


Another tip idk if it’s commented but if you’re near 2 fuel bottles pick one up with your warframe and the second with your operator then void dash to the elevator and drop it and pop back into your warframe and drop the second one


I feel like they should make a mini jade-shard style drone that is firing the laser to make it seem more shootable.


So why are the jade balls attacking us at all??


Silence is golden. I subsumed silence and now the lasers are a non issue


Please add that using a high range frame with (subsumed) silence disables all jade beams (or eximus abilities in general)


Thank you. I was wondering about some of that. Here. Have a high five! Keep being awesome!


The speed boost lasts for about 14 energy; as in if you throw it at the generator and it maxes out to 50, the speed boost runs out when you're at around 36-37 energy. There seems to be far more big battery spawn points on the lower half of the level than the upper half. Leave extras in a pile while you go searching for more. Don't forget that if you find two next to each other you can pick up one, use your operator to grab the second battery and throw it at the generator, then switch back to warframe so you're still holding the first battery. Batteries show up on your hud when you get near them so you can see them through walls. Small batteries are a single diamond, big batteries are a stacked double diamond. So far the fastest I've seen the mission done is to keep the boost going as much as possible, and leave small batteries nearby in case you run into any energy droughts towards the end. So even if you're still above 30 energy, if you're not boosting feel free to toss a big battery, but if the energy is above 30 don't toss a small battery.


Finally a good post.


Can someone explain the fuel thing for me? ( I play on xbox and no matter how much I read I cannot figure it out)- sincerely a confused tenno


chuck the green pickups (r3 on controller i think?) at the node on the elevator to give it fuel. there are two types, one is shinier than the other and has a bigger icon. both give the same amount of fuel, but the shiny one boost's the elevator's speed for a bit.


Thank you! I actually get it now. Much appreciated


What? I swear i’ve shot the thing before and it did nothing


figured this out 2mins into the mission o.O


Spoiler please……


Not sure what here can even be considered a spoiler to be honest, I'd love to know. But sure, I guess.


For those of us who haven’t had a chance to play it yet? Maybe we want to experience it for ourselves without help? The content has been out for less than a week.. give us a break.