• By -


You found the Wisp that subsumed over motes.


"I'm nothing like yall"


"They not like us, they not like us, they not like us"




Ordis f*ck em up!


Wisp fucked it up




Then bullet dash this way, bullet dash this way


You cast your motes to buff your allies, I cast my motes into oblivion. We are not the same.




Heat inherit Sol Gate meme build time :3


Freaky ass build


i didnt place motes at first on the elevator section because i assumed they'd just phase through the elevator like on other maps. once i saw it carry a mote though i've been placing them


I've found that Zephyr's tornadoes are *very* fickle with that elevator. If I put them down while the elevator is on the ground or too close to the ground, they'll phase through. If the elevator is high enough, sometimes one of them will just give up and fall through anyway. They may also not form right and kind of be smaller than they should be. I love using my Zephyr Prime in this mission, I can use her 1 just once from the very bottom of the elevator shaft and smack the ceiling because of how far and how fast she goes, but I do hate how the tornadoes tend to give me grief every now and again.


I think the stickiness depends on if you're touching the elevator.


That's just the thing, I *am* touching the elevator. I'm always standing on the elevator when I put my tornadoes down. At least Spectrorage works fine. I run Spectrosiphon, so I can at least supply my team with energy for days should anything happen to die in it.


Oof, buggy wind


I've been seeing more zephyr recently which is surprising. She's always been strong- maybe stronger but now in the event she can get hit by the lasers so isn't really immortal anymore?


It's more that her higher, floatier jump, combined with Ordis's air support in the mission, means she's going to jump even *higher* than she usually does. That's what I think, at least. That's why I can go from the bottom of the elevator shaft to the cieling with just a tap of her 1! I absolutely love her even outside of this mission, though. I first got to use her in the Circuit when I rolled poorly and didn't have a single frame I was familiar with other than Excalibur Umbra, which, in a previous run, was flinging me off cliffs with his melees. Zephyr was availabe, so I decided to give her a go instead. I didn't know how to use her at *all* apart from the tornadoes, but I liked her enough from that brief experience that I was set on making her when I got my next warframe slot. Then Zephyr Prime got released from the vault recently, so I was able to make standard Zephyr for the mastery, and Zephyr Prime for keeps. lol I didn't really like how floaty she was back then, and I was dead set on getting the augment to remove it, but I've gotten the hang of it now!


Zephyr is hands down my favorite defense frame. Feels incredibly powerful. Not so much for the event though.


I put Silence over Airburst and it changed the game for me. No more green beams!


Plus I think her tornadoes have a weird bug with blast status effects, killing everything instantly


The recursive damage bug is back (blast edition)?


Put Aero Vantage on her and aim glide everywhere during fights. Much better šŸ˜


Add Aerodynamic for even more glide!


I and a friend are the only zephyrs I've seen and it was my idea. Max out your range and throw silence on and she's immortal again. She makes finding and getting to the beacons p. Easy, unless they're in a pipe then the floatiness gets in the way. See a super ionic charger as you fall or yeet? Aim and press 1. (Then be disapointed it's only a jade eximus corpse or otherwise.) Getting chargers from below the elevator is no. problem either. Letting my tornados wander makes numbers show up.on screen so I know where enemies are I put areo vantage on her for fully horizontal aimglides. And it helps with controlled kitty cornerong of the shaft.


I took her out once again for this event. If you fall or want to easily explore, she is great with flying. Tornadoes do have issues in the mission though. Sometimes the fall through, sometimes they fully stay and sometimes only part stays above elevator platform.


Well, her tornadoes aren't really doing that much on the elevator anyway, if you're already tanking with Turbulence. Especially if you are also running Silence on her. They absolutely wreck with that last hallway dash though. Nobody's touching Jade's mommy motes while Zepher is on the job.


Another zephyr lover I really like putting all the aerial defensive mods on her and just fly through everything ( my build has ton of duration, range and efficiency ) while mowing throught everything I'm sad cause i can't for the life of me find a way to subsume something on her, i have close to no strength, no energy problem, no useless spells You can play whatever weapon you want, as long as it crits ( been using falcor recently, with melee infuence and blast it works wonder )


After I tried wisp and saw the motes staying on the elevator I tried Citrine and her crystal. The results were mixed at best - the crystal does move along however actual "danger zone" of the crystal does not in fact move.


Good to know, I wonder if anyone has done any testing, like seeing if Hydroids tentacles follow or if they stay.


That elevator is wonderful, you place down a 300 second Vauban Vortex and it just pulls in everything from everywhere for the entire duration the elevator is moving.


It costs nothing to try though...


sure but it didn't register in my mind as "a new but similar situation", but rather "the same old situation"


I suppose that makes sense. Thinking on it, even other moving defense points leave the motes behind. Still, it's a wee bit odd to not even pop one down to buff yourself, though.


Give yourself some decent range & duration, slap silence over your 4, and you make them trivial. I put the new secondary arcane on my kuva nukor, and you can give yourself 15k overguard while absolutely decimating the eximus.. its a pretty fun build


Don't you dare to switch my funni Sun laser to something else. I will die on this hill without question.


I was never a fan of Helminthing over stuff. Aside from Ivara's navigate ability, I barely use Helminth.


I was hesitant about it for a while but I realized there are so many abilities I don't really use that can be replaced with Roar or Gloom or Fire Walker or Tempest Barrage or something else as the case may be. It's rarely ever a massive benefit to Helminth something on (though there are cases) but it's more like a minor way to squeeze more value and satisfaction out of your moment to moment gameplay with a relatively minor improvement.


Wait, the overguard with that arcane will get that high? I looked at it and said mehā€¦ now I feel dumb


Probably only useful on missions like there where 90% of the enemies are eximus.


I thought they fixed some of the glitchiness of elevators this update but apparently only the ascension elevator got upgraded


There is no rhyme or reason to what does and doesnā€™t move with the elevator. I feel like they arbitrarily coded certain things to move with it but left others. I thought it would be like Hydron but itā€™s not. I just want it to be consistent is all.


thats normal


Not really. Everyone knows we're playing an elevator mission. Why would you even bring wisp if you thought your main skill wouldn't work here and not even try it?


My main skill is breach surge, thank you!


When I first played it I brought citrine. The crystal does not follow the elevator unfortunately. Can't even play my favorite frame


I bullet-jump way up and throw it out, by the time we're out of its range again its duration is running out anyway so I just replace it.


Khora's Strangledome also clips through the platform. But that's okay, don't have to worry about CC if everything is dead... ;-)


The game is mostly very easy, and you can get carried to "endgame" in random publics never learning anything. It doesn't sound like a fun way to approach a game, but I guess it takes all kinds.


I don't mind getting kinda carried sometimes, but I always put my all into the mission. The only part I tend to struggle with is the sister at the top, but usually I'm either helping to kill it or someone will melt it before it can blink.


I think what makes this gamemode ā€œfunā€ is that, lots of enemies, and corpus so easy to kill.


To be fair the game doesn't really have any tutorials for frames and abilities so players who aren't wiki delvers might not even understand what all of them do.


Yeah, if only there were some tips and short clips of passives and skills in the arsenal menu! You know, where you can hover over something and it shows you what it does.


It's not nearly enough, especially for the more complex abilities.


look, i'm with ya on there being gaps in the info in the game but the broad strokes of how abilities work is not one of those gaps -- there's no reasonable excuse that can be pointed at the game for someone not doing something as simple as putting down motes as wisp or using dante's light verse/triumph (unless they were levelling the frame, mostly for dante as wisp gets motes first)


I've found it strangely common to have a dante on your squad who doesn't give overguard.


1. Spawn in map. 2. Drop hardened Wellspring 3. 224 x3 4. Play 5. 224 whenever I feel like it because I have 1000 energy. 6. Laugh at the jade light... 7. Profit.


>1. Spawn in map. >2. Pop Nourish >3. 224 x3 >4. Play >5. 224 whenever I feel like it because I have Nourish and Equilibrium. >6. Laugh at the jade light... >7. Profit. Hello brother. ā˜ļø


Sometimes I wish this game had accomodations because my first ever public queue was for an ascension, the Dante in that lobby was almost teleporting through the floors just to refill everyone's overguard. If I was at any less than 10k he'd just appear out of nowhere to top me up. Not to mention I was on a hildryn build that was basically immortal in most content. But it was nice.


I think that's a byproduct of everyone throwing a fit about OG screwing with the rage mods and such, or they are just solely reliant on the 334 nuke that they forget they are allowed to press 2 from time to time lol I usually keep my ghost pigeons out, so at the very least anyone in range is catching a little OG, though I am kinda lax on keeping the 224 buff running.


I'm a fresh Dante main and goddamn how do people **NOT** keep their teams overguard topped up? It's part of his whole rotation. Light, Dark, Wordwarden, Dark, Light, Pageflight, Light, Light, Triumph, then spend the next 50 seconds casting Dark verses with Tragedy.


So many people complained they got bullied off of the ability


Elevator farm is getting boring pretty quickly. I guess they were just semi afk farming. Shitty behavior, but has nothing to do with people not knowing their frames.


i mean i understand from OPs perspective, if you had support frames youd expect some support šŸ¤· id be confused too why im not getting any buffs


Yeah thats basically my point, I don't really care if you're semi afk with any other frame, but at least place like a mote on the elevator and then go afk?


It doesn't clip through the elevator does it? I'm trying to recall whether things move with the elevator on that old Grenier farm with the elevator that goes up and down or if they stayed in place. Like I know if you stand on the objective and it lowers, you continue to float in the air.


The motes stay on the elevator and move with it (source: I'm the Wisp).


Figured I'd give the idle wisp player op mentioned some benefit of doubt in case they did but fell through. Wisp motes are always appreciated. Keep doing you :)


Citrineā€™s gem also moves with the platform, in addition to things others have mentioned


Proteas Dispensary doesn't clip and moves up with the platform, so I imagine Wisp motes work the same.


Dispensary, Vauban's Vortex, Protea's grenades I've seen follow the elevator. I got excited and loaded up Khora . . . nope.


Octavia's 4 also doesn't go up with the elevator


They do


I mean... I see this a lot. In every game mode. People who play the game like a shooter. They pick an immortal frame like Inaros or Revenant and just shoot things. No using grouping abilities. No running support augments. Just dakka. Only dakka. I don't get it.


Yeah I've had plenty of afk people the last few days. Really wish they were easier to report. Also lots of people leveling frames and weapons, but they're under MR 15, so I have to revive them multiple times, and they basically contribute nothing. Normally I don't mind at all, or really even notice, but it's very obvious in this mode when others aren't helping.


For me it's that my brain sometimes half turns off so I forget that I actually have abilities to use lol. I still kills stuff but sometimes if I've been doing something for hours that doesn't require full concentration it just happens.


I play Mesa so much that while playing Zephyr I boosted face first into a wall several times trying to cast nourish. Too bad I wasnā€™t on Gauss. You play one frame so much that you end up with muscle memory that only works on that frame.


That happened to me. I played Mag so much and for so long without swapping I had to relearn how to not instantly die with other frames.


I usually use Titania to get all the beacons before we even start the elevator lol


Same, and then I end up having to also throw them at the thing because the two people who have done nothing but ride up the elevator occasionally shooting at enemies can't be bothered to throw one of the many booster cores at it even though it's about to run out of energy entirely. /rant


Testimonies like these are the reason why I never regretted playing this event solo.


Eh. Those times are thankfully the less common ones, I still play them on pub so there's three other people getting kills that give me xp for all the mr fodder I have equipped since I have dex pixia for damage.


I do the same with Wukong, it's pretty easy because you can see the blue light from below


Same. I love dropping Razorwing to smash dive back down to the elevator once I have all of them. No real utility, it's just fun to do.


I mean If you are playing Warframe without having fun, why are you playing in the first place? :3


Lol. True.


Ngl elevator simulator would make anyone stupid after grinding it this event xp But yeah teammates doing jackall isn't good.


I was working on the archon defense today(playing gara) spamming out and shattering my 4 to keep DR on chipper and wipe bad guys Legendary 4 Nova player says ā€œGara just stop, stop slowingā€ Ok, I think to myself, my ability barely slows and everything basically dies, but Iā€™ll let the speeva have the drivers seat. I proceed to basically just walk around behind chipper until I realize that the legendary 4 nova player brought slowva instead and we just sat there for 20 minutes before chipper died and we failed


you violated the number 1 rule of pub squads: assume everyone is lobotomized


Randos are not people. They are animals. (Myself included).


I just can't comprehend what that player was thinking. Actually telling you to stop slowing... and then using slowva. Like... does not compute. Just. What.


He didnā€™t realize that he was slowva, I pointed it out, he said ā€œI have 10% strengthā€ and then I watched a lancer get tagged by his 4 and teleport into a slow-mo guys video. Youā€™d think that maybe, if you are spending 5 minutes per wave as speeva, that something is wrong lol, but I pointed it out and he told me to go play solo so, you know, Legendary ranks are always correct


In my experience legendaries are the most dumb ones.


You mean just clearing out the dojo and crafting every piece of shit weapon that existed didnā€™t tell them how to play the game lol?


Hey! I feel quite offended! You have a point, though :D


Gamers aren't know for being smart or motivated. Read any forum and you'll understand


As a wisp main, I have gotten hate mail for dropping mine even when I don't drop the electric one since I know it slows my bs in some events


As an Oberon player I'm always trying to make sure my renewal is on everyone(I run with Phoenix augment), I not even sure if people are aware of my buff.


as a fellow oberon main i have the same issue


Skill issue./s As a Oberon main we know that they don't. They take us for granted Edit: skipped the sarcasm


I rarely ever used that Warframe. I'm not familiar with it.


The OG Radiation frame. 1. Light CC, Damage, Rad Proc, Infusion augment. 2. Damage field, Rad proc to enemies on grass, status negation for allies on grass. 3. Heal on cast, HP regen, Bleedout timer extension, Armor buff if you step on grass. 4. Hard CC, Rad Proc, Armor strip if enemy on grass, Blind surrounding enemies.


LR 4 players, one revenant, one mesa. Revenant never pressed 2 once and died during EDA constantly. Mesa subsumed over her 3 because "if I do more dmg, I kill em before they kill me". Was useless the whole SP circuit run. LR 4.


If they're leveling stuff, they may very well have no idea what they've got equipped or be running an auto-installed build with partial capacity or whatever.


I might have done that with nidus in normal mode. Apart from still blasting the living hell out of them with my guns. But I still don't get the idea with nidus. I spammed his 1 like hell but apart from that I'm not sure what to do in this mission with him.


I'll never understand how people get lost playing Nidus, he's one of the easiest frames, and it's a little annoying when people act like he has these confounding abilities when he actually is one of the few frames whose kit has impeccable synergy. Also, he's not a "slow frame" at all unless you're just playing him slow. Use your 2 to grab enemies. 1 to stomp. The stomp splits damage across slash, puncture, and impact so it's effective towards everything. Enemies hit with stomp build mutation stacks that increase his armor AND damage. In Steel Path I just stomp away Acolytes, it's amazing. And I've been using him for Ascension just fine. I build stacks on the way up the elevator then place his 4 in the tunnel to extraction where all the enemies spawn. 3 gives you 90% damage reduction when linked to enemies or a 60% damage increase when linked to an ally. His 4, on top of being CC, boosts all of his other abilities on top of healing. When setting Nidus up in a high-level mission, you only need 1 stack to activate his 3, and then you can freely build stacks from there. I will admit he's feeling a little dated recently, but these aren't irrevocable faults that dozens of other frames aren't also experiencing. The only tweaks I'd make are a base health and armor boost (Qorvex, the latest shieldless frame, has 2k health right out the gate by comparison, that's ridiculous) and combine his Larva Augment into his 2's base ability. Then change Larva Burst into something like "Larva Synergy" where you can link his 3 to your beast companion for the 90% damage reduction, so you're not stuck to one place (albeit with generous range) like when linking to an enemy.


You are supposed to make a nest with 4 and keep chilling there, bringing in enemies with 2, linking to a strong unit with 3 and spamming 1 to kill enemies in 2 while getting stacks. He is a very slow frame for most content in the game, and has kinda fallen by the wayside. Wouldn't bring him to any mission that has a mobile objective. Survival and a coordinated interception is where he can get the most out of his kit, going deep into endless rotations and keeping on trucking with mutation stacks and parasitic link.


icbw but I'd assume it's CC on the first (in SP at least) and last phase with his second, but idk I've just been running Gyre for CC


I haven't bothered to unlock many nodes in SP yet so it was done in normal mode. So everything died to aoe before it could be cc'd. That's why it felt ok to bring a frame I didn't know :p


oooh I misread your comment, I assumed ppl were saying Nidus was a meta pick or smthn, but yeah even on steel path it's a pretty easy mission, given that you don't fail on phase 1 it's just a waiting game lol


Well, they are there probably for the Warframe xp, and then subsume later


scrolled down a bit to far to find this one :) Turns out this game mode/event is fantastic at leveling. Even the non-steel path version. I can often level a frame / weapon from 0 to 30 in single 7 minute run. If not to 30, then to 27/28/29 with ease. As a result, there's likely quite a few people in non-steel path version bringing in a brand new frame just to level it, they might not even have the support abilities yet nor much knowledge of them.


Do people forget that new frames start with 3/4 abilities completely locked out? Seems like it. I think you're right on the money there about leveling frames.


I don't have access to the mode myself, but yesterday I was in a Discord call with my clan leader while he was doing EDA, he said he encountered a life leech eximus voidrig during a survival mission and all three of his teammates (all at least mr30) were making no effort to stay out of the puddles while shooting at it. He just ran off to fight other stuff, came back a few minutes later, they were still doing exactly that. Sometimes people just turn their brain off, I guess, don't worry about it.


You should see all the people who are constantly spamming crouch, without a single Octavia in the mission. Lots of people don't really pay attention to it.


man, i'm an ex halo player, i still use crouching as a greeting


It's been a while since I've played Halo, but I seem to recall crouch spam being more associated with teabagging.


are you sure they're not just saying hello to you and eachother?


You can get lazier with ivaras prowl. Source: me I atleast rip my sister a new one


I even see them do it in other games!


If u play with me youā€™ll constantly have 50k over guard


Same. Letā€™s see how high we can get the OG.


I've seen people randomly move in several directions like bots and do nothing all mission. Treat every mission as solo.


The Dante thing i see alot, players just think that anything that isnt damage isnt worth using. But im also the rare player that tries to postion myself so that roar hits all players


Did they just afk throughout the whole thing? I mean, I appreciate SOME effortā€¦


Were they r0? They may have been leveling up the frame. Or, honestly, someone handed the controller to their partner, parent, or child lol I've done that before.


If you're holding random people to expectations known only to yourself, you will consistently be disappointed. Best explanation is they're not paying attention - this is a game you can easily play with a stream open and in a discord call.


Yes, itā€™s a very high expectation for people to *checks notes* Press 1 button that is the crux of their selected warframeā€™s entire kit


I am more worried about the dying Dante. I do not own him, but I played him in the circuit and this bastard is pretty hard to kill even with just the default mods from the circuit.


if you don't use 4th the 2nd ability has really low ammounts of overguard, maybe said dante was first trying or was inside a nullifier or eximus jade light (the one that does A KILLER BEAM OF DESTRUCTION right on your head)


>if you don't use 4th the 2nd ability has really low amounts of overguard I haven't considered that. A lot of people on the sub were complaining about randos standing inside the Eximus Jade Light though so maybe it was that.


It's something like 12 casts of 2, for one super overguard. Not including the overguard regen on kill effect.


NGL, I've had that beam go through my FULL overguard like it was nothing.


Jade beams do very low damage now or at least I never die to them any more.


Jade light eximus kills my 50k over guard Dante in like 3 seconds flat if I go afk


The jade light does hundreds of thousands of damage within seconds if you stand still in it. Dante overguard isn't nearly enough to protect you from it.


It was bugged to have immensely high damage. Now, Dante should be able to tank it decently


It hits like a wet noodle now, he can facetank it no problem.


The circuit isn't throwing 10 Jade eximus at you every minute. If he can't press 1 button, you expect him to shoot the beams to not die?


shield gate its so relevant that some people only use weapons and uses shield gating as a warframe while chilling around and its ok if they do that


Please explain to me how you shield gate. What is the first step after getting your shield broken (and maybe rolling)?


Stand there teabagging while your Manifold Bond Nautilus does his damn job and casts Guardian on you, of course.


it probably trigger arcane aegis and you keep going or you get downed and use last gasp to revive


Lol I canā€™t tell if youā€™re purposely avoiding saying the words ā€œpress an ability buttonā€, or you just donā€™t know that augur set or brief respite exist


i do understand your frustration, but you don't need to be frustrated from other people carelessnes (i know easier said than done, anyways..)


i did avoid it, so you can take it partially as a joke, but some people really doesn't even try to understand how augur set or brief respite works(not everybody but some people)


there are ways to regain shields aside from the augur set


Either shield Regen abilities like Pillage, use of Augur mods, the ones that give you shields back for % of energy spent on skills, your sentinel can refill your shields sometimes and reset the shield gate. Catalyzing Shields is alright for super high level so you get short gate but can reset it very easily, usually used with Rolling Guard for invuln while your shields are down.


Zoomies. Jumping around decreases enemy accuracy and breaking line of sight means they can's shoot at you. Having Guardian on your sentinel/MOA helps. Then there's Pillage, Condemn, Shield Satellite, Symphony of Mercy, Augur set, Polarize, Rebuild Shields or Capacitance to quickly restore them. Arcane Aegis is also good, that basically gives you 12s of somewhat invincibility, but that needs shields to take damage (insanely useful on Hildryn). Obviously Rolling Guard helps to give your shields time to recharge.


So true. Whenever I go into a full pub game, I always go in with the expectation that I have to do every objectives myself although it rarely happens that all 3 of them aren't doing anything.


This update is showing me a side of the community I don't like seeing. Yeah people can suck but is someone being bad at the game this much of an inconvenience for you? Can we have more patience?


Literally doesn't matter. I hate the people who have one bad lobby and come to reddit to bitch about it.


Me who just fors the whole thing pretending other people are bots haha


Are you playing SP or normal version?


Hey I was the Titania and I promise I was flying around as God intended


Eh people just doing their thing, maybe they know they can manage without them and are not thinking about their teammates. I have had the opposite interaction. Playing Banshee and getting accused of doing nothing while standing on the elevator.


I do legitimately sometimes swap frames and forget to use my powers. I dont often swap frames in order to use them for a specific job. If it's an exterminate mission I'm doing for nightwave, I'll just go in with whatever trash I'm leveling, and jork my way through it. I've seldom if ever, needed to use the full power at my disposal, to overcome an objective. As soon as I get knocked down though, I'm looking to boost my survivability immediately, and that usually means slamming all my powers to remember what they are


One of two. -skill issue Or Being his first time using those warframes. Or simply, they don't want to do nothing.


That sounds like me, I (Dante) genuinely forgot what I was playing and just used Ignis on everything, if the name ways wyrmoffastring then it was and I apologize, I was very much not feeling great and just wanted one run to buy an arcane and then go take a nap, I was so tired.


I ainā€™t even gonna lie, sometimes I do be forgetting which frame Iā€™m playing. Itā€™ll be like 2AM and I had hydroid equipped, but my brain thinks I still have Styanax equipped


On one hand: people should play however they wanna play. End of discussion. On the other hand: if people are playing a support...THEY SHOULD PLAY A SUPPORT.


Gotta be honest Iā€™m a newer player and I cant even remember what my abilities do. Sometimes I forget this game has abilities at all. The game already gives me powerful guns with multiple fires, melee weapons with different combos and attacks. Especially in early game I hardly ever see a reason why I should stop spamming shots or melee and push a skill.


People just level stuff in the event. They don't even read the abilities. As long as they don't afk I'm ok with that. The event isn't hard anyway - even on SP.


Imma be honest, I'm lr4 and on top of my game, but I didn't use abilities at all for the longest time I brought banshee prime (my first prime) then Garuda around everywhere, I barely used their abilities. It was all about guns for me. That must have continued until mr20 or so so it is infuriating, I understand. But at the same time I get their side too. Assuming they weren't just leeches


The question is, did you keep dying because you weren't using the abilities designed to keep you alive? I think this is the main problem.


I would recommend sp belly of the beast


I like the end bit where you can kill enemies so fast it starts lagging the game.


Did titania at least fly around looking for sister statues?


Yesterday i was matched with a Revenant Prime in steelpath circuit. I still got 5 more tiers to complete before the reset and i got a decent frame for long run so i thought i was set. Until the guy kept dying and revived himself without waiting for me. I estimated he about to ran out of revive so i told him to wait for me, but he kept dying until he couldnā€™t revive hin self anymore so i help him and then i realised he doesnā€™t know his 2nd skill makes him invincible.


Sounds like someone was letting their kid play the game for em lol


currently playing with dante: i cast overguard as soon as i'm pulled into a match. sometimes a player would drop out and a replacement would load in. in those instances i may forget to cast overguard again. or after a player loses their buffs from dying, when they respawn i may not be aware of it and forget to re-buff.


Volts 4 sometimes just does noting on the elevator, but will tag every living thing once you hop off.


I hopped back into warframe yesterday for the new quest and didnt check what frame I had equipped so after the quest I thought "Last I played I used harrow" then after throwing grenades and deploying a dispendary I realized "oh, guess I forgot"


i constantly forget to keep gloom up cause i mostly play sevagoth for his shadow


Ill handle it


I mean... other than the 3 starters, Umbra, and I guess Sevagoth, does the game ever actually tell player how to use their frames? Yes, obviously there's the Abilities menu for each frame, but as Pablo has said on stream, "people don't read." Is it any surprise that we get people playing frames with no idea how to use them, when they can coast through the majority of the content without ever casting an ability? (This is something of a soapbox for me, I am *strongly* of the opinion that if the game doesn't prompt players to do something, a significant portion of them will never even realize it is there. IMO the game desperately needs a system that actively encourages players to actually use their frame abilities, perhaps something like the form quests in Nobody Save The World, or a series of demo scenarios for each frame akin to the mastery tests.)


You eventually get tired of playing a warframe the same way. Like mesa, i have a build with her peace maker subsumed.


they have likely played that mission for the 100th time that day. welcome to the grind.


This is Warframe. I dont think people even need to play their frame correctly, outside of Eidolons.


And there are more and more toxic players


"Oh there's a Saryn on my team...time to AFK"


I had a revenant in my squad doing ESO that kept dying because they didn't know you can just press 2 to be invincible


Maybe theyā€™re bad at the game


Didn't happen


bro the amount of wisps i get that dont place motes is INSANE


I use this mission to rank up all my weapons and warframes that I havenā€™t been using much if at all. I usually just slap a shield mod on it and take one strong modded weapon to carry me through without having to use abilities. I usually get one weapon + frame from rank 0 to 30 in one run with an XP blessing from the Relais. I jumped from MR17 to MR21 since the Jade release plus got tons of motes, arcanes and all the blueprints just from leveling my gear in the Belly of the Beast mission.


Bro, I have so many team comps where they're just chilling at the elevator doing jack shit. They're not even throwing the funny green tubes, so many just have the attitude of "others will handle it."


To be fair, who actually relies on someone else to keep them alive in a pub. if there was a discussion about you relinquishing your survivability for some kind of ability output build, then fair enough, be angry. But nobody has an obligation to keep you alive in a pub.


It's not that. I found that a lot of people are just leeching away the event. They just stay on the elevator and wait for the end.


some people play a character because they like playing that character. im a nyx main and I maybe use any of her abilities like 20% of missions.


I use Protea Prime for most of End Game content, since my max eneergy goes up to 700, I barely use Dispensary. I ran a Steel Path Mobile Defense and forgot yo queue in solo, so to my surprise another player joined my session, all was normally going up until the other playing wroted in group chat "Dispensary" then I thought "Riiiight, that was the ability that I should not have subsumed over for marked for death" then I chuckled and explained them I don't have the ability on my build... Probably they got mad, eithet way I ended up doing 73% damage for the whole run, but I guess people don't care if you carry their asses through the whole session, if you don't use a support ability you're useless.


Maybe they were high...?


Harrow Main Here. I usually feel kinda useless in these missions, because I don't get enough kills to keep his four up. I always feel kinda slow


Was it a wisp prime?


Awww so sad. Alexa play Despacito. Bro unless it's a premade bring a frame that solos. Hard lesson learned years ago