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Most people prefer to run duviri experience either solo or in premade squads since there are so many side quests and optional objectives, but that's also not where you get incarnons. You get incarnons from the steel path circuit which is just the undercroft. I usually find pretty good squads that are willing to go long in the circuit by just queuing up for public sp circuit.


I know that's not where you get them, I said it's where you get the resources to craft them, I know you get the genesis' from the steel path circuit.


I would just run duviri experience solo then, that's what I do.


Yeah, if I try to get kullervo though gonna have to go in a public session, rip


I got kullervo completely solo, just gotta get a few good decrees before fighting him.


Don't even need that, just patience and good tactics. Definitely gets pretty annoying tho.


Don’t even need that. Just a decent frame and a good gun kill him instantly.


Don't even need that. Just get plat and buy him from the market to get him instantly.


Don't even need that. Just print a jpeg of him and save a few bucks.


Don't even need that, just imagine playing him in your head and save the paper.


Wait, you can use a warframe in the Kullervo fight?


Yeah there is a gauge you fill as drifter and you can switch to your frame for like 20seconds or something


Wow, i might the dumbest player in warframe. I farmed 2 kullervos and a rauta without switching to a warframe once


Decrees matter a lot. If you just started and want it immediately - focus on ones that improve your Sirocco gun and avoidance (rolls or something). Kullevro (and pretty much everyone else) absolutely could be defeated in "old west" style, just shoot and roll :). But Edun makes it all even easier (at least for me). P.S. On topic - Duviri have TOO MANY things to do, easier to solo and pace yourself than trying to manage random people wishes.


Kullervo is easy solo. Just get enough decrees if you feel uncomfortable. And if you get enough intrinsics you can do 2 of the 3 rounds with your warframe and its guns.


No you don't? Just grab as many melee or shooting decrees as you can and then all of duviri is you being a god. The one that cold procs enemies is also turbo OP. Kulervo is about the phase of duviri more than you needing a team.


There are a ton of decrees that when I see them I nearly always take them unless I'm already op as hell. Cold procs on crits, Wyrmling's Aid (corrosive procs on each shot), -accuracy +150% multi shot, double crit damage, spread status to nearby enemies, melee attacks hit twice, +melee crit chance on successive hits, and +fire rate on consecutive shots, are all just easy picks and nearly always outright run-winners. The other cold synergy decrees are also fantastic since you almost always end up getting the +80% to cold procced enemies option somewhere in the run


Kullervo is FaceTime with just a handful of decrees. Edit: I’m leaving it.


I introduce you to, warframe transference


Just do a few non combat tasks, then fight gun only, decrees are everything. Duviri gets very easy quickly once you start leveling intrinsics, but even before that it's easy if you use the gun and have passable aiming skills.


Just farm some decrees beforehand. You'll be one-shotting him before you know it.


I haven't finished farming him yet but he's rather easy with the standard melee and Sirocco. Although I usually do 5/6 missions for decrees, and I have most drifter instincts from spamming circuit.


Not necessarily. I run TDE exclusively solo and got all my Kullervo stuff. Time it for the Kullervo spawning moods and you'll get it in no time, and be sure to do the giant puzzle each time it's available for the resources.


unlock transference surge if you’re struggling but I’ve killed him decree-less on switch with very minimal effort


For Kullervo, you can switch to your warframe, make one or two phases easy


Transference=Dead Kullervo Try it a few times, you'll be glad you did.


All you really have to do for Kullervo is get used to doing Duviri. The first couple of Kullervo fights I did took forever and at least 2-3 revives, but once I got some intrinsics done, got used to which decrees are good and bad and which builds I can go for, and got used to drifter combat in general I was absolutely obliterating him.


You can try and get the deal x damage after reload. Perfect reload and headshot usually deal 70% of one bar or more if you got other decrees. I initally have a hard time before but after knowing the perfect reload and shoot with that decree everything is easy.


I have public queued every single Duvuri so far and it’s been perfectly fine. You farm intrinsics incredibly fast if everyone is doing the side quests. Don’t be scared of queuing, most players are competent enough to do well.


Kullervo is easy to kill after a few decrees. I usually wait until round 5 or so.


What platform? I run solo and it gets rather boring so down to help


You don't really have to, unless you want to do it in SP, and you don't have the intrinsics to survive very well just yet. He's basically just a bag of health with a moveset you'll be familiar with after the first couple of times. Plus, if you get lucky with decrees...


Not really no. Solo is really quick. 8 decree minimum for a reason. Obviously having intrinsics would help. You won’t regret Kullervo’s effort though it takes.


most people do the experience solo unless what you're wanting is clamps,in that case some people run the lone story on public.duviri has more in common with plains of eidolon than it has with normal missions, people also usually don't just jump into an open world in a squad for things like mining and fishing. it's a very solo kind of activity since there's nothing cooperative you can even do with open world resource farming and especially in duviri the opposite is very true. if you're not standing basically on top of a plant as it's broken, your client won't have always have the drop spawn. if you want to farm resources, doing it with others is actively detrimental at worst and at best, it's the same as doing things solo since the others are farming different resources in different places until you all decide to leave. my advice is to look up where things spawn on the wiki, the interactive map is very good, and just go to town. there's an intrinsic that gives you loot radar for your horsey to make farming plants easier if it's not one of the emotions that are easy to see the glow of plants in.


It's a chore. The circuit is ok... But the dragon mechanic in story is terrible.


Just a heads up in case you or anyone else reading don’t know but you don’t actually have to do the full Duviri mission when you’re resource gathering. You can just load it, gather the resources like any other open world, and then do a single decree and leave. Your progress and resources are saved with each decree. You don’t have to leave through the portal at the end for it to count.


Huh, never knew there were side objectives! Solo duviri sounds pretty fun honestly, like a game within a game


Not me. Still praying for a de-emphasizing of Pathos Clamps/an actually fun way to acquire them.


They said they added pathos clamps to undercroft objectives but *only optional ones*? We’ve been begging to get them from circuit and that was their idea?


I like playing Duviri Experience, but usually solo. I do 1-2 per week to grab a forma BP and some mats.


Yep, and I did a SP run solo and with the clamps from the Circuit portails I got enough for an incarnon in 1 run, which is pretty good imo I love the vibe of Duviri but I would get burned out of the gameplay loop if I farmed it extensively


I despise it so much. The only times I play duviri is to get materials for incarnon adapters and that burns me out quite a lot already


I do, alot actually


Me too! I never get tired of running around on the kaithe and hearing the stories never gets old. The narration is awesome, the landscape is gorgeous, the mini games are fun (I especially love the herding and the owl book scan ones). I just run on public and ask my teammates if they wanna farm intrinsics. If they say yes, we do all mini games. If no, we just kill the wyrm/Kullervo and go. It's the most relaxing game mode for me, I can just run around and enjoy the wonderful work DE has put in it. Playing without a warframe is very enjoyable. I never really do circuit only because its boring (just normal Warframe with another map? Eh), so I always do the lone story or the full experience. Duviri is best enjoyed with a relaxed mind and a good lofi playlist. It's my top favourite element of the game.


Personally dislike it and play it as little as possible, when I do play it, it’s solo so I don’t hinder other people by going off and clearing the entire map of resources so I don’t have to do it again for a while.


I enjoy Duviri but only some emotions and Never with randoms. It's a chill time wandering around and i may do a lot of side quests before engaging with the plot at all, or i may do the whole plot and not bother witht the side quests. Either way, i am more likeley to join randoms for Spy missions than for Duviri


>I enjoy Duviri but only some emotions I think this part is a lot more important than some people realize, too. If you want Kullervo, you have to go on three specific spirals. And if you want do the big Archarbor puzzle (usually for Cinta parts), you have to go on three specific spirals. So even if you have people who love doing Duviri, they're not only going to be restricted based on the frame/weapon spread they get, but also may not want to go on specific spirals that don't offer the rewards they want.


I absolutely love it. It’s such a nice breath of fresh air. I like the aesthetic. I love its place in the plot. I love the kaithes. I like transferring into the orowyrm. I enjoy the opportunity to try completely new Warframes and weapons with a full mod config that I normally wouldn’t get to for a while. I also love just wandering around the landscape doing puzzles or collecting plants. The swap back and forth to undercroft Warframe fighting is also nice. Just a bunch of variety!


Me too, the landscape and style is a refreshing break from space ships, I can't wait for soulframe.


Hard agree! So many seem to only play warframe for the rewards...


Duvuri experience is mostly used for getting the materials for adapter, there's little benefit to doing it in a group for that purpose. If you really want people to join for whatever reason you can set it to public and you'll get squads. For actually getting the incarnon adapters from circuit or pathos clamps from lone story there are plenty of people who would be looking for groups.


Hated it when it launched fornmany reasons, however as a social game mode I find it has its place.


I actually.find it to be an interesting way to meet new people. The social intelligence of warframes player base has slid over the years sadly...


That new age brain rot has seeped into PvE games now sadly


I hear that.




Not at all


I enjoy it, but I play it solo.


It can be fun but I wish the pathos clamp farm was something else, I wish steel lath duviri had it as extra rewards


You get extra clamps from steel path


I meant to say the steel path circuit thats my mistake


I usually do lone story because it removes side objectives which can be really distracting. What could have been a 15-20 min run could easily turn into a 45 min-1hr run if I play duviri experience. You can also farm resources in the third mode too.


I enjoy the semi souls-like gameplay with the drifter.


Haven't touched it. I don't like having g my play options limited, don't like roque like style things, and feel no need to get incarnons.


Nightwave requires an incarnon this week. Good thing I can actually handle the Steel Path Circuit if I roll Voruna or Wisp Prime (to my pleasent surprise) and it had Dread this week...I'm mastery locked from the Holdfast's incarnon weapons.


I love Duviri


It's ok. Nothing special, but nothing super fun.


I love duviri qwq


Its my number 1 hate mode/area I only play it for the incarnons and by god,when im done with all of them I will never touch it again.


I love Duviri, I find it to be incredibly therapeutic. I feel like it was made for me.


I love it, personally. It's great side content that actually helps in progressing the rest of the game.


Yeah Duviri is awesome, I love the roguelike aspect of it. In my experience it's always best to do resource/clamp grinding solo in the duviri experience, and circuit is best in public lobbies.


I legitimately enjoy playing Duviri. When I do play I do about an hour per spiral one or two spirals a day.


I love Duviri but I do it solo, both experience and circuit, because I like to play it my way and do a ton of stuff. I like to see how many decrees I can get before I start to get bored. I'm usually in an experience run for over an hour and half, come out with 35+ decrees and more resources than I know what to do with. And circuit is fun because decrees stack with warframe builds so as long as I'm managing myself, if I go in with Nezha and pick up a few good decrees, I'm smooth sailing.


Recruiting is race to the bottom chat. Only the rad shares, endurance farms and murmur get posted in there. If I want to play Divuri I just go play it. I almost always have a full squad.


Duviri is super fun. I am also like 99% certain that Duviri is the alpha gameplay test for Soulframe tbh.


I hate doing Duviri. Don't like roguelikes, don't like the Souls games, don't like the gameplay. Yesterday was the first time I bothered playing it in months because I finally got around to touching up my Vasto build and wanted to be able to install the Incarnon adapter I got ages ago.


I like duviri, I find it relaxing cause I'm in no rush to beat the oroworm but I've encountered people who just wanna kill the oroworm and when I'm not interested they leave


I enjoy Duviri, but there's also no reason for me to play it right now as I've gotten everything I want from there. Wake me when Acrithis starts selling Archon shards.


Yeah I actually enjoy the gamemode, especially the non violent parts of it, collecting resources while on my way to fish/play shawzin/do puzzles that glow nearby. Take your time, smell the roses & collect them while on your way to fight Kullervo for his easy rare decree. Also for folks in recruit chat being radio silent? there's no need to play with other players in that gamemode unless you wanna do the teamwork oriented puzzles, which IIRC only offer an increasing puzzle currency depending on how many folks were needed, but this is entirely unneeded as the Arch Harbor puzzle is super easy & consistent to do for the puzzle currency, and combat is never an issue via decrees. You can achieve multiple rare decrees without doing much. (which most of the time offer 2 ranks of an effect rather than 1) 1. Arch Harbor puzzle 2. Fishing 3. Acrithis' shop (cheap, just make sure to pick up pocket change when moving from objective to objective) 4. Kullervo's Hold might be the only issue here, but if you've done like 1 or 2 combat objectives you've got tenno mode, making his fight a cake walk, & if you don't have this having the previous rare decrees make him harmless practically, especially with power strike/heavy attack spam. Anyways thanks for this post, I might actually get my partner to do some coop puzzles with me, but she dislikes Duviri as they say it's discount Soulsborne or something lol. Also sidenote: Please avoid buying anything Duviri related, progressing through Duviri & collecting stuff means you'll be making progress through it all at once, either buy everything or nothing there, as you are gonna be heading there LOTS if you want everything, and buying stuff won't reduce the amount of time investment you'll require by any real noticeable amount.


Tried to like it a lot of time, since I love rogue like games, but the mode on launch was just so broken it pretty much killed my excitement for it. Now I only do it when I need it, either for incarnons or weeklies


Outside Circuit I run Duveri solo tbh. It allows me to wander around and collect resources while not feeling like I'm holding others back.


I only run duviri experience solo or with my friends. Usually only when I have a resource booster. I'm just there for the pathos clamps and resources. It's kinda fun but gets old fast. With normal warframe you can switch frames to play completely different but in duviri you can only switch melee. Decrees offer some variability but most of the time you are looking for the same decrees because there are ones that are inherently better than others.


i really love the duviri experience and duviri overall, but i wish there was more to do in duviri experience, like all the collectibles we have for other open worlds, such as syndicates and rewards and things to craft and fish to display. i still find myself wondering around for some hours in a round just looking for resources. i love the graphics and the way it feels and looks, i just wished for more content or something to make me come back, excepting the ocasional daily mission from nora that asks me to rescue and animal or play some komi.


Yes. People don't respond because they are either playing it in that moment or have played it too much. I refuse to think there's another reason, that game mode is hella fun. Or I guess they play it solo and don't like playing with others unless it's over Discord. I really don't see why anyone would play with randos.


I only run the circuit once a week for frames to subsume.


I enjoy it but generally run non-circuit modes solo because it's easier and I play at my own pace. It's also harder to mess around with the frames and weapons you don't own normally if someone else is obliterating everything.


I enjoy it solo as a slow retreat.


Daily reminder that Cavalero has no "adapter rotation", his stock will never change.


I absolutely adore circuit. As for the open world duviri I got everything I needed from it. I didn't hate it or find it boring on launch. But much like most things in Warframe. Once you've got all the loots, there's almost zero reason to go back.


Not sure what other comments say but many choose to.play duviri experiemce solo. For one thing you can only farm Kullervo from the experoence which requires you to do a side objective then the maim objective mamy dont want to do that repeatedly for obvious reasons. I'd solidy recomend public but beware some public lobbies do lead to squads farming undercroft and or kullervo.


I enjoy the gameplay. I do not enjoy needing to do 30 rounds or whatever of circuit in the span of a week, every week if I don't want to miss the fomo rotation. During Belly of the Beast, I'm skipping it entirely. It would just be too much.


I was done with duviri and circuit pretty quickly. Circuit can be fun, but the time it takes to do enough SP circuit in order to unlock both incarnons I've selected is just more circuit than I want to do. Like most things in Warframe, I enjoy it when it launches, but find myself getting tired of it within a few months.


I do not. It’s dull as hell and just a content gate.


I like playing Duviri Experience solo. I feel like in public there would be too many people with different goals and I would rather just finish my goals.


duviri goated


Every few weeks I do a solo run and spend my 2 hours seeing how many decrees I can stack in that time. I’m also LR4 with not much left to do besides ranking up the last of my mods and I’ve been known to take pretty long breaks between content drops.


I love circuit, and now running SP undercroft portals for arcanes. Doing full duviri runs is shit imo


Yes. It can be hard when you have no intrinsics but once you ramp it up, it can be fun. I'm not a fan of the roguelike stuff (Thanks Steve, I hope your ideas stay in Soulframe) but the music, map, story, artwork and voicelines make up for it. I love the color management and music. It's full of leeches, freeloaders and AFKers though, so I just play Solo.


Probably the only activity in warframe I dislike lol. Its novelty wore off around the time Kullervo released. It has very little replay ability compared to everything else in Warframe


I think the game mode is okay even in a group of random people it can be pretty efficient I just jump in random usually someone there to join with. The Pathos grind is real though. After getting Incarnon adapters and 1 weapon from the cave selection I can only bring myself to do 1 or 2 runs a week it's just too grindy and repetitive after that now these clamps usually go towards catalyst or reactors one day I'll complete the cave weapons set but after so many runs I'm happy to not rush it.


Duviri Experience is pretty simple solo. Just go around racking up some decrees in side missions and then you can sail through any challenges or content, including Kullevro. I usually go solo or just hop into public.


As with pretty much everything in the game, i liked it at first but the sheer amount you have to do it lead me to optimise the fun out of it and now i hate it.


I just run lone story for pathos clamps, duviri experience for kullervo stuff (yet to complete that), and circuit for incarnon adapters. I don't ask, I just run it with randoms. Worst thing to come across is the people that run a single circuit and bail


I'm a sadist


I liked it when it first came out like the puzzles and the open world where doing things actually matered, but now farming resources and the boss loot is a pain.


Yes its very fun and i never struggle to find a squad when i just try to fast join public, but squads always have different objectives, some squads barely know what they are doing and try to speed run through the whole 6 stages without a single side objective (decrees are king, especially in Steel Path).


I might actually enjoy it if there wasn’t a 50%ish chance that I’d get frames I don’t like or MR0 pea shooter weapons as all my options. I only play it for the rewards.


I personally only somewhat enjoy circuit because of the rewards. That being said, having my favorite frames off rotation is a bummer.


I really enjoy it in solo, but I also only bother with it when I know I have the time for it *and* there's a good enough rotation for me. It's honestly been one of my favorite ways to forma and rank up gear. Absolutely awful to run with pugs. Steel Circuit is *okay* to run on public, but still prefer solo so I can pause and come back to it like I would with a normal roguelite game run Part of the reason is because the decrees make *everything* pretty good. I also very much like the lack of nullifiers. I haven't played as much since they added the assassination mission and now there's alchemy as well, both of which kind of suck as far as I've experienced


I get why they added all that stuff, but I hate all of the non-warframe content. Operator, arching, railjack, necramech all seem like a completely different game to me. I don't like having my space-ninja experience locked behind what feels like a different game. The open world stuff is hit or miss. Why am I mining and fishing and capturing birds so I can live out the power fantasy that this game offers.


I only play it for incarnons or stalker. Otherwise it's just repetitive and boring.


there isnt a much of a reason to run squads in duviri it also cuts out accidental griefing when ppl go into the undercroft while someone else if doing something else. while things can be done somewhat faster with a team most just dont want to bother or risk it as only circuit has resource protections. personally i like it but i dont play it much


it’s okay but it’s kinda far from what i was expecting


id love duviri with like more than 10 different "skill cards" (forgot the name)


I like the lone story, especially the joy spiral. the experience I prefer to do alone, since I often just need a handful of resources . I had good runs where we did every portal and solved some puzzles together (it was great when it was just released since you couldnt look up the answers on youtube! so a lot of team trial and error), but it's rare to find people who want to do the experience exactly the way you do. so you have to recruit (meh) or solo. but the lone story? I enjoy it a lot. I buy my orokin catalysts with the clamps lol.


Can’t stand duviri was into the circuit for a little while but just to buggy and I can’t stand playing as the drifter even with maxed intrinsics do like flying around on a kaith tho but overall feels like a slog to play everytime I could have better stuff if I played it more but just can’t get myself to do it.


I like playing it but I can only play it in spurts. I wish you could replay the entire questline. I’m usually only doing sp circuit for incarnons or story mode for pathos clamps.


Add me to the “I love playing Duvari but only solo” list.


I like steelpath circuit. I hate Duviri. But i might just be an old warframe player and i don’t understand it


Depends, it was fun for a while but after a while it gets stale. The quest and initial maybe 20 runs of open world were awesome though


I like running circuit because it’s fun to become absolutely broken.


I personally don't like it as much as the other game modes. For example, I was just in a mission for over an hour while my squad of randoms did like 20 side objectives. Unfortunately, I'm too weak to go fight the worm by myself and have no friends who play Warframe to help me. It also gets kinda annoying trying to find plants for making incarnons.


I am not sure if you were aware of this. These plants are not randomized Locations. Each plant habitat grows in certain regions of Duviri. Some plants spawn more in certain moods as well. A 2x drop booster is always worth it if you can afford it. Study the resource map on the wiki and upgrade your horse skill to the point where you unlock the loot detector on your horse. That best advice I can give you.


Thank you, I honestly wasn't aware of this since the game never really tells you these things lol


I literally only did the quest and never play Duviri. I will play Duviri when I can pick my damn Frost for it and not some random frames I've zero experience with. The update is awesome, and the design is stunning, but I don't get why they put this weird wall in front of it.


I enjoy SP circuit. The other two modes, not so much.


I like Steel Circuit. I don't like playing as the Drifter, though. Too weak, no real variation in playstyle.


I enjoy Duviri.


I hate Duviri with every cell of my being. I spend every second in that hellhole craving death


I think it's alright. I'm not crazy about it as an entry point to Warframe, because the Drifter gameplay that dominates the 'normal' Duviri mode is *no-where else in the game*, but I enjoy it when I'm in the mood and have time to grind decrees until it gets silly.


First gen incarnons from Cavalero don’t require Duviri parts or plat to build. And some of those are seriously excellent. Just Zariman drops. The adapters do require it though. I don’t mind Duviri in limited doses.


I play Duviri stuff completely solo, except for SP Circuit. It's just such a vibe. I had to stop myself from playing after getting Kullervo, or else I'd just be doing a loop over and over again collecting decrees lol


I like 'em fine, but they're not something I'd want to do for no good reason. I recently wanted to try out the shotgun arcane on Kuva Hek, and had to spend a buncha time farming SP duviri. It got to the point where I was pretty good at it and was grooving along just fine, but as soon as I got what I needed, I stopped and never looked back. I have all the incarnons and weapons so like... I dunno. If they add more rewards, I'll be more than happy to check it out again. I think part of people's reluctance to do it is 1) it's a little RNG, so if you don't get a good roll you're going to have a harder time, and 2) It's a relatively hefty time-sink; Most missions elsewhere can be done in 5-10 minutes, but a duviri requires at least 15 if you're blasting through it, and sometimes much longer (the undercroft missions can toss you something like Defense or Survival twice or even three times in a row). Randos probably don't want to make that sort of up-front commitment.


I personally love duviri both for its missions and just to run around in, but I do have some friends that dislike it for the missions


i love duviri but i almost always run it solo, i like to explore and take my time and i always feel rushed playing it with other people


My relationship with Duviri is weird because on average, I'd say I dislike it. I forget it's there... until I need or want something from it. Then before I know it I'm 5 SP runs of Duviri Experience in with a friend having a blast, or doing SP Circuit. Once I *start* it and am literally 5 minutes in I'm good, but getting to the point to sit down and start it is the real challenge to me sometimes. Revently tho I've been trying to hit Duviri up more often bc mastery being a slow trickle halfway from LR1 to LR2, focusing on getting all my incarnons done (and farming Kullervo on the side) is a nice pastime activity. Same goes for Railjack tbf.


Yes, ish.


duviri fishing was fun, other than that i am not a fan of soulslike combat in not fromsoftware games. i just gunned every enemy down lol.


Duviri Experience? I only play it solo. It's easy enough. Kullervo's fights are easy. Now, Circuit SP is a pain in the a-


I stopped doing it after I kept getting excavation undercroft it's like it knows I hate it a little too much.


The first 5 times was cool. But now I cry a little everytime I see something NEEDS pathosclamp. I will NOT be getting any of those swords on tenshi cave so soon. Maybe after my next long break with renewed willpower


I like it


circuit is fine if the weekly rewards aren’t bad, other than that i hate it


I do. Duviri feels utterly shit if you dont upgrade from Sun & Moon (i cant describe how shit those weapons are at literally every single thing in the hands of Drifter), but also boring and unrewarding if tou do so outside of Steel Path. Once you get proper weapon for Drifter (Sampotes preferably), and level enough to handle Steel Path, it becomes surprisingly fun and rewarding. Especially now that arcane portals give extra clamps. Altho most people in pubs que for Lone Story, not Duviri Experience, id assume. I myself prefer solo with podcast, or with a group of friends.


I really enjoy the change of pace and the world and lore. I'm also very much looking forward to Soulframe, and Duviri seems similar to that.


I find alot of people seem to just start a public game and just wait in testing cave for a full squad before they start. And with orowyrm fights you only need 2 people to make it as fast as possible. One grabs Orvius and the other gets close to where Oro spawns.


No, I endured it to get the XP (weapons and Kullervo) and will never touch this mode ever again.


just do public. if people treat it like lone story, kindly ask them if they can leave after orowyrm from the menu instead of the extract portal. doing so allows you to stay and farm more where the extract portal forces everyone out. and tell them "leave durviri" from the menu will bring up a pop up confirmation that will confirm all resources and progress will remain.


While I dislike it very much, as for most "not warframe" game modes, I am glad to see some people in the comments actually do enjoy it :-)


I do, on occasion. Heavily depends on which decrees I get for which frame. With Mesa, getting the fire rate increase is an absolute blast. The extra corrosive one is also really good. With Styanax, I love the one where you get extra damage while airborne. With Dante, the one that sacrifices 0.5 weapon damage for **600%** ability strength is unfair.


I really like Duviri. It’s an interesting change of pace


I like it quite a bit when I don’t feel like mobbing like the rest of the game. The occasional puzzle is fun. It’s a break from the main game, different but still fun for me.


no lmao fuck random loadouts. if you mean the drifter parts of duviri then yeah they're enjoyable ig


It’s okay, not at the bottom of my list but sure my not the top neither. Whenever I need an incarnon, I just hop into pub lobbies. It always fills up and we go for at least 4-5 rounds, sometimes more if you ask ahead of time in chat.


I do enjoy Duviri, and I DESPISE the fact that undercroft is a part of it.


I quite enjoy it, it’s a very nice change of pace to do every now and then and you really don’t need to do it very much. I also really like the orowyrm fight, it was in my opinion the coolest boss fight in the game until the fragmented one released.


Would have been fun but the grind destroyed it for me, just like mirror defense and conjunction survival....


I like circuit. I don't like duviri. Why would I want to run around as a  little- space boy- when I could run around as a BIG SPACE BOY!!! 


Pubs are usually pretty good when it comes to SP circuit. The game-mode itself however, does encourage having a good number of frames and weapons built, forma'd, setup and basically ready to go. There's RnG involved when it comes what roll of weapons/frames you get and you never know how many teammates will or will not get lucky, so you want to play the odds if you want to get this done quickly.


nearly as bad as kahl missions so i do it as little as possible. got my strongest incarnon already from it so never have to do it again.


I love playing duviri ! Having random frames and weapons force me to adapt a little bit, and I really liké the random upgrades, I feel like i'm playing a rogue like.


Personally I don't, I like the concept but honestly it's just boring as hell for me. If you do the circuit it's boring and dreadful to look at and they just repeat, as for the. Regular, I love the looks of the different emotions but having to do that for pathos clamps was a massive burnout for me, especially when you need them for each incarnon adapter, and each of the melee weapons. Personally I just don't enjoy the randomization of it nor the deep archimedea. Sure, you can just reset after a round if you don't like what you get but it's still a waste of time to Do. I'd rather just use what I want, I change my warframe pretty much every other mission anyway but I get to choose them for myself not get bottle necked. Not to mention the weapons that come pre modded(if you don't own them) feel like they suck horrendously. Overall I like the concept, and the rewards but it feels dreadful to actually do.


I hate farming pathos clamps, I love undercroft and incarnons. I spend enough time actually getting the incarnons DE and there's so much more game to play why do I have to double down on my time in what is essentially a different mode just to get the final ingredient?


My main issue with duviri is the randomness of loadouts available, and the bit where solo mode pause is arbitrarily disabled in duviri. I can get why plains or cetus would override it, due to the whole day-night cycle, but I do not see duviri to actually update underway run to a new spiral when that clock ticks over....


I love it, personally. Fun to run around doing stuff and getting op as my drifter.


I like duviri much more than I like circuit


Ya got to run those alone. It just doesn't make sense to bring 3 other people, only for you to play mini games and farm for items YOU want. If they had they're own items they want, they're sure as hell not going to be helping you play your minigame, so no point in doing it in coop. It's not like it makes the process faster or easier either


I hate it. I hate what we were teased with and what it turned out to be. I think the mechanics are awful and not fun. I even hate it esthetically, which is a first for Warframe. Zariman sucks too imo.


Negative Nancy over here


I liked it before the nerfs now...DE likes to "balance" things to the points it's less fun and more grindy.




Fuck no, it's a damnable waste of time that shouldn't even be this long. We went from being a godlike being to a toddler trying to crawl on its underdeveloped limbs, in a system that likes LONG animations and longer distances between each action. It was awful when Kahl got created and it got worse in duviri. The concept is great, but holy shit does it feel like i'm playing a shittier version of dark souls 2.


It's the best content in the game imo


i don't dislike it, but duviri gets the fps somewhat low


Duviri experience? No. Story (or whatever the side quest removed one is called)? No. Circuit? Might be my favorite thing


I do not.


Nope, hate how it plays tbh.


It's the same shit we've been doing for years,  just meant to take longer.  Fun isn't what Warframe designs stuff for anymore. Just what keeps people playing and spending longest.   Like every new thing they add is just initially played then never touched because it's just a farming chore.


Idk with you but I like running around duviri. Do it solo mostly though since I like to take my time and explore.


I mean yea, but that's kinda the whole appeal to WF. I don't play this game with the understanding that I will ever stop grinding, because if I do i will have experienced all there is to do. The difference between WF and other games is here the grind should be fun, and if it isn't, then you do something else. Or stop playing.