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Rhino is a nice early game option. You can obtain the main blueprint for rhino from the market for credits and all the part blueprints from Jackal on venus. He is tanky with the use of his second ability and his third ability is one of the strongest weapon buff abilities. He also has good crowd control with his fourth ability.


The Jackal also drops 2 rare weapon blueprints. You won't be able to use them for a long time but they are good to have for when you need them which makes Rhino farm even more appealing as more than likely eventually you're gonna do it, might get lucky and skip a later grind. Rhino is a great early frame. With some energy management he can effectively have infinite health and there are a few difficulty spikes in the game it helps a lot.


I agree with this person. Rhino is excellent in early game content and if you build it right, it can carry you for a very long time. I have no issues using rhino in endgame content as well.


I agree with you, in that it is a nice early game option. I also massively advise any new player to not get it. It promotes an extremely unaware and unsafe playstyle that leads to the exact problem we had with everyone dying to jade light Eximus units when the beam was super easy to avoid. Rhino is easy to use and dumb and safe, but that's exactly why a new player shouldn't touch him with a pole.


I can agree with this is he great in early game and late game


Rhino also has Roar, which is fantastic for buffing damage late-game with enough strength mods.


All are fairly op, and while some have more specialized uses, plenty are good for most anything. Heres a couple ideas. Rhino- you get his parts from the boss on venus. Can boost gun damage, can give himself full CC immunity and status immunity, can ragdoll enemies. Very strong, and can take you quite far in star chart. Wukong- you get him from dojos, so youd need to join a clan. You can find one in recruit chat if you arent in one. He is an amazing all rounder, high damage, great survivability, and his passive means you effectively get 4 extra lives every mission. Both fairly easy to get early game, so my top 2 recommended frames


You are absolutely correct, but I just wanted to add that Zephyr from the dojo is also quite strong with few mods. Not as tanky, but great for early defensive missions.


And volt as well


Zephyr also has free crit chance which is nice if you don't have many mods. 'Gain 150% crit chance while airborne' I think it says is her passive. Her 1 air dash is nice for crossing big rooms, 2 black hole ability gives you breathing room or lets you dump a crowd bunched together, 3 is basically free invincibility provided most of the incoming damage is physical projectiles, and her 4's tornadoes are busted. She's awesome, one of my favourites.


As a bird main I approve of this message


My favorite frequent flier! Great for BotB ascention!


Also, it's a good idea to get nekros once you get to Deimos (maybe get some help to kill lefantis cause he might an annoying boss for a weak char). Fairly tanky, decent CC, can summon shadow soldiers and most importantly nearly doubles the amount of loot you get. Any team is very happy to have Nekros on their team even if they don't do much in terms of damage.


Honestly, Mag. I use her for everything. But if you wanted a new frame, Wukong is versatile also. Rhino, Volt are good too.


Flair checks out.


Extremely guilty as charged.


As others have said, mag is the most op. I've been a mag main from 0 to LR2 now, so definitely biased. But, full armor strip with fracturing crush. Stop all incoming projectiles with counter pulse. When you get to subsuming it opens up even more fun. She's a blast. Definitely one of the most ability active frames though.


I just have started using mag, and shes growing on me. Still prefer gyre as my main nuke, but mag is my second if i cant trust i can keep kills up


She was my starter and I blew through the starchart on her. I have 3 times as many hours on her than my next most used frame.


There's a bunch of Warframes that are fairly easy to farm early on: * **Rhino**: Component blueprints from The Jackal on Venus, main blueprint in the Market. * **Excalibur**: Component blueprints from Lech Kril on Mars, main blueprint in the Market. * **Mag**: Component blueprints from The Sargeant on Phobos, main blueprint in the Market. * **Frost**: Component blueprints from Lech Kril & Vor on Ceres, main blueprint in the Market. * **Volt**, **Zephyr**, **Banshee**, **Nezha**, and **Wukong**: All blueprints in your Clan's Tenno Lab You can have a look at them in the Market when you get access to it to see which ones you may like.


Mag is pretty versatile for most tasks. She can strip armor from the Grineer and those of Infested that have armor, and deal with shields Corpus have. In builds lies power.


Aint mags aug for armor strip locked behind fraction ? beside that still mag op good choice.


Personally, I'd recommend Frost to any new player. He's easy to use, and basically essential for Defense/Mobile Defense.


I feel like we as a community need a better description of what a new player is. Frost is on Ceres, and while the community at large would say that's early game, it's still going to take any player not prioritizing star chart clearance a dozen hours or more to get there. New players don't have the knowledge base to breeze through the chart that quickly in the first few hours of opening the game. To access Ceres, you have to do Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Deimos, and Phobos alongside multiple quests required for junctions. Rhino is on Venus, which is opened up during the tutorial quest, and can be farmed in about an hour after starting up the game on a new account. That said, I'll second Frost as a goal, but maybe prioritize an earlier frame than him.


Mag is a really strong frame if you wish to go the simplest way


You want to obtain a couple of different warframes, maybe even all of them eventually. Warframes are as OP as you can mod and play them; if they fit your vibe, they'll be stronk.


Mag is so good though, you could just use her. But that's not very fun! I was in the same position and not sure what to get next, so as a newish player my suggestion would be: Join a clan. Either through Reddit, the recruiting tab, or through the built in clan search, and build all the frames in the tenno lab and try out each one until you find one you like. That way you're also increasing your MR. And then for primes, just farm out relics and prime parts and eventually you'll land a prime. Without really trying I got Revenant and Gauss. Then you can sell the other prime stuff for plat to trade for a prime you want after you've tried different play styles.


Keep your mag for later, she is one of the insanely OP frames for sure


If you do duviri experience you can get kullervo who will carry through the entire game with your favorite melee weapon


Mag does everything you asked but instead of tank health she shield tanks. That being said people have already given suggestions, so I will just say, eventually you’re going to collect every single warframe in the game, just choose one of the ones the people have listed and go for it, anything is OP if you mod it right.


Frost ember or volt the easy elemental frames


First frame you should get is Rhino. He'll help you take down tougher bosses and enemies with his iron skin and Roar. Then you need someone to help you loot. I suggest Nekros. After that you need a frame to nuke so you can level and forma weapons. That is Volt(and if u can buy him as prime). You may want an easy spy frame: Ivara's helminth is great, and Wukong will help you fly through spy missions. As for the defense side, my reccomendation is Gara, but Frost is also great. After you get all these you can go into more specialized frames and find the frame you like most. For example, Mirage was the 4th frame I tried and she stuck with me for all my journey.


Rhino is really good for as early as you get him. (You'll get your first piece for him in the second planet you visit) Gara can be farmed for early on, but the Plains of Eidolon are kinda tricky. Limbo is fun, but he may require practice, and his pieces build in a quest and are really fast. If you join a clan, you can swing by the tenno lab and grab Nezha, Volt, Zephyr, and Wukong, all of which are very good choices. Edit: in terms of early frames that are really OP, your best choices imo are Rhino and Wukong. Haven't played Rhino yet, but I know he's beyond tanks, especially early on, and Wukong is just full of tricks that end with never dying.


Ok, you need to be MR 3. And have Mars and the necralisk unlocked. So you can access tyanas' pass on Mars. It takes a little while of grinding, but the warframe I'm recommending is citrine. She does a lot, she gives regeneration with her passive. Increases health and energy drops with her first. Gives damage resistance up to 90 percent for you and your allies. Her third can barrage enemies with considerable amounts of elemental damage. Her fourth can allow red crits when you target the crystals. She is pretty strong on her own despite being a support, and even if you can't do much, then your team will still benefit from the buffs


Limbo is effectively immortal by choice until you run into certain powered up enemies. He's later in the star chart though. Ivara can be pretty much permanently invisible, but, I'm pretty sure she's later in the star chart too. Rhino is the undisputed king for survival and he's really early to get. I just don't like him very much.


Warframe is a game where you can make pretty much any frame viable. It didn't use to be the case, but now it is. Revenant is basically the tankiest frame next to Nezha and rhino. He's literally a cheat code.


I agree rhino is quite easy to get early on in the game. but have to farm for him a bit on Fossa, in venus. Even easier are the clan Warframes. You can get Vauban from nightwave, but personally I think use your nightwave credits for other things and you can get Vauban from the circuit in future. If you do the duviri paradox quest, you can do the circuit and pick 1 of 3 frames a week.  Next week is Mesa, and she can kill things fast with her guns, and can defend herself too with abilities. In a few weeks time it will be Octavia, another very popular frame who can kill and defend an area.


Me personally I went from mag to ember to valkry, to nekros, to inaros


Been playing since the first starchart of the game. Best advice I can give, and what was advised by other people to me back then: start with whichever frame u find the coolest. You will gather them all at some point, just enjoy the game and whatever u find most appealing will give u the most fun.


Everyone is gonna say Rhino, and they're not wrong to say that, but I'm gonna recommend Titania instead. She has wider array of build options due to having more diversity of tactics than he does and does not get the credit she deserves. While in razorwing she can be built as either a health or shield tank. And, if you are SO FOOLISH as to look at any of her other buttons you will find a very powerful CC and support combo option waiting for you to experiment with.


Once you get a bit farther into the game farming gauss, and Titania fill a lot of gaps. Farming prime parts over time would be easier


Zephyr, you can literally just “nope” all ranged attacks while staying above all your melee attackers. Can move stupid fast, can build range on your turbulence to protect defense points. Eventually when you get an acceltra you become an attack helicopter and destroy EVERYTHING.


You can get the dojo frames -nezha -wukong -volt -banshee And the boss drop ones -rhino -hydroid -excalibur -frost -valkyr -ember -nova -and so on (every planet's boss drops the parts of a warframe except vor on Mercury)


Kullervo arguably one of the best frames to get early game. He can get absurd amounts of damage with his 1 get 15~20k overguard with his 2 nuke rooms full of enemies with his 3 and get 12x combo with his 4 which is also good for defense missions if you mod for a bit of range and since you get him through duviri you can also farm for some of the best melees in the game. I personaly use xoris because the infinite combo duration but you can use whatever you want. And he will get you to end game comfortably.


Rhino good, very tanky, take many hits, keep smashing.


Earliest Tankframe would be Rhino. His 2nd ability gives you more armor and overguard depending on how much damage you take while it's active. Would recommend him. He also holds up very well late game too. As for the other question, about the most OP, don't focus on that. Focus on ones you actually find fun. Once you unlock Duviri Circuit, you get the chance to test drive one of three (up to five with intrinsics) frames that don't change until you either complete a run or the cycle changes. Use that to test out and see which frames you like the feel of.




This weeks paradox circuit will give you hydroid, mirage or limbo. I haven’t played limbo so I can’t suggest him but I have mirage prime and hydroid prime and they are both very good frames.


I would say Rhino and Frost are both pretty good earlygame tanky warframes, both are pretty strong throughout the game and are relatively simple to understand.


All frames can be taken to level 9999 content more or less fine with the right investment, and there's literally no other reason to do so than you finding no challenge anywhere else anymore. So don't worry about which frame is OP or not, and concern yourself more with just mastering all of the ones you can acquire to bump up your mastery rank (each frame gives 6k mastery xp when leveled to rank 30, vs weapons' 3k) and finding frames you find fun to play. Though if you want a tanky versatile frame then Rhino is probably the most fitting one you can get early game (there are others too, but the point you get them varies), as his parts drop from Fossa, Venus (the Venus Assassination node)


Wisp is basically the best frame of the game and can handle anything


I'd suggest Rhino first, you can get his neuro, chassis and systems in the mission "Fossa" in Venus (it is a boss fight against Jackal) and his main blueprint you get in the market. I'd also suggest Kullervo, he simply makes any melee and even primaries and secondaries good. Although it would be better if you play the game a little more and get comfortable with it before farming Kullervo. His farm is a bit tricky, so i would suggest watching a video on how to farm him.


Mag is one of the best frames. The thing is in this game there is no real all-rounder. But you can do everything with all of them but some of them are better at certain specific things. Next month there is a dev stream with a twitch drop where you get Saryn, one of the most powerful nuke frames, she is also one of the strongest weapon platforms damage wise. But she is a glass canon. Rhino is mainly a good weapon platform for elemental based weapons and he is pretty tanky. You can also play him as cc but not really good. Loki would be the go-to for spy missions because you can get invisible and can teleport. With the argument mod you can also go for his 4 and you have a pretty good but underrated cc frame there. Volt is probably one of the more versatile frames, with his argument for the 1 he can be a little bit of a weapon platform but not as strong as rhino or saryn in this regard, with his speed buff he can get the missions done faster, his shield gives him good survivability, especially with the argument that refills your shield. And his 4 is a decent nuke if there are many enemies, the more enemies there are and the closer they are to each other the stronger this ability gets, but he is not as strong as saryn in this regard. And even his shield is less convenient as the shield that frost can deploy. Speaking of frost he can take some hits and with the argument for his 4 even more. His bubble is very good for defense, his 4 is nuke and cc in one, his 2 with the change in the argument gives you another strong cc ability and the one is also there.... So probably go for volt or frost, definitely grab saryn next month and go get Loki. They should suffice until you reach steelpath. Last tipp I give now ist for weapon modding, try as hard as you can to mod in one direction only once. That means one crit chance more one crit damage mod, one damage mod, one fire rate mod etc. You get the picture, trust me or ask if I should do the math for you. Gn8


Rhino = journalist diff


Most frames are some level of "OP." That said, for early game, Rhino is good for most things super early on. There's a few that are pretty easy to get via Clan stuff for when you get into that side, top of my head there's Zephyr, Volt, and Nezha in there. I'd need to check to see what Primes are in rotation, assuming you have the MR and are far enough to crack relics, I'm pretty certain Gauss is in there, which is a high recommendation for me (his vanilla iirc is decently into the game), Hildryn is another case of that, too. But start with Rhino, I'd also look into someone who's good for Spy missions, as well. Most of the bosses on the various planets will drop parts for extra frames, so I'd look at what the drop tables are on those.


Zephyr is an amazing frame for new players, and you can just buy her blueprint from the dojo! So you only need to join a clan and get her blueprints from there :) Zephyr is very strong, even with the most simple build. She isn't tanky as in a lot of health, armor or shield but if you always keep her 3rd ability up she can tank ANY damage except melee attacks and status effects.


Do not buy one from the market


Mag easily fits all those conditions you just said


Just like other people are saying, Rhino is good for early games, as well as Volt, and the other Dojo frames But come mid game/mid story, you can also get Wisp, which, if built right, pretty much checks every box, damage, survivability, etc, but do keep in mind, again, she's not quite early game, so only consider her once you've gotten further




At some point in time if u play long enough u will get all the frames.. but for early beginners, rhino is easy enough to get from the star chart and usable enough with iron skin to survive enough to clear the chart.. just mod strength, efficiency and more energy to survive..


Atlas. All others get in the way of Rok n Ston


rhino and frost are very solid frames with a perfect mix between tanky and damage, u can go for either one of those, but one of the frames you should get asap would be nekros, since early game farming is very rough in this game having a loot frame like him will be very good in the long run.


Start on mercury and get all the frames available from the solar map planetary boss locations. Earth will have to wait though as Vay Hek is a bitch to tussle with early on. These are your base set really. If you are wanting to know what to meta next...you're on your own. AND you're missing out on the best parts of the game.


My personal favorite frame is kullervo, and you can actually get as soon as you start the game by doing duviri. He’s very melee focused and can handle most of the game’s content. It’s a pretty long farm to get him, but it’s definitely worth it. By doing duviri, you could also try frames and weapons you don’t have to see which ones you like. You can also get syam, which a weapon you can get from duviri that works really well with kullervo, and just in general.


There are a lot of recommendations for Rhino and Wukong, (good recommendations mind you) zephyr, who is also from the dojo, can take you all the way through steel path


Your second frame is always rhino, you'll understand why after you get him


A good "training wheels" warframe is revenant. They are really good at crowd control, single target damage, and has an ability that prevents you from taking enemy damage. On paper, they are broken, and that's because they are. Now, there are much better warframes that are much more complicated, but can deal even more damage, although revenant is still a really good warframe for someone who wants a simple warframe.


As mag worshiper i recommend getting another mag, as mag is good for everything. There are vids about mag on yt, they explain basics like shield gating and such you will look at frames from different persoective. As fellow tenno i recommend just going through star chart and getting rhino since its new player friendly with good ehp and roar which boosts dmg. Also frost is early game friendly without costly mods so good one to get too. P.S. Avoid loki as hes a bad frame.


You shut your whore mouth. Loki is best stealth boy. Always invisible. Corpus nullifier nerds are the only danger to you if you run full silent weapons. Not too good vs bosses or in defense, but if you have streamline, continuity, and equilibrium (having flow gives you a bigger battery for energy droughts), you can pretty much never leave invis, or take a single hit. As long as you stab nerds all the time.


Loki needs love from DE all he has is stealth where EVERYONE DOES IT BETTER(exept slow ivara lmao)


All 4 friends I introduced to Warframe I advised them to immediately do 1 daily task (random but easy enough for everyone) and 2 weekly tasks (kill 500 mobs and do 15 missions) of nightwave to get first level that reward 150 creds. Then use 75 creds to buy Vauban parts, and the blueprint from Market with 35k. Almost 80% or more of Warframe contents are defend-style or survival, so Vauban ball turret will be very handy. It also provide a way to semi-afk (or should I say minimal input playstyle) when farming credits on dark sector nodes (for someone haven't unlock The Index or just want to play solo and chill). Most frames (non Prime) are also available in The Circuit which can be speedrun in 3-4 hrs to get all blueprints + their basic augment mod. Every run just complete stage 5 and leave, or do stage 1 then leave to reroll if you got bad builds.


If you think you're tough enough to take on Duviri once it's available to you, Kullervo is the sleeper unkillable frame and he's easier to get than Rhino since you don't have to farm the parts over and over from him.


Lavos he's my favorite. super fun super strong and super active.


Warframes are playstiles, like classes in other mmo's. Your mods (the cards) are what make you powerful, and it will be a long time before you have the very best ones (unless you pay $). I really enjoy frost. Rino has a large fanbase, and volt is the second best speed frame (and is meta for a farm). This https://youtu.be/YgN1PVxegIY?si=-eHZ5j-pj_l327bX is a video of all the frames (there might be 1 or 2 missing) ordered by when you can get them. If you play long enough, you will want them all to get mastery rank.


Get rhino for the invulnerability, but DO NOT stick with it solely the whole game. As you level other frames, even if you don't main them you should experiment with them. Once you're comfortable with game mechanics in Rhino, I'd suggest progressing to limbo and learning to use active abilities to keep it alive. It has a huge health pool and fantastic life drain, so it's pretty forgiving. But again, don't ignore the other frames as you level them, and note any frames/abilities you might wanna revisit. Once you've practiced juggling abilities enough, you should feel relatively comfortable slipping into whatever frame you wanna main. And don't completely write off frustrating frames. Some of them, like Gauss, are only frustrating because they have a high general skill floor, once you're familiar with parkour and aren't getting stuck on scenery as often, he's a blast.


Nekros, simply for resource & cred farming. You're going to need tons of resources to build weapons & frames. He's also got good survivability.


I know most people don't agree with this, but very few frames have as much versatility as Titania. Also you get her without any RNG farming IIRC.


You already have one of the most op warframe (mag) you just need to learn how to make her shine


Oh the list of OP frames is really goddamn long once you pass into the midgame after the New War quest. But that quest will have plenty of demands to meet so until then just get rhino. There are also prime frames you can farm that are a slightly more upgraded version of the normal frames. You get them from void relics


A lot of people are saying rhino, and I'd really advise against him. He's really strong and easy to play, but teaches you bad habits and you will be frustrated later on with how "squishy" other frames are, when Rhino is just incredibly tanky. Rhino teaches you bad habits. I've seen it myself. Keep Rhino until your fourth frame or so, when the basics of movement and safe positioning have stuck.


Not Oberon #StopOberonPowercreep




Rhino is really good at your level, and when you start farming corrupted mods, he will be really useful to have


All of them.


Imma be real witchu chief, from early to late, Dante is still really good. I’m not gonna go into term specifics, but that boy is: 1: Tanky as shit 2: Clears anything in line of sight 3: Helps your team 4: Fucks your enemies 5: All on a five course meal of overtuned fuckery


Join a clan and get Wukong from there. He's the former meta, still very good, and will help you complete the starchart. He has an excellent movement&healing skill, plus a free clone. Also an exalted weapon of his own, if your own weapons aren't good.


I have a recent trouble playing anything other than Hyldrin. Very simple to build, just get shields and str. Pillage is waaaay too strong, no more ennemy armor, no shields either and you are basically immortal with the longer shield-gate.


Rhino is like the beginner tank frame so thats a nice start easy to farm as well.


Wukong is hyper versatile and can be purchased from your dojo


Rhino and Excalibur are solid. Mag is an endgame monster and ez to farm. Join a clan, go to the Tenno lab and get Wukong and Zephyr. Wukong is basically immortal and fast, while Zephyr is my personal favorite that has everything from CC, survivabllity and her passive gives bonus crits.


I agree with many of the other comments; Rhino is a very good choice. Also, if you want to get into Duvirii, you could do the Circuit. This week Hydroid is available, he recently got a rework and is very powerful now. Also in Duviri is Kulervo who can be very powerful with minimal investment. If you are in a clan you could get Zephyr from the Tenno lab. She is VERY poweful and with minimal investment take you into base Steel Path. (with full investment she can take you to lvl cap)


It's really simple, go to the market in your ship and scroll through them. Find one you think looks cool and go try and get that one. If you don't have a goal you care about, you will burn out VERY fast. Any warframe is fully and well capable of doing any content in the game with EASE even the weakest ones like nyx or caliban.


Mag is op, keep her, she fits well in endgame


Play the game more first before you concern yourself with that. The correct answer to your question? All of them.


Rhino is pretty good. Jade is currently easily farmable and she's pretty versatile and cheap to build Nekros is pretty early and will help you farm loot.


I'd choose Wukong as a new player. He's pretty tanky, heals himself while in a cloud form and travels fast. Has 3 lives and a twin brother that helps killing stuff. His 2nd and 3rd abilities make him invincible. Great for any mission type. One of the best warframes to start with IMO.


Any warframe in the dojo minus banshee in my opinion all easy to obtain and farm my personal fav being dagath but one of the more annoying farms.