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The one i love the most is "Ordis reminds the Operator to take time for themselves. Pressure creates diamonds, yes, but it also creates rubble.", the way he delivers it is so heartwarming


I've noticed I tend to get that one after playing for a few hours. Idk if it's intentional ingame reminder or if it's random


Pretty sure it's random. I'd been playing for an hour and a half, if that


Random, once he told me that when I just started playing.


"This is the 113th time you've logged in this month, operator, it's time for a rest."


[***Offended Atlas Face***] >Pressure creates diamonds, yes, but it also creates rubble.


Atlas: So what you're saying is, if I clench my buttcheeks hard enough, I get infinite rubble? Say less.


Funny enough I got that one right after completing the quest!


yeah, he has a lot of new lines. and they're GOOD.


my favorite is when he starts playing games and you can hear it and he goes “OOP SORRY- ordis will play with the volume off”


Tbh the one that originally made me love him was his "secret to happiness" comment


That line goes hard, especially with his lore >!He was turned into a cephalon himself. He knows everything that happened and who he was but just surpresses it to not feel suicidal and gives in to the manufactured happiness. That line directly references and acknowledges why he is the way he is!<


That just makes me sad.... Tbh i kind of wish i could put him in one of my necramechs just to let him enjoy the combat once more


I really wish we get to restore ordan karris to at least a more.. whole version Ordis deserves better All cephalons do And suda needs a massive hug, >!she voluntarily became one to combat dementia as as an archimedean she was supposed to remember vast swathes of information for the orokin. She strongly regrets not doing it before forgetting her deceased husband's name..!<


Is something known about why he killed so many people bag than?


Do you mean the orokin at the ceremony or just everything else? The latter is because he was a mercenary working for the orokin, doing their dirty work. And he was really good at it. The orokin was because he did not like the orokin at all. There's a bit more nuance to it, but this is pretty much the simplest way to say it.


I only know that you killed so many people that you can build a planet out of the corpses. And I mean if we look at it and real life can there be a good enough reason for something like that? On the other hand give him a necamech I want a new open world map out of corpes xD


There's not really anything in real life to compare to the orokin. They were willing to kill people for almost any reason. It would be akin to some global elite of immortal beings who get a kick out of massacring some random villages, but instead of them doing the massacring, it's their private military doing it for them.


I love his "Sometimes Ordis pretends to know nothing! .. No one can learn what they think they already know" It's just such a dumb joke


Honesy ordis using the orbiters cpu to o Play space invaders when not assisting us feels super wholesome. Let the man play with the volume up he deserves some fun


Fr. They should add a minigame where you can play some arcade game with/against him. No rewards just fun


let him fight us in frame fighter, i want to hear his best glitchy shit talking


Real. Him going full ordan in his gamer rage moments or just like.. chilling on split screen racing games


"Operator, that was f-F̧͝͝F̓ͨ̃FF̲͕̉͊́͞F̖̓ͬ̆F-̅͌͜Ǐ̜͔͙N̦G H͂ͣAX́̅́- fun, let play again :D"


GET FFFFF-far away.


Yeah, I wanna say that his new lines were added around the time that the Y2K x Dark Sector quest came out.


I think it may have been a bit before whispers in the walls. probably around abyss of dagath, or maybe even duviri.


Yeah the new lines he has are very good. My favorite line is him getting annoyed at the Corpus using the emergency channel to sell stuff.




My favorite lol. “Operator, we have received a distress signal. Oh wait… it’s just the Corpus peddling their wares. GET OFF THE EMERGENCY FREQUENCY!!!” Full rage voice.


He just sounds so pouty with the "it's just the Corpus peddling their wares", love it.


Thats my ringtone lol


I love the way he says “Mis-ter Granum!” In the new quest


The sass is beautiful


Or when he says "Have fun!", it's so cute! Yes, Ordis, I will have fun killing all those Corpus. Thank you. <3


It has all the energy of "I will be restored to Ordan *specifically* so I can PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS"


Basically everything he says in the new mission is great.


You can just *feel* that Ordis' VA had a fucking blast recording those Ascension lines


I like that he starts a knock-knock joke and then immediately wonders who could be knocking out in space


operator...^I ^don't ^think ^you ^should ^answer ^that


We all know who is knocking…and it wasn’t ordis


*^(rap)* *^(tap)* *^(tap)*




Imagine if they added a super rare chance of closing Navigation and seeing him outside the window in wall form, after New War.


This actually convinced me that Ordis gets his love of puns from Ordan.


Well, it IS a fault he’s been trying to bypass…


Also a new new line: "Ordis knows what to do, Ordis has been taking 'motes'! That was a pun, Ordis. That fault was supposed to be bypassed, Ordis!"


I knew this line would be here somewhere. I actually haven’t heard the “Was that pun!? I will attempt to bypass this fault” line in a long while. Is it gone?


https://preview.redd.it/u70vc147ot8d1.png?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b524402fa94dead493c60ffde4162d56a9609e From the new Ascension mode. Ordis is sassy


all of the new lines from the relay and the new game mode are hilarious


I'll miss the old lines [but](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9Pd8ktEL24).


I like when he chimes in on my fashion frame design. His tastes are wierd but whenever i make a color combo thats bad and he just glitches out and screams "MY EYES ARE BLEEDING" always gets a chuckle from me


I haven't heard that in a while. Lately I get "Operator, the system is not ready for fashion of this magnitude".


I got "Ordis respects your choices" recently and never before have I felt so judged. It wasn't even a completed customization and I was like "ok mate, at least wait until I'm done before you say something like that."


You: *picks black, then red* Ordis: "Sure, wear the same thing AGAIN, Operator." 🙄


I get it a lot... :[


Better up your fashion framing then


“All my jokes argon” kills me everytime


Lmao same. It may be a dad joke, but the fact that it works -only- in Warframe is pretty neat.


My favorite ordis line is "*Ordis finds it odd that humans only get a few years to live, yet spend most of that time* - ***doing everything wrong*** - *learning how to live*" And i still feel personally and directly attacked by it


Cut yourself some slack. Living is the longest and most mysterious thing you will ever do. No one has a perfect guide for it and we all process through it by making mistakes.


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is on whether or not you let failure be the last thing you ever do. Probably the best line in sci-fi and it's from a silly little comedy space opera, but it really do put stuff in perspective. Iterate until successful, repeat!


I miss that webcomic but it did need to come to a conclusion.


Oh believe me i get it. Iv lived in a perpetual state of existential crisis from the age of like 12 till like a year ago where i just kinda went 'meh is what it is im here might as well enjoy it'. Dosnt make me feel less attacked when he says it tho lmao


"But I'm sure he would also tell you to- GET FFFFFFFFFFFF- ar away from here"


I keep expecting Ordis to say "GET FUCKED" and now I'm always disappointed when I don't hear it


Petition started to let Ordis (or Orran, however it has to work) say the Fuck word. It's an M rated game, and he's been through enough to warrant one, maybe two lines with the Fuck word




Say this every time the line plays. SAY IT.


Yes! I would pay to see that!


Imo, censoring is funnier than saying out loud


For me, imeadiatly after hunhows message, ordis made a joke about the sentients adapting to his jokes. That floating amazon alexa has no chill


(In an increasingly higher pitch) Did they… ADAPT… to my.. humor? :D


"Ordis went mad for 3 milliseconds when he realized that each time he cleans something, he makes something else dirty. —AGH!— There I go again." This one gets me every time.


That and the line abot kubrows not so much eating as *reloading*. It's a great line, but it's so much better with how it's said


There’s also his line that normally is fine, but when you’re in Kahl’s encampment becomes waaaayyyy funnier. “Pleas estand by while I analyze the intelligence of the grineer Error, not a number Did the operator enjoy this witicism?”


Glad to have you back Tenno! Yeah, I hope he gets new lines every few years! I've not stopped, but I'm so glad to hear the Lotus call out new alerts.


Would be nice if ordis and lotus had some dialogue after the new war


Kinda wish her Zanuka and Grustrag 3 lines changed after the new war and she acknowledges you like a capable adult.


Ordis wants you get get Fuuuu far away


Ordis has always been one of my favorite characters. I'm really happy they have been expanding his presence both in the story and in the background.


My favorite is: “Sometimes Ordis likes to assume he knows nothing! Someone cannot learn what they think they already know.”


My favorite has to to be his "Is everything in Ordis Operator? IS THAT A PUN?!" Love that lil dude and if anything happens to him I will make what the Tenno did to the Orokin look like a wonderful spa day.


Please return operaror. *COVERED IN BLOOD!*....safe and sound


i like to think ordis really believes you really named one of your weapons covered in blood as you might have said "this is covered in blood" without thinking and he interpreted that as a name rather then a statement. i mean tenno have named their weapons worse things right?


Good old Ordis, always with the timing. But yeah that's a newer clip, they actually went back about, I dunno some time in the last year, and filled him up with a new set of random lines to play in the ship which was a nice refresh


Ordis my bestie, give him some Ito to da, he will talk less if ur annoyed


Just the consonants will be missing. Even the annoyed will be confused.


Everyone just casually revealing the other new voicelines in comments instead of letting op eventually experience them for themselves


I love ordis. I want a plushie of him in his sentinel form.


Does he think this will get under Ordis' skin? It has not! Ordis is fine. Really. REALLY.


I was thinking operator, I thought you'd like to know.


Later tell us if you liked the burn that ordis gave to granun on the event


No wonder Jade does fire damage - Parvos gets roasted so hard in this event.


Which one? Ordis' beef with parvos in those missions is absolutely vicious and he has so many A Tier roasts


Eloquently telling granum you're old, get help. "You are an old man, Mister Granum, and you were by yourself in the void for a very long time. Please, seek medical treatment."


Personally the one where he really let's the beast out and just says that ordan should have slit parvos throat is my favourite. Those little glimpses into his true self are incredible


noticed he hasn't been correcting himself after glitching like he used to.


I love his "gallant leaps" voice line


The Argon joke is peak


Play the new game mode. He's awesome.


My most recent favorites are, "perhaps the Operator needs to take another trip to the depths of Uranus?" and his 'two places at once' bit. I laugh out loud every time I hear it.


I'll miss "I've been counting stars operator, all accounted for"


That one still happens.


Not for me, haven't heard it in months.


my favorite is when he yells at the Corpus to stop pendin' their shit on the emergency frequency.


Don't remember the specific voice clip but in one he tells the player the key to happiness and the way he says the things required makes me giggle every time


I love ordis jokes there such dad jokes “operator the sentient aren’t laughing at my jokes anymore, did they ADAPT to my humour”


My other favourite is “what finger do the corpus use to count there money, the index”


I like the line about the distress signal and then he gets annoyed when it turns out it’s ‘just the corpus peddling their wares again’


Yeah, gone are the days of looking for the setting to specifically mute Ordis after maybe 200 hours. Now that he has new lines and his character's been fleshed out a lot more (including having a proper model now), I'm perfectly fine with keeping his lines on. The Index and Argon jokes still make me laugh goofily on occasion.


The one that got me was: *”Operator… The sentients won’t laugh at my jokes! Did they…* ****ADAPT**** *to my humor?”*


Same. After reading the mail from Hunhow, Ordis hit me with the Argon joke right away.


I just returmed today, and played 2nd dream for the 2nd time ever, but it kimda felt like the first time cause i didnt remember a fkin thing about any WF quest. Man. Oh man what a jem of a game.


Welcome back tenno! I agree the new lines are absolutely great. Ordis best cephalon! Just a reminder, *When* *in* *Cetus* *do* *not* *drink* *the* *kabuchi*


Ordis is one of my favorite characters in recent years (all games/series/... included). He reminds me of claptrap, they are the cute/comedic-relief "pet" character trope, but done right. They don't become an annoyance you wish wasn't there.  Also I'm a new player and idk how you get emotional to the story, I have barely a clue of what's going on all the time. What part in Second Dream is particularly sad? Maybe I'm not playing the quests in the right order. I just did War Within and didn't remember ever being introduced to Teshin though the Tenno seemed to know him.


I have been saying for years that having more Ordis lines would GREATLY improve the game. SO happy they've done this it is a huge boon to the character.


Try the new quest and see how Ordis argues with Parvus Granum. It's the best.


Operator, I regret to inform you that all my jokes....Argon....


...why? He admits himself that all his good jokes argon.


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yes they added a ton of new voicelines for him and they always catch me off guard! hes so funny i love him


I love Ordis. Cy also has some zingers


my favorite is otak, his line where he goes “Mining isn't my only interest. I'm also interested in mining” kills me every single time


Impossible. All Ordis jokes.... Argon


The new clan operation is fulll of ordis zingers


I also laughed at the argon joke