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Speed boost stacking. Thank the fucking God.


honestly i was under the assumption that this was how the mechanics were originally. i certainly kept using ionic charges on top of one another thinking they were stacking. i was wondering why the elevator still moved soooo slow. after a few days of playing ascension missions, i switched roles and starting scaling ahead of the elevator to kill mobs and grab charges for the elevater bois


> Elevator speed boost time from Boosted Ionic Charges now stack when throwing multiple at the Extraction Capsule at once (up to a max of 50 seconds). Oh thank god. The amount of times I've accidentally thrown one at the exact same time as someone else was absolutely infuriating.


Same, this is a welcome change


Just saw this in mission. The boost countdown timer is the cherry on top.


It’s uncanny how many times that happens.


>Fixed Ash’s Blade Storm not triggering Arcanes with the “On Finisher Kill” condition (i.g. Arcane Trickery, etc.). YESSSSS


Ash mains eating good with Arcane Trickery 🫂


Not an Ash "main" myself but I did just spend 18 Forma to get a good build going for him with Smoke Shadow, Rising Storm, and the Pennant. I'm still not sure if I'd want Trickery over Arachne since Smoke Shadow is on-demand already and costs me like nothing in the build.


I'm pretty new, so I dunno what any of those are other than Arachne. Will check em out, thanks


Defo. It's a good build if you want to be functionally immortal since I also subsume Silence over Shuriken. The main point is to use Silence and Smoke Bomb to be invisible and shut off Eximus powers, effectively meaning you never have to worry about dying to shit like Heat procs (and Silence also shuts off Jade Light which is helpful in the current event) and enemies can't hit you since you're invisible. Rising Storm is there to get a ton of combo multiplier for the Pennant, which is built for Tennokai heavy attacks and crit damage. Being a 2-hand Nikana, its heavy attacks guarantee Slash procs and hit in a 360 circle with decent range. Additionally the Pennant gets an attack speed boost for X seconds based on your combo multiplier at the time you use the heavy attack, which is helpful since its basic attack speed is so slow even with mods like Fury or Quickening. But, with this build, you can easily stack and maintain a 12x combo and hit heavy attacks for over 10mil damage if you've got the right mods, and only a few of them are a bitch to get your hands on.


Trickery is just constant, no need to cast, invis. Arache is neat but the boost is minimal. If you got one, Crescendo is king on your melee weapon of choice. You won't be using it all that much but the extra 3.75x damage is nice. I can reliably hit for 2-4 million with that. I've not seen anything, not even at level cap, need more then that after the slash procs. Though I might build your set up for the giggles of seeing a bigger number.


>Trickery is just constant, no need to cast, invis Yes but the whole point of using it with Ash is so you can keep it active by *casting* Bladestorm. But if you've already got an invis that ALSO gives you 150% crit, it's just better to use that instead and save the arcane slot for something that ramps your damage even higher, in my experience. Additionally, there's no need for Crescendo when you can just use Bladestorm's augment to maintain 12x combo indefinitely along with Tennokai. Would highly recommend my build if you're curious. Even in SP missions those acolytes have been tanking way more than 2-4 million in heavy attack damage for some reason, presumably because of the status/damage changes. In a SP Ascension mission for instance the sister ate over 30mil in damage across three of my heavy attacks. I was floored tbh.


Yeah. Besides the automation, Trickery is mostly nice because it doesn't turn off when acolyte/demolisher dispel you. Silence already deals with that so it's not very necessary. I do love the automated invis though..


Crescendo is just there to drop some efficiency mods on the weapon so it can be used easier. Even if they survive a few hits it’s not a problem. The invis on smoke is short and I run just enough duration. So I’ll stay with trickery for my main build. Why would you run Ash for the new game mode? Enemy density is okay but it really doesn’t support his play style at all.


Based on that question, I feel like you're too caught up in what Ash "is" and aren't really considering what he could be. My builds been very helpful in Ascension, if for no other reason than using Silence and giving my team invisibility and a crit buff. But it can also obliterate the eximus units pretty handily on SP, so there's that too.


I get where you’re coming from but I build for comfort generally if the TTK is 1 second or 3-4 seconds it doesn’t affect my build much. It’s less optimal and requires more enemies to really show its colors then yours, I accept that, but its more in line with with how I play. I did try your build and it’s nice to kill things a little quicker but doesn’t feel as good to play for me.


Can you please detail your Pennant build? also what do you exactly go for on Ash in terms of strength, duration, etc. I'm a fellow Ash enjoyer that uses the Venka Prime but I'm down to try something new!


https://preview.redd.it/9rj8jiv4509d1.png?width=1627&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f8173aaceb914b9bc69e10aaae14c907fd1bf02 Ash build


Thank you, Tenno!


https://preview.redd.it/j09xq4m7509d1.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=06a866b8bb25f55b0ea0b7c4a31d7ab7093caf02 Pennant build


I need to find a list of the "on finisher kill" arcanes now...


Trickery, Ultimatum, Might, Crescendo


Is this like the best arcane that mesh well with Blade Storm? I know Crescendo is somewhere up there, just wondering what part that it covers well


Arcane Trickery is great on Ash because it gives you the survivability you want Smokescreen to give you, but with a long enough duration that you can usually refresh it reliably. Also being invisible when Bladstorm pops *I think* gives you the energy refund regardless of the cause of the invisibility, so it also helps with the efficiency on his 4.


It’s a must have for ash, cause his has invis is so short and bladestorm costs less when you’re invis. Also crescendo is a melee arcane, so you can have both.


I generally use it with Crescendo. Then try to use it with heavy builds. It makes it much easier to build combo, then I try to forgo some other mods like corrupt charge so I can fit other mods in like more damage or qol.


Was this still broken? I know it was broken for a long time but was finally fixed a few months ago. I played a blade storm and silence Ash build almost exclusively for the elevator event and never had a problem triggering arcane trickery. No problem with blade storm doing the last incarnon challenge for nami solo either (Perform 40 Finisher Attacks with Melee Weapon equipped).


It was definitely broken on Sunday when I tried to play him in Circuit and Bladestorm didn't proc Trickery a single time


Can confirm what the other guy said. Pre jade patch I was stacking crescendo for my magistar on ash's bladestorm


Isn’t bladestorm still nerfed? Last time I remember Ash getting absolutely butchered


That was when they made it so you have to sweep the cursor to target with his 4, which was a long while ago.


> Drastically reduced VFX from Blast Procs to address performance issues. > This is a temporary change in response to reports of crashes and overall performance issues. Unfortunately this does not fix the issue completely, but it should help improve the situation until it can be addressed properly in a Cert update. I don't see what the problem is. *Equips Blast modded Kompressa. Fires it once. Console explodes.*


Boreal was crashing game for some ppl. Blast procs on his minions specifically. Thats why.


I figured it was another Nautilus crashing the game with a literal thousand heat procs scenario. What enemy specifically? The flappy bois with the canisters because the canisters counted as enemies and hitting one enemy with a Blast modded wave gun caused a calculation spike?


Yep, the..... aerolyst?


Oh, that explains what happened. I reconnected like five times before giving up


IRL Blast procs. Nice!


Daily reminder that you used to be able to crash people's games when the Kohm came out as, when mixed with Mirage, you could throw hall of mirrors on and fire at someone and watch them disconnect.


You could do that back when Mirage was new and fired from all her clones. But that Kohm one was extra funny because they had to change how it fired because of it lol


I'm impressed by the fixes, because there are so many in a short time. Sure, there were many bugs being introduced in a short time too, but still. A lot of these I saw being pointed out in this subreddit, and now repaired.


> I'm impressed by the fixes, because there are so many in a short time. Sure, there were many bugs being introduced in a short time too, but still It’s honestly the best we can hope for with games-as-service, where there is no internal beta; there is only prod: I’d be amazed if there was anything more than an initial round of in-house testing before ship. (I don’t mean this as a criticism, really; it’s just the reality of the model.)


> Changed Frost’s “Icy Avalanche” Augment Mod (stats shown at Max Rank) to improve its Overguard capacities: > Now: Allies within Affinity Range are coated with ice that grants 60 Overguard per enemy hit. Overguard increases by 20% of your Armor once per enemy. > Previous: Coat nearby allies with ice that grants Overguard and absorbs 60 damage per enemy hit. Wait, am I reading this right? Frost's Icy Avalanche now gives overguard equal to 60 + 20% of Frost's Armor stat per enemy hit? That's a huge buff!


Frost has been eating GOOD this update and honestly I’m glad to see it.


Now to give this to Ember per enemy with heat proc and we'll be golden


DE: Ember must remain clunky and unimpressive in every aspect except Energy Drain. Immolation's drain must remain uncapped! /s


Honestly, even after the buffs she got I *still* hate how she plays. It's a shame *the* fire Warframe seems to be doomed to be punished for using too much fire.


I thought they were gonna make it so she could Gen overguard, and some other changes, did that not end up happening or is it still planned? I don't follow too closely


Her healing augment generates overguard when she is at full health. Still too little for anything more than normal star chart.


Oh...I thought it was part of some tweaks they were doing to her, that's kinda sad.


the changes to health and resistances were just a straight up nerf, the changes to her energy drain basically didnt do anything, her 1 is still a shit tier subsume slot. all in all her changes did very little, the over guard generation requires an augment and is pathetically low and her damage actually got nerfed not buffed.


My buddy went into check and said he didn't see anything different when we came back for jade shadows, that's disappointing what I had heard sounded pretty good but it just seems like it all fell through and they made her worse now I guess.


really, with the heirloom coming it's in DE's interest to make ember really good so hopefully she gets more buffs


I would give anything to not have to deal with a scaling DR and exponential energy drain.


not exponential, just quadratic


I gotta be honest, the drain from her 2 is crazy, but I've been rolling a middling efficiency build with Exothermic and Arcane Energize since the rework and the drain is shockingly manageable. Obviously she can't nuke in that state, but the DR is fine on steel path.


really I would like the drain to stay uncapped but also give an uncapped strength buff. It would be awesome to try and stay max immolation as long as possible and burn the world with 2000% power strength


Iirc doesn't it already (kinda) work like that? Her passive increases her ability strength, so the augment heals more/grants more overguard with more enemies on fire


Still the Overguard gets one shot, unlike properly Frost


ember actually has solid DR behind the overguard, though -- I look at the change to her augment as a "don't get nuked in the short period of reduced DR after casting fire blast" since that *was* one of the core problems with her before, imo


Yeah,.the DR is great and honestly the augment is cherry on top, but it could be sweeter


Frost has been eating good for a long time


It's definitely appreciated. I was barely getting couple hundreds of overguard per cast which is thinner than public restroom toilet paper.


When the Jade Light attack was bugged, l initially chalked it up to Frost’s overguard augment just being ass lol.


Using helminth armor ability to massively boost armor & then hitting enemies with Icy Avalanche with the augment provide a huge boost to over guard. It’s awesome


Arcane Guardian also works well for +900 armor when damaged. Works over Overguard too.


Frost already has huge base shields and with parasite armor he'll give more overguard than dante at this rate.


He might not be QUITE Dante but WOW is this nice. EDIT I LIED JESUS FRIED CHICKEN HE IS DANTE 2


Yeah he can get to mid to low str dante numbers which is fine in my book. Frost is cooking now!


That added 20% also scales with power strength. Dude has a whole-ass feast and I am loving it. Quick simulacrum tests with a pretty mid Frost build I had on for testing and n_ice_.


No way


> Fixed Frost’s Snow Globe and Hound’s Null Audit Precept (when stealing Arctic Eximus bubbles) unintentionally doubling weapon Critical Hit Damage when shooting through it. Who snitched?


The whole reddit thread about it XP


> Fixed losing function after opening the Arsenal from the quick access wheel while in the Sanctum Anatomica. redditors who wanted reddit points for their 5 minute reddit fame.


Should make it baseline frfr


I bet a lazy dev reused code from volts shield for the recent changes.


Funny that host migrations could make ascension become descension


Glad I did not bother getting used to double crit damage with snow globe. Felt way too good to be true.


True, we lost the double crit but Frost gained the ability to grant massive overguard now. Before the change, I was barely getting 1k overguard.


I was really enjoying that qorvex bug :(


lol I noticed it happening and thought it was meant to be this way since it is the description. it was so convenient.


nah because the mod always said it would refresh it if you hit 5 dudes with it.. i was destryoing ascension with my permanent kalashnikov pillars


whoops you're right! I think I was tired when I was reading it the first time! That said I play with breach surge and the pillars were great for it. Just self perpetuating pain. I suppose it doesnt actually impact my playstyle and build, but man I am going to miss it a little.




Ascension jump boost now stacking with parkour buffs? Wonder how far I can get Voruna to jump…


Related fun fact: If you have a Warframe that flies (Titania, Jade) and you land on a jump pad, you'll shoot all the way to the top. Haven't tried this with Wukong tho.


Isn’t the bottom jumppad suppose to let you reach where the platform is?


Some very cool changes, though the Qorvex fix makes me sad. We still need a fix for Jade’s 4 though. When using 1 while her 4 is active, cast speed buffs are ignored and we’re also locked into the animation, unable to attack until it ends.


not a fix, they basically broke wrecking wall resetting duration entirely


Ah damn, that sucks. I only did a few missions today and didn’t play Qorvex. Hopefully they’ll fix it tomorrow or Friday.


Someone at DE is in the pocket of the secret Frost main cabal or something, hes been getting a buff snuck in every other update lol


I recall AZinvasion saying they'd let Jade's alt fire scale with base damage. Was it a bug that it couldn't before, or is that just a change they haven't implemented yet?


That glaive thing makes me realize not a lot of people switched to hold for semi auto weapons. You should though. It's so good. My latron and burston are NUTS now


How does it work with burston as it’s burst fire?


So good. It's full auto burst. It was already super strong but this takes it to another level for me


It still fires in bursts but you don’t have to release the trigger to fire following bursts, making the delay between bursts as fast as possible


Hold for semi auto weapons? Is that an option in the settings?


Yeah it's a new accessibility setting available for mouse or controller. It's amazing


o7 to all the Eximus that showed up for Stalker's child. You'll be missed.


Please let Qorvex's augment bug be a feature. It was not that OP anyways and it was making him much less clunky to play.




> to match their new faction name that was released with the Resistances and Status Rework in the Jade Shadows update. I know what Corrupted meant, you know what Corrupted meant, but newer players may not know what Corrupted means.


People still think Orokin are a race of people and not a ruling class. This is just going to cause more confusion.


Yeah, because now a brainwashed grineer or infested == orokin, that's going to make newbies SO confused.


I don't like it, but I think the train of thought was: - Corrupted are in the Void. - Corrupted are corrupted by the OROKIN TOWER Neural Sentry. - Void fissures in missions are affecting enemies because the fissure allows the OROKIN TOWER to latch onto nearby enemies while corrupted leak out. - It's the OROKIN TOWER that creates the Corrupted. Therefore, this is a mod to help battle against those OROKIN TOWER-Affected enemies you'd normally find in an OROKIN TOWER. Orokin Orokin Orokin Orokin Orokin. Create a link between gold corrupted enemies and OROKIN. I actually can't recall if the term "Corrupted" is ever said anywhere in game, it might be one of the tooltips in the Codex though when hovering over a tab. But Lotus absolutely says Orokin Tower a few times.


It’s still kind of stupid if you ask me, but I assume it’s a result of the faction flag also covering enemies that aren’t just units from other factions that have been mind-controlled by Orokin security grids, for instance the little Orokin Shield Drones you see buzzing around in Void Towers. Sort of a related tangent: it always baffled the hell out of me how Void Fissure missions worked - why the fuck are random short-lived Void portals opening *directly into Orokin Void Towers*, causing Corrupted enemies to pop out into random locations in realspace and moreover allowing the Neural Sentry controlling them to briefly propagate its mind control to anyone unfortunate enough to be near the portal when it opens? I get that it’s mainly a somewhat archaic gameplay thing because DE had invented the current Void Relic nonsense as a replacement for the previous system for getting Prime components, but it’s always stuck out as one of the most bizarre elements of the game. Always felt to me more like Void Fissure missions should be spawning some kind of actual Void monsters or something.


If they decide to add more Orokin enemies that aren't Corrupted, they'd either need to add a new Faction type, which is unintuitive and goes against the whole 'simplify the damage types' thing they were going for, or lump Orokin enemies under Corrupted, whichnis this exact problem but in reverse.


The Orokin Neural Sentry. Also it applies to more than just those. I think the Necramechs also count as Orokin.


The Orokin Neural Sentry. Also it applies to more than just those. I think the Necramechs also count as Orokin.


They don’t




They aren't a Orokin. They are of the Orokin faction. Just how Drahk are of the Grineer faction but not Grineer.


Revert the enemy spawn at extraction nerf! Post sister battle while going down the hall and towards the ship, the number of corpus coming into the hall, and scaling the launch pad, was so of the best battling I've ever had in this game. Now it just sort of ends.


agree. Its better they cap the drops/xp than cap the enemies. ah well glad we got to play it the way it was intended to.


Can't agree more. At least leave them for the event mission and not the regular. It was so much fun...


It really seemed like they NEEDED to stop you.


Its so sad. Why even let 5 people on a mission if you're gonna cap it, cowards? This is a disservice to the Stalker and he's a new dad!


Yeah the XP and drop reduction don't really amount to much, but the vastly reduced number of enemies is really felt. They also seem to spawn really late now, I noticed the drone was already out the front door by the time the enemies started spawning from the sides.


It sure was wild that first day. It was fun going into those two murder closets fully Roar’d up with every mote I could drop. I played it about 11 straight hours, just really enjoying it. Endo and credits like crazy too.


All of my frames now have their noble animation sets equipped. Annoying because I wanted them all default. Now I have to change them all back one by one.


Yeah that was a weird change after so long


You can change them all back to default through the setting, look up the entry in the patch notes above(can't copy paste on phone)


You use default on all of them? You deserve the Jade Light.


I’m not really interested in constantly posing like I’m a character in a jojo series


Sheer Heart Attack!


"Warframe is a game that cares to be good" every new update reflects this statement from a YouTube video I watched


It hasn't always quite been this way, but it's certainly true for the past 2 years at least.


Frosts just keeps getting small buffs every update lol.


honestly I think this is a good way. Bring out one big buff and you probably overshoot the mark. And nobody likes nerfs after buffs. IMO they should do this to more underused frames. Just small buffs here and there and see where it leads.


When is the hound precept "reflex denial" (the one that makes a bubble that absorbs bullets) going to get the same treatment as frost's bubble? I would totally use it if it didn't absorb player bullets.


>Drastically reduced VFX from Blast Procs to address performance issues. Unacceptable, unplayable nerf to Blast. It just got good.


throwing a canister seems to charge it to 20seconds from 0 boost, but if you stack it on top of an existing boost you seem to get between 5 - 8 seconds or something? so i guess its nice that you dont waste all the charge but still dont just throw them all in at once pls :)


People are probably going to spam it regardless now that the speed buff stacks.


on empty you get 20seconds, otherwise you get 10. Which is funny because if the timer is at 1s ynd you throw your charge it goes to 11. If you wait one more second that same charge puts you back up to 20. Any charge thrown in while the timer is below 10s should just put you to 20s again


One step forward, one step back. I would have figured they wanted people to stop camping on the elevator with charges. Guess not. Should have just reduced the charge to like 10 seconds or so and let it stack as high as it can. 


think they nerfed the xp from the event node


ya they did. the hallway one don't spawn fast enough now


Parvos realized hat ordis was right when he said "that looks expensive"


Ngl I was expecting another Ember buff given that her damage is still pitiful low, not another boost to Frost already insane survivability.


I think she's currently bugged because the heat statuses don't apply consistently


They still didn’t fix the visors of Protea Prime :(


Can they please change hildryns balefire back to what is was before this hotfix it could actually do good damage before it was fixed


What changed?


Before you could fire it as fast a you could click so it would do some really good damage and it drained your shields really quickly so if you spammed it too quickly you would lose all of your shields but now its back to what it was before


Ah. Tbh I'm a Hildryn main and I didn't even notice. Balefire needs some huge buffs, it's so bad.


balefire is okay. It can kill on netracell level stuff. What they need to do is buff the fully charged shots. currently fully charging shots has less dps and worse efficiency than quick shots. Fully charged shots should have decent crit or status stats. That would enable new interesting builds. Also they need to buff aegis storm. make it as nimble as jades 4 and give us a fire rate or multishot buff to balefire which matches what we see. Currently Hildryn holds two balefires, please translate the cosmetic effect into a gamplay effect




When are they hitting syams heavy attack not going trough doors and sometimes not hitting nearby enemies :(


Biggest update! Fixed ash blade storm finisher


That Archon bug was so annoying. Crashed twice myself when playing with others, then lost the entire squad when I hosted. I waited for them to log back in after finishing it off, but I bet there were a lot who didn't get a chance to rejoin.


I crashed 4 times into a solo lobby during the same archon mission last week. I’m glad that’s over with. It’s hard to do an archon interception by yourself.


"Fixed End of Mission screen not showing Arcanes earned from defeating Sisters of Parvos in the special mode available at Ordis." I like how now they say special mode 4 hotfixes later when they didn't mind saying what the mode is in the previous hotfixes.


Guess I won't be finishing that Stalker scan after all.


> Fixed Client detonated Glaives not damaging enemies if the “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” setting is toggled on. I knew I wasn’t going insane. I went into simulacrum to test switching it off and on because my glaive wasn’t doing damage after I switched it on in mission It all worked in simulacrum but turned it off anyways. So it was host/client testing I was missing


Limbo Eximus Rift fix when.


and know wrecking walls duration reset doesnt work at all thx DE


I don't see anything about Ophanim Eyes perma slowing allies that were affected by a radiation proc. I've not been able to remove it with either Rolling Guard or Titania's Spellbind.


>On that note, replaying the Quest will skip the choice scene at the end (the choice made in the first playthrough is maintained). Argh the only reason I want to replay the quest is to change the name choice!!!!


Jade Shadows being replayable this quickly is insane, hope they do more to make other quests replayable (Duviri still isn't replayable nor vors prize for example)


Petition to bring the crit damage back on Frost bubble ❄️


Awesome. Maybe I can play for more than 30 minutes without a force closure :(


Still no incarnon melee reticles on a number of melee incarnons. Several patch cylces now.


Still no fix for being unable to earn progress on incarnon evolutions in volatile motes missions.


iirc that's not a bug, some progress tracking stuff are disabled in the event mission due to too many other things going on already


>Elevator speed boost time from Boosted Ionic Charges now stack when throwing multiple at the Extraction Capsule at once (up to a max of 50 seconds). They should make that speed stacks too exponentially


> Fixed Frost’s Snow Globe and Hound’s Null Audit Precept (when stealing Arctic Eximus bubbles) unintentionally doubling weapon Critical Hit Damage when shooting through it. :( could we please get something like this back?


bane orokin works better now with all enemies corrupted? whats with that?


Works the same, just changed the name to Orokin to match the in game faction now




Ember just got a bunch of changes that made her good, she doesn't need a rework at all now