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My only mild complaint about the new Eximus is that it's more difficult to chat with your squadmates. It's really hard to type more than 5 words before dying.


Yeah found this out myself lol. On console it's near impossible to type something out before a green death beam comes and kills you. That said event alerts and the event itself have abnormally high Jade eximus spawns. They won't be as plentiful in regular play which could mitigate that problem. In events it's nothing but Jade Eximus.


Yea DE said the only eximus type to spawn in the event is the jade eximus


You can see this clearly if you get a syndicate hit squad on an event alert. It spawns a big group of only jade. They're a lot more manageable in normal missions where they're mixed with other eximus, I wouldn't call them much worse than leech for punishing the whole team because someone's afk or not paying attention. Blast and fire of course hit hard too but I don't think either can actually hit defence objectives?


not only are the jade eximus diluted among other eximus, its also that eximus in general are a lot more rare the only thing id kinda wish for is that maybe a green line connects to the jade eximus from the deathstar beam it tortures you with so you can assassinate them, because when doing deep archimedean for example, you can shoot the laser off as many times as you want, it respawns fairly quickly and you need to find the guy who keeps casting it other than that its a pretty good design


I would've liked for them to get a location ping, it's really annoying seeing 3 Jade Eximus and not knowing which one is the one targeting you.


Man from what I learned they don’t even have to know you’re there for their beam to get you. I was doing a spy at the beginning of the mission and had an energy pizza out to get some quick energy for my Ivara for her prowl. Not an enemy in SIGHT not even any enemies being picked up on my minimap and a jade beam gets me.


That's when you kill all 3 together


Sometimes easier said than done depending on frame and load out.


To do it without toggle crouch on console: just transfer to operator go into void mode and press the pause button to bring up the menu. After you can let go of the crouch button and unpause the game. You'll stay in void mode til energy runs out. Edited to be more clear


lmfao, heres me trying to put something like my phone on left CTRL to keep void mode on lols


Honestly like the more than usuall eximus. Helps me level my weapons. But yeah. Harder to type shit. That is how i die to them usually. Lol


You'll be fine as long as you don't have a drain ability active when going into operator and going invis.


Back in 2017 I realized having a wireless keyboard plugged in console helped tremendously


Now you can just use your phone, for me I use the Xbox app to type stuff on Xbox


At least on Xbox, the Xbox app has a remote control feature that also allows you to type on your phone to then transfer to the Xbox virtual keyboard Not sure if PS has this same feature on their app


if you transfer out and toggle crouch you have about a minute to say whatever you need to say without taking any damage


Toggle crouch should not be a requirement just to chat with people, lol Toggle crouch drives me insane in every game, I cannot imagine playing with it in THIS game. I'd rip my hair out, lol


do what i do and just open chat while crouched as the operator. This keeps you invisible without needed to enable crouch toggle.


You can actually just hit esc while crouched to stay crouched


You can have 2 different key for the 2 type of crouch. I have left ctrl for the slide and C for the toggle crouch if I need to alt tab quickly to answer on discord or just change music in general (or watch my noob friend getting wrecked by a juggernaut). Scroll to operator, press C, alt tab, do your shit, alt tab and voilà, you can continue what you were doing ig.


The amount if people who die while rezzing instead if just doing this astounds me


Well, warframe does have a... voice... chat... *shuders*


Ah yes, the thing where the people with the worst microphones blast their breathing, the loud TV in the background and their dogs barking like they are about to be murdered in your ear.




I use a controller. If you ask me a question, I'll probably die trying to respond. So I just don't respond. It's sub ideal but I'm bad at typing and can't play on keyboard, plus I play on a PC hooked up to a TV so I have to have a Bluetooth keyboard stashed by my chair to even talk to anyone. Jade Eximus have pretty much turned me monk levels of silent.


Yeah, talking with teammates while spinning on a defense objective was my go to Revenant move. :(


This is why I have the Xbox app on my phone ready to type thru the remote control I type out whatever I wanna say, then when it's ready to be sent that's when I open up the in-game chat and just paste my message there


I keep almost dying on various frames trying to set up things like wisp motes or spamming Nezha halos on everyone because of how fast those beams decide to start blasting the second I dare to stop bouncing off the walls.


Its just a problem for this event, apart from that it won't spawn often enough to be a problem like that


especially on consoles


I hate that it can do damage while you are locked in an animation. Kill a room full of enemies and begin capturing capture target, Jade Exima spawns and lasers me to death while im stuck in the capture animation.


Void mode helps with this


Doesn't this game have a voice chat?


Voice chat is off by default, I believe


Shoot the laser first, then go blast him in chat.


I can’t even enjoy hacking consoles anymore without the fear of a random laser coming out of nowhere and obliterating me. I rarely used ciphers before the update, now I’m constantly stocked up on them and use them whenever I need to hack something.


skill issues! type faster. (actually has 20wpm on my record which they said is below average)


"C" Button still exist on pc, and pretty sure console has also a voice communication system. It has completely forgotten when they removed 8 player missions.


*cries in console*


They need to do some work on their vc. Cause the PC option only has push to talk. I don't know anything about the xbox/ps vc but I doubt it's any better


That’s where Harrows 4 comes in. I only just started running him for this event and good god it’s nice to just say “Nah” once every 15 seconds or so


Git gud (at typing)


As a Valkyr main, Riplining tenno off defense objectives is now my appointed duty. (love that we have an anti-AFK unit though)


You can Rip Line your teammates???? Lotus forgive me for what I am about to do


It's not as effective as it is on enemies, but yeah. Great when someone decides to troll by standing barely off the extraction zone too (though, thankfully, that's rare)


You're a better person then I. Anytime I'm on a frame that can move teammates and I spot an afk, I move them into enemy lines so they get blasted and die.


If you're dead you don't earn your exp and loot!!!! Suckers!


or you could just loki and could switch teleport but knowing loki players that would teleport people onto the objective


>knowing loki players Don’t be silly, those don’t exist any more. The ‘Loki Master Race’ is just a story we tell to scare small children.


There's one invisible right behind you.


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Nice try. Half of you are just decoys.


Hey I'm hurt


Not all heroes wear capes


Akshually, they're called syandanas


Switch telepot loki.


I like nova porting team mates, especially on the few extraction points that DE hasnt gotten around to disabling me from yeeting them into the distance


Could be great if we got officially universal Riplining, can have it as an optional Parazon augment easily


Ripline should've been the subsumable!


Bless you and may your pizza be hot and beverages frosty.


It's valkyrs prime time right now. Ignore the beams completely and tennokai claw heavy just rips through the eximus units


HEAR HEAR! Cheers to you tenno, doing the good work


you've introduced a new meta 


Honestly, it tells me how many times I pause in place for just a few seconds while not being AFK. Standing on the elevator watching it count down til the next Ionic boost (prior to the hot fix anyway)? Jade Light. Stalker wall-hopping straight up a wall because I can't void sling? Jade Light forming over my head. Shooting a beam weapon down a crowded hallway? Jade Light. Waiting for a teammate to plug a key into a conduit? Jade light. Like, I know I should hop around like a bunny on a trampoline, but sometimes I like to rest my fingers... I'll reserve final judgment until we get a more normal mix of eximus, though.


While I agree with others' opinions about Jade Eximus being anti-AFK and brings justice to many cases, you have made some good points that've been bothering me too. Plus, I'm too scared to do Mercy kills when Jade Eximuses are just there waiting to kill me for executing Mercy for few seconds.


there was a time i fell in one of those "fade out" parts of the map where it respawns you where you last were standing, and a jade light beam appeared while i was recovering from that fall/respawn of course and it killed me instantly. couldn't bullet jump out of the way, simply had to wait for the animation to finish, but when it did i was already dead


Dang, that's the worst case I've ever heard of! I'd really hate that to happen on me...


The OG Orokin solution it seems... Rebellion? Jade light Not praising the seven enough? Jade light Not complying with unreasonable demands? Jade light Not wanting to kill children because of their crazy powers Jade light


Not enough butter on my toast? You guessed it, Jade Light!


Time to become a Loki main for Switch Teleport


Switch them into the mob of enemies. Sometimes I use nova's wormhole to throw them out of the map if I see them afk


I miss the days of doing this with bounce pads. If you hit a player with them, they'd just keep bouncing them in the direction you hit them from. It was hilarious. Also loading an ally up with teslas until you couldn't see them then yeeting them through a crowd of enemies.


I loved old vauban so much. I remember making bounce rooms and even using the augment that linked teslas together to make pentagrams everywhere


Same. The rework had better scaling, but we lost some of the goofy fun. I want my old tesla and bounce pad back.


Loki with switch teleport augment and a hell of a lot of duration is crazy. Makes yourself immune to damage for 10+ seconds and teammates double the duration. No cooldown or anything, and recasting it buffs your speed. I laugh in the face of the new eximus units while standing in that green shower before I obliterate them.


"Do you know Mesmer Skin?" "Of course I know him, he is me." Questions though, in the Augment it says that the extended invulnerability applies to allies, it doesnt mention Loki. I assume by your comment it affects him anyway? Also, for the sake of the augment, does Decoy/Molt count as an ally?


It affects Loki yes. Allies get double the duration. I haven't tested decoy actually. Tried to switch with my cat which did not work. With my current setup I get almost 12 seconds of complete invulnerability and you can recast it whenever you want. So basically you take no damage at all unless you run out of energy which very rarely if ever happens. He can comfortably fit two damageboosting arcanes to make good use of weapons but his kit is dated af. I still very much enjoy playing him as he was one of my first frames ever.


Or subsume silence


ST is funnier


Silence has been definitely a favorite recently. I also found out about silence plus ash bladestorm. And finisher arcanes- bladestorm interaction  just got fixed too. Since I'm already putting in some strength for strip, it also increases savage silence's finisher bonus. Then add to that the crit of smoke shadows. Suffice to say ash hasbeen rising in favoritsm with me lately.


This is actually big brain lol I may have to do this now


This is why i run Loki 90% on public. also for the invincibility. but mainly to relocate idiots


As a Rhino main i love the Jade Eximus because they can charge my Iron Skin to give me around 500,000 overguard.


I think I somehow hit over 2 million as Nezha on his 3on solo SP circuit yesterday because of a Jade Eximus


A clanmate of mine managed to do 66m Iron Skin because of that.


Nezha mains also love it. Warding Halo gives like, 8k extra health. It's a bit tricky to time but I love it.


Some dipshit was whining earlier that he hates the new eximus because: >They force you into a playstyle. You HAVE to move, jump, dodge, anything He deleted his post when everyone was calling him out for being a lazy bitch. Oh, he also went on a rant about how DE is 'ableist' or some shit.


My only defense to that argument is that I love melee, and I LOVE hammers, which is like *the* movement restricting thing in the game


That said, the new Fortifier augment is great at deleting eximii. JLE is no exception.


And magnetic


*plays a game where movement is core to the gameplay* *Doesn't want to move*


I mean you dont have to with the right build, heck in ascension SP perma wisp mote alone is enough to keep me alive after the fixes


This was a friend of mine when I was getting him back into the game after some years. He wanted a build for his Hydroid to AFK farm and I just lol'd real hard.


Lazy Leechers when they have to play the game: 😡😭🤬


It's like a miniature version of that time Warframe's Steam reviews went negative because DE nerfed Wukong's clone to no longer have infinite ammo. Oh no, the afkers are mad and threatening to leave the game en masse, again. How are the rest of us ever going manage surviving the game without them there to slow missions down to a suffocating crawl? Good update DE, I think I'll buy some plat this evening.


What a Lazy idiot


the Jade Eximus is cool except for the few times I try hacking something without using void mode and get lasered to death in half a second


Ye. Doing relic spy missions its taught me to actually fucking time my hacks again. Aint been worried about that in like 5 years.... I love it


You guys don’t go into spoiler mode for hacking?!


Y'all don't use cyphers for hacking?!


I do, but you can’t use them in some game modes 😭


Perspicacity is your friend for those; it works even when ciphers are disabled, like in sorties and archon hunts. (For those not familiar with it, [Perspicacity](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Perspicacity) is one of the innate Helminth abilities, the ones that don't come from subsuming a Warframe. When you use it, it gives you a buff that guarantees 100% chance of auto-breach on your next hack attempt.)


It’s not that I don’t know it exists, I’m just a dumbass who keeps on forgetting to equip the right ivara loadout. Me shuffling around her mods for meme builds does not help either. It’s just a skill issue


I laugh every time I foolishly think, “I’m in the clear,” and don’t go into void mode to hack or capture a target and then as soon as I lock into an animation I hear the damn green vibe check charging above me. Like checking both ways on a street and still getting runover looney tunes style.


Good news: Revenant exists because DE are not ableist :)


My Silence Slowva feels none of this.


Does kinda suck for people who play Mesa If they're gonna do this, they should make her waltz a default ability. It was already almost required, now its actually required


I mean, any ability that trades mobility for damage is going to somewhat of necessity be vulnerable to things that require movement to avoid. I don't think every single ability needs to be applicable to every single situation. (That said, I do agree that Mesa's Waltz should be default. But in general, I feel that if an augment is _so_ beneficial that almost _no one_ runs without it, the augment should just be part of the Warframe's default ability set. Period. Augments should open up _alternative ways to play_, not just reduce the 'suck factor' on some part of a frame's kit.)


I personally consider it a completely wasted augment slot. Bullet jump, 4, shoot, cancel 4 before landing, slide into a bullet, repeat. Waltz is way too slow to the extent that even if you do the mid-jump tech poorly you're still going to be significantly more effective even on defensive maps because you can constantly get better angles and you'll get hit much, much less. Forgive the language but that augment is really just a noob trap. It should be redesigned into something that doesn't make people play worse.


While I agree that the Waltz isn't _necessary_, I do feel it's a good quality-of-life option and so widely used that it probably should be present by default. Sure, you can move _faster_ with the cancel-and-recast parkour method and with more freedom; I agree with you on that, and like you I prefer it to the Waltz. But having the Waltz augment built into Peacemakers would not _prevent_ anyone from using the cast-and-cancel parkour method to go faster, and _does_ make Mesa's 4 somewhat less obnoxious for folks who find the timing on the cast-and-cancel difficult (without having to use a mod slot for it). Because even if I personally prefer that method, I will definitely note that I feel like it's an acquired taste... and that there are places like the Undercroft where messing up the timing has greater consequences. (Such as yeeting yourself into the abyss off the edge of the island.) Hence, I include it in my "if the augment is so widely used that it's more likely to be equipped than not for a given player, it's _probably_ something that should be part of the core kit" list.


If I remember correctly, Waltz causes you to take hard landings (and potentially be vulnerable to other forms of CC?), whereas regular Peacemaker has you animation-locked. In this regard, Waltz is actually detrimental if you know how to utilize momentum with Peacemaker. There are plenty of augments that should really become part of base kit (why in the world does Magnetize need an augment to be manually detonated?), but don't make Mesa's Waltz one of them.


It's really not an obstacle for Mesa at all given that there's nothing preventing you from toggling the 4 in the middle of a bullet jump. Just standing still like a tree is just about never a good idea, Jade eximus or not.


Waltz moving speed isn’t fast enough. Tbh, the augment promotes a terribly boring play style. Took it off my Mesa a while ago, it’s much more fun and dynamic to jump in and out her 4.


I have 3 roll/dodge speed shards on her, and she's fast as fuck, lol Shell cross the whole room in one roll But that shouldn't be the only viable build, lol


It's not, like I still use it for minor repositioning but for the most part I just do the bullet jump -> 4 thing


Imagine complaining about an enemy type because it forces you to actually play....


I'd imagine there's a lot of overlap between people pissed about the Jade Eximus and people pissed about the Celestial Twin nerfs.


The best part is how I've seen so many people complaining about how "end game Warframe is just sitting there in a strangledome doing red crits" Well here! Now you have to actually move and react!


My god! Having to jump and move in the game with the best movement in the world?! How awful!


literally unpalyble.


*some of the best movement Titanfall 2 has a better system, imo; higher peaks that require active engagement to maintain.


Aiming is hard, come on. Have some compassion. /s


> He deleted his post when everyone was calling him out for being a lazy bitch. Or he uses melee or was reviving a teammate or he was playing Mesa or he was capturing a target or he was typing in chat or he was hacking a console or he was doing any number of activities that limit your movement. IMO the jade eximus were not well thought out by DE because there are a lot of gameplay mechanics that involve hanging out in one location. Jade eximus are fine in exterminate and ascension but are not a good fit for defensive modes. Not every game mode is exterminate and not everyone who disagrees with you about the new eximus design is a “lazy bitch”.


Wanting to snipe or even using the galvanized mod there you need to aim for 8 seconds....




I loathe these people ive failed 3 of them and they were all wukong players, i dont care if they afk but y do they have to do it on the objective i dont get it


Bruh what's the point of AFKing as Wukong anymore doesn't the clone just stop doing anything until you start moving again?


All AI stops if you do, yeah. The only exception I've seen are if you make a spectre of a khora, her cat will continue to bite and scratch things for minimal damage...


He still has his anti-death passives I guess?


But only for 3 deaths *per mission*


My last AFK was a Wukong.... Also same I don't care if they AFK in this mission type at least. But stop doing it on the objective. It worked before since the team is defending the objective so they're also defending you but with Jade Eximus it's become a huge liability to the team to AFK on the obj when it wasn't before. These AFK people seem to be oblivious to the new enemy type.


Time to start using loki on defenses :)


Protip: Use a hound. They steal the jade light and laser everyone with it.


I used Nekros. The beams they summoned still attacked me and my team, and we could still destroy them ._.


I was wondering if they updated the eximus stealing to work with it! Hows the damage?


The damage isnt incredible but since jade light ramps, by the end of the ramp its enough to melt even eximus enemies over about a full second


Hell yeah, Ill have to break the dog out, havent given them any limelight (haha) since before the companion rework


I really want to like Null Audit but I loathe every time it steals an Artic Eximus bubble because you can't shoot through it. I guess there's a possibility they fixed that alongside Frost as I haven't tested it yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was overlooked.


Yeah they changed the arctic bubbles in hotfix 36.0.1, you should be fine now!


This reads like the dog that took the firework tube and inadvertently blasted the spectators with it.




Nah I can’t lie I do hate it like when I’m using mesas 4th ability I start getting beamed and I don’t have the augment or sometimes when I’m meleeing and about to die it comes at the worst time and I can’t destroy it


Same issue. I will be right in the middle of some crowd control and then oh crap I am glowing green and dead.


Those are understandable frustrations. Abilities that plant you in place and melee does suffer against them. But you're not AFK so you'll switch off the 4 and move off objective lol. That said The Jade events have abnormal Jade Eximus spawns. In regular play they won't be so abundant which might mediate things for you slightly.


With energy leeches around, toggling 4 gets expensive fast


Yeah it’s just frustrating cuz it kills me in like 3 second


If I notice people AFKing, I usually stop putting charges in the elevator to see how long it takes them to notice


🫡 circuit leeches everywhere kicking and screaming rn


I put 50k overguard on the squad. I watched one player stand perfectly still, slowly shooting enemies with a bow, while a beam steadily burnt him down and he died about 10-15 seconds later. I could've just attacked the beam and canceled it off of him, but I was baffled that he wouldn't even budge. This happened twice.


I personally really dislike the jade eximus and think it's a pretty weird design decision considering certain frames abilities encourage you to stand still or even straight up prevent you from moving. I've played the game for 1300h and even though I love the movement in the game, if I'm doing a 1h survival mission then I don't always want to spend that 1h spamming bullet jump.


it is true that eximus is specialized in killing afkers but, it can also kill active players fast. because it stacks fire status procs FAST, stripping your resists and melting you. they are the highest dps eximus, though easier to dodge than most eximus as a trade off. honestly, i glad its added, we needed something like this. but they should probably tone down the status effect chance cause atm its way to high. that...or add a bit more of a delay before it hits you, like 1 secound longer. that way peopel typing can get moving. it will still kill AFK all the same


Story time lol Lr4 here. Day jade launched i jumped right in and didnt check much because im a dumbass. Did a defense alert an we were on last wave and i was hanging out on objective when this mr25 goes . Gtf off the obj.." and just as i was about to tell em to stfu it exploded and ruined the mission lol. I kid you not they go " Lr 4 you should be ashamed of yourself...how dare you!" To thunderous lol's and imma an idiots... i replied with "ah yup thats on me...imma head out" they laughed and said sorry for getting heated and i said no way. I EARNED THAT SHIT. Good times


> just as i was about to tell em to stfu You have been banned till 2035. Reason: Offensive Language


I had 2 afk at the same time once for a few rounds. I changed to my Loki so I began switching with them to force them play, and also stopped throwing energy to the elevator and said in chat It was the afks turn to play He got mad at me and threatend to "stop doing damage" Doing damage? Power the elevator that's all you have to do


It's made me want a vote kick button so bad.


How we still don't have that yet over 11 years later idk.


I really haven't noticed afk farmers. That could be due to what time I play honestly. Also, during my event runs, I've been using silence to make it more comfy. I know you can just shoot the beams or move, but this makes it easy mode, which is nice for pub matches.


I'm gonna be honest I completely forgot about silence. Mainly because I never felt it necessary to completely cancel Eximus abilities.... Until now. Silence can be my anti jade Eximus idiot defense objective subsume.


From my experience zephyr and mirage use it very well but really any warframe that wants range will use it just as well


Yeah I've stopped running the new alerts public because I'm absolutely sick of carrying atleast 1, if not 2 or 3 people who just want to sit AFK on the objective and expect to be rewarded with volatile motes. I did a public spy alert yesterday with 3 other people and ended up doing all 3 vaults myself because they were just sat around doing nothing, and it was immediately followed by a defense that was failed because some idiot sat AFK on the objective. After that I decided I'm not doing one single more alert with other people, especially since I'm already carrying every Belly of the Beast I do because half the team is sat AFK on the elevator or at the bottom of the elevator shaft.


my objection to the new beam is when ur hacking the objectives in spy and notice a beam over ur head halfway thru..


So that's what's happening. Was wondering how some defense objectives are getting nuked. I did a bit of SP circuit and while collecting decree fragments someone started the defense(which regularly is ok). Then all of the sudden failed. The only thing I do wish is that the beam had LoS, Ive been blasted through walls.


It baffles me cause I have a friend that frequently goes AFK to tab out and message other chats, and dies every now and then as a result. Ever since these eximus dropped, they've been getting bodied left and right for it and it's just been silly to watch.


I tab out for 10 seconds to line up another YT video and I get dropped. Land of suffering.


Need to start bringing Loki just to move afk teammates


Between the AFK and speed-running there’s a lot of people that play warframe like it’s golf, the intention is to play as little as possible and I don’t get it. Burn out has happened to me before but at what point does speed running over and over just become a boring chore


i keep forgetting that yeah. people afk in this game. myself and the friends i play with are *constantly* moving around, so the jade light eximus arent an issue for us.


This is a much needed tip. You can shoot and break the jade orbs making lasers


I find them to be a very welcome challenge. Only minor gripe is: they don't seem to have any LOS checks, they can beam you when you can't quite see them just yet


I want the damage bug back. Screw the AFK Tenno. Let’s fail the mission till we learn to go solo.


Is there any way to rad yourself to kill afk players?


Possibly the orokin tower defense lasers, but those are also basically an insta kill most of the time so…


Me with dagath new augment:


No wait you're on to something here. This is a good idea


I think i know what im gonna do today


Explains why I've been in lobbies with failed objectives much more often.


Laughs in Loki switch teleport. It's so fun to annoy AFK'ers lol.


My biggest complaint about the Jade Eximus is only in the Netracell. Please let me at least open the console door in peace.


Yep, I realized as soon as they released that jade eximus are really just a stealth anti-afk system to address all the recent complaints of afk leeches. Based DE.


The Anti Asian Server Playstyle Eximus


I love the posts on the forums where people are legitimately criticizing DE and complaining about the OP jade lasers. I don't know man maybe like, move a little to the left or something.


Yeah, you actually notice how many people are just lazing about doing shit. Then they bitch at you for not reviving them because you're focusing on the objective.


Yeah Jade Eximus are outing a lot of AFKers. They're usually the first ones down when they show up.


Makes me feel a little better, someone else with the same message i had a couple days ago. Hope you catch less grief than I did


They griefed you for saying this? Must've caught all the AFKers that day.


Eh was all the normal stuff…”well you can play solo”… “ you can shoot the balls”…”oh look another person whining about pub”… etc.


I’ve lost defense missions I didn’t know it was possible on. But that’s fine, cook these AFK MF’s lol.


You don't even *have* to stop AFKing on objectives as long as you have the ability to flick the camera skywards and shoot the glowy thing right above you... Which apparently most people can't manage.


If you're engaged enough to know when the beam forms above you and shoot it then you're not really AFK though lol.


i love it, the amount of afkers is crazy


This ain't people going afk, it's the new power to troll that everyone has been given.


Yeah there are quite a few people who afk farm relics and bounties as well. It is quite annoying too when you have an objective that involve killing things since sometimes stuff quits spawning near you and spawns over by the person sitting in spawn hiding. Makes missions take a good bit longer and sometimes risks losing if its timed or involves killing things in a certain zone for credit.


I like the new enemy punishing afk player but this enemy also punishing non afk player to. 


I lowkey love the new eximus doing that. I would like a little tweak to it though. Maybe slow down the beam, based on how much damage it does to you. Still die.if you stand still, but just a little more breathing room in smaller spaces.


Idk how accurate this number is but as harrow prime I tanked the whole beam with my 4 and it came out to 1.9 million damage


Its not even just that, at a certain point while playing you stand still a lot more cause it's just that easy to survive and kill enemies and I find myself just standing still for extended periods of time


Stop reviving these AFKers too.


I can only stare at a bar going up a few thousand times before my adhd ass tabs out for a few seconds at a time.