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It is nataruk. Not only does it have an obscene amount of crit chance it's also a quest reward that comes with its own weapon slot and potato, no Plat needed at all. God forbid you commit the warcrime that is a nataruk built for crit wielded by a zephyr.


Warcrimes? What is that? Do you eat it? There is no word on my dictionary nor in the universe of Warframe me thinks.


Why with Zephyr? I use it with Dagath since she gives additional crit damage


Zephyr is a weapons platform, meaning that she can amplify the effects of her weapons to degrees they wouldn't normally reach. In the case of the Nataruk, she can turn it from a single target weapon to an aoe weapon with the use of her tornadoes. Any enemy within range of her tornadoes will be damaged by them when she shoots them with her weapons. The tornadoes take on the effects of her weapon's status and other damage modifiers when being shot at so she's really good at making single target weapons excel.


Ahhh I see that's pretty cool I might try her with it then


CC trumps CD until you get to consistent red crit range, which zephyr does with her passive (in addition to 1 copy of point strike or the likes). The CD portion can be improved through a riven or CD mods.


Zephyr is an amazing weapons platform for nataruk. Her 4th ability spawns tornadoes, and any enemy caught in the tornadoes takes damage from things you shoot into the tornado. So you effectively turn nataruk from a single target weapon that you have to aim carefully to an AOE nuke. Also, not to mention that zephyr has +150% crit chance in the air, an ability that lets her pull enemies, an ability that makes her immune to pretty much all long range attacks, and an ability that lets her hover in the air (it also lets you dash extremely fast in a specific direction). So when you put that all together zephyr is an effectively immortal frame with great mobility and some of the best offense in the game. And for some reason almost nobody plays her.


Harrow here.... So pretty.


Also, no worries about running out of ammo with nataruk


Also, infinite ammo, so no need to worry about that.


probably nataruk


Yea it feels super strong


in terms of Maximum *Big Number* potential its probably still nataruk. in terms of actual Usability. . . either of the incarnon bows are fine. i prefer Paris because of the funny high status number but both are fine. Cinta and Evensong are also both "charged shots have AOE mechanics" bows. Cinta might be the best non kitgun at MR5, and Evensong is alright. in terms of Bows that actually behave like a bow, and not a wall of energy or a grenade launcher. . .. i think the Daikyu wins by default. and though i love it so, there is really no reason to use it other than. .flexing. and before you say "but the Nataruk doesnt explode" yeah but the perfect shot projectile is still like as wide as a dude so getting multihits with it is fairly easy.


Yeah for real, if you add forma and mod nataruk properly it's still cheesable 😋


I like Dread and Cinta very much, both triggers my dopamine to the sky. Dread with its red crits and Cinta with its parallel-parked-truck-sized-arrow that clears hallways.


I’ve never used the cinta but your description makes me want to try it.


It’s fun, yet a bit inconsistent with the perfect shot window. Combine it with split flights and vile acceleration to launch multiple trucks at once.


[https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon\_Comparison#Bows](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_Comparison#Bows) Visit here, and sort by columns. Then you'll be able to see which bow is best, for which situation. There is no "best" for every situation. But there are bests for different circumstances.


Dread is one of the most consistently recommended bows, albeit hard to get if you're actively searching for it, and has the best chance at getting the #1 slot. Nataruk is really good, and you get it for free. I used the Rakta Cernos for quite some time just for the Blight effect.


So good it makes using or investing in other weapons hard. It's hard to beat an amazing bow that you get for free potatoed up.


It's a good weapon for beginners and still keeps functionality well into the late game But once you've been playing enough and have enough resources you'll end up building multiple weapons simply because you feel bored playing the same thing or something performs slightly better. Once you're into the end-game, investing into new weapons isn't all that expensive.


Nataruk, Evensong, Dread Incarnon, Cinta, Bramma, Paris Prime Incarnon. They all use slightly different builds and mechanics but these bows can all be monsters when used correctly, daikyu and prisma lenz are also underrated.


Wait there's a prisma lenz?


Yeah with triple the status chance and 40% higher crit damage, I think it also has an extra arrow max, with the recent blast changes it's probably become a top tier now but I haven't tested it yet.


I'm actually thinking of building daikyu just purely out of aesthetic. Should I just build it naturally (crit/puncture) or is there any freaky fun ways we can use the bow?


If you sink hundreds of hours into a riven the mutalist cernos is fun. I wouldn't care much about "best" liking bows gives you the opportunity to try them all and build each of them different.


Le Monarque.


I kinda hate you just for knowing it's name:/


Bro I mained that shit. Le is my baby. Or was, until I got hooked on my triple bow loadout. Which didn't allow me to run Le because I had to use Leviathan for the 3rd bow.


Wait...we talking about pve than I like you...we talking about pvp? I hope your private part stinks and you can't do anything about it. (/s no hate just in case I get a strike because of that)


I wish I was talking about pve. I haven't been able to main a bow in pve since my arsenic bite back in forsaken. They just don't do enough damage if you're running anything that isn't a strike.


....ehhh (actually nice to see a non toxic destiny player)


lol, yeah It's a rare occurrence. I don't even tbag unless someone else starts it first.


I believe I never tbaged in my entire gaming history. I get toxic too but I never did this.


I grew up on Halo lol It's in my blood to at least reciprocate, if I beat them.


Outdated use divination


I quickswap bows instead. Triple bows for life!


The BEST bow in the game is the Daikyu. There are bows with more DPS, but that's not what you asked!


Nataruk with either Mag bubble (rip frames) or Gyre are my fav ways to play with it. Nataruk has been my most used weapon for all content.


Not the best, but the cernos prime is really fun and pretty good. It has three arrows by default, so multishot is going to be extremely effective it also has a fast charge speed because it's one of the cernos bows. So it's pretty good overall. I also just got the dread as my first incarnon, and it's pretty fun, it has 50-60% standard crit rate. Most people will say nataruk it is after all the most used weapon. And it's powerful.


Depends on what you want. Realistic-ish bow based on precision? Probably Nataruk. Raw damage? Probably Brama but it has some ammo issues so watch out. Utility? Probably mutalist or pupacyst cernos. Mutalist can use split flights to spread a lot of status quickly, whereas pupacyst is a grouping tool so that’s helpful. The dread incarnon and Paris incarnon are also very good. It’s mostly up to you though, modding is really what matters. Play with what you like best :)


Dread, Paris


Nataruk. That bow is legendary. My go to for when i need a weapon that puts in work and never lets me down, or runs out of ammo.


Lenz Prisma.


Nataruk or Dread incarnon


It's a bit early to say, but Evensong might become the best bow simply because it gives multishot to the entire team on kills. On top of doing AoE on a full charge shot.


Does the player counts into a team?


It should include all squad members including yourself.


For what? I mean any of the bows in game can probably pretty easily handle SP with proper modding.


Pretty much all the "headshot ones" can reach 10,000,000 damage for fun. Paris Prime, Dread, Nataruk, would be the best 3 for me.


kiva gramma