• By -


Didn't really read any of that because I already got the Ascention mode down to the back of my hand, but I'm upvoting for that title alone. Didn't expect to read "Fastest way to throw a Milf into the sun" today.


It's worth reading as well. Really funny metaphors


> Really funny metaphors thats great because some of my pub runs feel like they're taking 9 months, and that's 1 thing too many that i've got in common with jade then


Yeah I just bullet jump to the top when the elevator starts, get all sister beacons and home in on eximuses to get power cells, elevator only stops once if I'm unlucky


The eximuses power cells suck you need the boosted cells that spawn in the environment


I think the fastest I’ve done it is exactly 5 minutes 27 Second. I use banshee with about 190 range and gloom subsumed in with 273 strength for 95% slow. Once the elevator section starts i immediately void sling up to all the beacons. And then I heavy slam back down. Every level I do a quick 360 to see if any of the big green things spawn. There’s key points they spawn at like next to the red jump pads, up on a ledge, and opposite side of the elevator in a room. I try to grab 2 each time I do this. Grab with warframe, grab with operator and then zoom back to the elevator. Since they stack I just throw them. The sisters part as soon as she spawns I do 3-4 sonars and we all blast her. When the thing moves I just throw cerata to AOE kill everything that spawns. I’ve yet to hit a 4 minute run but 5 is pretty quick I’d say. I usually do it with the boltor incarnon because I think it looks cool.


You don't want to refresh them even though they stack now as you still waste it. Refreshing always adds at maximum 10 seconds of boost, whereas you get 20 seconds if you wait for it to fall off. Tested it by refreshing at 1 second left on the boost and it goes up to 11.


If you get all of them, usually 10 for each is enough. So you dont lose that 1 second of boost. If only doing 20 seconds of boost every time, you have a ton extra you never use


Eh - theres so many cells that it doesnt matter that much if you loose half of the boost of a cell. If you are zooming to collect and throwing then stacking is probably better you never know how much your randos know. But if you have a dediceted thrower then waiting is the better option.


pushing sub 5 is very possible but requires some rng luck with the boosted spawns. but the most important thing is proper staggering of the boosted charges u do have and fast killing of the sister. our fastest run yet: https://i.imgur.com/sL2EIla.png


Was this a premade squad? I just play public so my time is all over the place.


uh yes but no comms so. u cannot always do that sub 5 tho no matter what u do (well technically by skipping the sister of parvos it's possible to do sub 5 mins every time but w/e). this was only possible because of a combination of lucky boosted charge spawns, someone correctly throwing those charges (not once did the elevator went on to "slow" mode), and 2 or 3-shotting the sister. Besides looking for the boosted charges fast killing the sister is very very important to reducing run time.


do you have any tips/builds for killing the sister in 2-3 shots? been trying to push for sub 5 but 5:01 is the closest we've gotten so far, even with 100% booster uptime


Zephyr and a slam attack build is how Ive been doing it. With the added bonus of being able to shoot up to the sister beacons and grab them immediately with her 1. [Here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc1FUfDHuIE&t=807s&pp=ygUmQmVsbHkgb2YgdGhlIGJlYXN0IGluc3RhbnQga2lsbCBzaXN0ZXI%3D) a video on how to do it with the Fragor.


unfortunately i cant give u a build since im not the zephyr and i dont have her yet but i think any Zephyr build w/ her tornados and decent weaps can easily 2-shot the sister (i have only seen a oneshot maybe once or twice).


i think you've already figured it out (better yet beaten the record), but for those still following this post here's a new record we got (on a pub squad): https://i.imgur.com/ZhINn7D.png


I managed to get a run 5 minutes on the dot. Used wukomg with silence subsume. As for weapons, went the basic bitch route and went torid+laetum and sometimes torid+furis.


Oh we also got that time xD I hope we can push it down further but that could be difficult.


I’m gonna try to do a 4 minute run this weekend but I’m honestly super burned out on the event 💀


I do it with Saryn and Gloom, normally my go to for high level sp because of spore healing. The spores naturally spread up as you go and you can use 4 to do that more. I do the beacons the same way but just jump past the rooms because there's a marker when you're near a beacon so you can even see some above you sometimes. I just jump around for a quick scan and usually find one or two then keep the elevator boosted. I do the same operator thing too, yesterday I found 3 near eachother and left one because the elevator just kept going up and wasn't worth going back for one boost when it's already zooming above it


For Lotus' sake she just gave birth to a whole new species after the longest pregnancy ever witnessed in the universe, passed away right after and turned into energy, and you guys still go WOULD on her. God-damn it.


*Lotus-damn it




This will be the way.


This post is a work of literary art, holy shit. > Don't run Mesa Not me who's been deathlessly running about clearing every floor with a single twitchy 360 and absolutely red misting the entirety of the top floor in one go. It's more like "Don't run Mesa and stand still", and if your Mesa playstyle is anywhere near as twitchy as a Parkinson's patient, you will be just fine. Edit: Titania is actually very viable for power cell grabbing, she's what I used to run for 3-4 days before I started doing Mesa and other frames to have some much-needed variety. I find cells faster than most others and just Kobe them into the elevator with void slinging.


„Dont run mesa if you're a shit mesa"


A real Mesa build does 2 things, stays constantly moviSg Doesn't equip Mesa's Waltz


Those 2 seem mutually exclusive


The trick with regulators once they're built right is to have high efficiency and to toggle them when the circle gets too small. So waltz doesn't really benefit a whole bunch from that, it just eats a slot that could be used better for something else. So instead of standing still you have to learn how to keep momentum as mesa, doing jumps and slides as you activate Peacemakers and rapidly turn the camera to hit multiple enemies with the big circle, then deactivate Peacemakers and keep moving. Personally in my opinion, Mesas Waltz is a noob trap, and it's a skill issue if you can't stay mobile on her. Give it a go and experiment a bit if you play her, bullet jumping up and looking down you can practically nuke whole crowds of enemies in a blink with a good Regulators build.


Sure, I just hate having to jump every time I want to press 4 just to feel like I still have some mobility. It also helps for when you're just slightly behind an obstacle and you don't want to have to deactivate peacmaker to get in a better position. Also, mesa's waltz actually decreses the startup time for peacemaker.


Plus I can't think of a single exilus mod that would benefit the build more than Mesa's Waltz. It's just a nice QoL mod to have.


Waltz lets you instantly fire on pressing 4 instead of waiting for the animation. If you're toggling more often, getting that extra shoot time is meaningful.


Or just have a good dual toxocyst build, now every frame can be mesa without restrictions


Worst comes to Worst, just throw silence over her first ability if you *really* feel like you need to.


I like to void sling to the top, use my 4 and spin the camera at a hundred miles an hour while falling lol, you won't die cause everything else is already dead.


silence is golden and it stands true in this mission, a wukong with silence and its passive which makes u escape fatal damage helps


You can play Ash with silence subsumed, it's super fun, you just teleport around while stopping all eximus


Also a quick tip for sister beacons: You can see their glow through walls if your around 100 m away from them


Which you always are at the start of the mission, because the room is so high up, so you can just look up and know exactly where they all are.


You CAN run mesa just kill every beam spawning bastard before their shitty laser gets ya! Also don't be the revenant leech who not only cheats the lasers but never moves a muscle to help out!


Or do what I do and use her augment with parkour velocity so I’m roughly Gauss speed in my 4


Or just jump


So long as you equip the augment that lets her walk while in High Noon-mode, it's reasonably easy to stay ahead of the beams.


Its perfectly fine without the augment as well, generally the augment is a waste of mod slot imo


I am the #1 Revenant “leech” I will sit there with my shareable Mesmer Shield should my team need it with Silence, throwing any missed shiny batteries in and that’s all I’m doing until the top :)


You're not helping but ig it could be worse


Should be noted that the big speed boosting power cells spawn within a floor or two of the elevator, so after finding all three sister beacons, you shouldn't stray too far from the elvator in search of speed booats. (If some random stranger on reddit is to be believed anyway)


Oh that's why sometimes they don't show up for me!! Went too high too soon I guess


Tbh I find the alerts to be a nice change of pace while getting 15 motes, for just running a random mission. Sometimes it's way faster than just doing the elevator, like for a Capture, sometimes it's not worth it unless you really wanna do it, like defenses or survival... I don't recommend doing defense at all cost, the missions are filled with Jade eximus and uh, it doesn't pair well to say the least.


As long as you're not standing on the objective defense is fine as well, would recommend doing it solo because of this exact reason tho


Milf = motes I love to farm?


I NEED this is fast talking video format. I may have to do it myself. Dunno if youll see this or if Ill havr to DM you but if I get the time and permission... Ill absolutely have a field day with it cause its fuckin amazing.


Go ahead and do it. I'm not putting my voice on the internet for love or money, but if anyone wants to do something with one of my funny lil posts it's a-okay


Post the link! We need more of this🤣


Excellent guide


Pro tip, once you have everything you want, buy Arcanes solely for the purpose to turn them in for Vosfor (start with Arcane Healing, Resistance and Deflection, they have the best cost-return-ration, cost one each and give you 21 Vosfor in return). (I may have a Arcane pack gambling addiction)


> I don’t care how tanky you are //angry valkyr noises// I know people are saying silence builds but let me tell you how much fun it’s been pulling the cat out of the closet and dicing eximus units to ribbons while they do jack squat for damage against your invincibility Good summary tho, and bonus points for an entertaining read haha


I have a qorvex build with rage and once they fixed jade light beams instakill, I found it is a great way to refill my 1000 energy xD FISSION! FOR SCIENCE!


Valkyr is great except for the sister part. I accidently did a run with no mods on the claws and did more damage to her using this -about 20-30k per heavy slam- than with mods - about 15-25k red crits. My Valkyr does around 9 million against the jade eximus with heavy slam. So that damage attenuation is strong against valky's heavy slam.




I did not expect to see a Portal reference here


>Don't run Mesa. You *will* die. only if you got a skill issue


To very gently defend the Titania players - we CAN'T pick up an energy cell while in pixie-mode, same as the mobile defence key or an excavation power cell. Pixie is too smol to carry heavy... whatever they are made from. We're not doing it on purpose, we're just trying to clear the way to make it easy for them to be collected. Not a GREAT defence, I know, but just in case someone didn't know that; I promise we're not doing it just to annoy you!


You can enter operator to pick up canisters and interact with things then cancel out directly back into your 4.


That’s what I’ve been doing. I basically have been on grabbing beacons and then grabbing power cell duty by Titania zoom in pixie, then operator, and just murdering things in my way while doing that.


Perfectly good advice, and thank you for sharing it. I was thinking more along the lines of, even doing that is half as efficient as any other frame; they can pick up a canister, switch to operator, pick up a second cannister, throw it at the elevator, switch back to frame and throw that one too without backtracking. Titania makes up for it in other ways, but I just wanted to point it out that we're not deliberately ignoring the second cannister =)


I’ve done this a few times but I’m worried about if this is considered exploiting a bug


Dawg this is just a gameplay mechanic, not an exploit. It's been in the game for years.


My advice is run wukong with silence subsumed. He’s the only frame that can fly while holding a canister and silence turns off the green beams so all the enemy can do is stand there and make sad eximus noises at you. Also: the booster canisters that spawn on the pedestals will only spawn when the elevator gets near or past that level. Don’t go all the way to the top looking for boosters. Also adding a booster while one is already active will cancel and waste the previous one. Let it run out before chucking in a new one.


"He's the only frame that can fly while holding a cannister" Zephyr and Titania both have very reliable methods to circumvent this to great effect


Zephyr isn’t really flying and Titania drops the canister if she casts razor wing.


I can double tailwind and be at the top of the elevator in seconds, plus the extra parkour velocity from having higher movespeed while airborne Titania can pop into spoilermode, grab a canister, and fly back to the elevator to deposit Both flying, both very capable of 100+m canister delivery


You can pick up things with Titania if you pick it up in operator at the same time as you transfer into the frame.


> Also adding a booster while one is already active will cancel and waste the previous one. Let it run out before chucking in a new one. They fixed that, they stack now.


They only half stack. You lose half the boost of the additional ones and if you put in more than 4 it’s completely lost. Unless you REALLY love fetching boosters: WAIT.


Classic warframe "fix"


If you pick up a canister then cast her 4, Jade can carry and even throw the canister while flying


Yeah but most people that already have jade are mostly done with the event.


You could look up from the elevator, at least with lower settings, and can see the blue glow of the sis beacons.


Hehe milf


https://preview.redd.it/z6yhyaxq7b9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47078146f2316509aa440043e1a8d946a5c8e6fb Me reading this guide:


While I love this post because it is on theme and commits, these are not priorities. This is just an outline of the mission haha. This like, "A Grinder's Guide to Belly of the Beast: Do The Mission." But I absolutely love the post, and the bit.


Just run silence my dudes no green lasers in sight


Ang suggestion for weapon to kill the manager? Im using dual toxo but I would love a more "nuke" alternative


Weird. I run Mesa and Kullervo, and I do just fine.


What's your opinion on running Stalker for this?


My experience: 1. Stalker has a hazy vignette around his screen that severely constricts peripheral vision. I hate it, but it's not a complete deal breaker. Makes spotting Jade Light above your head a royal pain. 2. Well balanced for Steel Path, kinda extra on Star Chart. He's very tanky and deals massive damage with Hate on SP. On Star Chart, he's just the normal sort of OP that's rather average for Tenno. 3. Less loot. This is the big downer, because every time I run Stalker, he doesn't get the Sister loot or the end of mission reward like a chance at a Jade part. Which I guess makes sense - Stalker doesn't want his baby mama's pieces - but kind of sucks for the player. 4. Git Gud at Parkour. It's actually been a fun challenge because I don't have Void Sling. 5. Some weird swapping between SP and Starchart mode. I queue up in SP mode, but sometimes I get placed with groups on the Starchart. I've really enjoyed doing it for the experience and to give other groups the Easter Egg of Stalker showing up to help out. It's a fun roleplaying experience too. I feel obligated to protect the capsule at the end instead of loot goblining back in the hallway.


1. You get used to the vignette effect, but i think you can disable it from options 2. Despair and Dread kinda suck, but Hate hits really hard 3. Yeah, i was playing in "zombie mode" (watching a video and mindless farming) a couple hours and didn't realize that you don't get the "extra" drop 4. I always forgot to use void sling so I'm really used to parkour lol 5. I don't have SP unlocked and got placed on groups playing SP. Apparently it's random


Ooh, I can disable it? I'll have to check that out, thanks! Also, interesting that it's random even for people who don't have SP. Thank goodness he's tanky AF.


I'm not sure about the vignette, but usually you can turn of this kind of things And I think the Stalker is not really tanky, but he got scaled depending if it's SP or not. (sometimes I didn't even realized I was playing on SP until I see the steel essence in the rewards at the end of the mission haha)


-Or just solo the tower with Banshee. If your goal is to clear that is.


Yes, you can solo it. But then you can't suffer latency issues that leave a second between your hitscan shot and the damage number popping up!


if I'm solo, how am I getting the latency?


No as in. If you are solo you're not having the latency issues. It's a bit. A joke or perhaps a jape. Referring to latency as a good thing.


A bit of confusion there but alright.


My take was to run xaku with silence subsumed on his 3. 250 range means 15 guns blasting void damage at silenced overguard meatbags, which happened to be a pretty nice solution, also allowing me to bring a decent gun to shoot off that sister.


I run around as the stores book keeper dante, going around fighting off the Karen's horde during black Friday, loved the analogies, keep up the good shit


me who runs mesa and doesnt die


I've not finished the star chart. Is the extra motes worth it or am I best just running the event without steel path?


It makes the grind more efficient so if you are able to get a clan mate to carry you, it would be worth it. However, it's still possible to grind it on normal mode. If a steel path player and a normal mode player both spend the same amount of time grinding and get all the arcanes the only difference is the steel path player will have extra arcane to sell for plat or exchange for vosfor.


I guess my question is, should I just keep grinding belly of the beast or should I complete the star chart? I'm guessing it will take me about 5-10 hours to unlock steel path from where I am, but if I'm not going to get much extra motes, it's probably not worth it, and I'm better off unlocking steel path after the event


Digital Extreme is very intentional with their game design. They want more people to have arcanes and this is how they are giving it to everyone. My opinion is, It is rare that DE give stuff away like this so I will make the most of it while it lasts. I can't really answer Steel Path vs Normal because it's your time and you have to figure which is best for you but SP will give more loot.


Placing your on call crewmate with a strong weapon at the t-section with side spawns a couple seconds before the sister spawns helps there, clears a good bit if not all initial enemies and you can set them back to follow when you catch up with orb. Also praedos melee is better than ever for mobility, combined with the parcour buffs you get from the mission, a single bullet jump covers so much distance that titania is not even necessary anymore.


I've been wondering : is the SP version way more efficient than the normal one? I have yet to unlock SP Uranus, and don't know if it's worth it.


Sp gives more rewards, therefore it will always be worth it unless you succ


I solo it in approximately 6 minutes so easy get the glowing charges and becons fast and ist finished


Quick question, do I have to unlock all the previous planets to unlock steel path Uranus? I have a node unlocked and done which supposedly would make me go to Uranus but it’s locked.


did you fight the boss at the junction? you must meet all criteria and kill the boss. if you had a node already unlocked it's probably due to you being in a public match on Uranus with the host having it available on their chart. so yea in theory you can get taxis from your clanmates, or public players to all nodes on Uranus and complete them that way, but it's up to you ultimately. here's a quick guide if like a better how-to: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vapumwTMTfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vapumwTMTfI)


Thank you so much. It’s strange since I already did belly of the beast in sp invited by other people, and I thought that was enough to unlock it. I’ll look at the guide ty


I finished my farm but this was a fun read


you mixed up priority one and two. it is very easy to get 3/3 sister beacons over the course of the ~4m it takes to do the elevator part, esp in pubs. it is much harder to ensure the elevator is constantly speed boosted. make sure the boosts are in order first, then start hunting beacons imo.




>The Fastest Way to Throw A Milf Into The Sun I expected a strategy of "eat the Sister, go outside, press 4, she's out of bounds and dead". On the one hand I'm sad this wasn't it, on the other hand this might've deleted the loot and on the third mutated hand that pulls out the Deadringer, this was a great read! >You \*will\* die to the power of the power of two. math^(joke) >THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE. Very much so, but for those that don't have enough killing power; Consider **Oberon**. Just cover the ground with your grass and the Irradiated Enemies will be too busy punching eachother. I've had several flawless runs with otherwise gimmicky underperforming Builds that were carried by Rad Procs. >PRIORITY FIVE: DIVISION OF LABOR [**DI-VI-SION**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/a/a6/DBossExtPFourFracture0970Exploiter_en.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20220514025623) also, heh, >!labor!< >and of course make sure to call out the guy whose username is an antisemetic dogwhistle. These are vital roles. Common Warframe Community W. A shining beacon in the sludge of other gaming communities. >Flood the market. While I do find this very entertaining and satisfying every time it happens, if you want big stonks you could wait for the Event to end and some time to pass. After that Energize's price should go back up, though likely not to what it was, and you can then sell'em for extra grofit.


This was a legitimate witty read, u/MannfredVonCatstein (does Catstein work for you?). Learned some new things from this despite running the operation more than a few times. The arcane selling point is certainly something I did not know. I know what I will be doing this weekend. Saying 'spoiler mode' is funny even though access to Belly of the Beast / Ascension game mode requires completing Jade Shadows and all of the prerequisite quests leading up to it. This guide would be useless to a green Warframe player. BTW, was saying PRIORITY FIVE twice intentional? You got a picture of your Wukong? Just so I can judge.


Catstein, Carstein, whatever is fine! Yeah lmao I just thought it would be funny(why I made this post to begin with) If you want it to be, anything can be true! You are not getting a full captura treatment I don't have the patience to get a good angle. https://preview.redd.it/o45rv6hand9d1.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=49e2392b2b26d6f534a36b38dcb9e5652c27172d


Thank you. Your Wukong ain't bad.


Props for 1) A well written humorous guide. 2) Calling out nazi fucks. 3) Having a based choice in Warhammer factions if your username is any indication. Keep up the good work OP and happy pride! <3


Yeah I like vampires and zombies and all sorts of undead gribblies :3c <3


Great write up! There is one bonus tip worth mentioning. This mission spawns ayatan statues at the normal rate of all star charts (somewhere around ~30% I think). However, they will only spawn in the starting area. I think there's only like 4 spots they can spawn. Very easy to check those spots and get bonus endo every 4th mission on average.


"The Fastest Way to Throw A Milf Into The Sun " are we Vay Hek now


>PRIORITY TWO: POWER CELLS The cells power bonus, and their speed bonuses are separate and stack. It's better to keep the elevator running and add speed bonuses on top of that (which now stack to 5 stacks or 55 seconds) than it is to worry about whether or not you're using super cells. Throw every cell at the elevator. Don't think. Don't discriminate. Just throw every cell.


I've been mirage nuking, it's pretty fun and gets kinda nuts once you're at the top.


I just want proteas turrets to go up with the elevator :(


Helpful advice AND a roast of capitalism so brief and to the point it gives Marx and Engels a run for their money! Brava! 😆


If you know how to build Mesa properly for SP and know what you are doing, she is one of the best, most fun and effective frames to take. I run a very rabid Mesa and have been playing her for the last 6 years or so. I'm an active and aware player and obliterate everything with her.. It's so much fun! But I can see if you're unfamiliar with her, then it's not gonna go so well for you. Also I use Stropha to quickly one shot the green beams of death, so they're not an issue, just annoying lol.


Wait, people die to Jade lasers? *laughs in Revenant*


As Yareli, I'm always on boosted throwy duty. I can't fly sure but my normal jump is worth 2 bullet jumps.... Also I mean, I just nuke everything on the way there anyway. it's a good time and everyone looks at how pretty I am.


If it is just the volatile notes that youre after doing the alerts for rescue/capture/spy those type of missions are way faster and more effective. But still a great post, made me chuckle a few times


Ivara's cloak arrow works on the mobile objective, making extracting it a breeze. Its also her subsumable so you can slap it on to any frame if you like.


I disagree with not being able to run Mesa. I ran Mesa almost exclusively as I farmed out a max Energize in SP Belly and found it was the best frame to keep the whole squad safe, through sheer force of murdering all of the Jade Eximus before they get out of hand. Mesa is not completely immobile. As Mesa you can jump and aim glide before you tap 4, your momentum continues to move you as shoot for a second, tap 4 to put away peacemakers, repeat. Equip Rolling Guard as a last resort defense if you get the heat status from the jade light on you.


She's not a milf, she's a mysnf


Tldr, anyone have a condensed version of this? Too much commentary for my liking.


Yah go in kill. Power the elevator


tbh the best advice is just play wukong. 0 fear of death, you don't need to kill anything, just zoom around and pick up the speed boosters. A single heavy slam from the cloud will kill all enemies 100% of the time if needed


I've been running Zephyr so I can look for beacons and the speedy power cells without having to find jump pads if the elevator passes me.


i use ivara for this. no lasers, no problems.


> They are what makes the elevator speed up. The power cells make the elevator moves. The beacons speed up the elevator. Also, you can collect the power cells to be used later by throwing them on the elevator floor, but not directly on the giant glowing ball.


Best tip to deal with the jade eximus: use silence. Anyone can disable eximus since it's Banshee's helminth ability, I subsumed it on Nekros for extra drops while farming what's essentially a fixed timer. Yes, you should ALWAYS grab the beacons but you have plenty of time. The real priority is grabbing the glowing capsules to speed up the elevator phase. And finally any decent melee should wreck the final corridor since it's a tiny area.


i’ve been having really good solo runs running mesa, with mesa’s waltz ofc. shred the guys up top, down below, and when the general manager shows up to kick me out for killing employees, shred her before she can even do anything. great success!


Few bits of this are iffy to read but the whole retail thing is amazing lol


I enjoyed reading your post a lot, even if as a speedrunner, I wasn't really in need. Great work! If I may, I'd suggest you to run silence on your wukong (replace 4). It will help with Jade Eximus A LOT and your whole squad will be free to run around the floors without worrying. Happy farming !


Keep in mind if you die in spoiler mode with a power cell it will be sent to the void


>Go forth. Flood the market. Crash prices. Spend it on fashion. For the Milf When I tell you I am WHEEZING


Man, we're doing a renovation at home and my PC is in storage so I'm gaming on my Steam Deck. No clue how people play this game with a controller and the verticality of this mode is really tough for me. I don't feel like I'm helping much by just being Wisp and dropping motes on the elevator and sticking near the objective. Thanks for letting me know that's an okay role to play.


Reminder! Banshee's Silence will turn off all eximus abilities, including green death lasers and "energy-b-gone" puddles. It's not tied to strength, and lasts for 30s with moderate duration. Makes the elevator ride that much smoother.


I try different frames every now and than, atm I have fun experimenting with zefir builds.


>"Fastest way to throw a Milf into the sun" Only in warframe.


Did they fix the bug where warframe parts don't drop from the event mission? I just keep finding posts saying it is broken from 9 days ago, none saying it is fixed.


Milf is love, milf is life. Wow this is a beautiful post. I've been having a ton of fun with Jade on Ascension, the mobility and attack helicopter mode checks all of my boxes personally. For Ascension specifically, I'm a fan of good ol' Silence on her to keep the area clear for my team (yes this means I lose damage, but hey if I'm not getting bodied by Jade Lights every five seconds, I'll cut my losses). Usually I'll grab boosted charges along the way and pop them down on the platform for the others to manage and then go back to pew-pew time. It's a treat.


For the MILF!


I've been having a lot of success running Titania. Getting beacons when the elevator fight is several floors down makes it easy to hear their beeping. Also easy farming of power cells. I only get a headache when a Volt shows up on the team, but since they wipe the top floor so hard to the point enemies stop spawning when you get outside, it's OK.


If you are not on a mobile frame. Change frame.


I run zephyr with silence over the 1 and it makes life easy


Dont forgwt the SP timed missions that pop up evwry 30 min.s give 15 Motes a pop. So prioritize thise over the 8is mote ascension.


Any frame is a mobility frame with praedos 😎


To add to this. The end run with the payload: Bring an Ivara. You can cloak arrow the package and run the ball while everyone else goes crazy killing stuff and not worry about having to push the payload hard. Just re-up your cloak when it gets low on time. This technique also works on the orb vallis coil drives on steel path that usually gets one shot.


Played the mode twice it was boring as hell and never touched it again. I bought the new shxt. I have a life, so i can't be bothered to grind it






I threw all the glowy greens all at once


New eximus type? Hurts a lot? Nah, I'd Banshee silence it


Up vote for title, looks helpful and comprehensive tho


I usually just look up from the bottom of the elevator shaft and see blue glows scattered above


"make sure to call out the guy with the anti Semitic dog whistle" Omg, I'm represented!


Note for priority four: the shopping cart cannot die, only be delayed, when it’s HP hits zero (actually, I think it’s when it’s shield breaks), it stops for a few moments and repairs itself, it does this infinitely, so if you want to farm the “employees” at the top for any reason including the new status and semi-auto weapon mods, that only drop from the one moa, you can do that tight before extraction for as long as you need if you’re in a solo mission, they just keep spawning out of the two doors on the sides and even in the middle of the hallway, so you can spawn kill them infinitely. (D2 loot cave in Warframe real? Yes.)


I'm pretty sure they fixed the infinite spawns after the first day. Now, all you accomplish by letting it break is standing around twiddling your thumbs in an empty hallway.


>don't run Mesa They all said I was mad for running Mesa's Waltz. Who's the mad one now, huh? HUH?!


TLDR: OP provided nothing that actually helps to speed up the Ascension grind while i appreciate your effort to write all these down, this is not even a guide.


This is more a "Basic mechanics I've seen people fumble on" type bit. Like the power cells bit that do explicitly speed up the elevator. And a bit in it of itself. If you want frame or weapon suggestions or whatever all I can say is "run a mobility frame, run anti-corpus tools, run shit that can kill a lot of eximus units very quickly and be prepared to kill a sister of parvos." sowwy I didn't include a link to overframe :(


More seriously speaking I do think that there is v little that can be done to speed up the mission beyond maximizing uptime on elevator speed. It's so damn timegated lmao.


>run a mobility frame i run this mission and get my R5 energize with Rhino. but the rest of your advices is correct, especially about the killing eximus part, i use an magnetic-heat Atomos with Corpus bane. however i can't see them anywhere in the post, it's .. tiring to read.


Throw a HUH?