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The good: paints in the right spot solid base coat. The not bad: needs another layer carefully applied to smooth the power armor paint. The bad: lacks contrast. Wash the gun and darken the shadows of the armor. Make the piping between the armor plates a darker color it all reads as same tone needs some bright and some dark. Bring out details pick a color for the wires and paint them that.


Agreed on all marks; but to add to this, more colors would help the contrast a lot as well. Red on the lenses and an additional color on the weapon (perhaps a copper for the volkite elements?) would elevate the scheme a lot.


Copper is a really good advice thanks !


https://preview.redd.it/e34m7s03b05d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b7492c2ae16c1bccddd8dc87662be793e36afc I used yellow for my volkite i like it. But it makes painting weapons more fun and less a chore.


That looks really good !


Years of practice. The trick is just keep painting.


Yeah add color to the weapon, volkite needs something to "pop" The backpack tubes should be black or something, eyes could use work. Second coat to cover blotches, edge highlights should get narrowed to the edge, and well, besides that I'd do maybe copper and silver on the weapon


Oh and color the squares, blocks, and wiring on the base of the gun in addition to the ribbing on the barrel.


Thanks for the advice ! The gun is not finished but you gave me great ideas on how to paint it And yeah i’ll need to have deeper shadows now that I see it


The highlights have been applied quite thickly. The model is just green with metallic areas, which is not especially interesting to look at. The gun lacks any differentiation from the metallics on the rest of the model.


It looks like you’re trying to do volumetric lighting which is awesome!! It’s a really fun way to paint in my experience. However, you’re also doing eavy-metal style edge highlights. While there are edges highlighted in volumetric lighting, it’s only the edges that would naturally catch the light, whereas you’re doing the highlights all around panels. Your highlights are also a little thick. If you’re edge highlighting with the tip of your brush, try angling the brush at 45 degrees and running the side of the brush belly against sharp panels for a cleaner look if that’s what you’re going for. That said, youve got some really nice colour progression going! For volumetric painting, I’d recommend going a little darker in the non-lit areas to add more contrast. Youre also missing recess shading. If youre interested, oils are pretty easy to work with but require a little research and prep. If not, thinning some agrax earthshade with water and carefully running the tip of your brush into recesses will help add definition. The youtube channel Cult of Paint has really insightful and relaxing painting tutorials on a lot of what I’ve mentioned here. Youre doing a really great job!!


Thanks ! I’ll buy some pannel liner for the precise shading soon Thinner higlight, less heavy metal highligts and darker shadows got it ! And i’ll check cult of paint too


Your paint is too thick, the colour is inconsistent and the highlights are too thick and too subtle. Also it lacks contrast, shading and basic details haven't been painted. That's the brutal honesty over. The positive is you have asked for help and that's a good step towards improving. Hope this doesn't sound patronising


It looks to me like you’re rushing rather than considering where highlights and shadows should be. Perhaps lighting is an issue too… it’s hard to get the colours where you want them if you can’t see it clearly. Good luck


Maybe thin your paints and use more thin coats. And instead of edge highlighting, maybe try a dry brush approach. I'm a beginner and have fallen in love with the easy results. Look up the youtube channel "fog of gore" I've learned alot from his grimmdark painting guides. But personally I like your work! Keep at it! 👍


Good start, remember even the good painters started off like this (hell some probably alot worse lol) just practice, practice, practice. As for the question, in no specific order: - tubes on backpack need colour (silver or something that pops) - helmet eye lenses need colour (probably red) - edge highlights need to be thinner - studs on shoulder pad need colour (bronze isn't bad) - black shoulder pad needs edge highlighting in a dark grey - feet need touch up of the base green - gun needs a wash of null oil over the silver, the ribbed area needs a bright colour to show the volkite Martian Ray gun style, alot go with orange, but your free to experiment to see what you like. - joins between the armour that look ribbed, need a wash to add depth to the ridges (nuln oil maybe) Last part, don't be afraid to experiment with different colours, it'd your scheme and only you can know ehat you will like. Hope that helps.


Highlighting, details on his weapon, the lenses on his helmet...it looks good now, but a few details will make him pop


I'd definitely paint the helmet lenses, I paint mine white then use blood angels red contrast over it. Simple method and isn't that time consuming compared to highlighting the lens.


Wash your metal, paint the eye lenses, paint the coils in a nice contrasting color to the green, maybe paint the casing on the gun black, probably chop off the Aquila dangling off the gun if you're a traitor


Maybe paint some small details like eyes or black gun parts


I would say it depends what you're after. A showcase army or a fast table army? As a showcase army you could make some improvements as others have mentioned. If it's something you want to quickly throw together so you can get a painted army on the table fast, it's not so bad. Pick a level of detail you feel you can paint consistently. If you burn yourself out painting a few miniatures, you'll end up with a box / cupboard of shame.


Im just a beginner, but id say for the start dont bother highlighting on all edges, use washes to darken the creases, get your highlighting that way. This way you can focus on the base coats and details. Use different colours for certain parts, shoulder pads, backpack, belt, etc (depending on how small you feel comfortable painting). For the backpack and gun you can use dry brushing with metallics to get a really nice effect without much technique needed. Wish you all the best on your painting journey :)


note: i'm not a pro by any stretch of anyones imagination, so take all of this with a grain of salt firstly, awesome job! :) color: i think it lacks distinct colors. i feel like my eye isn't really drawn anywhere because the model doesn't have varied colors. it's really only green and silver. especially the gun, some other colors like a bronze/copper or some blacks in some part + a wash to add depth highlights: the highlights need to blend a bit - the change from the base color to the highlights doesn't appear to be built up slowly, it's a very drastic change base: the base probably needs something on it (if this is a WIP ignore this comment). a good base on it can make a huge difference. i like to slap down all purpose filler, let it dry and paint over that to do like desert, or mud, or whatever vibe you're going for just to give the mini an environment i'd also say i don't think anything on here is bad! just a few tweaks to make it more interesting and smooth some of the rougher things out :)


What's bad? Maybe the fact that is the single most depressively boring paintjob I have ever seen. I mean, seriously, even the part of the volkite that's supposed to be glowy is the same boring metallic as everything elsd that isn't turquoise. Add some details, emperor's sake!


First the positive things. You have for sure a good amount of precision. In special the bolts on the shoulder are really clean. 👍 Now to the other side. I highly recommend using less color and thining this color. It's preferable to have not enough, then to much color on the brush. Because when you have not enough you can apply it, and take more later. Also, heresy has its own painting style and character. What means surface highlights instead of edge highlights. Edge highlights are usually reserved for metal. Battledamage is a thing... This is often acompanied by powders and other more "advaneced" products or techniques. But you can do all of that easily, with your first miniatures. Just watch some YouTube tutorial on the applying base layers, layering, surface highlights and powders and thogh together what you learned. 😊


Great job asking for feedback. I like the model. A smooth base coat on the power armor with a highlight and a shade. Good luck!


No Basing


Color is splotchy, gun is flat silver with no shading or depth, uninteresting flat silver color, armor is one flat color no interesting details / eyes to draw attention, edge highlights are thick and uneven. All fixable things, keep at it


Thin down your paints. It's much better to make several thin layers.


Paint the eyes, add another colour such as copper to the weapon. Next one you paint, aim for thinner edge highlights and water down the paint a bit more.


He really needs a wash to help darken some of the colours and help the smaller pannel lines stand out. A few more details could be picked out in certain colours. The eye lenses maybe red, hazard lines for the power cables on the armour, some gold or brass for pipes on the gun and decorations like the charm on his gun. You could also so more with the coils onto of his gun. Add a contrasting colour or even just a diffrent metallic colour. There's a good base here but it needs the extra details.


I like what I see. Brutal criticism your edge highlights are too big. Subtlety was not on your side. maybe a nuln wash on the volkite, but I could be way off.


Is this a Sons of Horus or an Alpha legionaire? Without decals and with your colour scheme it's pretty hard to tell. For the "what's missing" I'll say a base and maybe a dark wash


Son of horus ! The others guys have diffeerent pauldron with markings !


Brutal? Well there sure is a lot of bad


Toothpaste colour...