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>Do you think we get a new plastic kit in the near future Yes, 100%. No idea when or what it will be though.


Please let it be Mk2 or even better Mk5 We've had Mk4 in plastic for years at this point


Tbh I think mkiv is the most likely, to kinda draw a line after heresy 1.0. Agree though, I would prefer 2 or 5


>We've had Mk4 in plastic for years at this point This is why it may (and IMHO should, tho I really would love Mk V) be next to be replaced, to be in line with new KM III and VI and work with all upgrade kits.


The hatch marine in the Spartan is in MKII armor, so the head arms and torso are already there, the MKII sculpt is only missing the legs


I think they'll actually update the mkii helmet to make it look more like the ones from the plastic mkiii's


Mk 4 followed by 2 is most likely in my opinion. Then Mk V will likely be on the cards after. 7 is a possibility for siege era forces and to cash in on nostalgia for the mark now that mk x is becoming so prominent in 40k. I dream of a MK I kit.


I keep imagining some sort of warhammer quest game in the unification wars, with thunder warriors, old hundred, techno barbarians etc


I want MkII because it's the only one you can't get at all right now (without 3D printing which I really can't be bothered getting into right now). That said I wouldn't mind too much regardless of which one it is, I like II, IV, and probably V more than III and VI anyway.


I am with you, any option is good. I prefer Mk4 because it's the one I need the most in my project (other than Mk6 which we have already) but they are all good.


Ironically a lot of the mk2 kits in the 3d printing world were taken down by GW. Anyway, Valrek (Valrik?) On YouTube has a rumour that it's mk2 with Saturnine terminator armour as the next boxed set. Pinch salt etc but rumours be rumours


Probably a mk4 refresh first of all, then fingers crossed mk2 and mk5


With the new Mechanicum kits on the way, and along with Sigmar's new edition taking up resources, I can't see much in the way of "big" releases for Legions until the end of the year. Ideally, I'd love it if they made Mk II and Mk IV/V as a "pair" of new poses, in the way that the Mk VI and III share the same poses. Still compatible with the special/heavy weapon arms but just a little different in posing. At the very least, I do think they should be Despoilers and/or Destroyers though, and not more Tacticals. OR release a very generous melee weapons kit alongside them. The only other release I can think of would be plastic Sabres, another Sicaran, or the Deredeo with it's other weapon loadout (or a separate kit for them)


Interesting idea! Mk III/VI as tacticals, Mk .../... as despoilers, mix arms if you want. I like it


Hmm, except if you want say mkIV support squads you would need 3 kits...


I think you could do the arms more or less the same, and still have some difference in the bodies themselves.


Fuck it. Go left field and remake cataphractii terminator armour instead


I'd adore some cataphractii with an indomitusesque upscale. Make them the walking brick walls they were always meant to be.


There are some characters in mkiv and mkv but nothing in mkii (except for half a model in a vehicle), so if I had to bet it would be mkiv and mkv


The latest white scar character is in mkii. I think it's even on this upcoming Saturday pre-order.


Thanks! I totally missed that!


I’d say the fact we literally got plastic mkII would make them more likely , don’t downplay it lmao


I just think mkIV and mkV are more likely IMO, that's all.


Rumors are saying mkII, we literally got plastic mkII (just like we got plastic mkiii before the update) it’s totally gonna be mkii


We also have a mkv apothecary and character kicking around and a SoH in Mkiv is inbound. I can see mkiv coming later, but I'd bet on mkv. It would also make sense timeline-wise, since we're in the later stages of the heresy, where mkv was becoming more and more common.


I’d also note that the mkII in the vehicle set is a completely new design, pretty different from the Mk2 models that came before. We know they have modeled a completely new Mk2 design and included it in a few things , so clearly it’s one of the coming armor marks. I highly doubt they’d redesign it just to redesign it again upon rerelease (while continuing to sell the current sprue) so I find it unlikely they’d design and release mkii models in 2022 and wait till 2025 or 2026 to release it


Well, I mean...we also have full characters in mkiv and mkv


The apothecaries could be using new models for mk5 but I really doubt exodus is based on a new mk5 model he’s soooo artificer


What about Endryd-Haar? Exodus is (similar to Maloghurst) an inbetween-stage between old and new armor I guess.


I meant the saboteur consul, he seems to be wearing artificer mk5 . Exodus is wearing mk4. I did forget about endryd haar. Looking at him he looks to be wearing feasibly a barely altered suit of mk5 .


They might make a Mark II centric Veteran Tactical/Seeker Squad box with 10 men instead of 20, with the same sprue elements as the old 40k CSM/SM tactical squads (lots of boltgun/combi-boltgun/nemesis boltgun and melee weapon options, maybe a handheld vexilla, some special weapon options, etc), and then a recon squad upgrade sprue (with extra cameoline capes, extra nemesis boltguns, auspex, nuncio, augury, etc.)


Probably not the near future but I'm sure eventually another MK will be released


my guess is MkIV or V next, since we’ve gotten characters in that armor. I hope it’s MkIV personally, I’m really curious to see how they redesign it


I want new plastic Mark VII


>Next power armor mark? Hopefully none until they finish out the core range.


Mark 2 has the most rumours atm. So that one, and I’d guess like October


I want the old MK III back. I liked the helmets and feet better and the slightly wonky proportions don't bother me at all.


Yeah the new mk III helmets look too much like a Death Guard mk II helmet.


The most sense (even for this edition) would have made MK5. Mk2 is long overdue as well. Should have been the release this edition instead of MK3, then we would have 4 plastic MK's. Mk4 already has a plastic kit, so MK2 and 5 are both more important. I fear GW is pushing more battle of terra bullshit, what would mean MK7, even if it was only used what feels like the last 5 minutes of the heresy. But an armor MK that is as much 40k as it is heresy (and was only wildly used by loyalists, in the mid and late heresy, close to terra, what they even pointed out in the current rulebook), didn't stop them to push MK6, even it made no sense at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️


>I fear GW is pushing more battle of terra bullshit By that logic Mk2 makes no sense. Mk2 is a relic of the Great Crusade, with it being replaced by the far superior Mk3 and Mk4 before the Istvaan Atrocity. In Mechanicum, we also have Mk6 armour being taken from Mars. Mk2 would be nice for White Scars because they were so far away from supply lines for so long, but Mk5 is the smart choice >Mk4 already has a plastic kit, so MK2 and 5 are both more important Mk3 already existed in plastic too, and Mk4 has the worse scale out out of the two


I'm really sorry, but your point on mk2 is just wrong. Most Loyal WS,in special the ones accompaning their Primarch, only depicted and mentioned in MK2 (and a few other instances MK3, like Golden Keshig models). They only got other armors, after half the heresy was over an, entered the sol system. Mk4 would make sense with traitor WS, that supported Horus. The Dark Angles along side the Lion, never got supplied with different armor then their mostly MK2 and MK3 on elite units, before they arrived after the battle of terra at terra. (The fallen are a different cup of tea.) Also MK4 was in its biggest part only shipped to the traitors and loyalists that have been in the same warzones (to not be to obvious). For example the RG used besides late MK6 prototypes, mostly still MK2, because they haven't been supplied with MK4, in numbers big enogh, to use it in battle on complete armies. Also, don't underestimate how slowly MKs are actually arriving at legions (ever changing) positions. In the great cruseade, where many problems of the heresy didn't exist, this process took decades in the worst case. Besides such things, mk3 wasn't superior to mk2. MK3 was a MK2 with additional plates in the front. Nothing else. The armor is desigend for frontal assaults in boarding situations, mines and simular battles. Also all out frontal assaults in big battles, have been favored by legions, that also favor MK3. Every armor is designed with a purpose. This is why for example, there is not a single mention in the novels (or 1st edition black books), that there was ever a Salamander in MK6. They hated the armor, since it offered nothing for their kind of war fare. The MK4 plastics are indeed not well scaled, but they are plastics, what should put them on the bottom of necessity for a release.


I think they'll do mk4 around Christmas or reveal it then release it n3xt year


I'd like a resculpt of the armor through the ages set. A nice set with 1-5 to add some interesting characters here and there. Mark 2 would be good for several legions.


Mk2, because it looks good for quite a few of the generic legion characters. Also would be good to get heads and shoulder pads for EVERY REDO OF the legion specific upgrades.


MK4 please!!!


I think the problem well see with MkV is the helmet studs. Either they'll have to make bisectional helmets, or we'll have to accept the studs not actually being hemispherical. Bisectional heads could be a problem for a lot of people due for the same reason the studded MkVI shoulder are, that damn line down the middle. MkV and MkIV also have the bonding studs on the legs, but I don't think that's as much of a problem because they'll probably make them in front/back sections instead of left/right sections, so the crease will be less noticeable or completely obscured by a plate. One solution for the head might be to have them be three parts, with the third part being the short crest. However, that makes this fiddly part even fiddlier. Another might be to have a sort of crown section that glues into a divot along the front that has the studs on it, but again that's very fiddly. Or maybe they'll just say screw it and have the studs not be actual hemispheres. Or maybe they'll come up with a new molding process that allows the hemispheres to be round on a hemispherical shape. If that's the case, o hope they use that process to make better MkVI studded shoulders.


It's an interesting question. Between the Mk III & vehicle upgrade sprues plus the new White Scar guy every individual component of Mk II has shown up. Then there are multiple characters in new rescaled Mk IV & V recently. It could go any which way. The cynic in me says that becuase the community is being the most vocal about Mk II they're going to leave that one for last knowing that people will buy the other kits as stopgaps while building out their forces then buy a bunch of Mk II to replace them all when they finally drop Crusade armor...


They'll rerelease mk4 in the new scale when they run out of stock of the current "firstborn" scale mk4.


It will be MK2 and Saturnine according to recent rumor from Valrak. Although I feel like we are lacking of new unit for different torso instead of new marks of armor, because All the tactical squad pose is THE SAME. It's really shame to only have five poses in one army.


If one is coming in the near future (and I assume that that's the case), it'll probably gonna be MKIV. It's woefully out of scale with the new kits and probably easiest to make compatible with existing upgrades. MK2 and MK5 are probably slightly more work to make into plastic design-wise because of the amount of overhangs, so going MKIV is probably more efficient and gives us the main armour archetypes associated with the various Legions.


Although MKII is my favorite Mark, the new MKIII fills that role perfectly. Now I hope for plastic mark 5 so I can start a plastic Badab War Project 


Supposedly we’re getting mk ii next. I’d rather have mk v - but honestly I’ll buy whatever armor they release.


I would prefer MK2 like most people, though a part of me is hoping they do something in Mk7 for the siege or the scouring. It's so so iconic and I'm not a big fan of primaris aesthetically, would be great to get Mk7 in modern GW quality


The last thing we need is yet another tactical squad. We need units not armour marks! Make new units in different marks, not more tactical squads.


they will probably continue to release armor agnostic upgrades like the new command kit


No thanks. That would end like the Primaris.


How so?