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That storm Bolter on the right is just so much nicer with two distinct barrels


The old pig snout lol


The thing that put me off drilling barrels lol


Yeah the mono shroud never looked good.


It was prob a mold limitation at the time


The head positioning is SO much better in my opinion. The older ones look like your lads have no neck at all.


Did you ever see the cross-section overlays some people drew of the old Terminators (in order for them to fit in that armour)? 'No neck' is an understatement, it's a thing of horror!


Do you have a link?


Here's a quick draw-up https://imgur.com/a/s2JWVZF


i love the abaddon one: [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/171/802/4f7.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/171/802/4f7.jpg)


I know new termies are all the rave, but the previous sculpt is still looks on par, especially shoulder width


Right it feels great that my old termies aren’t completely overshadowed. They still got character and look good.


Exactly. And if you feel anxious, just rebase with 1/4 inch rock


That was kind of my idea with them is to stack bases and paint onto it, make them look like they’re on a hill or something


Would also help them get some of the extra height of the new terminators


I mean they already did that on the picture, that's why the height difference is minimal :) If you have old and new termis stood on the ground next to each other the difference is quite a bit more substantial than this pic. They are still looking good as a model though, just don't "mix" them I guess, a full Firstborn Termi squad looks perfectly fine. Just 5 new and 5 old might be difficult :D


Agreed on the rock, however the old one has a bit more heroic stance with legs spread out and new one is standing straight


That's fair. I think the difference will become more obvious in 6 months or so when we get the full multipart kit release and you can do all sorts of fun stuff with the new Termi's too. But even then you're probably right, since the old Termi's look decent and have always been bigger than standard Marine units they will always look "correct"


Dear god the new terminators are so much better. More room for the torso so there’s actually room for a neck, the legs aren’t spread a million miles apart making that weird bow-legged stance, and the slightly wider waist make it look actually menacing instead of like a lil’ goofy guy.




Yeah I agree. And I also think that’s why the new terminator models look so good because they didn’t change much, just enhanced what was already so awesome about the sculpt


Love love love! The new Termies


They're SO good. You know a sculpt upgrade is killing it when the difference seems subtle until you put them next to the old ones.


Man. I just love both of these. I'd run them in the same game without second thought


Cue the Spiderman pointing at himself GIF. They are really well done though.


Leviathan terminators are awesome, but if your your faction has its own unique terminators, I would stick with those. Wolf Guard looks more awesome.


Or just get 3D printed bits that are scaled to fit with the Leviathan terminators and have better unique faction termies


Yeah, you can if you want. personally, I am not working that hard to upgrade them when I can just buy better-looking ones with more load outs for less.


You do what you want but uh… you definitely have unique tastes imo if you think the one on the left looks better than the one on the right. Your plastic army men though so knock yourself out.


Lol It is just a size difference. They do not look that different at all, so I prefer the one with more unique iconograph and more weapons. If they looked drastically different, i would have a different opinion, but they do not.


See to me its the legs. The spread skinny legs make the old ones seem derpy in comparison to the thick and chunky new ones. That plus them being shorter than primaris which makes up most of my infantry at this point as a Black Templars player.


All true, space wolves have zero primaris support besides one dude who can run with bladeguard and intercessors (which are never used in space wolves) , so it is not as apparent.


That’s actually quite a significant difference when you look at them like that. The new ones are just so solid looking. The tall shoulders and extra chunk around the core really brings a lot of substance to them.


No more spindly thighs and wasp waist


Very cool


Really dig your style, love these but particularly the new one


>"old" Barely five years old Man, must suck to be a Marines collector/player, does it?


That swinging wolf snout/dick be peak, tho.


Now, the agonising wait for other terminators to catch up in scale.


Both look quite neat


Less is more.


Do you have. A 2nd or 3rd edition Wof Guard Termie to compare with these two?


Apparently needs more shoulder-junk


Say what you will about the Primaris shill; The truescale proportions are still just -chef's kiss-


Bummer they don’t have more accessories for the wolf peeps


So no distinction between Primaris or Firstborn sets of terminator armor? Please correct me if I am wrong.


You are correct. Terminators are just terminators.


Tbh they both look fantastic


Posture. New boy brought up right. Old terminators were couch potatoes.


https://preview.redd.it/yxtmrfk1y9db1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e91b9457b10d7b4d00701d0ba76aabf9e63431 Strong Blackadder vibes from 2018


Are the shadows on his legs natural or painted a darker colour?


All is painted! You can see how I paint my Space Wolves on my blog for free: [http://pintureando.com/en/how-to-paint-space-wolves-armor/](http://pintureando.com/en/how-to-paint-space-wolves-armor/)


heh, 2018 is "Old" now? oh you speech mareens...


Still prefer the weight and heft of good ol lead


And taste too!




All plastic imperial terminators have looked awful until Leviathan.


They are both good, but due to different reasons. The old models give a more ferocious and viscious look, making them seems stronger and more dangerous. But the new models seem more tanky, being able to take a much bigger punch and can walk through a battalion of gun-fire and just shrug it off. If I would categorize them, the old models are more like a bear, big, strong, but can be taken down if the shot is strong, while the new models are more similar to a rhinoceros, massive, tanky, but not as furious as the bear.


If the new ones were metal, I would be sold. I just love the heft of my old bois when handling them


It’s frustrating that the models keep getting bigger. My Deathwing terminators from like 2000 are the same size as standard marines today.


Do we know when they are gonna start selling these models outside of leviathan??


I hate the fact that only after around a short enough time I can clearly tell which one has had more thought put into it than the other in terms of styling..and news flash it isn't the leviathan model.


Well thats the first time I've heard someone find a way to complain about the new terminators.


It's truthfully a matter of perspective for some, like I mean the Leviathan Termie does look much more detailed in terms of design overall, I just like the overall look of a more individual-styled look when I see Terminators.


The Leviathan Terminators are supposed to be usable by all Chapters so of course they aren’t going to be as individualized. What do you expect.


He doesn’t expect anything. He prefers the Mir bespoke design of the chapter specific ones.


What kind of styling are you talking about?


Pelts, runic markings and other bits that actually look like a space wolf, of course there's some but in terms of the one on the left, the leviathan model is a bit more blank, nothing wrong with it, but I am honestly waiting to see if there's going to be more unique looks for the models.




The fact you actually think this is an actual complaint is probably more hysterical than anything, make make what you want first and foremost lol




It’s just an opinion, not a complaint


They're not mutually exclusive?


I’m aware. But this isn’t both. Dude just prefers the old ones


As the other guy said, this squad is meant to be able to fit into each and every chapter. So you are complaining a terminator meant to fit everything isnt a hyperspecific Space Wolf terminator. And yes you are complaining because the first 2 words of your first comment were literally "I hate". Just take the L dude


Just because he doesn’t like them doesn’t mean it’s a complaint. Y’all need to chill


If there's one thing I hate about the internet, it's people making impossible statements as though they're fact. What does "more thought" even mean in this context? Either way if you mean more details you may vaguely have a point, but only to the degree to which you're comparing a model made for a specific type of terminator to a general ETB model. More importantly they're so similar it seems impossible to be in love with one and hate the other.


🎵 I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her 🎶


What about rabbits in hats? Maybe you should talk to your Runepriest to see if he can sort you out.


The barrel on left looks awful. Otherwise, I think they both have their strengths.


So clean!


Astartes have never been uniform in size and the Primaris were noted for their height in canon. I’d have no issue with mixed Terminators. Gonna suck a bit if/when GW makes Primaris Terminators a unique unit though.