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Incase people aren't super familiar, the meta narrative of goblin slayer is that it's a D&D game where the "gods" are players and all the characters are just random NPCs, hence why noone has an actual name. So likely, one of the players grabbed a 40k mini tossed it on the table as a big bad.


That....that honestly explains so much.


It really does...


It's not even really hidden. I remember in like the first pages The adventuring guild contract is just a player sheet from 5e


and then....goblin rape


Suddenly slice of life afterwards... kinda (haven't truly kept up with it since it turned into a standard fantasy slice of life manga/anime with only a bit of danger)


Oh fr? I would have probably liked a more chill SOL fantasy anime but Goblin slayer really put me off with all the edgy shit at the start. Oh well, Frieren and Dungeon Meshi filled that want pretty well.


Yeah it starts off SUPER EDGY & DARK, but mellows out. There are hints of the first part, essentially along the lines of "If they fail, the readers know what will happen." type of hints, but other than that it MELLOWED. I mean there was the cool part where GS used water from the bottom of the ocean to kill a troll (I think that's what it was). The pressure alone of the water shooting out of the portal cut it in half, like you see with the high-pressure water cutters.


Can't say I didn't think that part was pretty clever personally.


It was honestly super clever... & something I might end up keeping in my back pocket for a campaign if I end up with that spell or something similar....


"Clever". Yeah, nothing like the MC being randomly given an auto-win scroll by a virtual stranger just before that scroll becomes necessary to beat a opponent they've never fought before that and don't fight again after. Really set the bar low, but damn you people are not difficult to please.


The extreme Edge at the beginning was really to set the tone and make it *very clear* why what he is doing is so important, and why goblins deserve absolutely *zero* mercy, even when it comes to Goblin kids and infants. Goblins are a fully male race which in lore may come from the Moon. That being the case, they can only reproduce with females from other races. They are sadistic and malicious to their core, just like the classic D&D alignments, Goblins comprising Chaotic Evil. People regularly disregard them specifically because they are "just goblins", and most do not see them as a serious threat because those who survive *beyond* Goblin hunting duties are lucky enough not to witness the real horrors they inflict on those that don't. Goblin Slayer is the man who is nearly single-handedly keeping their numbers in check by weeding them out wherever they begin to fester.


It didn't set the tone, it just set the standard that the main cast are plot armoured. This stuff never happens to anyone relevant. The author just does cuddly generic adventure trash for the main cast, and whenever they feel like they need to be edgefactor5 they write up a quick throwaway group to brutalize and then return to the cast again.


But the reason none of that stuff happens to the main cast is ***BECAUSE*** GS has educated them and is keeping them on their toes.


The show's goblins are such a letdown to me. I love D&D goblins, I think they're fascinating little folks, and the totally one-dimensional "goblins" of the show are just... awful. What makes the show worth watching?


That was very well said👏


I guess they were playing FATAL.


*rolls for anal circumference* 1 Well Bugger me Wait, no.. ARG


Players to DM: "Dude, you have a fetish for this shit or what?"


["Dare you enter my magical realm?" - The Whizzard of the Piss Forest](https://gunshowcomic.com/471)


Yeah, that first episode was enough to make it clear that *this* show was *not* for us. Nothing about that episode seemed *good*.


Like a true DM who suddenly goes full horny and makes the whole table uncomfortable. Quite realistic


They also reference spellslots multiple times.


I mean, within the first few chapters they literally make the overt comparison where the gods are literally rolling dice and playing games with the lives of mortals. If I remember right, doesn't the OP to the anime even begin with a set of d20's being thrown across a table?


The tagline for Goblin Slayer is literally "He Will Not Let Anyone Roll the Dice", referring to his refusal to accept any fate the Gods send his way in their little game.


Holy shit does the manga or anime go into that, I never delved very deep into the show but if it’s that meta aware of itself maybe I should rewatch


It's subtle in GS, you'll see dice rolls and such, but it's much more explored in Year One (the prequel manga) but it's only very very lightly explored, the arc mage arc goes most into it. >! her goal is to find the edge of the game board and escape to the "realm of the gods" !< But you get scenes like this: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinSlayer/s/I8mmnUihLs)


Most of the worldbuilding could be described as "very very lightly explored". It's all just haphazardly tossed in and out to score brownie points with morons devoid of critical thinking. Hurr, the guild intro was a character sheet. Good chemicals got.


The application for the adventurers guild in the manga is a 5e character sheet.


In the light novels they make it clear from the getgo. It's no secret its all a DND game between the Gods. In the manga and anime they only hint at it.


I remember in the spin off stories it is the first few pages.


Although I would also like the idea that goblin slayer is canonically in the w40k universe and that goblins are just "orks" that have been contaminated and mutated by Slanesh


Grots and Gretchen free from the Boyz. Da red gobbos utopia right there.


The two 'Gods' are Truth and Illusion. Illusion is the newbie player whose first player character (Priestess) was supposed to die in a total party wipe. Goblin Slayer intervene as he does not let anyone roll the dice and she survived. Illusion's second player character was much more successful (The Chosen Heroine). So it's likely Truth, the other character just grab an Ultramarine and call him Chaotic and run with it.


And the reason Goblin Slayer goes through so much bullshit is because he, specifically, is a character who consistently rolls high or outsmarts the "GMs", and while at first it pissed the Gods off, they eventually became super invested in him because the man simply would not be beaten.


Wait, so this image is a true image of goblinslayer?


At least it's a SM. Out of all things 40K has to offer, a SM is at least viable for them


I don't think Truth (the other player) has a proper Chaos army.


Oh, no, no, I was thinking about more _titanic_ stuff >! haha Hierophant goes brrrrrr !<


That's actually hilarious and I love it


Wait, is it for real?


No, it's not fanart, it's a Chaos Space Marine appearing in Goblin Slayer. The line in lower right even quote it as "Marine of Chaos" (or Chaos Marine). The novel didn't hide it's a fallen Ultramarine (dirty blue armour, a cloth with "Omega" sign) with a Chainsword, and it's the end of someone who "had fought lots of war among the 'battlefield of the Gods'". Sauce: Goblin Slayer: Day in the Life manga #14


Battlefield of the gods you say? https://preview.redd.it/5mmru5g8iw8d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803722d0cd365e0b3db2a2978e8823620a8c8d5c


Good to see Malal having fun despite being in the shadow realm


Shadow realm you say? *Millennium item quivers intensely*


What's the name of that? I wanna read that now


I love that art, what is this from?


Wait its an actual fallen Ultramatine in the Goblinslayer universe?


Got summoned by an eyeball monster.


What happened after that? Did the MC kill him easily like that troll?


Must’ve come from the Roboutian Heresy universe.


there are actually shit ton of fallen ultramarine in canon 40k ....cuz they have biggest number of chapters.... few fall to damn for various reasons  also Abyssal Crusade..... 


In universe many actually wager that given how many chapters and marines have fallen over the last 10k years, and that so many chapters are Ultramarine descendents, that it's not at all unlikely that Ultramarine geneseed is one of the most common amongst Chaos Space Marines.


Could be a wordbearer in ultramarines armor from when they infiltrated at calth?


Chainsword? Is that just in the novel? Because the OP looks like a power sword at best.


Yes, that's just in novel.


Wait... this is canon? Christ. Wonder how GS got out of this one.


Where can I find this manga panel? Doesn’t show up when I google it


nobody in that setting can win agaist chaosmarine. dig a grave


high pressure water from the ocean would like a word with you.


lol it wont give a dent


That stuff cuts through anything.


nah it will. Terminator armor, now that might survive.


OMG! It’s James Workshop!


I think that's actually John Warhammer.


He's actually Space Marine (but pronounced with a VERY French accent)


*Takes a long drag on a cigarette * "Spezz..." *Exhales* "Mahreen".


Is that you, commander Boreale?


No no no, it's obviously Chris Chaos


Nah it's isekaid Horse Heresy


I think it’s their estranged brother George World


Jimmy space?


Why did I think it was going to be Ghazghkull...


A very big goblin indeed.


I wonder which of the two will learn better ways at killing things.


Better hope there's no hidden spores somewhere on that armor or there's going to be a lot more goblins to deal with


Big and mean goblins.


Gretchin Slayer.


Well, it's good to know that warhammer 40k has an audience in Japan


You’re be surprised, you’ll mostly find them in cities like Osaka and Tokyo. Also a store recently opened up in Fukuoka.


Holy shit đŸ˜±đŸ’€




Funny considering the author of GS ripped off designs for every character in the series to date.


Even has the Ultra icon


A traitor of the imperium in my manga


What's this *sees goblin marine A foul grot mimicking an astartes *dynamics pulled out melta Prepare to die *dynamicly charges over to purge it


Is it from the main manga or from Year One?


Day in the Life manga, seems to be the newest volume.


I'd be interested in the legality of this. At what point does this stop being a homage and start being copyright infringment?


depends a lot on the country and copyright laws. Though just generally, I am pretty sure GW could sue this if they really wanted. It is definitely close enough to the original


There is none, it's fan art and a clickbaity title.


Is this real because if so it just brought my love of two things together


There is no way they didn't know that they were doing. He even has a power-pack ffs!!


Oh he knew. Its literrlly called the Marine of Chaos. and has fought multiple wars on the battlefield of the gods.


I mean, you'd call it an Easter egg, or a tribute, though GW might call it copyright infringement.


And the Ultramarines chapter symbol.


...that's not a goblin.


But why the post got removed???




Is this in one of newer chapters or some other gig? Can I read it somewhere online for free?




Moonshine did a kitbash and stop-motion video on a similar subject... https://youtu.be/fJS3WFm3iLw?si=Uq0AN-SI3-0Xu9_w


Xeno slayer.




Goblin Slayer really needs some good w6 here.


I know if I was writing a dnd story I would be looking for an excuse to plop my norn emissary on the table.


Well, they do have at least one thing in common. An intense, unquenchable hate for greenskins.


I really want to see what happens next


Ya know, he looks more like an edgy league of votann lol


I mean.... please tell me he didn't outright win against the CSM right? He had to have pulled a ton of shenanigans to win right?


From what I read from others, this is pretty much a golem with a shell of a CSM, so nowhere as strong as a proper one.


Okay good. Cause an actual CSM would have wrecked the whole Goblin Slayer crew. I mean, theoretically they could beat him with some prep... but I would like to imagine a real CSM is faster than anyone in that crew.


in the rogue trader video game you defeat not only CSMs but entire greater Daemons and C'tan shards with a crew of random mortals so its not too much out of the question


These are game mechanics. Something like this dont applies in canon. For example like doomslayer in game is not so powerfull as his actually lore makes him. And i am not even sure that rogue trader games are actually canon. they have some plotholes too for example make no sense that the rogue trader cant extens his life with gene treatment since he should be powerfull and wealthy enought to do that.


Haven't played it yet, so I don't know the combat system in that game... but considering you have to actually progress in that game... I would imagine you'd have to be able to win. Granted this means HEAVILY nerfing the enemies that should realistically be able to tank weaker than a bolter or lascannon at minimum. But that's just how games are. I fully am okay with a CSM appearing in a setting... but beating an actual CSM shouldn't be easy for some settings.


Dont know why you getting disliked you speaking facts without some plot armor the space marine can beat these 3 with easy. Hes simple too fast enought for them to keep up even without armor he could tank a sword strike and only get a smal scar at best. Hell space marine and everthing which is at they level can actually solo medival armies by themselve. But i guess it depend which Version of space marine if you actually make him lore accurate with all the strongest stats and durable,strenght,speed,reflect etc feats in books we have been given then yeah.


Apparently it's ACTUALLY not a CSM or any kind of Space Marine & is a Golem taking up the appearance of one, or something like that. Either that or Goblin Slayer fans are angry I'm not giving them enough credit. They could take a Space Marine down... if they had enough info ahead of time & planned the ambush properly. They have the Oomph. They just need the time to deploy it. Cause if an actual Space Marine, Chaos or not, appeared, in this situation, they'd lose HARD. No idea how it ends, but from what one comment said, they do win because it isn't an actual Space Marine, just an illusion.


I wached the anime and manga and saw some girl knight blocking a goblin champion as well a guts wannebe parrying this one too while the goblin champion is 9, 11 feet tall (300meter) and look quit musculur but realistic should not be possible for them to do that since the strenght of the impact alone would kill them or completly break they arm. Either they have some serious plot armor (anime given superhuman strenght for plot happen too in cains books for example) or the body Skeleton and muscle Structure is way less weaker then a human plus the goblins champion move really slow anyway that the humans can outspeed them but do to a space marine? Nah he could simple stand there at letting him hit by full force by a sword by this man at the same time while without armor and he receive a cut at best. In armor he tank pretty much almost all weapons that dont have some magic and shit. (I aware of the wooden spear kill but the lore is inconsistenz anyways and space marine tank weapon with Hits way harder then wooden spear while even without armor so should be fair to take the strongest feats in matchups shouldn it)


If the writing in fanfic is anything like the canon material, he'll be gifted a device that will instantly win the encounter and he'll casually dismiss Astartes as being less than goblins because haha lmao amirite guise?


Nah, I'm just going to imagine this one like the Abridged version. "I serve the Chaos Go-!" "Goblins, got. Killing you now!"


It’s not a CSM. In the novel it was missing its head and covered in dried blood, so it was just an undead cladded in SM armour. It’s still stronger than the average undead because of Astarte physiology, but lacks the speed and intelligence of a SM/CSM.  Also Goblin Slayer didn’t fight it alone. Lancer and Guts were with him.


It’s an ultramarine, not a csm Edit: apparently, the kana says it’s a csm. So, fallen UM then i suppose


He's a Chaos Space Marine, more specifically an Ultramarine. Unless of course they decided to take some creative liberties and he's not a fallen Ultramarine & just decide to clad himself in skulls & look like a badguy


In the novel it’s missing its head and covered in dried blood, so it’s an undead space marine, which is technically not a CSM.Â