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Things like this are always super fun to think about! Honestly, one of the biggest joys I've had now that I'm diving back into the series is seeing how the cats interpret situations that we see every day. I feel bad for laughing sometimes because I know to them the matters are life and death and the poor dears are appropriately stressed... But it just so silly!


reading the Erins’ description of human things from a cat pov is really funny, sometimes it’s like a riddle


Never thought about it this way. They'd probably feel very conflicted and embarrassed


Woah, I’ve never thought about that


My dad's cat will sit at our driveway as we're coming home. We stop the truck as not to run him over. Does he move? No. Does honking the horn make him move? Nope. Someone has to physically get out of the truck to shoo him away.


They'd probably find some way to spin the kittypets as "too dumb to see the threat"




I've mentioned before that my cat moose would have made a good warrior adoptee, he's an ex farm cat, massive, squares up to everything he feels like, is gentle and patient with younger cats to the point his little "brother" still follows him around 4 years after getting him, he once caught a duck. A DUCK. that stupid creature once jumped onto our car as we were turning into the driveway, the clans would have loved him 😂


our neighbor's cat likes to hang out in our driveway whenever we're trying to go somewhere


I want to see them react to twoleg affection. Like how would they react to a twoleg kissing its cat on the head? Or dressing it up? Or playing with it? Or snuggling?


Our old cats absolutely adored my dog, Sara, who was a massive rottweiler mix that I'm sure would give clan cats a heart attack. She loved kitties, and would follow them around the house just watching them in awe. She also liked to climb on the kitchen table because she saw the cats do it. I think clan cats would probably think something like "stupid kitty pets don't realize how dangerous monsters/dogs/whatever are." I'd like to see a former kitty pet who speaks dog like Millie, but have that used more. Like some dogs are causing an issue for the clans and the cat who speaks dog can help them out. Maybe have it be just a kittypet who wants nothing to do with clan life, but decides to help the clan cats out just to be nice.


I'm not sure even kittypets can be comfortable sleeping in front of monsters because it seems like the natural reaction to seeing a cat on the road in warriors is speed up


I think the real question is, how do kitty pets see wild cats (including loners and rouges). Why would you risk your very life every day for not just a meal, but a place to sleep and for a measly scrap of territory? Why would you constantly fight your neighbors instead of coming to an understanding and just existing? Why would you want your children to suffer the fate of dying early or being hurt when you know they will be taken somewhere that could provide them with more than you could ever?


They'd probably think they're really stupid. If the cats are nicer they might try to help them, like call over to them to wake them up, or they might not care if the cats are rude.


This has happened I am almost 99% certain that a warrior has seen a cat sleeping on it or next to it


Kittypets canonically were nerfed to make the Clans look good. Trust me