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imagine if tarkov was on steam


LOL, LMFAO EVEN. Nikita would have an aneurysm and throw even more rants.


Holy shit fuck Nikita he ruined my fav game


Nikita made WarThunder fun for me again.


After tarkov and helldivers, i might start warthunder again lol.


I hate saying this but to me gaijin seems less greedy than battlestate games and thats saying something.


The only people more greedy than gaijin and battlestate is the goddamn us government


Star citizen ships selling for the price of a down payment on a car during beta


Me paying $20 every time a new plane comes out in il2 gb


EA Games: *I came to laugh at you*


What did helldivers II do?


Sony is making it a requirement to login through a PSN account to play the game. Well apparently a not insignificant portion of the player base live in countries where they can't connect to PSN or make an account. The devs or game dident really do anything but Sony is being crap like usual.


Just in: sony apparently delisted helldivers 2 in those countries and you cant access the game anymore?! Wtf.


I actually never had played warthunder before February. I played it for the first time and loved it. So much so I wasted money on premium 🤣.


I always get the 180 days for 20 bucks seems worth it to me as long as I play over 20 hours in that 180 days which I am almost guaranteed to go well over.


If you just buy a premium you technically make a premium bonus permanently when you use said vehicle. You can still buy premium for a double bonus, and it's purely a monetary bonus in that you don't get the extra customization slots and stuff, but it is very well worth buying a premium for your main country.


Premium time is better imo. You pay a small price to increase the income of ALL vehicle instead of paying a bigger amount for a premium vehicle that you can only grind one nation with and becomes obsolete once you exceeded its rank. Also i dont like premiums in general. Many of them are just a better version of an existing tank or just plain broke which makes it p2w


well, there's these new games popping up sooo..


Mind sharing news?Havent checked anything on tarkov for years


Honestly even if BSG wasn't fucking up constantly it would be very low rated just becuase of the reality of that genre. Normies would NOT be happy dying non-stop for the first 10 hours where that is just intended path of your journey and the popularity of the game is exclusively based on the contrast of incredible highs of your difficult achievements against incredible lows of suffering all the rest of the time. It's what makes it good when it's good. Many people who ended up loving Tarkov would have refunded it on steam in the first 2 hours.


You have to be a special kind of masochist to love Tarkov. Let's just say I discovered something about myself with that game......


Right! I thought i had hit the pinnacle of masochist being a support main in league of legends but atleast you can blame your teammates most of time lol, tarkov hits you with those " what did I just witness moments" Like a kid with a alcoholic abusive step dad.


Getting air bursted by a Vog-17 and you can't even get mad about it


What did they do ?


basically people paid 100€ i believe it was without taxes on a special edition that promised free access to all future DLC's. yet recently they removed said edition and added a new one for 250€ which gets more bonuses including a completly whole new mode. they said this mode is technically not a DLC so the 100€ edition owners wouldnt get. this is the second time. so everyone is hating on BSG and nikita, because nikita has made alot of unapology apologies


Ah yea makes sense then


And that's before making the game even more P2W making the gaps between standard and now EoD and Unheard even larger. Some of the P2W aspect has been toned down, but it still show that BSG really adamant to put P2W garbage and I doubt this will be last we see them try.


Two different situations though. And it's alarming to see how easily and carelessly big corps like Sony and Ubisoft don't give a fuck when it's time to remove/lock games from players who legitimately bought their products.


Yeah mega corp being completely brain dead/blind by profits and shit.


Mega Corp's try not to do decisions that will absolutely plummet your reputation and game challenge:(impossible)


Mega corps trying to not show they want to make world their fucked-up dystopia [IMPOSSIBLE][DELETED]


Why would they care ? Everyone will buy their next AAA anyway. Customers do *not* care about anything but the next formulaic shitty AAA the multibillionnaire company releases.


If I had a nickel for every time a company took a game that would strive just fine if they stopped fucking with it, and then trashed it for a large portion of the player base with predatory changes to get more money, I would have three nickels, which is surprising that it’s only been three times.


What are those games?


Tarkov, War Thunder (but we got them to revert it), Helldivers II


Add R6 Siege to the list. Early Siege was an amazing experience and my favorite game. They ruined it when they threw out the concept of semi-realism/tactical in favor of widening the base, listening to pro play (always a bad idea), and making the game more CoD like. It is honestly amazing how devs (or the company behind the devs) can become so out of touch with their own consumer base.


Seige is bit different though, its kind of like changing your playerbase rather completely demolishing it, its still growing today and raking in more money than ever before.


Still R6S was a A-tier game until year 3 the operators made sense but I played it a couple of days ago and holy shit some of the operators are completely insane their gadgets are no way near realistic and that was their go to when the game was released...


We will never get a proper tactical shooter from a Tom Clancy franchise ever again.


It's not that they're blind or brain dead, it's more that the current big corpos only want to suck shareholder cock instead of trusting their playerbase for profit. Anyone would have seen this would happen, but if it benefits the shareholders, they stay happy.


Didn't Ubisoft also try to disable copies of some of their other older games literally a day after they where part of a big sale on Steam?


It's incredible from everything i've been able to read, the Entire team at arrowhead's just about as much going WTF? at what sony's doing. Ironically, the backlash has apparently given the Arrowhead guys some leverage to push back against what sony wants to enforce.


I wish them luck, getting a big corpo like Sony to move will take a lot more than a 'small dev' like Gaijin.


At least we can proudly say we set an example for every gaming community there is, that change is possible with collective determination I too wish them luck


Patting ourselves on the back there, lmao. The WT community did NOT set an example for every gaming community there is with collective determination. Because this, as well as reviewbombing, has literally been a thing ever since games existed... It's nothing new, it's nothing special, it's a good ol' page out of the good ol' reliable book, lol.


The difference is gaijin listened while majority of the time, other boycotts on games dont change anything and the studio just abandons the game rather than fix it.


Most of the time said game is not their cash cow though


Well helldivers isnt sonys cash cow. They dont care if the game plummets in players. The devs made a huge mistake having sony as their publisher


Oh absolutely I agree. I just mean if people were to say go do it to Fortnite for Epic it would likely have a similar effect as WT did


Hence why I said we set an *example*, not that we created the whole thing We didn’t invented Review Bombing, we showed that it can work


Not really when it comes to megacorpos if their only interests lie in shareholders. It's very obvious to anyone that this action will only hurt them when it comes to normal finances, but will satisfy the shareholders instead.


Gaijin had already implemented some good changes to make the grind better


Before the great bombings? They were gonna make it worse than it already was.


Yeah only after we threatened their bottom line


That's the only thing companies understand. 99% of companies out there don't actually give a shit about their customers, just their customer's money.


This is why suits should never be allowed to participate in the process of making or running games.


Unfortunately the capital to develop them has to come from somewhere… so either you only have indie games with relatively low funding or more corporate creations which can be relatively lavish in their scope and developpement. And when the capital is not yours, you’ll end up facing the question of ROI at some point…


Holy fuck, are we already on to the rewriting history bit?


Helldivers 2 is all about a large group of players coordinating and coming together in order to overcome a common goal. Pissing off your community is not advisable.


Tell that to Sony lmao


When does Sony not piss off its consumers?


before 1946


Strong "They targeted gamers. Gamers." copypasta wibe


I’m just saying, pissing off the GTA Online players is one thing, but the whole point of Helldivers is sheer numbers coordination.


Point of helldivers is shooter with several randoms. Most people don't care about global campaign


I'm out of the loop, what's happening with *Helldivers 2*?


Some Sony certifiet brainlet decided to change "optional" to "mandatory" linking steam and playstation accounts to even play the game. Add to that fact playstation accounts aren't supported in many nations + Sony goes out of their way to ban those who give incorrect information even "in good faith" to play game in unsupported region.


wow, that's fucked.


To throw some numbers down, there's 195 countries in the world, Steam is available in all but 4 or 5 due to US sanctions (but really it's available everywhere), PSN is only available in 69 (nice) countries. Sony didn't bother to use the region-locking tools in Steam, so people in more than 120 countries have bought the game that will now be locked out in a few months. Technically, it was never optional to link your account. The authentication server ate shit on launch, so Arrowhead (the dev studio) disabled the linking in a day 1 patch. If you had been required to link for this entire time, players in unsupported regions would have been able to refund before hitting the playtime limit for Steam refunds. The side issue is Sony's horrible reputation for data security. A lot of PC gamers that *can* make a PSN account are leery to do so.


Many doesn’t even cut it, 2/3 of all countries can’t create a PSN account.


They are planning on making a PSN account required for playing the game and the problem is that PSN isnt available in every country and if you try to use a vpn to make one you will also likely get banned


I thought everyone loved Helldivers 2. What happened?


Sony was the problem, forced all Steam users to require a PSN account in order to continue playing the game, which by the way, isn't available in all countries either.


And they will ban you if you try to use VPN to actually get a PSN account


Sony being braindead and totally oblivious to customers opinions and preferences? No way!? 


Has this actually happened? All I've seen is people complaining...


Well, it is against ToS and I saw some chinese players being banned for that. Could be unrelated, but Im inclined to believe


Yeah some people have been posting screenshots of their accounts being banned for using a VPN


Nothing has happened yet, the requirements haven't started yet, but they were announced recently.


Japanese companies and being clueless about PC gaming/international support. Name a better duo.


Sony has not been a japanese company for the better part of the last 10 years, they moved to california in 2016. Back then they also pissed their japanese partners because basically overnight it required them to communicate in english and during american working hours, which you know its kinda a hassle when you live in the literal other side of the world.


They still act like it, same with Nintendo. They also have a US branch, but regularly take baffling legal stances.


Sony is "not Japanese" in the same way that Gaijin is "not Russian". Moving their headquarters doesn't change their past, their company culture, or the ethnicity of their executives.


Sony's corporate structure is weird. Sony Entertainment (Music and Film) and Sony Interactive Entertainment (games, playstation) are both American companies, with SIE arising out of Sony Imagesoft, an American game publisher. They've never really moved the headquarters of the Sony Gaming division anywhere because it's always been an American. They've always had American executives overseeing the gaming portion (which was separate to the console portion of the company, and they would merge to form SIE), and today the Japanese branch is in fact a regional branch to the American headquarters. What happens is that hardware development and Japan focused games are handled by the Japanese branch, while global publishing, development and distribution as well as studio acquisition is handled by the American HQ. Specific to this decision though, it's likely that it was always on the contract that PC users would need a PSN account (and it reflected that on the steam page on launch), but it was not implemented due to the server issues that the devs had. Some people said that they were prompted to link a PSN account when they first opened the game on launch day, before it was disabled hours later. This is simply the devs thinking that their servers could handle it now and re-enablijg that feature.


The game is still good, this is Sony deciding you need an account on PSN to play this game after months of allowing steam users (including ones with no PSN support) to buy and play it.


So I'd say backlash is well deserved


Nah it's different, people literally have to get a PSN Accouny play the game


oh i know, but its similar in the sense that companies making bad decisions and then fucking over normal players


It's Sony's fault not the game devs, same reason console players can't access the market place, get skins etc etc


yeah i get it, i just find it similar either way


Yes, kinda worried that straight up is going to kill the game cuz Xbox players aren't going to make a PSN account cuz they hate ps and PC players don't like consoles in general lmao


Problem isnt in someone not liking consoles. Problem is that PSN is literally *not availiable* for many people who bought the game like russians, chinese, philippines and many others. And Sony will ban you for trying to use VPN to register, locking you out of the game you bought


Yeah sony would probably just write the game off as unprofitable and then kill it, then blame it on the playerbase


You mean good ol "standard business practice" of takeover?


> Physically impossible to make a PSN account in 60+ countries even if they want to (unless you lie and risk getting your account banned) > Infamous for data leaks > Most likely never will refund anybody who PURCHASED the game and did not link their account i dont even play the game but never have i pray with this much hatred


Sony moment


Steam is refunding some people already, problem is that not everyone will get their money back a lot of people are getting rejected. And yes even tho I have a PSN account Im not connecting that shit to anything outside PlayStation.


Here it's different. Helldivers is being fucked over by Sony, not the devs that actually love and care for their game. It's a sad situation and I do hope it gets reverted soon, because Arrowhead certainly does not deserve this


The community manager doesn't think so lol. He basically said in the discord community "womp womp cry more"


pfffft lmao, I just checked and you're right Man at least community managers aren't generally dev team. Generally. I hope they give that Spitz the boot when this all gets sorted out, responding to people like that as a community manager should not be tolerated


War Thunder 🤝 Helldivers Having terrible community managers.


Might as well include all games.


Not only that, but he also linked an article to people complaining that still confirmed that PSN linking is still optional


The thing people dont realize that once you are intertwined with a "big publisher" you get a lot of bleedthrough between your management. In this case its less likely but people constantly excuse for example rockstar for being bullied by evil Take-Two while in reality GTA has been longer under taketwo then without and their management swapped places many times and the insane policies, decisions, monetization has been them


Helldivers 2 community manager is so bad that the dev actually have to step up doing the damage control because the community manager just douse the entire thing with more fuel instead of controlling it.


Oh yeah I know, the comparison was made purely because its the same situation where companies (be it Sony or Gaijin) makes bad decisions that results in a mob.


You say this as if the devs havent been saying that you need PSN and listed it on the steam store page from the start lol.


PSN was OPTIONAL not required


[Have you tried reading?](https://archive.md/b0imQ) > Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)


Well, that's the thing, from what I've read, that was changed recently to make it mandatory. But it used to be optional.


> from what I've read, that was changed recently to make it mandatory That was literally on the store page in January......which is what the archive I linked shows. They disabled it temporarily cos their servers couldn't handle it but the notice was always on the steam page and it was always a requirement.


I thought it was only on the EULA. But let's also talk about the Steam page. Alright, so that's what doesn't sit right with me. How come so many users could play without the PSN before? Why did they allow all platforms and users to go on for this long without the PSN? It just doesn't make any sense


> How come so many users could play without the PSN before? Why did they allow all platforms and users to go on for this long without the PSN? It just doesn't make any sense Cos they disabled linking a couple hours after launch, when their servers were shitting themselves. There are people who said that upon first launch on launch day they were prompted to link PSN. I guess they figured that their servers are good enough to handle the linking.


ksp2, the game got killed by take two, now its getting rightfully review bombed


Man I waited so long and was so hyped for KSP 2 just for it being the absolute garbage:(


Helldiver devs respect their player and are not trying to milke then all the time not like gaijij. There is the diffrance


yeah this isn't direct towards their devs, they have an amazing team, but its a jab at how companies (be it sony or gaijin) just have to make one bad decision and everything comes crashing down


Honestly the shit and greed that Gaijin pulls is way more extreme than other games that are having similar protests and review bombs like HD2 and even Tarkov. The only difference is Gaijin is alot more subtle in all their hyper greed and frustrating mechanics and is so fucking consistent with them that it's like the community knows they can't fight back 24/7 but only when things get to a tipping point.


Gaijin uses the F2P system. And they aren't even the most blatant tbh. They aren't even the most blatant in pay for convenience or skips either. In fact aside from premium being a must have for grinding there's very little you actually need to pay for(admittedly I'm surprised they ain't never added a premium sub that removes uptiers and the like which id actually pay for) and even then doing one or two events a year will usually earn you enough gaijin coin to buy yearly membership during sales without having to pay a real world dime. Bushes while time consuming, can be bought in game for in-game currency and got heavily nerfed anyways. Every three months period has a number of free premiums to get outta the warbond shop, in-game events and the like. Let's be real if the snail really wanted to lean into the greedy persona lol tag them with there's a whole hell of a lot that they could monetize that they currently don't.


I think world of tanks is even more predatory in the wat they make you pay. In WT you have to pay to progress, but you can actually play BR ranges that you have. You straight up cannot do that in WOT. You have to shoot gold ammo and use food or you'll just suck and be a burden to the team.


WoT player here, food being mandatory is something any competitive player would agree about but many don't use it and do fine. Premium ammo on the other hand has ruined the game, with Wargaming doing everything in their power to incentivize tryharding and premium ammo spam (the latter a direct consequence of the former), and many shoot premium ammo despite not being tryhards simply because this way they have better odds of winning matches.


Was that because of the PSN shenanigans that Sony pulled?


yep and very much deserved many people can't even make PSN accounts because they don't have their country listed like Kazakhstan and if they lie about their region they get banned from PSN




the most baffling thing is just how much this will actually tank profits. The game is a smash hit, selling millions of copies and now? it's dead.


Sony executives in the board rooms making decisions on how to ruin not just a game, but their entire reputation in one fell swoop


What improvements does Helldiver 2 have over the normal SB2C anyway?


And both happened because of raging greed


I need context. What happened


Sony forced everyone including Steam accounts to link to PSN in order to play, otherwise no gaming for you




Do it for your filipino bros. PSN is not available in the philippines, so every filipino that paid for helldivers 2 is fucked




And what happened with War Thunder in 2023? Edit - [found this story](https://gamerant.com/war-thunder-review-bomb/#:~:text=The%20reason%20for%20that%20dates,to%20obtain%20through%20regular%20play.). Fewer SL and RP


Cyberpunk 2077 prepared us to hate corpo gonks. War Thunder prepared us for an effective way to review bomb. Helldivers 2 prepared us to fight as a unified community. Sony has NO chance lol


I hate corpos but do NOT talk shit about my beloved trauma team


As a Helldiver this is even worse, go PSN or gg... For me this is a gg wp was fun until corp showed the real greed it is.


Agreed 100000%. I lobe helldivers so much. I literally upgraded my build to able to play it at max settings and everything. Now this shit happened. Was fun while it lasted cause I ain't giving my info to sony


holy shit that template has become bitcrushed to hell. its only appropriate considering we are in hell already.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ sony headquarters


What did Helldivers do now? Nevermind, wtf Sony?


Kerbal space program 2 might be going down the same path


Remind us again what Gaijin did in May 2023?


"Fuck you." *nerfs Economy*


Operation salt the snail


We should be supporting them. It's not an irrelevant mode of protest if the companies they're protesting against do not treat their customers with respect and decency.


I was thinking about whether or not I should get Helldivers but it appears Sony has made that decision for me.


Bombing review: dies in 2023 **WELCOME BACK BOMBING REVIEW**




Helldivers 2 is a great game, its the fact that you now need a psn account which steals and collects your data to play it now


should be the other way around considering helldivers passed 116k


Refund time.


What happened with Helldivers?


Sony requires mandatory PSN account for Steam players next month or they won't be able to play. There are *a lot* of countries that don't have PSN support and would need to make accounts with residence on neighbouring countries (not allowed in some instances) or use VPN (bannable offense according to Sony it seems). Some straight up refuse to give their data to Sony due to their horrible track record for security breaches since 2008. Edit: there's now a list of countries where Steam won't sell Helldivers 2 anymore due to PSN being unavailable there. It's quite long too. This should be the link to the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jx7QGkPLwR


i mean yah... sadly review tanking is the only effective way to get devs attention these days.


It's so sad to see Helldivers in this state, this was easily GOTY and now I don't even know what's next, Sony fucked up really bad and I'm not sure how recoverable the situation is, they may have burned bridges that are hard to rebuilt, hope I'm wrong.


hell divers aint got those juicy classified sekrit documentz leaks though.


KSP 2 is meeting this same fate


Virgin Gaijin: "nooo don't review bomb us, it really hurts our sales" Chad Arrowhead: "please review bomb us, SONY won't listen to us otherwise"


Ah, those were glorious days


War thunder is still in top, check the scale on the left


Just wait. Warthunder had ~120k bad reviews. HD2 is closing into 100k and it all just started.


Whats the new hd drama


HA! war thunder is a masterpiece, good one!


Yeah the masterpiece of being review bombed to bits


Still not changing my review until all the changes are finished from the road map. Properly


the results are similar, but the situation is different. In war thunder, it was gaijin's crappy economic decisions that made buying premium the only way to progress. In Helldivers, players from 107 out of 195 countries cannot make a psn account (though most of them are from Africa, there are relatively little players from there), and sony has a history of databreaches. They market is as a way to make the game safer and more secure, but anyone with a pure, democratic mind knows that this is automaton propaganda.


weird that both of these happened in may


We humbly ask that all of you good war thunder players stand by us and do what your best at


Is it bad I think Sony is doing this because helldivers was getting to much love and they want cod to be main love instead?


What happened there?


Arrowhead is the Dev, Sony is the Publisher. On Friday Sony announced that every future and existing Steam/PC acount need to be linked to PSN, this comes with a several problem. PSN is only available in 69 countries, the game was sold to 170. Russia, Philipines, Turkey and almost all of Africa would lose the ability to play the game. Refund comes on top of this, because the game is out for 3 months. It gets worse in every detail. Sony is known for having breaches every few months, major hacks every 2 years. And this same company tells the community to give out free access to personal data for security reasons? This is all made up bs by Sony.


I’m not super active in this community. What happened to warthunder


Warthunder is a grindy game, the bottle neck is and was rp or xp, to unlock new modules, vehicles. But Gaijin was slightly adding an additional grind on top. After the long xp-grind, you didnt even had enough SL or ingame currency to pruchase the needed stuff, because Gaijin was changing the economy step by step. A final patch finally broke the economy and the playerbase had enough .


It must be may


This is hilarious, mostly because War Thunder requires a third party login, and it was never review bombed for that.


I don't get what the fuss about the Helldivers situation is. All I've heard is that you need to create/have a PSN account to keep playing and ok? That's it? It's not like they're requiring you to buy PS+ or something. It's not even like creating an account to play a game is unique, any Ubisoft or EA game are the exact same


Anyone tell me what happened? I thought it's a very popular game


wait wtf happened to helldivers??


What the heck happened? Did 4chan get mad at helldivers?


both well deserved


What’s the context of helldivers going down?


Only now do I realise the true scale of War Thunder's review bombing, 116 THOUSAND negative reviews in such a short time is absolutely huge


World of warships once had a game called “Steel Ocean” way back in the day I actually remember playing it and gettting a free HMS Repulse on it but then the game shutdown In like 2016 or 17


"Pay for new guns lol haha democracy we liked the spotlight but now we want cash hahah supe earth"


Sorry, what happened? I've been living under a rock lately (letting my ADD run wild in Fallout 4)


read up about sony and helldiver


I'm curious who's giving Gaijin positive reviews


People in the HD2 sub were even mentioning warthunders community reaction too!


Virgin Gaijin: "nooo don't review bomb us, it really hurts our sales" Chad Arrowhead: "please review bomb us, SONY won't listen to us otherwise"


Wait what ? What's happening with it ?


Let's just hope they're able to get the same results


The heros who fixed the game while i was on break


Looks like Helldivers is diving into hell. I don't play this game but a friend told me about the Sony-PSN affair and honestly, big companies can go eat a fat one. I'm sorry for the game developers (likely blameless in this) and the gamers who spent time and money on this game.


can anyone tell me what happened?


If wt boikot was sooo great why isnt there a sequel?


What happened that made war thunder suddenly tank? I wasn’t around


What happened around that time?


Only difference is that it made a difference for Helldivers 2 lmao


This isn't even fair war thunder actually sucks most the time helldivers just has the shitty publisher