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To be fair and play devil’s advocate, NATO nations in game currently have no SPAA system that has the range or abilities like the Pantsir or the TOR, and it’s been like that for a while now. Also the fact that the T-series (Like the 90) tanks get their spall liners, but the Abrams is still missing theirs, even though Gaijin has been presented with numerous sources of evidence that the Abrams has it. Yes, they gave the Leo tanks their spall liners, but it’s head scratching as to why Gaijin hasn’t given it to the Abrams. It’s not like the US is dominating at top tier, as they constantly have some of the lowest win rates.


No T-72 or T-80 in the game has a spall liner.


The difference is that you can at least TRY to shoot at enemy tanks and be able to kill them. But when you have an SU launching missiles from 22km you can just sit and watch as the braindead moron kills you without any interaction.


I think you replied to a wrong comment.


I don't think so


Okay, then what's the "difference" you're talking about, and what does it have to do with me correcting OP?


I thought you were defending russia having pantsir by the lack of spall liners in most of their mbts or something like that


Apparently OP edited his comment and replaced 72 and 80 by 90, now I see how you could be confused.


For your info since you clearly haven't played USSR only the T90M gets spall liners :)) ( original comment had him mentioning T72 amd T80 having spall liners since he has no clue what he is talking about) . Compared to 2A7, 3 SRV 122, Cv9040C, Bradley etc etc. Abrams does not have a spall liner it has been confirmed from multiple sources and by multiple abrams tank crew members. It has a pseudo spall liner that is supposed to help prevent penetration but the last material facing the crew is metal, so if the abrams gets penned all the way it will spall. The abrams is fine if played properly people just have no idea how to play and just press W without headphones on and with one eye closed. The only good thing about USSR right now is the OP Su-25 and having a better spaa... Not that the pantsir does a lot better against the western CAS options...


>NATO nations in game currently have no SPAA system that has the range or abilities like the Pantsir or the TOR, and it’s been like that for a while now. Something being strong compared to it's adversaries doesn't inherently mean bias, look at m1 when it was introduced, f-14 on introduction, leopards today with spall liners, aim-9m especially in non air rb >Also the fact that the T-series (Like the 90) tanks get their spall liners Singular T-series tank, not the T-90 rather purely the T-90M which really doesn't do that much given the massive 1 shot spot >Abrams is still missing theirs, even though Gaijin has been presented with numerous sources of evidence that the Abrams has it.  Provide the citation, amount of sources doesn't matter, what matters is the quality of the sources and whether or not they meet gaijin's requirements >Yes, they gave the Leo tanks their spall liners, but it’s head scratching as to why Gaijin hasn’t given it to the Abrams. It’s not like the US is dominating at top tier, as they constantly have some of the lowest win rates. Given they aren't opposed to giving NATO vehicles spall liners the point of contention would likely fall on actual hard evidence pointing to abrams having spall liners, provide citation and I'll break it down for you


People don't realise that russian bias isn't "omg look at this T-"XX" it's so broken" it's a sum of things like you listed and stuff like when Pe-8 was the only plane in the game to have a 5000kg bomb which OBLITERATES half of the enemy team on maps like "A point only Nelidovo on Volokolamsk" where there is one small village in center with fields surrounding it (now we have Lancaster so as we see IT COULD BE DONE but russia had such a privilage for so long). Tell me that some nations are not much more OP than others when we can see huge gaps like GB vs USSR and its not even a minor nation.


Exactly, or the fact that Russia constantly gets new vehicles that are so new that they haven’t even entered service with the Russian Federation yet (2S38) and so everything is classified and Gaijin pretty much made up all the stats for it


[Shamelessly stolen from here](https://live.warthunder.com/post/238008/en/) Not much has changed, even after 9 years :D


the more things change the more things stay the same


Le reddit is an echo chamber, who could have guessed?


One time i shot a tiger 2 ammo rack and it didn't explode and another time i shot a leopard 1 UFP with the object 906's APHE twice and it bounced both times, game has a clear german bias /s


I am a Soviet main, I have been playing that nation, both arcade and realism, both plane and tanks, since 2017. I will concentrate on tanks for now. Each time I fight against Germany, it is always a pain. It’s not really that I lose, but when I get killed, 90% of the time, I just can’t understand my death. I do make mistakes, and I do understand them, but the rest of the time, it’s always "How did my shot not pen when I shot right into the MG port!?" or "How did he manage to shot MY small little weakspot at over a km distance!?" Constantly, game after game, day after day. And each time I dare to complain that german tank, I’m always getting crap and being told that I play bad, wrong, or to "git gud" So I simply did a little experiment. I simply took my german tanks, and played in the most brai dead way possible. I’m talking about pressing W and point-and-click without any kind of strategy. And I kid you not, I never had game with such high scores with such ease. 8, then 9, then 11, then 8, then 9 kills + capping, etc. It’s just ridiculous for me, someone who get clapped in tanks that I played and mastered for *years*, all spaded, with the worse crew at level 144, but become the doomslayer with tanks that I never play except for when I do those comparison experiment, some of them still stock and with crappy crew. Literally, the first game I played, I managed to not get penned by a Sherman from the front *twice*, and I survived a 500 lb bomb which was dropped right on my side And I’ve discovered that Germans have two things and do another which advantage them greatly in battle 1. German tanks are overall the best in the game. They have the best velocity, best ammos, best armor, I saw panthers going as fast as my T-34-85, their MGs are better, etc. The only thing they don’t have is turret rotation speed, but then again, that’s barely anything compared to what they already have 2. German tanks are disproportionally helped by volumetric. I could be shooting right at the MG port, my shell will just disappear into the void, while he will just look at me for 0.4 nanosecond and lolpen me regardless of the angle, and one-shot me except if he purposely shoot my engine (and still, sometimes the shrapnel manage to travel from my engine to the driver at the complete opposite side of my tank) 3. German players, even though they have the best overall tanks (at least until 7.0) and are helped with the volumetric, are underestimating their capacity so much, that they resolve into the most orrendous and cancerous form of camping that I ever saw in any game I’ve played in my entire life. German players will camp in spot that aren’t strategic at all, but will guarantee one or two kills given by the poor fellow who just tried to escape the other dozen of german campers. And that happen with any kind of german tank, regardless of the BR, regardless pf the moment of the day So, I would very much like to know where is the "Russian bias" when I get lolpen in my T-34-85 by a Panther when the only thing he could shot was my 45° angled front armor, both horizontally and vertically, or when a Tiger’s side absorb my IS-2’s shell because 3 mm of it touched the upper skirt