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TOW2B unlike Kornet is a top attack missile my guy. Also there are claims that Namer survived kornet hits but i have found no actual credible source except for some.reddit comments. If you have a source please share.


Kornets, RPG-7s, and HJ-8s are not top attack, the TOW-2B is, and as far as I know, the Namer does not have 100mm of roof armour.


The namer has 360 round protection, and its just silly to assume 61 tons IFV will be less than 100 mm of protection anywhere, as he was intended to be used in urban combat area where he will face RPG and charges from all around. There is video of hezbullah shoting Top-Attack "falek" missile with 800MM tandem warhead on namer, he got directly hit and just drive away with only scratches


the fucking maus didn't have 100mm of roof armour, its entirely reasonable to assume that the namer doesn't. >There is video of hezbullah shoting Top-Attack "falek" missile with 800MM tandem warhead on namer, There is no ATGM system called falek, the closest there is is Falaq 1 and 2, and while they are used by hezbollah, they are unguided artillery rockets, not top attack tandem ATGMs.


The maus is WW2 vehicle not 2014 IFV Look at the merkava 4 roof armor and see yourself. And about falak you are correct, i checked again and it is the "Almas3" missile You can easily find the video on google


the maus weighs 188 tonnes. The namer weighs alot less. As for the video all I can find is camera footage from the missile itself hitting a namer, no damage assesment afterwards.