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I used to use this feature all the time. Pretty annoyed they haven’t fixed it this whole time. They have no problem releasing new content though.


Man fr. I think soooo many people were like in HUGE hope that it was gonna fix it but nope 😓 “if it isn’t affecting the streamers then it isn’t a problem” says Activision… they could have so easily fixed it the day it broke they just doing this on purpose and it shows more and more everyday and how they IGNORE everyone that isn’t a streamer asking for help and they tell us to F off and that is OUR FAULT that it’s not working…so dumb and sad


heyyy im down to play with you! dm mee and ill seee


Add me I'm usually on at about 10pm est DidIDoThat#7377551


Got you added bro I’m in at that time as well!!!!


I added you too bro my tag is Sendit2x


I hope its something they will fix but wow its like someone just pooped in my morning tea when I saw that. I was hoping this ridiculous 20 gb update would have fixed the issue but now the feature is just gone. I feel your pain completely.


YES like a wholeeee 20gb of bullcrap but can’t fix a feature that they just made? :( yeah it’s literally the worst and it’s been a real struggle paying the passed few weeks im just putting it down till they fix it or just till black ops comes out im tired of getting clapped by a whole team of people taking and yeah I can’t get anyone w a mic im just done for now but it sucks man I loved the feature but oh well


A Glimmer of Hope https://www.sportskeeda.com/call-of-duty-game/news-call-duty-disables-find-party-feature-right-mw3-warzone-season-4-reloaded-update


I hope one day it is fixed soon, but I will just be taking a break until it’s fixed. The passed three weeks I’ve just been going up against people that are all talking and I can’t get one person with a mic. I’m just done till the feature is back thank you for responding with this info!


I was excited to see if they fixed it too🙃


Man fr and when I booted the game up and saw it was there anymore I wasted NO time and I just straight up uninstalled I’m just done till it’s back or black ops 6 either one I’m done playing with people w no mics it’s just a waste of time I’m just playing g vr games till they fix it lol but yeah I think there’s a lot of people that were hoping it was fixed :/ they will purposely take FOREVER to fix something so simple mainly cause you know it isn’t affecting the MAIN audience that they ONLY pay attention too… streamers, “if it isn’t affecting them then it isn’t a problem” Activision always says. And it’s the truth cause if it did affect streamers it would have been fixed the same day season 4 came out..


It's just sad to see. I relied on that feature a lot, and they just keep messing things up with every update. I now can't use my grenades or stims without stopping my movement, and I cannot check my kills on the leaderboard. I have been playing Warzone for six months, and it has by far been the worst experience of my life in terms of bugs and updates. They simply do not care, and it really pisses me off. I always thought FIFA had the worst devs that only cared about content and didn't give a shit about the community or bugs. But after my time on COD, I do not understand how people can give themselves this shit game year after year. The worst part is I heard that Warzone 2 was handled even worse, which just makes it even sadder. As soon as the life span of mw3 is done i will stop playing this shit game and i hope you guys do too.


Oh buddy, trust me I’ve already uninstalled the game 😂😂😂 and I’m so serious. It is not even on my system anymore and I most likely won’t be downloading Warzone until black ops six comes out and we get new map!! Or verdansk whichever one!! But you are very right this is so sad and I myself relied on that feature to play the game and like I said, I’ve already uninstalled the game because I know they’re not gonna fix it anytime soon probably not till season five which I am not waiting to just play the game. I’m just gonna not play the game altogether anymore and it’s uninstalled and I have no intentions to reinstall it until that feature is back!! But yes, this is so sad and multi billion dollar company that’s been going for over 20 years and yet you would think things will get better as the years go on but they get worse and yes with each update it gets worse and worse I hate the seasonal updates because they always messed the game up!! literally the game will be nice and then a season update comes out and they ruin it! 😭 but I agree they have the worst developers and Activision can just go to hell lol but also the find the party thing would have been fixed the day It got broke if it was an actual big issue like if it was affecting the streamers because that’s another reason why I hate Call of Duty these days ever ever since Covid everybody wants to be a streamer and everybody streaming and that’s all cod devs listens to and this find the party thing doesn’t affect them! so Call of Duty is just purposely not fixing it because it’s not affecting who they care about which is just the streamers and only the streamers. Sad.


I got banned from xbox live. For a month. After emailing back and fourth for 4 weeks with Activision about the feature not working. They were insistent that it was on my end that my system or my internet was to blame. Had me go thru all kinds of troubleshooting. A waste of time but I entertained it in hopes they would admit that it was them. Week after week. So when S4 reloaded was release. I was sure that it would be resolved. But much to my surprise. It was completely removed. Needless to say I wrote a scathing email to them. Expressing how pissed I was. Mind you this was an email sent thru my outlook account on my computer. Not on my xbox. So long story short. I basically told xbox support that it was Men's Mental Health awareness month and not faggot appreciation month. And I was banned charged for 2 offenses for the same statement. They gave me 6 of 8 strikes on xbox live. 3 strikes and 3 strikes. And 8 strikes means you get permanently banned from xbox live. Mind you. I've never had a single strike on xbox ever. I obviously appealed it. And was told that I violated xbox party chat guidelines. Meaning I was in a party chat on my xbox when I made said this. Which is a flat out lie from xbox and Activision. I wrote back after the appeal asking for proof or a report of the day and instance that this happened in xbox parry chat. I have yet to hear from them. Xbox and Activision are straight trash. I mean complete dumpster fire trash. And Microsoft will never see another mother fucking dime from me ever. Which is a shame because I have been a lifetime customer and have spent well over 20k with them. They can get fucked. 


Everyone's going to start switching back to PlayStation that's where I started at before I switched over to Xbox I might just buy a PS5 now!!!


I made a major post about this feature not working on twitter(X) and tagged all the COD studios. Next day they hid the feature so it doesnt even show as an option. They dont like bad press so keep blasting their social media accounts and post about this and they will have this fixed in a week guaranteed


People were shutting out the little kids and they are a huge customer base. it’s messing up the way that adults can play the game because they are trying to make some little kids feel better.


Relied on this as well, sucks to see them take this out but keep the shop up and working at all times, smh


I made a major post about this feature not working on twitter(X) and tagged all the COD studios. Next day they hid the feature so it doesnt even show as an option. They dont like bad press so keep blasting their social media accounts and post about this and they will have this fixed in a week guaranteed


Def wasn't because of your post if that's what you're thinking lol Also funny that you think" it'll get fixed in a week if we blast them on social media". Before they removed it, it had been broken since season 3 unloaded pretty much Its been almost 5 years of bad press with them not listening, keep dreaming I guess lol


Add me I play trios all day! NEW-Y0RK-KID631#5739157


Plat 2 I’m tired of playing with randoms that go rogue and don’t communicate at all. I’m not a tryhard if anything I could use some help I’m online now