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I can’t believe it’s been 25 years! Sorry we lost touch.


Hahaha, do you remember when you all threw me into the pool? The wedding was a blast!


Yeah luckily I helped OP drag you out. So silly.


Dude I know! Same! Remember we would all sing No Scrubs by TLC. Funny times!


Crazy wedding! Seems like yesterday. Geez I miss you guys. Can’t wait until we’re all back together wearing our Tudors.


George Clooney?


Which wife?


Damn, that’s a lot to be dropping on gifts! Anyways that Tudor is a solid choice. Safe and simple design, solid movement and fancy enough. The only consideration you might make is cost of repair. Tudor is expensive to repair compared to other brands. If you know your friends and that’s no worry go ahead. You just don’t want to give them a white elephant is all I mean.


I appreciate it is a lot of money, but when you think about it, there are plenty of people who drop far more on a single Lange 1 or Royal Oak. To each his own, but I would rather buy 5 friends a Tudor than spend that much on a single watch.


You know, this is actually a fantastic point. If you've got Royal Oak money, spending it on 5 BB58s for your closest friends is fucking awesome.


It works in other hobbies as well. Buy yourself a GT3RS, or buy the whole squad 996’s.




Build-your-own trackday :D


Hey op it's me ur closest friends


That’s a good sentiment to have and I agree.




You’re a good friend! Have you considered the Pelagos 39?


I second this, And as a gift it's a more intriguing name. I recently removed links from one and the quality is immense . A stainless steel Franck Muller conquistador would be my go to, black dial and white numerals ..


That's a nice way to look at it


This is my definition of wealth... Wealth is having enough for my own needs, and a little something extra for others.


This is amazing man. Good on you guys for valuing relationships like that.


Will you engrave them?


Yes, that is why I don't want an open case back. The BB 58 seems to have a nice area for engraving.


Case back engraving is the way to go. Will Tudor do it, or are you going to have to get it done somewhere else?


I am sure the AD can handle it. They must engrave lots of jewelry.


Only thing about engraving - voids the warranty as it becomes a modified watch. Others may argue it doesn't, but not sure Rolex/Tudor would agree to work on a watch if they think it's been opened by a 3rd party.


I like that perspective.


Tudor is cool right now but seeing all the qc issues people report on this sub, I'd really consider something from Omega or another company that can fit your pricing.


I need more friends like you


Can I be a groomsman? All jokes aside this is an awesome watch. Only alternate suggestion I'd give would be a longines master collection moonphase.


Second this! 


I’d consider an Omega SMP300. $5.6k on rubber and I’d push for a 20% discount on an order of 5. That’ll get you into the mid 4K range.


Also, Omega is a more recognizable name compared to Tudor. OP mentioned that not all groomsmen were watch guys, so I'd think they'd appreciate an Omega more than a Tudor. He'll be within budget even with a 15% discount.


100% agree


Giving the boys identical Grand Seikos, then spending the rest of the night explaining why they're really good, actually


X2. Non-watch guys know Omega, they’ll probably have no idea what a Tudor is. Also, Omega boxes feel more impressive as a gift (nitpicking, I know). It’s also a classic watch. Although I’d probably try to swing for the bracelet if you’re comfortable with the cost.


You could probably get a stack of Aqua Terras with a discount in that range as well. If he doesn’t think his buddies are into full on dive watches, it’s a nice compromise, stylewise.


Agreed. ATs probably a better suggestion than mine with the SMP, tbh.


I wish DeVille got some love 😢


OP listen to this guy. The SMP300 is a vastly superior watch compared to the BB58, and you can definitely manage to get them around what your budget is.


Thanks for the Omega suggestions. I will look at both Tudor and Omega, both of which seem like solid choices with wide appeal.


There's an Omega AD here who I have purchased 4 Omegas from. He's taken incredible care of me, even my SMP bracelet seized and he took care of the warranty without me having to ship it back. Demetre Jewelers in South Carolina and ask for Jason Ritch. He'll surely be able to help on pricing.


Agree big time on this recommendation!!


Yeah why not?


bro where can i find friends like you? my friend still owes me money from 10 years ago 😂


My guy, with interest that could very well come back to you as a $60 Invicta Pro Diver someday. Bide your time.


If anyone has small wrists the 54 is a safer / more universal option (and I actually prefer it). Hugely generous gift. You could get the caseback engraved as well…


Agreed on engraving. I have an Oyster Perpetual with an engraved case back that was given to me as a gift. I generally like my Explorer more, but I wear the OP more often than I otherwise would because of the engraving.


I scrolled for this comment. I would rather have a BB54 myself. I think it would wear more comfortable for more people. It’s also a little bit cooler since it’s a newer model


I have pretty small wrists and the 54 still looked too small on me


54 is absolutely not the more universal size The number of people for whom a 58 is too big? That number is FAR smaller than the number of people for whom a 54 is too small.


There is no "too small", Ernest Hemingway wore a 34mm so I imagine you can live with 37. There *is* a too big. It has to fit on your wrist, not cover your wrist.


He also used a monocle


You've missed by half a century




I was going to say glasses, but it sounded funny and leaned to the sentiment of a long time ago


1961 wasn't that long ago, and people still wear glasses lol


I get it, but like many things have changed since the 60’s. One being fads of fashion. My eyes are still pretty good, but it’s not always easy reading my vintage Marlin


That's the thing... they haven't really changed. The 1960's was a high water mark for design in every discipline. Architecture, graphic, furniture, transportation, fashion... all still apeing the mid-century to this day. Let's just stick to watches: Rolex Submariner, mid 50s. Daytona and Heuer Carrera, 1963. Moonwatch, late 50's, on the moon in 1965. AP Royal Oak 1972. Huh... those are still the watches people want today. Maybe on another sub you could make this point, but not on r/watches.


The 54 is only marginally smaller by a tad than the 58. Only ~1.5mm shorter in lug to lug. The diameter difference just makes the 54 a little better proportionally


hi, it's me, your groomsman


It is I, also OPs groomsman. It’ll be great to get back together with you guys soon!


A great choice! It’s a tame design, good size and good brand. It’s very mass appealing, and I think it would make the perfect gift for a variety of people


Your username is “Ranger”—this joke will save you 5k.


With a 25k+ budget you could approach Christopher Ward and ask them to custom make something for you.


Now that’s an interesting idea. Lead time could be an issue but a great idea.


Just get em seiko 5s and call it a day


Thank you, Teddy.


I don’t know anyone who is still friends with their bridal party after 25 years.


That's low key sad


That's too bad


holy shit i got a glass cup with their names emblazed on it and a few hersheys chocolates


Can I come? Happy to stand in for one of your groomsmen that can't make it! Great choice!


I'll add the cost of watches for my groomsmen to the list of reasons I'm not married.


To pay respects to 5 guys who have stuck through for 25+ years, we'd all be lucky to have the chance.


Are you under the impression that this is a requirement of marriage?


Goddamn. Within your price parameters that's a great choice that will have wide appeal. But fuck... hey its me ur groomsman


Wow - great choice and so generous of you to do that. Great choice of watch as it really does cover the spectrum for men


A BB58 is an awesome gift no matter how you slice it. Don't overthink it, and congrats on 25 years.


Speedmaster Professional


Bb58 is great. Also consider the Pelagos 39


That Black Bay is a great choice, but if you're looking for other suggestions, maybe Grand Seiko. They have a few under $5k.


I am a Grand Seiko guy and that was my first thought, but I think the Tudor would have more appeal to the non-watch guys.


I think you're probably right.


No joke, I was thinking about buying this watch for my best man for the wedding later this year. He’s a big watch guy and this is one of his grails.


"one of his grails" People really don't know what grail means.


The whole idea of calling something a grail is stupid any ways, let alone policing the term. Dudes buddy likes and wants this watch and to him maybe 5K is equivalent to 45k.


It's not about the price of the watch.


grail is about attainability. A $5k watch is unattainable to a lot of people


Grail is _not_ about attainability. It is about desire and satisfaction. It is simply about the 1 watch that you would have, and be done with the collecting hobby because your quest for the one has been satisfied. Hence, the _correct_ pointing out that "one of his grails" is a misnomer. An individual by definition can only have 1 grail.


Again, I'm not talking about price. There was *a* holy grail. One.


oh, you're being *that* literal? weird


Oh, you don't follow the literal definitions of words, and just ascribe whatever meaning you like to them? Weird. Meaning is important, and disregarding it is lazy. Why say something you don't mean? You can only ever have one 'grail', not an entire shopping list of them. Simple.


You’re choosing to make a big deal out of nothing. And that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I have a list of watches that would end my collecting. Either one of them would. But I couldn’t justify buying all three. Stop being a robot about it


Nah, people who lazily use it to mean basically a watch they want deserve to be flamed. It’s so dumb.


I tend to agree, a "grail" isn't just any watch that is kinda expensive. To me a grail is supposed to be "be all, end all, money is no object" and most people will never actually achieve their grail. Think, if "grail" comes from the Holy Grail, remember that in the story of the knights of the round table the quest to find the Holy Grail was a treacherous and dangerous journey where several people died, and success was not guaranteed. To me, having to save for a few years does not constitute a "grail". I *do* have more than one watch that I would consider a grail to me, but they're all worth multiple years of my salary and I would never be able to buy one unless I was a multi-millionaire.


A 5k watch can't be unattainable for someone?


It has nothing to do with the price of the watch.


Then what does it mean?


He's probably referring to the idea of having multiple "grails".


Ah gotcha




5k may as well be 50 for a lot of people but that doesn’t make it more than 5k. Six digits for the truly unattainable category!


VERY good choice imo. Can be worn with anything less formal than a suit, hardy and accurate, can take water and a beating. Very good everyday watch for just about anybody.


Hope this starts becoming a trend Lmao


With any luck, maybe again at our 50th, so that will make it a trend.


Brilliant choice. I think Nomos Tangente would be a fun choice too!


Got married 5 months ago, and my wife got me this watch as a gift. It is freaking awesome. I absolutely love it. I considered getting my groomsmen watches but opted not to because in reality if they wear a Garmin or an apple watch, they are not going to get real use out of a watch like this.


Congrats on the wedding.


You’re an awesome friend. That is all.


.....can I be one of your groomsmen?


Lol im gonna bring this up to every friend whose wedding I was in


Is there something from the year you were married you could find? Just a thought.


Anybody sad to get this gift would be a madman. Maybe advise the non-watch guys of what the deal is with that kind of watch. This is awesome. I'm jealous of everybody involved; even the gift giver, and the recipient. This is so cool, I hope it works out.


A Tudor is a wonderful gift!


Very generous of you. My 2 close friends of 20 years bought me a bb58 blue as a gift. It was to commemorate our 20 year friendship and also to celebrate my daughter being born. It is my most worn watch and has most sentimental value to me. Beats out wrist time from my sub.


I'm sending this to all my married friends as a 'reminder'... Lol


If your groomsmen are on the smaller wristed side or like smaller watches, check out the Black Bay 54. It wears very well on my 7.25in wrist


I know in r/watches people love suggesting smaller watches, but in the non watch world, 37mm is too small for most people's preferences. 39mm isn't exactly a dinner plate either, it fits on almost all wrists. Also, for a 25th anniversary, honestly most people are going to be getting older and a larger watch is easier to read.


Then again, they're likely over 50 and remember when every watch wasn't a dinner plate


25 years ago was 1999, and watches were already growing in size by then.


A BB58 would be an awesome choice, it’s got a pretty universal size and the blue dial especially is fairly neutral and would work in most occasions. Someone else said to go with the 54 but honestly I think the 58 looks better on more people but that might just be me. What I am curious about is since is you are getting 5 watches what kind of discount you could push for. I bet you could get an omega seamaster or possibly a speedmaster if you play your cards right for a whole lot less than you’d think. I think especially a speedmaster would be an absolute killer watch for non watch guys. It’s got a lot of history and heritage that even folks that aren’t into the mechanical aspect of watches would enjoy. Also probably one of the best watches for a one watch collection


I don‘t get it. For the Rolex guy this would be a downgrade in quality/luxury so he probably would not wear it except to show appreciation. For the Apple watch guys it would be a huge downgrade in functionality so they would probably wear them only for appreciation as well. And if you meet the taste of the other guys - who knows? In short: You are probably gifting some very expensive paper weights.


Plenty of watch guys own Rolex and Tudor, plus maybe a Seiko, some g shocks, an F91W. More of a point for Apple Watch guys, perhaps.


I have my groomsmen an invicta that looked like a sub. I wish I was your friend 


That's a dope gift and you don't know what kind of person op is enough to be their friend. Enjoy what you have


Why not a watch from from 1999? To celebrate the 25 years? Like a Seamaster maybe?


Although I think the BB58 is a good all-round choice, I think the $5k could be better spent. Some of your mates will be people for whom a luxury watch has no, or limited, appeal. Some of your mates might be people who have or want a Rolex or Patek and then the Tudor, while still nice, will also have limited appeal. So I'd spend the money on something (maybe a nice banquet, group experience or luxury travel) that creates a memory of the occasion.


If your friend is someone who, for any reason, isn't super stoked about getting a luxury watch that symbolises a moment like this across 25 years of comradery, you should not get them anything.


Get them something more iconic than a Rolex, get them an Omega Pro Speedmaster. You buy Rolex to impress your friends, but you buy an Omega to impress your watchmaker. https://preview.redd.it/hvzjxrg0xorc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e4c1401069036fd0f89a6576e00be1c7d7b7e2


Bb58 blue is a great choice


Where's the venue?


I think Tudor is a great choice! Been wanting one for a while now haha. I know getting is grey could save you a lot of money too


A very good choice. Perfect for the price range, and a phenomenal piece. It’s also a very versatile piece and will fit just about anyone’s style, versus let’s say a big l chonky dive watch.


Do you need another groomsman?


Lol. If you’re buying half a dozen Tudors in one go choose your AD carefully. If that doesn’t get you a Daytona nothin’ will.


Killer gift. I love my bb58 in blue and to receive that as a gift like that? I’d be floored. No one can think that’s less than amazing. Least of all the Rolex guy


Where to apply to be your groomsman?


I mean that is just a fantastic choice by all means. Bravo.


This would be a wonderful gift for anyone in any situation. The watch guys even if they wear a Rolex will surely love it and the Apple Watch or non watch guys will probably become watch guys because of it! It’s a beautiful watch. Congratulations to you 😃


That's a beautiful gift. You're clearly a great friend


Damn dude, lucky groomsmen that's a fab pick


Is this an actual thing? The only time I have heard of people giving out watches like this is in a work/project setting where it is essentially a form of remuneration.


I love that watch!


As someone with a smaller wrist I’d prefer the BB36. Maybe it’s possible to give an option (or at least not make them unexchangeable with engraving).


Getting married already!? It’s me Jerry from science class remember when we accidentally set the lab on fire?


Damn bro is ballin to have a budget of 5k a watch for his bros!!!!


I would like to submit my application for former groomsman for your wedding


Also: what a wonderful friend to gift your friend something like this. I think any watch worth keeping up with repairs and servicing and eventually passing on to their lineage would be an excellent gift.


I saw the Tag aqua racer in titanium. I think it would be great for a situation like this. https://www.tagheuer.com/us/en/timepieces/collections/tag-heuer-aquaracer/40-mm-th50-00/WBP1180.BF0000.html


Damn, 25k to drop on just gifts for your groomsmen? nice.


Check out Nomos too. Dressier watches which could go well with suits. These Tudors are nice too, great gifts with the added benefit of solid caseback so you can engrave them.


Fuck what was the budget for the wedding?


The wedding was 25 years ago and the budget was modest. This is for our 25th anniversary celebration.


just buy them a pint. no need to pay them off.


Remember when I was standing up front in the groomsmen line and I was like “hey bro, your fly is down!!” in a way that only you could hear and then you whispered back “omg bro, you saved my wedding day dude. Let’s go watch Galaxy Quest when I’m back from my honeymoon!!” and I was like “yeah definitely!!” and then we did?? And then I was like “well. I better be getting back to 8th grade. I am 14 years old after all!” and then you were like “yep! I’ll probably see you again in 25 years, best friend!!”????


Seems like a safe choice. Both the good and bad of that, maybe, but I can’t picture anyone being much but thrilled at a nice gift that’s a real memorial of it. Congratulations on 25 years.


I wish I had 5 great friends that stayed great friends for 25 years! It's lavish to give five people a $4k watch, but 25 years of great friendship warrants a lavish gift. I agree that the BB58 is a good gift watch in the sense that almost nobody WON'T like it, and it'll work well on a variety of wrist sizes. It can also be worn daily for any occasion, so they can always look at the watch on their wrist and be reminded of that friendship. The only thing I'll say is that for people who aren't into watches, it's a lot. I always feel bad when someone buys me a lavish gift I don't appreciate. If I received this and didn't appreciate watches, I'd honestly feel terrible.


omega fan gays lmfao


The purpose of OP's post was absolutely not to seek advice about watches.


People in the west are too rich.




Move west and join us


Where do I sign up?


Excellent choice.  If it means anything, whenever I gift anyone a watch who isn’t a complete watch fanatic like myself, I generally buy one with a leather strap rather than a metal bracelet. My reasons: They can put it on right then without it needing to be fitted. I would hate for the watch to sit on a shelf because they just ‘haven’t  gotten around to bringing it in yet.’


Screwed links. Easy for everyone to adjust, and those that need help can get it in the group.


Very good choice, it's got some hefty to it so the non watch guys will know it's good. And the lads who are WIS, already know! Win win


I would do dress watches instead


It's a great choice, but I'd recommend the pelagos 39 - newer model, made of titanium, and better size.


They’re the same size


I think the Pelagos is a little too tool-ish. For something like this, I think a more all-around watch is better, and the BB fits the bill.


ORIS AQUIS.. cheaper but looks way better IMO..


Sometimes you just look at this sub and your only reasonable reaction is “fuck dude, you have too much money”


Crass display of wealth, imho.


Who asks how to spend $5000 on men you've known for 25 yrs? Weird and effette


This is reddit. Bro probably isn’t even married


Longines Master 190th or Cartier Tank


Consider that unless all of your friends are also super wealthy, and 5k is chump change to each and every one of them, this gift might make them uncomfortable, or incite resentment. Imagine you saved a long time to buy a watch for 1000 dollars. You’re proud of that watch. Then your super wealthy friend just starts throwing 5k watches around like nothing. How’s that going to make you feel about your 1k watch? How are you supposed to feel about the lavish gift that is more than you could ever afford? It’s weird. Get your friends a nice bottle of scotch or something. (Unless you’re all loaded, then it’s all relative, and likely not problematic at all)