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Well it's not a deal breaker because none of my watches have it. But, I have had it in the past, and it's a very nice thing to have. Write a comparison list of desired useful features, then ignore it and but what your heart wants instead. You will survive.


just depends on how you wear your watch and how each bracelet ends up fitting. I'm pretty particular about getting it juuuuust right. sometimes bracelets without micro adjust come with half links so you can try to dial it in that way. always good to check that as well.


Yeah the tsuyosa small seconds has half links


The more expensive the watch, the more it irks me if it doesn't have it.


I like having a few microadjustments just to narrow down the fit of the bracelet, but it's not something I wouldn't get a watch over if I like it otherwise.


I think it really comes down to your own preference. Get a beater bracelet and wear it on one of your watches for a few days to see how you like it.


You can do non micro adjustments right if you do half links.


The watch in question has half links yeah


It can be annoying but never stopped me. I think it can vary if you aren't able to get a good fit due to lack of half links or just wrist size. I have a couple of GS without it and 90% of the time been able to have a good fit.


I've given up getting the perfect fit. My wrist just won't let it happen


1. before youu go for the tsuyosa ( i was about to) check out the nj0180 2. i never had issues with watches with no micro adjustments but I see how it would be a blessing, specially tool-less micro adjusting


Yeah I am aware of the nj0180 and on paper it is so much better but I simply prefer the design of tsuyosa small seconds


i wouldnt say the NJ is better on paper I prefer steel, but to me its the other way around I prefer the style of thr NJ, in both cases definitely go for it its a great watch


Micro-adjustments in the clasp, or half-links to dial in the fit = necessary. A fit that's just right is very important to me. With a 14cm wrist, if I can only change the size with a full link, it's likely to be a problem because each "step" is a pretty big jump. On-the-fly micro-adjustments = not necessary. My wrist doesn't change sizes, even when pregnant.


My wrist expands a ridiculous amount going from AC to summer heat. I don’t buy anything anymore unless it has on the fly adjustment.


I really like micro adjust... I prefer a Tudor to a Rolex for that reason, but I can't afford either so it doesn't matter