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Congrats on winning the lottery of birth.


The OP also believes that God is the only friend you can say/confess literally anything to, and also fucks massage parlor workers. What a life!


Why bother delving into his comments on other subs?


Yes, I am born religious. That comment on OcolusNSFW was trolling. I literally checked OP’s profile to see where in NYC he was from, to later guess. Turns out my guess was wrong. Reddit isn’t all for dead seriousness to me. I’m sorry I don’t take it as seriously as I perhaps should.


Have a bit of class. Don’t brag about having this collection at your age. It’s embarrassing. Sure, share the watches you have and why you love them, but don’t phrase it like this is something you have accomplished.


I wish my family was half as rich as your family


username says it all


Better don't read the about section...


Very nice. I hate you 


I gave my son a Tissot and ~~was~~ am worried that it ~~was~~ is too nice.


Gonna give my son a sundial and tell him to figure it out


>So much so that my only goal in life is to buy watches and widen my collection. At the risk of sounding rude: *get better goals.* You’re 20. Find an *actual* hobby that brings you joy outside of spending money. We’re all here because we like watches, but if your sole goal in life at the age of 20 is “spend more money on watches” you are setting yourself up for a hollow life chasing the next “thrill” after every watch you buy (or are gifted). Your collection is already ridiculous and the envy of many people here, most likely. Don’t allow yourself to be defined by the shiny things you own. You’re obviously more well off than 99.99% of the population of Earth, use that privilege to do something worthwhile with your time. Enjoy your watches, but find something else to enjoy.


Thank you tons for taking your time to write this well written comment!! :) I fully agree, money does not buy happiness. Whoever says it can, is lying or fully unknowing. If you’ve ever seen the owners of the $20m mansions in Santa Monica, they are the most unhappy people there are. Buying a new watch makes me happy and busy for 30min until I look for new ones to buy. There’s no way to cure that drive with money, whatever you may buy… (Trigger warning: Depression/Selfharm) However, the meaning comes from when I was at a terrible mental state. All it grounded in really was how there was no meaning to life in my opinion. I was 17 and I had zero motivation or meanings to keep on being miserable - leading to 2 (luckily failed) su!c!de attempts. After the second attempt, police took me to a mental asylum where I was locked in for the entire summer against my will. I exercised more with tennis - but more importantly I thought to myself what the meaning to life was, and what I wanted with my life. I realized that the meaning of life should be (to me) a continuous/forever goal. (Like traveling, seeing your children grow up etc) I thought about what daily hobby I loved the very most in life - watches. I put the two in together and realized that my meaning of life (continuous, never ending goal) is to collect what I love most, until I die. Sadly I got the “wrong” hobby where I have to spend money, and sometimes more money than other times. It sure would be easier if my beloved hobby was flowers, or different stone/rock types, however that’s unfortunately not the case really…


I don't think his reply deserves to be downvoted I'm the fir​st person to say how much I dislike the Rolex/Omega/~~Cartier~~/Tudor combo, but the man just made a genuine effort to share a part of his history with us, and y'all shat on him for no reason


I think the root of the issue is that he's putting his meaning of life in tangible, commercially advertised, products. Putting the value of life into something as superficial as watches and in the hands of watch companies is not a life well lived. The watch companies' only goal is to sell product, trying to "catch them all" is nothing short of an addiction and chasing a high that you will never be able to satisfy. Finding meaning in building relationships with others in the community, working and collaborating with others, starting your own side hustle (whether its repairing watches, working in some capacity with watch brands, selling, etc...) will bring you much more happiness and meaning to life.


Congrats on having rich parents.


Lol - this guy is active in the replica watch subreddit, FWIW.


So these are all just super fakes?


There is literally no base to it. Scroll my account. I have receipts and “accessories”(?) of every. single. watch.


Why does everyone on this sub seem to have the same Omega, Tudor and Rolex watches? Like geez people diversify a bit.


I KNOW RIGHT? It's always speed master, and date just, and a black bay


I'm convinced that people with interesting collections don't post on reddit. We keep getting the same 5 Rolex/omega/tutor models. People alwasy get a Speedy, a date just, and a black bay. What's the point of "building your own collection" if you're just gonna buy what everyone else buys?


I hear you https://preview.redd.it/i698jqfh9z9d1.jpeg?width=2867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8513961ffd20bc44e60799c5cf45659beebdbaca


I don't understand. The collection in this picture is actually interesting.


We do, but in my case my two most interesting watches are currently being serviced, and I'm (hopefully) months away from buying what feels like my last one for a long long time.


It’s how Reddit is designed: Consensus is rewarded, and novelty is dissuaded. People come to Reddit to join the groupthink.


Bragging rights about how rich they are.


I just checked OPs comment. They say that the GMT was their first watch and a gift. They're not even bragging about how rich they are. They're bragging about how rich daddy/mommy are.


I’m bragging because I’m sharing my share of the hobby, to others who also happen to have the same hobby? I feel zero need to boast to anyone. Let alone complete strangers with short, unidentifiable usernames. - especially since there’s no public person linked to my account. What would be the reason to brag? I’m literally just sharing my watches, in a group for watches. I have no malicious intent. Believe me.


I'm going to engage with you in good faith. What exactly are you sharing here? You don't give any commentary or insight into your collection. Hell, you didn't even buy your collection. You just put up a list expensive watches that your parents bought for you. You can't really even say "why" you got these watches. Because, again, you didn't. So, where is the value to other collectors? What am I supposed to take away from this post beyond "My parents used their relationship with the Rolex AD to get me GMT when I was 13. And I asked them for another 4-10k watch every year for the next 7 years."?


It’s obvious that the GMT was a gift, yes. But what exactly implies that the rest of the watches aren’t bought with my money, I earned myself? I never stated the rest was gifted to me, because they weren’t. I’ve been an adult for 2, almost 3 years after all… Am I obligated to leave out my GMT just because I didn’t pay for it myself? I’ve seen tons of people here who also counts a watch they were gifted as “part” of their “collection” as a whole. But when I do it, it’s suddenly unprecedented. Fuck it. There’s no point. My community surrounding the hobby I enjoy is the most toxic community ever. There’s no point. Fuck it. Bye.


If you're 20 and spending \~$25k on watches in two years, then you have financial proprieties that need to be straightened out. Getting a watch as a gift is fine. Hell, I have two gift watches in my collection. But your entire commentary on it can be boiled down to, my parents bought me this expensive watch when I was 13. The community isn't toxic because they want a post that actually has something to say. Instead of just flexing lmao.


We do. I posted my collection recently which I thought was pretty interesting but it didn't get much traction. Guilty of the black bag and Datejust though lol


What about a nice Cartier tank? Works well with smaller wrists, but guessing not your speed.


I rather like Tanks. Not a super fan of Cartier for me personally through. My younger brother has a bimetal Santos, which is pretty nice aesthetically - but other than that, I don’t really know if Cartier is for me as a whole. Nice watches though.


You don’t have to be rich.


No, but op was gifted a rolex GMT for their 13th birthday. So, their parents have to be rich.


What’s that omega is awesome


Not a single bad one in there, congratulations.


Don’t listen to these jealous bastards. Go buy yourself some new watches if you can, & that is what makes you happy 👍🏻


Got my first watch (2016 116710 BLNR) for 13th birthday. One year later, at 14, I got obsessed of watches, and still am. So much so that my only goal in life is to buy watches and widen my collection. Will never ever sell any of my watches. Collection: Best accuracy (none in need of service): Tudor BB58. First watch: Rolex GMT Master II. ‘BLNR Latest watch: Omega Speedmaster Pro Sapphire Sandwich. Most wrist time: BB58 or BLNR (beaters). Holy grail: Patek Philippe 5711G-001. Dream watch I can’t buy (too skinny wrists): Audemars Piguet 26470ST.00.A028CR.01 “Batman” (on strap). Please tell me what I’m (in your opinion) missing/what I should look into next, apart from a bigger box ofc. (Looking at one from WOLF. Probably a cork one). Any further questions, I’ll answer happily in the comments! :-) Best wishes. Thank you.


You are obviously missing parents who taught you a decent set of values for your life.


I’m sorry, what’s wrong? The story of how I got into watches/the story behind my collection, or are the collection facts the issue? I’m not trying to be offensive.


You are (if you are not lying) 20 years old, and flash a collection that's worth far more than 99,9% of the people in in the world will ever be able to afford. But that in itself isn't the problem. The problem lies within the fact that you are talking about your collection as something of real value and meaning in life which it isn't. It's jewelry. Not more, not less. You didn't work for it, you didn't earn it and you obviously think that it's something of real importance which it isn't.


It is valuable to me, since it’s what ultimately keeps my drive going? “SOTC” is a thing. Just search this subreddit and you will see that I’m far from the only person who’s posted one. Mine is even one of the less costing ones, considering a guy who collected for “20 years” somewhat - has several Pateks. I’ve (collected) since 2021 which comes down to average $8,886.6/year. Meanwhile someone else’s $700,000 collection on here took 20 years, it’s an average of $35,000/year. Mine $8,886/y versus their $35,000 - but they are totally fine, sharing their collection of watches in a watch group. I thought what I was doing - was sharing my part of the hobby I love, with likeminded people who also share the same hobby. Perhaps leading to discussions. My intent was fully genuine. Guess I’m in the totally wrong group…


You are making my point as you don't understand where the problem lies. Nobody in this group has a Problem with wealth. The problem is that you see real value in something strictly material. We love watches, that's why we are in this group but most here know that it's not really something of importance. They are just shiny things. If you really love it so much that you want it to be the centre of your life, become a watchmaker or dealer. That would be something everybody could understand. By the way: Your collection is bland. It's expensive but lacks originality


I literally am becoming a watch dealer? Talking to customers and colleagues every single day about the subject I love more than anything - while getting paid for it, would be winning the lottery in my opinion. I’d not view it as a job. I’d view it as a daily occupation I love to do, and see forward to doing every single morning. The pay/money that comes with it is only a perk on the side… Starting at an AD, and then moving to grey, later on in life…


I’d view it as a daily occupation >Thats a job.