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Theft effects everyone, its not just management, you are also affecting hours for people. Enough theft trickles into the idea of recouping costs, Now that 5 bucks (the absurd price) raises along with everything else.


So would someone look at security cameras over a couple missing sizzlies?


Why are you really putting this much effort into planned theft, and yes you get recorded at self check out plus your normal store camera, depending on The Wawa the gas guy could grab your plate information. Its really not worth it. You will make more and eat better being honest.


The stores are associate owned and in tern the associates receive esop which for a lot of people is their retirement plan. while it may not be smart to bank on that for retirement, and one sizzli might not move the needle but the more people that think this way the bigger the impact.


This kind of thinking led to 200+ people storming a local Wawa and stealing anything they could.


So would someone look at security cameras over a couple missing sizzlies?


I know at my store we would, but your missing the big picture, regardless of my answer it comes down to your morales and the livelihoods you will effect not only of the associates but the customers with prices as others have mentioned.


But the unsold sizzle gets thrown out anyway, also how would you know that the sizzlie is in paid for?


By stealing you’re causing them to raise prices to cover shrink. OP you live in a community. You being selfish and narcissistic is actually hurting the honest people who don’t cheat through life.


So would someone look at security cameras over a couple missing sizzlies?


Your have horrible taste and no morals. You don’t care. You’re making your community worse every day because of selfishness and ignorance. You are the problem. You OP. If you’re wondering why the world sucks and shit is absurdly priced look in a mirror. If you can bear it.


Bro shut up


Fuck no I’m not going to shut up because you don’t like my opinion. Fuck that noise


Telling someone they dont have morals and are horrible because they took a $4 sandwich from a $6 billion dollar a year profitable company. Stop licking boots


Whatever you need to justify your crime I guess. You sound exactly like the “they were asking for it” crowd. Zero personal responsibility You may not be a bootlicker but you are definitely an asshole.


I can do the time so I can do the crime. I personally dont steal anymore unless that day I feel frisky. But assholes do run the world. Nice guys tend to finish last. You gotta cheat a little to get an advantage. These companies make bank and I promise your local Wawa isnt being inflated because Op took a couple sizzlis


Ah yes the inflation is definitely being caused by ppl stealing sandwiches and not the absurd government spending and money printing/ corporate greed and price gouging. I always throw a few snacks in my pocket when I stop at the gas station to make the price of the shit I do pay for more fair to what it’s worth


I bet you beat up people then say “they were asking for it” Zero personal responsibility. Narcissism. Self centered brain damaged bullshit.


how would getting caught stealing affect you as a customer? the store trusts people to do the right thing, thats why everythings not locked behind glass.. missing hot snacks will affect the person who steals them way more than the store


So would someone look at security cameras over a couple missing sizzlies?


I know (through friends) someone who found a $20 bill in the change bin at a self checkout in the grocery store.. they kept it and the person who forgot it went back to the store looking for it, they ended up rolling the footage, calling the police, they looked up the guys license plate, went to his house and arrested him, and he ended up on probation for a year.. A lot of people are getting away with stupid crap, but the law is the law… Youre question on here isnt saying someone is hungry and needs help with food, youre saying they dont like the price so theyre just gonna take it… So keep it real i hope they do run the footage back over sandwhiches cause people who think that way need to get shut down hard.. if you want cheap food go to the grocery store a large frozen pizza is ~$7 F if i want anyone sharing the same areas as me that thinks its ok to steal you wanna copy a movie or game or something, F it, your making a copy out of thin air.. its stealing but is it really? (i think thats how you are seeing this because it wont “affect” them, and an argument could be made there, on both sides), but a physical thing? thats a no go


But the un sold items get thrown out anyway. I remember I used to work at Wawa and they would fill an empty garbage bag full of expired items like pretzels and throw them into the dumpster