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Ugly truth is both sides left or right they love their fellow whyte Europeans and hate other black, brown and yellow skin minorities from third world and this is a great chance to bring in more whyte population as refugees to boost whyte population




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"civilized" eh? (spits on ground). Is it civil to impose murderous sanctions on the people of a country to pressure them to turn against their own government? No, that's a war crime.






OFFS! He actually said that out loud.


Watched this MSM trash. Ukraine has been turmoil since at least the Orange Revolution in 2004. Who is this clueless dipshit talking out his ass.


The Russians invaded Ukraine in 2014. This is a further incursion into Ukrainian territory. MSM already written off the Crimea as they don't want people asking too many questions.


Our media is asshoe


No...they're obsessed with it because the government there the result of a coup that involved the US in 2014. The media works for US intelligence. (Mind you they just replaced a different government that was in bed with Russia...) This race garbage just a convenient excuse that reinforces some current narratives they're going with. And for that matter...look at how many establishment politicians kids had expensive do-nothing jobs at Ukrainian gas companies. It's not just Biden! ----- Edit: My memory was only serving me partially correctly - some of the other kids of politicians weren't directly employed by the gas companies, but they did have some interesting involvements with each other. The last paragraph of page 3 [on this document explains it](https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf). Anyways...I would just ask anyone to question the media extra hard on this stuff. This spin on all of this seems as crazy as it was for the Iraq war, etc.


It's hilarious hearing people talk about how racist we are for not bombing Ukraine because they are white. I guess Serbs are just the n-word Slavs.


They called that "humanitarian bombing". There's always an excuse for doing whatever the oligarchs want.


Sounds about white.


It's not that they support Ukraine because they are racist. They support Ukraine because they want a cold war or a hot war with Russia. Its just that when it comes time to promote war, racist propaganda is suddenly OK again.


Russia has been their favorite bogeyman since 1917 too.


Its OK because he called Ukranians "relatively" civilized.


He could've said its relatively stable but noooo you have to degrade them ay-rabs


Afghanis, too.


Lets be honest they can't tell the difference


Very true. I don't remember which talking head show I was watching (when I used to watch them). But a group of very serious, very well paid people equated Afghanis with Arabs. Making a face like they'd all farted, Richard Woodward said they weren't Arabs. And every one of the others said, "They're not?"


Yeah, what a fucking douche bag cunt that reporter is. He himself isn't even relatively civilized, what a retard.


Clown horse


The entire thing is a farce. And the real reason they're obsessed is that they don't want to cover what is going to happen in DC in the new few days...


What’s happening in dc in a few days?


A massive convoy of trucks coming from California.


Why would media not want to cover that, they did so excessively in the past?


What is that mayo packet's name and why is he on TV struggling to put words together? He looks like he just woke up from a drinking binge too..




This sub was taken by the right-wing/russian disinformation campaign and/or people who have fallen victim to it. Who knows if there are actual bots or paid opposition that comment here or how many. But I think it's safe to say that this sub is microcosm of how mass manipulation can occur through the internet (how does a bernie sub become this in just a few years? And I like turtles, which I have to say to comment here)




It’s a rule of the sub, like a ban. My comment won’t show up unless I say I like turtles because I was pointing out that they should change the sub’s name.


This place has been 100% shitty propaganda for years now. I only stick around to laugh at the ridiculous posts.


Were just the shitty leftovers of those who rooted for a candidate who lost twice in a row now. I stick around because I dunno... all the political subreddits are full of ridiculous posts tbh. At least this place doesn't ban you for petty reasons. I certainly disagree with lots of things that people say here but no one is really trying to be a dick.


It's almost like you can be honest when you're not trying to sell a discredited ideology to the masses.




That's the shitty propoganda he's talking about. Are you going to claim a .eu domain means it's from the European union again?




The .eu was a misinterpretation. It is not important to the discussion.


Is it important that in February the author was claiming that threats of a Russian invasion of Ukraine were fake news meant to create support for an invasion of Russia.


The mainstream news was absolutely fanning the flames of war leading up to this. It's the same old American interventionism bullshit. We stick our noses into shit that's not our business and then we fuck it all up. Internal ethnic conflicts get out of control, civil war breaks out, right wing nationalists take over the military, then it turns into a proxy war. Why is this time different? Because Ukrainians are white Europeans? Have we not learned any lessons? I hope we do before bullshit over Tawian gets real.


Fanning the flames by making up a fake Russia invasion? Like the media or not that prediction came true, so if you less than a month ago you were writing articles claiming the threat of Russian invasion was something the media made up then your credibility isn't looking very good right now.




LOL, you know those comments are incoming and you and I will be called Russian bots in no time. If I had a ruble for every person that said that to me recently I would have like $5, which is a lot because the ruble is worthless.


> and I will be called Russian bots in no time Wait, they ever stopped?




$1 US Dollar is about 83.86 Rubles so not even close there bud.


1 ruble = .012 dollars. The joke is that one ruble is hardly worth anything, literally barely 1 penny. Thus the difference between a ruble and a dollar is "about a dollar" or 99.9 cents. So yes, it is close.




Just ask the black Serbians. Oh wait.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_Serbs_in_the_Independent_State_of_Croatia Once bitten twice shy.




Serbia has experienced more genocides in the 20th century than any other country. Croatia was one of the countries to most enthusiastically murder Serbs. It's not rocket science.


Full blown racists.


Pretending like this isn’t a massive shift in location of conflict is akin to burying your head in the sand because you want to look like you aren’t racist. This isn’t a race thing. This is a “holy shit conflict has returned to Eastern Europe” thing. I see this as a complete non issue.


You’re assuming there was peace in Eastern Europe. **When at least 14,000 Ukrainians and Russians have died fighting in Donetsk and Luhansk since 2014**. This idiot reporter should’ve done his homework [Donetsk and Luhansk: What to know about Ukraine’s rebel regions](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/2/21/donetsk-and-lugansk-heres-what-we-know-about-rebel-regions)


He basically said that the middle-east isn't civilized.


That's misleading. On a spectrum from no civilization whatsoever to completely civilized would Northeastern Europe fall to the right or left of the north central Middle East?


Take the example of Libyia for instance. With Gaddafi and after his killing by NATO. One was the most prosperous North African country, the other one is a modern slavery paradise.


And what does your comment have to do with proving this news anchor is racist?


Let's bomb countries under false accusations back to the stone age, and then call them uncivilized. I don't know about you, but I know plenty of Afghans and Iraquis that came to Europe as refugees, and are the most normal people. And the generalization itself of the middle-east as one place, is in itself wrong.


That Libya, just like Iraq, was laid waste to by western "civilization" and then labeled as backwards barbarians for living in the conditions created for them.


The "cradle of civilization" was not civilized? Perhaps Americans need to be convinced that the US absolutely needs to rescue the Ukraine from Russia, despite the fact that the US invades any number of nations. And so, we distinguish all the nations in which we've wreaked havoc from the nation that we are "rescuing" by pretending that one is civilized while the others are backward and barbaric. Fuck all dishonest establishment shills.


> It's a fair point but 1. two wrongs don't make a right and 2. A point can be made about many Americans and Europeans having descended from that part of the world. I've looked into my ancestry a lot, and though I'm mostly Italian, I have a Serbian grandfather and one of my great-great grandparents lived in Minsk. > > Not that I think that people from Europe or America, or people that I'm related to are more important than others (still pissed about a lot of American foreign policy like during Bush), but it's strange to think that I could be related in some way to people caught in this conflict. It's not as far-fetched as it sounds. I like turtles


>Fuck all dishonest establishment shills. Funny, I just happened to see that post of mine a few seconds before reddit notified me of your post. So, I can see that it's just been downvoted.


I like turtles, and you need help friend.




Also remember, Iraq has a history of war and conflict...but uh...[just ignore all the war in conflict in the Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Ukraine).


I love how he ignores the [long history of war in the Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Ukraine). I also like how he dismissed the fact that Iraq is the [literal Cradle of Civilization](https://www.history.com/news/how-mesopotamia-became-the-cradle-of-civilization). He knows on some level what he is saying is racist BS, but he can't help it, so he says it anyway.


He can help it, he just doesn't care. He's a mouthpiece for the institution which has always been the biggest racist offender of them all. Racism, like all of Idpol, is just a tool for them. For example, they couldn't care less about blacks, as evidenced by all the "progressives" and people like Biden, voting for and supporting the police while they continue to murder black innocents.


LOL, you are 100% correct, these people really don't care do they?


fuck this fuck fucking guy. fuck people in iraq lived in huts and didnt know what running water was


I guess dude didn't learn about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in puppy school. Actually, there's a good theory that the Gardens were actually in Ninevah, and that water was pumped using Archimedes' screw -- centuries before Archimedes.


Clearly, this was a city where running water was unknown: https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/general-view-of-executed-iraqi-president-saddam-husseins-presidential-picture-id161950428?s=2048x2048 /s


/SLS Comments: >Let me choose my racist dogwhistles wisely * >He's saying the quiet part out loud * >“I have to choose those words carefully” = “people didn’t like when I said ‘come on! These are white people for crying out loud!’” * >Least racist American news pundit. * >[How it works](https://i.imgur.com/ZNuJVgU.png)     >fuck this piece of shit iraq is fucking civilized and they pretend it isn't after destroying it may the wrath of god descend on them * >Yes the beginnings of civilization is there and they didn't even exist a few centuries ago how can they talk like that * >Their "civilized country" was founded on some of the most heinous crimes in history, the genocide of the natives and the enslavment of millions of black people. They have NO place in calling a country "uncivilized" * >Their civilised country commercialised genocide, ask historians how settlers were paid money to bring Native American scalps, or were paid to kill buffalo without harvesting it, knowing that the buffalo was the only food source for some Native American tribes


I think I got banned from there. Lots of shitlibs on that sub


Slava Ukraini


Mask off moment