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1: Are...are they your ex-friend because of the sushi? 2: That's Robin, isn't it?


ex-friend specifically because of that first plate. and yes it is!


There are so many unanswered question here, it's quite frustrating.


Did they forget to invite you? Lol


What’s wrong with the first plate?


Besides looking as if someone just threw up on it?


And then baked in the vomit.


Why? And what even are the plates? /genuine question


This sub does not consider flat surfaces to be plates. Plates are a type of dish or container and must be concave in order to contain food. That said, this sub is not literally about plates, and sushi does not need to be served on plates. However, this presentation is horrible because the surface the sushi is being presented on looks unappetizing.


Along with the sushi looking quite unappetizing itself… The first looks like a pile of organ tissues and the second looks like someone incorporated a chip into the dish. Edit: It is a chip. I have never tried that, but the mixture of those textures and flavors is questionable to my taste.


Robin what!


Robin yer fuckin wallet because it's an omakase experience in a major US city AYOOOO


You are using words that i can read but can’t lexicographically put together!


I had to look it up. Apparently omakase = a chef-curated dinner where the chef gets to choose the courses/ingredients? I think that sounds fun.


So it’s Japanese for “set menu/Prix fix”?


Sort of - omakase however carries a connotation of intimacy because you are classically served directly by 'the' preeminent chef of the restaurant, who is curating your experience such that it is unique to the day of your visit.


I only know this because of Jiro Dreams of Sushi


My BFF and I had an omakase served by Chef Morimoto. It was honestly worth every single one of the very many pennies it cost (for 2 adult women, the meal lasted about 3 hours and the total bill with gratuity came to about $700).


my understanding is its not always a set menu, sometimes the chef will change up what they serve based on the diners preferences and response.


What if, in explaining your “preference”, you asked the chef for ***PLATES*** Or does omakase carry the connotation that chef-san not only chooses food *but also* plates


I mean it's finger food. Do you bust out your grandma's good china every time you get a gas station hot dog?


Another user has already explained what you get when you ask for this, but regarding the literal meaning of the word, it’s roughly “entrusting”—in this context, entrusting your sushi selection to the chef. Good chefs will take the opportunity to serve you some of what they feel is the best fish they have that day, and it may even be a bit cheaper than if you had picked all the same sushi yourself.




More like whatever is left on the fridge


Not even close


This is great, don’t downvote someone with a good sense of humor!


[What's the matter chief scared of a REAL dinning experience?!](https://youtu.be/pINu1uey4CQ?si=GskI3f4OGDwHHttr)


Hot second though you meant Robin from HIMYM and I was very confused because, like, how could you tell from the hands?! In my defense I’m stoned and operating Reddit under zero supervision.


In my defense I dislike being stoned, am not stoned and still thought they meant Robin from HIMYM.


Fair enough and than you for making me feel less crazy


What’s robin? /genuine question


Very fancy sushi place in SF that I could recognize from the potato chip one


Well, at least it’s thematically correct.






This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.






This comment was removed because of incivility or rudeness.


This comment was removed because of incivility or rudeness.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


Caviar goes surprisingly well with potato chips.


Potato chips and Champagne/sparkling whites are a common sommelier pairing. People look down on chips as cheap food but they are popular because they really do smack


100%. Salty crispy chips, effervescent champagne, and briny exploding caviar. A little crème freche. Don't need to break the bank either.


But caviar is 🤮


Try vegetarian caviar, I honestly like it more than "real".


I'm appalled. I'm intrigued. I'll investigate.


What is it made of? Edit: I just looked it up, and it’s made of seaweed and kelp. Sounds pretty good, actually.


Yeah, honestly caviar is more about "oh look how rich I am" than about taste. Vegetarian caviar actually tastes nicer I think, and it's not eye wateringly expensive. Plus it's, y'know... Not killing fish and numerous subsequent generations to brag about how rich you are.


I tried vegetarian caviar a few times when eating sushi and that I did like


Did I just stumble on your review on a vegan caviar website?


Decided to try munching on potato chips while drinking champagne after I saw The Seven Year Itch for the first time. It’s a tasty combo!


Marilyn Monroe dips her potato chips in her champagne glass in The 7 Year Itch and I have ALWAYS wanted to try it. She makes it look delightfully adorable and tasty. I love knowing that it is indeed a solid pairing!




No, they were right, “dips” was grammatically correct. They could have used the past tense, but it would have been spelled “dipped.” “Diped” would be pronounced like diaper, but it’s not actually a word as far as I know.


I say to kids at work that they’re “all wiped and diped” but I also do not think it is a real word.


But hey, maybe if you keep saying it, it’ll end up in the dictionary one day lol!


3 chips has never done it for anyone


Except my extremely annoying husband!


Tell your husband i hate him too


I did. He laughed.


>they really do smack What does that mean?


Presumably "they really do smack" means "they are indeed really tasty" or something like that.


FFS. Why can't they just say what they mean? Are they 12 years old?


The irony of you using internet slang "ffs" while asking why they can't say what they mean.


Not their fault. You're just geriatric and don't understand slang.


Fucking hell. But who doesn’t have a separate account for porn on Reddit? Old, pervy, know-it-all dummies named u/Cartepostalelondon, that’s who.




What does that mean? Why can’t you just say what you mean? What are you 12?


ok boomer


who goes on Reddit and invalidates a single word of common slang within a sentence that also uses the word “sommelier”. Are you joking bitch?




I read what you wrote, understood what you wrote, but still something said “have a look.” That part of me is dead to me.


I didn’t get past his profile description


Are you 100? Even if you didn’t get the slang, it was perfectly clear through context clues.


It means they're super delicious. Think of something tasty and you might be smackin your lips salivating about the thought. It's smackin.


It means they never had a burger


I thought it was a fucking blackberry lol


They're usually served with what are basically tiny pikelets, tbh just eat it either on its own or with anything that has very little flavour so you can savour the unique taste. That said, while delicious, it isn't a special enough flavour in my mind to warrant such a price.


Best experience was caviar, crème freche, and those pretzel thins. Like those cracker pretzels. In a restaurant agreed that it's overpriced. But depending where you live, there are many direct to consumer delivery options for ossetra and kaluga at a decent price. I'm not saying it's cheap, I'm just saying it doesn't have to be the white glove delicacy some people think it has to be.


My first time was at a fairly high end french restaurant, it was not cheap; but we did take a look at how much it would cost to just buy the tin for ourselves and it was very close to what we were charged. Honestly if I wanted to have it again it would be at that restaurant. Served with creme fraiche and blinis


Guessing they were blinis. Definitely the old school and still amazing way to go.


my sister invited me to celebrate the new years eve, and my brother in law brought out the whitefish roe dish with chips for the starter, they went crazy for it, I took a few, but they acted like it was the best thing in the world and I found it mid. I like cavir and roe but it was just salty with onion. It was the most expensive dip I've tried atleast.


I actually thought it was a blackberry until I read this. Now I feel dumb


At Eleven Madison Park they served us Doritos with caviar as a joke and it was surprisingly one of the best bites of the night


Hear me out..... caviar and Skittles... Can even throw it in a chip


I’ve never had caviar but it seems like part of the experience is not only flavor but also texture Mixing little fish eggs with hard, crunchy, chewy little melted sugar balls seems kind of like not a good idea




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


That is dumb. My comment was literally about the poor presentation.


I love uni but im confused whats under it


A5 wagyu and pickled onion on crispy nori


That sounds amazing


This sub is becoming quite personal


Eh, probably the least bad I've seen around here. At the end of the day it's just a surface where you need to put sushi pieces to grab and eat in one bite, the odd surfaces don't interfere. My only issue with this meal would probably be having to pay $500 for a few pieces of raw fish and rice.


> $500 for a few pieces of raw fish and rice. You say this like it should be cheaper because it's uncooked, as though the cooking is the expensive part. The calibre of fish this is that not only allows it to be eaten uncooked, but makes that the preferable option, is what you're paying for. You slap sashimi grade tuna on a grill until it's cooked and you've successfully dropped it down to supermarket quality.


No I don't say this because it's cheaper because it's uncooked, I've had quality sushi/omakase and I know its worth. I just think of the fact that that kind of dining is expensive per se, but having it on one of the highest COL cities on the planet must make it simply stratospheric, and the pretentious plating points to an particularly pricey one.


Then what is supermarket sushi?


Food poisoning waiting to happen.


I eat it all the time, way healthier than the fried chicken wings or rotisserie chicken if I’m hungry for lunch


Depends on where you live. I wouldn't trust it in Iowa, for example


I live in Iowa and find the supermarket sushi to be disgusting. A lot of my friends love the stuff though


The quality of the fish isn't what makes it cost $500, either. You're paying for the fine dining experience and for the exclusivity.


The slate will be porous though, I wouldn’t want to use this multiple times.


You just know they throw some isopropyl on it, maybe scrub it with a brush or smth, and out it goes again


What slate?


Thought it was slate. Not sure what it is but it’s even worse.


This just in: glazed ceramic literally worse than rocks. 


Well, the it’s off putting so it is. You eat off what you like in your third world country.


Lol bro you're british




Don’t yall eat off used newspapers?


Not in decades.


How was the uni?


It looks very dull, so probably not great


Yeah, probably not. That’s a shame, there’s not much of an excuse for serving crappy uni in CA.


I've tried uni at a few places and thought, "Yeah, whatever." Then, I went home to Wyandotte, Michigan. There is a sushi shop there. The owner, Mike, was dipped in a bucket of charisma. I like going in and telling the chef, salty, and fishy. That's what I like salty and fishy. Mike saw me come in once and said, "Hey, you gotta check this out." He brought out a little Tupperware box and peeled the lid off. He dropped two beautiful vibrant yellow pieces on my plate. I tell you, it was heaven. In Wyandotte, MI. Now I know how it's supposed to taste.


There’s nothing like the first time you have actual good uni. I remember it so well- I went to a nice sushi spot and had the best uni of my life. Then I went to a nice omakase later that day and had EVEN BETTER uni. It tasted crisp, clean, cold, it had salinity but not overly salty. It was absolutely fantastic. Now I don’t bother ordering uni unless I’m going to be in that city or NYC


You have local uni available to you? You lucky bastard... That's one thing that sucks living more inland, sea food is usually frozen or they charge a kidney for it.


Sadly, no, I live on the east coast, so it’s expensive here too. I’ve seen it range from $15-30 a piece. But I know a lot of uni available around here comes from either Santa Barbara or Hokkaido, so I would imagine Cali should have some of the freshest uni in the states.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.






The first plate looks like a Petri dish


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t be comfortable eating anything off of that.


Or a horrifically moldy pizza crust.


Lmao your fucking what? Are you stalking people and fb?


If stalking them and seeing this cause them to end the friendship the benefit is more for the person they stalked lol


That first plate looks like a month-old pizza from a dumpster


That's the worst sushi I have ever seen... Looks like guts on top of a plate of puke..


Ironically, sushi is traditionally served on a bamboo leaf.


That sounds clever & wise




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


As a Chef I wish I made enough money to post on this sub.


What the hell is that thing?


In the second pick, are those... potato chips?


Potato chips and caviar is a thing (according to my friend— I’m too poor to know 🥲)


You can buy caviar at my local grocery store for like $10 for a 2oz jar. I'm more opposed to spending the $8 for the creme fraiche, just add some heavy cream to sour cream instead.


Oh nice! I haven’t seen that at mine, but I’ll keep an eye out.


How in the actually fuck do you clean that and how do you even know that it's clean


They're putting items on them that don't leave a big mess or stain or anything. Just the normal restaurant dishwashers will clean it like any other, what do you mean how do you clean it lmao even if they do it by hand it'd be easy as hell to tell


As someone who has (briefly) worked in a family member's food truck, that's the neat part! You don't. You hope it's tasty enough to be worth the health and safety consequences.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


How does one become ex-friends?


That looks cool though




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


It remembers me when I ate in an awesome sushi restaurant, and the server warned us the plate ( a good 60cm of diameter), belonged to the chef/owner 's grand father, to be careful. I never ate sushi/maki so delicious.


What restaurant is this?


Someone upthread said Robin




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


In case the fish doesn’t have enough micro plastic.


That first plate looks like the table of that guy that does all of the planetary spray paint art on youtube


That looks fucking disgusting.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


They look like melted plastic that's been chucked in a hydrolic press


I mean, it's a decorated plate, not really material for this sub imo


Imagine calling this dinner


Honestly, I’m more offended by the sushi than by the plates. The sushi just screams pretentious fusion.


Sushi don't need plates.








I am glad OP ended that friendship


OP. What the actual fuck am I looking at? Idk about the plates. wtf are you eating. It’s Uni on top ok….the most disgusting tasting thing known to the history of man besides natto, and durian, and those over fermented fertilized eggs with actual chicks in them from the Philippines. Want to taste like the ocean pooped in your mouth? Try Uni 😳 Is the fish combo just stacked haphazardly on Nori supposed to compliment each other or do you eat it separate? Also, how drunk was the fuggin chef when he made this?


Lots of people enjoy uni, natto, durian and balut. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s disgusting. I believe that “fish combo” under the uni is actually wagyu beef and the buttery uni complements it nicely.


You could have just typed “I’ve never had good uni before” & left all the rest of this monologue in your head


Is it a revelation to you that some people don’t prefer a food that tastes like boogers and sea water? I didn’t say don’t eat it. I expressed an opinion on it. Would you prefer that everyone’s opinions on food are homogenous. Where would the variety and fun come from if that were the case? Edit: and yes I’ve had plenty of good sushi and sashimi. I grew up around the San Diego and LA areas and went to school in the Bay Area….but hey, you’re allowed to have an opinion too. Just remember feelings aren’t facts and I’m sure we’ll all get along just fine.


This is quite the emotional outburst over a picture of some uni. Perhaps you should take your own advice.


Yeah. It was definitely over the Uni and not your douchey tone. I pity your personal relationships.


Instead of focusing so much on analyzing the tone of others & lashing out, you could try turning that analysis inward & reading your own comments back to yourself. You have quite a lot of insight here that would be extremely useful to you if you tried applying it to yourself instead of Internet strangers. Good luck!


Didn’t read your comment. Gonna block you now. 👋