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i think so, yes!


I think it’s perfect!


The style is lovely but you will need a jacket/cardigan/wrap to go with it. The heating on historic buildings can be very unpredictable so take a couple of extra layers. Add a nice hat or fascinator if you want to add a little more formality.


A fascinator! What a brilliant idea! Also, is a cape jacket too much do you think?


Well you are going to need a fairly dressy jacket to go with the dress and a blazer type of jacket isn't going to work so a cape jacket sounds good.


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https://foreveramelia.com/collections/new-arrivals they have so many cool designs!


I don't like it. At all. Way too green. Kinda looks like a fancy karate outfit.


lol I’m kind of a monochromatic girlie. I have olive tone skin and olive green eyes and the color is my favorite part. It looks like a fancy karate gi? I guess I’d be ready for anything haha.