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Does diabetes run in your family? I read somewhere that it decreases your chance of developing diabetes by 60% (even if you’re already pre-diabetic). I have a strong gene for it in my family, so I’ll be using that as my reason if they ever try to take me off it!


Mine said it is a maintenance medication! Find another physician!!


So instead of changing your lifestyle and making yourself a healthier person, you want to rely on some injectable drug for the rest of your life?


It was too expensive, even with my insurance. So I buckled down and cut my calories to 1500 - 1800 daily, and so far, in 25 days, I've lost 18 lbs. After I reach my goal, I'll have to count calories daily and weigh myself weekly forever if I'm never to gain the weight back. But boy, will it feel great to be able to bump my calories up to 3000 to 3200 calories a day.


How will you hump calories back up and not gain weight?


After i reach my goal weight, I'll be able to bump my calories up to 3000 calories to be my daily maintenance calories to stay at my goal weight , along with weekly weigh-ins. Both will have to be done religiously. But I certainly won't be able to bump my calories to the 4500 to 5000 plus daily that put me overweight.


My doctor herself has been on wegovy for about 3 years! lol find a new doctor!


Congratulations that's wonderful im so happy for you ! When did you start taking ot ?


The clinical trials say different, particularly the ones that are just now coming out (but the original trials also indicate that this med only works when someone is on it) The biochemistry of Semaglutide is not a “reset your system” type of situation. That’s not how it works and it is a common misconception. It works when it’s in the system at proper levels, only. Once it’s gone, so is the loss of appetite and relief from food noise. Immediately, within days. An overwhelming number of people who stop the med gained back most of the weight rather rapidly. I would find another PCP who is more open to not only your desire to decide when YOU are ready to stop (if ever) but also one who is knowlegeable on the mode of action of the medications they prescribe.


You will definitely find someone I have faith in that even if you have to find a new doctor! Congratulations on your hard work and success.


My doctor said for a lot of people it is a forever drug because it’s the only way a lot of people can keep the weight off. For some people, it doesn’t HAVE to be a forever drug (what my doctor explained). I know this is not what the medical community has stated in general, but given that I’ve been an athlete and fit for most of my life. My doctor made a plan with me to get down to my goal weight, maintain for a year or two, and then we plan to wean me off of it, slowly. Given that I only gained all of my weight from being immobile for a couple years from some serious accidents and that I generally eat well and exercise regularly, she is confident that the drug will help me kickstart my weight loss and get me to a healthy weight, and that I should be able to maintain that weight in the long run without wegovy. I know that a lot of people will need it to be a life-long drug (and absolutely no shame to them AT ALL), but every body is different. If you feel you will need to stay on it for life, definitely get a second opinion. You know what is right for you. For clarification, the plan made with my doctor was not taking into consideration cost of drug, availability of the drug or anything stated by others or OP— just what we think will be the right medical decision for me. (But tbh we’re not there yet, so we’ll see!)


My docs are of the same mind. Get down, maintain and reassess


Many people can’t afford these meds without insurance. However, you may be aware that in many instances, people have rec’d letters stating criteria for their coverage have changed. As an example, that being at a BMI of 29.5 won’t qualify for coverage. Overweight and on the edge of obese seems “good enough” to them. People have posted such notifications on this platform. Unless these meds become significantly more cost efficient and more easily available, most people won’t be able to continue for the long term. From the POV of profitability of the insurers, bypass surgery, as of now, seems to be a more cost efficient option than long term coverage of these meds. As a layperson, the cost of CV disease, diabetes and other conditions related to obesity is a penny wise/pound foolish approach to take.


Ddzzz zee


My Cardiologist told me it was a forever drug like it was a bad thing. I laughed and said that was alright with me, I had struggled trying to lose weight all my life and now suddenly, I don't struggle. I said everything is hard, you just gotta choose your hard. I choose Wegovy.


Strange, my doctor warned me that it IS a forever drug. He asked me to think about that. He warned me about the price, shortages and possible side effects.


This is what my Dr said too


Try a doctor that specializes in weight management, or a weight loss clinic. I didn’t go through my own doctor for this. She had me on Wellbutrin for years…no affect at all on my smoking or weight loss. I stopped it. She told me to start again. Plus…it has a BP elevating potential and my BP has been running high. Why keep me on it? When I started Wegovy I just stopped taking the Wellbutrin. I don’t see my PCP until August and I’ll tell her then. I don’t want to keep taking a bunch of meds. Nor do I want to be on BP meds . I’m only taking levothyroxin and Wegovy now. Still watching my BP (still running a bit high) and just enjoying not taking multiple drugs every day.


My doctor made sure I knew it IS a forever drug before she prescribed it to me. She has a few patients on maintenance doses. One tried to wean off of it and ended up asking to go back on since she started to gain the weight back.


I’m a retired NP for a large HMO where there’s tremendous pressure to stick to formularies and protocols. I was offered essentially speed for obesity management when denied Wegovy; I’m in my early seventies and have hypertension. It’s crazy. I was able to find a compounding pharmacy for about 20% of what I would have been charged at my hmo and it’s working out fine.


Did you need a prescription from your dr for the compound pharmacy? If yes, was your Dr hesitant to give it to you?


The cost of the medication includes a service where a doctor reviews your questionnaire, answers any questions, and prescribes the medication. It’s all done virtually. I pay $299 which includes this service and four doses of any amount of the medication. Comes with one vial of the medication and ten syringes; with the tiniest diameter needles I’ve ever seen.


I thought it was your primary dr prescribing it, my ignorance!! I didn’t know it worked this way, I need to better educate myself on the process with compounding pharmacies. The only thing I’ve heard is Henrymeds is a respected one


wegovy is just a kick start took, not a way of life , you have to learn to eat healthy and not depend on it


Do you tell that to Type 1 diabetics who have to take insulin? Or people who have to take drugs for heart conditions? Or people who have to take hormones to manage other genetic conditions? It’s becoming more and more evident that obesity is largely due to hormone deficiencies. GLP-1 drugs correct that deficiency.


type 1 is for life , and it's obviously insurance don't want to pay for life, so they use it as a tool , ask your doctor they will tell you the same , it's what I got told.


Wow Great job! We have the same stats mostly but it’s taken me a year to lose 50 lbs. I feel like it should’ve been faster than it’s been and I’m afraid they’ll stop covering it soon too.


1-2 lbs per week is the safe and healthiest amount to lose per week, so you’re doing great! When I started, it was projected I’d lose 48 lbs in 12 months with the meds. My goal is slightly more and I’d love to lose it faster, but the most effective way of keeping it off is slow and steady. 50 lbs is a huge win!! Congratulations!


Same here. I now manage my weight through diet and exercise. Im off meds now 8 weeks and i have no weight increase.


I was fine at 8 weeks too but at about the 12-16 week mark of being off of the medicine the strong food noise and obsession began.


My doctor said the same thing and I already know once I’m at a normal BMI my insurance won’t cover it. I’ve lost 72lbs and I’m just trying to accept that I’ll have to stop it at some point. I’m hoping my diet and excercise changes will maintain my weight loss.


Why do you say that? Many insurance plans are covering maintenance.


My insurance has already informed me.


That is awful, do you feel comfortable sharing what insurance you have?


The insurance company doesn’t matter, it’s what prescription insurance rider that your employer chooses.


I understand this, I work in insurance, however the company does make a difference to a degree in terms of how they are dealing with this and managing it. But yes, employers dictate it ultimately.


Won’t your insurance cover the maintenance phase?


No. Once you’re under the BMI threshold for Wegovy use, you’re no longer considered “overweight”. So why would they pay $1,600 a month for an overweight drug if you’re not overweight?


I’ve only seen this to be the case when a new PA is needed, and your current BMI is under the threshold, and you doctor incorrectly submits the new PA by using your current BMI instead of starting BMI. Usually (sometimes) you can head that off w clear discussion w/ the PA submitter at the office.


I’ve found that you really have to walk whoever is doing the PA through the step by step process so they actually get the criteria correct. It’s very frustrating.


Many insurance do cover it as long as you keep the weight off and don’t lose below a healthy bmi


That's like saying why would insurance keep covering your insulin once your blood sugar is normal or why would insurance keep covering your cholesterol meds once your levels have normalized. The answer is = maintenance.


Thyroid numers came back good. Goodbye synthroid lol


Same stats almost exactly. 42F 5’7 SW:206 155 -160 coming off Wegovy and goal was 138. My doctor took me off because I “no longer qualify” because I was at a healthy BMI. This was about 7 weeks ago. I’m now 173. Honestly, I’ve felt like I have changed my habits and am much healthier but clearly not. It’s devastating having a glimpse at “normal” life without the food noise, etc. I speak to my doctor on Monday to get back on… Just wanted to empathize with you. Good luck!!


You do qualify - it’s the starting bmi that qualifies you not the current bmi


Thank you! You are correct and upon my doctor “learning” this she reinstated my prescription. Thank you thank you.




Don’t beat yourself up .. it isn’t about changing and creating new habits. It’s a change in your hormones that allows your body to NOT incessantly tell you to eat when you don’t need to. So while it may “feel” like you are learning and building new habits, it’s because of a biological change in your body. Of course this change in your body drives you to change your way of eating and living .. but that isn’t a habit, it’s you being an animal and animals are driven by our biology. You did not fail, your doctor failed you. Go in there and get him in line.


You’re awesome and definitely kick ass. Thank you. I absolutely needed to hear that. And you’ve given me a leg to stand on when talking to my doctor.


I got on wegovy thru an online site and then found a new pcp. Right away he upped my dose and gave me another prescription for the 2.4 dose for the following dose. He was incredibly supportive and glad to see I've found something that is working for me. He also immediately took me off a bp med that he said could have been causing weight gain.


Would you mind sharing where you found the online doc? Worried about scams.


I got mine online as well. I go through Www.findsunrise.com. They were the only ones that could get me the prior auth through my insurance as my 2 doctors I was going through both left and I was on a 6 month waiting list for a new PCP and Endocrinologist and I didn't want to wait that long to start. I had tried Noom and Ro and neither could the prior auth approved. It does cost $149 a month. My first month was $9.99 but my Rx is only $27 a month. I just got in to see my PCP last week and I get to see my new Endo the end of August so I'm hoping one of them will take over my Rx but I'm already down 30 lbs since I started it in April.


That's great!


I'm a PCP, and I say find a doc who will. I have no intention of taking any of my patients off this med, and I have no reason to. The benefits outweigh the risk.


Same here. I practice in Alabama as a PCP and weight loss provider. They are both great medications with more benefits than just weight loss


Thank you for this! My doc said the same. She said that obesity is an illness and, like many other illnesses, it requires medications to help. She used the analogy: if you have hypertension, you get treated your whole life. Same with diabetes, etc. So what's different?


Yep! Your Dr is wrong but that is ok. Lots of research needs to be finished up and will be done in the coming years. But it is certainly a drug for long term use. Good luck!


My doctor told me this and I had been doing amazing. Never needed to move up from .25. I’ve lost almost 100 lbs. and ever since she’s tried to push me to a finish line to get me off the med- my progress has decreased. I’ve felt hopeless and not motivated. For the first month in 12 months I didn’t lose and she was so rude to me. Because she wants me to finish and get off of it. And be on all of these other meds- she wants to try or make a cocktail. Wellbutrin she had me try even though I said I don’t have binge cravings. Then she Rxed me Metformin. But I have other health issues and it interferes with my occipital neuralgia med. so she wanted me to try to switch that. Then she wanted me to try to get off Zoloft because “it’s a calorie holder”. And there were a few other meds. All when I could just do maintenance doses of .25 which is all I’ve ever take . I was livid. I am livid. I am switching doctors.


I truly feel abandoned. That she’d do that to me. No exceptions, no discussion. It makes no sense and isn’t even logical. There’s no way in hell that the risk of .25 is more of a risk than obesity or the plethora of other meds that she wants me on/to try. It feels so manipulative. To lie to me that it’s sustainable to keep 100lbs off without the medication. And my health diagnoses. And if I fail? Which I will- it’ll be my fault? The gaslighting is beyond. People take this because Metformin didn’t work for them. I’ve been in healthcare my whole life/ I was baptized an hour after birth and have been in doctors offices my whole life. Don’t try to fool me that your word is the only word with no exception. I don’t buy it. I’ve been through too much and too many doctors.


Thank you for coming out and saying this. Thank you. I don’t think that you could imagine the confidence that this gives some of us. Confidence which will keep us medicated and healthier. Saving lives in this thread. And most certainly improving the quality of many of our lives. Thank you. I just think it’s so important for the good doctors voices to be louder than the uninformed. 🙏🙏


I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of online avenues that their whole business (or part of it) evolves around prescribing glp-1 drugs to people. Just google "how to get prescribed glp-1 online" and there are a few ways - hims/hers, mayo clinic, Henry's meds, RO, we, found, noon, plush care, there are a bunch. It's almost the same process as getting Viagra without having to leave your home (saving men the embarrassment of talking to their PCP about ED), speak with a medical professional on a zoom meeting/phone call and they prescribe it to you. I believe they just churn out GLP-1s tbh. Not sure about the fine details w insurance but I do believe the appointment is covered like any other appointment. So don't worry! There will always be an avenue that will prescribe you wegovy, ozempic, zepbound, saxenda. And they want to prescribe it to you because if they aren't prescribing - their business fails (sort of).


My PCP didn’t seem to understand my issues and these weight loss drugs but she is great otherwise. Therefore, an obesity doctor for management of my weight issues and am quite satisfied. Remember l, it’s YOUT health so you have to advocate for yourself and do t rely solely on what one Spector tells you. They all went to the same training and succeeded but some did the bare minimum whereas others were outstanding. When you think of it as grades from A through C, everyone strives for an A.


You're welcome. I'm not only a provider, but also a patient. I've lost 73 lbs on tirzepatide, so I know only too well what these meds can do, and the abject terror of the fear of losing it at any time.


I’m 41 male, 5’ 10”, starting weight 205, currently 160, (I started wegovy in February). I just had my first follow up with my doctor and she did prescribe me more, although she wouldn’t go up on dosage, (I take 1 mg/wk). She did say that my insurance might stop approving me. I hope to stay on it. But, if not I’ll do my best to maintain current weight. This drug has been a gift.


They should always be using your starting weight as the justification for why you need it. Too many doctors don't even know how their own system works. Or they don't care, or they lie because of their own prejudices and fat phobia. This may sound weird to you, but at 5'10", 160, aren't you quite thin? I know everyone's body and story is different, but that sounds like you're closing in on maintenance, just from a numbers perspective. And good for you for the 45 pounds gone!


Yes I am thin. I still feel like like I have some fat to lose but I’m at the point where I need to start lifting weights. I’m almost just skin and bone. And thank you, I hope your journey has been a successful one as well.


Vent away! It’s therapeutic and I recommend it lol. What is also easy….is finding a doctor that agrees or listens to you. It may take 1-2-5-or even 10 attempts to find one but eventually you will find a doc that agrees with you. In most medications I would say this is a bad idea to find docs until one prescribes you what you want, but in this case it’s a medication surrounded by stigmas….all of the medical evidence points in one direction and yet old doctors that were thought one thing have a hard time relearning…find a doctor that’s younger if you can (30s). They are far more open to the FACT that obesity is a disease…old heads still conceptualize that it’s a choice and that I just decided to be a fat ass for my entire life lol. I’m 35 and my new doc is the same age and HE is the one who is telling me that doesn’t don’t work…statistically they have never worked…and this drug may be temporary for some but for others it may be life long…


Dear god I need to remember to spell check before I post on Reddit… Edit 1: though == taught Edit 2: doesn’t don’t work == diets don’t work Ugh this is embarrassing


Mine said this and I’m switching doctors. This is absurd. Even the company said you will/ they expect patients who discontinue to gain all the weight back within 5 years. I screenshot it. You must advocate for yourself. Hugs. Don’t take that for an answer. It doesn’t have to be but for someone like me who ate healthy and moved my body but has PCOS? It could and should be a lifetime drug and I’m not gaining these 90 lbs back. I’m not doing it.


It doesn't have to be but I understand your frustration.


Don’t feel too discouraged. I’ve been off for one month and I’m fine.


The food noise and obsession came back for me at 12-14 weeks off the medicine. I went off for surgery and had to wait to get back on - I am in ramp up and the food noise is still here. I had the same thought as you - one, two months and 10 weeks out - this is greasy no food noise! Then it hit and hit hard.


Congrats, that is definitely a win, but the goal really is where people are after 1 year - 3 years after being off it.


Anything can happen in 1-3 years. Even for people who don’t need or use wegovy. Depression, injury, illness. Point is I don’t have the same food noise or cravings. It changed my behavior.


That’s awesome and the data show that only about 85% regain most of it longer term, which is actually better odds than the traditional diet and “eat less move more”. You may very well be part of that 15% .. and in all seriousness, I’m rooting for you, because dammit, a success for even one is a cause to celebrate.


I have seen some people saying that once they reach their BMI they no longer cover it. This is crazy to me. Why do they think that they’ve reached their goal BMI?!


It isn’t ?


He's right. Mine told me the same this am. OBeSiTy iS a DiSeAsE aNd I cAn'T hElP mYsELf. I nEeD dRuGs. Addicts need drugs. That's true.


So I decided to be profile nosey because I noticed your Karma is below zero, especially after being on Reddit for a couple of years. Have you noticed your attitude changing after starting wegovy? Because when you first started, you were extremely kind and supportive but after being on it for almost 3 months or so, you’re a complete ass.


Well, first I appreciate you bringing this to my attention in a subtle manner. Seriously. My answer is complicated actually. Has my attitude changed? I'd say yes it has, not sure for the better either. I get excited about nothing, I'm a foodie, so that sort of sucks. Furthermore I strongly believe that the dopamine levels in all of us are affected, and there are some studies coming out which suggests depression also. I'm not depressed, more a malaise. The second part of my answer is that my SW was "only" 260lbs, I'm a male, lifted weights and did cardio for 5 years pre-COVID, I was always around 245lbs. Not a terrible difference. I ate and drank what I wanted to because I was going to the gym for 2 hrs a day and incinerating calories. I believe strongly on helping yourself and not blaming others or a contrived illness because I was "fat". I don't believe that mental inness should be treated with massive amounts of medication either. I believe in work, take nothing for granted, and self-help. That being said, I've been on this since March 1st with no regrets, lost 30lbs with DIETARY and LIFESTYLE changes (helping myself) and the wegovy is compounding it, which is awesome. Lately, it has become very personally annoying to hear people say "I need this forever", when the answer is no, you don't. I trust my doctor, he said I'll be on this until MAYBE December if I stayed on my current trajectory of 2lbs per week. I've never believed in a medicated society, mostly due to rising Healthcare costs, but I own stock in Healthcare, so I profit from it (as do all folks with diversified 401k programs). I believe what I believe, anecdotal evidence, I know, because growing up I was piss poor, abused physically and verbally (I was a chunky kid) so I took life by the throat, made positive changes, started at the bottom rung of the ladder at my job and worked my way up to where I am now, 30 years later. Saying this as a black man also. Just typing this has been therapeutic, thank you. I'm just growing tired of the excuses from everyone who has them. That's all. Thanks for reading.


You're losing 2 lbs a week because of the meds, dude. The meds make it easymode to change your diet and lifestyle. If you needed this medication to do it, you have no right to judge others who do not have access to the medication like you do.


"Others do not have access like you do", exactly why this is never a forever drug. But all yall needy drug addicts (and non doctors) all believe it is.


I think everyone is different and their care should be between them and their doctor.


You're right, everyone is different. My Dr just yesterday am said I won't be on this forever. Am I supposed to cry, feel like a victim and adopt a "why me" mentality? I'm not a doctor, and for everyone to disagree with a doctors treatment care program that is not a doctor is ludicrous. Get a new doctor? Really? An enabler? How about put the damn work in and stop blaming society?


No one said you're "supposed to cry, feel like a victim, and adopt a "why me" mentality." Your care should be between you and your doctor. Everyone else's care should also be between them and their doctor. It is ludicrous to claim that you agree with that and then tell others they're doing the wrong thing. A patient can decline any care in the vast majority of circumstances. "Between them and their doctor" means they and their doctor are the only ones who get to have an opinion. Not you, not anyone else.


So why is everyone suggesting "change your doctor"? For what, to get what you want? Almost sounds like if the guy at the street corner is out of dope, to go see the guy at the next block for dope. Seriously.


I think the other commenter was right and you're lashing out because you're insecure and have internalized fatphobia.


The frequency of his nasty comments has increased, but he's had nasty comments from the beginning. "Nice rack" and "I liked the first pic better" are some of his oldest comments on this subreddit.


What a shame…and I only went back 92 days cause I saw his medication timeline in one post. Hoping that there was some explanation. I don’t get taking medication while being rude to those on the same journey. Hehe people, they never cease to amaze me lol 😅


Fatness isn't a disease. Oooorah


Oorah huh? Lost my husband after a long battle with ACTUAL addiction and PTSD after retiring… sounds like maybe you have some needed help you could be availing yourself of instead of being an asshole on the internet


Marines don't die.


Still, play nice.


…that actually made me feel a lot better. Fuck no they don’t.


Live in honor of him. I'm sorry for your loss, stay strong. And thank you for your accompanying service as a Marines wife.


Seriously. One of his comments was saying it "makes no sense" to do a weekly injection for obesity. Then why are you doing it, bro??? No one is forcing you!


It's making it easier to lose weight, as the drug intends. It also lowers A1C which a lot of you people fail to realize.


He’s taking his own insecurities and anger out on everyone else with success right now. Best to ignore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plenty of success, sweetheart, SW 260, CW 231.5


Well maybe it’s your lack of sex desire. That was your last post right? Makes sense. 👌🏻


Fair. That has gotten better too. Ask my wife this am....


Pass. Just stop being a dick to people looking for support on here. I’m not sure what you get out of it…misery loves company. Find it somewhere else.


The issue I see here is that you are beating yourself up because you struggled to advocate for yourself. Just remember that your doctor is your healthcare partner - not decision maker or your boss. I do understand though - I was like that for many years. If you can call a leave a message to have your doctor call you, or if you can send them a message through a patient portal. Most doctors are okay and want you to advocate for yourself - if yours doesn’t, find a new doctor. My doctor told me it’s different for everyone - some patients are able to titrate off of it, and some need to maintain a certain dose to maintain weight. You do need to have that conversation with your doctor though - they’re not the boss of you - you have the right to ask questions and have a back and forth discussion with your doctor. Best of Luck!! Edit to add - please give yourself grace!! You are amazing - when you’re struggling to find the words, take a deep breath (a few) and tell the doctors how you feel. You got this!!


You should be dieting and exercising on the medication for the day when you do stop. The medicine is a tool, not a crutch.


Don't you just love the negative karma from the peanut gallery over a difference of opinion? People act like fiends on this stuff. Just wow.


No one should want to be on this medication for the rest of their lives. After a while you WILL plateau on the medication and if you’re not active, you won’t lose any weight. People are lazy, they want this to be a miracle drug, it’s not. There are side effects that absolutely suck on wegovy and I can’t see why anyone wants to go through cramps, nausea, and vomiting for the rest of their lives.


I've been lucky as far as side effects go, but 100% I agree that these people looking for a magic pill to make them skinny are disenchanted to say the least. The problem with most of this country is that no one wants to work. Period. We are the fattest country in the world by far, and it's getting worse with the "woe is me attitude". Spot on.


Oh how the ignorant are always the wisest. I can tell from your posts you quite a repertoire of opinions. Got any facts to back it up. As a biochemist, I do, would you like me to send you some facts, or do you just prefer ignorance?


Listen, I’m not here for a lecture, especially if you’re not my doctor. In my opinion, you’re gonna get fat again if you don’t better yourself and put in work. But this has also been told to me by multiple doctors at this point. This drug is a tool and should be used responsibly. I don’t want to be on Wegovy my entire life if I don’t have to.


Good, because if you thought I gave 3 shits enough to lecture you, then you should probably re-evaluate that opinion of yourself. It ain't what you think it is sport. I gave the choice of educating yourself or staying ignorant, you do you. I got facts and studies to back them up, you got opinions. Good for you. I have been in this specific industry in a scientific capacity for over 20 years. I learned long time ago, the "just better yourself" bros are a dime a dozen and come and go. So go west and prosper chief.


It’s not a tool as much as it’s a mental health drug. Would you tell a schizophrenic that their lithium is a tool? If they go off it, they will have symptoms again. We can see that wegovy corrects some kind of body brain connection related to food, for many they will need to stay on it forever.


It’s not either or. Yes, diet & exercise AND continued use of meds. The trials data show it’s needed long term for the majority of patients.


Because a majority of people are just injecting it and leading sedentary lifestyles, and haven’t changed their eating habits.


And you know this how?


Because I’ve had multiple doctors and nutritionists tell me this. “You will become fat again once this medication ends if you don’t change your diet and exercise.”


The first part is definitely true according to the studies. How many diets have you been on ? Have you ever been able to keep the weight off? I haven’t. I’m grateful my endocrinologist doesn’t agree with your doctors. It’s a lifetime medication. Just like once a diabetic always a diabetic. My metabolic disease will return if I stop taking these drugs. Wish you well.


I don’t see how you can know this. Also, there is a potential chicken and egg relationship here. If I am seriously craving carbs, I’m probably going to eat carbs, even if I’ve been mostly eating salads for the past six months. The GLP-1 RAs make it much easier to make good diet choices. Once the drug is removed, it can be incredibly difficult to stick with those choices.


I just listened to my doctor. They explained this to me at the beginning.


If that’s working for you then awesome! What a disagree with are the blanket statements that if you just change your diet, then that will be enough to maintain without meds. It might be enough. From reading these subs for years, it does seem to work that way for some people. But it doesn’t work that way for everyone. And the pre-GLPs research is very clear that most people who have lost weight by changing their diet will gain the majority of the weight back. I feel like we need to make sure to support the people that are trying to maintain, either with or without meds.


If people gain a majority of their weight back off the medication, it's a mental problem, not a metabolic problem. Type 2 diabetics can get off insulin too, by guess what, adopting a healthier lifestyle. Type 1 diabetics are BORN with insulin issues, nobody on this planet has ever been BORN obese. It takes work to become OBESE, rather a lack of work, but work nonetheless. This victim mentality is nauseating more than these side effects.


Being realistic is not the same as having a victim mentality. Planning for challenges that are likely to occur is more proactive than just crossing your fingers and hoping you’re in the small minority of people who can maintain weight loss on will power alone. The brain and body are connected.


Weak mind = weak body


So now you’re offering insults? Are you here because you’re overweight or just to troll?


Pharma has no reason to want it to be temporary. Maintenance dosing and drugs will likely become de rigueur. Likely sublingual or other forms as time goes on and unless MyManBernie succeeds likely this will stay a drug for those that can comprehend disposable income. That said, congratulations! To you and others in this thread. Life changing experiences are coming from this drug and somehow, someday there may be generics. I have switched PCPs though my BMI still qualifies so that I can find someone that understands and is willing to help me find a reasonable and educated endocrinologist. Edit: pressed save too soon.


It’s like a psychiatrist telling you you’re cured because the antidepressants you’re on are working!!! Find a new doctor asap.


Find a new doc. Until our food environment is fixed this is a lifetime issue. Glp’s seem to be changing the environment a bit with a few companies catering to a healthier diet but we are probably decades away from a real solution.


It is for me if I can finagle it 


Some doctors do say this. And they are not well educated on the treatment of obesity nor GLp1s.


This is a good reason to not go to a PCP for this prescription, even if they are willing to write it, they just are not familiar enough with the medication, it really is best to see an endocrinologist or bariatric/obesity specialist as they work with this medication many many times every day, they are also most likely to stay on top of any new research or updated medication as things like that become available down the road


Depends on the PCP. Mine is knowledgeable about these drugs and very supportive of her patients taking it. Of course there are plenty of PCPs who suck when it comes to these meds, but no reason to not try to start with PCP (and then change if necessary). I


The hard part is the patient doesn't know if there's truly is knowledgeable or not about this medication and just has to trust their knowledge and over the last year and a half that I've been watching this sub the number of people who have had their PCP start them on way too high of dose or tell them stupid advice and the patient listened because their PCP said they knew what they were doing, has been insanely high, some have even ended up in the hospital following what their PCP said which was not following the normal titration, but the patient didn't know any better and did with the PCP said, you might have some PCPs that will admit what they don't know but there are others that don't know what they don't know and think they are just fine, so especially for those patients that haven't done the research on their own to know when to question the advice they are getting, it seems they would be better off going to somebody guaranteed to know about this medication like an endocrinologist 🤷‍♀️


Oh for sure. That is why you have to be educated yourself and advocate as needed - and if something seems off, go elsewhere. I was just saying that I don't think it is necessary to automatically start with an endocrinologist/obesity expert, IF you can get what you need from your PCP who you already have an established relationship with. Also, in my area, getting appointments with specialists - particularly endocrinologists - can be challenging. I have to see one for something unrelated, and the first available appointment they had was January 2025! (My doctor called and pulled some strings and now I am seeing them in July - appointment was made in April). Then there is the issue of insurance coverage - sometimes it can be tricky with specialists. Net net, if someone has access to an obesity specialist, then that is for sure the best way to go. But no reason to not at least start with PCP if otherwise you'd have to wait months to get into see someone. But regardless - definitely educate yourself on these medications so you can at least (hopefully) recognize if it seems like a doctor doesn't seem to know what they are talking about.


I tried to go to a bariatric specialist but my insurance doesn't cover it at all. A 20 minute appointment was going to be $290!


Then go on your insurance website and find an endocrinologist in network


Do you think there is that much of a difference between PCP and endocrinologist in terms of supervising my side effects/progress? I'm genuinely asking. I really like my PCP as she respects my bodily autonomy and knows that I know my body best.


My primary is fantastic. I have a weird fast cycling hashimoto's and she manages it well without an endo (exept when I skip bloodwork lol). She has several Wegovy patients. I have total confidence she can handle my followup care. That being said, I would not feel the same about ANY of my previous PCPs. She keeps herself up to date and reads all the research papers, such a knowledgeable person. I am so grateful.


For medication like this? 100% Now of course there could be outliers on both sides, but in general absolutely yes


Alright, I'll see what I can find.


Agreed! 👍


I swear this is becoming my mantra, but do you know what you call a medical student who graduates last in her class? Doctor... Take control of your own journey and join one of the telehealth companies and do what is best for you. r/tirzepatidecompound and r/SemaglutideFreeSpeech talks about them all over the place. Login to your portal and message her with links to these studies about long term maintenance. Whether you tell her to eat a bag of rocks is completely up to you :) This study from JAMA (Journal of American Medicine) [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2812936](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2812936) ot this [https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.14725](https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.14725)


Please be aware that both studies were funded by the pharmaceutical manufacturers: SURMOUNT-4 by Eli Lilly and STEP 1 by Novo Nordisk.


You’re joking right?? Who do you think funds the studies for FDA approval?


I was on one of the teams preparing for launch of Oz ( one of thousands, but one nonetheless) so not only am I “aware”, I don’t get your point.


You’re right, you don’t get my point. Of course the pharmaceutical companies fund studies for FDA approval, but do you think that guidelines are formed off of only 2 studies? That’s not how evidence based medicine works. At least the STEP 1 and extension were far more thorough with the data and had stronger discussion points. Given your demeanor, I wouldn’t doubt you’d still tell a medical student who graduates at the TOP of their class to eat a bag of rocks. But do you know what you call people who lack the knowledge… I suggest reading the book “Thinking fast and slow” by Daniel Kahneman.


You forget the SUSTAIN trial, and yes I don't get your point. You seem to insinuate that because those two studies were funded by Pharma, they are somewhat suspect, I think... No, the FDA requires 3 out of 5 submitted studies to show first safety, and then efficacy separating from placebo. There are over 400 studies, peer reviews, published periodicals, etc. They were funded by Novo, Lilly, and multiple others, as well as the NIH, and NIDA. That is how evidence based medicine works. Regardless of a medical student's ranking, I would have to know what they were saying before I made a determination on what their culinary habits should be, you know being evidence based and all. I know what I call people who lack knowledge, but even that depends on whether it is a lack of capability, or a lack of interest. While I am impressed that you were able to nail down my demeanor with such little empirical evidence, I am just a chemist at heart, not a NP (or PCP, you call yourself both), and don't have the information to return the gesture. I have read that book and found it quite interesting. Gives a very "we are all the hero in our own story" kinda vibe. Which is very true.


How long did it take you to get down to your current weight? How long have you been on 2.4? Are there any compounding pharmacies in your area you can work with? I think they are much more understanding of the this drug and can even help you taper down slowly.


It’s easier to maintain weight than to loose weight. But yeah switch doctors if u need to


I think that may be backwards. Regrettably from what I understand and in my own experience as well it’s the maintenance phase that is much more challenging than the weight-loss phase.


To loose weight you literally have to be hungry. You have to eat less calories than you burn. We are animals when we get hungry. Literal animal instincts come out to eat at whatever cost to lot die of starvation. How is that easier than eating enough to not be hungry ? And if loosing weight is sooooooo easy then why are you in this med ?


Think it through, you can do it. You’re in a good place with your weight now, think through what options you could start implementing now to set yourself up for success if you’re not able to get back in n. . If you can, join WW or start tracking your food and taking walks each day. Get into a habit, see how it goes. Best of luck! Hope it all works out. I think it will!


I think better advice is to switch doctors. It's not realistic to think you can keep the weight off without a maintenance dose of some kind, even if it's a fairly low one.


Definitely. I’ve already started making calls. If I find something promising I’ll report back here. Thank you for the words of encouragement!


Anyone whose insurance won't cover it, contact a compounding pharmacy near you. My pharmacy told me before it was $1,337/mo. At the compounding pharmacy it's $300/mo. Been a game changer.


Highland Pharmacy in New Mexico. $205.00 delivered frozen on dry ice for a months supply. They are nationally accredited and easy to deal with. A script is required.


There is a savings card available on the manufacturer site for Wegovy. The first month, I paid $1,330. With the card, it's $650. Still a huge amount of money. That savings is for those who either don't have health insurance or their insurance will not cover Wegovy.


It's most likely an insurance thing. It's very unlikely a drug this expensive is going to be covered for weight loss for life. Some insurances already don't cover it at all or stop once you reach that goal weight. I'm sure more will follow. It's about the money baby. It always is.


My dr prescribed me Wegovy, but I can't afford it. Even w my insurance, they said it would be $1300 per month, but I have to pay my deductible first to even do that, which is $1700! I'm curious to know if there's anything else I can do. Does everyone pay $1300 per month? I'm discouraged now because my husband is on ozempic and losing weight. They prescribed him that since he was diabetic.


I have Medicaid and they completely cover Wegovy with prior authorization


1300 is full price, with no insurance coverage and no coupon. Nobody pays that! I’m self pay (insurance does not cover) and I pay 650 per month with coupon, higher than most. I moved from Wegovy to Zepbound but I don’t think the coupon has ended for Wegovy and if it has, ask for Zepbound instead. For me it’s been even more effective and less side effects but that is personal. If you have insurance coverage it should go as low as 25 usd/month with coupon.


Get the savings card from the manufacturers website. A 28-day supply will be capped at $650.


Why is it so expensive over in the U.S?! I pay £170 per month in the U.K from a pharmacy!


I’m on 2.4 mg in the UK and that dose through Pharmacy2U costs about £280


We could have a never-ending conversation about the outrageous prices of prescription medication in the US but the long story short is no competition, unregulated companies, and corporate greed.


Agreed! I hate it that I would actually have to get diagnosed w diabetes for my insurance to prescribe me ozempic. I'm trying to prevent it, but the Wegovy isn't covered like ozempic.


I just stopped as I moved to a country where it’s banned. It’s been a week so far but I’m nervous about gaining the weight back 😩


What country bans Wegovy and why?


Maybe you moved somewhere that doesn't have a fcked up "food" system.


My doctor doesn’t prescribe weight loss drugs so they referred me to Plush Care which is all virtual appointments. I met with a doc, reviewed my health background, spoke about my goals and she prescribed something for me. I’m only on week 2 but we will meet once a month to discuss my progress and health


Take a deep breath. You can get another doctor, that’s what I did. It’s a pain in the butt but you can do it and there are many out there that agree with maintenance.


I think a lot of doctors are encouraging patients to come off of it. I'm in maintenance and my doctor is still prescribes but I dropped down to 1.7 and I'd go lower if insurance would allow. He has encouraged me to space out doses and I do- 10-14 days (ish). I have been fine dropping back some. It's still relatively new and I think doctors are just being cautious- if you can maintain your health off of a drug it makes sense to do so. Everything has side effects and risks and while I'm ok with that trade off I would be happier if I could drop the amount as low as possible without weight gain. I do believe in the future that will be the direction we go in. It doesn't make sense that everyone needs to be on a max dose. Everyone is different and I'm sure someone small needs less than a larger person (I mean assuming both are at a healthy size- a 6'3 man probably has different needs than a 5'2 small framed woman. )


Small framed female: SW 288 CW 133. I take 1mg every 15ish days. I've been in maintenance mode for a year. This sounds exactly what my Dr said to me at my last appt.


Your doctor is an idiot and has literally zero clinical or scientific evidence backing that claim. The longest term study reported to date is of Wegovy following patients for 4 years which showed they maintained their weight loss while taking the drug, but it’s a given from this study that they had to keep taking the drug otherwise weight would start coming back on. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/wegovy-weight-loss-sustained-four-years-trial-novo-nordisk-says-2024-05-13/ What I don’t get about your doctor either is that there are all these other classes of “forever” drugs that doctors prescribe patients which must be take the rest of one’s life, and no doctor seems to have any bias or judgment about these? Your doctor sounds prejudiced


Yep, OP needs to fire their doctor.


I will say as of right now there is no reason to believe it is or isn't a lifelong drug. There have been two studies that really looked at that question. One was fully funded by the manufacturer who greatly benefits from people being on the medication and said it is life long. The other used some pretty low standards to include individuals and didn't use as long of a time frame as I'd like and found that it's really promising for most users to not need it for life. Bottom line is that there isn't enough information yet to know. It is safe to say that the way you get off of the medication isn't just stopping. It would involve titrating down and likely working with professionals in other areas to encourage continued success. Viewing this as a "forever drug" is just as invalid as viewing it as a temporary drug. People can make guesses but it'll be years before we know for sure. The goal should be to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Once a goal is reached you reevaluate the tools that are being used. If you change the tools you monitor for changes in the outcome. If there are no changes or good changes happen you continue to monitor. If bad changes happen you reevaluate. That process is certainly lifelong but there is no guarantee that a glp1 will need to be part of that process forever.


This! I’m a PCP and say the exact same thing. People need to absolutely realize that there is a very strong chance that the manufacturers want it to be lifelong, but we also don’t have any strong evidence saying it shouldn’t be. Because of this I have to screen my patients. I need to make sure that they would truly benefit from the medication, follow the plan I make for them which includes nutritional goals (not just weight loss) and activity, even if it’s walking. When there is such a large amount of weight loss in such short period of time, there WILL be anywhere from 30-50% of muscle mass loss with it. Maintenance of muscle mass equals less injury, proper mobility, strength, and therefore longevity. There is so much evidence that many studies show this. I would be doing an absolute disservice and even to a level of harm in the long term if they are not aware of this and following a protocol. The conversation also always includes that they need to be physically and mentally prepared to come off of it for any potential reason, like financial constraints, illness, new study information, etc. If doesn’t come to that, then great! It is my responsibility to keep my patients safe. This is true for any drug!!


There is literally no way of losing weight that enable you to keep it off after you stop doing whatever you did to lose it. Even WLS often leads to re-gain after a few years. I have zero reason to believe people will stop taking these meds and magically keep the weight off. All studies so far show that most people re-gain the weight. Sounds like a forever drug to me.


Again two studies. One was small and said it is and is funded by the manufacturer. [One said it isn't but has its own flaws.](https://www.epicresearch.org/articles/many-patients-maintain-weight-loss-a-year-after-stopping-semaglutide-and-liraglutide) It really depends on what insurance and the medical community decide. Technically the study that said it is a temporary medication was much much larger than the study that said it is life long. That isn't to say I'm sold on it either way. I think both studies suck at answering the question. You are correct the long term success of weight loss interventions do have rates of success that aren't that great. But you figure something like WLS you're looking at 50% regain over 10 years. That isn't great but also weight gain over the course of 10 years, especially middle age or older isn't that surprising regardless of previous treatments. The numbers certainly dont show you can get there and stop and be good for life. The numbers also certainly don't show that you need it forever. The reality is that some people will be able to do it, wean off, and never touch it again. Some people will do it, wean off, and probably have to cycle back on every several years or so. And some people will take the med and never have success. A small number may even need to be on the med for life to see significant promise. It's likely going to be a spectrum of treatment. The vast majority will probably be in the group that cycle. The fact of the matter is all any of us can do right now is guess. You can dislike my guess as much as you want but it doesn't make it any less valid. Though I do hate this "all the research says" thing that people latch onto because it isn't quality information. Norvo made sure their research hit the public first and that research said it was life long. They funded it, of course that's what they want it to say and by making sure it got out there first there was nothing to refute it. So yes at the time all ONE of the research did say the same thing. That is no longer the case. I've only seen two significant studies so far, both suck, and they don't agree with each other. Anyone that says "sounds like a life long drug to me" does nothing but show a massive lack of understanding of how little we actually know so far.


It is a forever drug for people that don't change their habits, for people that are able to change their habits and lifestyle it can be a temporary tool


This ignores the research that obesity is a disease - it is not just about moral choices.


Same thing everyone says about every diet plan too. How many times have we all changed habits yet were unable to stick to it long term? Why would this be different? If we were able to do that, we wouldn't need the medication in the first place. Once that "food noise" and overwhelming food seeking behavior comes back all the habit changes go right out the window.


"WEGOVY® (semaglutide) injection 2.4 mg is an injectable prescription medicine used with a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity:" The issue is a lot of people have is they don't do either of those even on wegovy, and that's why they're on it for life and some don't see results because they do neither of those things, they continue to eat ice cream and sit on the couch and think wegovy is just going to make the scale move. There are people I know personally who have after being on weight loss medication have made lifestyle changes and got in a habit of not eating ice cream and sitting on the couch etc. but got into workout routines and eating healthier and stuck with it after stopping medication and kept the weight off. "Food noise" a lot of times has to do with a crappy diet, like not eating enough protein keep yourself feeling full.


It sounds like you don’t experience food noise and are basing your conclusions on anecdotal experiences. Food noise is not about habits and bad choices. I wish it was that simple. I am wondering what your goal is here to be making this odd judgment based conclusions? These are rooted in the same shame based culture that has created our problematic diet culture. It’s not productive and it’s not science based.


Actually, the people who cut out all sugar, go on strict diets, & cut their calories are the ones who tend to regain post Wegovy. Hi! I’ve successfully maintained my weight 6 months off of Wegovy. I’ve never restricted. I learned how to eat in moderation and proper portion control while on Wegovy. I think the long term maintenance is easier for those who set realistic goals and expectations for themselves. Sure; some people become gym rats and eat a “clean”diet for the rest of their lives, but most of us won’t be able to sustain that. Also, disordered eating perspectives label foods good or bad— but in reality, that mindset just leads to restricting and binging cycles.


Cool, sounds like you have it all figured out. Good luck!


I am a Medicare advantage pt and no wt loss drugs approved despite heart disease and bmi of 49 I am not prediabetic


My doctor said this same thing. She said "it might be something you need every few years or so to get back on track" I'd rather just stay on it and STAY ON TRACK. I am still on it for now but I hope I don't have to fight to stay on it after these scripts run out.


A lot of insurances are bucking down on it too, once you reach a healthy bmi they won’t cover it anymore. Just saw the notice sent out for blue cross blue shield. The healthy weight for 5’8” is 163 lbs. Just keep up with your eating habits…


To be clear, that BCBS notice was for one plan in one state. No such notice has been sent to most BCBS patients.


I was advised by someone I know in the industry who works for bcbs that this notice will be going out to a lot of states. It became a very ''popular'' drug and wanted by many who don't have diabetes and or high blood pressure. Aka going to have to pay out of pocket rather than insurance covering it.


It’s not even FDA approved for diabetes. Diabetics get Ozempic, not Wegovy.


Happened with my insurance and I’m still technically overweight. I’m 150 (down from 230) and my goal is 125-130. I started on compounded which sucks but I am able to swing it on my FSA. I’m still going to submit the appeal but it just feels pointless.


I am sorry. That sucks! Good for you though, thats a great accomplishment. It def teaches you how you should eat.


I’ll find a new dr to keep me in it. Same with my antidepressants. Some things are life long.


I plan on taking it indefinitely, but in lower doses when I reach goal weight. BUT my insurance doesn't cover at all, so I... use \*other\* means to get my GLP-1 fix, so not worried about the doc doing something.


Same. Playing around with maintenance doses now


Same here.


Exactly the same with me.


My doctor says it is


Mine too