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Same! My hamstrings are very sensitive to volume and intensity. It’s just one of those weird things. Been lifting seriously 4-5x per week for three years and I have to limit myself to one hamstring dominant movement per leg day or my soreness will spill over into my next lower body session.


I can’t believe the soreness. Maybe I stretch deeper than my training partner also?


Something that definitely makes it worse for me is when I really stretch my hamstrings while doing rdls and my other hamstring movements. I don’t notice a huge difference in soreness when I do extra ROM on anything else except my chest. But that extra stretch pretty much seals my fate/soreness for the next 4-5 days




Question here. What exercizes are you doing on leg day and do you run or anything on other days? Big one for me is I need to get deadlifts and squats AND lunges in over the week to beef the hams up properly


You know I usually hit squats, reverse foot elevated lunges, always some form of RDL (usually elevated), I think my problem is the elevated things I do. I must stretch deeper and more controlled than my training partner. I’m going to pay more attention to our RDL or lunge movements


Romanian one leg deadlifts are super annoying but seem to be helping possibly maybe