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Those cartridges are APS film, they have a set of diagrams on them that indicate if they're new/unexposed, exposed or developed. If they're already developed, you can probably un-reel the film and look at the negatives.




The safe is empty. The safe is always empty.


Man this really takes me back. Fuck that safe. That was like 5 accounts ago for me.


For real, I remember the hype behind the safe and.... nothing. It's has to have been at least 5 years now right?? E: oh my god... that was 11 years ago... what the fuck happened to time


Covid distorted the space time continuum.


Thank you for putting it into words for me


Time is actually speeding up. That's the problem with this part of space.


Damn I’m feeling really understood by Redditors tonight.


I thought that it was a reference to Geraldo Rivera


🎶 There was nothing in Al Capones vault 🎵 🎵 but it wasn't Geraldo's fault 🎶


🎶 Baby on board 🎵 🎵 something something, Burt Ward! 🎶


What’s in the box - Brad Pitt




Why would they still be in the canister if they were developed?


Because they are APS film, the negatives aren't cut and stored in plastic sleeves; once processed and printed, the film is wound back into the cassette.


They are stored as rolls in the canisters, before they are cut and put into albums as negatives. I still have filmed from the 80s, 90s and 2000s inside the Kodaks orange and black rolls


Maybe he was just your average, run of the mill, condom photographer?


Balloon animal enthusiast.




I am in awe of your timing and gif usage. Well done!






I really need to watch this movie now…


It’s a fantastic movie. Rewatching some of my favorite childhood movies with my kid has opened my eyes to some seriously adult things in them that I was too young to understand at the time lmao


Right I miss that adult humor! Well I didn’t catch it when I was a kid but I sure remember my parents laughing at movies when I wasn’t 😂


Is there a sign in my yard that says dead condom storage Jules?


“The way the light glints off the lube on this one makes me feel jejune.”


I kinda thought I was the only one. Cool to know it's not super rare.




laughed out lout at the office. how do I explain this to coworkers?


Maybe find a local reputable developer and explain the story rather than dropping it off at some random CVS developer


Ugh. I worked at the photo lab at a Walgreens when I was 17-20 years old and have seen some shit…


What did you see. Like wildest shit you've seen?


I used to run a photolab back in the day. We saw lots of nudity. Had these lesbians as regulars and they'd bring in rolls of very explicit home made porn for developing. No judgement from me though. 😂


Had a dude come in when I was on 3rd shift at Walgreens to get some pictures developed. They ended up being nudes of himself that he was sending to his wife who was working long distance at the time. He came in to pick up the photos, I wasn't going to say anything but at the time I had another roll being printed and he saw the pictures for that roll up on the monitor. He looked like he saw a ghost and said "You saw those?" I said "Yeah." and he proceeded to apologize like crazy. It was hilarious, we laughed it off, I also sold him a digital camera that night lol.


That's how you upsell the customer!


I worked at a pawn shop about 20 years ago still remember a laptop this preacher pawned and had nudes of several women who attended his church, crazy stuff.


I was gifted a nice Rolex from my lesbian neighbours, they asked me what I wanted for Christmas and they must’ve misunderstood when I said “I wanna watch”


Someone come get their dad.


I love this whole Dad joke persona. I'm recently a father coming up to 19 years now and let me tell you, we're very aware how garbage our jokes are. It's almost like we're compelled to do it the second we conceive.


Nobody tells Dad jokes to get a laugh. The laugh is a bonus, so long as it’s draped in a velvet blanket of embarrassment. Watch them writhe!


Dad jokes are for the Dad's benefit, any laughs or groans garnered are just gravy. And yes, the jokes just come naturally with being a Dad. It's just one of those universal constants: farts are always funny, tongs must be clicked, and Dads will make terrible puns.


Watching that moment of defeated realization as someone processes the joke is a sensation better than sex.


Can confirm. Just had a baby and my boyfriend started finding my jokes funny after 4 years.


I worked in a camera shop.and we.developed film. The weirdest thing I developed was what appeared to be an underground fight club. Just a bunch of dudes beating each other up in a warehouse somewhere, I wasn't there when the film arrived or when they picked it up. My co-worker said the dude looked like a junkie. Pretty sure my boss stopped giving shifts to me because he thought I was stealing cameras. I was stealing expired film, but not cameras. Turns out someone was getting into the ceiling crawl space in the shopping centre and reaching in through the false ceiling. Good times. Anyways. OP definitely get these developed.


We had a scheme where you get a free roll when you drop one off. I used to take those every now and again when I wanted something easy and cheap to shoot. Plus free developing since I was running the lab. Was a good job.


Yeah I miss working in the lab. I only did it for a few years in high school and the year after high school. My boss was a nutter, he swore he has mercury poisoning and I used to just get stoned and sell cameras and develop people's photos. Got into photography pretty heavy back then. As soon as my film camera broke I fell out of love with it though. It sound wanky, but the enjoyment factor in a digital camera pales in comparison to the effort put into each image. It requires a knowledge of the camera and a faith you're going to get it right. Such a satisfying feeling when you nail it. Aaand equally soul crushing when you fuck it up.


And you've only got a limited amount of tries. Modern photography is more the equivalent of "spray and pray"


why would you steal expired film? I am into technology but i dont understand when it comes to film.


It wasn't on the stock take because it was expired. We'd sell it for a few dollars because we couldn't guarantee they'd expose properly. I liked the weird effect of the film.


Some years ago, back before digital cameras were common and disposable cameras were all the rage, a friend of mine attended a formal dinner, and left her camera at her table for about 20 minutes as she went to talk to a friend. A couple of weeks later, she asked her father, a locally well-known businessman, to drop off a couple of disposable cameras for processing. When he returned, he fanned the prints across the table. “The girl gave me a funny look when I picked these up,” he said. “I don’t suppose these are friends of yours? Anyone I may’ve met?” About half a roll of photos in the middle of the spread featured at least seven different dicks. My friend nearly died.


Drunk me in my 20s was that asshole at a wedding once. Whenever I'd go to the bathroom, which was often with the open bar and my love of cheap beer, I'd grab one of the disposable cameras off a random table and take a shot of my **very** average penis. And maybe a butthole shot once. Never caught, but no real payoff either.


>but no real payoff either The payoff are the memories.


I had the same job. Sure I saw lots of nudity some far worse than others, but the wildest thing I ever saw was this: A very young boy (6 or 7) took a bunch of pictures with his disposable camera. Everything from g.i. joes setup in battle, to pictures of the cartoons he was watching on TV. The crown jewel of this amateur photographer was a P A N O R A M I C shot of his freshly minted poo in the toilet. He must have been quite proud of it! I laughed so hard, tucked it in the envelope, and watched as him and his grandma opened the envelope and look through them all at the register. The look on their faces was priceless.


I worked at a now defunct photo chain. I legit saw some wild shit and some sad shit. The local PD used us to develop all their crime scene photos. I’ve seen a lot of dead people, murdered, etc. I ended up developing the pictures of a friend that died in a drunk driving accident the night before - this was 98?-2000. A lot of porn, some fun, some super weird. I ended up developing pictures for the ugliest woman I have ever seen and since we “color checked” every photo, we had to look at them. All of a sudden, I see pictures of my grandma. I called my mom and said the ugliest woman I had ever seen had pictures of grandma - who the fuck is it? She asked if she looked like a rodeo clown, to which I said yes…turns out it was a cousin I had never met before. One amazing story…i remember developing film constantly for this woman in her early 20s, artsy type, super sweet and really kinda hot hahah. Most pictures were innocent but some were “racy” if you will. A few years go by and I got my first office IT job and I walk into my supervisor’s cubical and legit see a picture of her with my supervisor. I remeber the name we called her and said “how do you know so and so?!”. Turns out it was her fucking daughter. Goddamn that day was wild. She ended up coming in one day and was wild to see her after so many years and we both knew what we saw, smirked and were friendly. But we knew. Man I miss those early days.


There must be a code of honor with photo techs the fact that the world isn't filled with these weird photos. Nowadays it'd be leaked all over the internet. Godspeed.


We kept a photo album in the back with our favs. One of the best was this and YES, it’s real. Old dude, cheeks spread showing his asshole - rebel flag on one cheek and KKK on the other. Strange world man.


I now want the subreddit where old photo techs give stories about things they’ve seen


Damn. It should not have been legal to have you develop those crime scene photos. That shit can be traumatic and you definitely didn’t sign up for that


I was in high school. My friend that died flipped his mustang convertible and was dragged underneath. The late 90s were wild times


I am so sorry you had to see that


I worked at a photolab in a Costco in 2007. The craziest thing I saw was a guy whose apparent fetish was wearing a mask and licking the crack between a toilet and the floor. Lots of photos. Also had photos of him posing with his sizable dildo collection. Against the wishes of my supervisor I printed the photos and, to my joy, the guy in the photos came for them the next day. I gave him the pack of photos and said “have a GREAT day sir!” Funniest was a Christmas card that said something like “merry Christmas from Phil and Bertha!” With a photo of a guy holding a shotgun. Wish I had stolen one. Another old guy had a bunch of photos of his sexy trip to Thailand. Those were very graphic but boring compared to toilet cleaner guy. Again, I violated Costco policy and printed them for the old guy.


Not my story, but my mom's. She used to work at a photo place back in the day and she told me about this dude who was going around the desert and sitting on cactuses. Like in a kink way.


An older lady breastfeeding a doll stood in front of a tractor. A homeless guy spreading his gaping anus. CP. Lots of regular porn from couples doing kinky shit. They stand out from working in a photo lab. And everyone's correct, you take ownership of the content by handing it over. This one kid was taking pictures of his girlfriend on a disposable camera. Dad was cleaning the room and saw it, thought he'd get it developed for the kid. Lab sees a grown man with a teenage girl on the camera, call the police. Goes to court and is put on the sex offenders register. Even though the boy was telling everyone that it was his and he is even in some pictures. Though that could have been a cautionary tale passed on through the job.


Those first two sentences 🤌🔥


I too am curious


Worked at Sav-on drug store back in the day. I worked on pharmacy but the photo tech would always get us if they found something good. One day it was a roll of film with pics of a large nude black woman posing very sexually on a chair, imagine like legs spread and she's holding everything open. So there's 29 various pictures of her and then exactly 1 picture of Mini Me (the actor tho) flipping off the camera. I'm still deciding how I feel about it.


I feel bad for you lmao. I remember being younger and having random thoughts of 'I wonder how much weird shit the people in the photo lab see on a daily basis' since people are just dumping rolls of random film they've taken


What about having an officer pick it up and explain to them why I don’t want to develop it? That way if it’s anything “bad” they can have it and in that rare chance I don’t need to expose myself or a random developer to being part of it? I thought about calling non emergency but also thought they’d find that weird lol


I saw a similar post to this awhile back and people were telling him NOT to take the hard drive he found to the police, they aren't your friends, they could try and make whatever is on there stick to you in a bad way/make you a part of it like you suggested. I'm half asleep so i didn't type that so well but still lol Edit: i think one or two people may have suggested contacting a lawyer first before risking taking anything that could be illegal to the police


Actually, they did hand them over to the police, but the cops said if there was never a call at the house or the person was never involved in a crime, they would not pursue the matter. They would just take the hard drives and dispose of them. So there went our chance of ever finding out was on them. Very anticlimactic. Don't be that person, OP! Take them to a small photo shop and explain the situation. And tell them you had a suspicion they were taking photos of you as well, and this might prove it.


Yes, lawyer. No police.


Exactly. Never contact the police unless it's an emergency. Their job is to incriminate you. The guy is missing as well. Don't get caught up in that unless you have to.


I remember the hdds so yea. No police. Just talk to the developer


I'd contact a lawyer


If youre in the US do NOT do that, Im not saying that because I really really wanna know whats on them, but rather because the police arent your friend out here. Its legit 50/50 chance of going badly for you.


I think I’m in an unusually lucky situation regarding that because I live in the same town I have for 30 years, and have a really good rapport with the local PD. Otherwise that wouldn’t be something I’d even consider!


Gotcha, then you should be good then. Just kind of a sucky thing we all have to consider nowadays I guess? I completely understand your aprehension about developing those. Even more so in a small town, people talk..


Bro, someone else mentioned you worked at a home for troubled teens. If this guy was your coworker there, had a bunch of condoms, a ton of film, mental problems, and possibly what sounds like a troubling issue with women… Contact the FBI. And I’m not exaggerating. They have a division purely to investigate sex crimes against children, and would be more likely to take a look and pursue things. Assuming he worked there, you owe it to those kids. Worst/best case scenario it really is just a bunch of random photos and nothing nefarious. But if there’s even a chance he was abusing his position at a shelter, you have to try. Unfortunately I know a lot of people who were assaulted as teens and it fucked most of them up. *Please* at least try to see if the FBI is interested.


You *have* to develop that film and share it with us.


I second that. It might lead to maybe some answers.


Or an arrest, But u know.. Whose counting


I swear officer it was a homeless guy I let stay with me who disappeared 2 years ago




Coming soon to a movie theater near you. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Guy Pierce as the Home Owner and Guy Pierce as the homeless guy. M Night Shyamalan as the photo processing guy.


There’s a British TV show called Inside No 9 that has an episode kinda similar to this called Tom and Gerri (homeless dude stays with a man, M Night Shymalan twist at the end). You should watch it… trust me, that series is incredibly clever.


Come on dude that’s the exact plot of Lord of the Rings: the two towers


It never occurred to me that the “two towers” represented the duality of the homeowner and the homeless guy, and that’s why Nolan cast Guy Pierce in both roles. Genius.


What's the twist? It's a Nolan movie starting Shyamalan. There has to be a gimmick, or the universe will probably explode. Sean Bean also has to be in it and die. Universal law.


You forgot the step where he obtains expired condoms!


Optional Netflix show with two seasons and Christmas special.


Taking top comment to update: An officer called after I reached out to non emergency and because it’s someone else’s property they are not allowed to take it without probable cause and there isn’t enough. So lucky Reddit, I’ll try and get answers myself and share! Here is a picture of what the film rolls look like, according to the sticker it means they’re fully exposed but idk what that means. https://imgur.com/gallery/0GM9nTv


Lucky that the cops didn't take it. Like a month ago there was a post on this sub about someone that found drives on their ceiling. The cops took it and told her they were likely just going to destroy it, it never got updated.


I remember that post


Oh man yeah I forgot about that. I know at some point a remind me notification will remind me there has been no update. Now that I would have 100% gotten a sacrificial computer for.


I recommend checking out https://thedarkroom.com they develop most film formats, including APS film like the ones you have!


Exposed means that the rolls of film finished shooting and that they're pictures on them but it needs to be developed. Depending on where you are located it should be easy enough to drop some rolls of at a drug store or a photolab. If your based in the eu i can give some recommendations or help you out with this


This is bad advice. What if the pictures end up containing something illegal and the drug store employees report you? You'll be on the hook for it no matter how you try to explain it to the cops.


Technically speaking he already contacted cops about it🤷. You can't stop reddit's curiosity.


Make sure you document this conversation. Name of officer. Date and time of call. Summary of conversation. Also date and time of when you called non emergency. And if you remember the name of who you spoke to, great!




















![gif](giphy|xTiIzrRyvrFijaEtY4|downsized) Develop the film


3 guesses what those pictures are. Porn. The answer's porn. It's always porn. However, in cases of weird hobo there's a slim chance it's "proof" of a conspiracy theory. If he disappeared maybe OP's next. Lol jk.


Plot twist: the developed pictures are of OP eating breakfast alone in his kitchen from 2 days ago


Plot twist: it's pictures of OP developing the photos


I was going to go there but I was like ah no that's a bit much then I remembered what sub im on


Sometimes you need to go where you get the best photos of OP


Where the hell are they gonna get that developed where they aren't going to get put on a list somewhere? Someone's gonna see it.


Many labs are almost automsted to the point where its unlikely any human will see your negatives let alone the pictures. A smaller lab will be a different story though. Source: i am big in to analog photography


No way I'm hell I'd develop that film.


No, me neither. But OP should. 😉


!remindme 1 week


It cost like 10-15 US bucks per roll these days to get 35mm film developed. That’s a lot of $$$ just to see his ex coworkers dick pics lol


What if it’s CP?  I have a weird feeling about this. 


Super interested in what’s on that film BUT with the weirdness and condoms I’d be real scared to drop it off at a developer


It’ll just be a bunch of selfies of him with your toothbrushes shoved up his butt, bristles first.


1000% my only reason I don’t want to get them developed. Likely nothing bad, but in the chance that it is I’m way too freaked out to that.


What if it’s a bunch of pictures of you sleeping


That’s honest to god one of the most likely things on at least one of the roles, that’s my gut feeling for sure


Think of the Reddit karma though




Nobody ever tells the karma to think of me…


OP this is your big break. Milk this. It's weird. It's a mystery. It's possibly illegal. It's the new Reddit safe. I'm in. I need to see what's on them


We will give you upvotes




And some of them are recent


\*turns over photo\* "*But I only bought those Pyjamas LAST WEEK!!*" \*sound of loft hatch opening....\*


It’s APS film, you can tell which rolls have been shot by looking at the bottom - ones that are fully shot have a + on them, partially have a half moon. Head over to r / analog community there’s bound to be someone near you who’d be willing to develop it at home. If you’re anywhere near Luxembourg I’d give it a go…


Bro if he did something someone might need closure. Like it could be nothing, probably is, but if it isn’t nothing you being scared to learn that isn’t something I’d want to tell the victim or their family lol.


Actually if it is evidence of a crime then you need to have it developed. Just let the shop know you don’t know what’s on the film and are trying to find someone that went missing. And of course share here and get back to us .


>you don’t know what’s on the film That's exactly what a stalker-rapist-murderer would say


Oh please update us about this ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


I run Brooktree Film Lab, DM me and I’ll do the film for free if you can share the results!


Plot twist... u/brooktree is actually the homeless guy who left the trunk, film, and condoms behind in OP's house!


OP, please take this offer!




It took OP an entire 3 years to look in the trunk. It's probably going to be a long time before OP does anything again lol


> It took OP an entire 3 years to look in the trunk. Yeah this is honestly a bigger head scratcher than the contents. How the fuck are you gonna have some whacko stay with you, disappear, and then just… hang onto their weird smut trunk without ever opening it???


Honestly I'd probably do the same...put it some where, never open it, just hope the situation works itself out somehow. Be surprised when the trunk is still under the stairs 3 years later and finally open it. I still have moving boxes in the garage from when I moved in, in 2022. They'll unpack themselves any day now.


!RemindMe 3 years


You read me way too well lol


Develop them, you cannot edge and blue ball us like this man.


What is this unnerving chanting you’re all doing and how does it work ?!


A bot that reminds you by writing you a chat message. But I never saw it done this was, usually there is a link so you don't have to do the spamming.


I’m already looking forward to the best of Reddit updates for this one.


It took OP an entire 3 years just to peek in the trunk. So we'll probably have to wait a lot longer for another update lol




You might not be able to sleep at night after OP posts their findings.


The harsh pain of knowledge is still sweeter than the curious itch of ignorance




My guess is this is OPs stuff and they are about to be in some shit so they are trying to build what they feel is an alternative story: “What? No way, see I even posted about this a couple weeks ago!”


For the love of everything, please get these developed. I have a feeling we’re all going to be sorely, disappointed, and it will be a bunch of nature stuff.


I’ll admit, you all would be disappointed at the only film I can easily see which are the negatives in the plastic baggies. They are exactly that, just landscape shots of trees. However I will also admit they were not in the Fanny pack but in the bag with it.


My curiosity would definitely get the best of me. There is no way I could not develop these.


Like someone else said, these are APS film cartridges not your average 35mm film. APS is a discontinued film type where the negatives always stay inside the roll and is a different frame size. I exclusively used APS in the early 2000s when they were very commonplace to buy anywhere, so I am willing to bet that either A) all of your dude’s film is old pictures from early 90s/2000s (if they already had been processed) OR B) dude had deadstock of APS film he’s been shooting since 2000ish and never processed them APS film is best known for its unique ability being able to shoot panoramic photos and the film lab would return big long prints. I used it for nature shots while traveling and based on the nature negatives you’ve already found, I wouldn’t be surprised if dude had a bunch of landscape panos on those APS cartridges.


So you got the locations of where the bodies are…. 


On the right side I see some film negatives. What's in them? Would literally take you 5 seconds to get a glimpse as to what the rest of the film rolls will have..


If you wanted to pick up a new hobby, you could develop it all yourself. No risk of law enforcement trouble at all that way and you’d get a new hobby to pour tons of time, money, and tears into.  Cinestill makes a single batch color developing chemical set that’s relatively affordable and you could pick up a multi-roll developing tank for $40 or so and then spend a few evenings cooking it all up. It’s probably cheaper than developing it anyway. It’s about $10/roll to develop 35mm film these days, especially here in CA, so DIYing it is a valid option.  


You gotta get them filmses developed somehow


I read this in Golem's voice.




To be fair my fridge is full of film and I have a drawer full of condoms so...


why fridge?


Film has an expiration date. They last longer in cold. Freezer is even better but then you have to take it out in advance before loading it to camera.


Well I think you should also refrigerate your condoms to keep them in the same place as this gentleman.


Plus it’s so refreshing!


Following....Please Develop Film before throwing the other stuff away....in case A&E or ID tv want to be in touch Lol


Let’s downvote this thing like it deserves. We’ve all been following and reminding and nothing is happening. Time to get that karma back.


OP, I’m sorry to be a stalker of your post history but I read you work at a refuge home for teen girls? Did this ex housemate/old colleague work with you there? I’m asking because if these films contain something illegal, like CP/SA… I would hate to think he’s out there working somewhere else with vulnerable people.


I used to work for a place that developed film and people always brought in film like this. They found a roll outside, in a camera at the goodwill, in storage locker auctions, in a time share, in a piece of furniture they bought on offer up and so on. I always liked to see what they found as well... Once or twice a month, you would see nudity cross the screen, but as long as it is "legal," we never said anything same go's for other companies. I have heard a myth that you can get arrested if you take nude pictures and get them developed. A word, though, keep in mind the employees will see every picture, and it is easy to print copies... I have heard of other labs that have albums of nude pictures that come through their machines... We had an album of goofy pictures. If one of the techs found a picture funny, they would print a copy, but their was a no nudity rule for the album. That doesn't mean they don't have their "personal" album they keep


There should be laws around when you can make a copy like that. Like rights... for copying. Not sure what we would call it.


“Printing no-nos”


Headline will read: Wallgreens employee charged with 4 counts of printing no-nos in the 2nd degree


What's in the tin foil brick?


Another camera. (That sounds like a joke but that’s literally what it is lol)


Please get it developed and get back to us


Writing this comment so I can see it in the Netflix special.


Is he like dead or was that hyperbole?


No, literally, he left one day because he had caused so many problems and I needed him to leave. Said he could always come back for the trunk. Haven’t heard from him or of him since, and I’ve tried to look into where he might be!


What kind of problems was he causing?


I’m not qualified to say this for sure but he was every single sign of being schizophrenic and (unrelated) gave off a very uneasy vibe that I knew made others in the building uncomfortable. (It’s one of the most high end apartments in the city which makes them obnoxiously pretentious about people who have an off vibe.) Personally, though, it wasn’t the constant talking to himself and saying very unsettling things when doing so, it was the fact he was such an outright and blatant incel. The things he would say about women was my last straw and it’s actually what made me decide he needed to leave. https://imgur.com/gallery/1fPNHJn Here’s a short clip from a candid video (just audio though) I took when he was doing some of his wild rambling. I didn’t even listen to this clip because I hate thinking back on that period, but imagine what you’re hearing except literally 24/7-whatever time he was asleep.


Very sad. But I’d definitely do something with that film.


Uhhhhhh, dude. You need to get that shit processed. Hell, ship it to some sap off Reddit and have them process it *AND POST IT*


There’s a good chance that he was indeed schizophrenic and whatever is on the film was supposed to “prove” his delusions, which would mean it is likely a bunch of random things. But if not, and these turn out to be photographic evidence of serious crimes, this could quickly turn into a bad situation for you. I would notify authorities and tell them exactly what happened, just in case. I’m super curious to know how this turns out.


It's such a r/redditmoment to call 8 condoms "a ton"


Yo this isn't happening is it?I'm removing myself from this pipe dream, but then, someday one day. The mystery may be revealed and it would suck to not have witnessed it. But then again, it just might be random photos of the schizophrenic paranoia items. Pictures of mundane shit he over thought. That's probably case. Good luck.,for those who stayed.


i have to know, i need to know what is on the films




*Develops film* 1000 photos of OP sleeping 😳


Well. Any update? I’ve used two remind me bots for this dammit


Its either porn or aliens ....or both Anyway update us when you have them developed