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Birds get caught in stuff all the time. I wouldn't read too much into it. It might have flown into some string someone was using for something and when it panicked and flew toward your house the line got caught on something. I have friends who do animal rehab who run into this sort of thing a lot.


Buuuutt! Just to be safe the two of you ought to split up and investigate separately right?


To the Mystery Machine!




Like, Zoinks man!


I'll get my buddies Shaggy and Scoob to go along with me.


Rooby Roo!


Clearly, Ms. Dinkley! You know those other two never come along for the ride.


Meddling kids.


OP you check outside me and your wife will check the upstairs bedroom, alright gang!


This is the answer. When I was a kid, I strung up kite string throughout the top of a tree. My dad bitched me out because he had to climb the tree on more than one occasion to free birds who’s feet were caught in the string.


No worries my friend. When I was growing up in a lower income part of town, nobody could buy kites. We took plastic bags from the the local grocery stores and let me tell you what.. on a fishing line those things can soar! Most of which ended up in trees. Looking back on it now, it probably wasn't the most eco-friendly thing to do. But man such good memories as a kid.


It's not like there weren't a million plastic bags in every gutter and tumbleweeding around. At least you had some fun with one! Edit: my favorite "that wasn't very good for nature was it?" Moment was when me and my buddies used to have "sword fights" with fluorescent lightbulb tubes we found in the dumpster. Absolutely *covered* in toxic dust.


I'm having flashbacks to that movie where the dude films a bag, blowing in the wind & starts crying because it's "beautiful "...


Yeah lol, Kevin Spacey in, I think.. *American Beauty*?


That's it!! Spacey finally started smoking kind bud, getting swole, & not being a cuck any longer, then B O O M. Life sux, lol


Why didn’t he just take the kite string down the first time? I get a feeling your dad liked climbing that tree.


I weaved it all up there. The first one he thought it was a fluke. The second he thought I was an evil bird catching genius. He made me take it down after that.


Haha. Well, are you? An evil bird-catching genius?


I was for that day…however, the string was not designed to catch birds. I was basically fucking off. Truth be told, i was upset that the birds got caught as it really wasn’t my intention.


Ask your dad why he didn’t cut the kite string down the first time he went up the tree, it would have saved him all subsequent ascents


Ahh this reminds me of when the tooth fairy came to school and gave us a baggie of dental care items to take home. Well they handed out those baggies too early and kids being kids decided to run that floss all around the play ground. Kids just run everywhere so they were getting jacked up by something they couldn’t really see and understand. Sorry too stoned to make the sense but it was a bunch of kids in the nurses office fur sure


It should be pretty easy to tell if it was tied by a person or tangled up


Happens so often; was scared so bad by a seagull caught in fishing line that was hanging upside down from a building on the pier. Thankfully we were able to call up the humane society to come rescue and rehab them




Yeah one time when i was home alone for a week i woke up to find 1 intact dead bird, 3 single wings, 1 head and wingless body and a few other miscellaneous parts


That's never fun.


I agree with this explanation but it’s a stressful time and I don’t blame you!


My guess is the string was there to hold some decorations and got left there. A random little bird then got entangled it in and died. No human weirdness involved.


100% a root was put on them.


I would assume this was an odd accident until proven otherwise. There might have been some sort of thin string dangling from the roof the bird got caught in. Kite string and fishing line litter kills birds every so often. Unless there were deliberate knots tied around both the bird's neck and the anchoring point on the roof, it's likely an accident.


If you see a bunch of birds in white hoods, get out.


The Kaw Kaw Kaw is nothing to joke about


Kkk literally has Klux in it https://i.redd.it/kw5fiony1x6d1.gif


If it can’t initiate flight, it ain’t right!


Your PFP scared me before I saw the line


Go watch True Detective and get back to us.




i just want you to stop saying odd shit… man what a first season


https://preview.redd.it/1kr3barf3u6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a73ca9e605c40ff7cc09ceca5d25b2c2519549 Found behind my work. Doesn’t mean anything except that birds have some shit luck sometimes.


Did it leave a note?


Are your neighbors cats? Maybe it’s their way to welcome you


With the shit spray on the siding, I'm going to guess it accidentally got itself caught in the string and started freaking out until it died.


Yoo, nice catch! Can’t believe I didn’t notice that, it seems obvious when I look now but, yeah, that basically eliminates the possibility a human did this. Thank you so much!


It's a weird thing to come across, it would have freaked me out too. Especially moving to a new place. Good luck with your move. Maybe cut down any strings the last asshole left hanging. Lol


This is an old voodoo practice done in Haiti, dating back all the way to the 17th century. Vodou developed among enslaved Africans in the West Indies of Haiti during the Atlantic slave trade. It blended the traditional religions of enslaved West and Central Africans, including Kongo, Fon, and Yoruba, with influences from French colonial culture, such as Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry. Vodou has continued to evolve since Haiti's independence in 1804, taking on new forms in a changing political context. For example, during the Haitian Revolution, Vodou played an important role in enabling people to meet together, form political and cultural ideals, and hear pro-independence speakers. The practice of hanging birds from string is supposed to ward off evil spirits. The birds spirit is tied to its body and it's ghost flies around trying to escape, scaring off any other close by spirits, making them fear being trapped like the bird. A bird is supposed to have total freedom via flight, and one being trapped scares off all other spirits, evil or good. To be totally honest I'm making this up and I hope you figure it out. Shit is weird AF.


That was pretty sweet. You had me


Any time I see a long comment begin to explain some in depth point or info like this, I scroll to the last sentence first now


Lol that's proudly a great idea, but it was such a journey to get to the end haha! Edit: Probably, not proudly


Or check for Shittymorph. He still manages to get me almost every time though, the elusive bastard.




is this DreamCatcher? fuck i love that movie.


Isn't that the comic book writer from Kevin Smith's movie verse?


Yes. He inks. Chasing Amy is a great flick.




Jason Lee? ![gif](giphy|x4cvbjzE9U9by)


Shittymorph levels of fuckery. Impressive


And then the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell..




The ghost bird scaring spirits was my favorite part. brb, gotta go string up a bird


Yeah- this is now voodou canon… stringing up a few myself.


You should write books, that was fantastic you definitely had me going. I now want to read the rest of your story. Thanks 🙏


It sounded so well researched and plausible haha




Well done.


Fuck I read that whole thing.


If you're interested in voodoos history in Haiti I could continue.


You *should* write a book. A volume of collected, completely spurious, yet fully plausible and believable, bullshit entries on the histories of events, societies, and cultural practices from throughout human history -- like, from Sumerian grain sellers right up to pre-war Europe -- that should be so plausible that unless you're in on the joke you might mistakenly believe that they were factual academic articles. I'd read that for sure.


Everything I wrote up until I mentioned the bird was 100% factual. That's why it sounded so good, it's all true until I mentioned the bird :)




In European folklore, particularly during medieval times, dead birds, were sometimes used in apotropaic magic to ward off evil or disease. My guess is that some superstitious local is trying to discover if you are possessed by some evil spirit and will run away. Acting undisturbed by it will reassure them that you are not evil. They basically don't want demons living in the house. Still fucking weird and creepy though. Ask the seller of the house about it and if that sort of thing happens often.


I honestly expected the end of your comment to reveal that you made that up after reading the voodoo post.


they did


I did.


Possibly the bird became entangled somehow?? Hopefully..


I’ve seen this happen several times in our barn in the last 10 years with the smaller birds as they’re trying to leave the nest. We have horses and the long hair sometimes gets in the way.


You have been targeted by the bird mafia.


Friends of mine who own a farm do this to keep other birds at bay.


Here to second this. I've known folks who have done this to deter other birds from building nests. Seen it many times.




You disgust me


/s = sarcasm As someone who owns and loves cats, you gotta admit it's kinda strange you can mention farmers stringing up a bird and people go "oh I guess that makes sense" but someone makes a sarcastic comment about a cat and people are like "you're literally the devil". I say this because it's clear you guys don't care about birds. You disgust me. /s


Don't worry. It's just neighbours leaving you a welcome lunch.


Hang a birdhouse there. Shows them you have no fear or just is nice.


My mom had a hummingbird hang itself from a wind chime. We’re in the south and this isn’t any kind of threat. It’s just a stupid bird doing stupid bird shit


In this house, never go down in the basement when the power is out, and all you have is a flashlight from the Dollar store.


Ghosts are welcome to come chill in my hotbox as long as they don’t poltergeist shit at my head while I’m ripping my bong.


Lol a "southern threat", what the hell does that even mean


It means Robert E Lee’s ghost is gonna haunt that house after he fucks Granny Cuyler






Redneck shit, bro. Haven’t you seen Deliverance? I refuse to squeal like a pig smh.


A 50 year old movie? 😂 Stop watching the news and get outside and meet people.


Very strange. Interested to see if anyone figures this out


>Someone definitely deliberately did this Why are you so certain? How is the string attached to the house? Was there a knot?


There was a knot around the birds neck and the other end it attached to a nail that holds the roof up according to my gf. She said there isn’t much of a gap between the nail and the wood. I told her (after frantic googling after making this post) that sparrows sometimes hang themselves after getting tangled in rope/fishing line but she still thinks she is cursed.


I really don’t think someone did this intentionally. Most likely it was left over string used for Halloween decorations that already had a knotted loop. It’s definitely sad and odd timing. I don’t know if this helps or not, but if someone was trying to curse you they probably wouldn’t use fishing line as the cord would be an important part of the charm


In a situation like this, maybe it’s best not to argue with your girlfriend about whether it was intentionally done. It likely wasn’t, but there’s no way to prove it one way or the other, and it’s more about how the place feels for her. Try to explore ways she might feel more comfortable. If she has a spiritual or cultural practice that includes space cleansing or curse-breaking rituals, do them. You can also find easy curse-breaking spells online and/or instructions for energetically cleansing the home; with all of these things I would encourage your girlfriend to trust her intuition on using whatever rituals feel right to her or creating something new altogether. Even if you are members of traditional/organized religions, clergy members can sometimes come to bless your home (I was raised Catholic and my parents did this). You can add protective items/amulets/sigils/whatever at your doorways also. I would recommend saying something like, “I think it is highly likely this bird just got really unlucky, but if it would make you feel better, I’m open to trying these things to make the home feel more comfortable for you”. If she does want to do something like this, you need to try very hard NOT to belittle the process regardless of your beliefs. Whatever is going on here, your girlfriend doesn’t feel safe, and ultimately it’s best for your relationship to respect whatever she feels she needs to be comfortable in your new home.


Cameras are a good start, before you get too nervous. Also “some Southern threat” made me cackle.


What do you mean southern threat? If it’s near where you grew up then you know the culture of your area. What does that have to do with the south? And south what? Southern Texas? Southern Michigan? Southern Michigan is waaaaay meaner than northern Michigan.


You are in the beginning of a horror movie, GET OUT NOW!!!




Hang in there!


Get better soon!


It’s a long shot but maybe it was killed by a spider and it’s hanging from a web?


It means that your new neighbours’ kid is a future serial killer.


If this is the work of a future serial killer then we ain’t got nothing to worry about. No skillz to kill… Now, if that bird would have been nailed to the siding all splayed out/autopsy style then that’s when ya need to start paying attention and or fuckin move.


Might just be kids with too much time on their hands


I have a pic just like this from outside my old work than I've been trying to find. Pigeon looked like it was hanged by a noose. It was there hanging outside thru most of the winter. From where it was hanging from there's no way someone put it there.


What is it hanging from? I don’t see any string or rope


One time I was walking through my neighborhood and saw a finch hanging upside down caught in a spider web! I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. My guess is that most of the responses are correct, it’s probably just happenchance


Generally threats are less ambiguous


This is creepy af...ive never seen a bid strangle itself. This is some Appalachian shit...


Southern threat, 😂


Maybe the bird just had enough and said fuck it. Did it leave a note?


If it was a foreclosure, previous owner might hold a grudge.


birds are idiots. don't care....


This looks like a random thing. Birds can get tangles up in anything. I wouldn't give it much thought.


Didn't someone else post a similar picture today but from the inside of the house?


Closer photos might help us help decipher what happened


We haven’t moved in yet so I just have the photo my gf sent me. Apparently it is hanging from fishing line attatched to a small nail knotted around the birds neck.


(1) definitely very creepy and would install a ring camera and also bake cookies for the neighbors to find out what the deal is in the neighborhood. (2) 11k down payment??? i just put $600k down in San Diego and will still be paying $2800 a month 😭


That's California, man. Southern US, and the Midwest can be really cheap.


ugh, i know. my home state is in the northeast and uber expensive as well so it's all i've known


I read once about an ancient practice in Mexico relating to Santa Muerte (Saint Death) about helping a disturbed spirit safely pass from this realm unto the next. The theory is that if a house is haunted by an evil spirit then that spirit will attach itself to those who occupy the premises. The hanging of the bird was done whilst the bird was alive as part of cleansing ceremony peformed at midnight, once complete the current occupiers leave the premises and do not return until the sun sets. The wire represents the silver thread that Santa Muerte will cut with her sythe to release the soul from the body. The expectation is that the spirit enhabits the bird, the bird dies and the spirit is trapped inside the bird until Santa Muerte releases it safely. The house is no longer possessed and the next residents are safe from being bound to such a spirit and needing an exorcism. Also, and most importantly, I made this up and none of this is real. The bird just flew into the wire and got itself caught. Poor thing.


You should put on formal wear , bury it in a shoe box and each say a few words. Considering you’ll be decked out, go get desert at a nice restaurant and celebrate ur new purchase


My man is 30 minutes from home thinking “oh yeah we’re in the deep south now fellers”


I cackled out loud


Can you sell it to the blind kid next door?


Pretty bird


Wrap it's neck in duct tape first, then sell it to the blind kid lol


It needs closer photos. It looks like it's covered in webbing.


Sometimes mistaken for an act of intimidation, especially when seen in conjunction with sneakers-hanging-over-wire, in actuality it's nothing more than a friendly neighborhood calling card left for new arrivals to inform them that a practicing taxidermist lives on your block. You have nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.


[here’s your explanation](https://conceptually.org/concepts/occams-razor)


Could be left over fake cobweb from Halloween. It’s very strong and thin and lots of animals get caught in it and die.


Some Birds are bad luck in countries which usually considered their shit good luck


Gr3gory88 type shit


I had a neighbor when I was young who would shoot bluejays and string 'em up as a warning to other bluejays..forgot why he did this..didn't like bluejays I guess..


Just the local bird eating spider home from a tough day at work, go easy on him, he's got 5 kids to feed.


It means the house is haunted.


Natural or man-made—aren’t birds associated with a lot of bad omens?


I used to live across from a guy that several horses and on more than one occasion I found birds that had somehow managed to get tangled in strands of horses tails/manes. They’d get it to use for nests and then get it wrapped around them.


Honestly, if it doesn’t look like it’s possible that it entangled itself, then I would say it’s some kids that were hanging out on an empty property and found an opportunity to “scare” anyone that came. I had fucked up friends when I was younger that I could see doing something like this thinking it was cool or funny and me being too much of a wimp to say that it was messed up.


Birds very easily get tangled in shit.


So, birds strung up in the south is an old copperhead town way of basically telling you to leave. The bird being hung is a way of saying that you're a jive turkey. It's odd that they used a regular bird and not a turkey, as is customary.


There are only three possible answers: - This house is cursed, it is a ritual to keep evil spirits away - There's a psycho in one of the adjacent houses - Your girlfriend did it herself (this is the worst of the three possibilities)


My gf didn’t even know until my parents drove by the house and told me before I told her. She was also with me when I found out and we have both of our locations shared before anyone says “how do you know?”. Also, I trust her with my life. She is also, by profession, someone who cares for farm animals and pet dogs and has insane love for animals. She cries at roadkill. Kinda weird that you’re the second person to pass suspicion on to my gf… do people not trust their partners? I couldn’t imagine even dating someone I don’t trust with my life, my possessions, and my heart. The thought that she had anything to do with this has never and will never even cross my mind. EDIT: I’m betting the bird accidentally hung itself because another commenter mentioned the feces splatter as if the bird was struggling after hanging itself.


If that don’t scream haunted….haven’t you seen the omen I get a dead bird on the ground but hanging awww naw hell naw that’s from the devil ![gif](giphy|4m5FQIVcfLnmo)


Demon worshipers for sure, probably next door


Leave it up there, and see what the gardener does


u actually might be in a plot of „cosmos” by witold Gombrowicz. Really good book, highly recommend.


Bird got caught up in something. It's just a weird freak accident thing that happened. No one is trying to fuck with you. GF needs to calm her tits.


Had a similar experience when we moved into a rental and found a headless rabbit in the driveway. After a while we blamed our cats since a bunch of other small animal corpses tended to turn up.


I don't know about any weird regional threats, but I had a couple of pet birds doe this way in their aviary. Sometimes a bird gets caught in some steing or something and accidentally strangles themselves. It's traumatic, but probably an accident.


Welcoming committee strikes again.


We have had a baltimore oriole die while weaving their nest in our yard’s biggest tree. It was sad and creepy af at the same time. My farming family calls me the bleeding heart and always said to my crying over roadkill ‘honey, it’s just sleeping’ , lol. Enjoy your home and say hi to your wife ❤️.


the bird got caught on the line. no one is after you, your wife is hysterical about a random accident.


That’s happened on my house. I think it’s just a natural occurrence


Birds are extremely vulnerable to small wires and strings that are common around homes.


As long as you didn't wake up with a decapitated horse head on the bed next to you, you're ok.


I had an abandoned house that hadn’t been occupied for a few years, new owner contracted me to redo the back porch. When we started work we got to the back porch and there was three or four birds that had gotten snarled up in spider webs and died, looking just like that, twisting in the breeze.


It's weird how two birds have hung themselves on this sub this week


The good news is, even if it’s some kind of curse, all of that stuff has zero impact on reality so you’ll be good.


Not worried about a curse, worried about a dude hurting my gf or me while we’re asleep because we don’t speak dead bird sign language and didn’t understand their “get out” warning.


It **may** be a hoodoo warning sign. Hoodoo is run on fear & superstition. Cut the poor dead bird down & toss it. Nothing will happen to you. Just wear gloves, because dead bird.


It could be spiderweb ………….


> 854sqft for 195k. jesus fucking christ.


Yeah, the interest rate on the mortgage is 7% too. We’re gonna try to pay like 1.3 of our monthly payment to avoid getting too screwed by the interest.


A southern threat lmao


Sage your home inside and out. Never tell anything to leave Always ask the light to come in. We are catholic by birth, .I always have the local priest bless the house. Whether I found a dead bird or not... Congratulations


Oww I know exactly what this is. It means someone who lives in that house is gay.


Oh my god, we are both a bit fruity. That must be it, should we expect a second or did we get a geoup rate?


So this is a life story. I'm thinking you hung the bird. "What does it mean"


Your girlfriend sounds exhausting if she’s “very alarmed” by a bird that got caught in human trash


Oof, I’d take 6 million of someone as sweet and loving as her over anyone jaded enough to comment such a sad thing. Get well soon <3


Nvm you guys seem perfect for each other