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Fuck yeah this is my kind of content. I fucks with a legit BFI


Ooh is it too late to suggest one more contender? If it hasn't already been suggested.... Earl Grey Blue Flower from T Leaf


That Bergamot Brawler is already in the rotation! Coming up in a couply days. 😊


Lovely! I look forward to hear how it performs!


I was about to suggest it too. . It is the most delightful tea.


Dilmah Extra Strength is my go to as a long term seasoned EG drinker with a strong fondness for it being bergamot heavy.


I hope you have Kerikeri tea royal earl grey in the rotation!


Ohhh, I don't :( looks like we're starting to see some contenders for next season's prizefight though! :)


It's the only game in town, that one


This is legit content!


Special note: Twinings is correctly known by the full name Twinings of London. Unfortunately some brigand has stolen their apostrophe.


That's hot.


nice - I like loose leaf Twinings at home but use Dilmah extra bags at work because I keep a bigger mug there.


I remember your post! As above, good content. I look forward to more results...I hope you are including Tleaf Earl Grey equivalent!


Absolutely - t leaf T earl grey blue flower looking like quite a contender, expecting that to be a heavy hitter for sure.


Great stuff. Important content here for tea drinkers.


Try TLeaf Monks Blend. I use that at home, loose leaf in a pot, and Dilmah Extra Strength tea bags are for work.


I approve of this results.


Still waiting on the cheque, did you get my address right? ;)


I've had one of my people contact you. He is a very trustworthy guy and what are the chances he's also a Nigerian Prince.


Twining doesn't put real oil in their tea anymore I wldnt even include them 


Tbh the origin of this was me having Twinings as my regular and wanting to step up the Bergamot content, so it was what I already had in the house. I don't know why I was under the impression it was a good one - already knocked out in the first round. I shan't be going back.


Just go straight to the kerikeri one. This is a decade long journey I've already walked for you lol


Ahhh, where were you when I was soliciting suggestions 😭 Nevermind - drinking multiple cups of Earl Grey a day is hardly a torture or tribulation. I am intrigued by this Kerikeri brew though!


Yea sorry, missed those posts! Moore Wilson's. They're all good, the varieties. I've gone through and come out the other side of all the earl greys and that's what I'm with now. 


I'm on a similar quest for chamomile. The winner so far is T2 (whole flowers in pyramid bags), but I'm only just getting started...


Many moons ago I used to buy organic chamomile flower from Commonsense (own brand) and that was the best I could find at the time. It might be worth a sample.




Is it a coincidence this TT is the same week as the isle of Mann TT race week? :)


Maaaaaybe. 😅 Also coincides with a three week break in MotoGP. 🥲


I think so. I’ve test ridden one. They are light feeling, nice and predictable, you can ride chilled on it - and it responds nicely when you wring its neck.


Twinning citrus blend is addictive... we blend it 50 50 with dilmah... Try It....


Dilmah - 'Do try it!'. Oh, you did try it.


Love this. Always a big pot of T Leaf Earl Grey Blue Flower when I'm at home and Twinings Earl Grey tea bag at work.


Hopefully the "extra strength" nature of this Dilmah doesn't mean that the rest of the teas in your tests are pale and weak in comparison!


Most definitely punches above its weight. Could it take the belt?


You should try the Dilmah Gourmet Earl Grey Loose Leaf (can buy at WW), it is top tier!


T2 French Earl Grey is also lovely!


Ohh, once I've made my way through the haul of tea I've acquired for this endeavour I'll add it to the list of challengers for the next round.


The best I have ever had is Russian Earl Grey from Lipton. Unfortunately I’ve only ever found it in Sweden.


I have a Swedish connection. I am sure they could hook me up for the next season's bout. Noted.


Ooo is Chanui on the list?


Alas no, added to the list for future investigations though. You think it has the Bergamot factor X?


Also, are Tea Total Earl Grey Special or Noble Sunday Classic Earl Grey included? They are my two top tier. You can get the former at Moore Wilson's and the latter online or at The Green House Store behind the Beach House & Kiosk cafe.


Tea Total is there on your recommendation but the later is not due to me not having the patience to wait for online orders 😬 I shall add it to my ever growing list of Earl Grey though, but there's a significant amount of tea to drink here now so I'll work my way through that first 😁


Ah fair enough! I should have shared the Noble Sunday location previously haha. Keen to hear how the Tea Total goes.


Do try the Harney and Sons Earl Grey Supreme, it’s my absolute favourite!


That will be today's report ☺️


A hill that I will die on: Harrod’s No. 42 Earl Grey is the greatest of all Earl Greys. You must acquire and include it in any Earl Grey-off, or the process is incomplete. That is all.


I'll look it up but if it requires a journey back to the Motherland (or online shopping) to acquire I'll have to pass, at least this time. I think once I've found a winner here I'm going to be ever curious whether there's something better out there in the wider world.


No way is it that close. Twinings is no where near Dilmah. The flavour is far behind it and it's way too weak. Twinings requires two tea bags whereas Dilmah is just one


Strangely the box of Twinings 100 I had was rated 2/5 leaves strong. It wasn't a particularly old box or anything. In looking at other teas for this I noticed the Twinings at the local New World was marked as 1/4 leaves strong. Different brews for different regions perhaps? Or maybe they've just accepted the tea isn't what it used to be. At the end of it all I'll reassess the Twinings with my newly adjusted palate :)