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Oh no!! I’m so sorry that happened to you! In sickness and in health, right? I hope your recovery is speedy! My husband and I both came down with swine flu a day before our wedding. Good times… 😅


That sounds awful! I'm already on the mend, hoping they'll let me go today 🤞🏻🤞🏼🤞🏻


Ask for an upgrade suite due to the infection


Yeah, you can get higher grade illnesses than this.


I hear the AIDS room has great pool and ocean views!


I'd rather ask to be compensation the hospital bill and pay for the upgrade with the money saved on that....


Not expecting for them to cover the full stay and medical expenses is CRAZY


Travel insurance is a must!!!


Did you still go through with the wedding while having the flu?


We didn’t make the connection that we had swine flu at the time. We thought we were just run down from all the pre-wedding stuff, maybe getting a cold or something. We loaded up on antibiotics the day before just in case. It wasn’t till after the wedding that it hit us hard. I worry about illness before every big event now. It’s always in the back of my mind! 


I promise not to say something insinuating that your new husband is such an incredible and amorous lover with enough stamina that you needed an IV part way thru the honeymoon.


I mean... You're not wrong ☺️


Bucket list time.


The bucket is being used for some thing else right now....


Step 1: find someone who will touch me


Prepare to be touched https://preview.redd.it/2mfq9nu8e77d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e20eb4daeb9c86f8c6ed73772d5a155bb5c140


the fuck


The fuck comes after the touching


Jesus Christ 😂


Nono, he was magically put in Mary. No fucking necessary


Homunculus Christ


When do we eat the sushi?


After the fuck, which is after the touching.


Damn, you telling me I gotta take my wife out for sushi too?!






Yeah u definitely got the pipi touch


I'm so high and this whole comment chain is SENDING me ☠️☠️☠️


Bruh the nail-less fingers are trippin me rn just got half way through my blunt and saw that im like wtf i want to look away but i cant


Bro, it’s been 8 hrs, tell me you’ve looked away 😭


Well, that’s one way to cure nail biting.


Fuck the resort!! Their shitty food poisoned you, l make them pay that $4k! Shame on them! So sorry that happened!


If it's an infection I highly doubt it got bad enough in just a few hours for op to be hospitalized.


Clearly you've never been to Mexico. Montezumas revenge is no joke. Caught that first night in Cozumel on honeymoon. Threw up all night while shitting myself


The worst part is when you think you're done and get up to leave the bathroom only to have to rush back and either miss the toilet with your vomit or shit yourself a hairs breadth away from the bowl. Food poisoning of any sort sucks.


Or the dreaded both ends same time.


In the world of addiction withdrawals we learn that shitting and puking is in fact possible to do at the same time. Strap in boys were here for the ride.


I learned that first time with Norovirus. I learned to sit while holding the bucket all while wishing for death.


I learned that for the first time while doing colonoscopy prep, was not a fun time


A year and 5 months sober now and I do not miss those days of being in and out of detox with shit coming out of either end


Congrats to you. Stay strong and keep it up


I had that happen with a pretty gnarly stomach bug when I was in high school. 😂😂 The worst part? We were 2 hours away from home at the family cabin, so I only had so many clean clothes. Ceramic bathroom tile sure feels heavenly when you’re that sick, though. Great place to take naps.


The shomit… makes cowards of us all


Unfinished business with the toilet, that’s a name I gave it, IBS and spicy wing challenges give me the same effect


You have to sit and shit while holding the bucket to throw up into. Amateurs lol


If im ever in a situation where I need to throw up and im stuck shitting, I pivot my body a bit towards the sink, and spray and pray. Had to do that a few weeks ago, I took some antibiotics on an empty stomach, and it didn't go over well. At least I got everything into the sink.


Op is hospitalized with an infection as of this moment?


The pictures and words would suggest so.


outstanding response! Good for you! Clearly that bacteria hasn't got a chance.


Went to hospital because rearranged guts… Got it!!


That's a long way to say he fucked her dry.


Ring still looks awesome 🤘


Thank you!! He did so good!!


I think the ring looks awesome as well. As a medical professional, I would recommend removing the ring until you're all done receiving IV fluids. The risk is that your hand may swell, especially with that IV being right there. If that site inflitrates, meaning the fluids are going into the tissue rather than in the vein, your hand will swell up.


Thanks for the tip! I'm fortunate that my rings are a little loose for I have the swelly hands in hot weather. Very good to know for future!


Did the nail polish color make you jump at first?


Indeed I hope you get to feeling better watch out for that sushi it’ll get ya sometimes haha


Note to self- don’t eat raw anything while in another country (unless in Japan, I trust Japan)


Even in America... https://preview.redd.it/s8f3yg1ik67d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b3018373ffaaa3f4efb2de72a1e00dcb05f116d


Ah yes, all that fresh tuna from the great oceans of Montana. Edit: To all the people who keep telling me it was the mushrooms. Yes, I can read, but y'all obviously need a step-stool cause the joke went over y'alls head.


I feel like some places just don’t need to do sushi 😂


Like nebraska.


LMAO as a Nebraskan you can actually find some good seafood places in Omaha and Lincoln. Hell most seafood here is cheaper than steak, can't figure that one out. I know there's one outfit that flies to Seattle every other day for fresh seafood and brings it back for their restraunts


And Missouri…


We have several St Louis spots that have phenomenal sushi (shout out Indo and Sado). We also do have a fruit stand that killed a guy with their oysters. It’s a choose-your-own adventure space


My God all my this. The amount of sushi places in Joplin *alone* that would try to sell me a "fresh" roll barely the diameter of a quarter for the same price as a roll in Florida is *absurd*.


Lol, why do you think I only get sushi that's been cooked? My favorite is a shrimp tempura with eel and eel sauce. STL, btw.


I have a cousin who works at the Phoenix AZ airport loading & unloading luggage. He told me, “I’m not ordering sushi unless I can see the ocean from where I’m at. I am well aware how long air freight sits on the ramps in the sun.”


All raw fish for consumption in the US must have been frozen


All fish to be eaten raw has to go through a specific freeze process to kill off all the bad shit. So Montana or Cali, doesn’t matter.


Walleyes and Perch is not shushis Grade!


I mean, it wasn't the fish tho




It didn’t end up being the fish at all. It was bad food storage practices that caused contamination. Could happen anywhere in any type of restaurant but yeah…the irony of it happening at a sushi restaurant in Montana was not lost.


Yep...Missouri River shortfin tuna. 🐟 Listed as "critically endangered" due to being imaginary.


Yay my city is famous!


Too famous.


Yeah I'm... kinda dumb. I don't get to eat sushi a lot cuz I'm gluten free and went all caution to the wind.


Sushi should be gluten-free … you can use Tamari instead of Soy Sauce(?) Otherwise, there shouldn’t be any gluten except in tempura or panko flakes. Hope you feel better soon!


Lots of fake crab and fake lobster has wheat as well. Wasabi powders can also contain wheat. And at least at the sushi restaurants around here the majority of rolls contain one or more of these wheat ingredients so you're basically limited to sashimi, and maybe nigiri or like the super basic rolls. Can't even trust a spicy tuna roll because most places mix panko into the spicy tuna. So saying sushi should be gluten free really just means yah raw fish alone should be gluten free, but in reality the majority of the menu at an American sushi restaurant is off limits and you still need to bring your own tamari and wasabi if you want them.


Sashimi, nigiri, basic rolls, and apps like edamame and whatnot are more than enough to have sushi often. That's not really being that limited. Limited is needing to be gluten free and going to a bakery that has only 1 gluten free loaf. 


Doesn’t have to be raw seafood. The first year my parents came to visit me in New Orleans I took them to a favorite spot and had steamed mussels. Spent all night and the next day realizing how lucky I was to have DSP instead of the other, less fun varieties. Also realized milk of magnesia doesn’t taste at all like milk during that episode.


Raw, smoked pork in Germany is fine too Edit: not smoked, oops. Just minced/ground and spiced


Wouldn’t smoking the pork make the meat no longer raw?


Looks more like you're on saline, glucose, and antibiotics... 🤪 This will be a good honeymoon story to tell your kids and grandkids (should you be interested in munchkins). Congratulations!


Yep! Got the full gamut right now. I was just joking AT THE SUSHI PLACE that I might write a memoir... Universe said here's a great one for the books, babe 😂


Oh man. I hope they investigate the crap out of the sushi restaurant. You likely were NOT the only person to get sick last night. So sorry! Feel better!


Resort service manager essentially said this was a me problem and no other guests got sick. I commented this elsewhere but it's far more likely they got sick but didn't announce it or try to die about it (I was dangerously dehydrated and being real spooky for a while). Thanks for the well wishes!


Of course no restaurant ever admits that anyone else got sick. Literally nothing in it for them to give you that information.


Please report this to the Health ministry in The DR, the hotel is just trying to cover their ass.


Reason 9787366 I don’t eat sushi or other raw foods.


And thank you!


Can’t tell if you are doing it really right or really wrong.


Exactly 😎


Our first wedding anniversary we went to Brighton for a long weekend. We had such a lovely time the first day/night. Then we went to a Chinese restaurant (it looked clean and well lit, I double checked!) Next morning, we were both Double-Dragon. For three days. Never, ever again!


Oh my god, "Double Dragon" as in all twisted up from puking?


I think they mean that they were blasting from both ends


Yes. It was just water and empty retching after day one. The worst ever


Wow! Talk about a hot and heavy honeymoon! *after the days long rompfest, I needed a bunch of fluids to rehydrate me*


I feel like this is something for which the hotel should pay.


Here's hoping! They gave my husband some rigamarole about a virus going around but I have a very fancy print out that says I got a bacterial infection and a mean one at that!


Were the doctors able to say what caused the bacterial infection? If they say it was definitely the food and you're at an AI and haven't eaten anything off-premise I would think that'd be a slam dunk. If you ate elsewhere offsite they could easily say it wasn't their sushi. I would ask my fellow guests if anybody was sick after eating the sushi that night. Good luck!


There’s absolutely no way to prove anything unless a health inspector goes to the restaurant, swabs the place, and finds the bug. Also, unless the hospital isolated the bug from a stool sample, which I doubt, it still isn’t proof… ie airport food, hotel breakfast.. etc could be blamed as the cause. However, if more than a few people end up hospitalized and they all ate at the same restaurant, then the restaurant might be held responsible (at least that’s the case in the US, no idea how it works in said country).


Not a lawyer, but in the US every restauran has a disclaimer on the menu saying eating raw or undercooked meat can cause issues and it’s your responsibility for any actions. I feel like this resort would probably do the same so that might get them out of any liability.


Highly suggest you or hubby get as much documentation for the hospital. When you get back, ask for manager of hotel. Discuss the options with them, be cordial but firm. Don’t accept anything less than your hospital bill being comped. If they really give you a hard time, this is where you mention it would be a shame if other guests knew what kind of food was being served, involve local health officials, etc. As long as you stay calm but stern, they’ll roll over for you.


I've got my packet of documents and my call center manager politely stern voice, this is exactly the plan!!


I've got my packet of documents and my call center manager politely stern voice, this is exactly the plan!!


$20 says another guest also got sick. If the resort changes its tune and works with you, they're trying to avoid a lawsuit.


Funny enough, the resort service manager we spoke with insists that no one else has gotten sick from the food. I countered that no one else got HOSPITALIZED or sick enough to go to guest services and volunteer they were shiddin all night long... Politely.


While I was reading your post, I immediately thought, ‘this probably happened in the Dominican Republic,’ before I even got to that part. Did your husband get sick as well, and were you sharing the same rolls? There are plenty of risks in the DR, including the water. If he's fine, please consider all the other food and drinks you had to help rule out the possible cause and avoid getting sick again. Have a speedy recovery!


im 100% calling she drank water or a drink with ice somewhere.


I broke my wrist while on vacation in Ireland. Had to be hospitalized and have surgery. Super fun! Hope you feel better soon.


I bet you the Irish hospital didn’t ask you for thousands upfront…


No, but it had its own downsides. I had to go to 4 hospitals to find one that had the possibility of me getting in due to a trolley shortage. I then had to sit in a dirty, overflowing waiting room with no pain medication for 11 hours. If you leave, no chance of a bed. People were lined up on trolleys in the hallways. Ireland is beautiful and the people are amazing, but I do not envy their healthcare system.


My colleague’s mom had to pay ~2,000 usd up front for an ER visit in Switzerland. I was kinda surprised that that was the case in Europe!


Straight up my worst fear with sushi or even salads. Even in the US. I've gotten food poisoning from KFC and Starbucks... I don't think I can trust anything in a different country unless it is super salt cured or cooked so well that it's almost burnt.


same here. emetaphobia (i think thats how u spell it) is no joke. the thought of this kinda shit fucks me up


After working in the restaurant industry, it is a roll of the dice when it comes to eating out. Raw food is an even bigger one. I refused to eat anything raw from somewhere unless I prepared it. Other than that, I just hope the odds are in my favor when it comes to the rest. I have seen burger patties drop on the lines floor and placed back on the flat top. Damn head chef would come in blasted, just smelling like Bud Light. Bro, even lit a cig on the line while cooking. Management didn't care, the orders were going out and we were already short staffed.


Yikes, always get insurance.


Hope you get to feeling better.... 🙏 Beautiful ring... 🙂 Not the way ya planned to show it off, I'm sure. 😥 Get well


Thank you so much! Definitely didn't think I'd be matching with my iv


oh I hope you get better soon. I'd suggest you remove the ring and give it your partner for the time being, cause your hands might swell and it'll be a headache to remove them afterwards. if it's not a snug fit, then no problem ig.


Do you mind sharing what resort you were at?? My Fiancé and I are traveling to DR in a month!


Was going to ask the same, going to DR in 3 weeks


Don't "Work" with the resort lawyer up and keep every scrap of evidence been in a similar situation and the resort basically lied to the travel agency and eventually took travel agency to court they settled 1 day before the court date (1 year after the holiday) it's your honeymoon that's been messed up so you want every penny plus compensation once in a lift time day ect ect lay it on thick they make enough profits to not even blink an eye


I almost had my appendix burst while I was in the Dominican Republic at an All Inclusive! Literally, we left around 2pm on a Saturday and then Sunday around dinner time is when I started getting symptomatic. By Monday morning, it had already burst. Funny part about it all, I’m glad it happened at home because it’s customary to have pathology check over the appendix once it’s out to double check things. Turns out that mine was full of cancer and I probably wouldn’t have found that out if it had happened in the DR. Anyway, I’m glad my appendix waited until I was home to go rogue!


Yeah that is unfortunate. Sorry you are going through this. But as a general advice in the future avoid fish especially raw fish like sushi in places especially like Dominican Republic. It’s just not worth the risk no matter many stars the place may be. Best wishes to you! Hope you make a quick recovery!


Thank you so much, and absolutely noted. I didn't have my critical thinking hat on last night 🥴


Yeah it’s brutal. I had a family member die from some bacterial infection to his lungs as well from visiting Dominican Republic like 5 years ago. Unfortunately because of his age and his bad smoking habit he passed away a couple weeks after being home. His body completely shrivelled up he was all skin and bones and could barely talk. After that happened I made a personal note to myself not to visit Dominican Republic ever because these family members went a few days and EVERY time when they came home they were very sick. I do wish you a good recovery! I’m sure everything will turn out fine. Just sucks this happened to you on your honeymoon but at least you can look at it for the learning experience for the future. If you ever need some ideas to where to travel. Costa Rica is absolutely beautiful. Many places to visit but just a warning going up to some volcanos and some mountains the drive can be scary as some areas are very narrow dirt roads so when renting a car you NEED to rent one that can handle steep roads and whatnot. The nature in Costa Rica is breathtaking and if you love animals you can take many tours through jungles with a guide and see monkey, snakes, macaws, frogs and many other wildlife. Personally Costa Rica is my go to place for vacations. I been there 7 times so far and the first 4 all to the same resort but sadly price went up a lot and they changed a lot to the specific resort so it’s nowhere near as good as it was in the past. The people in Costa Rica are super polite and helpful as well and the fresh fruit is incredible. I recommend it in the future for you and your family! Best wishes to you and family. Stay safe!


would travelers insurance even cover something like this?


Of course it would. It would even cover repatriation of your body should you die


My in-laws were on cruise holiday in the Caribbean when he died suddenly. He was swimming during a catamaran outing and had a heart attack. By the time they got him to shore, he was gone. Travel interruption insurance covered the cost of getting his body home. It covered the ambulance and hospital services, paid for MIL to fly home, and reimbursed the cost of their cruise tickets. It also covered the embalming cost before he was shipped. This happened in February 2001. Body transport was about $35,000 from US Virgin Islands to Eastern Canada. I don't know how much the ambulance and hospital cost, but it was all completely covered. Since then, I've never travelled without insurance. It's worth the cost.


Very likely unless it was a crappy plan. Always a very very very good idea to see what your health insurance covers when you're traveling and what your options are. That includes car insurance as well if you're renting something. Make sure your credit card covers insurance or something. So many people don't think about these things when they travel abroad or anywhere. 


As soon as we got there we were asked if we had it, which we didn't. I guess there are plans that might have made this not cost a surprise $4000, from the sound of it. It was a deposit so hopefully we get a lot back, and stateside our insurance will reimburse us a portion but we have to pay up front.


Make sure you get an itemized bill.


your credit card might have it if you made your booking via the card - many cards provide basic travelers insurance and some have pretty good policies attached


Came here to say this.


Are you feeling better?


I am, thank you! Still at the hospital but can keep my water down.


The tape worm is just thirsty.


I serve my squirmy overlord diligently 🪱


Currently in Punta Cana and this was all the encouragement I needed not to eat the sushi buffet they have every day for lunch and dinner


Yeah, please don't unless you like surrendering precious vital fluids to the porcelain throne for hours and hours 😭 Seriously though, I didn't realize it was dumb until A: I got the food poisoning and B: everyone on this thread told me how dumb it is 🤡


sushi at gas sation XXXXX sushi in a third world country XXXX


Should've picked a cheaper place to honeymoon, that's probably the most expensive place you could've gone!


But I love the plastic mattresses so much!!


I got a violent gastrointestinal illness the last two days of my honeymoon this year, probably norovirus from oysters at lunch the day before, which my husband didn't eat. the symptoms hit during my husband's birthday dinner. I specifically planned the honeymoon to include his birthday so we could do a fancy dinner and I had booked a 7-course tasting menu that cost €200 each. I told my husband his birthday gift was me somehow managing not to get him sick. I felt so bad though. I tried to play it cool but he could tell something was wrong and it ruined the vibe. then I spent all night feeling like I was dying in the bathroom until I could get a hold of a doctor and then my husband could fill a prescription for anti-nausea meds. there were lots of last-minute travel plan changes but thankfully nothing was expensive, plus we had trip insurance. it's still wild that I came back from two weeks in Italy 5lbs lighter than I left.


Maybe it’s tradition because my parent’s honeymooned in DR and my mom made the mistake of getting sour cream with her nachos. Said the food poisoning was more painful than childbirth, and I was a c section and my sibling was an unmedicated VBAC…


Hey OP if you don't mind sharing could you please let us know what resort you were at? My girlfriend and I are travelling to DR tomorrow , also at an all inclusive and wanted to know if we need to be extra careful


Dang. Did you marry the ghost of Biggie Smalls?


Sorry to hear, ring is beautiful though. 👍




Get well soon. There will be time for more trips.


It's crazy how common this seems to be for people on honeymoon. My mother thought she was going to lose my dad he was so sick to food poisoning.


I’m sincerely sorry to hear that happened on your honey moon! Maybe this will be your memorable story and/or warning to others for years to come😬 Side note: Congratulations to the married couple🥳🥳 I’m sending positive thoughts your way for a clean bill of health as well as safe travels home!!




How awful!! Feel better


Or don’t eat sushi at a all inclusive resort in the Dominican 😅 I’m sorry that happened to you. And I hope you get better soon


Damn, I hope you feel better soon.


Your ring looks beautiful though!


Thank you! My husband worked really hard with the jeweler and knocked it out of the park 💙


I would never choose an hospital as a honey moon destination but people are weird nowadays. Joking. Get better, you can always do a "second one", hard to not be better that the first one.


Hahaha don't yuck my yum! 😂 Thank you, I'm going to nail the next trip with the mountain of hard earned wisdom we got on this one!


Damn it! Congratulations on your marriage!


Sucks ur sick! Congratulations on your marriage!


Going on holiday soon to Tenerife, now you’ve convinced me to get Travel Insurance. Get well soon 🫡


I ended up having to go to the hospital at the end of my honeymoon in Bali for an enema. Great vacay up until that point! 🤣


It’s a test on the “sickness and health” portion of your vows.


I almost died in DR with food poisoning. I’m sure my kidneys are slightly damaged from it. Good luck road to recovery and happy marriage!


Oh no!! I'm a little convinced I left the planet at one point, I was so dehydrated. Thank you for the well wishes, I hope your kidneys stick with you for the long haul!


may i ask where you’re staying ? i am going to a romantic adults only all-inclusive resort in the dominican republic in 4 days and sushi is my favorite food ….. kind of nervous now


Last year at my honey moon my apendix burst and i had to be hospitalized for a week. after stopping our honey moon we returned home. hours later i got diagnosed with severe lunginfections and got hospitalized another 10 days. fun. good recovery!


Omg I have to warn my friend she is there now!


On the bright side, it’s one hell of a story. Aaand you get a honeymoon do over!


I just got back from a wedding in punta cana (palladium resort) and the bride barely made it to her own wedding because she was in the hospital with the same thing


I had the same things happen in DR in my honeymoon. I didn't think it was sushi, but it was definitely from the resort food. I was given IV antibiotics. I had travelers ins... I never buy it but for some reason we did. Just unluckily lucked out. Get better soon


My dumbass was thinking, he really be running you that dry😏 (☠️☠️☠️)


Not only did you get sick, you also got scammed on that $4000 bill. Maybe it sound cheap for an US citizen, but for most other around the world, a $4000 bill from the hospital is ludicrous. Have a look here at price estimates for private health care https://en.santodomingolive.org/health-system-in-dominican-republic.html


The i.v. is inserted thru the bandage? The site doesn't look right


What hotel is it? I was at Royalton in Feb and a lot if people got sick including my pregnant wife (food poisoning)


Never trust raw fish sushi at any place that isn’t specifically for sushi. And get travel insurance. Notes taken. So sorry this happened to you, thank you for sharing the lessons and feel better soon! 💐


This sounds like my honeymoon. Bug bit me while doing setup on my outdoor wedding. Got a horrific skin infection. It was weeping pus filled sacs all over my face. I ended up in the ER on our wedding night. I was highly contagious and couldn’t touch my wife for a week (nor did she want me to) We had to do a redo on the honeymoon.


Who the fuck goes to the Dominican Republic without travel insurance


Who the fuck sees raw fish in the Dominican Republic and is like oh yeah, it's a good idea for me to eat this. Lol.


Mainlining vodka. I dig it.


Did Dr Wynn pass the thorn curse on to you? If so, my apologies.


At least it’ll be extra memorable!


You might have insurance included if you booked with your credit card company Once you’re feeling better give them a call




When I went to the DR my wife and I both got terribly sick, either from the food or water (they told us “no singing in the shower”). Spent the last half of the trip eating boxed cereal and bread.


Hotel doctors are basically the salesmen for private hospitals. Cash cow express!




Going to an all inclusive resort next month in Punta Cana - note to self: don’t eat the sushi. Hoping for a swift recovery!


Glad to see you're getting better (from other comments), at the very least you'll have one hell of a honeymoon story to tell :)


1. Nice ring 2. Eating sushi in places you don't really know is not always a great idea. Much like the shrimp in airplanes. I'll never forgive Lufthansa for that


That happened to me on our first anniversary trip. Three trips to the ER for meds and fluids. Had to come home early. No fun.


At least your ring is absolutely gorgeous!


You guys take role playing seriously


Sry to hit you had a spell of bad luck. Hopefully you can salvage some of it. Here is a test of faithfulness in sickness and health.


that sucks! but it's pretty memorable. celebrate next year if you don't throw up again. #barfdayreset