• By -


Sorry about your front teeth but i have to comment how awesome that xray looks. Recently i got a CBCT of my left side and it's nowhere to this level. 


This type of image is made from the volume of images taken on a CBCT. It’s a volume rendering of all the slices stacked together. From there you can manipulate the soft tissues like this image.


I presume this is done on a way better machine than mime was. I have the 3D rendered from mine but the separation of bone and soft tissue here is amazing. When i turn on the soft tissue to be visible on mine it looks like canned food without the can. 


You have to window and level the image.


I know! If your new orthodontist is investing in equipment like this, maybe you're in good hands now.


Are your bones made of fire?


So that’s why they hurt.






Cutting for the very first time


You drank the bone hurting juice


I knew there was something wrong when it was all pulp, but then I figured it was probably just in my head.


Lay off the bone hurting juice.


Ghosts of electricity howl in the bones of his face


But the visions of his x-ray have now taken his place.


This sounds like a Mystic Spiral song


You get a million points for the Daria reference.


Yet again, another great album name to go with that cover pic.


No, but his chariots are


reminds me of that nick cage movie matchstick men


My only regret is that I have boneitis.


Scorpion just wanted to have a day off and everyone has to take pictures of him


Another symptom of boneitis.


Looks like an awesome album cover, though.




> Cannibal Corpse - The Monster Inside


I'd listen to that


Cannibal Corpse - Metal Teeth Cannibal Corpse - Brace for impact


Was thinking Radiohead.


I could totally see Radiohead


Maybe even chemical toilets next venture


Looks like a b-sides & rarities album from The Bends era


New hit single by Cannibal Corpse: Fucked by Invisalign


Not enough gore- gotta get the mid-dental surgery pic 😂


Or a death album gives me the same vibes as human / individual thought patterns


I can see it being an old school Tool album


Hammer Smashed Teeth


I am on several music subs and I quite literally stopped assuming this was an album cover.


Tool cover fs


I have repeatedly said that Felonious Assault would be an awesome band name.


And a cool album title too!


Reminds me of Smash by Offspring


Oh damn that would make a sick album cover


Like a forgotten 2000’s nu metal band. Ratfist - Speculating the Pull of Gravity


[A slight case of overbite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Slight_Case_of_Overbombing)


What about this is bad? Out of curiosity


My front teeth. The overbite is so massive people on the ISS can see it.


Ahh I see now. Invisalign sucks. I’m sorry.


It’s all right, my fault. I am the person who couldn’t keep track of multiple different that bags. Medals the way to go painful as hell but it’s the way to go.


Teeth issues suck. My teeth are angled backwards slightly which means that my lower teeth have shaved away my top teeth from the back. Now my front two top teeth are slightly transparent at the end and one has chipped as its so thin. Gonna cost £3-4k to fix, which I don't have so now I try to avoid smiling with my mouth open.


Never stop smiling!


I've taken to photography, so now I'm the one taking the photos of my kids smiling rather than being in them. I make sure my teeth aren't on show for any photos, and preferably keep my lips closed anytime I smile.


Even more reason to be in those pictures. Trust me, your kids will thank you after you’re gone for solidifying memories of you.


I'm missing my mom who was so very self conscious of her smile. I wish she'd let us take more pics


I have cavities on my front teeth I didn’t deal with in my 20’s, a couple broken teeth and on empty spot that was pulled. I finally got around to getting an estimate to have it all fixed, and that’s just pulling the broken one and filling cavities. Came to about $7,000. I also try not to show teeth when smiling. If my smile gets too big when laughing I get self conscious.


Never stop using your retainers once you get finished. I did. I regret it so much!


They glued a wire across the back of my bottom teeth after they took my braces off, and it’s gonna stay there forever, so they won’t move around. It’s tiresome to floss though.


I’ve made plenty of these and always wondered how people floss with them.


I have one of those wires on the backs of my bottom teeth and I can’t floss. The wire is too close to my gums and not even the smallest of interdental brushes can fit. Waterpicks aren’t strong enough. So my bottom front teeth get flossed only twice a year when I get my teeth professionally cleaned at my dentist‘s. It sucks and it annoys me to no end but idk if it’s worth it to me to remove the wire and risk having my teeth move after braces/retainers for 5+ years.


Obviously, I would not recommend removing it, but if you bring it up to an orthodontist they might recommend getting a new one made. I’m not sure how much they would up charge you for the appliance but if you remove it you might have worse problems. I’ve had doctors request to make them out of smaller gauge wire and place them real low to prevent this issue. I’d guess yours has metal pads on the canines with a wire over the anterior teeth, you can have one made of only wire a bit smaller that is bent at to allow for easier access for flossing. The issue is the wire must be strong enough and placed correctly to make the device effective


I had the permanent wire. Had. Somehow I swallowed it. I was eating one of those corn on the cob caramel corn things (https://kathykayefoods.com/pages/caramel-cob-soft-caramel-popcorn) and when I got done I immediately realized I couldn't feel my wire. Puzzled (and thinking surely it was just because it was caked in caramel goo) - I ran to the bathroom mirror to look. It was GONE!!! I'd had a "crunchy" bit at one point and thought it was a popcorn seed. It must have been the wire. HOW could a wire like that not stand out as a wire and not something else? I have no idea. The wire must be more bendy than one assumes. No kidding, I called the nurse line for my health insurance to ask what I should do. They told me it would probably just pass and to check my poop for it. I did for a few days and it was never in there. So then I worried that it was in there getting ready to tear my insides to shreds. Eventually I sort of forgot about it. At some point in the next year, I cracked a rib and had xrays. No wire! I've also had multiple CT scans and no wire, so it must have exited at some point - thank goodness!!! For reference, I was about 15 when I got the wire on and about 37 when it came off. I don't know if they are supposed to periodically check or re-do the cementing on them or not. I still have the 2 metal squares on the backs of my teeth that held it on there. Even my current dentist was like, "Meh, they're not hurting anything by staying on there..."


When I was in my 30s I threw a fit until the dentist removed my wire. Tbf it had what felt like a pound of cement on it, because I'd be complaining for years it was rubbing my tongue raw and my previous dentists' solution was alwayd to just put more cement on it. Which made it rub more. Within a couple years my bottom teeth looked like they did before 5 years of braces.


Oh, that's sad. I had my retainers removed 4 years ago and ao far there's no issue at all. However that was after over a decade of having them.


I had a "permanent retainer" as well, I had several baby teeth extracted as a teen because they never fell out. The permanent retainer was to keep my adult teeth from shifting. Several years later, I was in full braces and night headgear, a horrible experience, that I think would have been avoided if the retainer had never been placed. I now have to use a night guard because I grind my teeth so much.


Can you explain further? Man, I want to throw those retainers to the trash bin as soon as the three mandatory years are done, and also, my future career will involve lots of talking. I thought my dentist was a freak who had used hers for 10 years straight.


Anecdotal of course, but I stopped wearing my retainer after a few months and nothing happened. It's been 16 years since and my teeth look no different.


Your orthodontist or dentist fucked up if they just gave you all of your aligners and left you to manage it. A good office will have you come back regularly for new trays and to make sure everything is running in the right direction and catch problems early.


Wrong, Invisalign does not suck - OP didn’t follow advice on the staged alignment retainers correctly, so not Invisalign’s fault at all


What did this person do to fuck things up so badly. I have Invisalign and can’t imagine it.


They fell asleep with it in for 25 years. Not sure how the overbite could drift this much... Honestly am baffled, it was probably already pronounced and OP is just scapegoating


Yeah I had invisalign and it worked out well for me. Invisalign isn't even meant for people whose teeth are more than just mildly misaligned, you'd have to royally fuck up the process to do something like this.


What about Invisalign is bad? I'm doing clear aligners right now through a different company that has very good reviews including from two adult family members, but I'm sketched out now! What can it do and what pre existing dental conditions are a risk?


Invisalign is fine. Stay away from smile direct club


They went out of business!


What others have said here: it's not Invisalign, but all of the cheaper knock off companies that existed for a little bit (until they all got sued out of existence). I went with a cheap one and wasted money and broke teeth. But now I'm with Invisalign, almost done, and it feels great. No complaints.


No clue. I go to a good Ortho and am about to finish up an 18 month treatment. I had issues I thought I had to get metal braces for. Nope. I'm on my third scan/set and they checked me out every 6 weeks


My Invisalign went just fine, fixed my open bite and helped me rediscover the magic of actually being able to take proper bites out of food. I wear my retainer at night consistently so everything is still looking good.


Is Invisaign sucking a known thing? I'm about to finish up my 1.5 year treatment and it's gone great. Is it Invisaign is bad or certain orthodontists are?


I think what sucks is that unqualified dentists with dollar signs in their eyes are administering Invisalign without appropriate training.


No, invisalign is awesome. It works and gives you freedom of being able to take them out when you need to and brush your whole mouth freely, but you need to make sure you follow your treatment plan carefully.


My experience with them was great!


It’s ok OP. My underbite is so bad I need corrective surgery involving removal of sections of my jaw.


Hey jaw surgery club! NGL it sucks but it's life changing. Wishing you a speedy recovery once you get it!


Now you can eat corn through a fence.


Keep in mind your incisors aren't really supposed to make contact with you lower front teeth. Every human has a slight overbite for that reason. Mine was gigantic as well, but invisalign fixed my bite and relieved my TMJ. It took 3 years, but it did work. Maybe patience is your issue?


i’m right there with you, not from invisalign though. finally working to get my teeth fixed but no ortho would give me braces until i got all my cavities filled. so a couple times a month all last year and a bit of the beginning of this year was spent at my dentist getting my cavities fixed. late this year/early next year i’m going to start the process of ortho


It's better than having a bone disease that killed your spine, ankles, hips, and now my mouth. I had really good teeth, but now the jaw bone is deteriorating, and 6 teeth needed pulled. Was going to get implants to but can't, so it will be denture city soon enough :(


Nooo that sucks :( hope you win this battle


After 28 surgeries, I been told no winning just minimize it as much as possible, but by the time I turn 50, I will have severe arthritis all over. I already have it in all my fused spots l1 to s1 and si joint, hips, and ankles. I was perfectly healthy up to 32, and then 33 it started, and now at 46, it's all over. I have pain managers who are helpful and a good family support system, and my wife has been the best. So, all in all, I still feel blessed. Thank you for the kind thoughts :)


Did you go to SmileDirectClub or similar? As a good orthodontist with Invisalign does great. But SmileDirectClub was straight trash


Weirdly I must be the only person smiledirectclub has worked on!


It all depends on why the teeth were messed up to begin with. I needed surgery to correct my underbite as an adult (was correctable as a teen, but not anymore)


Exactly. My teeth looked crooked, but what you couldn’t tell is that I had structural problems with my jaw. I had various orthodontia for 9 years, including 3 rounds of braces and 2 palette expanders. There’s no way Invisalign would’ve worked for me.


When I ran a dental practice, we made thousands in additional revenue *per month* fixing their problems. At one practice. After all that I’d just rather have crooked teeth than deal with them. They cost their customers a lot of money at my old practice. I’m truly happy that it worked for you though! If you need minor changes, it’s probably fine. But people who need more than minor changes are potentially in for a bad ride. I still can’t recommend them and feel good about it, but they might have improved since I was in dental (3 years ago)


I think they got sued and went under.


I’ve probably seen a dozen cases where smile direct club moved someone’s tooth completely out of the bone. This kills the tooth.


They worked great on me too!


Invisalign worked for me, but my case was mild and focused on my bottom teeth. I did develop a slight overbite, so I had to continue with corrector trays. However, my teeth weren't horrible to begin with and I was sold on it as a solution for TMJ. That was hogwash. While my teeth look more straight and symmetrical in alignment, in retrospect, I would've saved my 6k and kept my crowded bottom front teeth.


I think mine actually gave me TMJ issues…


Braces gave me TMJ issues. My teeth were totally fucked and they’re straighter now but goddamn the TMJ is bad. But I think my orthodontist rushed.


I had a few teeth pulled unevenly when I got braces, and I developed mild TMJ issues/jaw misalignment not long after I finished my treatment. I genuinely feel like there needs to be an acknowledgment or some sort of study done into the development of TMJD, because there seems to be so much anecdotal evidence of people getting it after orthodontic treatment.


I could see that. I wear mine at night now and I was a clencher before, but having them in makes me have more of an urge to clench and grind.




Looks like you're going to be in for some fun with your wisdom teeth in a few years too.


Invisalign was life changing for me. Not site how you got screwed by it. Unless your dentist was using it to do tooth rotations or other things it wasn't designed to do. Or if you weren't religiously wearing it 22-plus hours a day like you're supposed to.


I had pretty good luck with Invisalign. It was… 20 weeks total? And not a 100% resolution, it improved my overbite a ton and helped reduce the gapping in my lower teeth and so food doesn’t get lodged between my teeth so much. I get less jaw pain/fatigue now, which was a hope I had! It actually makes me thankful I didn’t have 3+years of years to braces as a teenager. This was a really easy intervention and I’m happy with the results. I still wear the nighttime retainer, but need to wear a night guard anyway and the retainers are waaaay more comfortable than that. I did go through a legit brick and mortar orthodontist and use the name brand Invisalign.


I'm about to get invisalign, what part of it did you not like / caused issues? I really hope i didn't waste my money.


Aight, currently have Invisalign and it kinda sounds like this guy didn’t do it correctly since he said he couldn’t keep track of the bags. With Invisalign, you get a bunch of trays at once and it’s on you to change them out at the same time every week/or however long they suggest. Mine are all in the bag they gave them to me in, and I keep track of what tray I’m on using the Invisalign app that reminds you when to change and what tray you’re changing to. Just put them in a place you’ll remember and you should be fine. I’m someone who loses everything and I’ve had no issues. Braces are definitely the easier route to go but I’m happy with Invisalign so far and I’ve been doing it since January.


My daughter finished up a few months ago, and we didn't have any issues. The trays have dates on them, so we weren't confused. We also went in once a month for a checkup, and they would have let us know if there were issues. User error?


I guess it really depends on how bad your teeth are to start off with. I had Invisalign and had no issues, worked great and didn’t take too long either. About the many bags of the liners to keep track of, iirc the date that you need to switch to the next one is on the bag, so if you struggle with remembering maybe using a reminder app would help


Invisalign actually has its own app which will remind you when to change aligners


Also, braces hurt like hell the same way Invisalign does. I had braces and had to have both springs to separate my teeth, and power chains to close my gaps and ugh those sucks so badly. The wire would also constantly poke into my cheek, there’s no way in hell I’d do braces again. Brushing your teeth is also so much harder imo. You’re moving your teeth, it’s gonna hurt. Take a painkiller before your tray change and you should be fine. And the pain isn’t unbearable imo. Just super sore.


Man couldn't keep track of numbered bags he said. Get the app and it tells you when to change and what tray to change to. It's extremely simple. Also pro tip, put in your new trays right before bed instead of during the day. They're gonna hurt the most the first day so best to get it out of the way as much as possible while asleep.


I had used Invisalign and didn't have any problems, I had direct contact with my dentist so usually every week or two I would take a photo of my teeth with the Invisalign on and off so he can inform me if I can go to the next tray or keep using it until the next week. Now my bite is much better and I don't have tmj problema anymore and my teeth don't grind as much at night compared to before.


My teeth has never looked better and I’m almost done w Invisalign. Cannot recommend it more but I know it depends on the orthodontist a lot!


There's a scandal about Invisalign in Sweden right now! A lot of dentist weren't at all qualified to prescribe and track it and it's led to people's teeth literally moving outside their jaws!!


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) reading this comment section as an orthodontist. public perceptions and “knowledge” are wild


What are your thoughts and opinions?




Tell her she’s incredible at her job for me. Metal is the way to go


I'm so sorry this happened to you :( I'm glad metal isn't bothering you! I had metal braces for almost 3 years, I really didn't mind them at all. Never broke a bracket. Use wax if you need it to prevent poking from rogue wires between appointments. Good luck! Your teeth will feel so slippery once they're off 😂


I got scammed into doing Invisalign by a dentist. When I finished my trays, she said they couldn't fix my extreme overjet. Only can make it straight. (They should've mentioned that BEFORE I started my treatment.) Had to go to an Ortho and get braces. I had to pay for both Invisalign and braces btw....


This is what pisses me off about Invisalign.. I went through training to do Invisalign because I thought it would be a benefit to my practice as a general dentist. The majority of the training was about how to “sell” Invisalign to my patients. I was uncomfortable with that. I refer to orthodontists for this because I don’t feel that I was properly trained to do it.


What would she recommend, as I need mine straightened and then fixed?


Depending on what you need fixing, you may need to fix them before you begin straightening. I personally prefer fixed braces (metal) and have seen better results with them when working in ortho practices, and the aesthetic isn't actually that bad. They're just a bit more annoying to clean, but you're not worrying about not hitting the wear time goal during the day when cleaning your teeth. So if you have a lazy day, the braces are still working whereas if you forget to put aligners in that will set you back. I had braces 14 years ago and I still miss having them!


My teeth were super fucked but Invisalign worked great. Took longer than braces would have but still worked


You are correct but that link is for retainers, not aligners. They don’t promise any aligning, it just replaces a lost retainer assuming your teeth have not shifted much.


I went with invisalign and it corrected my moderate crossite + open bite and took about 18 months. Had check-ins with my orthodontist every 10 weeks and received a second scan and sets after the first year at no additional cost. Not sure what you mean by mild cases, but you're spreading blatant misinformation based on anecdotal evidence. Also your wife is a dentist, not an orthodontist, and I would recommend people exclusively use an experienced orthodontist clinic when pursuing invisalign. Several close relatives had Invisalign with varying malocclusions and had great experiences as well. It isn't for everyone, especially for more severe cases, but it's vastly easier to live with than alternatives, especially for adults. Also when your orthodontist gives you strict instructions on dental hygiene and proper use, you need to follow their exact instructions for the entire duration of the plan.


https://preview.redd.it/2viyt05c6u7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e02cc54d5a19680a4dbedfc6d387efa9f7d03b8 At least you don’t have a wisdom tooth lodged near your sinus cavity like me!


It sucks your tooth decided to go on a side quest


Hey, dental student from Switzerland here! I hope that some people will see this comment. It's about the use of CBCT (3D X-ray) in dentistry. The fact that someone gets a 3D X-ray of the entire facial skull from their dentist because of the position of their front teeth is completely exaggerated. We will soon be glowing green in the dark because of all the unnecessary 3D X-rays. If you go to the dentist, whether it's an orthodontist or a normal dentist, always ask if there are any smaller x-rays available to answer the questions for the treatment. With a CBTC, we receive a dose of 212-1000 µSv, although in this example we are much closer to 1000 µSv than 212 µSv. The doctrine in Switzerland and most EU countries is that for orthodontic treatment a cephalometric x-ray is sufficient in almost all cases (and this is also the case here). With this X-ray technique, the average dose is less than 5 µSv.


Is this a real danger? My dentist and orthodontist and surgeon all make x-rays of my jaws. I think they are the simpeler kinds. Is that something that can be harmful for my health in the long run?


Hi, Yes, there are indeed concerns regarding radiation exposure from medical imaging, including dental X-rays. It's important that you are aware of these potential risks. The radiation dose varies significantly depending on the type of X-ray. A CBCT (3D X-ray) has a radiation dose ranging from 212 to 1000 µSv, with the dose often closer to 1000 µSv. In comparison, a simple cephalometric X-ray has an average dose of less than 5 µSv. The health risks from X-ray radiation are largely stochastic in nature. This means that the probability of a health effect (such as tumors and cancer) occurring increases with the dose, but there is no specific threshold at which the effects appear. The risk is proportional to the cumulative dose. \[for more information\](https://blog.dana-farber.org/insight/2019/01/can-xrays-cause-cancer/) The general principle is to keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) to minimize these stochastic effects. For you, the risk of developing a condition has only minimally changed, but when considering an entire population, it becomes relevant. I do not intend to cause fear or advocate against the use of X-rays. To give you a better perspective: The natural background radiation we are exposed to annually is about 2400 µSv. A single CBCT scan thus corresponds to about a third to almost half of the annual dose of this natural radiation. It's important to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. If smaller, less intensive X-rays are sufficient for diagnosis and treatment, they should be preferred. Always discuss with your dentist the necessity and possible alternatives. Overall, the radiation doses from dental X-rays are generally low, and the benefits they provide for diagnosis and treatment usually outweigh the risks. However, it is wise to be informed and cautious and to always choose the lowest necessary radiation dose. I hope this information helps!


They gave you invisalign without pulling those wisdom teeth first? Modern orthodontia seems to be very much a your-milage-may-vary situation.


Wisdom teeth don't affect it unless they're trying to pull the molars back into the space that the wisdom teeth would sit into, and no one tries to move them backwards like that. So they don't actually need to have their wisdom teeth removed just for orthodontics. And no, wisdom teeth don't move the other teeth, teeth naturally move towards the front with midline drift which is part of why you have to wear retainers for the rest of your life after ortho.


this guy gets it (we do move teeth back into those spaces sometimes, though)


Extreme overbite sucks, I got braces at a kid and it didn’t do much at all to help. I hope it works for you


I had an extreme overbite as well but wasn't so lucky with getting braces until I was an adult. I'm 36 years old and am just a few months away from getting them off!


I have the same problem and wisdom teeth to remove. To bad dental work like this costs thousands of dollars that will put the average person in debt without expensive, additional dental coverage ON TOP of their regular health insurance.


I worked as a dental lab tech for 9 1/2 years. I had to make models of people's teeth from impressions given to us by the dentist. I made at least 24 a day. Quick math says I saw around 60,000 different sets of teeth. Yours is not bad, believe me


Man I hate having those impressions done


I’ve only been a dental technician for about a year. I had to go to the comments to find what was wrong. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/gdiucd1l5v7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12a7edc5a0b941263fc66dc45d451f08b73629c Sharing to help ya feel better. Been missing my top left since 13 due to biting down on a sucker. Bottom left due to an abscess that couldn’t be taken care of until it became an emergency & put me into credit debt. Bottom right due to another ill-timed abscess during a snow storm. All the shiny parts? Those are filled cavities. Just got my 4 wisdom teeth knocked out at 27 because I am on employer insurance. Sucks to have been a kid that did not have a parent educated enough on dental care to spread wisdom. Took my health into my own hands at 22 when I could afford a $40 dental insurance payment. I’m just now finally experiencing what NOT having tooth pain feels like.




Not a train wreck. Molars are in a normal Class I occlusion. Tooth forms are all normal. Third molars present so person is 18-30 yrs old. ;Front teeth excessively proclined, lower anteriors slighly over-erupted. I'd suggest there's a TMJ mild antero-lateral disc displacement but we can't see the condyle in this view because this is a mid-saggital cut. I think orthodontics is indicated with probable expansion of the lower arch to accomodate uprighting upper anteriors. Molars are in good occlusion and this is the main indicator of normal jaw development in childhood. I'd suggest an MRI to have a better understanding of the condyle/disc relation. Also, get those wisdom teeth out before the ortho!


Wanna explain why, or are we all supposed to be dental x-ray experts?


Beverly D'Angelo has an overbite, and she's cute!


I thought this was an album cover at first.


Your discs look fucked too. Did you really get hit by a train?


No. I did not get hit


Jim Carrey will play you in the movie


I needed that laugh thank you


Yours look so fuckin normal compared to my canine jumble


I'm sorry for your condition, although it can be corrected. I was a mess throughout middle school. I literally had to have my entire jaw restructured, multiple surgical corrections, and braces for 3 a half yrs. I cried my junior yr of high school when my braces finally came off. Hopefully, they have better technics since the 90s. At least your teeth appear mostly straight. Good luck on your journey.


Thank you soldier


Prof.Frink from the Simpsons.


OP what symptoms were you having? i’ve had some bad jaw/tmj after invisalign and am scared if i go back in they’re gonna try and charge me a shit ton to fix their screw up


You need to get that seen to urgently. If you catch jaw issues early, they can be corrected. If you don't, it may get worse. And it can get very bad. Mine got dislocated by a fall, then over a period of months I slowly broke my own jaws. My jaw is misaligned visibly, I wreck my own teeth, I have constant pain, tinnitus, arthritis and nerve damage...it's unpleasant and it's for life. And that's not even going near the horrible surgeries, that have to be repeated and take 6 months to recover from, that I will have to get it if I'm not careful. All I did was fall once. Please take jaw issues seriously, see your dentist. Your jaw is VERY strong and any misalignment can be hazardous.


Did you wear your trays the required 22 hours a day? How many set of trays did you have? What did it look like when you started?


OP is the human equivalent of a pug


And I will take that with pride because pugs are fucking adorable


Yeah they are! Pug Tax https://preview.redd.it/e5lmk3rwmt7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0bced153b51e02206773938126e50fb7a04031


What’s wrong with them they look fine to me


I mean the front ones are kinda pushed out a little but that’s it


I don’t wanna hear it. My teeth are way worse


Your skeleton looks devious, my man. I can practically hear it going "Nyeh heh heh!"


Bro your skeleton is on fire!🔥


Hello Ghost Rider


Sounds like a weed strain haha


Freddie Mercury?


Somehow I initially read that as if you were actually hit by a train...


Ghost Rider is that you!?


i like your skull


You gotta good strong profile at least!


If it makes you feel better at 32 in in the process of getting them all removed and dentures, once the 17 infections are gone lol


I feel like your chin would crack skulls


I am a weapon


I had two very horrible orthodontists. They took off a ton of enamel when they readjusted and took off the brackets. My jaw is on a lot of pain right now too. In my opinion most of the dentists and orthodontists I met were fucking horrible. I do Uber. I had one lady in the car who talked to her friend on her phone. Her conversation revolved around their shared clinic where they work as assistants. One of the things she said is “ive worked and been at a ton of dentists offices. I’ve only met one good dentist in my career. And I’ve been doing this a long time


are you british and on family guy by any chance


I wish


Just a heads up, I experienced pretty bad root resorption during my braces at 30. The orthodontist didn't say anything to me about that happening and I have some roots that are half the size of its related crown that occurred during my treatment, so please make sure to talk to them about this so you're not in them for long periods of time. My orthodontist kept making corrections that caused other issues. I spent a pretty penny and still realized too late I should have gone elsewhere for treatment.


Freddy Mercury?


Freddy Mercury?


Is OP British?


Too bad your alignment isn’t invisible


Pretty sure that’s the state of Arizona




I'm more concerned about your orange bones my guy.


https://preview.redd.it/gj6mjvo42v7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907ecec389f5ea62cc83a2eb8da82c649a6883b8 These are damn near the same image, you should sue


I didn't even notice your overbite until I read the comments. I was too busy admiring your perfect nose!


I had braces as a teenager but haven't had them for years now. Yes, my teeth could be better (overbite and gaps), but I have no interest and no will to do it again.


“Next we’re going to show you a render of what we think it would look like if your skeleton was made of fire.”


When you say they fucked you over (looks at my invisiline braces), what do you mean? Do they not work as advertised or?




Fredy, is that you?


Did the Invisalign give you that much overjet?


‘Ello Guvna, ‘ave a cuppa