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It’s hard for me to believe a sane coherent person did this.




100% I was baffled trying to imagine someone normal doing this? They make 45s and 90s for a reason just go around? However, I’ve also done speed and cocaine. I could imagine being all fired up, teeth grinding like fuck, and just smashing right through that bitch 😭


That is a refreshingly honest take


I bet being that geeked. Smashing thru a wall would make me feel like the hulk.


I'm too fat to feel like the hulk, I'd probably feel more like the Kool-aid Man.


In the same boat with carrying the extra chunk. When I'm smashing shit, I like to think of myself as his lesser known flabby cousin The Incredible Bulk.


The Incredible Chunk.


And do you listen to Jesus playing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd while he wears a tuxedo t-shirt?


The Blob


Oh yeah!


Coke really does like to cement the first idea that pops in your head


Lends itself to tunnel vision on "how do we make this work with what we got" with no consideration of just getting a few additional parts that would make it work.


Thank you, you actually just made me realize why most business people can be successfully incoherent most of the time. You can’t tell them no lol


Like if it was some amateur job like I've experienced fixing my Dad's shit I could kind of understand it without the meth, but if you actually paid some "professional" to do this other than meth I don't know how this is possible...prions?


In the nobody will look category


This is one of the best things I've ever read.


Either that or upset with the house owner, I’ve seen some fun work done by upset tradesmen. I was working on a shutdown at an oil refinery and hear my site supervisor just lose his shit laughing for like a solid 10 minutes. He stops our entire crew and has a meeting just because he found it so funny and wanted to share the story. Apparently on the site next to ours a crew had been laid off without reason but still contractually had to finish the job they were on so the entire crew ignored their drawings and just started randomly welding pipes to each other. The new crew came in and done an initial site inspection and about 700m of pipe work looked to be in the right place until he looked closer and found it just does a full circle of the site then joins back to the start again.


That's honestly a pretty reasonable answer, because this entirely looks like people who can plumb a bit but have no concept of adaptation or nuance other than how can we make it work with what we have and not just get a couple fucking 90 degree elbows.


They wanted to get the job done as fast as possible so they could go home and do more meth.


You can just smoke meth in the truck tho I don't see the rush 🤨




Meth-ods of mass destruction


they be hitten' pipes and then hitten' hammers


“Theres drugs in them there walls!“


Meth plus dynamite?


LOL A methed up AC guy stomped two holes in our ceiling. Then he asked me to make him some sweet tea.


Or Kool-Aid


This is what I was thinking too.... busting through that wall while being in that crawlspace is TOTALLY FUCKING HARD to do


You've never worked in construction if you don't believe that one trade would create days of unnecessary work for another discipline to save themselves a two hour round trip to go get the right parts or tools.


Here in Chile we had worse not long ago, a woman made a hole in a structural wall on the 4 floor of a, I belive, 16 floor building compormising the safety of the whole construction, was sued, the fix was deemed to cost around 60k usd https://preview.redd.it/1qnjgc0rut8d1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131a9352700c63f20f8fc3e55420c4b855f5213c


For what purpose?


she wanted to extend the kitchen and close part of the balcony. or something on those lines, the news outletes weren't very specific on that line.


Looks like it became her garbage hole.


lol I can 100% picture an elderly relative doing this then refusing to back down even when structural integrity was slowly explained to them


How many plumbers do you hang around with?


I feel like this is a trick question. But I personally know about 20 and hang out with about 3-4 of them


Out of the 20, how many are sane and competent?


That’s not a fair question, we’re in the US military 😂


So when they leave the military, they magically become sane and competent? Not plumbers!


Lmao no…never said that. I have dealt with a handful of plumbers as a home owner and they weren’t terrible


As a tradesman myself if you say over 50% I’ll know you’re lying


Throw sober in there, and that really throws a monkey wrench in everything!


Its oxymoron, right


My dad's best friend is a plumber and I've worked with him and his crew a lot during summer holidays and such, all great people, sometimes the occasional brick. I think this here is a special case of "fuck it he will never notice and I'm off to the dispensary/bar/pipe/needle quicker.


It's a good thing they made sure to use a licensed and bonded contractor for the job! ...right? Right???


Look buddy...Skeeter is a professional...


A professional what?


Look it's not his fault he saw concrete and thought he could get some free rock...nobody recommends his lifestyle but you don't have to be rude about it.


At least be afraid of the house crashing down on you.




You should have hired the electrician to install the gate


Not too uncommon. Watch any home building/remodel show and you'll see stuff like this all the time.


I’m not a plumber, but that seems like so much more work than going around no? A fucking elbow and some glue?


They didn’t have the elbows in the truck.


They had a sledgehammer


When all you have is a sledgehammer, all problems look like load-bearing cement walls.


This is an underrated, yet load-bearing comment!


I laughed way too hard at this


This needs to be in a T-shirt or something. 😂


And a thirst for destruction


It was 1:30pm on a Friday too.


I'm pretty sure provided you had more then those exact lengths of pipe you could've gone around with the parts used in that picture.


New company initiative: Your bonus is based on how many feet of pipe you save per job, so here's a jackhammer.


I mean seriously… he had to crawl under there with a 60lb tool and fucking bust that shit out


I am also astonished at the level of effort they put into doing that completely wrong.


Human sees load bearing wall: think I'll go around that Hulk: smash


Without a care in the world, not like a house could fall on him or anything.


I know your joking, but this sounds like something my boss would have us do running conduit. I remember one time we needed to put up a bunch of supports and he gave us like 1/10th of the bolts we needed and said, "just make it look like it's supported, this is cutting into my bonus." This was also inside of a plant. Dude made an insane amount of money in bonuses and paid all of his employees really poorly.


And you didn't report his ass?


Found the ex-Boeing employee


That doesn't make any sense... They make money off every and any part they buy. The pricing is (cost)x2+50. And thats for every elbow, pipe, and glue they buy for a job.


It's a joke.


That was my exact thought like why the fuck wouldn’t they just run a couple elbows and some glue. Hell a damn dryer vent duct pipe and some duct tape would have been better then this janky, not even half assed work. The strapping job they did to hold it up looks atrocious as well. Ray Charles could have done a better job installing this.


It's clear that they missed their aim and put that 4x2 combo in first. By the time they got the 2" branch there, it was too late to move the combo easily. That's not a justification, just how I could see it going down.


They probably needed grade


Now I’m not a plumber or contractor by any stretch, but I do believe I could do better.


I think my 4 year old could do better. This is scary. One bad day of weather and the house goes bye bye.


I could at least do as bad.


If this is from your home inspection, run like hell, if this is your house and those plumbers where just there get an attorney the fix is on them and will be expensive, if this is a flip then it seems about right.


We are a construction company that does property assessments, it's not the first time we have run into something like this.


Is it possible to track down the plumbers and hold them accountable?


This is why "licensed and bonded" is important. Not only for them to claim that, but for you to go online and google theirs. Otherwise, you're basically just capable of suing them, unless they are actively breaking the law, you could be shit out of luck for hiring them. But hopefully your insurance would cover it... Bonded means they have put up money to cover this sort of event. (usually its insurance they've pre-paid afaik)


This is only helpful with legit businesses that are trying to stay in business. We had "bad" plumbing done from a licensed/bonded company and it didnt help us at all.


Bonded means there's money to go after if you sue them, even if they go out of business.


The bond is almost always a pretty comically low amount of money. The bond in CA is $25k. And that just got raised in 2023. And if you know anything about the cost of construction here 25k isn't fixing much.


That's the minimum required by law. If they're asking for more than that much money to do the work, you can reasonably ask them to increase the bond to cover it. You can also require them to have liability insurance.


Did you speak directly with their bond’s surety company? The contractor’s desire to stay in business doesn’t matter if he had an active bond while working in your project. Surety company pays and collecting from the contractor is their problem.


It's been a number of years and my spouse did part of the work so it's hazy. If I remember correctly, it was a good company that went bad. When they did the work for us is when they were on their downhill slide. We had problems with their work not being done to code and called and they were out of business. Someone had bought the contracts and employees, but the old company was bankrupted. Contacted the state, etc., but all that was available to us was $600. Like I said, it's been a number of years and I didn't handle all of it, but we brought in attorneys as well. We didn't pursue it in court though.


I’d upvote this 500 times if I could.


I'm guessing they're not licensed or insured so even if you find them you'll never get any money out of them because all of their money goes to meth or fentanyl


They just declare bankruptcy, close down, and open a new business under their spouses name anyway.


Bold of you to assume they're actually a real business and not just some dude on Facebook doing work under the table in cash.


We call this “chuck in a truck”


What if it was Dan with a Van?


in Australia, is he 'Newt in a Ute'?


Don’t know but in UK it’s Rory in a lorry.


Sometimes its Harvey with an RV. And he lives where he works.


I made a mistake once, hired an unknown company to sand/repaint my deck. Two days work he said. First he shows up, brings the tools and then disappears. Some other dude shows up 3-4 hrs later, sands half of it then disappears around 2PM. I called the guy the 2nd day at 10AM after no one shows up at 8AM. He has no clue why and sends someone else. This dude shows up but says he’ll just finish sanding. He vanishes after done and on the third day the first guy shows up and does the worst paint job ever. And once I gave him the check he asks if I can leave a positive review on Angies or something. Like wtf bro. The audacity….


Bold of him to also assume this plumbers brain functions enough to get married and/or start an LLC.


I said this elsewhere, but this is why you check the bonded status of your contractor before they do work. Bonded means - they've put up money (or insurance) already with a regulated body in your area to cover this sort of damage.


If you are in Nothern VA, how do you check for that?


Ask the contractor for the bonded license number or name that will appear on their estimate or contract. If they're not legit they will run away from your knowledge. If they give you something, call or email the DPOR and provide the info and you'll get what you need. Just Google dpor Virginia.


I mean, I'm a plumber, and the actual plumbing work here is acceptable - I'd rate it 'not bad". But for some godforsaken reason, they put in that 4x2 combo at a really dumb spot. How they decided smashing the cinder block was the way to go? That one I can't figure. So, yeah, probably a meth addict.


I dont think thats a cinder block. Thats poured concrete, structural foundation of the house


You are definitely correct. My bad.


And you are correct in that a meth addict probably did the smashing


Right? Why not just pipe right around the support? It would have been easier.


That’s assuming you brought enough pipe


> smashing the cinder block Looks like solid poured cement to me.


agree it just looks like cinderblock because of the formwork impressions


You are correct. I misspoke.


no worries!


Bust through the cinder block for it to end back up on the original side.


Woah woah woah, some of those guys are just good ole fashion chain smoking alcoholics


Why not both?


Plumber was my buddy Greg, we did it last weekend while drinking.


In your opinion as a construction company assessment guy, are people always this stupid?


Head of a commercial construction estimating department here; we selectively do some residential work for commercial clients' personal homes. I have a residential design-build renovation im finalizing this week for $800k, adding a second floor to a home and full reno on the first floor. Home was bought 14 months ago for $925k, home was originally built in the 1920's and is in a very posh area in the center of a relatively HCOL city. See some stupid shit in commercial, but not as much as I do in residential. Homeowners typically want the cheapest option, and that means hiring the likely unlicensed guy who gets his labor pool from the home depot parking lot. Vet your general contractor and ask him to provide a list of his subcontractors


> Homeowners typically want the cheapest option, and that means hiring the likely unlicensed guy who gets his labor pool from the home depot parking lot. Homeowners often don't know that the plumber didn't have to do what they did. I have witnessed plumbers taking out way more than they need or not spending a little more time doing it right or missing the bid and cutting their losses. From my observation, homeowners typically hire licensed plumbers and expect them to do the needful and learn the hard way they need more than a plumber. I should add that this particular mess doesn't look like a plumber was involved. They usually at least get the pipes done right.


You are correct as well. Homeowners do tend to be more ignorant than commercial customers and can easily fall victim to crews willing to cut corners. That's why you vet your contractor and get references. Also, read your proposal and think about what level of customer service you want to receive. For my $800k residential, I've got around $85k in there just as the project super. It'll be an at least 11 month job and the customers lender requires full time, on site supervision throughout the duration of the project as a condition of the loan.


people are not stupid, they just want the money and don't care.


I assure you it’s both


Greedy then


If this really is the same person, they go by AlphaStructural over on Imgur and post weekly digests about stuff they have seen during their inspections and it is usually pretty horrifying.


So the question is was this recent?? Cause what the fuck?


It looks like it was done a while ago.  I would guess during the early 2000's real estate boom.  There were a lot of inexperienced people renovating homes.   You can tell it's old by how smooth the concrete is where it was knocked out.  Concrete will have sharp edges on new defects or active defects.   I wouldn't imagine too much of an issue with it.  The joists above are singels, so there are not walls or load supports above.  Probably open floor.  Again, the smooth concrete indicates that there's no movement of the sill plate.  The sill plate wood is also in excellent condition.  No cracking or loss of wood.   As an inspector, I would definitely write it up as a defect.  However, I wouldn't call it critical or safety hazard.  There's some allowance of cutting through foundation walls for utilities.  This is a horrible job, but the gap looks like it's less than a foot, and not under any load.


Maybe I'm just biased be some of the shit I've seen on houses I bought, but this doesn't look so bad. This doesn't look front page of reddit bad. It looks like $500 for an engineer bad, and $1,000 to fix bad.


JFC. ..Thats gotta make the highlight reel at the office Christmas party.


As a structural engineer , I can assure you that plumbers are the number one enemy to building structures


Shit plumbers, yeah. We're not all like this.


The number of times I've seen floor joists cut completely thru to accommodate plumbing is mind boggling.


>home inspection mine missed leaking walls (visible stains), knob and tube wiring, lead pipes but found a missing railing. Good use of 500$


What state?  A lot of states don't require home inspectors to be licensed and certified.  Was the inspector recommended by the realtor?  They will always recommend inspectors that do just enough over inspectors that will "kill" the deal.  I was a home inspector before covid and realtors hated me.  I took 4 hours to inspect small homes.


South Canuckistan. Yes he was. Sigh... I should have done what I wanted and bought a FLIR camera over this profane expense. Oh the inspection did take 4 hours! He documented every iota of useless shit.


Mine was very expensive and gave me many infrared photos of my oven burners and almost nothing on my plumbing, foundation, and mice colony. 


It looks like it was done a while ago. I would guess during the early 2000's real estate boom. There were a lot of inexperienced people renovating homes.   You can tell it's old by how smooth the concrete is where it was knocked out. Concrete will have sharp edges on new defects or active defects.   I wouldn't imagine too much of an issue with it. The joists above are singels and the holes between them, so there are not walls or load supports above. Probably open floor above. Again, the smooth concrete indicates that there's no movement of the foundation. The sill plate wood is also in excellent condition. No cracking or loss of wood.   It looks way worse than it is.  You'd be better off spending the money to encapsulating the crawlspace rather than repairing this issue.


Y’all are crazy. Yes plumber is an idiot but insert a $150 steel post and you’re done.


Another redditor would be willing to trade some nice support logs for that post.


Came here to offer up some random tree branches I found.


Yeah is a shit job, but its an easy fix ( not that im saying the owner or whoever the contractor is has to do it), gotta be firm and hold payment till the plumber fix it.




This work couldn't have been done by a licensed and bonded plumber.




Was your plumber named Mario, by chance? Dude loves smashing bricks.


Can confirm, my name's brick.


Brick Tamland?


Where'd he get that hand grenade?


I believe this looks more like the work of a certain Kool aid man


I’m an architect, u can sue


I’m named sue, you can me.


I am me. You can you.


You are you. Me am too.


No, I am Yu. He is Mi.


One of my favorite Rush Hour scenes lolol


Yeah c'mon...push the button.


El loco poco


Duh yoaw nuh undastan da woods combin owa muh moth?


Something something that guys dead wife.


Architect? Ask an engineer.


Structural engineer here, can confirm this is fucked. My boss always said the plumber is the most dangerous guy on site because he has tools to fuck up ANYTHING.


Not repairable need new


Just get a car jack and some cinder blocks you'll b alright


Couple jack posts might be prudent in the mean time.


Roughly, how much would it cost to fix something like this?


$10,000+ for the engineer and the foundation re-work. $2000+ for the plumbing rework Complete ballpark estimate


Am I missing something here? It wouldn't cost $10k to throw some props in to keep things from collapsing while you pour back in the missing concrete. It looks unreinforced but even if you did the whole shebang with dowels and bonding agent I have trouble imagining this costing half that much.


For what it's worth google says foundation repair in general is typically around $2,250 and $8,600, so at least seems like the right ball park.


The other guy's quote for $10k is insane. There was already a gap in the foundation for access to the crawlspace, a bit of damage on either side of it will not cost that much to repair and is not an urgent structural issue. Have a plumber fix those pipes then get under there, support the joist with a jack, cut out the damaged pieces, reinforce and build a form, pour, let set, remove jack. Maybe $5k total if you have all the work done professionally. Plumber would probably charge you more than the concrete guy.


I’d imagine the concrete dudes are throwing out “fuck that” estimates


Even just stacking concrete blocks is fine. A foundation repair specialist might build an under framing with girders and 4 to 6 concrete block piers. No one should really need to tear anything out though. They might pour some new footers depending on the load specifications but most likely they just use cap block or precast composite footers.


Holeee fuk, that’s insane.


The bricks under the pipe are Wi Tu Lo.


A little redirection of the pipe wasn't there enough space already below the wooden beam. A core cutter would have been an alternative.


That wasn't done by a real plumber proof; no coffee cups or Dunkin bags any where


Found the fellow New Englander


Call me silly, but I don’t think they were licensed. This seems like a “I know a guy that can do it cheaper” situation.


You only need to know two things to be a plumber, and structural integrity of block foundations ain’t one of them! Water runs down hill and lunch is at 12 btw.


Wow what assholes


You want good pipes or you want a house your choice


Nailed it


"I know a guy who can do it cheaper" energy.


Who did they hire? Mario and Luigi?




That's tradesmen for you. If you get a builder in to put the support back they probably cut through the pipe and rebuild the support.


He created a problem. You have to deal with it sue him.


Yeah, those were not plumbers in the classical sense.




I swear someone had a piece of pip strapping they folded up like an accordion… then decided… “damn! I need that!” And unfolded it to use to hold that pipe up.


Seems like a pretty good reason to sue someone.


Sounds like someone is going to be paying their commercial liability deductible soon.


Guess the plumbing company is on the hook for whatever it takes to make the repairs to restore the structural integrity of the building




Have them arrested and sent to prison, where they will be murdered immediately.


Holy shit, that second picture


Sucks for the plumbers. Those repairs are gonna be expensive AF. Either that or the lawsuit will be if they try to dodge responsibility.


And they now owe you the repairs done by a qualified contractor


That's messed up. I hope the plumber has liability insurance, I see a claim coming.


Somebody just got a new demo hammer and was looking for an excuse to use it.