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solved. I tried opening the door with enough force that it pushed the washer backward enough for a small Thai man to squeeze through the larger gap and shut the washer door. then I shoved the washer back farther and rotated it slightly so that the problem won’t happen again but while standing up I nailed my head on the AC above the washer and now it’s bleeding so I guess that’s 2 things that suck today… edit: in thailand it’s common to have the washer on the balcony because it reduces noise inside your (probably not huge) apartment, because drains are standard on balconies so used water has a place to go, and because most ppl don’t use dryers and hang dry their clothes on balcony right next to the washer


You're great David


He is great. He did a great job. Great job David.


Great Job David!


But how is the small Thai man? Isn't he great too?


Now’s not the Thai-m to think about that!


He is the greatest


Is he like the Asian Woodhouse?


As a David, I will pretend some of that praise were aimed at me too (:


You're a great David. At least compared to the bad David's.


You're great too, David! I hope you're having a fantastic day!


Aww, thanks a lot! Wish you the best of days!


Now he has to figure out how to get out of Thailand 


And what to do with the small Thai man on his balcony.


Our man in Thailand;


Never gets stuck in a washing machine.


and with no step siblings, it was told that he died waiting to be freed…


It would be step spiderman with that level of access.


Hahaha! That is some top tier commenting.. (has the Spider-man theme song playing in my head now)


Now, write down the notes in your head, and then send the script off to a p0rn producer! There's A LOT of angles and potential scenes, and they all involve sticky stuff being shot about the place. For example: David's GF gets her head stuck in the machine, and the washing machine door holds the door closed to the balcony, and he calls step spiderman. Step spiderman appears and helps the stuck victim, AFTER helping himself to the stuck victim. It writes itself.


Everyone gets one!


... what are you doing stepDavid




Have you come to stand in the shadow of DAVID THE GREAT?


that's nice


Does it work with any small Thai man or just your specific small Thai man Would it work with a small German man instead


German man wouldn't work because door is either open or Closed


Did you just Schrodinger's gap the German? Amuni!


It's the opposite..they used open or closed, not open and closed




Quick how many small german men does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one. They are remarkable efficient and not very funny.


Where'd you find a small Thai Man?


I went down to the lobby and complained to the administration that my balcony door is stuck. he came up, shoved his whole shoulder in the gap (I could only get my hand in) and started whacking the washer door with a broom (no it wasn’t ever going to work) for the next 20 minutes until I realized I could just force the washer back with the door a bit


Do they keep the small Thai man with a broom just for tenants who lock their balconies with a washing machine, or can he do other stuff as well?


“Other **stuff**,” like making references to the farming life, and helping lift heavy objects without complaint.


He’s in a box on the wall behind a glass pane. There’s another small Thai fellow with a hammer to break him out if he’s needed.


Asking the important questions. We must know more about this Thai Man


you literally just signed out a small angry thai man from the front desk? 0_o



Wayfair. Order the blue sectional couch for $45,000.


dont bother searching amazon. all i found was small brazillian men


How many is a brazillian?


Are you by any chance the small Thai man?


I wish. save a lot of money on food bill and can fit into tight spaces


My husband is a small Thai man. He's either cooking, eating, or thinking about cooking or eating. How he eats so much and stays so slim is beyond my comprehension.


Legit is a mystery. I went to dinner with about 6 of my Thai friends (in Thailand). I ate what I would consider a 'normal' amount; an hour later they were still eating. Afterwards one of them came up to me and was like "Don't worry, we won't go there again. I know you didn't like the food". Bitch, I *liked* the food. I like it for 40 minutes! The next hour and a half were watching you all stuff yourselves endlessly with enough food to power a small army. How are you all thin?!


That's sweet that they noticed you stopped eating and thought you'd like a different place better, but it's just so funny that they didn't just think you might be full.


The large western man requires copious amounts of slop to fuel his lifestyle. Refusing obviously delicious food after only 40 minutes of feasting indicates a distaste for the venue.


Sounds like an interesting sitcom lol. Tell him hi.


Asian genes I think


Also Asian jeans


I have a sister like that (she’s not a small Thai man, the eating and never gaining weight thing). I look at a cake and put on weight.


lol, Thailand is cheap compared to where I live


I want a small Thai man


On a lot of those machines, you can change which side the door hinge is on. It's usually pretty simple too. Then you wouldn't have to worry about that happening ever again.


Usually you can on the dryer but not the washer.


Just move to the other side of the building. Easy fix.


You can switch the door so it hinges on the other side.


Doesn't look like this one is flipable, with the latch plate molded into the washer.


Yeah just tried to look this model up and found nothing in the manual about flipping the door


Careful. This has Final Destination vibes all over it.


You can't tell a hero by his size. I'm just a teeny little Thai guy.


That really does suck. I am impressed you managed this. Some times these types of doors can be removed by lifting them up and out. A real bear but something someone might want to know.


This looked exactly like my condo in Bangkok, is this around Ratchathewi?


300 feet of rope, harness and a grigri.




Or pay a rope access guy far too much to do exactly the same thing.


Grigri 😞


> a grigri. I feel old. When I was into climbing (90s), we usually only had 8s. I did use a grigri a few times, and by design it's obviously safer, but I hated it. No feeling when abseiling.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen a washing machine on a balcony. Edit: TIL many people have washing machines on their balcony. I’m in the U.K. and work in lots of people’s houses/flats/apartments and have never seen a washing machine on the balcony.




I love that your response is so concise. No explanation other than location. thailand


It’s extremly common in all of SE Asia. Mine is on my balcony as well.


How does it work with rain? Doesn't the water get into the electronics and destroy the machine?


No, there is a roof. It is rainy season right now and it does sometimes rain very heavy and blow inward but in the almost 20 years I have lived here, having my washer on a balcony never was an issue. Downstairs behind the building they have massive washers and dryers for the residents to wash bigger items and they are always exposed to the elements.


TIL that washers & dryers will still function in the rain! Never would have imagined that.


Yeah this is kind of blowing my mind. I'm 41 and I've NEVER heard about this. Interesting.


Same here, I'm 45 & never heard of that either! I'm actually shocked they work outside, especially considering they've gotten so complex with digital control boards. I'm assuming it doesn't get below freezing there in Thailand, but not sure about that. I'm also guessing since it's such a popular thing to do in some countries apparently, perhaps the manufacturers take that into consideration & insulate the electronics against the elements to ensure they can operate in outdoor conditions.


I haven't heard of it either honestly I wouldn't trust the weight of the washing machine on many balconies/porches of the world.


Haha! I win! I only had to be 36½ before learning about this. 😂


Yeah but it does kind of make sense that they would build them to withstand getting wet since a lot of people will put them in their bathrooms.


Bro... there's a pretty big difference between the humidity of a bathroom after a hot shower, and the freaking rain pouring on your electronics... lol


I lived in south Florida for years and lots of the communal washer/dryers were outside and exposed to the elements.


I live in Florida and my dryer is in the house because it's new but my can't kill it washer has been outside for years. It's an old Maytag that my MIL bought fifteen years ago. At one point it was in the barn just to be closer to the clothesline. I plan on extending my porch and making a washer/dryer closet eventually.


The old ones are the best. I hate the computerized new ones. My old one went through three floods and it STILL worked. We just gave it away to a needy family when insurance said they’d cover a new one when the tenant claimed it suddenly broke.


Live in Asia as well (though my washer is in a special closet near the kitchen): the balconies here are covered, as in fully enclosed with a roof and glass sliding doors. Typically used for drying laundry as dryers weren’t popular until somewhat recently.


but why? is it to save room in the apartment?


partially yes, but dryers are also less common so many people dry their clothes on the balcony


Dryers are a freaking luxury item in many parts of the world. But they're so so worth it. Need some work pants for tomorrow? That'll be two days of hang drying.


In some climates hang drying is quite fast too. When we wash clothes in the winter in the early evening, they're bone dry next morning.


I would imagine it's a combination of limited space and the incredible amount of heat a dryer emanates.


Great response David!


How does it survive the elements? Is it just built like a car? The washers we have in Canada would stop working by about day 3 if it were outside.


occasionally wind blows rain into it if there’s tropical storm or something but I think the whole thing is probably made to get wet and still be ok


Can I ask how do you access the water line? I have never seen an apartment balcony with plumbing access. Granted I am in a cold climate so this set up would fail between October and May.


Pretty much all balconies in Thailand have at least a tap on the wall. It's just a normal thing here


Wait what about the drain? Where does all the soapy dirty water go?


There is a drain. Where would the water from the tap go? I am from Turkey and most balconies will have a tap and a drain. We wash the balcony in summer time like and hang out there where inside is too hot. I assume it is similar in Asia. In places where air conditioning is not common people use balconies a lot in the summer.


What I still don't understand??? Like yeah there is a drain, but that drains directly onto the street since it's intended for rain water and not for soapy bubbly and stinky washing maschine water?? Like the balcony drain is not connected to some tunnel system underground I don't understand?!?!


The drain is connected to the regular plumbing of the apartment. In very old buildings in Turkey it indeed sometimes goes on the street but obviously you would not put a washing machine on such a balcony. The drain I talk about is no different than a bathtub drain, it goes to the sewer. (For the record, nobody puts a washing machine on a balcony in Turkey, I am just saying you would have the infrastructure to do so if you wished.)


Lol I thought the small Thai man was a joke. It makes sense now.


> TIL many people have washing machines on their balcony. I’m in the U.K. and work in lots of people’s houses/flats/apartments and have never seen a washing machine on the balcony. As a fellow Brit who lives abroad let me tell you, the rest of the world finds where we typically keep our washing machines equally weird.


Where do you keep them?




Yeah, that sure is weird.


We don't tend to have utility rooms , so kitchen makes the most sense since it already has plumbing. I know in other European countries they have it in the bathroom, presumably for much the same reasons, no space and existing plumbing.


Attic or dedicated laundry room is more typical in the Netherlands. Unless you have an apartment of course.


In the US we tend to have a laundry room, which is small but has enough room for a washer, dryer and a shelf to hang clothing on. All houses and even most apartments I've lived in had one.


Seeing stuff like this is so interesting. I just graduated from a design program in the US and we didn't really learn anything about space planning in other areas. Climate and culture can impact the layout of a house so much.


I was mind blown to hear about water heaters being installed outdoors in the south, and “swamp coolers” being used in Arizona. Stuff that would never work up here in Canada.


When I was in Georgia (the US state, not the country) I was surprised that some of the middle class homes there had both the water heater and washer/dryers in the garage, and in some cases, the exposed car port. Also, the water main was buried only about 6" below the lawn. The water mains here are buried 5 to 6 feet deep and still freeze occasionally if we get a really harsh winter.


I feel like sitting outside in the heat and humidity can't be good for the longevity of the washer


Me neither.. but i live where we get a few meters of snow every year and down to -30 C commonly so probably not the best idea :)


I lived in an apartment in Southern California that was like this. Granted, the stacked washer/dryer was in a closet but still accessed via the balcony.


> I’m in the U.K. You guys have yours in the kitchen - which is crazy for us North Americans.


There just isn't enough space for people in older houses, so it was the norm for decades. You'd not find a water line or a drain anywhere else except the bathroom, which is probably too small for a washing machine. When I was a kid, only one of my friends had a "utility room", and his family was solidly middle class, lived in a big, new house with 3 levels, a "den" (which none of us understood, still don't), a living room that you weren't really allowed into (the "lounge") and multiple bathrooms, which blew my mind. Having a tumble dryer was/is not normal, because they cost a fortune to run vs. just hanging up your washing.


Too true. My wife is Scottish and I am still amazed at her stories of growing up and having a toilet outside the house... that was SHARED with other neighbours.


Very common in Japan. People air dry their clothes on the balcony so it’s pretty convenient to take clothes out of the washer and hang them on a pole on your balcony to dry. They seem to be able to withstand rain and storms with no issues.


TIL! I’m in the US and thought this setup was cursed too lol


Lived in China, and that's where ours was.


We bought an apartment a few years ago, which had their washing machine on the balcony. Stupid idea, so we installed it inside, with all kinds of useful furniture around it. Then we sold it. First thing the new owner did: place the washing machine outdoors again.... 🤦‍♂️ Edit: western Europe!


Spiderman where are you…


I'm a little late to the party but nearly all sliding doors can be lifted up and out of the bottom track. Just lift the door, tilt the bottom towards your feet a little, lower the door an inch and it'll pop right out. Reverse the process to reinstall.


My first thought too.


Once you do get out there I would check to see if you can flip the door on the washer. To prevent this in the future


I would also check theres no regurgitated soapy water on the floor every time


Just turn it upside down


Its typical to be able to flip the door on dryers/fridges. Because of the seal, this isn't universal on front load washers. I can't tell you how many people dont realize they can just reverse their dryer door to make it easier to move clothes from their washer to their dryer. It takes 4 screws and 5 minutes. Same with your fridge.


Lower a small child over the neighbours balcony


Maybe consider reinstalling the washer door so it opens to the other side?


What a helpful insight for solving the immediate problem


’Tis the penalty for neglecting it aforetime.


Why in the name of snuggle softener is the washing machine on the damn balcony?


Apparently more common in Eastern Europe and SEA where space is a premium? Still better than shared laundry facilities.


Where was he supposed to put it.... indoors?!!


That door might lift out of the track to be able to be moved, if not I'm out of ideas.


This. Someone put that slider in the track when it was built. Pop it back out.


I hate those stupid washers. If you're supposed to leave the door open so it doesn't get moldy, why didn't they design it to stop like an oven door that has that 3" gap for broiling?!


Just close the balcony door all the way and tilt the building toward the balcony so the door swings shut. Easy.


Solution: 3m tape a magnet on the window, positive side facing the washer. Then, 3m tape a magnet on the washer door, positive side facing the sliding door. The magnets will push themselves away from each other. Door will never lock sliding door again.


I was going to say try and open it enough that you can get an Umbrella out there... as that's how I solved a very similar situation myself once.


It took me far to long to realize the white piece was you trying to move the washer door to get it unstuck and not part of the problem


Welp time to abandon ship, on to the next apartment


Gotta hand it the US on this one... having a separate room for the washer/dryer really does have it's perks


Sometimes in America.. we take small things for granted


Is this normal to have a washing machine outside....like electricity plus water = bad.


That seems like a really bad place to put a washer


When you accidentally set the washing machine to the Gandalf programme


I believe you should be able to reverse the door by removing the hinge and lock assemblies and swapping them


How does it handle rain showers? And where do clothes dry in winter?


FUTURE TIP: WASHER AND DRYER DOORS ARE ADJUSTABLE, AND CAN OPEN AWAY FROM THE DOOR INSTEAD OF TOWARDS IT. You can. Unscrew / rescrew it so it opens the other way, thus this issue never happening. It's designed this way so people like you don't get into problems in smaller spaces.  Do it!


Call Spider-Man


Repel from your upstairs neighbors?


Everyone is talking about the washing machine door, but I wanna know why the slider was installed backwards? I’ve never seen one where the door’s track was on the outside and not the inside.


TF you doing with a washer on your balcony???


So many questions.


This seems like the door is installed backwards. Typically the part that slides over would be on the inside. That way you can put a little stick there so that you can be confused why it won't open when you forget you put a stick there. But when you put the stick there you will assume that it is now incredibly secure.


I have questions.. Mainly just one though


Why on earth is your washer outside?




When you get it open, I'd glue a rubber stopper on the glass so the door cannot open that far.


Why is the washer on a balcony?


wtf is the washer doing out there?


Who dafuq puts the washer on the balcony?


Why is washing machine in a balcony? 💀💀💀


Who has their washer on a balcony? You do.


Is anyone else wondering why you have a washing machine on your balcony?


no because this has been answered multiple times already


Why the fuck is there a washing machine on the balcony?


In Thailand they’re on the balcony


Because not every country/region is the same as North America


Where does the water go from that washing machine? Are you discharging your dirty water off your balcony and onto everyone below you? :-)


Climb the side of the building


Time to become an assassin's creed assassin lol /j


Obviously, you just go in from the other side with a ninja grapple/grappling gun. Easy day /s


just open it from the outside, very easy lol


As a future solution, can you rotate the door of the washing machine to open into the other direction? :)


Just climb outside through neighbor's balcony like any spider man would, duh


The washer door might be reversible to prevent the problem in the future.


Make sure to install the door the other way next time (:


Maybe switch the washer places with something else, e.g. toilet. This way this won't happen again.


hold up why is that on ur balcony


You can pull those sliding doors right out pretty easily just by pulling hard up. I know you solved it but for next time. 🙃


I’ve got a lot of questions here


You can switch door mount to other side so this doesn’t happen again


insane place to put a washer


Humans are as a whole, hopeless bumbling morons. Im convinced


who keeps a washer on the balcony?!?


Please DO NOT leave your appliances like this outdoors. They are NOT meant to withstand the elements. Hope you have a good warranty on that thing OP...


A. You should be able to open the other side of the door (as long as it's not also being blocked). B. You might be able to remove the door from its track. C. You should not have a washing machine outside. Even with a cover on it (I think that's a cover I see on the top), these types of appliances are not meant to be exposed to the elements (esp. on a balcony)... and where are you draining the water to?


So, is that a specially made wash machine that is water tight? Otherwise, how do y’all keep the rain from getting into the back of the machine? Do y’all use BBQ grill covers or something?


Doesn't look too high up, should be able to just climb over from neighbor. /s


Use another hanger to push outward on the first hanger. Maybe jiggle the door with any wiggle room you have while the hanger is hooked onto it. A long thin piece of metal bent towards the middle like a long rigid L could slip through and when the bent portion gets to through it would be able to slip behind the door and be sturdy enough to move the door.


am i stupid to think you could just kinda kick the window or something else of the sort until it kinda bounced far enough from the force of it? The hinges on the washer door can’t be that stiff. I’m not suggesting you hit the window hard enough to break it though but just enough to make it move, even the littlest bit.




I was wondering if you could have lifted the door off its frame, then go outside. But the danger is if you drop an break it.


Lift the door out the track. If can't do it, hire a glass or door repair company who have tools like giant suction cups that can grab onto the glass. And how to you get water to the machine?


To the people in this thread believing this isn't weird; this weird. Stop.


Your washer is…. Outside??


You could reverse the door on the washer so it opens towards the railing. 😀