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You would be surprised a lot of companies manufacture in China/India then repackage in the US and call it made in the USA


Even EU. But then they perform a minimum of manufacturing. Like adding a screw, paint the housing or something like that. Just within the EU limits to allow made in EU-country to be printed on it.


Yes the laws are ridiculous i used to work for a cast iron bistro table company production was in Poland and we just repainted them. To be "made in Switzerland" other things sometimes just get packaged and labelled like textiles. But companies rarely are honest, you can buy fake things on AliExpress labelled made in ... It really gets dangerous with electronics and fake safety stickers. I remember in my old workplace in a textile factory they told us in the 70ies they made lingerie in east Germany for the west it was labelled made in Paris. šŸ˜‚


There is a town in Japan named Usa. There's anecdotes and rumors about products made there before and during WWII being labeled "Made in Usa" to deceive people into thinking they were buying American.


I believe that's a myth... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/made-in-usa/


That's from Karate Kid 2


Doesn't "usa" literally mean rabbit/bunny in Japanese? I just googled it, and "usa-chan" translates to bunny. (Couldn't google usa bcs USA results were showing up). Chan here is a suffix that is added to represent endearment. My point is that it might have been a coincidence, and then they just abused it rather than specifically named a town after America. I have not heard about that though


From my limited anime knowledge, I believe Usagi is rabbit/bunny and usa-chan is a derivative like how one would say "look, it's Mr. Piggy"


Some "made in italy" shoes are made in China and then they just add the laces in italy


They have sweatshops in Italy full of Chinese workers. Made in Italy. Source: [Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/40cd94429e5a053c500383127a5c4ca2). Years and years ago a Dutch investigative TV program already reported on that kind of practices (shoes, I believe). And there were a lot of articles about it more than 10 years ago: [FTM](https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/china-koopt-italiaanse-sweatshops?share=seQbxwfXbk1BpxK9p8Ubk6hHlam6fHs%2F8alGC4PH3PSCxv5eSpkViC66t2LZIQ%3D%3D) (article in Dutch, but at the bottom of the article there are sources in English).


Luxottica, the company that basically owns everything for your eyes, does this with sunglasses and frames. The shit is made in China and shipped to Italy where they snap in the lenses and call them ā€œMade in Italyā€


My favorite is when they say ā€œDesigned in USAā€ followed by where it was manufactured, hint: itā€™s not in the USA


Apple enters the chat "designed in Cupertino"


Made by slaves


Masters have to make sure their slave got fairly maintained. Not the case with employers and employes. The people you are talking about are employes, treated way worse than slaves in some countries.


Ah your right, let me fix the statement. Made by slaves in an internationally illegal labor camp of Chinese Muslims taken from their homes and forced into "re-education".


Ok, but does that camp respect the local law?


Slavery being legal doesn't make it moral.


Moral isn't enforceable.


Okay, you're either a bad actor or just a troll.


Who makes that law?


The camp owner.


This means the engineering team is in the US and likely part of the company, and you aren't buying an ODM (original design manufacturer) aka "white labeled" item or a JDM item (joint development manufacturer) where it's probably just tweaked from an existing white label design to a company's specs. Generally "designed in X" this means a much higher level of optimization and quality because the company itself has much more say in the design, manufacturing specifications, and quality controls compared to the other two options.


I read years ago that most of Dolce and Gabana and other fancy clothes brands do this too. 99% of the product is made in Vietnam, Laos, India etc, it comes in Italy or wherever, the Ā«Ā designersĀ Ā» add some signature style to it and voila! The pants that a kid has been paid 5 cents to sew is now worth 300ā‚¬! EDUT: Typo


\*sew, not sow. They sound the same but mean different things :)


Corrected, thanks!


They also source all their parts in the USA but have them assembled in other countries.


Screw 2 or more parts together in the US and suddenly it's made in the USA. 100% Legal.


one i remember is a garden sprayer, it was shipped over from china and the plastic shell is snapped together in the states so its made in america


Except it's completely not legal. The FTC standard for made in the USA is very high. If you hand make a lamp in the USA and include a light bulb in the box that is made somewhere else, you can't legally say made in the USA.


SCOTUS and the recent elimination of Chevron might disagree


With foreign and domestic materials.


Only has to undergo 3 processes on us soil before it's called USA made.


1 -Open original box 2-Aplly sticker saying made in USA 3- reseal box


A company I used to work for would have electric motors shipped in from China with the fan not attached and all they'd do is put the fan on. That was legally all it takes to say it's originating from the USA.


Was gonna say they're talking about the sticker but then realised that even that probably isn't made in the USA šŸ¤£


Assembled in US with parts from overseas.


We have laws protecting "made in the USA" . No legitimate company would risk placing label. Materials source and assembly has to be over a certain percentage or fines are leveraged. Looks like you got scammed


Want to cite any of those ā€œlawsā€ you are talking about?


https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/complying-made-usa-standard [And here's a list of case closing letters by the Federal Trade Commission about suspected misuse of Made in USA labeling.](https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/cases-proceedings?sort_by=field_date&field_mission%5B29%5D=29&field_consumer_protection_topics=1410) Now how rigorously it's enforced is another matter.


Yeah, I literally was just checking out honey. It very clearly was advertising it was a local region made in the USA raw honey. I then turn the bottle over and read the back label, it then explains it's a product of Brazil and the honey was bought, distributed, and then packaged in the USA. I have a feeling these laws are way more lax than most people know. Luckily in a different section of the store I found actual local honey from a local beekeeper business. Edit: getting down voted, lol, people have no idea how lax food laws are in the US.


Foods are very different than other products. I very much doubt your honey literally said "made in the USA"


It said "Grade A Honey USA" on the front. Said something about Great Lakes or Midwest regional raw honey. On the back it then clearly was labeled product of Brazil. And it was packaged in IA or MI or something.




I get that the betrayal hurts you. But being made in India is a very good thing. India hands down makes a ton of things significant better in quality than usa and EU. Especially engineered products including mission critical things like Space stuff and vehicles.


Peel that sticker as well and you'd see "made in China" Assembled in India means just that - assembled. All components come from China.


I saw an enameled cast iron dutch oven that said assembled in India a few years ago... Assembled? WTF is there to even assemble?


lol maybe repackaged bulk imports from China. Although metalwork is something I'd say India is good at so no idea why they'd go that route.


Yeah, I'm not sure, I checked recently this year (out of curiosity), and the same product now said made in India. I wonder if they were just getting the factory/production line up at the time or something when I checked a few years ago (and logistically they bulk imported from China at the time)?


Very likely. India-China relations have been frosty in the last couple of years so non-tech manufacturing has become local.


They put the lid on the pot.


You know... The handle on the lid was the screw on type lol, I wonder if that's what they did... Another user mentioned that it's likely they bulk bought from China while getting the India factory/production line in place (as that same dutch oven said made in India earlier this year)


Or Japan or Europeā€¦


Japan and Europe are far more expensive to get something made than China...There's zero chance that someone would cover up a "Made in Europe" sticker to claim it was assembled in India.


By law they have toā€¦


Sure, but no company is going to buy something from Europe or Japan, just to finish it in China or India. They finish it in the expensive countries because they can sell it for more and it costs them less.


Lol nah. They wouldn't label that if the parts came from japan


American components, Russian components... ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


Taiwanese stuff usually pretty good imo


Meh. Yes and no. The printing presses I worked on were hot garbage.


Finally, we can go home!


bonk bonk bonk


One of my favorite parts šŸ¤£


Youā€™d be lucky to get Taiwan. Mainland China is the crap stuff.


Top tag came from US


Sticker was probably printed in China


I worked at a HP printer factory years a go. Those printers are just 2 parts away from being completely assembled. But by doing those last 2 pieces they pay less import tax, and it's made local.


There are Tesla cars made in the Netherlands too. The import telsas from the US, take off the "transport wheels", "assemble" the product wheels and hey presto! Made in NL.


One of the foreign made trucks (I think it was Toyota or Mazda) used to ship a mostly assembled truck as 1 part and the bed as a second part. If I recall correctly they did it to get around taxes on imports of fully assembled vehicles


For transit comes in from turkey with seats in the back. The factory in the US would remove the seats to avoid the chicken tax.


Are you sure theyā€™re coming in from America and not China?


One of those places, yeah


>One of those places, yeah lmaooo


What is the product


The product code brings back this: https://www.tecumseh.com/Product/AKA9438ZXA


Looks like a compressor for an evaporator for an AC but I could be wrong


A product from India, I guess


Is anything made in the US anymore?


Gas meter castings, or at least a lot of them. Source: Interning at the place that casts them.


I love America! Land of the free, home of the gas meter castings.


And Accurail.


I go to all kinds of production facilities and calibrate their equipment. Things I've seen made in the US (specifically FL): Pressure treated siding for houses- Springs, all kinds- packaging equipment- Dental appliances- Lots of neutraceuticals and vitamin supplements - Otc medications all kinds- Medical tubing, lots and lots of catheters- Aviation componets- Electronics components- Cardboard-PVC pipes- residential windows and doors But all the precision tools they use to make these things aren't made here. Mostly Switzerland, Germany, and Japan. Almost all of these places have government contracts too. The military industrial complex is real y'all






medical bankruptcy and school shootings


USA is an expensive place to make anything. Especially with inflation. ā€œAmerican madeā€ trucks like GM and Ford are assembled in Canada. Dodge is Mexican. ā€œMade in Japanā€ like Honda and Toyota are assembled in the US.


If I recall, the Ford hybrids are made in Mexico as well. I drive Ford Maverick (got it before it was common for dealers to slap a $10k dealer fee on a base $22k truck on them) that was assembled in Mexico


Kinda funny that the most American car out there is a Toyota. Meanwhile American car makers are mostly Canadian or Mexican made.


Ford trucks are built in the US in Kansas and Michigan. Chevy trucks are built here in Canada. As are a lot of Chrysler products, not the trucks though. Some Hondas and Toyotas, too.


Ford trucks are also built in Venezuela and Mexico


Who woulda think your own country policies allow this....


Assuming this is above boardā€¦ they are pretty specific about what parts of what products have to be made or assembled in country to write that. Not that they are complying


The sticker was probably made in the US


Country of origin and country of assembly is not the same, i guess


Just yesterday, I pulled a "Thailand" origin sticker to reveal an Israeli one on a box of basil.


We just got some new product in that was stamped Made in Mexico on it... but we got it from China. Turns out the product that they copied was made in Mexico and they copied that part too.


Sure you can, find the bottom label and that's the truth!


There is an equation since everything has parts made everywhere and then funny wording on top of it. 100% of the components can be made elsewhere but if it was put together into a working machine in the US it is ā€œassembled in the USā€. iIRC, it is based on value which favors richer nations. So if I buy a TV from China for $50, and I pay someone in the US brand label the box, put my part number on it and put the accessories in the box and that is more valuable, the country of origin of that overall piece is not the US. Iā€™m sure someone will chime in and either correct or add to that. I just know that my company had to change the labels from ā€œmade in the USā€ to ā€œassembled in the USā€ because the value was not high enough


Trust No one.


America does make things, retailers!!


Same goes for firearms manufacturing and import. Back in the 80ā€™s/90ā€™s legislation was passed that a minimum number of components had to be American made for them to be sold commercially. Or something like that.


That doesnā€™t say origin. It says assembled


Shocker, what is it


By doing inspection in the US after the part has been physically made you can slap a label on it that says ā€œmanufactured in the USā€


The sticker was assembled in USA


Isn't there some bs where only 51% of the product needs to be manufactured in the US to be called Made in USA?


I just assume what I'm buying has been made in China. I don't think that much is manufactured in the US compared to other countries. I could be wrong though.


Country of Origin (typically listed on product or packaging) = last location where value was added to the product. Used to determine import tariffs per HTS-US schedule. Country of Origin (USMCA NA free trade agreement) - at least 50% of value from domestic sources. Companies must include an affidavit when importing/exporting between North American countries to avoid tariffs per the agreement. Made in USA (FTC) = virtually all of product by cost was sourced in the USA.


Good olā€™ Tecumseh. Back when I did commercial refrigeration and HVAC the company that sent me the most bad out of box compressors was Tecumseh by a wide margin.


Is it a part that could be rebuilt? Was probably remanned in USA


Thats what I was thinking too for a while.


Car assembled in India - put a gas gap on the car - made in USA.


I got a part from Toyota the label said ā€œmade in the usaā€ the part inside said ā€œDenso made in Japanā€


So it originated in the USA but was assembled in India. Thatā€™s not that difficult of a concept to grasp. Both tags are technically accurate. You can trust both of themā€¦


The sticker is made in the US, and thatā€™s what makes it expensive


Get 99% of something made in some cheap country, ship it to the USA, have that 1% finished, say assembled in the USA. Technically the truth but very misleading.


Looking for work boots made in USA, found out they can make boots over seas and box them here and still call made in USA with imported materials. They even come with a little American flag sewn on them.


Assume it isn't made here (USA), even if it says it is.


It's made In the USA because that stickers been placed over the made in elsewhere stciker and therefore the "assembly" was completed in then USA ..




The sticker was made in America, duh


The parts can be American but it was assembled in India... 2 different things.


Sorry but I recommend living in the woods then


Well šŸ¤”the parts probably came from the USA šŸ™„šŸ˜‰


I bought a 2000 Mexican VW Beetle, looks like an original. It all manufactured in Mexico but has an assembled in Canada sticker on it. I bought it at the factory in Mexico


The iphone you use is also made in India/China


very true but iā€™m pretty sure the software by itself isnā€™t.


I used to work for a company (Koyo) that made parts for Toyota and Honda, when components are put together they get sent overseas for assembly. I was bending and braising pipes for heating and cooling systems. Theyā€™d get sent to Denso about a mile from us and from there sent to Japan. Battle Creek, Michigan has a lot of factories besides Kellogg.


An older now deceased friend of mine used to work for an auto parts company. He told me how shocks would be shipped in from Mexico, they would paint them and slap an "Assembled in the USA" sticker on them and shipped them out to stores, dealerships, etc. This is an age old thing.


If you want, check [CKD process](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock-down_kit)on wikipedia Youā€™ll understand šŸ‘šŸ»


Doesn't really matter, they both have a better work etiquette than north america, you'll be fine


Remember that rumor that there was town named "Usa" somewhere in Asia. So when they marked the packages they would put "Made in Usa"


That Brown stain scares me , specially because it comes from india


Assembled in the United States?! That has to be good quality!


When a product is assembled into its final configuration for resale, then to have originated here, even though the parts and pieces are shipped in from elsewhere. Think of a recipe made with imported ingredients, everything is foreign, but it was ā€œassembled hereā€šŸ™„


#šŸŒšŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘ØšŸ¼ā€šŸš€ Never could.