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I had one get stuck one time, couldn't pee right for about a week and a half, was pure hell and I have had at least half a dozen stones. I ended up passing the stuck stone into the specimen cup at the urologist office. I'm glad you passed yours now, and I hope that's the last one for you.


The absolute worst pain in my life was passing a kidney stone. Totally blacked out for 15 minutes. Not recommended at all


I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope that you have been kidney stone free since.


If you had one there's mores to come...


Life is a constant struggle, then we die.


Then someone gives you CPR, and you get to struggle some more...


I had miserable pain and surgery for a kidney stone in 1982, haven’t had any since


You'll have one next week after posting this.


Oh damn!


My husband went to the ER a few weeks ago with t he worst pain of his life, an ultrasound revealed a kidney stone. He still hasn’t passed it. Is the pain you’re talking about when it’s actually going down the urethra?


I’ve had four stones, and the unbearable pain I’ve had is during the trip from the kidneys to the bladder. Once it’s in the bladder, I didn’t feel it again until it blooped out. Then again, my stones have been fairly smooth compared to this one.


Oh good to know it varies, maybe his worst pain is behind him (it was exactly what you said, it was moving to the bladder and he was in such awful pain, could not stay still, he threw up, just awful).


Look up Kidney Stones and roller coasters. Researchers found riding on the back end of a roller coaster can help break up the stones. They won a nobel prize in 2018 for the discovery.


Can you imagine being desperate enough to try? It's gotta be the vibration breaking it up, right? And dragging yourself there with a gd kidney stone? Fuck.


The worst pain by far comes from the stone moving from the kidney to the bladder through the ureter. The stone passing through the urethra is like being fanned with a tulip in comparison.


I almost gave up on life in January, 23 straight hours of the worst unyielding pain I've ever known.


Did you not go to the hospital??


Had an appointment for a lithotripsy the next day at 9am. Without exaggeration, I almost did not make it. 10mm stone was lodged in the tube descending from my kidney and was shredding me from the inside. I wanted desperately to stop feeling it, nearly to the point of trying self-surgical options. I also took copious amounts of Toradol, which did absolutely nothing to ease the pain. This was not my first stone, but it was easily the worst pain I could possibly imagine.


I’ve had kidney stones 4 or 5 times now. 0 out of 0 stars. Would not recommend. They suck.


I hit my shaft with a hammer. Right out the tip next piss


I have many questions that I don't want the answer to.


Pics or it didnt happen.


ugh sorry to hear that, i kept counting until 118+ stones, my doctor figured after all that suffering he would tell me about my needs for dietary changes. turned out my favorite iced tea i drank everyday at work was the culprit of the crystalizations. i stopped drinking it, bam no more stones ever again. my doctor made a pretty penny from the four surgeries he performed on me anyway, so he probably got a porshe or better out of it.


I'm glad you got it figured out, it seems. That is an ungodly amount of stones, I couldn'timagine that amount of pain. I cut *way* back on Mountain Dew after the one that got stuck, that was roughly a year ago. If I could choose any superpower, I think I would want the ability to give people kidney stones at will, like zap them right into evil doers' bodies. My name would be "Kidney Punch".


Let me guess, black iceed tea


peach iced tea lipton straight from the tap, probably had 1 gallon or more everyday


That's almost 4 liters a day. Jesus christ


Did they need a doctor to solve that for them? A gallon of tea a day is ridiculous




Hope is not going to help him. He needs to change something in his dietary intake. His chemistry is off balance.


Some are genetic


How do you get that? Drinking soda?


Foods high in oxalate. Most common kidney stone are called calcium oxalate. Calcium bonds with oxalate and form crystals in the kidneys. The pain is caused by the crystals “hitting” the urinary tract which is why the pain isn’t constant. Also why there’s no pain while it’s forming. Also why urine will be bloody. -100/10 do not recommend.


Pro tip: Citric acid helps breakdown and dissolve renal stones. Eat plenty of citrus fruits. They’re the result of a PH level imbalance in your urine.


Does putting a lot of lime on my burrito count as citrus fruit intake?


I just had to stop drinking so much cranberry juice.


Cranberry is great for UTI’s


It definitely is.


Mostly genetics


Oxylate exists in most fruits and veggies. Tap water often referred as hard water since it contains dissolved calcium and magnum minerals. When you boil the water in your kettle, the sandy sediments on the bottom are crystallized salts. Similar reaction happens in your kidneys. So you have to at least drink boiled tap water or neutralize oxylates with adding calcium, like adding dairy in your dish.


Mine got stuck in my head and would not move had to go digging to get it out. Not fun


I read somewhere that a roller-coaster helps https://www.livescience.com/56261-kidney-stones-roller-coaster.html




It should also be a reminder why others should drink a lot of water...


Some people are prone to them. I dated a woman who had maybe 3 bouts a year over the two years we were together. She is one of the healthiest people I've ever met.




Sometimes that just doesn't mean anything. I've had a couple of kidney stones despite the fact that I basically drink nothing but water. I take a medication that makes it more likely for stones to develop.


Here's me, skewing the average global consumption of soda, and never had a kidney stone.


My husband is the same. He drinks like a gallon of coke zero every day.


my man, but seriously, hope he brushes a lot :D


Way to bury the lede


I was real worried for a second there.


I have extremely hard water. Huge deposits form on water kettles over the fire each winter. Can hard water cause these? I need to run vinegar through my coffee maker weekly.




Thank you. I’ve always wondered with the amount of deposits it leaves behind.


Brb drinking water


I eat a lot of kidneys and stones


I’ve got renal tubular acidosis. Literally drink 3 litres a day and still get them. Been told by a nephrologist too much water dilutes sodium in the blood causing hyponatremia (which I’ve never had thankfully). Excess water consumption can cause serious complications with cerebral oedema. Everyone should definitely drink 2 litres of water a day though. Golden rule is your pee should never be darker than a faint yellow. If it is, you’re dehydrated.


Drinking too much can cause the same thing, by the way. If your pee is clear, that's bad. Needs to be a very pale yellow at most. *WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME?? THIS IS VITAL KNOWLEDGE, LIKE COME ON. YOU WILL FLUSH YOUR ELECTROLYTES. JUST DRINK WHEN YOU'RE THIRSTY unless you're doing strenuous work/working out, or it's hot outside, or you are older.


Everything will kill you in this world can't do anything right smh


Yeah you are right. Not getting enough calcium can also give you stones. And another 1000 things can also give you stones lmao there’s too many causes to count


I mean sure but there's a few preventable ones. Regulating your hydration *properly* is just one that you can do day-to-day and avoid through that. Sure you may still get them but at least you did your best to *not* do that.


I'm so sorry you're getting downvotes for speaking the truth. If pee is coming out clear it's *too much water.* It's really good to have at least one cup of something that *isn't* water. Juice or milk can do the trick.




That's a real old myth.


So I looked it up and you’re right. Thanks for that correction! Turns out some medical professionals are perpetuating that myth, since they offered that advice in recent years. Much appreciated you let me know.


Nah, thirst works fine. Just like hunger. It’s just become a meme to drink excessively.


Dunno why you're being downvoted mate, you're absolutely right.


And now you crush it up and snort it, or else it wins.




It's tradition. 🫡


Until it reforms in the body and does a second trip through his pipes


"The circle of liiiiiifeeee".


A cuma matata...


Kinda looks more like something you'd smoke in a pipe. So I'm told.


Boof it! Or better yet, USE IT FOR SOUNDING.


Found Keith Richards' username


Figured you could save up more for a bowl of cereal, but I kind of like your idea. Except maybe pass it off as a crack rock.


Dab it


Putting it back is going to suck.


This is hilarious


I feel your pain. I passed one of those bad boys last year. Took nearly 2 weeks from when I started feeling it to when it finally made its appearance. Worst experience of my life.


I feel you. I had a half-incher which I couldn’t pass. Had a the laser operation last June. Drinking 3 liters of water every day to avoid. It’s the worst.


I passed a 5mmx20mm a few months ago.


Sell it to a crack addict


So curious is curious.. were you just peeing into your hand as a sieve? Or are so you deft with chop sticks and plucked it mid stream?


They give you a pee funnel at the urology office. So you can catch them and make jewelry out of them.


I really hate this imagery...just take my upvote and leave my poor brain alone...


Despite the joke about the jewelry, they do give you a funnel with mesh to catch the stone so they can run tests on it. They explained it to me as knowing if you have a genetic issue or if it’s a dietary/water intake issue. Thankfully I was just dehydrated too much as a kid so I have several pre stones ready to pop down, but I’m not making them actively.


Sharp and jagged looking isn't it? Pity our bodies can't do the same as oysters with a grain of sand and form something smooth and pearl -like. A smooth blockage would be less painful.


Toss it back in with a shot of whiskey and go for round 2! Show that little guy you ain't no cream puff!!


Show that turd who's boss!


Oooh man. That’s rough


I still have yet to get kidney stones in my life and with all the stories I hear about how painful they are, I'm dreading it


Lmao why are you assuming it’s just bound to happen, unless you’re predisposed to have them just insure you water intake is good ya fucking leaf.


Dude there's literally 0 reason to be getting pressed over this comment. I just always assume the worst, I have no clue how long I'll live or what'll happen so yes, I'm just gonna assume I'll get them at some point down the line cause I'm not fucking clairvoyant. Great if I don't, bad if I do but at least I'll have mentally prepared for it, it wouldn't be the first time some rare ass shit happens to me despite taking the necessary precautions. Now calm the fuck down you angry little gremlin


Not pressed take a joke not reading all that lol




You're serious. I can tell.


Hi serious I'm dad


Hi dad, I’m dad


Hi dad I'm ded


The forbidden peenut


Next time you start to feel it. Drink as much strong lemon water as you can stand. The acid eats away the sharp edges and let’s it pass a little smoother.


This has to be true, I found it on Reddit


The citrates in lemon help break down the oxalate crystals


This man knows to how to science things


Had to learn the hard way…


Meanwhile, my doctor advised me against eating citrus fruits because they contain small quantities of oxalates (that's what he said word for word)


I get them a lot. It’s not a cure all, but it help greatly.




Then, obviously, it’s something else that helps. Have you ever done it?


The citrate in the lemon juice binds with urinary calcium, reducing its supersaturation in urine. In addition, it binds calcium oxalate crystals and prevents crystal growth. The pH of your body is very narrowly regulated by your renal and pulmonary processes—if you could increase the acidity of your body by drinking lemon water you’d be dead.


so putting lemon juice into a turkey baster then squirting it into the urethra full force might help, too?


If you’ve ever had a kidney stone then you’d definitely consider it.


Might sting a bit, I suppose. But I'm going to keep it in mind as a last resort since stones run in my family.


Does drinking straight lemon juice works ??


Yes. However that may be too rough to drink. Dilute it with water until it’s just tolerable. It definitely helps. Just squeeze lemon juice into a styrofoam cup to see how corrosive it is.


I feel your pain. I am an 11mm one festering in my collection system. I have uric acid stones so I can dissolve them. Takes a long time. Going to run out of oxy over here.


How many MM is that bad boy? I passed 2 at the same time. A 2mm and a 3mm. They just gave me pain meds and said good luck. I was surprised, the urethra pain isn’t what hurts the most. It’s the back/kidney pain.


Bedbugs and kidney stones. Two fears I have thanks to posts I've seen on Reddit.


Owwwee….. I passed one in the men’s room at work. Had to pee had to pee… unzips. Loud incoherent screams of agony !!! Ooohhhh…… People came rushing in thinking someone was murdering me. “Kidney stone” “Oooh…. Daaamn…” Staggered back to my desk, whimpering..


dab it


I thought it was a mini dab until I saw the subreddit 😂


I’ve had over 30. Some so big surgery was needed. Passed a couple over 1 cm


Yep. I had 1 a couple of months ago, almost 8 years to the day after I passed my first. It's like being kicked in the testicles for 3 hours. My doctor has prescribed my a suppository pain killer and if I get another I will happily stick it where the sun don't shine rather than go through that level of pain again.


Meanwhile dudes in /r/sounding going nuts over this. Edit: NSFW sub, just fyi.


Eat it


Then poop it out... round 2!!


Watch your oxalate intake!!


If I didn't know any better I might try to dab that.


Suspend it in epoxy and make a pendant.


Im subbed to r/trees and thought this was a photo of someone showing off some shatter


Follow up: They say what doesn’t kill is makes us stronger… but with kidney stones that’s just a load of crap. It just hurts like hell and causes a ton of anguish. Glad it passed


I had a period of recurring stones. I had a conversation with an ER doctor. Turns out that I drank a LOT of iced tea... iced tea can cause stones. I also was eating a lot of cashews. I found that they also are a known contributor. After my doctor went in and blasted my kidney stones. I laid off cashews and iced tea completely. It's been 3 years an I haven't had another problem since.


My wife came in from an overnight round at the hospital and found me vomiting and rolling on the floor in the fetal position. Needless to say, her shift was not over.


About 10 months ago I started a new job after 7 years of sedentary security work (12-18 hours every night, 4 days a week and for a year 7 days a week). Never had kidney stones. This new job is during the day and very physically involved (carrying huge ladders and hauling large water lines. I fucking love it btw). 3 months in and we are at a mansion starting prep work (I clean home exteriors, roofs and windows) and I have this weird feeling on my lower left back. About an hour after arrival o was barely holding on to consciousness from the pain but I was so addled minded from the pain I for whatever reason kept working. My manager comes around to ask me a question and when I turned to look at him his face became pure shock and concern. He quickly leaves me and quickly returns with my boss. At this point I'm dry heaving from pain. My boss looked at me and said "you're passing a kidney stone. How's your lower back?". He took me home. When I arrived home I tried my best to go to sleep and essentially had fever dreams over the next 6 hours while I tried to pass the stone. I passed the stone at the 6 hours mark. I never saw it. Next day was the weekend so no work. No worries. Sunday however... A familiar pain returns... I go through another 9 hours of torture. I never saw the stone. Next day... Monday... We are about an hour short of ending the day. A familiar fucking pain shows up. Worse than the first 2. I worked that last hour man. I passed the stone close to the 12 hour mark. Absolute fucking hell. I finally passed it and it was about half the size of yours and it was black. :(


Forbidden popping candy


How big? I passed a 4mm one a few years ago that took 2 and a half months.


Oh no. I have a 4mm right now. It's been about a month now. Agony and hospital visit the first week, but I feel nothing now the last 3 weeks... Did I miss it? Or will I definitely feel it coming out? Also, did your urologist want to operate sooner? My guy seems anxious to get inside my dong.


So interestingly, I had two "episodes" of pain and agony that lasted 4-6 hours which I miss took for stomach issues (which I also have). I had one in October and one in November, with the second being worse, then the third hit while I was at work right at the beginning of December and at that point I was finally smart enough to head to the hospital because I'd become convinced that it wasn't stomach related. Once the kidney stone was confirmed, the Dr said that they usually try to let people pass them naturally up to 6mm, though everyone is different. Mine was well into the ureter from the two previous episodes so it seemed "passable". Had about three more episodes in December as it worked its way down quicker (I started chugging water and peeing every 30 minutes), and finally passed it a few days after Christmas. The last episode was terrible because it was nearly to my bladder and far enough down that the pain radiated into one of my testicles and made it feel like it was being crushed. When I actually passed it, it surprisingly didn't hurt, but there was like a half second where I was peeing and it felt like it was clogged but passed instantly and then it was like a flood gate of urine washing everything out. It was 2am and I almost didn't use the strainer but I'm glad I did so I could catch it and take it to the Dr. It's an overall weird and painful experience so let me know if you have any other questions!


Thanks for the reply! Glad yours is out. I have a bottle of toradol ready for when the pain comes back. Can't believe it's not over. Going for an x-ray and ultrasound Wednesday to see if it has progressed. Definitely feels like the calm before the storm.


The responses are here are rather uncomfortable. But I suppose so was OP.


Congratulations, the feeling of taking a unrestricted piss due to a stone is bliss


Remember that toradol .


Agh. I had a 4mm pass earlier this year and currently a 5mm sitting and chilling in there. A pain that people don’t quite understand




Just eat it for another go 'round.


Congratulations on giving birth! What’s it middle name since I figure you call it God-damnit?


better out than in i always say...


Passed a 9mm long calcium oxilate (sp) stone at the urinal next to a coworker once. Almost bit through my own lip to keep from screaming. Drink half the towns water supply daily now.


Some people like collecting cool Little Rock’s from their kidneys


I drink lots of soda… so I drink a metric shit ton of water to avoid this fate…


Been there 33 times! The largest was 3.6cm. Hope you never have to suffer another!


My mom said that for her passing a stone hurt more than childbirth


this is one of my biggest fears


Holy hell I’ve passed at least 5-6 stones but not nearly as sharp as this one looks. I can’t imagine how much it gripped onto your skin from the inside 😮‍💨 Edit: mine would mostly crumble apart as soon as they’d touch the toilet water so not nearly as solid either


Did a CT scan couple months ago and I have a small kidney stone. Don't scare me like that my guy.


Good news tho. Achievement unlocked: endure pain that is worse than pregnancy. 10 points.


Oh not the spiky kind…. Drink your water kids.


Reminds me of Tom hanks


Looks like a fat dab


Looks like you just peed a good 90% dab right there Someone heat me up 💀


Rock candy 😃


Damn, so how does one try to avoid these things, mate? That fuckeeen suuucks


I will give you 2$ to eat it.


Why does it look so aggressive.


at least it’s not sharp


Forbidden garlic salt


Please God no!


I want to cry just seeing this!


That’s a monster!!! Did that make the Guinness book?


How are you still alive?


Is it true that you can drink apple cider vinegar to make them go away or avoid entirely


there are so many people in this thread saying eat it. ​ ​ ​ i love reddit.


Am I the only one here that’s trippin off the fact this man probably submerged his arm in his own piss to retrieve this?


I’m not a man . Also I peed through a screen :)


Prolly - if he sought treatment and it was suspected kidney stones they would have started basically having him strain his urine each time with a special sieve of sorts. Or the surgeon handed it to him after removing it. Whatever you do, don’t Google male ureter stent removal or what the junk looks like for weeks after…


How much meat and milk do you eat/drink?


That'd certainly get your attention!


Eat it


Crush it and use it to season some steak




Eat it


Body trophy- save it forever!


Drink lots of water folks!


I've had a couple of painful injuries that required surgery to correct. Whenever medical staff would ask me at visits what my pain level was I would always after them that I have had kidney stones, so my "10" on a pain scale is rather high.


Ouch! Glad it’s over for you!


It’s like birthing for men


I’ve done both. Kidney stones are worse