• By -


Probably the biggest reason is this is an expensive media market and it's a district where - if they lose - AIPAC would look really, really weak. This is a heavily Jewish district largely in Westchester, and polls are showing Latimer up (not a surprise, he's been working this district for 35 years and most non NYC voters have met him multiple times personally). Bowman is perceived as weak with his remarks denying rape by Hamas, his record voting against Biden, his 9/11 conspiracy theory posts from way back and the fire alarm stunt. Plus, AIPAC isn't gonna win any of their other big primaries. Also should be said that Latimer is older and very unlikely to do more than 1 term in that seat with heavy hitters like Bailey (who Latimer is close with from his NY Senate days) looking upwards. Tl;dr, for AIPAC, the stakes are high, the prices are high, and the chance of winning is perceived as high. There also is very little that one individual congressmember can deliver on, especially in the minority, where they can deliver nothing. AIPAC isn't only spending on Democrats, so this is clearly personal, not a plan to get a democratic trifecta and somehow shake some additional benefit out of DC that Israel already isn't getting.


>9/11 conspiracy theory posts Damn, in our own backyard? Do you have the source material or anything? That's super disappointing.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/31/jamaal-bowman-9-11-conspiracy-blog https://www.wsj.com/articles/jamaal-bowman-9-11-poem-personal-blog-a699989c


Can you help me with the full poem? I can't find it and WSJ is subscription only.


paste the URL into [archive.is](http://archive.is)


That's awesome, thanks for sharing >“Planes used as missiles / Target: The Twin Towers “30 minutes later / Both buildings collapsed / Onto themselves >“Later in the day / Building 7 / Also Collaspsed [sic] / Hmm... >“Multiple explosions / Heard before / And during the collapse / Hmm... >“Allegedly / Two other planes / The Pentagon / Pennsylvania / Hijacked by terrorist / Minimal damage done / Minimal debris found / Hmm...” >The post then suggests readers go watch a pair of conspiracy-theory movies and “share your thoughts.”






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OPer has made it clear elsewhere in this discussion that if you don't like Bowman, you're anti-black. That summarizes OP.


Hey, it's a contentious primary, it's in 4 days, and peoples' emotions are high. Let's try and keep it somewhat polite, even if we disagree!


Then, when the OP replies that someone is anti-black because they don't like Bowman, pointing it out is impolite? Then, you are stating that stating that someone not liking Bowman is anti-black is A-OK with you?


Nah friend, I'm not making a value statement! It just makes me sad that the internet is so full of (very understandable!) anger. I saw your comment first! OP (and you) are clearly full of passion on this so just trying to encourage peace and remind everyone that we're all people first. I get why Bowman folks are upset, and I get why Latimer supporters are upset. But anger makes it hard to see clearly. This is a primary so both sides are nominally aligned against the literal nazis running the GOP so it's good not to fill ourselves with hate towards one another. We gotta find a way to love each other if we wanna get the good work done, regardless of who wins here.


Thank you. That's why both of my sentences had question marks.


More basically, AIPAC, or any PAC, is just an issue group that runs ads. If people don't agree with the ads, they don't have to listen to them. They aren't cutting people checks to vote against Jamaal Bowman.


Of course, no one is getting paid because we don't live in the third world where something like that happens. But hammering people with print and YouTube ads has the same effect.


I appreciate this analysis as well. >AIPAC isn't only spending on Democrats, so this is clearly personal I wholeheartedly agree, and as I previously wrote, I view it as a purchasing of the seat so as to quash any dissent on Capitol Hill regarding Israel and its policies. Taking a long view, dissent of just a few, with some bad press, can lead to a detrimental effect on aid down the line.


I mean that's the intent for sure but it's not a zero sum game, and AIPAC won't win enough seats to send that compelling of a message to clamp down on criticism. Latimer/Bowman has limited national implication beyond just an (already vulnerable) squad member losing. There's overall just no way the Israeli right/AIPAC (an important distinction from just calling AIPAC 'Israel' because the policies of the war face criticism in Israel as well) will successfully quash criticism of the Israeli govt in DC and AIPAC knows that. The Israeli military blew up an aid convoy run by a DC bigwig with friends on both sides of the asile - they could end the war tomorrow and they'd still be a pariah state for a while. Do you mean criticizing Israel/AIPAC will be detrimental for aid to Israel or to Gaza? Cause the US has also provided unprecedented and historic aid to Gaza through this conflict, so not sure from your comment. I'd argue that AIPAC is a bit too big to fail and has too many friends in both parties to ever face irrelevance (note Trump moving the embassy), and aid to Gaza will really only suffer further if the GOP wins in November.


I’m going to leave a comment all the vote brigaders are going to hate. I like both candidates. I don’t like seeing progressive candidates primaried for any reason. That said if there is one person that has built up a lot of good will in this county it’s latimer. This thread is full of so much vote manipulation it’s crazy. OP will get crazy downvotes in one comment thread but in a different thread have lots of upvotes. It’s clear people aren’t just brigading but buying votes. Holy hell I can’t wait for this race to be over but what saddens me is this race has divided our community and it will take many many years for these wounds to heal. I like seeing democrats united and I hate all this infighting. All I can say is no matter what I will be supporting the nominee and all democrats in November.




$16M on a single race is unseemly. Any billionaire can just use a PAC to flood the zone on a single candidate if they so choose. I suspect that some of the spend is to prop up front orgs to attack these candidates on other fronts. E.g., the National Black Empowerment Action Fund, run by two ex-AIPAC staffers (according to their bio). https://www.nbeaf.org/about-us This is their "active" instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/the_nbeaf?igsh=ZDNhZ2htdHhlanA3 They've been sending out content attacking Bowman for his alleged failure to support Black Democrats. They say they're focused on NY, Minneapolis, St Louis, Memphis, and Atlanta. I don't know what's going on in Memphis and Atlanta, but the first three cities are repped by Bowman, Bush, and Ohmar, who are all separately getting targeted by AIPAC for their positions on Israel. We really need campaign finance reform.


Israel also paid people to pretend to be constituents of key black politicians. They are far from the only ones to do so (very popular among corporations for less heated topics), but I don't love how lobbying orgs shamelessly use the facade of black orgs.


Absolutely nothing. He's more pro-Israel than Bowman, but Bowman is an incumbent. Incumbents are hard to unseat.


Why do we need to unseat a perfectly liberal Democrat? In a primary? AIPAC has its well known agenda, and Latimer has made promises for that kind of cash. What are they?


>Why do we need to unseat a perfectly liberal Democrat? In a primary? For exactly the same reason that Jamaal Bowman did 4 years ago


In April 2020, Engel claimed he had visited his district and taken part in COVID-19 and healthcare related events, before confirming when challenged that he had not returned to New York since March.[^(\[90\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Engel#cite_note-90) In June 2020, Engel appeared at a press conference to address the [unrest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests) resulting from the [murder of George Floyd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_George_Floyd). When Bronx Borough President [Rubén Díaz Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rub%C3%A9n_D%C3%ADaz_Jr.) indicated there was not enough time for Engel to address the press, Engel responded, "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care." Diaz immediately rebuked Engel, saying, "We're not politicizing. Everybody's got a primary, you know?"[^(\[91\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Engel#cite_note-91)[^(\[92\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Engel#cite_note-92)[^(\[93\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Engel#cite_note-93) Engel was stumbling towards the primary, but many voters also feel like 16 terms is enough if there is a viable challenger


Right, the incumbent Congressman has credible charges against him of lying to voters and cynically using photo ops to keep up appearances in an election year. For Engel, that's lying about returning to New York during COVID, and his infamous hot mic moment For Bowman, that's lying about his position on BDS and the Abraham Accords, and asking a local Jewish leader for a picture of them together so he can prove to everybody that he's friends with Jewish people [https://jewishinsider.com/2024/06/rep-jamaal-bowman-westchester-county-jewish-community/](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/06/rep-jamaal-bowman-westchester-county-jewish-community/) Politicians gonna politician, I guess. I voted for Bowman four years ago and I'll be voting for Latimer this year, and I'll keep on voting for new primary challengers until we can get a Congressman who doesn't lie to us or only pretend to care about us every other year when he's up for re-election.


>Why do we need to unseat a perfectly liberal Democrat? Because aside from making some stupid decisions during his time in Congress, Bowman is also a woo-woo nut-job who's YouTube history is... not great. Personally, I'd prefer to not to have any more nut-jobs in Congress. We have enough with the Republicans. >In a primary? Yes. That's how internal party disputes are handled. Is this your first election? >AIPAC has its well known agenda, Absolutely no one is denying this. >and Latimer has made promises for that kind of cash. Oh yeah? You've got proof of this instead of just idiotic and completely unsubstantiated accusations? Because if you do, I bet there are a lot of journalists who would love to see it. Be better, dude. Don't just make shit up because you think it'll help your side win. That makes you a giant piece of shit. >What are they? Nothing. The guy Latimer is running for opposes their agenda. Latimer doesn't. It's that simple. You don't need to look for conspiracies when there's a very simple and straightforward and, most importantly plausible, explanation. Seriously, be fucking better. This is some Republican "plandemic" bullshit. Just stop and use your whole brain instead of just the perpetually outage conspiracy theory part.


> nd Latimer has made promises for that kind of cash. > > > > Oh yeah? You've got proof of this instead of just idiotic and completely unsubstantiated accusations? Because if you do, I bet there are a lot of journalists who would love to see it. I should have worded it as "must have made promises", as my question clearly indicates. And, you can fucking jog on with your ad hominems. No one gives upward of $15M to primary a candidate without some quid pro quo. If it's "I will always vote the way AIPAC wants, whether it's in support of a Republican or Democratic bill" or something else, it is reasonable to question to ask.


>reasonable question to ask Latimer is more pro-Israel. That's the answer to your question. It's always been the answer. Nobody is denying it. >quid pro quo Latimer and Bowman have publicly stated their stances on Israel. There were multiple debate questions about Israel. This should not be a mystery for you.


AIPAC has exactly one political issue that it cares about, and that issue enjoys broad consensus across both major parties. Bowman just happens to be one of the dozen or so members of Congress who is not part of that consensus.


While I'd concede your point re: AIPAC and apparent consensus, the fact that they are spending so much on a candidate which you agree is in league with only a dozen or so other members (out of 535 in the whole of congress) is disturbing. It is my opinion that AIPAC would rather overpay for a congressman to be beholden to it than allow even a single word of dissent to Israel's policies be heard on Capital Hill.


Look, you have a totally reasonable point that the influence of AIPAC is too strong in Congress. It’s one of those lobbies like the NRA that has a lot of congresspeople by the balls/ovaries. I would argue both the NRA and AIPAC distort policy-making to go against the national interest. At the same time, Bowman is a disaster and I will not vote for him. Latimer would be one more guy in Congress who won’t dare to cross AIPAC on what they deem to be support for Israel (along with 80% of the other congressfolk). But Latimer is also much more sensible and practical, and less of a grandstander, on pretty much every other issue than Bowman.


>And, you can fucking jog on with your ad hominems. No one gives upward of $15M to primary a candidate without some quid pro quo. So ad hominems are bad for me, but implying things you've made up is just fine for you? Do you know why the dollar amounts are so high? It's because this is literally the most expensive media market in all of the Western Hemisphere. Instead of smearing with unfounded accusations, again, use the whole of your brain. Not just the conspiracy part. You might think that this is an ad hominem, but this really is just like the plandemic and birth certificate bullshit. You're "just asking questions."


>implying things you've made up is just fine for you What have I made up? The man is backed by a PAC spending more than it ever has. If it were Bowman getting $15M from a single donor, I'd be asking the same questions. >just like the plandemic and birth certificate bullshit That's just weak. >You're "just asking questions." No, I am asking a specific question with a basis in fact - the man is backed by millions of dollars from a single entity. Should we not ask the same questions of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito given the monies given to them by Leonard Leo and his ilk?


If you were Jewish, you wouldn’t have to ask that question. I am Jewish, so I will make it simple for you. Bowman has said things about the massacre of Oct 7 that belong in the mouth of an antisemite. His voting record aligns with his mouth. I’m going to assume he accidentally said what he really thinks and that his voting matches what he thinks. He doesn’t represent my views and values.


He's also a moron


Obviously, as we've seen throughout history, and very recently by people who have stated or displayed that they support Hamas, a group whose charter stated the goal of the extermination of every Jew on earth, and people who claim exterminating Israel and all the Jews in it is just a cutesy term, From the river to the sea doesn't have anything to do with the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, but means 'peace, love and freedom for all', or something like that, someone people don't actually say 'kill the Jews', they just laugh, clap and cheer it on, while sometimes enjoying themselves by actually doing it.


College students chanting for Intifada and revolution, while decrying genocide and apartheid are a chilling reminder that you really can brainwash people.


I don't think 'kill the Jews' can be justified, obviously, not that you are doing that, by using other terms that mean exactly that. Any claims otherwise are just an excuse.


My husband is Jewish and is voting for bowman. The world has a lot more nuance than the mailers make it seem. Not trying to convince you to vote differently just reminding you that you don’t have to be an antisemite to vote for another candidate in this race.


My town is heavily Jewish and it is going to vote against Bowman, because of what he said and how he has voted on antisemitism and Israel. Bowman and others like him in Congress, are providing direct aid and comfort to Hamas by repeating their talking points and voting for legislation aligned with Hamas interests.


It's nuts right? I'll admit I'm biased because I grew up with a jewish step-father and my little sister worked on a kibbutz, but just a few years ago if you chanted, "death to Israel," you would be considered a nut job. Now its commonplace and you have Dem's dog-whisting the exact same language. I guess the hate for the Jews was there all along. I really thought we were past that.


No. It isn't nuts at all. The world has a long history of killing Jews and enjoying it. And, anyone defending or justifying Hamas, or using other words that mean exterminate Israel without saying those words, then claiming 'kill Jews' in other words doesn't mean that, wants exactly what they are saying, or they wouldn't say it, no matter what words they use that they claim mean 'peace and love' or whatever bullshit.


AOC literally tweeted on Tuesday that the Israel Lobby controls the U.S. Congress. Without a hint of irony. https://x.com/NickJFuentes/status/1803559459320463529


Literally? This excessive spending kinda proves her point. They want to keep their jobs, so why risk angering AIPAC and getting a challenger with a $14.5 million war chest, spending $17,000 against you per hour, funded by AIPAC.


Man thats so gross.


He spent October 8 calling atrocities committed against Israelis "lies and propaganda."


He’s not liberal he’s on the left.


Perfectly piece of shit.


Just say Black. We know where you stand.


Is this Bowman’s burner? I’ve seen him use this line like 4 times this month lol Better go pull another fire alarm


Latimer has done quite little to actually diversify the areas he governed. Not to mention the Dearborn and George Floyd comments. In any case, is he a flagrant racist... No. But he's going to continue the politics of Cuomo and Jay Jacobs in addition to being a rubber stamp for Israel. His indirect influence on state politics is a bigger concern for me than DC where he'll fade into the background. He won't even be there long enough to really advocate for local issues given his age and the contention around this race. Latimer has enough connections to be a pain on the state side, and too few to be effective federally. Don't expect him to do much to grow the party either - he's uninspiring and has clear preference for insiders.


Minorities are over-represented in Westchester compared to the national average, and in any case a politician shouldn't plan to "diversify" their constituency


Because he’s a piece of garbage


Because this is a high-income high-achieving intact-families district with whom a “perfect liberal” is grossly out of step. Let Bowman find some welfare shithole district to represent.


Whatever you say, MAGAt.


Because he’s a piece of garbage


> Why do we need to unseat a perfectly liberal Democrat? Every democrat should be unseated ;)


Okay, bootlicker. How's that #cultlife going for ya?


AIPAC overspent. My household has been endlessly harassed with an exorbitant amount of fliers tearing down Bowman with “scary” cartoonish pictures as if we are children that need to be made afraid. Several phone calls every night. If you can’t trust that Latimer will win on their own merit and virtues and you have to throw this level of spending behind them, that tells me a lot. Someone with a lot of money has a lot at stake here. We are no longer voting Latimer.


Christ, I'm glad I don't have a house phone. Every time a new batch of mailers show up in my mailbox, I get angrier. I can't imagine how enraged I'd be if I were also getting phone calls.


I've gotten a ton of anti Latimer flyers as well and Bowman's campaign keeps texting me to vote for Bowman... Personally, I look at their voting records/potential differences in what they would support. I pretty much ignore all this other stuff which is just there to push the uninformed towards their candidate.


This whole race is so depressing. All that money wasted IMO. I get daily mailings attacking Bowman. Yesterday I got FIVE anti-Bowman mailers in one day. No others. Ignoring everything else, that kind of nonsense makes me much less inclined to vote for Latimer.


What's really interesting and more than a little funny is the question - Are they getting their money's worth? I live in the district and have been bombarded with ads, flyers, commercials and various promotions but I'm still voting for Bowman. Not because I think Bowman is great but simply because experience with Latimer has shown him to be ineffective. The relentless campaign can't override experience. All those millions of dollars spent may mean Latimer wins but are the margins wide enough to justify the expense?


Yes, ad dollars work. They won’t change the mind of most voters, but they can sway unaffiliated or ambivalent voters to have a favorable opinion of one candidate or another unfavorable opinion of another candidate. As many have written here, many people have had positive personal experiences with Latimer and may vote for him accordingly. Seeing a video ad with Latimer playing with his grandkids can have the same effect. Just as can a video of Bowman joking around with Stephen Colbert on the Late Show.


Can’t buy my vote. Bowman FTW.


Is someone actually trying to buy your vote? If so, please send them my way. I could use some extra cash.


They spent $17 million for a reason


They spent $17 million on TV commercials. I haven't received a cent. If they are actually buying votes then I'm happy to sell my vote to the highest bidder.


No one gives a shit what you would do


Most Americans want a political system that isn't so driven by money. The way the Democratic Party chooses to cater to this goal is by including the following language in its national platform: >"Democrats believe that the interests and the voices of the American people should determine our elections. Money is not speech, and corporations are not people. Democrats will fight to pass a Constitutional amendment that will go beyond merely overturning Citizens United and related decisions like Buckley v. Valeo by eliminating all private financing from federal elections." George Latimer currently has an advantage over Jamaal Bowman because of the amount of spending in the race on his behalf. Per [the Journal News on June 18, 2024](https://www.lohud.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/18/spending-on-jamaal-bowman-george-latimer-primary-tops-22-million-as-outside-cash-pours-in/74098367007/), "\[T\]he spending tallies are lopsided. Outside groups backing Latimer had outspent Bowman's allies by 7-to-1." In theory, every Democratic member of Congress is, in general, trying to advance the Democratic Party Platform. However, whichever of our current two Democratic candidates is elected will have incentives based on their own experience. I would expect Bowman would be especially interested in achieving the reforms identified in the platform, because they would make him less vulnerable to the kind of spending levied against him now. On the other hand, Latimer would have a \*disincentive\* to achieve the identified reforms, inasmuch as, if he is elected, he will be reliant or dependent on the huge amount of outside spending to continue to fend off Bowman and other progressive challengers. In essence, Latimer will have a conflict of interest vis-à-vis the Democratic Party platform.


Thank you, I appreciate the analysis. From the linked article, if it were only individual donations, Bowman would have a considerable advantage.


I don’t know. I typically vote by finding out who AIPAC wants to win and voting for the opponent lol


Just stop it. Everyone knows what you’re implying and it’s asinine. Bowman is going down in flames because he is a horrible legislator, not because of some shady conspiracy.


Oh come on. Most of us hate PACs and lobbyists already. Hating what is essentially a foreign agent PAC pumping millions into Westchester, shoving fliers and TV ads down our throats is a totally justified response.


The people who work for AIPAC are Americans. Calling them "foreign" is antisemitic.


It is not antisemitic to point out that AIPAC adopts the viewpoints of the Knesset and the Netanyahu regime verbatim... a foreign agent. Hope this helps.


“Foreign Agent” is misleading and BS. Many Americans support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, just as many Americans support a strong relationship with Ukraine, Taiwan, the UK, etc. AIPAC is group of Americans who believe a strong U.S.-Israel relationship is important and benefits the United States. It is not an organization run by foreigners. Unless you’re calling Americans who support a strong relationship with Israel “foreigners”. Americans who support a stronger U.S.-Palestinian relationship have every right to make their own PAC and organizations. The U.S. has been the largest contributor of aid to Palestinian Territories over the last 50 years, so there’s certainly a long relationship there.


Cool. Read my comment. I hate money in politics. I think all PACs should be dissolved.


How much is AIPAC paying you?


What am I implying? Do tell, wise one.


What's your information regarding promises?


You are invoking the anti semitic trope that Jews are devious and dishonest. That they have secret conspiracies and deals. You have evidence of nothing at all, and want us to not trust the Jews. Shall I continue?


It is not offensive at all to ask why a politician got a huge chunk of money from a super pac. If it was a pac from oil companies, or a pac from the NRA, or even a separate country like Ukraine it would be perfectly reasonable to ask why such a disproportionate amount was dropped in that race. If AIPAC donated like $10,000, he’ll even $100,000, no one would bat an eye. $14 million for a house seat that is basically safe democratic is astounding


I was simply answering the question that was asked. You sound offended, not me.


You spouting that drivel deflects from actual antisemitism and you should feel bad


Yikes! This is a wild overreaction to a simple explanation. Methinks thou dost protest too much.


It wasn’t an explanation it was an accusation. Nice backpedal though Shakespeare


lol whoosh


It's a tantrum, is what it is.


Keep calling every criticism “antisemitism”, and the word is going to become meaningless


I was simply answering the question that was asked. People give money to politicians they agree with. If that’s only a problem for you when the Jews do it, it’s time to do some introspection.


Why are they spending so much then?


Because bowman was brave enough to speak up against Israelis genocide of Palestinians


The genocide is what Hamas is doing. Get your facts right instead of listening to TikTok videos


But what Israel doing is 100% justified and not even remotely close to genocide right?


Hamas is doing and promised genocide. It's in their charter. Israel like every other country has a right to defend itself. Israel left full infrastructure in Gaza when they left in 2005. Hamas then took all that and tore it apart and uses it to create weapons. Under every single home in Gaza there are terror tunnels.


Lets be more specific. Genocide as called for in other words in their charter, called for the death of EVERY Jew on the planet, not just Israel. And, the goal has been verbally reiterated since by Hamas leaders.


So Israel has done nothing wrong at all while dealing with Hamas?


Hamas started a war.


So yes, you think Israel has done nothing wrong, got it


Hamas doesn’t have weapons like we supply to Israel. Their attack on 10/7 is a result of what we have been doing to them for years. They are in concentration camps and can not leave. Try thinking logically instead.


Hamas is a terrorist organization ruling Palestine since 2005... you are so misinformed that it is painful to read.


Ruling Gaza starting with the people of Gaza electing them as the majority in parliament, allowing them to form the ruling coalition. That's voting for a group with the written (in their charter) and many times stated goal of the death of every Jew on the planet.


exactly... (and then we have the Poison Ivy league students happily dressed up as Hamas soldiers and praising them.


It wasn’t even close to a majority, they adopted a different voting system and Hamas wasn’t running a pro terrorism campaign they were running one on a dissatisfaction with Fatahs corruption and the status quo that was doing nothing but worsen the situation. It was actually 45% Hamas and 41% Fatah and now because they adopted a shit fusion system of proportional and parliament districts, Hamas controlled around 75 seats. But acting like Hamas is popular in Gaza is not the case all the polls show them they are incredibly unpopular and that Fatah would win if they held an election by a a landslide


They are a terrorist organization that started because of what we are doing to them since the 1940s


You really are sick. Maybe move there if you feel this way...they are terrorist because of the policies of some of those countries. Get your facts straight....


A group whose charter stated the goal of the death of every Jew on the planet, which has been reiterated verbally by it's leaders since, exterminates 1200 Jews, rapes Jewish woman and takes Jews hostages totally unrelated to that goal? Obviously, you believe their brothers, Islamic Jihad, attacking and killing 'infidels' has nothing to do with any desire to just kill infidels.


No you’re inserting ideas out of your ass about me because you don’t care about what’s going on. These things happen because of what the United States and UK did to Palestine after WWI and WWII. I’m calling out what we are doing to them so that people who want these things to end peacefully will better understand and not just react emotionally with garbage takes.


If you don't seem to have a problem with Hamas wiping out, raping and taking Jews hostage, but do have a problem with their Islamic Jihad brothers doing the same to 'infidels', you just support or don't have a problem with killing Jews. And, you're the type of person that is the reason Israel exists. Because other people who didn't have a problem killing Jews acted in it in a scale of millions, as opposed to the lesser number that has been acted on for centuries.


Even if you believe its an apartheid situation (which is debatable), how does raping girls at a music festival change that? Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and MLK never advocated for violent rape and those situations were far worse than Palestine. If you truly believe in peace and justice, apply it equally to all.


Unlike Hamas, whose charter called for the death of every Jew on the planet, which has been reiterated by it's leaders since, Gandhi, Mandela and MLK didn't call for, and have a written goal of the death of every white on the planet. Quite the opposite, they believed in peace.


Thats exactly my point. It’s a false equivalency. Nobody likes to see dead civilians. Hamas trains its seven year old boys to be suicide bombers and “ marries” the little girls off at twelve. You can’t reason with barbarism.


They’re a different culture from us westerners. They live through a life of war that we put them through, they don’t know what Ghandi or MLK are. They are prisoners being tortured in open air prison that we put them under. They don’t have western liberal views or moral. They just want to fight back. Moral Americans can stand up for them because we shouldn’t be genociding them. Nothings going to make them westernized, their culture is fucked by us. There’s no way to fix it but we can stop the genocide.


Misleading lies, lies, and more lies. The blockade and restrictions on entry of goods Gaza by BOTH Israel and Egypt began AFTER Hamas seized power in a violent coup and began launching rocket attacks on Israel with the stated goal of wiping out Israel. Hamas and their terror/rocket attacks are the cause of the restriction on entry of guns and military material into Gaza. Gaza could be a Singapore in the Middle East if not for the Jihadi regime which seized power. Who knows what Gaza would look like if the PA won the 2005-2007 Civil War in Gaza.


After Hamas seized power after the people of Gaza elected them with the most votes of any party allowing them to form the ruling coalition in parliament. despite Hamas' written, in their charter, and often spoken goal of the death of every Jew on the planet.


Gaza has been a concentration camp since the mandate in the 40s. They would have never had any chance. The US funds Israelis army with our taxes. The Palestinians have no way to escape their conditions. They have always been controlled by Israel.


Then, you obviously also support their killing gays for being gay, I'm sure you have a reason, and their treatment of Christians in Gaza, since you obviously also have a reason defending that.


Being facetious isn’t an argument. I know Islamic culture is also very conservative and conservatives hate gays. But that doesn’t justify us genociding them. We are better than that despite cultural differences.


I suppose that if someone supported the Nazis killing Jews, like you support Hamas, which has the same goal of the death of every Jew on earth, you would find the mention of their similar killing homosexuals, Jehovahs Witnesses, Gypsies, people with certain types of disabilities, ect., facetious.


Because Bowman challenges the status quo


Enlighten us


Latimer is results - driven, Bowman is more focused on messaging. I work in NY real estate. Bowman's debate answer of spending $1 trillion on affordable housing over the next decade isn't going anywhere in Congress. If it even passed, it'd be a mess of amendments. Latimer knows how to get it done.


OP already wrote elsewhere here that being anti Bowman makes you anti-black. Which makes OP a racist piece of shit.


Bullshit. Latimer is ineffective. I've worked on one issue with him and the issue remains. I'm voting for Bowman.


Which issue? In what capacity did you work with him on it?


If you look higher up in the conversation, OP states that not liking Bowman makes you anti-black. Which makes him anti-white. And his obviously being against AIPAC then makes him anti-semitic.


Most expensive Congressional primary election in U.S. history, yet nothing to see here, folks? "Pro-Israel super PACs, including AIPAC and Democratic Majority for Israel, and the crypto-funded super PAC Fairshake have spent a massive sum of money on this primary — making it the most expensive House primary ever, according to AdImpact." [Cook Political Report, Jun. 20, 2024](https://www.cookpolitical.com/analysis/house/new-york-house/new-york-house-primary-preview-bowman-trouble-democrats-vie-take).


I think AIPAC will have wildly overspent when the results come out and Bowman is clobbered.


The bowman concert in port Chester went well tonight…. Been a while since there was a mass brawl around here. https://x.com/timcastnews/status/1803987591693283520?s=46&t=LDPXGdz61flx2r30HcReuA


LOL Pim Tool


Yeah I don’t know the guy but his vid was the only one I found


Take anything from that far right grifter with the fucking biggest grain of salt imaginable. I’ll never forget how this retard claimed trump was gonna with a 50 state landslide in 2020. Whatever’s he is saying is most assuredly a lie.


I totally see what you’re saying and I don’t trust people like that, however It’s a recorded video. I know exactly what went down. Not from him but just because I know. Jamal held a rap concert and got tons of young people from outside port Chester to attend. Concert ended. Some girls got into a fight outside the venue which turned into everyone getting crazy in the streets. About 300 people I’d say. Then cops came and broke it up did a great job no arrests no injuries everyone dispersed took around 15 mins. Either way. Crazy to see.


All I see in the vid are idiots running around. The street. There is no actual context except for a claim from a know liar. You’re gonna have to do better than that.


I was there lol. That footage is just better. Hence me explaining in detail what happened


Ok so it’s just some trash youths getting into a foght. I’ve never ever seen that one before lmao.


Cool man I’m glad. We typically don’t have brawls and 300 people having to be broken up by cops on our quiet streets except when bowman comes to town to rap apparently.


Your thinly veiled racism is hilarious bro.


Someone had a bad prediction so that makes them a known liar? And it was 49 state landslide not 50. So who’s lying now? I watch a lot of political content including Tim Pool and he was for sure being hyperbolic. Under normal voting rules and circumstances Trump never loses 2020. Won 18/19 bell-weather counties, most votes for any incumbent ever(no incumbent ever received more votes in 2nd bid and lost) 2nd most votes ever behind Biden’s 81m. The changes to voting(some of which were done so unconstitutionally) were better adapted to by democrats. Their ballot harvesting game was on point. The republicans were messaging while dems were collecting more pieces of paper with names on them.




Stay Classy Port Chester!


None of those people were from port Chester. It was people most likely bussed or trained in from mt vernon, yonkers, bronx, etc. Actually, the kids there that were from port chester were yelling at all these idiots to get out.


Larimer promised he doesn't think a fire alarm controls a door.


Anyone who is casting their vote solely over a fire alarm should have their voting rights revoked.


Sure thing Obergruppenführer Narthuro.


Georgie Boy owes us a disc golf course Until then he’s a lying POS politician


OP already wrote elsewhere here that being anti Bowman makes you anti-black. Which makes OP a racist piece of shit.


The amount of Bowman campaign birgaders on this sub the last few days is insane. It's not gonna happen your antisemitic loser is cooked. Fuck off already.


Why is it brigading? People have valid reasons to support Bowman


Bowman is not antisemitic, Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and bowman is not afraid to speak up to that.


By calling that genocide, you are spitting at people and relatives of people that were subjected to genocide.


My family is Irish they were all fucked up from the British genocide in the 1840s. It’s not a spit in the face, it’s calling out hypocrisy. You can clearly see videos of Israelis calling for eradication.


Haha how much are they paying you?


Standing for what you believe doesn’t cost a thing


OP already wrote elsewhere here that being anti Bowman makes you anti-black. Which makes OP a racist piece of shit.


Latimer has almost certainly promised them to never push back on anything Israel does, never say a bad word about Netanyahu, never offer even the mildest of critiques of whatever their military does in this war, and to never vote against them in the House. In all likelihood, that's all they're asking of him at this point in time. However, caution is warranted because unfortunately, AIPAC are no longer dedicated solely to fighting for pro-Israeli legislation in the US the way they once were, and have moved on to supporting a wide variety of far-right fringe people and policies, many of whom are openly antisemetic. Much like how the NRA is no longer exclusively dedicated to protecting their interpretation of the 2nd ammendment. Hell, AIPAC has even joined in with the Christian nationalist crazies by regualrly tweeting out antisemetic conspiracy theories about George Soros. I'm not too worried about the kind of Congressman Latimer will be because I know him to be a decent man, but I do really wish he didn't feel the need to take right-wing money and votes to win this election.


Zionists are far right.


Not all of them. Zionism is a more diverse and varied idealogy than most people realize. Revisionist-Zionists like Netanyahu and Likud are relentlessly extreme in their beliefs, and are absolutely far-right. They are arguably the most common form of Zionism found in Israel these days, but they were considered a fringe element there for a long time in the 20th century. On the other hand, Labor-Zionists such as the late Yitzhak Rabin and the Israeli Labor Party are decidedly left-wing, and have long advocated for a two-state solution and even for returning a lot of the land Israel captured in 1967 and beyond. There are even Zionists who believe that Israel should not exist in its current state and that only the Messiah can bring about the return of Jews to Israel, though admittedly, those Zionists are exceedingly few in number. The point is, there's a lot of varied viewpoints and disagreement within the Zionist movement. Zionism at its core is simply just a term that means Jews deserve to have a country of their own. Since the creation of Israel, it typically refers to protecting the existence State of Israel. This is why when people refer to themselves as Anti-Zionist, it gets interpreted by many Jews as code for antisemitism, because in their mind, it sounds like someone is saying the Jews don't deserve any kind of nation and should be killed or expelled from the Southern Levant. However, I happen to know that most people describing themselves as Anti-Zionist are, in fact, Anti-Revisionist-Zionist, and are rarely opposed to Israel's continued existence, but usually aren't aware of these various important distinctions within Zionism itself. Hell, even most Zionists I know don't know the difference between Revisionist-Zionists and Labor-Zionists.


AIPAC is treasonous. America first - enough instigating us in foreign conflicts and caring more about Israel than America, Westchester or our home. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars on every candidate, in EVERY single state who won’t bow to Israel’s demands is insane and must be stopped immediately.


They're testing how to replace progressives in radical liberals with more moderate-minded Democrats. I'm all for it. Progressivism has become extremism. It has lost touch with most of the principles that I aligned with, and it has been hijacked by people parroting to victimhood.


Why isn’t this type of thing bribery?


George Latimer will have very little to do if wins this primary. All he will have to do is look up his talking points and vote requirements in the AIPAC legislative guide that he will be provided with. I don’t believe Bowman and Latimer are all that different in their positions on most of the core issues that democrats care about. Bowman made a poor choice of words in commenting on the events of October 7 and Israel’s ongoing response. Now he is being run out of town because of it. He expressed some concern over the number of Palestinian deaths women and children and other non combatants. He used the word genocide which will get you shut down and labeled a racist and anti-Semite in an instant.


Good point, well made.


It’s really disappointing that this election is coming down to whether or not you prefer the guy who’s having money funneled into him by a foreign agent or the guy that insists that Hamas didn’t rape those women but if they did they were forced to as if they had no agency of their own


OP summarizes his position earlier in this conversation where he states that not liking Bowman makes you anti-black. Obviously, his being against AIPAC makes him clearly anti-semitic, then.


I suspect Latimer only had to promise not to be a lying pos when it came to the Jews. Bowman had such promise and he pissed it away...what a disappointment


“The Art of the Deal”


That dude, his calls, mail, supporters coming to door are just plain creepy


To not support terrorism, presumably. It's sad that it costs so much money to get a socialist, terrorist-sympathizer out. Wish AIPAC could have done it for 1/10th the cost.


Ah, so anyone who is appalled by Israel's atrocities is a terrorist sympathizer. Now that we see where you stand, there's no need for further engagement. Enjoy the Bibi bodycount.


You're a fucking racist who already stated that being against Bownman makes you anti-black.


And yet Netanyahu is behaving like a terrorist.


Why do you have to lie? It shows you don’t really have an argument

