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This lacks context. I was there, and he was referencing the physical space where we were because the whole point of the rally was to gather supporters of all 3 politicians in one place, and bus canvassers to their respective districts. They organized many of us to canvass immediately after the rally, forJamaal in Westchester, and AOC in her district. The spot represented a common point for those two, and was a point of significance because Bernie chose the same park as his NY rally point in 2020 when he was running for pres again. AOC referenced that she was in the crowd that day, and that it’s what made her run for office.


Wait.. this is no place for -context-! Don't you know, Bowman is bad and you just need to accept that fact! /s


He and AOC are trying desperately (and too late) to rally the troops. They rested on their laurels of 3-years ago and I’m neither impressed with his foul language nor her feigning concern about abortion access.


AOC was first elected in 2018. But of course, she’s not known for accurate statements.


How is this context to his actual use of words? Doesn’t matter where he was or why. Just like it doesn’t matter where you pull the fire alarm for no good reason.


It’s adding context about the location because OP was pointing out it was not in his district. No one said it was context about his statement.


Gotta love sycophants… can’t smell the world because of all the brown on their noses.


Not sure how answering your question makes me a sycophant. I can’t comment on what he said because I don’t know Bowman nor was I at the event.


But he spent a significant chunk of his career in South Bronx. So he is likely referencing his own power (that he got while working in South Bronx) in the statement.


That’s a rally with AOC and Bernie. It’s not in her district either. This doesn’t seem like a big deal. It’s at St Mary’s Park. Maybe it’s just a nice park. Who cares?


Why is he holding a rally for his own re-election...outside of his district?


I don’t know what the logic was behind the location. I was just trying to offer some info.


Because he has no idea where people who can vote for him live. This is sad.


hope all the bowman shills leave after he loses on Tuesday the subreddit so we can return back to complaining about property taxes and when chickfila is gonna open


I snorted


When is the one they building near the county center going to open? They approved permits but we need to speed it up. Like to see bowmans and george plan for speeding it up in the final days.


We are going to be right here along with all the Israel and AIPAC shills, thank you very much. Frankly, there is more evidence of shilling AGAINST Bowman in this sub, than for him.


I am not a SHILL but I sure as shit am against BOWMAN CLOWN.






I only shill for Israel, not Aipac.




Nope we’re here to stay


Latimer always talks about how he’s running because Bowman is more interesting in getting on national TV and becoming famous for outlandish statements than delivering results for the district. Bowman’s closing message in the last few days appears to be: Yes, Latimer is correct.


All friggin Clowns and clown supporters.


Defeating Bowman won’t make Israel any less wrong in what they are doing. I said it. Cue the slurs thrown.


I'm so sick of this cacophony of chaos. Who's down for a party when it's finally over?


What’s so bad about this?


So bad? Nothing. What’s next? A profanity ridden state of the union? SCOTUS telling lawyers to fuck off? I’m cool with all that, but where’s the bottom, just what level of loss of decorum are we ok with? Are racial slurs ok now too? Slang? Dude is a fucking congressman, he should at least try to act like it. Obama was the coolest person ever and he didn’t need to curse publicly to rally people. Heck, even Trump doesn’t! But Bowman does.


It's not necessarily bad, but it's definitely an unusual strategy for a candidate to be pursuing in the run up to a local election. Usually a candidate spends time in their district emphasizing why the connection they have to their district and their constituents makes them the right person to vote for.


Yeah, this is why Latimer is going to win. He actually shows up at all events in his own district. Bowman is going out of his district for a rally to excite...people who won't even vote in the primary?


It’s not just about the district though with this rally in particular. It’s so people see the bigger picture with what’s going on with our district’s election, with the AIPAC funding Latimer how much of an effect the Israel issue has on the race. You may not like it, but the AIPAC’s involvement in trying to unseat a young (young for a politician) black man who is known to not go the the status quo, who has called for a ceasefire and is vocally against Israel’s actions is going to draw a lot of attention and put the election under more of a national spotlight. Let me tell you, if this election was 2 years ago, the district 16 election would not be getting this much press and not be so polarizing.


Not sure what your point is here. Everything you said is true, but none of it makes it any less strange that this is what Bowman is doing three days before the election. At this point in a campaign cycle, it's usually too late to move the needle with fundraising or persuasion so the focus is usually on GOTV. If Bowman wants to win on Tuesday, the normal playbook would be for him to spend this weekend going around Westchester making sure his supporters are actually going to show up for him in the voting booth. That's not to say he hasn't done that at all - he had an event in Port Chester a day or two ago - but every second he spends talking to non-voters in the South Bronx is a second that he isn't spending talking to voters in Westchester.


It’s because he has a bunch of people canvassing the rally he is holding is for canvassers, and they then are going to parts of his district for GOTV efforts. So that’s exactly what he is doing. This isn’t a rally as much as an organizing event for volunteers.


That makes a lot more sense, thanks. Still feels a little weird that it's in the South Bronx instead of Westchester though. That might say something not so good for him about where he's drawing his support from.


AOC is at the rally so it’s probably better for the meeting point to be between her district and NY-16.


Your explanation is why Bowman is such a crap candidate. I don't care about making this race about something else, I want a congressman who actually cares about the district and what we want. Not someone who just wants spots on cable TV to up his fame. It's enough already. Him and Bernie should write a book about AIPAC when the race is over, maybe go on a speaking tour. George will get down to the business of governing.


Hes a Black man speaking truth to power and as history has shown us in this country, Their Oppressors DONT LIKE THAT !! Espically if it has to do with stopping Colonizing exposing racism and spreading the wealth..


My own personal opinion, but I think it's another indication of his inexperience and some immaturity. Not a bad candidate but just not there yet.


This guy is such a fucking clown, the scariest part is he could go back to working at schools.


I’m voting for Bowman. Say no to lobbyists, no to AIPAC, and no to MAGA, but yes to an Oxford comma.




















Yeah, I have no idea why he'd host a rally in an area that isn't even part of westchester county (historically it was, but those days are far gone)


It’s a bigger event with AOC and Bernie Sanders


Wait, didn't a similar event happen back in 2019 (in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election)?


Yeah and they lost


ow my ears the dog whistles


Are you saying that “AIPAC” is a dog whistle for Jews?


Bowman referred to AIPAC as the "Zionist entity." Does he refer to any other advocacy organizations like that, or just the one that happens to be the largest Jewish-run organization in the country? Bowman is a 9/11 truther and rape denier. I don't understand why progressives associate themselves with such morons. He's the far-left version of MTG.


Are they not clearly a Zionist organization?? Am I crazy


The quote is actually "because I am fighting against this genocide I am being attacked by the Zionist regime we call AIPAC." ([source](https://x.com/jacobkornbluh/status/1803185727238246478)). AIPAC is a Zionist organization if you define Zionism the same way American Jewish Zionists define the term: as the right of Jewish self-determination — and by extension, a Jewish state — in the Levant. If Bowman is using that definition, he's definitely not in favor of it, and that's a **huge** problem. But I don't think Bowman is using the term that way. He's corrupting it to mean something sinister -- he adds the word "sinister" and implies that Zionists have no issue with genocide. That's an even bigger problem. Either way, he's a clown at best and an anti-Semite at worst.


Depends on the context, which is often what sets a dog whistle apart. I.e., when Donald Trump says “thugs.” That Bowman is saying “AIPAC” to a specific crowd in a specific location - one not even in his district, as opposed to the people who actually live in his district - makes it a dog whistle.


Thanks for explaning that. No joke.


He's directly addressing the people working as canvassers for his campaign, naming AIPAC as an entity backing his opponent. This couldn't really be further from a dog whistle. Frankly the explanation you gave also doesn't ring the right bell either. A crowd of people in that specific location, is implied to hear AIPAC and think... what exactly? Dog whistles are used to invoke a nudge-nudge/wink-wink connection to people over a pre-shared concept, while maintaining plausible deniability for anyone who would call them out on it. It really doesn't fit here no matter how you stretch it.


Plausible deniability, you say?


As a relative measure. A brazen whistler may lay it on pretty thick if they feel there's little that would actually come from being called out. Nonetheless there's still the pretense of not saying a thing directly. Or perhaps just being coy and facetious is part of the nudge/wink. That's not what Bowman is doing here, he's being direct in naming the group that is funding his opponent. Would you perhaps like to assert directly that Bowman is being antisemitic simply by virtue of naming AIPAC? Or did you have another point? Or are you committed to just peppering little incendiary nothings around?




YES. This is a dog whistle for those easy antisemites and low information voters who think Israel is a “colonial oppressor”. The Jews. Zionists. Israel. AIPAC. Same old shit from Bowman.


Thank you


Yeah that sounds like a guy who doesn’t know how fire alarms work


I love how every other day is a post about something Bowman said being taken out of context in this subreddit when Latimer has said shit like Cuomo being punished for SA is like Emmitt Till being lynched. Latimer supporters are frankly insufferable. Not even a Bowman supporter but anyone supporting Latimer is brain dead.


When the comparison targets minorities no one says shit , Latimer hide behind white liberalism so the shade doesn't come her way.


Older white liberals in Westchester are a perfect example of a lot of issues with the Democratic Party. They’re no better than some Maga supporters with their unconditional fandom and lack critical thinking skills. It’s painful organizing with some of these people.


A whole bunch of limousine liberals


Preach call me naive and i should of known better but i was super shocked when i seen how many White liberals were Pro Israel DESPITE knowing the truth and i dont know if you notice this but alot are switching Parties and being more openly racist too. Its no wonder the left never fixes things. Its almost if some liberals and republicans have some certain pact


This fucking clown. I heard speak for the first every last week and it was in a fucking ad. Fuck out politicians. All of them.


AIPAC money is disgusting and shows how little they care about grassroots politics


Left-wingers use AIPAC like a slur. It is left-wing dog whistle for Jewish influence. The "Zionist Lobby" if you will. Used the way you and others are using it to slur Latimer, it sounds like thinly veiled antisemitism. "Latimer supports the Jewish state and not their victims." AIPAC has thrown outsize support for George Latimer, because he supports Israel and doesn't engage in "contextualization" and lies about Israeli actions, like Bowman. Latimer has outsized support of the Jewish community because of this support for Israel.


Lol If your claims are so valid- you would not need a 15 million dollar donation from them right? Its a genocide supporting PAC and people should call it what it is.


To anyone, except the ideologically captured, the war in Gaza is brutal. But it's not genocide. Nor is Israel an Apartheid state. And there is no famine and will never be a famine. And this is why Latimer is going to defeat Bowman. We are tired of this nonsense regarding Israel and the other baggage that comes with the DSA/woke agenda.


Literally every human rights organization calls it a apartheid state , that is deliberate in starving and forcing out a population for more zionist settlers. Even Netanhayu has made it clear what he wants. Most importantly a foreign country should not have a say in our primary election. They just want to silence a critic. If a muslim country was doing it- we all will be freaking out. But since its israel, every atrocities get a free pass


Because you brought it up....... Some greatest hits of Muslim ideology against religious minorities include: Armenians, Kurds, Somalis, Bangladesh, Sudanese, Coptic Christians, Yezidi, Hindus and yes, the Jews. These genocidal acts have lead to 3M+ deaths in the 20th-21st century. The only ideologies with a worse track record include Communism and Facism. Bless the UN's little heart for have the strength to identify and call out Israel as chief amongst the rogues gallery. AIPAC is funded by US citizens that disagree with you. Israel doesn't have a say in our election. People who believe as I do, have a say. And our pocketbooks are speaking loudly.










AIPac is supporting a genocide and vote against it