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Can’t wait for this election year to be over.


He’s never been to Brooklyn clearly


Please for the love of god admins ban political posts in this sub. They are eons worse than the “should we live here” posts. PLEASE!


Without politics and "should we live here" posts this sub would practically be dead lol. But I'm jk, I agree entirely.


Eh could do without the politics. There’s enough of it out in the world. Don’t need it on Reddit.


This is just rage bait, OP one year old account with neg karma.


Voting Bowman/Wagstaff


Btw OP's account was created in August 2023 and has not participated in any conversations on this sub. But all of a sudden he/she/it magically cares about this race. OP = Paid shill. Reject with prejudice and block their account.


I have posted about non political things in this sub at least twice and months ago. Try again lol


While I understand the fringe right-wing Washington Free Beacon wants to make this is a controversial statement, it's 100% true that Westchester is segregated. Yonkers literally was forced to legally desegregate only a couple of decades ago. There are different concentrations of certain groups like Arabs, Jews, and Black residents. That's just the truth and if you don't see it then you are probably not looking beyond your own cul-de-sac.


Yes because Westchester segregated via school districts and zoning codes, which comes down to income which unfortunately comes down to race still. I kinda find it funny since NYC has multiple "towns" Little Italy, China Town, Jewish areas, Hispanic areas. People congregate. We are "Nimby Democrat", Bowman is "Progressive Democrat" "Nimby Democrat" meaning we care mostly about Schools, and then taxes. We will support for things that do not really affect schools negatively (Abortion, Gun Control, Gay Rights, Transrights (except where it intersects with schools), but aren't really as interested in things that will affect schools in our backyards. (affordable housing, reparations, poverty, segregation)


That's skipping over the important detail that realtors in Yonkers deliberately did not sell houses to Black people. They had the money, so it wasn't about income. It was about race. There was one small neighborhood that they allowed Black people in called Runyon Heights and the City even changed the road to keep them secluded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runyon_Heights,_Yonkers


And Bowman makes segregation out as instigated by "the Jews"


But he isn't talking about other ethnic groups concentrated in neighborhoods like this, is he? One reason that Jews are more concentrated in certain neighborhoods is, they were banned from others


Black people weren't banned from others?! That was the entire point of the Yonkers deseg case! Looks like that full Bowman quote is actually calling for people to come together. But, that part wasn't in your right-wing blog's headline. "we’ve been separated and segregated and miseducated for so long. We need to live together, play together, go to school together, learn together, work together"


Did i say that only Jews were banned from neighborhoods? No He is insinuating that Jews are not "coming together" ie inherently being racist by being concentrated. This is obvious and clear


Read the entire quote and not just the headline. He isn't insinuating. You're reaching.


The entire quote doesn't help at all


This is a ridiculous lie


What's a lie?


Where was anyone banned?


Bronxville for instance until the 1970s or so


I thought that this was widely known, but below is an article from 1959 that backs up what you have been saying. [https://www.commentary.org/articles/harry-gersh/gentlemens-agreement-in-bronxvillethe-holy-square-mile/](https://www.commentary.org/articles/harry-gersh/gentlemens-agreement-in-bronxvillethe-holy-square-mile/)


That doesn’t prove anything, it assumes that is why. It starts off by asserting it and then zero empirical evidence of any such discrimination


To everybody I say don’t bother reading this article. It’s from the Washington free bacon. After all these years, it’s still all schizo opinion posts that present themselves as daring reporting


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/06/21/jamaal-bowman-israel-trip-reelection-00163788 The outlet didn't invent this quote


Thanks for providing an article from a reputable so far that explains everything that happened


what about this article is so bad to you?


He is insinuating that specifically Jews are not "coming together" ie inherently being racist by being concentrated. This is obvious and clear This is blatant race baiting dogwhistle


no it isn't. I'm Jewish too, and you are just looking for something to be mad at. he said he knows Jews have reasons for that, but as a community we should have better relationships with each other, he isn't blaming anyone, he is acknowledging there is a disconnect. an anti-semite would try to say that it's a good thing when Jewish people isolate.


New York City - famous for not having any neighborhoods that are ethnic enclaves Are you fucking serious right now?


I'm talking about Westchester County, slim


You are blatantly race baiting. That much is obvious.


Oh man, I am really against Bowman for downplaying Oct 7 and for his "progressive" policies...but even I can't stand this gish-gallop nonsense.  If you think this is a 'mask drop' moment, then you need to develop a thicker skin in life. There are plenty of policy reasons for not supporting Bowman. Making unsubstantiated personal attacks just makes me dislike OP.


Probably the stupidest part of that statement is the idea that in NYC "we all live together". Where've you been the last 400 years?


Hope some of you guys planning on voting for Latimer see the right wing nut jobs like OP who are on your side


I'm not rightwing. Who do you think the allies of antisemites are?


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.


Who said it was?


True. It’s also true that nearly all antisemitism since the 1940s has been in the name of identifying and weeding out “Zionists”.




honestly Bowman isn't a perfect candidate but at least he isn't bought and paid for by a super PAC whaddup AIPAC i see you, girly 😘


Another astroturf post against Bowman... This sub needs a political post moratorium until after the election is over.


Voters need to know about unacceptable and hateful statements such as this And there have been plenty of posts from the other side. Probably more


This is not a hateful statement it is accurate in Westchester


It's clearly and deliberately insinuating something against Jews. He has dropped the mask


>In New York City we all live together," Bowman [said](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/06/21/jamaal-bowman-israel-trip-reelection-00163788) in April, *Politico* reported. "\[But\] Westchester is segregated. There’s certain places where the Jews live and concentrate. Scarsdale, parts of White Plains, parts of New Rochelle, Riverdale. I’m sure they made a decision to do that for their own reasons ... but this is why, in terms of fighting antisemitism, I always push—we’ve been separated and segregated and miseducated for so long. We need to live together, play together, go to school together, learn together, work together. He's saying we would have less antisemitism if we all got to know each other more. Oh, the horror!


He is insinuating that specifically Jews are not "coming together" ie inherently being racist by being concentrated. This is obvious and clear This is blatant race baiting dogwhistle


He’s literally saying that if we spent a little more time with each other, there would be less hatred. Pulling anything more from what he said is making something up to fit your narrative.


Not everyone would agree with your framing. Quoting from the original article this article references: >There, he met Alex Rabb, a Jewish resident in his district. “I just want to let you know that I’m so grateful for what you’re doing on the ceasefire in Israel. I call your staff and then I get choked up and I can’t finish,” Rabb told him. “I wish that my whole community lived my Jewish values like you do.” Jewish people are not a monolith. They've got right-wingers and left-wingers just like any other group. According to the Politico article, Latimer's side has made an effort to register Republicans as Democrats in the primary: >When Latimer did enter the race, some of those same Jewish leaders [helped to organize a voting drive](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/jewish-groups-in-westchester-staging-unusual-voter-registration-drive-for-congressional-race-between-jamaal-bowman-and-george-latimer/) that recruited independents and Republicans to re-register as Democrats in order to vote against Bowman.


correct we are NOT a monolith. I remember when the phraae "two Jews, three opinions" was true. when did we become Evangelical Christians?


AIPAC out in full force. They should have included the next part of this quote that explains why he said this. That having people segregated has made fighting anti-Semitism harder. "...but this is why, in terms of fighting antisemitism, I always push — we’ve been separated and segregated and miseducated for so long. We need to live together, play together, go to school together, learn together, work together.”


Westchester????? I think Dipshit meant Rockland