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He lost because he was the inferior candidate who never once in 4 years tried to make any allies, build any connections or even acknowledge the part of his district north of Yonkers, which is like 70% of the district. He was ineffective(zero bills written that passed), unreliable(voted against the debt ceiling and Biden infrastructure bill, and no I don’t care why) and a narcissist. Latimer has a 30 year track record of progressive legislation, has kept the tax levy flat 5 years in a row as county executive and built a coalition of all residents from MT. Vernon and Yonkers to Scarsdale and Rye. There is a reason that not a single Town Democratic Committee backed Bowman. It ain’t aipac( I actually think their spending helped Bowman and backfired firing up Bowman's base) it ain’t rascism it’s just the superior candidate connecting with the electorate and winning a race he deserved to win.


Great comment. Glad the thread in westchester is not like the others where they’re still calling latimer a racist right wing extremist who only won because of funding and racism. Such clowns. Pumped for latimer. Great guy.


Excellent point. The Israel-Gaza issue was really the icing on the cake. Bowman just didn’t know how to place nice with anybody and was Lauren Boebert level of embarrassing. He seems to have an extreme lack of self awareness (which means, this isn’t the last we are going to hear from him). Mr. Bean could have beaten this guy!


The shameful part that you touched on is that Latimer definitely could have won without a single penny spent by AIPAC. The fact that they’re now involved and he’s beholden to them is disappointing, since I agree with you that he’s a deserved winner.


George is also always around everywhere. Like I’ve seen George in person at least 15 times in the past two years at random events or memorials or things in town. Always just having convos with people and being there to be there. The only time I’ve seen bowman was in port Chester before his rap concert that creates a brawl on the streets. lol.


I would have voted for Bowman if I hadn't had numerous family member and personal experiences with Latimer as a community leader with a long history of effective governance. I'm about as left leaning as they come and struggled a lot knowing where Latimers funding was coming from, but it really came down to the meaning of democracy and representation in Congress, so the guy who shows up in the community got my vote. Will I vote for him again? We shall see how he performs and go from there...


Bowman lost my vote the moment he pulled the fire alarm. He made a "Trump-level" attempt to obstruct a political process, which was inexcusable, IMO, and he rightfully was censured by Congress and made national headlines for it. Should have been shown the door right then and there. Of course, the profanity-laden tirades, conspiracy theories, and antisemitic dog whistles also didn't help. We need more reasonable, more rational people in politics, whatever their party affiliation.


Honestly, he should have just admitted he pulled the alarm on purpose to delay the vote so people had time to read the bill before voting on it. I would at least have understood that. Instead he lied about it. Better to admit and accept responsibility than lie and cover it up.


Exactly. Even if admitting it would've led to him getting a misdemeanor charge, a smarter politician could've spun that as a display of willingness to fight the good fight, something the Democrats haven't really had going for them in Washington since the 60s or 70s. It might've actually endeared him to a lot of people who are tired of flaccid politicians who don't fight for anything. By scrambling for excuses instead, he just looked like an unpredictable doofus.


I'm surprised at the number of my D acquaintances who voted for Latimer just for this reason. It wasn't pulling the alarm that pissed them off, it was all the lies and bs. It made him sound stupid


So people had time to read the bill before voting* on it


Oops, fixed!


Totally agree. Own it!


Totally agree. Own the hell or of it. Owning it is a baller move. And take your censure with a smile. 


u/Sampo24 I still want to know what medications he forgot to take that day.


TBF it did allow everyone to actually read the bill. It's one of the few times I paid any attention to him. 


The Washington Post had an editorial calling Bowman a progressive Trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/25/jamaal-bowman-democratic-donald-trump/ Bottom line….the guy is a foul mouthed, conspiracy theorist, bigot who did a terrible job once elected. Just like Trump. AMF


People really need to behave in a civilized manner, especially as politicians. I’m not a fan of bad behavior on either side. Bowman is disrespectful and immature-and an antisemite


I came here to say this , mostly the fire alarm , and the constant harassment from his volunteers


Rational politicians? I think those are only possible in theory


\*\*\*\*\*\*This right here is the winning comment,\*\*\*


I live upstate and the 1 thing I noticed is that residents want their reps to be intensely local/regional public servants. People know when politicians are trying to go national like Bowman tried to do. Sean Patrick Maloney learned the hard way as well.




Funny you mention this. A co-worker of mine ..said that as a Minority he was totally turned off to this mans antics..


Call me a stick in the mud, but I appreciate politicians and leaders that speak like proper adults should on stage. It’s so cringy to me when politicians try to curse and act cool. Imagine if George was like what’s up fuckers let’s win this shit! Haha. I’d never vote for him. I miss the days of Obama for how well spoken he always was. Now if you want to talk to me in person and ease it up and toss in some curse words and throw in some street lingo I’ll think that’s cool and respect it, but not when you’re on stage in front of an audience. Then it’s just trump trashy.


Can you just say you don’t like black people already? You’ve been making these racist dog whistle posts all over the sub.


Literally said obama was my favorite speaker. He too white for you?


Yeah, but the dog whistle is that you only like people who speak like “proper adults should” aka what white society has deemed as the appropriate standard. That and you constantly bring up how Bowman brought his rap concert to Port Chester, and therefore brought brawls to the streets. This is classic northeast racism. What’s next? Gonna say that it’s not that you don’t like black people, you just don’t like the culture?


Cursing on stage is trashy. 99% of people from anywhere don't do that on stage to make a point. If you think only black people curse on stage and say stupid things, that's racist, and if you reread my comment, I was referring to Trump and the trashy way he speaks publically. Bowman did bring his rap concert to Port Chester and a brawl did happen after. It was pretty crazy and I've never seen that happen here. Sorry if reporting on it makes me racist. Trust me, if it was some rally for any white politician and a bunch of trashy white dudes started fighting in front of me, I'd be much more vocal about it. Of course, I know you wouldn't say a word about that right? Wink Wink. I don't care about color, I just don't like childish stuff like that in politics. It's not for me. I hate how trump made it ok to be edgy and cruel on a public stage. It's just trashy. It reminds me of a speech I'd made when I thought I was cool and 17. If it's for you that's great. You're pulling the racist card more than bowman at this point.


You didn’t reference Trump at all, and in fact were responding to a comment mocking Bowman’s recent rally. So, not sure how anyone could arrive at that conclusion. The quote didn’t even mention profanity but you took it upon yourself to mention how you don’t like it when politicians don’t speak “like proper adults should”. You even threw in some “one of the good ones” by referring to Obama’s style. And reporting on it itself isn’t racist, but the insistence, multiple times in multiple threads, that Bowman brought his rap concert, and a brawl to your otherwise peaceful streets is a racist dog whistle. You can try to “you’re the real racist” and “I don’t care about color” your way out of this all you want, both of which are hallmarks of racists when they get called out, but you’re letting your true colors show. Just own it.


Read the last line of the comment you originally responded to.


And, whatever fuckhole(s?) downvoted me for essentially saying the same, but that represented should be 'represented', since he didn't in any official capacity, think exactly the same as he did.


While, yes, he represented the sOutH BRonX, perhaps it should be he 'represented' the “mOtHeRfuCkiN’ sOutH BRonX. Since, while 'representing' the sOutH BRonX, he didn't officially represent them.


He never represented South Bronx. His district includes a small section of North Bronx.


I have visions of him primarying AOC during the next election cycle, just for grins.


I think Bowman actually thought he represented part of the South Bronx, based on his Saturday rally, where he was talking about “south Bronx” voting.


Maybe he meant, "south of Westchester, the Bronx"


He’s tone deaf. Never seemed like he saw his job as representing his district.


Bowman was always at a disadvantage because Latimer is popular amongst Westchester residents


Bowman was at a huge advantage as the incumbent. He burned bridges (or failed to build relationships) with his own constituents, especially in Westchester — which covers the vast majority of his district.


I agree.


u/SkillsTooDope - Bowman lost. We like smart. We like Educated and proper. Bowman so far has never once impressed me until he was pulling the alarm and made remarks that were just mind blowing. Then Denied it.... meanwhile its all on camera.


I like Latimer as well, no biases here.


Conspiracy theories and fire alarm pull was enough for me


tl:dr - latimer will actually serve his district and be visible to them Bowman’s spent his tenure playing the average twitter or Reddit user in /r/politics only hyper focusing on national issues


Well that's the other thing. It's not like Lattimer is a red hat. He's a career politician from blue ass Westchester.


The average twitter or Reddit user who effectively contends that when Jews are raped by members of a group who have written and stated the goal of killing every one of them on the planet, it never happened.


He didn't read the room


Anti-job. Voted against the infrastructure bill. Anti-common sense. Pulled the fire alarm in the Capitol. Delusional. Believes in conspiracy theories re 9/11. Pro-terrorism. Said that the sexual violence on October 7 was just “propaganda” Utterly ineffective. Produced nothing for his constituents. And, he clearly has no concept of who he represents. Aside from his deep-rooted anti-Semitism in a fairly Jewish district, he thinks the people in the Bronx part of this district are thugs and animals. That’s why he put on that clown show on Saturday. Because he wanted to come across as one of them, except he relied on his own demented perception of Bronx residents. So, to recap: Anti-worker Anti-common sense Anti-Semitic Pro-terrorist Delusional Utterly useless Zero respect for his constituents And, if I may, I’ve had a few conversations with him. He’s kind of dopey…


You do know that he voted against the infrastructure bill not because he was against that bill, but because he wanted a stronger commitment on the social spending bill. Saying he is anti-job based upon him voting against the infrastructure bill is akin to saying Congressperson X is "anti-abortion" because they voted against a bill that would outlaw abortions after 15 weeks rather than a stronger bill which would make all abortions legal.


It was a revenge vote from the members of “the squad” to hurt Biden due to AOCs green deal not getting his support.  Might add she and them voted no on the bill to improve NY infrastructure 3 months after 11 people drowned in her district in basement apartments from flooding from Ida. 


> but because he wanted a stronger commitment on the social spending bill. In these polarizing times, I am not supporting anyone who is coming at the President from the left. Get behind President Biden or get out of the way. Hopefully Bowman finds another job soon...I wish him the best.


He is too antisemitic to return to the school system imo. I hope his future doesn't involve positions of power over the public


So you all for voting party lines no matter what? Isn’t that what has put this country where it is and made it so divided. I understand you have party allegiance but you can’t just blindly vote left or right not matter what.


Of course I know that. He was trying to leverage 1.5 million jobs so he could get Build Back Better passed. The fact remains that all six members of the squad voted against infrastructure, which was enough to kill it. We had to get 13 Republicans to cross the aisle to get it passed. So, no matter his motivation, he’s clearly anti-worker, anti-job, as are the other useless five.


So the evidence that he is anti-worker is that he tried to get stronger protections for workers passed which other Democrats voted against? That makes zero sense. Do you believe that every Democrat who voted for the Inflation Reduction Act are anti-family and anti-regulating drug prices, because by passing the Act without the paid family and medical leave and Medicare negotiating drug prices provisions, they explicitly allowed those provisions to die?




He picked the wrong moment, with the wrong arguments, with the wrong constituents, to be on the wrong side of the war in Gaza.


LIke that when Hamas rapes Jews, nothing ever happened?


Well I mean when you look at Gaza it certainly looks a lot different since then, so I’d say something definitely happened, and wonder what number of dead civilians you would consider equal?


Yes. When an entity starts a war, things in the area do look different. For example, after starting the war, there were many more rockets hitting Israel from Gaza than before, with the resulting damage.


Thankfully Israel is backed by the United States and has the most advanced missile defense system in the world, so it has not problem shooting down Russian made rockets from Hamas, as it does every night. If a child punches me on the arm as hard as he can it doesn’t give me license to punch him back as hard as I can. If we look at the number of casualties on each side it becomes obvious that this is not a war.


If that child's friends and family has a dedicated written and stated goal is to kill you and everyone related to you on the planet, and other related families and groups of families all over the planet excited to join in, fuck him.


Well that is currently what Israel is doing to Palestine, odd bit of projection you guys participate in.


If a foreign power shoots thousands of missiles as air cover for an assault that results in thousands of casualties and 1400 dead, I think a country would be fully justified in utterly defeating the aggressor. Period.


A foreign power whose ruling authority, having originally been put in power by gaining the most votes of any party in a election for parliament, allowing them to form the majority coalition. Whose charter and leaders have stated the goal of exterminating the the worldwide population of the majority ethnicity of the country they attacked, besides the country itself, which exists because another group was only partially successful in the same goal.


Likud actually funded Hamas and terrorized the opposition who was seeking a peaceful resolution because they have always wanted to take Palestine and having a hostile state allows them to kill the citizens. The election was not fair or free, and this has been going on since the first Nakba, to act as if the side with the most casualties on their hands is the most invested in peace is completely illogical.


You then believe Arafat was a man of peace, and the party formed and emulating from his is the peace and love party. The Nakba was when your friends all over the arab middle east decided to help finish off, what the Muslim Brotherhood's, from which Hamas sprouted, spiritual advisor the Mufti of Jerusalem friend and guide, Hitler, didn't.


Like the United States did with Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 terror attacks, right? It’s a proxy war, Hamas is funded by Russia, murdering twenty times as many innocent civilians has made Israel the aggressor in this scenario.


The IDF civilian to combatant death ratio is about 2:1. Israel has killed more than 15K Hamas. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Well if someone came into your home and stole it would you not band together with your countrymen and fight back? Perhaps some of them would be extreme, but ultimately they agreed on fighting for your and your families survival, which comes before everything else, so you join them in fighting to take back your home. This has been the most deadly conflict for journalists in the history of war so clearly the IDF is not exactly taking careful aim and have no idea who they are killing. You’re sick for craving bloodshed of civilians who have done nothing wrong.


Fortunately 66% of NY16 disagree with your point of view and voted out Bowman. This is reality. You are imputing to me motives that exist in your imagination. Wars are bad. They should be avoided. However, if you find yourself in a war - win it. Winning prevents or defers the next war. Israel has far worse actors than Hamas to worry about. Israel dare not appear weak to these other parties. Its called the "Crazy Israel" strategy for a reason. Gaza can end with some Hamas general surrendering on behalf of Gaza and returning the remaining hostages. If only this were a conflict with good, brown, indigenous Palestinians and bad, rapacious, white, European, colonialist Israelis. Its not. However, it's easier to digest as a nice neat morality tale. Journalists should refrain from embedding with the assault teams and holding hostages if they don't want unexpected hellfire missiles coming in through the bathroom window.


Emotional twitter brainrot politician who acts like Westchester above Yonkers doesn’t exist. Also don’t get me started on the 9/11 conspiracy theories.


He lost because his political instincts were horrendous, and whatever advisors he had seemed to consistently tell him to do the worst possible thing. Even as a progressive myself, it's been obvious for quite some time that he was by far the weakest member of The Squad and was never going to last long in Congress. He had no real sense of when to go big and when to quietly support the party, and it's because he had no experience in politics prior to joining Congress. It's something that AOC learned pretty quickly on the job because she's sharp, but Bowman never showed the same deftness or ability to read a room. He was handed one of the biggest gifts in history when Engel inadvertently told black people he only pretended to care about them during election years, and that handed him the seat. But as soon as the DNC found another candidate with any degree of popularity in the district, it was always going to be curtains for Bowman. He's a pretty decent guy overall, and I hope he lands on his feet somewhere, but he really has no business continuing in a political career at this point. He's just not cut out for it. Latimer greatly disappointed me by needlessly hobnobbing with county Republicans and AIPAC, and allowing them to turn this primary into an exceedingly nasty and high profile race, but he is probably the best county executive Westchester has ever had, and he'll likely be a decent, if unremarkable Congressman.


Having a last minute rally with AOC and Bernie was just stupid AF. He was probably out of options at this point. I just didn’t see how that was going to appeal to westchester residents and get back the people who had doubts about him.


Yeah, it wasn't going to. That was just a desperate Hail Mary approach to try and get a massive turnout in the Bronx, and hopefully get the progressives in Westchester to turn up for him in greater numbers than projected, while also hoping that Latimer's supporters would get complacent and not vote. None of that was ever going to happen, of course, and by that point, it was too late in the game to make any meaningful outreach to the people he'd already lost to Latimer.


Latimer on Twitter: 7k followers, Bowman: 361k. Probably should have put down the phone and actually engaged and built his community IRL


"Latimer greatly disappointed me by needlessly hobnobbing with county Republicans and AIPAC" Although he might not have needed them, he should be representing all of the constituents in his district regardless of party affiliation, and he's also going to be representing what is probably one of the largest Jewish populations in the US.


I disagree, at least when it comes to the Democratic primary. That's what the general election in November is for. Until we have open primaries in this state, there should be zero regard for non-Democrat constituents until after the primary is completed, and ideally, there should be absolutely zero cooperation or collusion with far-right groups at any point in the campaign. Otherwise, why bother even having closed primaries if your enemies are just going to openly interfere with them?


I can see your point, but isn't that just another metric by which Democrats can assess their various candidates. I, for one, appreciate that he might be able to build consensus rather than being opposed to such an idea.


If I thought building consensus was still possible in this country, then I would also appreciate Latimer's willingness to reach across the aisle in order to accomplish that goal. However, the Republicans in Congress have made it abundantly clear over the last 30 years that they will never meaningfully engage in any bipartisanship, and every Democrat who has attempted to work with them has failed spectacularly. Latimer may think he can work with Washington Republicans the way he did with the more moderate and well educated Albany and White Plains Republicans, but he'll quickly learn that no matter how much he compromises in DC, the Congressional Republicans will never do anything other than try to destroy him.


We could have had a bad bitch


Because Democrats are realizing how stupid they've been for electing extremists that have hijacked the progressive label. Radical leftists are now as bad as radical right wingers.


Glad he's gone. Hopefully they (The Squad) start falling like flies.


Taxes are higher than ever. Energy costs are through the roof and he say he's working on it in his commercial? TF? He and the squad would happily take every penny we have and give it away to others. There is no middle with them. Adios amigo!