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Well this whole situation looks perfectly safe


Normal for India from what I've seen.


Yeah when I saw that video first time Iwas expecting way worse


Why are they so stupid when it comes trains?


idk about the people standing next to the train, those ones are stupid. But the people on the train are doing what they are doing because the train can't fit everyone without them doing that so it's more a matter of just doing what they have to do.


Then the train is full and you don't get on. Hundreds of people die in India while using the train service, H&S laws in India seem to place so little value on human life it's really sad.


It depends on their situation. In my situation in the united states, if I miss a train because it's full, no big deal. There will be another one at the station in 20-30 minutes. My boss won't be mad at me or even comment about it if I'm 30 minutes late for work. I don't actually take the train for my job, but if I did, I know I have the option to catch a train many times a day. But there, they may not have the luxury of getting on another train 20-30 minutes later. Or they might get in trouble if they are late for work every day because the train is always full. That is obviously a problem which needs to be worked on by the government, but the people may have no choice but to do that.


I agree, people do what they have to do to survive. It’s dangerous, but the reality is people are judging the odds and trying to make the best decision for themselves to make ends meet.


>you don't get on. Is that truly an option? I doubt it for a vast majority of travelers over there. That's somewhat like saying "oh the bus is crammed, guess my boss will accept me not coming in to work today"


Then surely you tell your boss you'll be late and get on the next bus? My boss would never expect me to hang off the back of a bus and risk death to get to work on time.


What if the next train is just as full?


Then you travel by boat.


But if that’s the train in India, what does a ferry look like?


Also overflowing with people no doubt. Youd be correct if speaking about western standards. This is India though. I doubt that would be accepted as reasons. "You didn't travel because there wasn't enough seats!? Gtfo"


Do you work in India ? I highly doubt that is an option for these folks.


Every single bus is crammed


Okay this is a troll, no one is that oblivious


Yeah I mean I’ve seen trains get full, very full. People miss work, appointments, connections and flights all the time. Or have to wait hours for the next one. It’s first come first served (bookings first) and most who didn’t book stand or sit on the floor. But nobody is allowed to climb trains. I don’t know anything about India, but there’s obviously something amiss. Too many people, not enough trains or whatever and less laws and regulations maybe. It’s wild.


You likely don't know how spoiled we are in developed world. Have you ever lived somewhere where safe drinking water is hard to come by? Power is a luxury. Even a fucking bar of soap or a tube of toothbrush can be tricky to get? I have. And it's a wildly different world.


That is why i wont ever go to such a place. I am not a masochist


Like some people have a choice


>Then the train is full and you don't get on. OK Tommy, you refused to get on the next seven trains in a row, and now you're fired for not turning up for work. While you're starving hungry for the next few weeks, consider whether it would have been better to just stand on the step and hold the rail for 45 minutes, just like you've successfully every day for the last four thousand days.


they are just stupid. The train are irrelevant


They are just stupid


The rest of the [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/iggbbjSgke) from a different POV was caught here.


Eh, Indian trains are electric, meaning if you sit on the rooftop, you'll turn into fried chicken. Someone has pointed out in the comments that this video is from Sri Lanka. Not every brown person is Indian.


It's amazing to me how many lethaly stupid people are in India, and yet they still have such a massive population. Although I guess by definition, more people means a higher count of stupid.


Rather light passenger day.


You can see near the beginning of the video when the cameraman moves that the dropoff isn't nearly as far down in front of them. I'm guessing they are right at the ledge of the canyon where it's only a few feet down


Yea looks like a patch of grass beneath them. Unless it's too steep and they roll down the valley, they're safe.


Just another day in India.


By Indian standards, sure


full props to the cameraman keeping the main subject in the frame as it trundled along




It's India. There's plenty more dudes if you wanna place another one on the tracks.




As the person filming did not move or look at the other going down, wrecan assume he just jumped to a lower platform. IE, the full train was interesting, the topic was not.


I'm almost certain the first guy jumped intentionally. He even let go of the ledge while his arm was only like 50% extended. A person falling to their death would try to hold on... Second guy looks like he was kicked down


Idk... Second guy definitely wasn't planning on that, but I'm not too sure about him being kicked. He adjusts slightly between the first step and the second one, I think he might have just barely been clipped in the arse by the step... It'd make a lot more sense than someone risking a broken leg by trying to kick him.


I mean accidentally kicked. I rewatched multiple times and his body jerks a little in the same moment a foot passes past him. So I assume he got hit by that foot. Maybe I used the word kick too liberally Edit:yeah doesn't look like that foot touched him actually


There are a few frames before they "fall" where you can see they're on the side of a hill. That drop to earth is no more than their body height. Probably less.


I think the cameraman is just standing at the end of the bridge, on land, because there's vegetation in front of him.


Have you ever seen someone holding a camera and seeing something bad not shake and move/look?


I don't know, maybe he was focusing on the train and didn't notice the guys falling down. Your guess is as good as mine.


>wrecan assume he just jumped to a lower platform I recon you're right.


I can assure you he didn’t jump to a higher platform


Indians and trains


A song of Ice and Fire


Trains: India’s apex predator


It's a srilankan train.


why is chaiyya chaiyya playing in the background?? 😭😭


Idk man my uncle send this video on family group


Cus I guess this is the bridge in that song? It looks kinda like it


Nothing to see here... Just a 5-6 foot jump. Camera holder would have panned to see what's going on... Because you know .. clicks...


It looks like they're on a hill, it was like a 5-8 ft drop from that platform.


To all those comments saying it's in India. This is a srilankan train. From Colombo to Ella. Stop stereotyping. With 90 percent of the railway being electrified, we don't travel above bogies.


Ah, but the flag in front of the train does look like the tricolour doesn't it?


Stop upvoting reposts.


It's a 6 foot fall to the grass.


probably a short drop and the purpose of the engagement bait video. they just dropped without a fight


Looks like he gave himself up pretty easily


45 years ago we did stuff like this as a game. We would stand at one end of the tressle over the Fox River in Geneva Il. and watch for a train light far into the distance. Once we saw the light we would run across the really old wobbly bridge to the other side as fast as we could. There were a couple of safety platforms but the commuter trains were quick and you likely fall. I though the bridge was long and you needed to watch your step from the old warped boards and you could only run on a narrow sidewalk across the tressle. Look to the right and it was straite down to the river, look left and it was open tracks looking down at the river. The last time I did this I needed to dive the last 10 feet into a "safety pit" once the bridge hit land. Even sitting in the pit, the train ran just 5 feet over your head. It was fucking scary. We did this for almost every night during summer of 1978. Thankfully I grew out of it before I got killed.


That's a slope area. They are fine




they asked for a video and they succeeded, also the are well and unharmed as they jumped voluntarily




Just flesh wounds, they've had worse.


Now An idiot we comment on it " India is not for beginners"


I was actually expecting for the train to tip over. 🤷‍♂️


if the cameraman just step back a little distance, they are in the side of the creek, so not really a big fall


Not every brown person is Indian, just not every white person is American.


Wow, who could have seen that coming...


Uhhhh are they ok?


People sitting above the train? Yeah they reached home safely. That's for sure


Kicked to the curb thing ![gif](giphy|IeKhbbeXnWUoYNWlr4|downsized)


But they're not sitting on the edge of a high railway bridge, It's an illusion. And a lie designed to miss inform people. Believe it or not, Bridges connect to land, That's where they jumped down to. Was the land that this bridge connect to.. prove I'm wrong The part of the bridge that they jumped down from was probably five to 10 feet up off the ground, otherwise, please enlighten me as to where the cameraman was standing


You can even see it at the beginning of the video when the camera is panning over to the people https://preview.redd.it/5qnyqoj6bdkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da7637303d3666f9bb63812ea78b3a27550e29e


Yeah but I still won't be sitting on train tracks though


Did we just see two people die?


at 0:08, you can very briefly see it's a fairly gradual decline down the valley.


It's a short drop dw


This is hilarious 😂




Let me guess...India?


nah its sri lanka, our trains are almost completely electrified beleive it or not.




It's Sri Lanka. Indians trains are electric, and you can't sit on the top of them.


If you put too many trains and people all in the same place, eventually the problem starts to work itself out.


I wish India was real.


This is clearly staged seeing the first guy jumped intentionally


Long drop? We will never know. Common sense is clearly not common at all


Only in India....


Sri Lanka. Indian trains are electric. You can't sit on the roof.


Since the cameraman isn't surprised, they dropped intentionally to a lower platform.


You always have to take idiots into account. Now the shoes are dirty.


**Chaiyya Chaiyya**


Yep the boy sitting on the side of the tracks is the only problem in this video…


This is what is left behind when all of the smart Indians have left for other countries with better opportunities. It’s actually a legit downside of immigration for the country they left…


This video is not India. So just stfu. It's a video of Sri Lanka. Indian railways are 90% electrified. You can't stand on top of trains here. Just see this map here:- https://preview.redd.it/g5rg49y5ddkc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e170a8e487873d7fc4383eb534a5cb797ff278d2


Why do you get to censor me? Where do you get the power to play gatekeeper? What I said is true. As smart motivated people immigrate away from countries of origin, who are left behind? Let’s say someone leaves Sri Lanka and comes to the US and makes a great invention and stays here reaping the rewards of their invention…. What has Sri Lanka missed out on? People getting education and experience abroad and then returning to their country of origin to lead, create, teach, and employee serve their counties much more than them just leaving and never returning. No I won’t STFU just because you don’t like my comment.


You are just changing the topic and throwing a tantrum. My comment was just to inform you that it's not India so any of your commentary of how only dumb people are left in India is stupid and unneeded. You can continue to talk nonsense all you want. It's a reddit comment section anybody can write anything here.


Why are people saying it's India. It's kinda like they see South Asian people and immediately assume it has to be India. India has over 90% of our tracks electrified. You can't stand on the tops of trains in India without getting electrocuted. I hate how westerners vilify our nation.




![gif](giphy|E4H8B5f4uJI088Y9Tk) Camera man


Anyone know the death rate of train related casualties in India? It must be astronomical and no doubt higher than any other.


As teens we used to go lay on the bridge pylons like this under the tracks. I am sometimes amazed I didn't die really young.


this has to be in india


India's apex predator claims another two victims.


I like how they just go up there to be knocked off. Smrt


Nothing happened because he keeped on filming.


Is anyone surprised...


Someone kicked that dude off…


Did we just witness someone's death?


What life would be like without lawyers.


I love my country.....


India the country that took a look at health and safety and said 'fuck that'.


Very Indian


And at first I thought the crazy people were the ones on TOP of the train.


India is something else honestly


Does the over population affect the psyche of indian men to think “well I can die doing something dumb because there’s literally thousands to replace me”?


It's Sri Lanka.


When I see these videos of India’s railway, I always wonder how the people actually sat inside the carriages manage to get out to the doorways when arriving at their station? I feel like they’d be stuck and miss their stop.