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Leakers are heroes now but not Chelsea Manning because, you know…


And this dude didn't leak documents to a reputable journalist or newspaper because he wanted to change things. He just wanted to have the biggest thumb-dick on his Dank Meme Gamer Bro channel by waving it around at his buddies JewHater420 and Kill_All_Feminists69 and was allegedly pissed when ACTUAL journalists found about it.


“Yeah that’s why I’m still single, I need a submissive southern bell with no other priorities but church and bearing my children…”


Is......is that real? Not that it'd be that surprising, but damn.




Well stated, and those are all the reasons they want to “ marry “ 12 year olds.


I've never seen "rape" spelled like that before.


That's because it hasn't been spelled like that for awhile (in the West anyways). But given the way things are going, we're heading back to those days in America pretty quickly...


I happens a lot in the religious communities in the USA. Like in my own family I was considered old to be getting married, I turned 21 just 2 months before the ceremony (engaged at 20).


Twenty-one is too old? Jesus, was your dad Ser Meryn Trant or something?




I have! I was the kid being raised to be that submissive little girl. Jokes on them though, I married young but we are both not religious and my kids don’t know of Jesus more than Allah, someone’s religion. We respect their religion as best we can, until it harms anyone else. Even my parents left the church after the trump stuff. It’s insane what I’m seeing happen but should be good. These really bad sects are getting really scared and really loud though, as they lose numbers and control.


Ssshhh, you aren’t supposed to say that out loud /s


And remove education as a whole.


Yeah, so they never know it’s rape and never know they deserve better from the adults around them


And they'll be too traumatized and indoctrinated to do anything about it when they're 18 I can't believe, in 2023, a parent can sign away their children's right to not get raped. And even worse, they actually do it What the hell is wrong with these red states. This isn't a long-term winning strategy. That's why they're resorting to fascism.


It’s illegal now, but the BRIGHT BLUE state of MASSACHUSETTS let a legal guardian or parent sign you up for marriage aka give permission until July of 2022. It hasn’t even been a year. (I will perform weddings for people who want a nonreligious or special case minister and lobbied for 18 and up, no if ands or buts.)


I'm so thankful everyday for the people in the 20th century that made it possible for me and millions of other women to live a comfortable life without having to depend on a man for survival. If the only thing you bring to the table is "being a provider", then you've got nothing to offer me because I can provide for myself. Our standards justifiably got higher when men stopped being survival mechanisms by design


\> "being a provider" This is the only thing my father brought to the table during my upbringing. That and "discipline"... or rather just meting out physical punishment. He expects to be worshiped for having "provided" for his family when my siblings and I were growing up. We didn't see much of him as he was at work the majority of the time. And when we did see him, we all just hoped he wouldn't notice us because he was always such a rage-filled asshole when he'd get home from work that it was better to fly under the radar than ask him how his day was. Now that we're all adults, he has the audacity to be offended that none of his grown children want to be "friends" with him. Asshole, you weren't around most of the time. And when you were, we feared your misdirected emotional outbursts and were treated like servants to do your bidding. At what point would we have developed the sort of relationship that would eventually turn even just "friendly." Come to find out, my mother was the real provider the whole time. She bought all the food, all the clothes, all the school supplies, any toys, and even paid all the bills for the house. My dad's "providing" was really just him investing in his hobbies. He sucks. We're not friends.


So sorry. My dad has been brain washed in the FET Offensive, (Fox Entertainment Television), but he has remained loving and supportive, which is incredibly shocking as by all accounts, he should be a complete jerk. He had a terrible childhood, went to Vietnam twice, was a Marine Corp officer and had his retirement destroyed in the stock market. Even after we argue politics and he gets red in the face, he’ll say, “You know I really enjoy our conversations.” I’m so grateful that part of him remains.


I feel that. My dad worked. He was an engineer, and their house has been under "home construction" for the past 30 years. My mom worked too, and did all the cooking and cleaning. Dad never lifted a finger to clean anything. They argued, never got violent (as far as I know) but it was still awful to grow up in that environment. The best my dad did in terms of "getting along" with me was inviting me to go fishing, which I hated. And yet I was still expected to help with boat-related chores. And now they wonder why I don't bring "tHeIr" grandchildren to visit more often. First, because you call your trans grandkid by the wrong name intentionally, and two because your house is a deathtrap.


This sounds oddly familiar. We could be siblings, even. Sorry about your dad. From one to another. That's no environment to raise healthy kids in.


Those are all the good old fashioned American values republicans are so hellbent on enforcing. I'll pass. Sorry your dad sucks. Tis a problem that will ultimately resolve itself with time


Do you want to thank them? Then make sure you vote. Get like-minded friends to vote. Even if they say it doesn't matter. It does. If we are lazy and skip the next 2 rounds of vote, we may lose the right to vote. Tennessee is kicking out representatives, and Florida wants to ban all non-republican parties. Republicans want to dismantle education. That will destroy women's ability to support themselves.


Oh I do plenty of all that. I even volunteer for campaigns and orgs I like occassionally. I encourage others to do the same. Just like everything else, a lot of it is done virtually now so you can fight for democracy without having to get out of your PJs. Good shit


Yes, Western Civilization has it's good points.


Honestly, if women had this much freedom and education from day #1, we wouldn't be dealing with so many Conservative dickheads today.


All conservatives serve to society is being a speed bump to others they consider beneath them, those they have "othered". Conservatives believe the lessers, the others, getting equality is taking freedoms away. It's not. It's actually the opposite. You lift others up and the competition provides for the rising tides lifting all boats. They simply don't want your boat in what they believe is their water.


Gee, it's almost like no matter your gender, if you have nothing of interest to offer, nobody wants to form a relationship with you. That's what bugs me about all these guys wanting "traditional" wives, and even some of the women wanting to be "tradwives". It can quickly turn into an abusive Stockholm Syndrome kind of situation if both parties don't have their heads on straight.


Well, and that they want "traditional women" while also not being a traditional man (aka, sit around all day playing video games while they "traditional woman" makes the money but also waits on them hand and foot."


I live in a rural area in NC and yes that's common, especially amongst the most sheltered Christian boys.




Remember that a lot of the people who participated in Jan 6 were from all over the country and flew there while not having to worry about taking time off for work. The people complaining in these situations are often privileged as fuck.


I feel worse for the young girls. Their parents teach them to be subservient baby makers from a very young age, so they're just as fucked up if not worse than the boys.


The “incels” like to blame the independent thoughts of women for their lack of… well… attractiveness. Instead of treating women like human beings, they treat them like objects that the “liberal media” or whatever has corrupted to think they have a choice.


Yeah and it’s lost on most people that this went on for months in a small alt-right wing discord. Hits a leftist discord for a second and CIA ops pick it up immediately.


The Mormons over at the alphabet soup spy agencies are complicit in right-wing plots when they conveniently assume that right-wing terrorists are never actually doing the things they say they're doing. But if someone on the left so much as coughs, they've already got embedded agents to defame, arrest, or assassinate them. COINTELPRO only ended on paper.


Now to be fair, the right wing discord also had government agents in it. It's just that they weren't there to spy.


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/big-us-intelligence-leak-was-by-gun-enthusiast-20s-washington-post-2023-04-13/ "Gun enthusiast" Fuck, when is the media going to start calling these people what they are. Far righters and domestic terrorists. They buy everything tucker Carlson forces down their throat. I can't believe Americans are willing to help Russia so casually. Prosecute them all.


You're amazing. Feed that talent.


At least war thunder players meet leak classified documents because they wanted the game to be more realistic


Same for Snowden. He released info that concerns all Americans and should be deeply troubling for all. But to Tucker and the republicans he’s a traitor.


Or Daniel Ellsberg, Daniel Snowden, and plenty more. But, hey, this is our guy. MTGangrene is ready to bear his children, I bet.


Manning isn't a hero either. She dumped a bunch of embassy cables and random other intelligence without any curation. What was she whistleblowing?




Ah, yeah. I think we all know why Carlson wouldn't defend Manning. I gotcha, now. Thanks!


Because Manning isn't an M&M in boots?


You could hear a pin drop if you asked about Reality Winner.


Or Edward Snowden. On the other hand, while I am glad the info regarding US Intel collection came out, the way it did was a direct violation of US law. The fact that Snowden fled raises some serious concerns as to motive. Manning had the right intentions but the wrong execution (not sure if there would have been a “right” way to do it though). The fact that she faced the music and didn’t flee the country speaks volumes to her motives.


There is no "right execution" when going against what your government is doing. Who are you going to go to, the people doing the crime?


Snowden is fucking dodgy as all hell. Whilst the whistleblowing was a good thing, some of the info he released was extremely dangerous to various intelligence agents across the globe. The guy just opened up a whole bunch of state secrets without checking to see whether anyone would be put in danger by doing so.


If the leaker had voted for Biden, they would be calling for his immediate execution.


Exactly. They don't have standards, just enemies.




This doesn't get brought up enough. They shit all over a top brass soldier. Trump has done nothing but bad mouth Veterans in general for years.


This is the best description of Republican voters that I’ve ever seen


How in the world do people believe the dog shit that comes out of tuckers mouth!? And you're absolutely right, if the leaker had voted for Biden, the entire far right would be losing its shit right now calling for the dude to be put under the guillotine. Somebody get this son of a bitch off the air!


>How in the world do people believe the dog shit that comes out of tuckers mouth!? "Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Can't we just start saying it so much that it becomes fact, kind of like what they do? C'mon Reddit, start spreading the news that this guy voted for Biden!


Imagine if he used a private email server.


I will never understand people who watch Tucker Carlson. It's the litmus test for me, if you watch Tucker I don't trust your judgement and don't want to interact with you in any way, shape or form. If I were the type of person that looks for people to swindle, Tucker consumers would be high on my list of groups to target because they are gullible.


It’s just the same, tired schtick every time. 1. Question a premise (“Why is it that…?”). 2. Float some bullshit hypotheticals (“Could it be that…?”). 3. Create some straw man arguments (“They want you to believe…”). 4. Manufacture weak ass pseudo advocacy for straw man arguments, (“Shut up, racist!). 5. Bundle it up with feigned confusion. (“I don’t know, but I know this…). “Why is that Blacks and other people of color deserve *special* treatment? Could it be that they think *they are better* than non people of color—whites? This country is based on the premise that *all people are equal,* but isn’t giving advantages to one class of people while denying those advantages to another class of people violate this premise? ‘Oh, but this country has mistreated Blacks historically,’ they say. But I’ve never owned a slave—have you? And America now has several people of color represented in Congress and in state and local positions. Heck, we’ve even had **a Black president.** Have people forgotten about Barrack Hussein Obama? ‘But you’re racist if you don’t want **every future president** to be Black, or a woman, or a person of color, or a ‘trans’ person—whatever that is—do they transform like Bumblebee from the movies? *(Laugh like a seven-year old huffing helium).* And if so, don’t they want to rule this planet? So that’s what I don’t get. We’re all equal. It’s the one indisputable principle this country was founded on. So why do some people want to be more equal? Could it be that their whole goal is to make **you** less equal?”


It's like an Instruction Manual, a pure formula, likely applied from a literal template by the writers of every episode.


I read that entire rant in his voice lol


It was perfect, but at the same time I hate how perfect it was.


Thank you! Love Seth Meyers. He always brings Tucker’s confusion back to wondering why he gets called out for being such an asshole, *(“But if **you** take a dump in an Arby’s booth, people are so quick to judge and the manager comes over to humiliate you and say, ‘Sir, this is an Arby’s, not a Jack in the Box. You just can’t shit in the seats.’ And then he leads you outside, with your pants around your ankles and everyone laughing and pointing. And all you wanted to do was to find out if they really ‘had the meat’ and now everyone knows you’ve got none…”).*


Now, THATS the good stuff.


If you like rants in that style, watch Seth Meyers every time he mimics Tucker on *A Closer Look*. It's one of the most hilarious impressions I've seen of the guy.


Will do! Fucking love Seth Meyers


That reads exactly like clips I’ve heard from that piece of crap. I could even hear it in his voice.


Yeah, a ton of grifters have figured out that these people are low-hanging fruit. Tucker is one such grifter. Unironically speaking, I would be surprised if scammers aren't already paying attention to what they post on social media and identifying them as marks. Advertisers certainly do it.


I was thinking of becoming a millionaire by pissing in old cans and marketing it as Patriot Beer.




its the "Duper's Delight"


Luckily today there’s a lot of litmus tests. Easiest one is voting for trump or not. Another one is simply asking someone how they feel about vaccines, also yet another one is if they indulge in “Manosphere” media like Tate, Rogan etc.


Shockingly my lawyer dad loves him I have tried many times to point out tuckers blatant stupidity but he is dead set on his alternate reality it’s basically a religion I have decided no more political conversations


What if it’s for a drinking game where we take a shot every time he says something stupid? (I like the idea of liver failure)


I was once shown some audio clips of Tucker by a fan of his. They were long, philosophical, void of any real political opinion, and actually pretty great. And therein lies the problem. Tucker is actually pretty damn competent- it’s when he decides to push a day in day out political warfare agenda that the complete and utter bullshit is inevitable. His fans can’t discern the character apart from the man. They have so much faith in the man, that they can’t accept or don’t believe that this character (his day job) is just a talking head. Like that clip that was circulating a couple weeks ago where he was talking shit about capitalism- and admits that if he were working he would have spun a bullshit narrative on it if he had to.


“Told Americans” Didn’t go to the media. Didn’t go to authorities. Posted it to Discord to a group of a few dozen that he shared racist memes and watched movies. True patriot right there.


Yes. He wasn’t leaking documents to let society know. He was flexing online. This is like getting caught sending a dick pic and then claiming you’re *really* just a hardcore free speech advocate.


A hero revealing the suppressed truth about penises no less


Is there anywhere we can see any actual summary of what was posted? I've heard what seems like varying accounts of the information so feel like reviewing it myself would be pretty helpful at this point.


There hasn’t been a verification of what was leaked or what was authentic as far as I’ve seen. This seems to be a pretty good summary. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65238951.amp




Aren't these the America first people


Sure, b*ut he wore a tan suit.*


That sumbitch wore that tan suit and wanted tan dijon mustard, but at least the Russian flag is still red white and blue! Checkmate, libtards! ^^(/s ^^because ^^I ^^*know* ^^it's ^^required)


America first always meant fascism first since the good ol’ days that tucker longs for.


Those headlines are so Orwellian and these idiots don't even realize it is literally telling you what to think


When I grew up in the 70's, movies and tv let you know that nazis and Russia were the bad guys. Full stop. These days, calling MAGAS nazis is like a point of pride and despite all their whining about 'scoialism' they support Russia more than our own government. My, how times have changed.


They have learned how to dilute the word. They did it was nazis, they did it with racist, they did it was terrorist. They strip the words of its meaning so it doesn’t carry the weight it once had.


Because Russia is facist, so they’re really rooting for their own team


I feel ya. The mere fact we even let fox continue to exist is astonishing to me. It couldn’t be more clear that it is enemy propaganda. Its not even debatable at this point. Are we just going to continue to let them undermine our nation like this?


If there is any justice in this world at all, Fox will be spanked by the courts for the Dominion lawsuit. And if I were Dominion, in addition to financial reparations I would require Fox to verbally admit their wrongdoing at the start of every segment, every single day from now henceforth.


Russia isn’t socialist lmao


If you are suggesting that MAGAS can elaborate on the nuances of Russia's political ideology, I am calling BS. But yeah.


This is largely due to Putin's brand of diplomacy. Basically he empowers the Russian oligarchs so long as they are loyal to him, those oligarchs court the 1% class of other nations and show how the Russian oligarchs don't even have to keep up pretense of the rule of law. Those 1%ers of western nations then push for an oligarchy/dictatorship style system because they see how "good" the Russian oligarchs have it. Then you have the fox news crowd in favor of a Russian style of government because they lack any kind of critical thinking.


Yes, the counterculture won. This is just the last gasp.


And Chinas aliy at this point. Tucker keeps lowering the bar. He is a dumpster fire that gets paid millions Grifting for the ignorant.


I really wonder if any of these fuckers at Fox will finally draw the line anytime soon. My guess is no but I wonder…


Maybe I'm hopelessly naïve but I struggle to wrap my head around how every. Single. Goddamn. Republican. Is marching in lockstep (goosestep) to supplant our democracy with fascism. I understand there's kompromat. I know that they answer to corporate/foreign donors and lobbyists I get that defending America would piss off a good chunk of their base. I'm aware of the fact that many of them *want* to wage a holy war against liberty. And I understand that there's immense pressure from their fellow party members to conform. But is there NO ONE among them willing to do the right thing?! This is our fucking FREEDOM we are talking about here. They are openly siding with our foreign enemies who want to destabilize the US. Even if they won't make a stand to protect the American people, surely at least some of them realize that destroying our country will likely backfire and endanger them as well? Aren't the ones who don't have a nine-figure net worth the slightest bit concerned that the billionaire boot will crush them too? Do they have no sense of self-preservation?? Can anyone explain this to me?


A lot of people gets kicks out of “burning it all down.” They like the drama of it all and think they’re going to get to live in the Wild West if the government collapses. They don’t realize that the fascists will take over and make EVERYONE subservient to them. When there’s a Dictator, the only people who are happy are the Dictator and their closest advisors. Everyone else are expendable slaves.


Well yeah, but every Republican thinks they are going to be in that inner circle so it doesn't matter to them.


Just like all Republicans vote like they’re billionaires or as if they could be billionaires tomorrow.


Maybe ChatGPT can because I honestly struggle to understand this myself. I feel we need to redefine what war is because sure there isn’t a war in the traditional sense with boots on the ground here in the US but make no mistake, foreign entities have and continue to wage a very effective cultural war in this country and history will show they are winning.


Reagan Era "gubermant bad" messaging stuck with many folks that were in their 20s-40s in the 80s. And ever since then they've been in an echo chamber of GOP messaging. It's purely propaganda and unsubstantiated claims. After decades of manipulatling this demographic, the GOP now can say or do anything they want and use their tried and true tactics to convince their audience of just about anything. From the outside it looks bizarre. But tbf so does religion or sports.


Didn't he goto Fox and flourish after losing his show on CNN after getting roasted, and embarrassed by Jon Stewart? There's a lot of losers across the world who love Fox - zero chance of any line getting drawn when it comes to said losers favourite spreader of hatred.


If it's profitable. Capitalist is gonna continue to stay the course. If they start to lose a sizable viewership. Then they will make changes to attract a new audience. But not until then. Murdock is the captain. And he only cares about the money and the power.


They won’t until Fox gets nailed by those multi billion dollar lawsuits filed by Dominion and the other voting machine company whose name escapes me at the moment. That may be the floodgate that stops them pushing blatantly false horseshit as it will come with massive financial penalties.


Tucker gets 35 million a year from Fox and an additional 6 million for his podcast. Why would a Swanson frozen food trust fund millionaire be so motivated to lie to the American public otherwise? Tucker will be an oligarch in charge of propaganda when they seat their authoritarian puppet eventually. What's Russia offering him what's Hungary offering him?


"They will tell you the guardsman is the criminal" You know what else tells you that? The law.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hg78tkgygwta1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcdf9a8ea433d410f3cc52bba15b284bc92d7fa




Makes me wonder why they’re being so quick to do this. It harms America unequivocally, this isn’t a partisan issue unless you are okay with this.


And these same people claim Ashli Babbitt and Kyle Rittenhouse are Patriots and heroes. So we have that to deal with as well..


So why do they love this kid but hate Edward Snowden??


Treason is trendy


Tucker is cancer. His words make America sick.


They should cancel Fox’s broadcasting rights for national security reasons


The weapons you weild will be used against you ten fold by people more willing to abuse it. You ban fox for being a Russian shill, next authoritarian president bans any news they don't like under similar pretext.


Fox News played a big role in J6


His tickers are always so fucking creepy. Always going on about some vague "they" who are trying to trick you. Its disgusting.


Sick of these talking heads with this network. Murdoch doesn’t give a shit about this nation. Only the buck.


Remember when a 13 year old, unarmed black teen was shot by police. Yeah Fox News referred to him a "dangerous young man" in their reporting. But when a 21 year old white guy leaks classified military secrets to help an autocratic hostile foreign nation suddenly he's "just a kid". Funny that


You've got it all wrong. He doesn't believe what he's saying. Tucker hates this kid. He complains to all his coworkers at Fox about having to praise this asshole just to make sure inbred terrorists keep buying Mike's pillows.


Yes, Putin’s US based spokesperson and known agent provacateur Tucker Carlson who runs a disinformation program on Fox News. Why is Fox not required to register as a foreign agent at this point?


When exactly did the right start supporting Russia? Many are older and grew up with Russia being the mortal enemy to the American way of life. Even ten years ago Mitt Romney was mocked for saying Russia was the United States' largest geopolitical adversary. Trump had connections, but it's not like he made it a big campaign issue that Russia are good guys now. Just seems like overnight Republicans started supporting Russia. It's just very bizarre.


from 1997, "Foundations of Geopolitics" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics: >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] so you have people like former rep. Dana Rohrabacher: >Early in Rohrabacher's congressional career in 1990 or 1991, KGB agent and deputy mayor of Saint Petersburg Vladimir Putin and two other Russians entered Rohrabacher's congressional office in Washington D.C.. They subsequently became close friends according to Rohrabacher during a 2013 interview with KPCC.[56] >In 2012, the FBI warned Rohrabacher that Rohrabacher's support for Russia's interests was allowing Russia to cultivate him for its purposes.[61] and then of course: >It has been reported in multiple sources that Rohrabacher is known for his long-time friendship with Russia's Vladimir Putin and his defense of "the Russian point of view."[66][67] On June 15, 2016, then-House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told a group of Republicans, "There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump. Swear to God." Then-House Speaker Paul Ryan ended the conversation, saying "No leaks. This is how we know we're a real family here." The Republicans present were sworn to secrecy.[68] and trump has had business dealings with russia for a very long time, going back to the 80s at least, which built a relationships with members of the russian government. so its been going on quietly in the background for a long time, it very quickly ramped up and became much more overt and visible around 2016.


Remember when Republicans destroyed the Dixie Chicks for daring to criticize a president during a war? Now they make heros out of soldiers who divulge top secret information.


….these Republican fucks spent 10 trillion US dollars on Afghanistan and Iraq, but try to keep Europe safe from a despot and they insist on telling you how much they enjoy sucking Putin’s c***. Every one of these traitors should hang from the gallows.


Can you imagine the right-stink that would be raised if it was Hunter Biden that leaked those documents?


They love “leakers”… unless they’re leaking something they don’t like.


The moron who leaked it just threw his life a way over a dick measuring contest. Espionage will get him life in prison at the the very least and he's 21 so it's gonna be a very dark future for this person. Tucker should of been jailed as an agent of Russia a long time ago.


So let me see here. Right. Back when Edward Snowden took documents proving the U.S. was conducting mass surveillance illegally Carlson painted Snowden as a Russian asset conducting treasonous behavior. Same for Chelsea Manning. Trump stole and attempted to hide classified state secrets to use as leverage and it's totally fine. Now this guy is trading in Ukrainian military assessments and Carlson is all he's a hero of the people. Fox News and Rupert Murdoch is literally a Russian asset.


This coming from the same people who wanted to hang Snowden.


Traitors gonna Traitor


republicans acting like this guy leaked the pentagon papers. He was sharing confidential information about Ukraine’s weapons supplies to idiots on discord. He didn’t go to the press, and he didn’t blow the lid off a decade long war that we were being lied to about winning.


“Who told Americans” aka who bragged about it on discord to 20 people. Tell me they already know his political affiliation without telling me they already know his political affiliation.


>who bragged about it on discord to 20 people. Including Russians...


This is all starting to look like a coordinated effort, how does a 21 yo guardsman get this much classified info? Why is Putin’s mouth piece in congress and on Fox News both conveying the same message defending a clearly treasonous act? I find it hard to believe this is all random.


is… he advocating whistleblowers? i’m pretty sure memeing in discord isn’t whistleblowing but wwooowww the cognitive dissonance


I hope they find something on this piece of garbage that leads to an act of treason. Then him and Murdoch can go down for it.


so before the GOP wanted to punish whistle blowers now they want to praise them ?? so which is ?? it seems you don't stand for anything if your a MAGA GOP you just run your loud mouths .


Imagine defending actual treason...


Yup, since this guy is on “their side” they will defend him. If he had been a liberal they would be calling for his execution.


At what point does the stuff this guy says become criminal?


I said that since the leaker was a racist Christian gun nut, they'd somehow turn him into a hero just like Kyle Rittenhouse or Daniel Perry. I hate being right sometimes.


Treason is treason, Tucker Carlson is a sham artist and a charlatan.


Charlatan is too big of a word for MAGAts


So, has it been said what was actually leaked?


If this was during trump administration all Conservatives would have gone apeshit Oh wait it happened multiple times, when anything bad about trump leaked it was called d witch hunting. Or let's take that psychology professor that came forth about being raped by trumps choice for the supreme court and he won anyway as they discredited the weight of her testimony


While slamming Snowden for being a traitor.


Would someone please delete this asshole


How can they legally play him in Florida? He’s wearing so much foundation, it looks like he’s been embalmed.


This is a 21st century version of "loose lips sink ships". He was basically a Kinkos dude with a secruity clearance. I would not doubt he was located via bot scouring internet for right wing leaning loud mouths with military ties. Using his IP address location crossreferenced with social media presence would have targeted him for grooming. It used to be prostitues and bartenders


Except the premise of the whole segment is off. Basically, the leaked information just gives specifics about information that is widely known if you’re paying any attention. Ukraine has taken heavy casualties - widely known Russia has taken exponentially heavier casualties - also widely known Ukraine is suffering from ammunition and equipment shortages - widely known. This just provides specifics. Most of the other information as it pertains to the Ukraine war is just more specific numbers applied to information that is widely known or speculated. There is no “hidden bombshell” information. The most damaging operational information seems to be the Ukrainian troop and unit availability and readiness numbers. But there is nothing world shaking about any of the information.


Well, it is Fox. So... their opinion on classified information and the impact of said disclosure one way or the other is irrelevant. He KNEW, explicitly, what he was doing was wrong. He'd had several briefs and signed multiple NDAs outlining his responsibilities regarding the stewardship of classified material. The powers that be will make an example out of him and he'll be a cautionary tale in annual security training for the next decade.


Oh the guy should and will get hammered. I was referring to the “now Americans know the truth” bullshit. It’s all pretty common knowledge stuff. It’s the specifics that were secret.


Fair. I pretty much assume if it comes from TC it's some variety of BS.


They will defend their own no matter what apparently


he didn't leak info to hel Americans he did it to brag on discord


To foreign nationals. Including Russians. Can't make this shit up lol


Well that one more war crime for Tucker, 😂 he's stupid and basically lost Fox $1B+ already. Personally I fire him


Well, I wonder how many times Trump passed around top secret, classified documents around the dinner table at Mar a Sleazy?..how many dinner guests were showed documents back at his office..dinner guests with their high paid escorts sucking up to Trumpy. Sir, these documents are tippy top..


Tucker Arnold


Yup. But you phrased traitor wrong


Traitor tucker. It has nice ring to it


Oh yes! Of course! There's a reason he's in jail, obviously! Duh!


![gif](giphy|1rL3hRI9WdY1vDxtW5) Tucker Carlson reminds me and looks like tom


We all know this


Wtf Tucker?


Yup. Tucker is as lying, hypocritical and lame as they come.


I was told what the guy did and I came to the conclusion myself that he is a traitor. I don’t need Fucker here to tell me he isn’t or Rachel Maddow to tell me he is.


What was his take on manning or Snowden?


You spelled bitch wrong


Incoming promise of a pardon from certain POTUS hopefuls...


“They will tell you the guardsman is the criminal” Yes. Because he broke the law. That’s the definition of a criminal.


On WKRP in Cincinatti, a show that should be on in reruns but the music licensing is too expensive - Mr Carlson had a son, about little tuck's age, who was showing a troubling like for Hitler. Just sayin'


Russias losing 3 soldiers for every 1 Ukraine has lost. What’s the issue??


Conservative Media is just a Russia Cuck


Of course she does... [Rupert Murdoch's ex-fiancé believes ‘Tucker Carlson is a messenger from God'](https://www.rawstory.com/tucker-carlson-2659847731/)


MAGA World - where traitors are applauded as heroes.


legit insane to see pundits support very straightforward leaking, that has no excuse


Is Tucker compromised or compensated by Putin? What do we think?




What did Tucker or Fox say about Wikileaks and Julian Assange?


This man has no shame, he’ll say anything. If an afterlife exists, if there is any benevolent force in this universe, this decrepit traitor will surely suffer for the suffering he’s brought upon the Earth by dividing people and nations for personal gain.


The government has real problem here. Country is descending deeper and deeper into madness, feels like the upside down. Feels like we're running out of time.


Tucker should be in prison. He has taken freedom of speech to the point of destabilizing society when he knows what he is saying is garbage. Unfortunately, too many morons believe what is coming out of the trust fund babies mouth.


Why can't Putler recruit this bozo and place him on the front line. Put your body where your mouth is!


how is this ok?


That entire tucker segment was horrible…it was full of misinformation and fakes. Hes a POS.


Good ole Treason Carlson up to his usual antics.


Trump **sold** classified documents, no? Why isn't he a threat for them?


Remember when it was Snowden and the republicans hated him? And said his going to Russia was a bad sign. How far we’ve come in 20 years.