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And I have a magic bucket that will expose that Hillary Clinton is actually three pint-size Bill Clintons in a trench coat.


No no, it's 2 Bills and a Monica in the middle to keep them happy.


that part in the bible where over and over it says to trust false prophets hahahahahaha


Somebody needs to tell Julie that the voices in her head aren't god talking to her, it's just an acid flashback...


Someone should tell her about juice cleansing, that kool-aid she's drinking is not working out too well.


So the voices in my head are God?? Interesting, bc he keeps telling me to get cheeseburgers, pizza, etc


No, in that case it's definitely god, he's a big fan of cheeseburgers and pizza...


Especially Hawaiian Pizzas!!!


I thought Magats believed that Trump was still president and was secretly running the government.


Trump is telling Obama what to tell Biden. /study it out and you'll find the truth!


Religion is a cancer.


the opiate of the masses




More like a mental illness. Believing in imaginary beings and claiming they speak to you is fine if you’re a six yr old. If you don’t grow out of it, that’s a whole other issue.




Why doesn't God talk to me? I was raised going to a Xtian church. Never once had God pull me aside for a pep talk, or teach me how to tie a tie, or exhort me to persecute gay people. Guess I'm not loved or demented enough.


To be fair, Obama advising Biden is the least far fetched conspiracy they've thrown out.


I agree. And, there is absolutely nothing nefarious about it. The President is allowed to have advisers.


That's literally what the cabinet is.


“WhY dOesN’t aNyoNe WaNt tO Go to ChUrch aNymOre?!”


Watch out God, snitches get stitches


The Great Zazoo has spoken to me about the evils of washing my dishes! The dishes are his vessels and the scraps are his clothes nourishment to bring about the great cleaning of the cupboards! So it must be!!!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she sounds like a tweaker!


That would actually make me feel better !


Sign me up.


These fuckwits have believed in "god" for 2000 years, why wouldn't they believe in some other prophetic bullshit?


You can make A Lot of money off of these idiots. God spoke to me and wants all to give as much as possible. Give me your money and underage girls was God's message.


Obama living rent free in every magamoron's head


On a side note - seems like her 'god' prefers Biden, or he would have intervened.


How fucking stupid do you need to be to listen to this shit? It’s really sad there are enough stupid people that she even has an audience.


I never get these kinds of conspiracy theories. He's so senile he can't form coherent thoughts and statements on his own and yet he's also capable of following live directions.


>Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#:~:text=Fascist%20societies%20rhetorically%20cast%20their,sense%20of%20grievance%20and%20humiliation.


At the same time Trump is still president with Biden/a Biden clone/a Biden lizard, living in a 1:1 copy of the white house pretending to be the president. *But* every time something bad happens it's Bidens fault. How can it Be Bidens fault if Trump is the real president? And if Trump is so almighty why don't he just "forcefully disappear" Biden and claim his throne?


I'll take things that never happend for 1 million Alex


I think her 'god' would be better served providing them with some actual evidence of their 'stolen election' conspiracy theory...


I've received a message from god too, he said "That's a crazy bitch"


And these people wonder why they’re called idiots.


Remember that religion is nothing but a mental illness.


Is she trying to get Biden re-elected? This sounds amazing.


U gotta love it. I mean, it’s sad and disturbing that these people actually exist, but its kinda entertaining at the same time. The stupidity of it all.


So....how many times has this lying liar been proven wrong and she's still given airtime as a "profit" (I know the actual spelling, but in MAGA world everything is about bilking suckers)


This reminds me of the episode of WKRP in Cincinnati when Johnny Fever gets a message from God in which God says he wants Johnny to seek knowledge. And also to become a golf pro.


Somebody tell her how the Bible deals with false prophets.


Having a black man be president really did melt their little pea brains didn’t it?


Hmmm…even though I’m no longer a Christian, I distinctly remember something in the Bible about Beware FALSE Prophets. Just looked & Whatdya know…there’s More Than One..lol https://edtaylor.org/2022/02/28/10-bible-verses-about-false-prophets-and-teachers/


weaponised borderline schizophrenia... or maybe full-on schizophrenia? nothing new though, the Crusades recruited lots of expendable nutters and so did our old buddy Adolf.


They have a prophet that claims to speak directly to god. And they regularly interact with her in a serious manner. And the people watching take it seriously. But it's not a cult. MAGAt's are wild, man. This is some completely batshit looney (but mostly horrifying) stuff.


Ahh the ol' weekend at Bernie's maneuver. Perfect way to run an entire government.


Nah he rents the spare room, pays her in fish's and wine


Sounds good to me lol


This reminds me of one of those stupid AI generated president videos where Joe Biden goes on a date and he has an earpiece in with both Trump and Obama giving him advice


They've gone full circle back to Obama.


You know God has been kinda wrong latley in regards to her past predictions, starting to wonder if its even God who is talking to her and is just making shit up cuz it doesn't matter anyways..


These fuckin people, dude.


So maybe we are to busy being critical when the plea's to address mental health are earnest, cause this is clearly an example of someone in need of commitment, in an asylum.


Dear Julie Green: SHUT UP! Love, God


Mental illness is real.


If she is hearing voices, maybe she should see a specialist?


And another chapter of ‘The Nonsensical Ravings of a Lunatic Mind’


oooh I can't wait!!!! Back to Obama again ehh? LOL anyone who listens to this "woman" is a moron.


You cant talk in the lord's name.


you mean "Profit".


Sign me up!


Nut job, but hey got to make a living


![gif](giphy|Y1FeRJSaC0KJqaBKYR) Now say god talked to me again and he told me that Obama is in control……


What are the real voices in her head saying?


I mean under normal circumstances, current presidents can consult former presidents to get some advice. No one of quality will consult Trump, but any of the other living presidents are at least worth chatting to about the job. It doesn't mean Obama is "still running the government" though. I wish he was, but I'm pretty sure Michelle is tired of the country's bullshit and quietly made 'im promise to stay out of it as much as possible for the family's sake.


If she could predict where the electron in a single hydrogen atoms location that would be great. Remember the bible version of pi 3.1 fails at smallish scaled.